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tv   News  RT  June 28, 2024 2:00am-2:31am EDT

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the, the, your wider, i've never seen anybody like this guy. you're the sucker you're. those are what this man has done is absolutely criminal. the highly anticipated debate between donald trump and joe biden turns into a name calling match with both candidates, hurling insults at each other. the invite and for performance drives democrats into a total panic with mainstream media. now questioning it, fighting is still a good fit for the country's top top to panic level, particularly among elected democrats, who have to share the ballot with him. there is a full on panic tonight is mostly a game changing debate in the sense that right now as we speak there he is a d, a y, and a very aggressive panic in the democratic video sheet and
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a long term contract for leasing related projects from 2019, therefore, we have never dismissed the version that are internal and external interest in state cooper. festival of and presidents, exclusive common to r t f or his leadership successfully withstood an attempted military coup on wednesday. the and the radians had to polling stations as the nation votes for a new president after the untimely death of abraham. right. you see, and a helicopter crash last month. the, you're watching r t international. i'm rachel ruble live in moscow. divide and, and the donald trump had faced off for the 1st time and the 2024 election. the debate was meant to offer voters more insight into both of the candidates policies, but quickly devolved into a round of name calling. my son was not a new servers,
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not a sucker. you're the sucker, you're. those are all of the things he's done. we've become like a 3rd world nation, and it's a shame you're weiner. when he lost the 1st time, i've never seen anybody like this guy. he lies, i've never seen, if he could look you in the face of that. so many other things to what this man has done is absolutely criminal. now there was no studio audience and it was more of a q and a session, then a debate. so there was limited time for responses from the candidates and they were unable to interrupt each other or interject as normally happens during debates. uh, the moderators seem to be pretty careful with joe biden. uh, let's review. however, what they couldn't really cover up just by giving him a little bit of easier treatment and the, the, the total initiative relative to what we can do with more border patrol and more
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asylum of present drunk. i really don't know what he said at the end of this is, i don't think he knows what he said, either making sure that we're able to make every single solitary person eligible for what i've been able to do with the. with the coven, i should be with dealing with everything we have to do is, uh, what if we finally be medicare taking president by president trump? i made sure every company in the world, every pharmaceutical company, can not have to bang here. and by the way, biden can hardly talk during this debate, and it's only the 1st question joe biden is, literally malfunctioning 5 and last train of thoughts. and cnn just moved on biting his literally on stage, staring into the after life by these performance did not go unnoticed. and the 1st words out of us, mainstream media. commentators were
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a desperate cry about the situation in american politics and openly commenting on jo biden's cognitive status was a game changing debate in the sense that right now as we speak, there is a deep, a wide and a very aggressive panic in the democratic party. and they were having conversations about the president's performance, which they think was dismal, which i think will hurt other people down the party in the ticket. and they're having conversations about what they should do about it. the people who are texting me were even more panic. they actually expected it to be better than it was, and now they're in a, i won't say a full fledged panic, but it's getting the panic level, particularly among elected democrats, who have to share the ballot with him. so there's a. busy so i'm panicked and i want to put up some of these tweets and reactions here from jackie heinrich, as she's as a very well connected democratic source, tells her the house and the senate are the g o. p. 's for now everyone is freaking out. he needs to go no way they replace him unless he agrees there. so you want to
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talk about them level freak out at the moment, a kalen. nevertheless, this debate was highly anticipated. tens of millions of viewers in the us watched it take us through the key moments. they discuss both domestic and foreign policy. a long foreign policy, we had trunks who kept stressing biden's foreign policy was leading the country into world war 3. biden was insisting that his foreign policy was leading the united states back into a position of leadership around the world and in the right direction. now when it came to you crane, donald trump was basically asked whether or not he would accept uh, the russian presidents peace terms for the country. and he completely dodge the question is, was donald trump responded to continue to move until we get the total band zalinski comes to this country walk. so it was $60000000000.00. he's the greatest salesman ever. and i'm not knocking him. i'm not knocking anything. i'm only saying he's the
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money that we're spending on this war, and we shouldn't be spending it should have never happened. i will have that war settled between food and angelo sky. as president of deluxe, before i take office on january 20th, i'll have that were settled. donald trump emphasized as he often does, that the war and ukraine would never have happened if he were president, and that he intends to finish it or settle it. he did not go into detail about how that would be and that leaves many people were wondering what donald trump really plans to do with the conflict place to tell them what was biden's responses take on the ukraine in crisis. did you have a response to terms of promise to end the war? he wasn't even asked about that, and he was not confronted about the billions of dollars, the american taxpayer money that's been sent to ukraine. instead, he repeatedly called the russian president, a war criminal e warren to that gifts. the russians are not stopped in ukraine,
