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tv   Documentary  RT  June 27, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm EDT

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the loved ones back home alive, but simply told that the calls have been told they continue on, there is nothing at the moment they gave away the something that now over the weekend is on yahoo gave several on 26. and basically i was in the same for one too high volume for the laser. so committed to by professional community. that's amazing. they say that is
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the moment to make the goal the engagement area raises tactics. the
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ringing 16 year old plenty to set up with somebody else taking over the bidder proposal of the 2 state solution. but just to know that none of the goals have visited their people
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from israel ortiz, middle east bureau chief, maria, and that is where really things now i, this is the introduction to caesar the same. but if you happen to have one, welcome to the 1st episode of stall bound. i'm ego piece going off and joining me today is constant in boulder. so russian cosmonaut who flew on the expedition $6970.00 to the i ss of mine who spends a total of about $200.00 days of space. hello, konstantin. nobody. good afternoon. i found on any points to run the cheese trip to the stalls began to fall back in 1961 when soviet cause, you know, you already did counting became the 1st humans a little bit us. they didn't store their cost. so more than 50 is now 1st, and then russian scientists and engineers have been assisting space explores from around the world. the bricks countries play
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a special role in this relationship. today will take a closer look at the long history of corporation between roles calls most an india top to space and to use yes from that country and even have online chat with the i assess crew india involved on that space journey 40 years ago. when the soviet union helped ruckus sharma become the 1st indian to travel to out of space. on april, the 3rd 1988, indeed entered the era of manned spaceflight. for the 1st time in history, an indian citizen went into spice. his name with nationwide re sharma. he was born in 1949 in northern india. since childhood records dream defined. an age of 21. he became a test spine at the indian air force, the flu, 1600 hours in this job. in 1982 trauma was selected to
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participate in a joint soviet indians race flight rash, underwent intensive training and joined the crew. the story is the 11 space flight did you ladies because so lot of things in, you know, so it is being destroyed. the pleasure of your claim was collected said through interest to he's wheezing. you and that was a day later the story is t 11 dealt with the salute 7 over to the space station. the board, the soviet space station show most of his country's northern regions in search of natural resources and even held a direct line with a prime minister of india in deer. again, the oversight of your subjects by ap but masturbates thought i'd come down for just show me is space slice last it
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for 7 days, 21 hours and 40 minutes. suppose graham, i but because each school could have less, they assume mass group us at school. please go to the article in the, in the story of russia, india corporation in man space exploration does not say we weren't cash brushing specialist to helping to train new and didn't cost middle dog and towards the india's own space program. the 1st manned flight with the gold canyon program shuttle to take place in 2025. and it will have russian train costs minutes on board because the space belongs to mankind's move cookie
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because we just be very new to the owners. but as i'm sure it be okay for you, would you like me to let you know christmas grateful the good do today even gives spacey to use yes. from india jones to us causing those who are on board the i assess right now. some questions you yourself, any recent you return from the space mission, you must be getting questions about your work with the time or what the people want to know about most the day if i'm doing this. one thing that i need to issue is they're mostly curious about the same things. the question we get most of the time, both when we're in orbit or talk to friends or speak in front of audiences of schools, universities, companies, etc, are very similar. how is life up there? how do you manage? what's your everyday routine? like, people want to know how we eat, how we sleep, how we take our own blood samples and adapt to weightlessness. what is weightlessness? like? what's the earth look like from space?
