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tv   Interview  RT  June 27, 2024 10:30am-11:01am EDT

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that's a political ads divide to the new crave is turning into a landfill of radioactive waste. according to the russian defense ministry, a safe k up is receiving a range of chemical substances from a bruise that can be used to create so called the t bones. according to the available operational information, the inputs of radio chemical substances into the territory of ukraine for further disposal continues, be substances turn the country into a landfill of spent nuclear fuel than waste from hazardous chemical industries. the main supply routes are organized through poland and romania, while organizational, logistical, and financial issues are personally supervised by the head of the office of the president of ukraine. andre, you might be substances can be used to create to so called dirty bomb with its subsequent use under a full flag. it claims creation of the 2 buildings on that potential use for publications has been a concern to law school since 2022. well,
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actually next bus on the lines, the kia has, has have access to materials from its nuclear power plants, such as the inactive should know both loans as one is from radioactive waste disposal sites used by technical a nuclear industry enterprises. ukraine has long denied having this type of radioactive weapon or any intention to create or acquire it. but most goofiest, most of those fits of now being that code by a full, i'm a british m p. slicing, defend sources. i've got the defense analyst feeding the information on there and you know, services and the saying that there is going to be a need for your destination or in york to buy. well, the could be a dirty bomb. i mean this does a lot of nuclear material floating around in, in ukraine, from that new fuel reactors. let me to create contamination. all you need is some conventional explosives and some new few material new for the to t bone. they may have already been set off in the don't boss area now. and that could be the full slack. this starts to move. yeah. this as many as many ways it
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can be done. like 911 and 11. well, we spoke to the open un biological weapons commission on military expo to equally coolant, and he says ukraine coffee preparing to do with people independently. looks like he's still in the mood. i think it may be difficult to create such a weapon on your own, that with the help of the western specialist, it is quite realistic because they have everything for this. it's a waste in large quantities, as well as me styles, even if they are old, outdated light touch. cuz the only question here is whether western sponsors will allow such a shot to be fired. but it seems that they are already alone. everything used to dirty bombs is just as dangerous as a nuclear explosion. even of low power. at least this is a long term infection of a large area and ukrainians have already had incidents with their me south wind to the territories of moldova romania, trans. nice trend. so they can use these as president to say, well,
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it just happened. and also, i do not trust any international institutions. because if the i a commission has not been able to find out within 2 years for which side, these are pros and nuclear power plant is being shelled. what can we talk about? everyone knows the answer except for the i a. e, a inspectors. the same happened with the organization for the probably be sion of chemical weapons when he made a conclusion, even without answering that 3rd drop serious remotely. by the way, these was one of the reasons to launch a special means through operation. because ukraine was preparing the strike and the don't ask and logan's people for republics, and another strike russian service advisor to bomb. and not only dr. bob, they had a lot of things prepared immediately after the start of a special needs or operation. thousands of leaders of various substances, the most dentures diseases were destroyed. so to say, we were ahead of them. the actual starts of biological weapons in ukraine work
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comparable to those of the us had at the time of signing the biological and talks and weapons convention. it is clear that they were talking about sizes of leaders of various kinds of drugs that they were ready to use. therefore, any delay would be equal to dashing is always good to have a company here and i'll say international we will with back with last today is latest news updates in just 30 minutes. hope to see you then the, the south. sometimes they bring the central juma mosque of my hatch, co op, and today we're talking to him on abdullah a house chairman of them, a had to go out a mom counsel. mister howe, thank you for being here with us. we'd really love there to be a more joyful reason for our meetings. we have what we have. please accept our condolences. well,
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inforcement officers have been killed and civilians have been killed as well. most themes, jews, and christians, the spain can be felt everywhere. what are you feeling right now about the situation that has to be to nobody richard? good evening, please welcome. i'm very glad to be here. and i also welcome old of us watching us . let me say a big hello to everybody from that gets done and it's capital city much color as well. your question? indeed, there has been a terrible strategy. it is a great pain. i'm every single person that gets done every believer shares despite what happened is something that we have not seen here for a long time. but as you said, what's happened has happen when trouble happens, a lot depends on how one behaves in the time of trouble. the people of biggest are strong, they're used to deals like this and they know what to do in times like this thing god almighty, who gave his people so much patience. the druggist, dinings have immense patience. i am calling up on every one to stay calm and
