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tv   News  RT  June 27, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm EDT

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the, the canyon police fire tier ago says pro testers in nairobi. den mom, the president resignation despite william, brutal agreeing to scruff and i am a part of the top tech bill, a prominence so that african n p tells us that western financial institution is pursuing its own interest across the confident. what if taking time to do to be just interviewed by the i m f and the world bank because that is your job comp, the problems that they do on i will continue the public end of your mindset. girls, israel, as locals turn off,
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they can you tell them that prime minister urging benjamin netanyahu his government to resign over their failure to bring all the hostages home from accounts. and in the wake of this week's failed crew attempts to bolivian defense minister essays, it could have been a way for foreign forces to try and get their hands on this side, the american countries, natural. richards, we do not exclude the possibility of external interference. we don't throw it out, believe he's reaching natural resources, which many wants to get the across the world around the clock. this is your r t international. hello and welcome to the news our we begin in east africa. we're a police fire tear gas that pro testers. in the canyon capital, people are calling for president brutal to resign. despite his recent concession
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and withdrawing a controversial finance bill, which would have seen prices rise for food staples, such as bread and cooking all the. the additional security forces are being deployed in nairobi and other cities as must rallies take place. several arrests have already been made in the capitol earlier. my colleague rachel ruble spoke with local reporter candice, i'm on the other r t corresponded miller, who you couldn't go on what's on folding in. ted. yeah. to the station is already getting killed teeth. they obviously for of what are these stones, they probably don't see to you and uh, what are you seeing right now? he's gone for the day shown on active engagement the to the young people on the the security deposit and that's what deployed in the capital city here by the police always have i'd be spot seeing them. the police of please us out of the loving care goes to them out of uh, you know, using the blank uh, the blank. uh the so, i mean,
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i mean, did they, using all the people as they kind to, to be able to discuss these utah from engaging. so i think this strategy that the young people have note, uh the, the used to be using is that they're talking from different phones that i talk to you from different phones the other way. um, right behind there we've seen young people coming from that place and the number of, or the number of them already been out of it said that putting the police trucks. uh some of them out of out of that that came from a different faith. so that is what i tend to be seeing right now. i am of has responded to the protest in kenya. let's have a listen. we're deeply concerned about the tragic events in kenya in recent days, and 7 by the loss of lives and the many injuries or thoughts, or with all people affected by the turmoil in the country. people that's to alter as even as a statement from the item. if it was issued by the direct to off communication was issued addressing the ongoing situation and reiterating the items commitment and
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supports to kenya. but with all of that, one kind of help at all us. what exactly does the item if need, when it says it will continue supporting the acadia, could it be more financial support considering that to the plans, i'm not working all to can you? because those same people that are still making noise. i know that in the past few years, this seen the government taking altima billions of dollars in did many ordinary citizens. a claim that to the support and aid in the form of data from the i am is does not pay for them. in fact, it doesn't mitchell to improve their living conditions. and the means these in kenya still experiencing such loudness from the citizens is because more and more people are getting wise to the effects of the item. if you understand that the cost of living and the taxes that are rising is because of, for the low was that the government is taking from the i am, if they are starting to see that this must be repaid. and the i am, is, has re emphasized that kenya should and must reduce its fiscal deficit,
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including by raising those taxes. we know that the purchase, which a ruptured in many parts of the country, was blocked by a widespread dissatisfaction with economy conditions, government policies, and via presidents. but in a southern versus prison due to has said it was not signed. the finance bill that she had long said was mississippi to stabilize the countries academy. have a listen to this. having to click on this one of the genuine competition. but i wouldn't have gone at the end of the printer has to be 2024. i left the drawing for the paper to have scope it out. but they were nothing to do with these by non speed of 2024 feet. and therefore, i would not sign the 2020 for finance building
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and chat, and subsequently been withdrawn at this moment. some say it is not that's prison. who told not all of a sudden, realizes that he had been wrong to push for the tech types of what's cool, so much and the question yeah. in fact he began his address to the nation with quite a robust and very detailed explanation of success. why he believed those tests heights will need, but overall, the present that has highlighted that to the government had made significant progress in managing the countries that have we have turned out to be here. the ones that is, that is weird in 2014 the us as the own government make me pay them napkins government or $500000000.00 last week today found out
