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tv   Documentary  RT  June 27, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm EDT

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kay, this is also the best idea because ukraine should be somewhere in the country, a neutral county, that's the best option, but they will not and then know off very confident because of the security. you were 2nd to what they have signed today. that's, you know, they are secure and they can continue their war against russia if we can put it this way. the proxy. why? so this is really, really, yeah, a better idea actually, what's happened today? well, that is a rough all the updates needed to navigate through a busy news day though can be find on our x page. why not leave a comment or 2 as well? while you're there from our studios here in most of the, by the,
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everybody on bins one in for rick sanchez. the are just some of the stories we're talking about today a day like no other ukrainian forces strikes civilian areas of crimea with the power of american weaponry. so what does it mean? we'll break it down for you. this is direct impact. the and we begin today in southern russia where ukraine launch strikes, sunday, targeting the city of stuff is still full. at least 4 people were killed, including 2 children over a $150.00 people were left injured. eye witnesses managed to record the moment when this showing for us to place many people simply enjoying the end of their weekend. you can listen as they recount the moments of the attack. of the highest i'm about am. i was relaxing at a result when i had an explosion that
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a 2nd explosion understood something, flew into the building from the sky. i went out into the balcony to see what was going on. everything was covered in smoke. people were screaming, i saw something full into the building. it was about the size of a bed. people were shouting your fire, your fire from all the neighboring buildings from the residential complex. people run with everything they could to put out the flames to go into the we were at a hotel, we heard a siren and immediately began to gather. we ran for cover into a room. we had to run a long way. we heard the rumbles and then ran under a beam for protection. there is a part of this story that's so important to us as americans, because russian defense officials say those strikes were carried out using american attack. you must missiles, it can only be operated by us. experts are reportedly all the flight coordinates need to be input by american specialist using american intelligence. let's bring them and have a chance to discuss this with us. manila, thanks for being here. so 1st of all,
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what's your take on this american missiles used over the weekend in crimea, as we mentioned before, multiple deaths over a 150 injuries to children. dad. where is the outrage from us media here? a? yeah, been, what can you say except what a horrible tragic incident. right. i mean there, there's no outrage, i would say, because the crime in peninsula has been part of the russian federation for about 10 years now. so western media outlets lack of coverage on the strike, tells you a couple of things. one, i would say this is a tacit admission that crimea is in fact, russian territory for as much as the west does not want to recognize the succession vote some you know, a decade ago. the media silence on this tells you that, pardon me, a is russian number 2, is they actually viewed crime in as ukrainians. this will create a moral dilemma for them in that ukraine is killing ukrainian citizens like they
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were doing and don death. so despite keep saying, you know, re taking every inch of ukrainian soil back to it's early to thousands borders are, are part of the broader gold, 40 of the fact that they are willing to kill innocent civilians in crimea. actually underscore the whole reason, those cry me and what it's, it's the seed in the 1st place then. yeah, i, i hear you when you say that and there is a dichotomy here, right? because certainly when you're talking about the fact that, as you said, what we've been hearing now since 2014 is that crime media was illegally annexed by russia. it's actually ukrainian, and then your premiums are really want to go was all of a collection. and it was a fake referendum and they didn't really want to leeway ukraine. and yet these weren't military targets that were shell. these weren't military installations that were hit. these are people who are on a beach who are getting hit during the show and then also to your point as well. if this is in fact still ukrainians and it's still ukraine. you showed your own people