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prudent. as for i feel there is a lot of exotic and pain or it's most painful inside when people do things like that and use words like a lot hawk bon old bisman lot. when these words are used in vain, in situations where there is not a hand to face, it's very painful inside model or it's twice as painful inside. when some people leave vista is land, we must understand what happened. this strategy that broke out has no relation to the religion of his love. homicide is condemned in all religions and his lamb condemns the murder of a since evil equating that to the murder of the inside of human kind. what can we do? we express our condolences to the families, our spiritual liter shaker come out of fund de has extended condolences on behalf of the in time of the so i can only wish a long life to those who lived in patients to the families of the victims. i listen
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to the interview given by the wife of the orthodox priest killed in the bands. and she says that what's happened has happened. again, what happened has nothing to do with the religion of islam and does not mean in any way. the muslims have a bad attitude towards people's out of confessions. it shouldn't have any impact on into religious relations. as she said in the interview, they had listened to a band for 40 years and everything had been perfect. i don't remember and neither do all eldest any conflicts or cases of misunderstanding that it does it. the apartment that morning ment of the habit st symbolizes exactly that. these units of people, regardless of their religion, the laws about the exactly friendships and this is how we lived for ages, just because to remain the same people have perpetrated this abominable act. we shouldn't blame everyone, and we must lay blame on the inside of public of that gets done on one nation, hold on one religion. and many of these things,
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the messenger calls upon us to be honest and respectful. each you believe it is one who does not home all this bead with histone couple of his hands. there are many examples of muslim apostles called up on muslims to be friends with people of the concessions. amount of even abdulla sees the 5th ruler of the muslims, one sent a letter to a governor, and to all the people of the community. in that letter, he called upon them to show respect in mind the living conditions of the no mazda and people with whom mazda and signed a peace treaty. so in his letter to the government of over provence mont, even abdulla sees asks him to take, can, of the living conditions of no mazda is leaving the in the same lead. so he calls upon all of them to be the spectrum for adults, people. and another important thing in that ledger he lives that if no muslim people reach an elderly age, would find themselves without substance. then the government and regular muslims should help such people and provide them with everything they need. and if such
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people who have signed a peace treaty with muslims have someone brothers then the rule, the proven, should demand those brothers provide for those people. so you can see what a woman dispatch of origin to that was what was about to today. yes, i can confirm that i visited the sun many times over several decades, both for work and leisure to dislike canyon along as a must see. and i have many friends here and all of them are mostly me. and i know them as very generous people to make donations to charity and help children, especially after the start of the special minister operation ukraine. yes. so i know from experience only good things about the muslim people and i guess, done. thank you. thank you. and you know, the very 1st question that came to my mind when i heard about this tragedy. and when i came to day to our mosque and i saw a young man approaching you in the streets with such respect. and you told them something, i didn't understand what you said, but they smiled and went on their way. and so i saw smiling kind hard to people.
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what about those behind the attacks and much go under bend these terrace? where did they come from? is it because of some false information? some polls preaching how did it happen? they are oh, well educated. they had enough money and yeah, the have turned to div. oh so what happened was i had to cut. yeah. this is how i'd like to respond to that. i'll ask you a question for the sake of the discussion. let's consider a child. do you have children? don't know so yes, i have a son. i will show the best of health and luck for him. thank you the same. so you've got a son and i have children to the boy and the girl. and my children are the grace of golf the got steve to me. so what does it mean? so if it's only the beginning, god gives me my children in good health, and then the responsibility is mine. my duty is to bring them up, educate them. so how do i owe you? educate them? not the way only we want to see fits on me for some reason, no. my duty to my children is to educate them into traditional shoddy alone. that's
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because i'm muslin. and since i choose to speak of myself in this example, my jews used to educate my children according to shut a little the way model agency just me. i'm sure that every religion teaches people, instruct people of the way to stick to and to teach the children and their families . that's what it's thoughts. now as i, as a father, well my wife as a mother, we both must think about our child in terms of who we can trust for our child to listen to. and what kind of people are charged with respect to figure some authority or since that gets done is a muslim and public. our population is predominantly, most of them are. it's very important for every finer here to know who teaches religion to the sense, what must they go to? one another let you know it's very important for those sounds to learn religion from the right sources. i really like what your team member said when you all came here. and so all these numbers and asked what they were. and i said therefore the