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that by the much of that i'm not the number under the name of a country in front of the discount, but of that president route to allow intends to balance the books by introducing a new program of popular civic c exploits. save the if the government or rather the president a band is this proposed tax. it will eventually have to cut public spending day by de, please apply to those already and the strain if it proceeds and the prices i said, it starts the crop towards his phone and look towards this in the nation. you know, that to which was administration has been increasing rates and introducing misses to make canyon this reliance on borrowing in line with the school reforms agreed upon with the item if, of course, but this time he seems to not be caving like before. when we heard from, so it's un freaking the m p on spokes person for the economic freedom fighters
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party. the muff is, she say is, africans are paying a high price for loans receive from the washington, dc based international monetary fund. the biggest p t a outside of the district to do this, that these loans come with is that they do it as taking countries, particularly between countries. because we all want to some of the regents content in the world in terms of mental resources, deeply indebted. this is one of the ways of getting email giving be a has the t and steven our resources that an ethical one over to can. so who would be not just the i am, it's a change it's, it's home mode just upper right and not just in kenya, but in the entire well, most likely to come in at all. no, this is not something that we wanted to see, but feel the forms that are restricted in this and the way they managed and go around or across the country. the old poor countries around the world keeping out these loans is what is quoting at the dates that last seen facing here
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in african countries and actually hope that be happy to pitch will poverty. so we can see, i think you to be getting out of the pocket to cycle because as one had happened to you out in kenya is that they have to introduce the bill of finance bill to raise like over $2000000000.00 a to be able to finance the dates that the heck the take you to the i am at the end, the world bank. so we need to stop. and we need to get one if we can kind of just need to be just a to see if it's by the i m f and the world bank because that is the job calm because the problems that they do on our continued. so they generally come get to pause debility, i mean, you can see what's going on with the d r c. you can see what is happening in south today. and this is all the result of having the width company. then we noticed that the item at the bank, that's how was they said and they come here and the instability. they pause the step and yeah, the staple government needs that you can still have the resources that is the
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funding in those countries. and that is what the us doing right now. so there's nothing, there's nothing good that is going to come out of the i s. and the world bank, they like computer for assistance of bosses. and that's what they said. a 2 here. all right, turning attention the program now to central a garza where the new ser rough refugee camp has reportedly been from once again. bias really forces leaving at least 4 did on 16 injured according to palestinian officials. a warning you may find the following images distressing on verified footage, allegedly from the same show scores casualties being examined and rushed away by medical style. the idea of strikes is said to have taken place in the late hours of thursday earlier. these really mimicry bomb sykes in the northern part of the in bottle. then we got details from a local journalist on the brother logo permission for us. it had been bouncing and today. yeah. and as a freshman about hold swing by me. talk to,
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i was doing this to, i was the a lot of mixed up with an alarm since they brought more than 10 people to get had more than 7 to others. one did so, and i had a lot of business with that here and, but it's tied sick with that situation in this lesson with an it's very difficult because of the lack of medical equipment and medicine and also the shortage of a stuff that people here are one that i went there suffering what is full about maybe that unless did it at intermission with a shot or the as a to commission justifying it with my system. meanwhile, is released have taken to the streets across the country and fresh protests against the netanyahu's governments. humbling up the gals of war. people want the premier to step down over his failure to return all hostages seized by from us during the october 7th terror attack ortiz and re, if an auction is covering the raleigh for us in west jerusalem,
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the name or the present, the the 120 the agreement with her mom,
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immediately they blame. the baby is coming to the congress has made a terrible mistake. mister newtonian whose appearance in washington will not represent the state of israel and its citizens and will reward his scandalous and destructive conduct toward our country. giving mister netanyahu,
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the stage in washington will all but dismiss the rage and pain of his people as expressed in the demonstrations throughout the country. american law makers should not to let that happen. they should ask mr. newton yahoo to stay home. the . this week's field qu, attempt in bolivia could have been bought by foreign forces seeking to scruple the size, the american nations natural riches that's according to the bolivian defense ministers . speaking exclusively to our, to spanish language. you know, the script thomas k. u, we did not exclude the possibility of external interference. we don't throw it out
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because, believe he is reaching natural resources, which many wants to get for the one of the black pages of all history, what the period of imperial is donation, and the blundering of all natural resources. as a result of which we'd imagine poverty and they profiting from these reaches. so we, as a government of patriots, of all country, we want a wealth to be developed and used to know industry, as well as to bring added value to the territory of our country. we want to profit from this, the benefit to believing people because this is the headache and that well, it must return to the native land into the wellbeing of its people. and if, if you had a bundling of videos, statement follows the storming of the countries presidential palace by soldiers. on wednesday, the mutiny was led by general one who was a, it is in media and said he wanted a new government. he was arrested shortly after facing off of president lewis are say, who supporters quickly fill the streets of the us and the crew attempt?