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they will march into europe, they will attack nato countries. and one of the countries he listed as being a to a country was beller roost. this guy told me to talk to the fact is that is a more criminal. his kill thousands and thousands of people and he has made one can clear he wants to reestablish what was a part of a story. then fire, not just a piece. wants to all of ukraine, that's what he wants. and then you think you'll stop there. you think yourself when he is, if it takes you cry, what do you think happens the pool or what's a good name, bella? or what do they have if i was nato countries? caleb, another, a hot button issue, of course for the countries foreign policy is the war in gaza. what did the 2 candidates have to say about that as well? it was interesting to see that both of the candidates presented themselves as allies of israel presented the other as potentially not being a reliable ally of israel. and despite the fact that we saw that huge upsurge of
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protests, etc, supporting palestine, both candidates were trying to present themselves as more reliably pro israel than the other. and what was also interesting is there was one moment where donald trump told bite and you sound like a palestinian, but they hate you also because you're a weak one. and that moment had many people around the world looking on and saying why is use down like a palestinian and in so, you know, i mean the people were wondering exactly who trump was trying to appeal to with that remark. you know why he felt that was the necessary way to refer to joe biden, but overall they both had a pro is really sad to met. trump said october 7th, never would have happened if he were president and bite and said that he was supporting israel and doing everything good. and that mosque must be completely destroyed, echoing some of netanyahu's rhetoric and kind of what about domestic issues?
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i know for americans, that's the most important thing, despite all the complex going on globally as well. they both considered the other candidate to be the worst president in the history, and that was made clear they both blamed each other for the economy and had stood t uh, competing statistics about why that was competing explanations of the coven pandemic . i cannot make impact. and who is responsible for watching? who's responsible for inflation? what policies were to blame there? eric and politics isn't quite a strange moment. this is not a normal time and the election cycle for a debate to take place. the feeling that biden's just didn't do very well in terms of performance and the feeling that it may be possible that at the democratic national convention, they could replace them with another candidate as that is certainly widespread. there's already been talking of such a thing happening and now that talk is escalating. one listens to us media. there is speculation. the democrats may replaced by them to someone else as they're
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nominate a lot. there is other saying that binding is not willing to step down, and biden's allies are very committed to keeping them on the ticket. a lot of questions are being raised and people view this largely the reaction is that this was a win for trump. if not just an epic loss for bite and maybe not a win for trump uh bought a loss for bite and no doubt. public reaction to the debate speaks volumes polls indicate trump, who had a 59 percent chance of winning a had a big debate gained an additional 6 points afterward. in stark contrast by then who was already struggling. plummeted by 12 points following the exchange. following the presidential debate, the hash tag swap and joe out has spread on x, formerly known as twitter, users are calling on the democratic party to remove joe biden from the presidential race. the message is also coming from some of biden's fellow democrats. the president biden is a good, honorable man. he has much to be proud of. it is time to step aside and call off
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this run to invite and serve your country. tell him the truth. we need a strong candidate. now. there is still time. look, i debated joe 7 times in 2020. he's a different guy in 2024. what's joe biden superpower? that he's a good guy who will do the right thing for the country. in this case, that's stepping aside and letting the democratic national committee choose. another domini, let's cross live now. the sandstone political analyst, filmmaker and screenwriter. sean. um, what were your impressions of the debate? a yeah, it was a bit of a blood feud. they did this certainly as i think everyone has pointed out a bite, and this is not the same job item that showed up in 2020 and saying he wants to take a trump bind the school lockers and teach him a less than a a. is this caleb said, you know, whether or not trump really want it was bite and definitely lost. and the, it was obviously apparent, even to democrats of cnn really went on the, the,
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the offensive even there and know, calling my band jones, people like this, just basically saying that we're kind of shocked and horrified, but what they saw, i think it was clear to those of us like myself many others who been saying for a long time that we suspect this may have been in a sense set up to almost 4 biden's fault. because a lot of us a suspect that by and will not. this would be the candidate and know that come november for the democrats. and so the idea of the timing of the debate, he really almost was like a set up to show off to the world just how, how poor biden's cognitive functions are. his responses are his, his energy levels compared to some electronic. and i think i'm, it's almost as though they wanted to create this condition to then push a button out of us because of the single topic. yes, some cnn, a citing sources. same democrats are in aggressive panic after biden's performance in the debate. how do you think they're going to handle things going forward now?