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children's groups, and he said it skewed, and each group has a mentor. it's very important for all children to have the right and say, a mentor. if we choose the right men, so for all children, they will never be such a consequences. that's because the mentors job is to educated children to be get people to be good people means to have all the qualities of a good person. of course we come to to all the blame on just one person, but they try to do that happened and those people who are involved in it, these are the people with their own ideas in their hands about islam as a religion. wife. so it's a good question is, this is legal. why is it that all the people have the right ideas and these have their own wants that has to do with the process i just described? because the proper education teaches the person the right way of thinking that if they were educated the right way, they would be able to understand that. ok, since i'm muslim, i cannot do such things to be with a lot of concessions. i must,
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don't kill innocent people to st. got out of public is not in a state of war, something. there's no war. people leave a peaceful life. let's imagine there's no rule this peaceful life and someone start shooting keeling. and here's one interesting fact, or even do it in a time of for the profit use to speak to his follow on this very, solely instructing them to refrain from violence from giving the into violence from violation, duty and his bodies. he instructed them not to give women children or those to serve in the place of worship. yes, i understand. i read about this to not wage war against those who do not raise a hand against you. that's right. exactly. these people who work in the places of worship and do they just mind the business, right? and imagine if the prophets instruction is not to touch them during the war. how can i have an other time of peace like we have now? when everyone is free to pray, the waving choose that i know bad, so persecution,
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everything is fine. and here suddenly comes someone who thinks he knows better and committed such terrible things professionally. this like, you know, would probably shock people the most is that these happen now in 2024. when that gets done has come such a long way from how it was back in the 1990s. for example, very signing 2024 is like a different planet. people are different. the republic has made a lot of progress in terms of the overall life quality and well being. that's right . and people are more focused on building things, creating things before and as for these tragedies, russia's enemies are now referring to the 19 ninety's. they're referring to the what hobbies and all those negative trans cast a shadow. one is why and they are trying to use it against russian or they say the 1990s are coming back, but just wait for the new but don't have cost with a hostage crisis and so on. but you know, i believe it's important to say to these people that they are wrong,
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and we can do so by speaking to the people on the ground. would you agree that the recent events and what took place in the 19 ninety's are completely different things? if it wasn't familiar, something as much and i saw myself lesson life, i certainly agree with you on that. they can be know of the opinion. and i will expand by saying that the groceries are home, where we all leave and we live. well, thank god, but since our country is going through some difficult times with the ukraine, cultivates, and so on. some your wishes are trying to take advantage of that, looking for any opportunity to confuse people disrupt or you know, society. and stood up people about taking the attention of those car that's right here. and there they tried to do something disruptive, evenings or heard all she had home, russia, groceries, they told us. but the people of that your son has had a lot of experience dealing with the kinds of things that happened back in the 9 to ninety's. the people of that your son have already seen all that. they have lived
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through that and they know what it means and what must be done to stop and put them in such attempts from reaching their goal. well, i mean, what's the problem is what, how is no longer a problem? it's not most certainly at the time it could have gone into a problem with the people of that gets done. and that effort to old people, including priest, government authorities and law enforcement, all the people go to united and said, we don't need this. we have our lead to, we have our own way. we have our official organization, these law me high council of dias done. lead by shaker. come on, i fund the of the live, the most of that gets done. and so the people that just doesn't have long since made their choice, they have chosen the organization to leave them and it's lead. yeah. and that's the authority they look up to and choose as the source of information. that's why it's not a problem. you're ready to go to the video. sure. you know when you take a people on viewed as one person and these people can look at be like a child,
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especially when addressed by person with religious authority. well, i don't know if i work from docusign or any other region that is currently bad, miles by our x partners. i would be upset like a child. i wouldn't know what to do. let's take the situation 2 months ago when a crowd of diag, a studies were allegedly looking for jews on board a plane at an airport. this was hyped up to the point of insanity, white chunk of channels and social media. these are, most of them are run from ukraine. we read some comments online, we're luck. those were upset that social media had made so much fun of that. they took offense. and how do i get started? people were portrayed by those media finance and ron, from ukraine and consequently from the west. could you think about that and i don't know like peter. yeah. well, 1st of all, if we take the bands for how many years have jew sleep there in much color, in the many of them, they've always lived there. and there's always been a great, there's a to do that. nobody has ever been after them. i saw these with my own eyes today.