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the military official has been charged with terrorism. an insurrection was just 2 days prior to the field. the bolivian foreign ministry accused us embassy stuff of medley in the country's domestic affairs. i do believe in foreign ministry points, that is something to us shows you that said deborah havior on monday to bring to her attention concerns and claims about a number of statements and actions made by employees of the u. s. embassy. they are regarded as interference in internal affairs. it's definitely not the 1st time that us since a few years. and this is why bolivians are aware of this, not only bolivia is but uh, the world really because we've seen this happen time and time again. interest again, most recently with the election was one evil morales was out of out of why was that? because that was due to both waking claims that came from where an american organization that was there observing the elections. and this is not just one example we've seen this happen time and time again,
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which is why and bolivia has been wondering about this, an urge in the united nations, for example, to pay attention to what is happening there and how they are seeing more and more interest of yours from the us, and here let's hear from the oblivion price. and again, i believe this is from 2022 when he was warning. say, we have forces here getting involved in the region because they need something from us. excuse me. we oppose any form of interference and any attempt to sabotage our country's democracy and stability for seeking to control our lethal mineral resources. just as the us south come come under said months ago, the u. s. is targeting the so called wisdom triangle in latin america, which consists of believe the argentina and surely the united nations must take actions on those countries who don't respect of the country sovereignty an interview in other countries affairs. the once again, it's all about the natural resources in this particular case, when it comes to bolivia, it's about lithium and apparently again, the whole big plan is to recall
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a noise. lots in america to act as advertisers to russia and china is becoming stronger in the region. this is what washington sees, apparently, according to the slide. and this is how they're trying to tackle it and, and bolivia. what's interesting to them, leslie a very intriguing, you. thank you, marina, let's bring in a chris evans now all to contribute. so to get his take on increased. great to see here is nikita marino in the studio. so what's your take on why the us be so interested in bolivia? well i think as, as marina actually points out that there's a, there's a crime for the prime example as to why they're moving psych full sleep. obviously the us as long have is more of the adult trend, which basically says that they have the legal right to regime change as many countries as they want to not to in america, but specifically seems right now is to do with the the major literacy of miami agreements that the believe in government is coming to tested with by it's not like china uninstalled i russia will say the fact that the baby and president, as marina stated, was a guest of honor at the st. petersburg economic for him. he was out there on the
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plenary session with a lot of that page and speaking, how are we talking about how he wants it's was the, the, the independence of this country. on top of that now we looked at the, the political struggle in bolivia. we looked at the, the, the president's close ally, the president, everyone out of the us to have hated for a long time, even round the design and try to join in 2013, accusing him of a hiding edward snowden on the plan. so i think this is just again trying to loving the notice of another country to not to in america, and by the looks of it not succeeding, chris, did you think that this isn't the way blackmail are saying? well, this is what will happen if we don't get what we want. so is this a time saying once again they saw that the being present boss and ross, or perhaps they're seeing the partnership becoming stronger and stronger. and then we'll see the screw and bullet. yes, is it related in any way, shape or form other types of make sure that bolivia stays away from the global south, closer to them. it's always been the us just,
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this is what i'm the government is worried about the time when people are right. so they may know that this might not the account by the by bunch of the 5 of these happens is warning one of the other countries in the global south, specifically in lots in america. not to join griggs, not to for mr. lions not to to do away with the exploitation of specifically in the mining industry of us and west and companies in the region at the state. we the closer that they're currently on, which is basically subjugation to the united states. well, this is north bolivia, as 1st qu, or d, o. in 2021, and president lewis our se spoke with going underground host option raton. see about how i foreign involvement has helped organist rate attempts to change power. now you can watch the full episode in r t company. here's a brief listen. the government eh, of the good, the time the government is coming from the crew, the town. they signed a supreme degree where they establish and they ask the
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and the compulsory a says to the, the army, to go through the streets and go against the people that was, you know, claiming for election channel and things like that. so, i mean, something is that somebody is responsible for these, and that's why there are trials involved either. so whatever they, they come to, you know, to europe or united states or whatever, trying to say anything different is not true. joe biden and donald trump are set to go head to head in their 1st 2024 us presidential debate. this is mr. bible touching, done earlier in atlanta for the live televised event. the verbal joyce thing gets going, and mits mounting speculation to bite the incumbent leaders cognitive ability. and
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everybody wants to know which job i just gonna show when i lift my summary is that it doesn't matter if you drink the whole gallon of energy drinks. he's not going to be able to match the document and the readiness of donald trump, joe. now of course, 5 plus days in county has been an id. apparently the president of your country is not able to perform is regular duties the duties of his job. while also preparing for a 90 minute debates in friendly territory on faith, new cnn, at least 16 aides are helping biden prepare with mock debates and strategy sessions . also, according to reports, biden's intensive week long debate prep at camp david's also includes exercises for bite and practice of standing up for a whole 90 minutes straight now, but would be the length of the debate. now of course we don't know everything that's happening your cam david and many americans believe that bite and couldn't
