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tv   Documentary  RT  June 27, 2024 8:30am-9:01am EDT

8:30 am
means all the time with more news, and so she minutes plus the the judges only saw a few smiles. there's another sneak them though i wouldn't want to compare as well. i'm not just saying they've been all right, we'll start jumping to the john the gallery presenter, but always goes always does. which what day and lovely does shows that it's up to you said you want us to this up to this thing that i might, you know, by walking on perfect, but we don't want to go through it is i had to go to the web portal with the new they'd be go, so i was letting you use a shuttle so that good. so let's go to the deal and, and the
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dates are done. look at the source of these elements between those onto those as that. so the smart tv, no data, neither easy. so let me still, i'm still on still has health systems do you just need to be much need some nazi. yeah. so he's not, you know, that i'm with some of the really to, to, to the, to do to be sure that you know, he does not know, you know that the police, the middle of this one is for, for the most but do my zoom in
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to do it is very suitable. so do you want us to do for the nice too much of the loan? and this is bruce ocean. so i don't know how to download it. just signed up yet. but the most of your dish is because, but in my zoom in to do, it will pull the data via the snow in yes, stood there. is it a smart tv, smart tv, buddy? and you do, you, do you sort of see what all this this is the same, the way they use that you just what's out in the photograph to you? what as a room and you said friday evening journalism meeting will be what they'll do is come to them as new. okay. oh no. we're very thankful for
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the the that's good though it does it because i'm so go to jump through because there was some, there is a, it's a link to pay for me. what i see, but especially when you have some pool, much is the lowest federal, which is the head also do squint enterprise, so it shows that it came to the truck to whoever it was. so the some of the shift fund funding i see is because the small, you know, the just the, what is it the government, the lives down, but gosh,
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with the port, i'm going to do, louisa might well, that's of, so the team go we, you just what the when years old the video, the exclusive just need to know about the do you use to just tell me how much i need
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to place you on the beauty of the boat, which is the the, the, the do you so so the the, the the,
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the right
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to go from the to the phone. right yeah, the problem the doing the fundraiser. very
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good. i'm not sure how fast the skis allow you. yeah, sure. so the videos, the chat so cool. to hear the junior, the, the, the, the, the just the the, the, the, the, the the, the the,
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the, something i'm sorry them, daniels, those much done with the i'm going to as the answer to buy a new new brand new for me to go look for the song, i love it, the sims and the but some of the nice thing is like at least you nice new floor with super new messages. this is steve. you should really good. this was gonna let you know. so can you just send me the previous things to purchase the, the new products and you turn have the chance of because there's no more use um do you just have super my new carpet but we do really good. it's just an overflowing collect desk is a $100000.00 on the select committee. so why did you want to set you up with the 2 of these? and you said you need that meeting this evening stuff which includes the food and
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unless something pulled up, i just didn't know what else with all the the the other stuff to go to the of the surface. the rooms that the so i'm sure is that you know what you can show me as and like i said, when you step this nice thing you stood is coming from it. so we were a mere us for jump to the numbers the sooner than that though, they didn't do it, whereas the
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audio video. yeah, we number, they are slow. so your question is i, i didn't get some of this list. so i thought so skip the show i want to but it's been, these are my, those summer games because these are not yet to you. i was not, this is the set that up in your
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the you're the on the side he just got out of the the non chose to be able to cover the stuffing sounds good for me to go through this on because you may have specialist would be able to get it? no, i just saw him on thursday just of yeah, but let me bring him up for somebody to please quote the 30 much for holding with
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us a simple schedule. i'm just sending good corvettes or what's your thought? i'm be sure the issue i order sooner than bill electric us. that's cool. sounds like you currently have a fusion. awesome. so i'm hoping some sort of come across the the question used to do a previous visit. our church mart summer. so some of the less the less but another so that's kind of so be so, so competing in the heart to call you can reach us, go to the feeling. believe me, be some political losing off, such as we want to sometimes why you didn't you find the why is the most of the look? only is a book at the is again such, it's the process. see what are the tools to categories are going to start a custom bill. the way i'm looking for. i have to most of them you suggest
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the we are in a rush or southern regional offer on where the mighty olga flows into the caspian sea forming of the largest as to where in continental europe, which means it's a great place to learn about the, the the, the
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the the standard, it's godaddy i do. if you would just have to disclose the category you imagine a full just the full list. that's pretty you know, the only thing is that for no reason is that causes the baker. yes. and what was, what are some of the how do they do is just
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because they keep things simple could be, should, could he do a single just assume the closer you get you just thing is a bit. i'm cheapest full just to just be the last minute. so when i, when i showed you that more more that the you won't get it as soon as you caught me . how's it was? let me put them on the point of view. i'm very, very positive, but the new lives can yes. that i read this bloody smart thing. additional good about giving you the yes, the to the new, the new person, your keys was and the full amount football room felicia bore. i'm going to create. this is one version, so it looks pretty much with the same one there as much. i use this in the system or i have to get it to model to do much. and i just said that and you said you supposed to do. what do you see me have a funny quality?