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. and so that's why i guess nobody really wants to talk about this story at all. but shift over though for 2nd here to the other war that the raging, of course, is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu, right? he seems to be contradicted the white house every week i, there's a different back and forth here. but talking to reporters on sunday, netanyahu said that there is no end in sight for the boring gossip. and the wording here is interesting until how moss is completely wiped out exactly what that means . we'll talk about that in a 2nd. it's a surprise. oh, dividing administration officials in recent days, they said that netanyahu and his aids had reiterated their support for a proposal, even a ceasefire agreement possibly at some point. well now that you all who was wanting, that 11 on war could be next. listen to this show love upstream show. i mean how much, how much will they be staying? intensive face of the war with moss is about to end. after the end of the intensive phase, we will have the option to transfer report of the forces to the north, and we will do that 1st and foremost, for defensive purposes. secondly,
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to return our residence home. if we can, we will do this in a political way. if not, we'll do it in a different way, but you know, i'm not willing to stop to work in the from us project. i am prepared to make a partial deal. so will return to us some of the people, but we are committed to continuing the war after a pause in order to complete the goal of eliminating months. i mean the, so a couple things are, 1st of all, how do they eliminate from us when you listen to what the israelis are saying? what and then you know, who says they seem to refer to every adult age male in gaza as part of from us at least they do every time there is a bombing right. when they give you death, tolls and death counts which rarely happen when they do, they always list every male who is killed as being a militant or part of from us. so does ultimately wiping out from us. mean, you wipe out every adult age, mail and gaza of god. what a horrific thing to imagine. then that bet you just automatically sweep up whole
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entire populations into this one narrative into this one descriptor. but of course, anybody that is a reasonable sound mind would know that that is just not the case, but not. i mean, for the same reason that you don't go to afghanistan and say every, you know, male, that's age, 131415 years old. what they would call of military fighting age. is a taliban come back? right? but we're the terrorist coming up. they didn't do that, right? so those are the tactic as you know right now, right now it gives you the numbers out of afghanistan in the rack for years, every time any adult age male was killed, they would say they're an enemy combatant. that's how we refer to that right now is what caused them, how boss, right? but we just say they're in search of drawing and to be combat. and i feel like israel's actually learned this from us foreign policy. oh, well, absolutely. i mean, but, but, but let's, let's be clear. i don't think the us is actually in charge of what's happening right now in gaza. i mean, just this weekend you'll have go on showed up here in washington, dc,
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and no no fanfare out on the streets of course. but you'll have gone is not here to ask for anything bad. he's here to make demands and to notify us officials of israel's plans, right. which i would say at this point seems to be that of expanding the conflict into southern 11 on which at that point, i guess you're going to say all lebanese males age 15 and over our enemy combatants as well. and there has bola, you know, but this expansion then it can get very dicey given that just this weekend. french officials have actually indicated that they will assist the lebanese armed forces, the l. a f in defending the borders of webinar. now this is not to say that france will back his ball law rather sending troops in a to assist official government forces of lebanon and anonymous, french official,
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actually speaking to uh, breaking defense doc. com. this weekend said that the point government forces to the border can actually tap down the tensions there because they say neither israel nor has bowl. i want to trigger this wider conflict by killing government forces. now that was a quote. so france could actually spoil israel's designs and expanding this war into 11 on. but then that puts the us in a sticky situation given, you know, france is america's oldest allied. but if we're gonna continue to apply the u. s. rules of who an enemy combatant is on the battlefield. well, this is a, i would say the start of world war 3 bad it's, it's, it does not bode well at all. we're gonna talk actually much more of what's happening with israel and gaza as well. uh, and how much is it coming up in the next segment before you go them and then what i want to talk about this other story, cuz you and i work together now for 10 years, we're talking about this for the show started right?