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be taking some kind of performance enhancing drugs to help as a only memory. and as for stamina, our viewers believe that it's going to be a jack piper caffeinated joe that's going to show up at thursday's debate like the state of the union. the event is the 1st, the bates in american history between the incumbent and former president, and for the 1st time since 1976 is being held without a live audience. as mentioned, one of the knights main intrigues, runs jo biden's, mental states, given the frequency of gaff some blunders he's experienced in recent. all right, sir, and blames you directly. what's your response to that, sir? the you know last. so, you know, so long as you know,
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the back in march, the president appeared lively and sharp during his state of the union address. with the contrast, leaving some observers to speculate that he may have been aided by quote, performance enhancing drugs. it's worth noting that to abide and read that entire speech of a prompter which he hasn't got access to tonight. the whitehouse recently had back on the video showing the democratic leader in a startled or confused state swimming. the footage was manipulated to undermine mr . bigler. the head of november's election, the 81 year old himself claims he's in tip top shape. we asked for washington based medical expert, doctor john from bowski for his view on the president's mental acuity. and certainly there is some discussion about performance enhancing drugs. these medications most likely are stimulated such as methods. that means everything for the medications, i got as an anesthesiologist,
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we know all about these types of medications that have taken effect cognitive ability. but these medications can certainly be used all the time and in medicine, the practice of medicine for people to a d, h d, or people. we use them for narcolepsy, but now we're using more of the elderly for patients with cognitive issues when he's been away for one week, getting ready for these debates. and i'm sure what they're trying to do is, you know, get him prepared as much mentally as possible, and perhaps he might be using medications. and again, i think we as americans are very cognizant of that privacy in terms of medication use, like if someone's on blood pressure medicine. so this or that maybe there's an issue that he doesn't wanna disclose for the other side of the coin. you know, this is the free rober that handle the nuclear button. we want to make sure that this person who has time to send it is medically stable and ready to, you know, with a free well. so it is a great question. again, privacy versus what we have the right to know is a public, again, i think, i think is a very tough flag of it. i mean, yes, he's been present for 4 years,
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but america has been unfortunate decline for 4 years. we've had it, so twice inflation and immigration, and this is really bad. and, and again, if someone does not engage students in the space and enrolled on their own needs to be kind of guided off the stage or back to the group. but that was, that was done in the even pairs. i mean, as long as you know, this is a video shot for many different angles. you cannot face that. and, and i don't know why the white house would want to respond to something that is so obvious. back in europe a tragedy. in slovakia, at least 6 people have been killed and several others injured. after an international express train collided with a bus on the road crossing the train was on its way from prague to budapest when it crashed into the vehicle spitting in the boston house around a 100 people are believed to helping avoid the training of the time. and the total number of casualties is currently on the or the train engine 1st into flames.
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immediately after the crush and shocking news, 5 people were reportedly burned to life in size. the bus emergency services are off the same according to unconfirmed. so if i can media reports, the traffic lights at the crossing were out of order following a recent storm near the low meeting, you officials in brussels, vladimir zelinski has unexpectedly admitted that time is not on you train side. in the military conflict. we have to find a different way of this plan and to put this plan on the table during months is we don't, we don't have too much time because we have a lot of, you know, a lot of the wounded and that people on the battlefields and through the simulators, that's why we don't want to have this war during during years. so that's why we
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want to prepare these joint plan voltage on the table to the 2nd summits. second, the assignment with the assignment mr. zalinski has signed a new security packed with the european union. the deal includes arm supplies, military training, as well as cooperation in the mining and defense industry development. the ukranian leader also seals separate spyglass, real security agreements with vis you in the, on the stony. a lot more details of the surface, the, about the peace talks between russia and ukraine that ultimately failed over 2 years ago now. well, in that article in time magazine, back in february 2022 kia was ready to the funding plans to join nato and stay permanent. the neutral in exchange for a security guarantees from russia so that he was reportedly even prepared to part with some territory. however, the negotiations were scruff after western countries talk. he of either of agreeing
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to those terms, timing, they would not insure ukraine safety, investigative journalist sonia funding in de sais. the new security parks were reassured tia but need to a session for ukraine remains the discipline entries. well i don't think they will get to natal membership or do you agree they will not get nasal membership? that's for sure. now the you negotiations has started. so yeah, this is the whole uh thing because natal them, they know they are in trouble because russia clearly says if you become a member of nato, then this is a red line. so i don't think that will put them in. they told me because all the time they are saying, when you, when the war you can be part of nato. so this is the, you know, to a but i mean that the a, they did you, this is ok. this is also a bad idea because ukraine should be somewhere in the country, a neutral crow. ok,
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that's the best option, but they will, nope. and then now all very confident because of the security. you were 2nd to what they have signed today. that's, you know, they are secure and they can continue their war against russia if we can put it this way. the proxy. why? so this is really, really, yeah, a better idea actually, what's happened today? well, valve is a rough, old, all the updates needed to navigate through a busy and use day though can be find on our x page. why not leave a comment or 2 as well while you're there from our studios are in most of the by the everybody on bins one in.


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