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tv   News  RT  June 28, 2024 10:00am-10:31am EDT

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same time, it appears that us has resigned to a wider conflict that includes levels and beyond the shadow, whining. i've never seen anybody like this guy. you're the sucker, you're the loser. what this man has done is absolutely criminal. the highly anticipated debates between donald trump enjoy by doing 10 since it was named cooling spots, with both candidates hunting in. so that each other made mainstream media speculation. the democrats maybe looking for ways to put for with another tons of data on the radians had to posting stations as a nation of votes for any president is also the untimely death of abraham raised the in a helicopter crash last month. the
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a very welcome to you, this is on see international with the very latest wells news that day. just good to have you. within a top story, this, our job buys in on donald trump, to stay still for the 1st time in the 2024 election. the debate was meant to also vote as more insight into both of the con today's policies, but quickly devolved into a round of named cooling. my son was not a loser, is not a sucker. you're the sucker you're. those are all of the things he's done. we've become like a 3rd world nation, and it's a shame your winer. when you lost the 1st time. i've never seen anybody like this guy. he lies, i'd never seen if he could look you in the face of that. so many other things to what this man has done is absolutely criminal. now there was no studio audience and it was more of a q and a session. then a debates. uh, there was limited time for responses from the candidates, and they were unable to interrupt each other or enter. jack as normally happens
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during debates. uh, the moderators seem to be pretty careful with joe biden. uh, let's review. however, what they couldn't really cover up just by giving him a little bit of easier treatment the, the, the total initiative relative to what we're going to do is more border control and more asylum of present drunk. i really don't know what he said at the end of this is, i don't think he knows what he said. either i made sure every company in the world, every pharmaceutical company can not have to pay him. and by the way, the body's performance did not go unnoticed and the 1st words out of us, mainstream media. commentators were a desperate cry about the situation in american politics and openly commenting on jo biden's cognitive status was a game changing debate in the sense that right now as we speak, there is a deep, a wide and a very aggressive panic in the democratic party. and they were having conversations
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about the president's performance, which they think was dismal, which they think what hurt other people down the party in the ticket. and they're having conversations about what they should do about it. the people who are texting me were even more panic. they actually expected it to be better than it was. and now they're in a, i won't say a full fledged panic, but it's getting panic level, particularly among elected democrats, who have to share the ballot with him. um, there is a full on panic tonight. i want to put up some of these tweets and reactions here from jackie heinrich as she's as a very well connected democratic source, tells her the house and the senate are the g o. p. 's for now everyone is freaking out. he needs to go no way they replace him unless he agrees there. so you want to talk about them level of freak out at the moment. american politics isn't quite a strange moment. this is not a normal time in the election cycle for a debate to take place. the feeling that biden's just didn't do very well in terms of performance and the feeling that it may be possible that at the democratic
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national convention, they could replace them with another candidate as that is certainly widespread. there's already been talking of such a thing happening and now that talk is escalating. one listens to us media. there is speculation. the democrats may replaced by them the someone else, as there are not many lot. there is other saying that mine is not willing to step down. and biden's allies are very committed to keeping them on the ticket. a lot of questions are being raised and people view this largely, the reaction is that this was a win for trump, if not just an epic loss for bite and maybe not a win for trump. uh, but a loss for bite and no doubt its public reaction to the debate speaks volumes polls indicate the trump, who had the 59 percent chance of winning ahead of the debates. gains of additional 6 point softwood install controls binding who was already struggling. plummeted by 12 points following the exchange. following the presidential debate,
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the hash tag swap, the joe out to spread on x, formerly known as twitter uses, according on democratic policy, lead us to remove joy by then from the presidential tickets and the permanent champion full. the party political commentator john steward offered this smoking, send up of biden's week debate performance, and let's see how it began. both read came out and oh yes. ok. and then both letter ambulatory, they are both right. level one clear. we know the bar that's been set up for each to pass biden as a not look a and not have a senior moment go. making sure that we're able to make every single solitary person eligible for what i have been able to do with the, with the coverage i should be with dealing with everything we have to do is uh
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if we finally be medicare taking presidents 5, i'd the okay a high pressure situation, a lot of times you can confuse saving medicare with beating it. i'm sure it's not something that repeated throughout the debate, causing democrats across the country to either jump out a windows or vomit silently into the nearest recycling bin. anybody can stocking while in the aftermath of the kilometers debate, us republican senator lindsey graham said enough is enough and the buttons performance shows that trump is more fit to run the country. it's not about contrast thing anymore. there's no way that joe binds capable of being present.