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there are few stories that are more up our alley than this one. us secretary of state anthony blinking is announcing a new state department partnership with youtube music. oh yes. according to a press release, it's all part of an effort to further the united states is elevated commitment to use music to promote peace and democracy. again, you can make this stuff up promoting democracy through music. manila, as i said, we've talked about this kind of stuff for years. this is just clearly just a form or a form. it's just blatant propaganda, but it ties into this democracy if the music plays the fine a. well 1st man i got to ask, is this music plan like a bunch of clips, a blinking playing guitar, maybe from his so called you know, in prompt to concert in tea of last month. just kidding. i hope i hope and pray to god about the i forgot the user. i wouldn't be want to be musician, but go ahead yet. maybe he's getting
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a contract then i mean to be fair. condi rice. as we recall, the bush era secretary of state is a classical pianists and has also displayed her skills before the press pool. but, but seriously, this is another exercise in american soft power. the state department long before tony blink and actually said, put in there actually had pre existing music diplomacy programs in place. harnessing american musicians from every genre to travel around the world, travel abroad, engaged directly with the locals. think of it as sort of a goodwill ambassador role, but with guitars on the surface level, i think this is a wonderful initiative because music really is the great unifier. it transcends language, borders, culture, culture is political ideology. but when it's examined in the current context of all the geopolitical hotspots around the world, this really serves as an attempt to repair america's ugly image overseas as the
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purveyor of war and destruction. and you can bet that youtube and its parent company, alphabet, who obviously owns google. sure. will aid the state department's efforts to advance this goal. but at the end of the way, if you ask if you have any random. yeah, many ben or any half down or any north korean if they prefer to have leading ga, ga, giving them a free concert or to have the us stop bombing them through proxies or have the us and sanctions against their countries which are driving their people. the famine, yeah, i can guarantee you, they will always pick the ladder. i think you're much nicer about it than i would be. i see it much less about the kind of music that goes out and much more about what's not allowed to go out. because as soon as a government entity, like the state department does a deal with youtube music, they're basically saying we're going to give you enough money to let you, let us control what's allowed on this plots. and you have happened all over the place, especially which i'm going to be se, blinking as a week ago,
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that all year around the 247. but i bet you will be middle, and thanks for being here. appreciate it. you got it. all right, when we come back, we're going to talk to someone who has been on the ground covering the hers in gaza, shifting back to that story. it's a pretty incredible one. we're going to hear about her experience, and we're also going to get her take on the current tensions breaking out on the northern borders of israel right now. stay tuned. will be right back the same just don't have to shape out because the application and engagement trails
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when so many find themselves will support we choose to look so common ground the the the and welcome back to direct impact on been swan in for rick sanchez. we want to go back to the story we were talking about in the
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previous segment, talking about israel's more on gaza and how it continues to spread across the region. so we do that we're bringing in. got you, francis. she is a lovely is journalist and a veteran war correspondent who was reported from casa, syria, iraq, and human. she's currently the host of the west asia pop host of india is w i o in news, and she joins us now. got you. thank you so much for being here. thank you for having me then a. so let's talk 1st of all about what's happening in the middle east right now. it's such a massive story and it's very complex, much more complex. i would argue that most people in the west and certainly in the united states think that it is, it's not just about gaza. but let's talk 1st of all about israel's northern border breakdown for us what's been happening in the past week or so between israel and his bola. could we see a wrap up with the conflict? there may be even open war between those 2 parties as well. and everything, and now we're in month number 8 of this ongoing massacre and the siege that has
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a strip of ta this time. now the way we are like, and looking at the news and breaking news is very different. and had that warning from israel come in the 1st month, we would have been surprised or really attentive or worried and it actually did then. it does not the 1st time that israel warns or threatens that it would bump 11 on or it would slots and they route. we have seen these kinds of threats from all kinds of officials of his really official says they've one this, the beginning of this started data to uh, from the club in on has opened or has been law named it as such. so it is not new for us here and that the non to listen to, to that's coming from the is read the side. and this is not where we actually get the news. the amount of the turns that hezbollah has proven whether it's in the past 8 months or in the past, decades in this war,
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with the occupation with the is there a be occupational or southern doesn't on, and also on different occasions and the conflicts at 11 on we don't really look at the threat that comes from is, is reeves we know exactly to the parents, but the lebanese resilience and resistance has. so okay, these are, these would love to floss, enable this, was there a trip to us 3040 years and even 50 years ago as never these people, it does nothing you. what is new is that for the, for the change, our people to day have the ability to say, if you strike us, we would strike you. if you strike over the airports, we have the ability of the capacity to reciprocate just equally as destructive is. let me ask you though, is that, is that true? 101011. on strike, back with the same kind of ferocity that is real constructive. if we look back at the past 8 months, then it's actually very different and really unprecedented. and in terms of
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military exchange between hezbollah and the is raves, the amount of is really supplements that have been blocked in the northern area is new. the amount of is really settlers that have flipped there. so they're really good. second, this is new. the precision of the targets, the amount of technology and a i, and the actual a stay you'd of the item do. all these are unprecedented and that the war and then that's drunk. and also what's happened last week with has with, which is new and the latest and it's making everybody ask once again about 11 on and the northern is really from is that there was strong footage, are released by as well as episode one. it's not on the everything and the strong corporate showed. they have a tool that is the be capable of flying over haifa, locating targets very important and strategic targets and sitting and coming back
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safely without being intercepted. this shows on question of the, the ability to strike and hezbollah and it's boss and, and it's this, let's talk about this portfolio. yeah. it's, uh, it's identity is it never does this kind of bluffing and in war that's right. and on the contrary is really do it. so if i had the bed before, everything is really said they will strike, they don't, that'd be able to unit by now let me ask the question, the cause of entity. yeah. in terms of credibility but, but the northern border of israel isn't just a credibility issue with has bola, it also could also bring iran into this complex as well. correct? ok. well this is, this is one of the many points while we're all trying to analyze, okay, will it be a full blown or, or not run? we say it's not the 1st time that these really dressing us and there's nothing new in that to what can these ratings actually do?