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we keep answering many of these questions and even recorded video answers. or did you feel when you went to space for the 1st time? look down to what are the windows of the space station. i sold a huge us in front of you. did it through like instead of going to space, you've traveled into the microscopic world and have become tiny? no, i didn't feel like a trunk and size. i did think the earth was very beautiful. you see is a whole planet which is fragile, and at the same time, capable of maintaining a balance, you look at it, observe it, and these unusual emotions sweep over you. there's an english term describe this overview effect. you see the planet from the outside, the many sees the oceans, the spin layer of atmosphere, the beautiful transition from data. nice. when you see task that almost instantly in a matter of 2 or 3 seconds, turns into a red sunset. now its blue,
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now its yellowish then orange, been red, and then it's all dark. the process takes about the same time as my description just now just 5 or 6 seconds. if you don't feel small, but you do feel a resident of the or if you're part of the planet and it feels great to perceive yourself as an earth, man, you're an earth man. i don't know if that makes sense to you. it's like nothing else. i've been told that right now is the time when we can connect to the international space station. joining us on the screen right. there's oh, like on an anchor. oh like, can you hear us well, loud and clear, how is my sounds? excellent. meanwhile, correspondent wondered, sharma is ready to connect to us from delhi where she is surrounded by a group of local space funds. they will get a chance to get all answers to the questions directly from the bias as crew over to you and just bear with me a new valley. but speaking to all costs, well,
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not in space like a room. once in a lifetime opportunity, i have with me of bonds fees and to be honest without wasting any time, i'm going to get to the 1st question. i'll put you on hold. see a question. can you take a pet to space if so what kind of a pen would it be? for the rotor, this isn't in your morning. unfortunately we're not allowed to take pets on board. the international space station. it's given a chance, so instead of pets, i'd rather bring a family member along like one of my kids. and my wife, of course. great. you've got to your room so now he, what would you like to know? what was the strangest food you've had to eat? on the i ss the noisiest custody steve though, which and our space food is really delicious. i wouldn't say i've had to eat anything
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strange because when i have tried some unusual things, because cosmonaut and the astronauts who come to the i assess from different places free some of their favorite foods from home. so i've tried some delicious things from scandinavian cuisine, some great mexican japanese, north american food, etc. i don't have this wealth of menu options back on hers. even something is typically russian as buckwheat, with mushrooms. i don't need it that often at home, but i can hear in space. what's your question? does it get cold in space? you get sick? and if so, what do you do about it? usually not, and some technicians, lower the temperature inside the seal modules where we live, to create a better environment for the instruments. and there are huge number of fans here,
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it sure as possible to catch a cold or get sick. that's why the mission control center. as a medical support and supervision group, the monitors are health. we can always talk to them because we have any health issues. they're available 247. we also have medical chips with exhaustive information on what medicines should be used in any given situation. if there was an emergency, like one of us cuts himself during work or something similar happens, sometimes we do space walks where we work in space suits under low pressure conditions. we immediately start an emergency video conference. we also have more serious medical equipment on board, is the medical supervision group from the mission control center keeps an eye on us all the times. what would you like to off? how do you sleep in 0 gravity? do you get insomnia and the
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you're absolutely right. it can be an issue sometimes after a hard day's work, like after a space walk, you sleep very well, you just fall asleep immediately and wake up with the alarm. sometimes you have trouble sleeping and you lie awake turning things over in your head. on the whole though, it's about the same as on earth. some nights are better than others. you may wake up for lots, but overall witness list doesn't affect squeaks much. thank you. hi there. can anybody, janelle right tonight and yeah, i've seen quite your voice that missed the call and let me take over for a moment. i'm a single piece going off here with the all the studio. most guy. i'd be more than you on the big screen and i see that you're moving, even though you'll wait this, why you popping up and down. that's why i personal habits. i just can't remain still in weightlessness. i always like to jump or fly around a little bit waiting list. this is a marvelous thing. you can do whatever you want with your body. you can spin,
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turn any which way to do pushups, and so on. that makes you want to fall around like a child. would it be too presumptuous on my thoughts? because i almost you to show us some of the things you just mentioned to i'm wearing shorts on the i ss. if you don't mind looking at them, i can do a somersault. we don't mind the tools the find a way. rucker's sharma, the 1st in the in cosmonaut, also has a question for the i assess groups. before i went up i, i saw the phone with michael collins that said that and, and he's one of the guys who been on the way to remove earlier in the, in the late sixty's and. and he was saying that this has begun to look more agree and miss blue in the same years he was there. so