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they were standing out there together by jews, christians and muslims helping each other. i think this is a game the game played by certain people who wanted to the civilized, the situation that gets done, and so on is the reputation of the republic, and now inside big home russia. my question is on that day, even if they have found a jew that we're looking for, what would they have done to them for the let us see the right to if we apply my move over to well, from my experience before you would have been treated to local delicacies and made some friends, some on the low cost. exactly. and that's what religion calls upon us to do. even if they have followed you, they wouldn't have been able to do anything to him or to take something away from him. quite the opposite. they would have been obliged to welcome him and feed him and respect him if there is no harm coming from that person posted even if they don't go what were on the ups, which is hers to see how the hyped up that case and made the entire people docusign
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and rush at that look like some savages pulls out for us because that as well, you said correctly, you can judge the whole region and the whole nation after the deeds of just one person. there are 4 people in my family, and we do have misunderstanding sometimes like whole people. if a person is an executive from the company, that will always be some difficulties with a team to doug as town is a big move to ethics, republic, and some misunderstanding. so bound to happen to those young people are they just standing young people saw themselves in the place and in that position, why? because they listen to their own people. that's what i said at the beginning. it's very important to know who you are listening to who i use any from who your teacher, old mentor is who you're a mom is what i mean. it's very important and we don't have any problem with this in our public. we have an organization that is in charge of this process. you've
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seen it. so we've got the head of the southern eyes ation. and we have many well educated schools is have answers to any questions. they know all 5 plus addresses any problem. ok. thank god we have no problem with that. but instead of looking up to them, some young people is always looking for information elsewhere. to listen to some people from very far the people they haven't even seen. and that's because they already psychologically pretty exposed to that. those people have psychologist working with them to know how to play this game, what information to see. and so these young people bite. when children are left to themselves, they have no guidance. and then at some point, they can come across some of the teachers with their own ideas. we need to ensure that this doesn't happen to all children. we have to know what gym, they go to and who there cole, which is to their a mom is which really just seen is they are learning from and how well qualified
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the not today. unfortunately, there is this needs trend with young people to give information from their phones. they open the channel and get information from some people. they don't even know they come come to them or even say hello. that's because of the commercials, the commercial, sorry, good people, listen to the content. that's right. and that's the problem. and i'd like to take this opportunity to call them my brother. this might be, is younger people and especially their parents, to pay attention to the children, to make sure they know who they're listening to on the phone who keeps in touch with on this. if you simply open the phone, it looks ok, right? but if it go further in those applications, that can be something the kids are listening to. the phone is simply a poor until the police to many things and truth and they are very smart. and so they pattern seem to become small to, to be able to give their children what they need to do to, for the level of the,
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you know, it's, after they turn, 13 or 14 children are not very willing to have their phones checked with this. and even if you try to do it in secret, and for be they find out as if it happened to me, my son stop talking to me for 2 days and then we got back to normal. go back to normal. but the key thing is that the things i found there, the stop to that thing got wonderful. i have another question. maybe it's not exactly in your department since you take care of people's souls. you don't deal when called what you do work with people. and you play a role in society. so the thing i wanted to ask is about these blood show that happened last sunday when christians were having the holidays celebrating holy trinity. and many went out to parks, beaches and so on. but then there was an attack on service supple with 4 or 5 debt and over $151.00 that there was a shooting incident at the bar in the past year. and then there were the attached in the hutch co, uh and in their band. don't you think,
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even though it's not your areas, frankly speaking, but nonetheless, i'd love to know your opinions. i'm sure. don't you think that this has been a pre planned and carbonated effort by some external players? because see many things happen on the same day. you're right, i'm not a political analyst. that's right, and i apologize for asking you this, but i can have an opinion of my own right. i can have my vision and i agree with you. all these attacks couldn't have happened all the ones, unless they were pre plans and coordinated. it's clear as day. it's clear someone is behind this, pushing this really anxious to make it happen. it is clear indeed that someone's behind it was i am a my, my color one last question. you find the looking back of the history of our western partners, their general policy towards russia or rather towards any nation they wants to colonize, has been to divide and conquer. we know that greece and to care for all fine before