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yeah, it's going to be very curious to see how they negotiate this. obviously, again, people have been talking about this for some time, but the idea that the buying would be swapped out. michelle obama was, was, has been mentioned, although apparently she does the could, has declined the offer or the, the rumor is that essentially she doesn't want it. gavin newsome is been floated a prominently. i saw pole recently, basically saying that his popularity was lower than biden's. so. ringback so it's going to be very interesting to see only navigate this. i don't think i did. what's of course, curious as why no one mentions kamala harris. you know, the vice president tried to step into the referral. i don't know that she has the support even within the, within her own party. so it would be curious to see how things class some people even said, well, will hillary clinton's will back in 8 years later and run again? yeah, biden has been getting roasted on social media, some social media,
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your users, even comparing him to his thinking is chip calling his fellow democrats, the raps that are rushing to leave it after the debate is quite the analogy actually. um, what do you make of that? comparison, did you think it's every man for themselves now with the democrats? a so you know, certainly when the democratic party essentially, as we know it was the clinton party, a gore did not assume demand till he did not take leadership of the party in 2000. carry, did not really take strong leadership. uh till, you know, obama basically then it was basically obama versus hillary. and as we saw obama, i got the support of the black, george soros. he got the popular bag and he was able to, to come to ascendancy. hillary never really took leadership with the party business, basically, i think been obama's party, even as we know by joe biden, was obama's vice president. so you could say this has been obama's democrat party
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killer and the bill, but it still shows up to the advance right to promote joe. but it really is. it's the obama and bite and show. so to me, i would say that at this point, it, it, it's not this ever man from self. it's really gonna be question of progress. what happens here? does obama step in, in some way to guide the democrats or, you know, lead them in the sense of giving orders to say, ok, well this is what we're going to do. otherwise, i don't see joe by them being the democrat party. that's clear. yeah. you know, shot, i'm curious because you said a lot of people been raising concerns about biden, for a long time yourself included. but the mainstream media for the most part, has largely ignored the the ellison. so we say his in the room up until this point . now they're apparently in a panic mode as well. why do you think the mainstream media ignored the fact that biden is clearly struggling for so long? and why do think they're finally acknowledging it? yeah, again, it feels of a lot around the timing and the need to essentially acknowledge the cognitive
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decline. again, a lot of us that observe this really going back to even 2020. there was indications of, of, you know, good. so you could say like early onset of dementia, but it's quick and so much over the last few years and even to the place whether they're launching is, is re election. and he's, you know, he's clearly reading from the teleprompter without any coherence. and you're saying they're going, you know, people, even within the democratic establishment in the media, let's say the left media, we're calling this out saying like, how can you run this guy? he's, he's in call. you have to click decline and he's already, you know, whatever it is, 807980 years old. you know, you can't run him for another 4 years. this is crazy. so i think there's been enough awareness of this that they had to create a situation where it was like this creates the momentum, perhaps to, to actually shift and actually change things. it's like you need sometimes you need the, the audience to, to start to as it, with film or any kind of media, right?