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i would really like to ask all friends of the i, it says to me, if there is somebody who is spend that much its diagnosis, get it in space as he also observed this and then the environment which is supporting us all and we are living because of the environment, as he's seen, any degradation. i personally don't think so. it's still blue, but it's true. the cities are sprawling, and there's a visible reduction of the forest through the area in the amazon and south america . and this is russia started space journey is trying to engage as many countries as possible space has no bold as all through 5 years on take a governor's flights. the council, on international cooperation in the study and utilization of alpha space into cause most of what was established. it was that program that how many countries and the
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1st citizens into space broadcast being one of them, the nation of ford, so dramatically face to face the other disappointment to us. but this does not less than an ration of what the soviets have done on the you. so use will you to out the new model? so for those interest won't loose cds together here. so for the 28 different cars, milan said visit a saw you 6 sign of these were non soviet the
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general unofficial. but that's the, that's the motion. you got the units several files and i thought it was easier to. yep. i do the dishes or the limits, i get the money on the
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yes it is cheaper. some of the ones that i'm said. oh no problem. the beloved yeah . see me. yeah, that's, i mean they're still one of the good ones. the guy, we have a real cost here in this studio. consenting, bought a sofa, who came back to us just 2 months ago. he spent almost $200.00 days on the eyes. how does it feel living in space? just thought of meeting to the website. it's interesting, it's really great, even shot of 2 videos to demonstrate that and to show how we live in adapt on the i ss with all the to watch. sure. and if there's somebody excuse of earth from space, you can't mistake them for anything. it is impossible to describe with words how fabulous the scene is. i especially didn't expect that city since thunderstorms would look so beautiful at night. the
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for the show right here is my tooth brush. we had a drop of water and brush our teeth. we take a special wet wife wiped the tooth brush and wipe our mouth. and that's it. close it up. prince your mouth out with water. basically the same way we do it on or the only difference is that we use a very small amount of to fix the cell phone cover. now i'll show you how the iraq exercise machine works, which we use regularly to keep our muscles and phones and shape the basically the exercise. there is a barbell, dumbbells with which you can squat and live. it's a multi functional exercise machine. let me show you now what i see when resting
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between exercises the 0 to use the 1st, there's a rubber band, which i'll use to strep myself, up diagonally so that the body feels support. and 2nd, there's a rubber band with a towel wrapped around it. for comes, i use it to hold my forehead and sleeves. that leaves my arms floating, touching each other, which freaks me out because they really just float uncontrollably. it's not really comfortable either. so i put them inside this way and this is the pose i've chosen as the most comfortable for sleeping the this, those are, i feel very or you have a little while get the best throughout my career is a junior start being to bind to know what about 5 times i use it, i bought so it was launches with my own eyes every go, which is
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a highly memorable event to an outside who like myself, it looked as though they taking a freight train for the future, put the upside down and started watching it call by calm until the vehicle reached over it and yes, and then there's, there's a mistake. it will sound the role of adding wrenches on the 4th or 5th, or he told us, very impressive. while i, myself would never venture into one of those things. what does it cost me to fill up the ssl sitting on top of the freight track? i mean, you don't want the phone actually. it doesn't look or feel very scary or stressful at all. you don't feel that way because you're in a cap, so that looks very familiar to you. open the door just, it's become so familiar after years of training that you know what you need to do and what is going to happen. step by step. and there's no time for random thoughts if anything comes done to me that you and we all calls, but also various questions that i showed you. is that something that you yourself would like to tell the people of us is covered since you meet them? just to put them in some templates or shooting them. couple to come here, but it's
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a little before the following. i'd like to share the feeling that came to me almost instantly and has never left throughout the expedition for the school so so, so the 1st is our common home. it maintains a balance. so if you don't see the country borders or territorial waters from space, or you just see it cutting in and know that people live there too. what's the best my message to everyone is as follows. all right, so let's be friends. now let's come together on the can, you can, so that's not divide ourselves into nations. countries in continents live in harmony as people on the same plan. and we do a my plan would that be, are going to have any my stories because i know there are reasons why that can be done overnight. but if we keep talking names and hearing about it and try to work towards this goal, but in our daily lives, i believe it could help us unite and develop as one planet for the discussions you ma'am. plenty of them as always, so true. thank you. in the meantime, we'll make the, i says, back on line,