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the british. and then the british came to cyprus and said, no, you are greeks. and your church, as opposed to like each other fixing and tragedy into that was before that the car existed peacefully. everything was fine or take in the packet, sinus re lancaster. the british came and said people against each other. we know that doug as on is a multi confessional in multi i think republic. do you feel that there is a similar attempt to so decent here along religious lines? and if so, surely you have some antidote to this. i don't want you to review all the secrets, but you have it. don't you? way anybody in the same trouble. we're not afraid of that. do you know why? because we are not scared of losing weight white because we have our own shining beacon, our spiritual leader, and we have a clear and well organized system. we have someone to look up to. and so once a go to when we've got questions, as long as these people are with us,
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we have nothing to feed about religion wise and praise be to the almighty. we have a state we just pro plus, which is just, it keeps for us. what is about us and shows concerned for its people. that's why we have nothing to fear it to those serious the attention seekers dealt with with is old. that situation and the law willing people like them will never appear again. but if they do the people of that you're still not ready to accept the challenge with dignity and patience, be small and prudent in dealing with the problem to help answer your question, let me compare it to something else. say, i've got a full of sheep. what if a wolf comes and eats them all? in what situation can a wolf just wondering when there are no gods, when does sheep are left all by themselves in the fields, the dagger stanley people are not left all by themselves. i already said we've got
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a beacon like a shepherd for the flock. we have people to look up to and the people who are worried about us to, to get a bonus. and breeze beats all of that. yeah. what's your out store my up? i'm really happy that my trip to darkest time, which started with a tragedy now ends and you conversation with you as you share your thoughts of hope and prosperity. you, ma'am of deluxe? thank you so much for the conversation. and for inviting me. i hope we can meet again on a more joyful occasion on pleasure by face pressing the. i'm thank you very much. before you go, i'd like to tell you one more thing. an interesting episode, i wasn't the cd of using the key. i made a group of people the and i spoke to them a lot about that gets done. i told them it's a beautiful republic and so on. told them to come visit us, enjoy old and lovely places. so many things with seeing. but they would hesitate in saying, is it dangerous the etc. so a spend and i'll explain to them that there are no problems that it's
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a beautiful republic and that basically everything is fine here, lays it on the same team as i was driving in hassle viewed, i heard the news and it was so disheartening to me to see how much of it all night, dear incidents like these can give to people how it most confused them. by now these people probably have heard about the truck. everyone knows what happens. i guess that would be true to me now. someone who has spent over to now present that gets done and probably thinking to themselves, why would he say it's a good idea to go the be some, you'll be the one showing very, also a great deal of sympathy. thank you my see what, but what i want to say is yes, a bunch of false community and eeoic act, but the people and the republic an older agent have nothing to do with it. so it's not look for bad examples. there are so many good, positive, know what are the examples too, because they're always decides to everything. even in me there are 2 sites. you
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just don't know the bad side. you only know me from my good side. but if you start looking for the best one, you will then to the findings in meetings and i see may assume i might find these you as well is the same goals for every nation. every family and i do every public and every religion. again, i am very pleased to have met you. this has to be a very enjoyable conversation so much so i don't want it to end, but it's time for prayer. i would like to wish everyone piece, good health and kindness. i as they'll might use a key piece and that gets done an oil frushell by the expression goes in show off on that and thank you so much. the
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we are in a rush or southern regional on where the mighty vote of flows into the caspian sea forming of the largest as to where in continental europe, which means it's a great place to learn about the high acceptance. and i'm here to plan with you whatever you do. do not watch my new shelves. seriously. why watch something that's so different whitelisted opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to please, or do the have the state department c i a weapons makers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead. change and whatever you do. don't want my shell stay main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called direction, but again, we don't wanna watch it because it might just change the way you the
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please find to gather things, the crowns in the canyon capital. this protest has been long as the president stepped down the slide table where they can see the going on popular i that's pushed, reform. also a has the ability and presidents, louisa all say, survives and attempted to will the general, who waiting to welcome straight, the raising changes arrested on challenge with terrorism and on the insurrection. the bolivian foreign ministry accused us the embassy staff of.


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