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you need the audience to start to get involved, to actually create the change that you're looking for. a lot of us could put it out a short while ago that the winner of the debate was the means. i think it's safe to say that biden did not win the debate, but do think trump would be called the winner here? i mean, look, i think that, you know, that you could say that the debate was messy. it was very messy. it was filled with a, uh, it is a, uh, it, each category is actually going off on their tangents to make the points that they wanted to make towards that end. trump consistently hit bite and on the things that were, i think the clearest issues that are permitted to americans. it's not really necessarily climate change, but they, they dropped the foreign awards as much, although there is some concern. but the things that are important to americans, we know it's, it's the immigration issue, it's law, it's inflation. when taxation, the only thing i think where, you know, you can say by maybe had an edge,
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it's on the abortion issue because that is really one of the democrats, strong points selling points is, is, is this confusion around abortion? and when it became a states rights issue, it becomes very murky and confusing as to what the laws is about. just as simple as saying it's roe v wade. it's one try master. it's a little bit more complicated. so i think that was the front word where trump looked kind of weakest, but when it came to the economy, immigration, trump just kept hammering by it. and on these points, whether or not he was answering the questions and that was the rest of it. he knew trump was blank to his audience. right. and the audience was saying trump's hammering the guy, and the guy can barely complete a sentence that's coherent. so that was that was way trump one was in perception. okay, we're gonna leave it there. sandstone filmmaker in spring right. or sean, thank you for an interest in it. let's see. i'm is at the core of the latest to attempt in bolivia, that's according to a comments of the countries president shared exclusively with r t in the taste as well in any cool interest matters and the case of latin
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america. there have always been both internal and external interest in and it could over they've been through this. it's practically been a constant in all the cruise that we've been through that i can remember the crew of 717980 the girl of 20. 19. in all these cases, the economic aspects were the prerequisite. in the recent case, it was because of we see what kind of a negotiated in a long term contracts for a leasing related project from 2019. therefore, we have never dismissed the version that our internal and external interest in state cruise units because of the statement follows the storming of the countries presidential palace by soldiers. on wednesday, the mutiny was led by general juan jose zuniga, who said he wanted a new government, he was arrested and shortly after, facing off with president luis r say, whose supporters quickly filled the streets of la pause amid the crew attempts the military official has been charged with terrorism and instruction,
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17 people were arrested in connection to the failed to a day later, a number of them had links to the military. oblivion. government says that had prior intelligence on the planned interaction with the countries foreign ministry accusing us embassy, staff of meddling in bolivia as domestic affairs. just 2 days prior to the failed to do believe in 40 minutes to the poor instead of some into us shows you that said deborah havior on monday to bring to her attention concerns and claims about a number of statements and actions made by employees of the us embassy, they are regarded as interference in internal affairs. to social media has been flooded with various posts for people to use. the c i a of back in the to in response to bolivia, support for gaza close ties to russia and vast lithium supplies. the latin american nation has the largest reserves of the key tech industry mineral on the planet. bolivia has a low extraction and production capacity for now. it recently signed lithium
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investment agreements with china and russia. in june, the bolivian president visited the russian city of saint petersburg, where he wasn't guests of honor of the international economic form. there, luis are saved praise to fix economies for withstanding us, had germany and revealed his dates, interest in joining the alliance between social researcher and the editor. marco fernandez, says the latin american countries interest in partners is one of the reasons why the us is looking for regime change and bolivia. more than all, most people are, is the, the risk breast would be if the whole history is basically of course us is funding lots of and joe's and believe you have lots of programs. there's a lot of evidence, of course, about us. interest is in, believe you and how much these can lead to a coup attempt, but even has just last year. what do you need to major agreements with both russian and chinese companies, especially c t l, which is the global either off the bathroom leaking manufacturer from china. i
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remember in 2019, who isn't how to go and believe against present eval more that is in collect in america. we say, you know, that's why there was never a group the top united states because they don't have a u. s embassy there. so unfortunately, this is our upset history, but i think the people reacted people were industries. the workers were reacting with general try, could cetera, and does all international, massive international support for president of louis obviously. so let's see the next chapters. the $1.00 oh $2.00 central does where one woman and a child were killed and several other civilians injured in. and is really our strike on a residential building in there. um belong a morning. you may find the following images disturbing on the idea of carried out to attacks and the city of their lot and central gaza is really fighters as bomb, the house. and one of the cities, residential areas killing and injuring logos to more people were killed in