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we're continuing with the space bridge between moscow delhi on the soviets and back to you, run the gun. me on. yeah, sure. i have many space enthusiasts here with me. we're in the old house of the city. it's extremely hot. this song is blazing. tokens of people in space is a rare opportunity. so i'm not going to waste any time and proceed straight to questions. does the perception of time change in space? the, any of those pre activity mean you, me, yes about at the know the perception of time is the same. more of where we live on our time here. even though we see both nights and day, every time we make a full circle around the planets, we wake up at 6 am and go to bed at 9 30 pm. the perception of time is just the
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same document inside. all right, so you got your answer and i'd like to ask the next question myself. see if you could plug in your own schedule for one day on the i said, what would you do? the lease and what were those uh, do you got the service? if you want, if i could plan my own date, i expended filming the earth's surface. tell me the stars. i call my loved ones back home. in fact, it was the, the chevy, no commodity. so many people have come here to take fault in this fascinating cd conference. they have a lot of questions. what's your queer,
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would you like to take a walk in space and why the, when we go on space walks, we use special hops that are attached to the station. so we can work practically around all modules. if i were to get on hooked from the stations, i would become an artificial or a satellite. and unfortunately, the life support system of the space suit wouldn't last long. in this case. eventually i would die of my space to while reading the earth. so i only walk around the external structures of the station is next good. can you tell us about some major breakthroughs achieved on the international space station? if there are any the most he is most to some of the entire links, mostly because we have many fundamental research projects which have yielded
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important results. one example is plasma christophe, where we experimented with coal dust plasma. we also have a 3 d bio printer, which we have used to print some initial elements of a human heart, an animal organs. that's what i can name off the top of my head. we also conduct technical experiments. and what is that also use? for example, we can now control robotic rovers from a spaceship, moving at the orbital velocity. so we do have quite a few achievements and studies that could count as global discoveries the, the, the sounds like very complicated way. what would you like to know? can you smell anything on the eyes? this if so what the easiest source we do, we live here, which means there are smells on the i ss or smells of food,
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a working equipment, etc. when we come back from space walks and close the hatch, we always smell what we call the space smell. i believe it's the smell of ozone, which you can smell after an intense lightning storm. that's the 1st thing we smell when we emerge from our space suits the station, is full of smells hummadi nimble on pleasures on. thank you. it was a wonderful experience for all of us. it was a huge opportunity to talk to you on live television. thank you. from me and all the space bounds who have gathered here. thank you your face and thank you so much. thank you for your questions. the engine friends show is coming to an end, but before we say good fine,
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let's go back to the person. we opened the conversation with rebecca show him, he's a real, he robins this have him come to these days. as in the space pioneer, we sent a crew to sit down with him and learn more about 2 story. the just the language was one issue and we didn't know the russian when i say we, i mean my back up for at least one of those right. and myself that just went to the extreme willow, was the other issue with respect to winters there, but a decent douglas to people. again, i need to find out that when we went in 84, the iron curtain was up and the things were normal level for them as they are in russia today. although those were the professionals but their families.
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there are a lot for india and they would talk openly. so hold on. so that's why we were made to feel at home. the people of russia are so much like us indians, you know, the, in the, in their approach, their emotional and they're very simple folks. and just as, as we are, so there were 6 of us and of the same time, the space shuttle go level roof. i asked for miles, so it was really the 1st time that you live in, the space travelers will be doing this all together. it was quite a right when we go up there and i look down at the, the don't see the boundaries. and you'll see how all of our destinies really are into connective sol tomorrow. when we are going to set up the colonies initially on the moon. and later, perhaps mars you're going to need the,
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all the skill sets which are required on the planet to, to, to build society is to build the places. because it's, is it so really difficult environment to survive? and then i think that's the change which must come in the, in our perspective, just because it doesn't make sense to go to this whole zooms, oklahoma doesn't say that i'm from america, you know, your from planet to start thinking not nationally, but globally that concludes the 1st episode of solve our guns. constantine. thank you for your time. see, i would also like to thank everyone else who made this unique space very comfortable us. we'll meet again in a month to continue our conversation without the space of douglas. the next step aside from us, one of because we don't consider the bonus of a me to go pick one up by the.


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