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what can they actually when they couldn't even remember they come up in the besieged grip, that they control even the amount of calorie intake boot capital. i'm talking about because the instill today says this moment 10 minutes ago there was breaking news that the resistance is i because i was able to talk or to but it's on the 8th or to to simply k. and we're talking about has the hezbollah is in the city, i think it says the strongest military group and the west and the west asia. this has been proven in the syrian war. this has been proven in the lebanese, the tenants and 2006, and that was decades ago. we are speaking about a very big capacity also because, and this is what you just mentioned then in your question, because hezbollah is not as drowned that as the people in the plaza, in terms of the alliance. when you are touching hezbollah, you are touching the rockies. you are touching the rodney's. you are searching the syrians. it's not going to be a, it's an open ended war. let's call it like that one that's it seems like it's
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a very different is what you're describing. very different situation, right, door to door combat in gaza, going into gaza and bombing targets as has been the case for the last 8 months and, and battling a mostly civilian population in gaza is very different. you're saying then taking on his bullet directly, especially if it was just coast bullet. that's one story. but again, we're talking about the uranium is becoming involved. and that becomes a very different story because you're not talking anymore about just trying to flush out a small group like i'm us, we're talking about an actual nation state war, which again of a very different story. but let me ask you this. the us obviously is all over the map. it seems like they say that they're in support of israel. the us government says, you know, we're with israel no matter what that yahoo skills is supposed to be coming in and speaking here before joint session of congress, they're still trying to get the details of all that worked out when given, when that happens, at what point does the us start to walk this back and say, but we don't want to be dragged into another middle eastern war. you know,
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people throw around the term world war 3 an awful lot these days. the us is obviously running a proxy war in ukraine right now. can they also be funding and operating the proxy war through israel in the middle east? if it turn for the americans then will then be something called israel occupying palestine. they are then. it is an american war in our nation. it's the american war and origin has always been like that. we're talking about the american, the munitions, we're talking about, the american backing and details. we're talking about the american protection and the i see, see what's, what is left to do that the americans haven't done in order to protect them as they continue a ton of eyes. genocide. how can this be more american of award? well, what can the americans do? they are providing the plays, they're providing the munitions, they're providing the coverage. i mean, well, and certainly these are for a lot of sense to send in marines to kill us while they actually been there have been reports that says there are american people on the go. so i mean,
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there's nothing to be done and the report done, the reports coming out of the, the hostages being free just last week or 2 weeks ago. those reports indicate that it was american military that was on the ground for that it came from the, the gaza aide peer. right. which was supposed to be issue mandatory in a year. there's, there's video from the israeli side that shows that there was military there including us and it's really military. they loaded up humanitarian aid trucks and then drove them in and, and there were a lot of witnesses on the pallets and the inside and gaza, who said that these were americans, these were not, is really soldiers. these were americans who were part of the so i, i agree with your point, but the us is much more involved then it's pretending it's pertaining it's not very involved and is kind of taking up a stand offish position. that's certainly not the case. the question though is at what point is israel and we'll, we'll give a pause here guys, if you want to come back on camera as, as guide. you mentioned, she's 11 on internet. there's is typically spotty. there she is at what point does
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because will have to come to the table with some kind of negotiation because it seems as if a lot of of the international support for this, which was based upon the october 7th. the tax is waning at this point, or is it not? well, then there's a lot to say about everything you just states. its 1st of all, when we speak about seeing the hostages, the data, the, they feed hostages, they give the equally as much hostages, the way we are covering the news, the way the world is talking about, and paraphrasing the news is really, sir, that, that the stage these really have killed more hostages than the ones they have. 3 in that operation that says correct, the way we choose and on that then let me is our, for our listeners, for our listeners who don't know, they freed for hostages, they said what the reports are. they killed for hostages, including one who had american citizenship,