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president trump is ready to go. i worry that we're in a danger spot in the world after this debate. we don't need any more debates. i gotta run the receipt. we don't need, you know, they can ship it to know this should begin. that's it. the american establishment was quick to point the finger off the biden's worldly performance with a few white house officials inventing excuses to clear up the president smith's the image. he was over prepared and relying on minutia when all that mattered was bigger in energy. one person in biden's orbit told axioms. they prepared him for the wrong debate. he was over prepared when would he needed was rest. it's confounding, performer white house official argued the people needed to be fired, but lamented the probably wouldn't happen because bite and rarely dismisses people . white house official says president of the united states was examined by his dr. kevin o'connor at camp david in recent days, and o'connor determined it was a cold president of the united states,
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tested negative for coven of the new york times, published a pre debase arguments on bindings upcoming performance. suggesting the democrats planned to replace him with another candidate is sites the president's physical frailty. and we use is whether he should have found the account pain because he looks weak compared to donald trump. that question will be decided that the democratic national convention in a few weeks by didn't, can resolve this by withdrawing from the race. there isn't time to hold new primaries, but he could throw the choice of a successor to the democratic national convention in chicago. the democratic party has some prominent figures, who i think would be in a good position to feed trump in november. so to have state most book sites, democrats plans, biden's, poor performance to have a valid reason to replace them. it was a disaster for joe biden. and a guy from the 2nd he walked out onto the stage 12 minutes into it early on,
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he start, he just, he couldn't express himself, he was mumbling and swallowing words, and it was, you know, said we're used to seeing joe biden on, at the big events speech of the state of the unions. yeah, he's been accused by some of being a getting adderall or some kind of drug or some kind of vitamin or something injected into him because he's a different person. all these democrats, all the media members, everyone you could think up for weeks has been saying when, when you're alone with joe biden, behind closed doors. oh, he's like a kid. there's nobody better than him. and now we saw what the joe biden is like. and again, this is not an accident. they asked for this debate. the bible campaign wanted this debate. they picked where he stores they picked every thing know might know, know already it's all the rules were from buying the scale. they know somebody knows what they're doing. and this was a, this was like planned in my view disaster,
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you know what they're doing. they know who the person who will replace joe will be, i don't know, but someone will debate something sparks on social media about who won't be trump signed in face of one democratic. congressman concludes it is b u west, which was the really lose the 8 on most tweeted good question in relation to who was actually in charge of the country. what i've done well as the owner of the platform, when names on the debates are spreading like wildfire, e last crowns them, as the win is of the events. and by the way, you know, actually it on the hip. good. how, how got a lot of, how god, hey every legs. what the hell did you say the virus, the,
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the, the reaction continues to come in when you old the very latest updates on the debates as with us election campaign. so do you make sure you follow the news online at off t dot com, the snap election polls have opened across the a well and as a nation, choose as a new president. so i have to be southern death of that for him. gracie and a helicopter crash in may. 2 of the 6 kinds of dates have quit the race, the head of the votes, leading 3 conservative sounds, wonderful, based on the tickets. the remaining high schools have already caused that balance and the wrongs capital one. so now, so far is higher than in previous elections, according to the reigning and electric commission,
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with more people expected to vote late in the evening. the indians living abroad also have a chance to stuff up and choose more than 300 losing sights and a 100 countries are open to accommodate the diaspora. the biggest polling stations located in a rock of syria, ortiz correspondence by the boss and brings us this report. at 8 am local time uranium started trusting their ballots off through the folding stations were opens . nationwide, there are around $58000.00 folding stations across the country. for people to cast their ballots full. so there are around $340.00 voting stations in foreign countries for overseas voters, the caster solid. now, since the early hours after the leader of the home and a half is dollars and the destination on periods and search them to
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participate in the election in great numbers saying, doing this would make the country crowd more and more people are showing even officials including the very particular format, which is one of the most famous folding stations at $61000000.00 iranians are eligible to vote. however, based on surveys conducted by different hearing and pulling institutions turn out is expected something to 60 percent their race phase. now between 4 candidates, one of them uh, most of approval on mondays has got a less chance compared to the others reward notes strong founded as
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the party boss and my suit position the fuller ring and presidents on the other hand, negotiator officers official who was the speaker off the phone, the man who was the mayor of reports to phone says that there was a meeting between john so that they can reach a consensus, one of them in favor of the other end. so supports the other services. so you have a better chance to compete with a
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certain a certain route is very high because each candidate is going to become the next assessment. it's therefore going to happen next friday. speaking to some of the voters of standing in the line to get into the folding station, the main concern of people was usually fixing the cost of living issues. and he cannot make a know, most of other countries on all it, all iranians are looking for someone who has the power and the will to