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it says why it wasn't a decision. why and we had to go home with the moody. i used to get them to associate most the commands i've gotten used to sort this. i've got thought it just all over the doors or whatever. so when you bought so much, couple of them and you can brand new people over solution. you should the new support point in the month lease. so it won't result of what you were. you was receiving show gardening was any possibility of moving this way and we'll wait for it, but it's in the yard because it is, i lost, it slipped through the, the, the, the form i brought, the numerous frozen the notice of the, from the, from the middle of the week, as well as the by monday will be the motion soon. i will dismiss on the 23 of the young
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wasn't seeing me. i just mean sort. i'm going to, in fact the much that would you want to, there's a new school bus and he has brought in a few weeks. i do want you to be ready to punch it out of the elect volume. all good. good to see. you press the stop the stop again. going dealers can you? but it is a lot shows up because of the dump of business, but since he's new the which is loose, the move even from the new somebody is akita. so it's cause of, it's not a deal, but the recent class give to them in the proceeds usually keeps many boot and can't do it worked well. most of the bugs up is put them with the job done with, but i'd say, and i get pretty good about this, but bad ground up a z load the site or the skills
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is there any particular conditions that i've, i've seen solution is always to give them your way so some of the above the home feels murder stubs to both explain most most of i knew the use of sad to use it sky so that daily because it did of course it can give it a lot of this stuff. so i need to do that 50 times. i'm going to send you you, but you, but the moment did it for munoz. the team with,
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when is this of to be because you do you can you include the menu menu to getting the good the type of 2000000 to just pull it because the the, the, the, you know,
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so most of the questions that i might ask them and do the same, what was the thing i saw somebody so, but that was the show me just the phone to to the to hey is these do this but also the chief man? yeah. we're yeah, we're yeah. bill, a good, you know, if it always is, but the problem is there is no good for you, but it was pretty, you know, the, the the,
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the news, the, the please. so for the 1st ones based on the to do is do consultation. i know that i know that i just woke up with the
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rest of the the washing is the full so i was the shortest because most of the
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the the the, the wrong guy use the most of the best bombs on funds to go to the list of
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them, so get bunch of died. dude, your boss will know and you click on this will go to the number i told you. so the model is good for new york, someone just because of the one that you saw above up. i got the so for the is billy sooner the more money to pay on was it done? go to his right. its like it was on the zillow, was it because she was so she wants to go to the yeah, well the gym, that the bill and nobody even interest you something before i bought the
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car for fortune 5 years. oh for because i took them. 2 2 to go to the condition i bought the shuttle or did not smile as well, but i'm more of the social services. i'm sick jesus. a blue lloyd is elizabeth, be back on monday. moved into the got to the somewhat,
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but the most of them used by the the, the the, it is good to go that you are the but david, but no, this is the one that they do the mostly just dealing with something that is supposed to be true, which are near the shoulder is not necessarily as close to the village,
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especially as the storm scripture the familiar with this is leslie machine info community to the
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9:00 am
acute time pin. bolivia fails on presidents new a new we saw se stays in power. the general, who tried to orchestrate the raising changes, arrested and charged with terrorism on the on the insurrection. the masses, the bolivian flora ministry, accuses us embassy stuff. us foreign interference in the american country, which is a global leader of the list. the reserves also have the .


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