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but go ahead as well. exactly. so this when reinstating these facts, just to say that the american media, the mainstream media of the world that is always aligned with american foreign policy, is just orchestra. i think this whole thing trying to find a way out that nothing now actually did something out of this bloody mess. it could ongoing genocide. ok. they feed for hostages, they connect for hostages run just like you stated. so basically on the down, the way we are accepting the news and like for to basing this news is nothing. anybody after that, if we want to see the story for, if you want to talk about the story is really, is actually can, as the many reports today, many of the, the, is really media cover that's and now the global media starting to get to the, the in life and lightning information that according to the 100 blocks on october 7th, is really skilled their own. okay, so,
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and so the whole way we are competing this war is not accurate. and the whole way that the americans are trying to find ways out in the politics and then the media for nothing else just says ok, i delivered something i free some hostages, i was able to eliminate from us. know, the operation is done. i think nobody knew nobody, even even the people who are throw palestine forever, 3 found a star. we didn't know if even think or uh like, i know lies that there is it is, this would go on for 8 months straight is such a destructive world. we are talking about guns of munitions being used as big as a new kid or a bomb and the so instead of the odd after each month being able to their, their hand made a massage, a being able to reach is really supplements and the city. so i think these are, these are stuck, nathaniel is stuck and the americans for the,
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oh good for the for the is really good. they are trying to step back in a way with the, with the least possible kind of human. the ation for the is where use, okay, like there was 3 targets, 3 of the hostages, eliminating him us and the like securing that has uh then as a ship the edu. yeah. today they did not do anything of old out. they are still after 8 months, they did not see all the hostages. they did not eliminate come us and they did not secure. they did not to stop the danger. so they are trying to find the way out the americans the end to find a way out for the israel is nothing else. it certainly sounds like got a francis. we can talk about this all afternoon. unfortunately, we're out of time for today, but we will have to have you back. thank you so much. thank you. then. thank you. all right, that is our shell. remember to always look outside your own box because true to sell live in boxes and bins. one. i'll see you next time
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the the in the year of 1954, the united states of america engaged in warfare against the people of vietnam. the white house supported the corrupt public governments of southern vietnam. 1965 americans began their invasion following the aim to defeat the forces of vietnamese patriots. defend the gun was confident that the victory would be on the american side, due to its military superiority. however, the vietnamese,
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during this war into total hail for the occupants. unable to cope with a guerrillas, the american army started blanket bombing alongside using chemical weapons and naples, which burnt all alive. the village of my lay, where he 1969 american soldiers killed 504 civilians, including 210 children, became a tragic symbol of this war. all and all. during the whole period of this conflict, the usa dropped on vietnam more than $6000000.00 tons of bonds, which is 2 and a half times as much as on germany during the 2nd world war. in 1973, the american army under the pressure of the rebels, withdrew from vietnam, and only 2 years later did the puppet regime. and so i got involved. however, the vietnamese paid
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a high price for their freedom. more than 1000000 in vietnamese people became the victims of american aggressors the the canyon. police fire tear gas as pro testers in nairobi. den mom the presidents resignation despite william, brutal agreeing to scruff and i am a product from the top tech build. a prominent so that african n p tells us that western financial institution is pursuing its own interest across the confident. what if you can punch it needs to be just in the interest you have by the i m f and the world bank because that is the job comp before the problems that they do. and i will continue the
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