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start reforming making changes time as an old and a new member of society. and someone who's not an expert in political affairs, it seems that everyone should come to the pools today to participate and support the legitimacy of the system. we are readings and make our own decisions about the congress issues. we indeed have problems, but we hope that these problems will be solved with the arrival of a new president or show type of furniture we participate in choosing the political freight and governance of our country too old for the way of thinking better as close to us and what we like and to have the presidency over on for 4 years, we will follow the process of voting and we will keep you updated on this. we spoke earlier with isabella designed down from alshaun private university and she stays a ron has always been a diplomatic country. hey, ron has always proven to have a great trunk of diplomacy to word. so whether the west or whether the neighbors
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and this has been proven over the past uh period when they have said a lot of business. uh they have been a lot of business visits and cooperation. as you can see, ation with neighboring country. whether in the midst of the weather in other parts of the world. so when it comes to the reform, this maybe there would be more often this from the side of 8 or $9.00 to $1.00 to the west. but the question is whether uh this will be received our and welcome by the west country about has been that has proven some kind of aggressive policy to where countries like iran and all the countries who have chosen for exam will have to run the, the political system in the whole world is a change. the catholic stands for and ministry has accused the british
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foreign secretary of spreading misinformation busing claims made by david tom run that his counterpart was said to do crazy ins on going full conflicts done. the accusation was made in a conversation with russian pranksters both and alexis, who pretended to be form you crazy. and presidents portion was recently in, in the, the oldest 1000 because x dot and that convinced that puts this is once of a slice of the law. so does that stuff. so you thought it was you, you told them that put in ones to capture their stay so they were afraid. the yes they also the, the foreign minister said he, he said it's difficult because of a loan border with, with, with, with russia. but, you know, he said i feel that you, ukrainians, uh, uh, you know, he put it like this. he said you credit is a dying because that installed the they are putting the lives of risk to hold back russia and the benefits of following the video called
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a u. k. phone office was clicked to last house. it rushes for the prank, saying the, this information tied to it came straight from the kremlin type book. however, the contents of the conversation couldn't go on no to it says david, time and made a revelation about us on willingness to support ukrainian membership to nate. so the summit then, another case is summit of nato. and i rates yesterday, that's secretary blake and said that the there will not the will not be any invitation for ukraine at the summit. and it is, but the signal for us, because i know i see, i think the look it, there's no, i mean, there's no way i mean, invitation because america would support wanna and so what i, what i've said to the web presence that i'd ski is, let's try and get the best language we can about the nature of support for ukraine . but don't, let's not,
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we must have an argument between nato and ukraine before the summit. so let's get to the best we can. a bridge to membership membership is a reversible, irrevocable, whatever we can get. and then let's make sure we go into the, the conference united because we called for it to have a, a sort of public argument about where you creighton is visa v nato. in the run up to the july summit, as we need to see like a defense on the list on the full me indian military. the to has told is that cameron just expressed what old brits are thinking about ukraine, jury joining nato. david capitol, that's bull gun on his mind. what the victory shot thing game the taxes on here. green joining and not to to me looks to be very bleak. and me a to, to the wife, to sing for the, not the one you can to be part of not doing all because it gets if it, the part of net to and between you know, the optic and fly, you know, to say water on one is water on all the cookies of that to the share you been water
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is going on. does it means that the ones that you can become part of net to in between the last the whole to really have to fight again to us. yeah, i don't think anything of this nature is going to take place. and it also looked like that the door, the fence of a way that you normally recommend that you want to hand all holes on ground. and you can, uh, it doesn't seem to be in that they wouldn't be any good. so i'm going from that to and you can get on to the adult team that the you can joining that to a near future. and also central dogs. so well, one woman and a child with children, several other civilians injured and it is really a strike on a residential building. and the of the law. a warning, the following image is not disturbing. the idea of car down to attacks of the city of the, of a lot in central garza is ready find to jets bones, a house. and one of the cities, residential areas killing and entering locals to most people were killed in
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a separate is way the foaming office is also in central guns. at least 3 people, all 1st responders were killed and it is really asked, right. the report comes from out at the hospital where the bodies were both a statement posted on guns, is supposed to respond as facebook page. so the members were killed while they were carrying out. the humanitarian was the head of central gauze of civil defense that the men were targeted at the work station at the new throughout refugee come. the idea has yet to respond to these reports. a large group of people gather that at the hospital to bid farewell to the the mouldings 37000 people have been killed and gone. according to the territories health ministry, the government media office stays as well as destroyed 150000 residential units on the wall. i said earlier this month or the 1000000 palestinians have been forced to flee. rafa city i meant continuous states. wally on slows palestinians taking