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a separate is really bombing of the city. also in central gaza, at least 3 people, all 1st responders were killed in and is really our strikes. the report comes from alfonso hospital where their bodies were broad. a statement posted on guys, 1st responders, facebook page that the members were killed while they were carrying out their humanitarian work. the head of central guises and civil defense that the men were targeted at their work station at the news their refugee camp idea has yet to respond to these reports. a large group of people gathered at i'll ox a hospital to bid farewell to the humanitarian workers. meanwhile, as rarely as have taken to the streets across the country and press protest against the netanyahu, government's handling of the gods of war, people called on the premier to step down over his failure to return all of the hostages seized by hamas during the october 7th to her attack, are these very f, a notion of all this report from a rally in west of jerusalem. and the more he had to press
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the, [000:00:00;00] the 120 in the agreement
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with him. immediately they blamed the previous the congress has made a terrible mistake. mister newtonian whose appearance in washington will not represent the state of israel and its citizens and will reward his scandalous and
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destructive conduct toward our country. giving mister netanyahu, the stage in washington will all but dismiss the rage and pain of his people as expressed in the demonstrations throughout the country. american lawmakers should not to let that happen. they should ask mr. newton yahoo to stay home. the meanwhile, pulling stations have opens up for us or on. all right, let's move on in the meantime now to east africa, our police fire to tear gas at protesters in the canyon capital. people are calling for president richard to resign despite his recent concession and withdrawing
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a controversial finance bill, which would have seen prices rise for food staples, such as bread and cooking. while the additional security forces are being deployed in i, roby and other cities as mass rallies take place several arrest have already been made in the capitol. earlier i spoke with the local reporter attendance on monday and our tea correspondent and all of the same day on what's on folding in kenya to gauge the young people, find their their security deposit. and that's why deployed in the capital city here by the police will reset the spot, seeing them the police of please us out of the looping tier goes to them out of uh, you know, you see the block uh the block. uh the so i mean, i mean did they, using all the windows, the kind to, to be able to discuss these you tab from engaging. so i think this started you, that the young people have no uh the,
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the used to be using the stuff that are talking from different phones that i talk to you from different phones the other way. um, right behind there we weren't seeing young people coming from that place on the number of or the number of them already been out of it said that putting the police trucks. uh some of them out of out of that that came from a different faith. so that is our top 10 of your team right now. we've heard from the south african m p, and spokesperson for the economic freedom fighters party, lee and matthews. and she says, africans are paying a high price for loans, received from the washington, dc based international monetary fund of the biggest peachey outside of the restrictive use. this, that these loans come with is that they get african countries, particularly african countries because we all want to some of the regents content in the welding, tens of mineral resources, deeply indebted. this is one of the ways of getting in and giving be a has the tea and student our resources. ethical went over to kids who would be not
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just the i am, it's a changes, it's home mode, just upper. i don't, i'm not just in kenya, but in the entire well, of course they do to come in at all. no, this is not something that we wanted to see, but feel the forms to restrict cabinets and the way they managed and go around or across the country. the old poor countries around the world keeping out these loans is what is quoting at the dates that last scene by scene here in african countries and hope that be happy to pitch will poverty. so we can see, i think you to be getting out of the pocket to cycle because as one had happened to you out in kenya is that they have to introduce the bill of finance bill to rates like over $2000000000.00 a to be able to finance the dates that the heck the take you to the i am at the end of world bank. so we need to stop. and we need to get what african countries need to be just in the interest here is by the i m f and the world bank because that is
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the job common because the problems that they do on our continued. so they generally come get to pause instability. i mean, you can see what's going on with the d r c. you can see what is happening is out today, and this is all the result of having the width company. then we note that the i am at the bank, that's the house they said, and they come here and the instability, they ports to sip and you have a single company just needs that you can steal the resources at that is the funding in those countries and that is why fi us things right now, so there is nothing just nothing good that is going to come out of the i n s. and the world bank, they like computer for assistance of forces. and that's what they said it until the following sessions have opened across iran, as the nation is choosing a new president and snap elections after the southern depths of abraham rice. the and a helicopter crash in may are looking at live pictures now of the polling stations


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