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refuge in northern rafa. have 2 free constants, these radio tele reselling around that makes shift 10 comp. those in the comes of said there was no was safe to go and wish i'm gonna go to mcdonough. no way safe every other day we are displaced on the in our goals. they found just here. every night we can sleep. ask anyone here we can sleep. we're worried for children. i could stay here, but i worry for the kids mental but yeah, it may, i appreciate any mechanical in there is no place who can call sees. we're just looking for a place we can rest and we're really exhausted here. there is hardly any water. it's salty. no one helps us here. we have been stranded here for 2 months and no one has given us anything while we met. meanwhile, in indonesia and active as shed a hot breaking story of a palestinian friend who was in rough uh, struggling to survive, levine, my scanner is worried. she could lose touch with her at any mind. so they said
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moving from place to place as far as 6 times, and the last time they were in a rough spot. so they, they lived in a tent and she would always complain to me about how hard it is. like literally, every day she was telling me like, oh my gosh, it's all hot in here. yeah. again, because they don't have electricity and they don't have gas. so that's why it's very hot and they're single family, things like that. they can't cook them on the, on the stove and it's very hard to get ingredients to even call, you know, so everything is in our city. her name is lucy, no mosse gun. she stood in front of the new s embassy in jakarta, on their descriptions here of the sun, holding a poster that said, is actually my best friend. with other young indonesians only thing, i shouted and saw the dial it teach with the people in palestine against israel, oppression for her business about saving her best friend sleif dytanya and her family. the journey started through operation
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always branch together with the past that had contracts, movements that support the wellbeing of palestinian families and how to amplify their voices on social media through the project. only thing now what's not withdrawn? yeah, just a few days ago i'm she was in the dropbox and then um they were preparing to lease because they heard time coming through and the cam. so i by the time the tax actually happened, they were ready to go. and so they got this place again and that was also very scary. and because again, because it has to walk and then she lost sickness. um, she went offline for like a whole day and i was like so panic booth. and as a big sister is in the family that's were dying. yeah. she has a little brother with special needs, both love to read, and that's a good friend or leave, you know, would download arabic books and send them through chat for dine, your to read. the labels are passionate about dictation as they have big dreams for
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their future. dine yesterday was forced to stop. since her university got bought the most of the time they would talk through chad or sending pictures. there were times when daniel would send voice notes in arabic out of fear. after hearing non stop bombing mean slide for i'll leave, you know, when luck is on their side, they would talk through video calls for a short time. as for today, i was invited to join the conversation. where do you live right now? the
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through social media or leave, you know, has helped down yet and her family res, 53000 us dollars out of a 130000. they need to evacuate out of gaza. it's something that don you, i never felt hopeful about before, just part of my family. so her happiness as why happiness and her for and it's my pay and i don't want to see my family, her. i want my family to be safe, and so i feel like that's like the least i can through. like if i like, i always tell her like if i had all the money in the world, i wouldn't give it all for her and everyone is in his eyes. but i don't have the power to do that, but i'm just trying to do what i can't. but seeing the flooring supports, she wants people to know more about her story and thousands of others as for all leasing that she wants young innovations to know that everybody can have. or even
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if you don't not have money. because sometimes someone to talk to is what the young palestinians meet the most the us government's mounting budget deficits and escalating debt load pose a glaring risk for both washington and the global economy and also warning from the international monetary fund hi deficits. and that creates a growing risk for the us and the global economy potentially feeding into high of fiscal financing costs. the ongoing expansion of trade restrictions and things sufficient progress and interest and development abilities. both pose important downside risks. enough also questioned intensifying us trade barriers as they oppose threats to the us economy. its recommendations include an income tax. these increases on the entitlement program, reforms us national debt, has balloons to $34.00 trillion dollars. let's discuss this further with international economies mountain armstrong when he, thanks for joining us on. the program is good to see you. so the international
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monetary funds says us that poses the risk. so all the countries also, so it doesn't make sense to keep reserves in dollars, as well as being the dower has been weaponized. and that's part of the problem. but you know, in all honesty, this is a, a, a, an economic problem for most of the west that they just continue to, to basically borrow money year after year with no intention of paying anything back is if this is just always going to continue. when we get into these debt crisis, historically is one you cannot sell the new debt to pay off the old a. and this is really what's happening and, and it is right. it's a systemic problem that is going to, it's a really probably escalate
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a lot more next year after the elections. and what should the other countries be doing to minimize the risk? well, they all have this risk and we really need economic reform. the biggest problem with this is that it's really socialism. i mean you are experienced that with communism the west still has the same similar problem that you know to win elections that keep promising more and more things that they can pay. and so they just borrow to basically arrived at the, you know, the population and this system is just not sustainable. and that's what the federal reserve chairman came out last december pile. he came out and also said this spending is not sustainable. and it we are going into a.


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