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tv   Direct Impact  RT  June 28, 2024 11:30am-12:00pm EDT

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engagement based on mutual respect and understanding such resolutions are therefore neither constructive nor objective. washington lawmakers paused a resolution on tuesday, claiming the pack of sony elections were conducted with human rights violations. it calls on the us presidents to engage the is not the 5 government to uphold democracy and rule of law. the february parliamentary elections concluded giving a majority of states to the p l. m. and policy is that's a protests among supporters of jail full, the prime minister in run con. meanwhile, pakistan has announced plans to introduce a town to a resolution has walk announced from the is not a bond telegraph. so you say it's about time. someone responded to washington's attempts to interfere in a suffering countries massive in august. there is not the 1st time there is another states in going to metal into the political affairs they offer. so really the country that is a fight this on. so i and also it was, unfortunately pockets on is not the only country about, you know, united states,
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i've been better for a long time. i saw of the in the, in the wall and it's less than i think it is something that is a bad habit of watching things too for a free country. very, thank god, i'm glad the very if i could find the how does this on the, to the cause is actually a slap in the face. both apartments are, these are full based on the end of a defined visit and the design of the part of this, of this ponder for their thoughts is really very and stuff. but i think that this is a good time. that's fine as no start to. busy you know, give a strong reaction to such cycles. perfect. uh, i'm sorry to was that through use of are so super but thought about like to use the more invited by the 5 but by the i couldn't find it because they cannot let them do i need it. i think it is all fairly so green. thank you for glad that the way i could find have responded with us as well. coming your way next, the latest episode of direct impacts and i'll be back with more news for you in the
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see minutes bye for now. the hey, everybody on bins one in for rick sanchez and this is what we're talking about today . we are a fighting people and we will not allow any cool, especially against the constitutionally elected president, a chaos erupt, st. bolivia as an attempt to take over spirals out of control armed men, storm, the grounds of the government pallets in a bold move to seize power for president luis r say we've got the wild images and we'll dig into what this could mean for the future of that south american country, this is direct impact the
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to get let's get right to what's happening in bolivia and the parents failed to attempt on wednesday morning armored vehicles rammed into the doors of the government palace leading to a stand off with president luis, our se, bolivian television capture that scene with 2 tanks and several men and military uniforms outside the building. the soldiers were led by general, one who is only got known for his anti government view. so in response president our se caught on his supporters the stand against the perpetrators sparking a series of questions. take a look at some of the footage we collected the
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dramatic images there. but what's really going on, because after only about an hour, the armed troops eventually stood down. here's where it gets interesting. why does any guy who is now under russ claims that president our se, instructed him to prepare that show of force to boost his popularity? so now let's go to international correspond manila chance. so manila, what's your take on this? the defense claims coming in from sydney got that this was not actually a code. this was a false flag. well then there were means circulating on twitter yesterday about this very short lived to, i mean, some calling it the pizza, cool on line because you know, the crew began and ended faster than some people could order
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a pizza and have it delivered. but it is an interesting allegation by general zuniga right now, there is no evidence to support such a claim. you know that he was ordered to, to do the state to in order to help bolster luis, our se is sagging support. but behind is when it goes defense claim upon his arrest that is, that there is a growing rift among the mass party and its direction and its leadership by who, with a return from exile of eval morales in late 2020. and now he's announcing that he wants to run for yet another term in 20. 25 is as another layer to the political mass. that is bolivia. now if you recall back in 2019, when morales 1st fled after that, that military coup at that time. opposition sen janine on. yes, declared herself into room president much in the way that one guy though, did in venezuela with born support from the american government in groups like, oh,
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a us now. she gave the green light to the military at that time to quash defend by pro morales protestors allowing the military to shoot and kill $33.00 demonstrators . so it was a bolt, very tumultuous time coupled with the cobit pandemic that hit during the political strife. the elections got rescheduled, and ultimately the mass party still prevailed, which put luis, are se in office in 2020. so zuni goes claims against our say really don't make any sense in the broader picture. if a recent history tells us anything, it would say that there's outside influence at play here. once again, ben, well if and if there is outside play, i'm not saying there isn't, but it's sort of it in the whole thing was so as he said, it was short lived, it was so weak. what a weak attempt at the cool it's, it's hard to believe that anyone could have organized this, but maybe more on that. but that's basically this other story. so brussels is set to sign
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a defense packet with ukraine on thursday. the agreement is to bolster ukraine security and defense in 9 key areas, including weapons deliveries, of course, military training, of course. uh, building up the defense industry cooperation. it's not a mutual defense treaty, though. i'm sure you can imagine why the pac promises swift in you consultation an action in case of future aggression. manila, this is a pretty significant move by the you, but it's in another example of their commitment to defending ukraine. can you bring the us satisfy that seems like, but at the same time, again, this is not a mutual defense agreement. what does that mean? it means, so if he was attacked, we're not going to call on ukraine. maybe because they have no military left. and they're dropping and 15 to 16 year olds into the army. yeah, i mean, so bad a we can characterize it that way. yeah. but, but we can also do it through the lens of say, celebrity marriage. and here's what i mean by that. first, who is this guy that signed the packed for the ukraine side?
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i mean, the landscapes term as president ended in may based on ukrainian law in lieu of and now you're writing a new president. the inner room role should be passed to their version of speaker of the house. so the list e signature on this whole thing is dubious. now the pack itself is only 12 pages long, and it only outlines funding through the end of 2024, which is coincidentally, when the world will learn, who becomes the new american president. but it does talk about wider security measures, as you mentioned, which includes cooperation in the way of military training and aid to ukraine, specifically only to ukraine. but what i found most interesting was that it specifically talks about countering cyber threats as well as. and this is a, quote, foreign information manipulation and interference translation,
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the continued censorship of any russian related media content or even descent against the you or us role in making this a protracted war. yeah, well, and that's absolutely true. look, the, the, the persecution of journalism online media and ukraine is pretty astounding. but when you look at like american companies like youtube and facebook and the words that they have done to squash any kind of descent, not only has to be f, b i. but at the behest of ukraine's s p u. it is, it is remarkable to think that kind of influence that it's having worldwide. but let's move on to this other story to we've talked about this earlier this week. julian, a saw and finally back home in australia that we keep mix founder reunited with his family. after finalizing a deal, pleading guilty to a single charge of conspiracy in return, you'll receive credit for time served, avoiding any further jail time. take a look at the moments that he return home here. the,
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the, the, it was us me thing on the termite, but it was the entire world to a, celebrating a julian plans to swim in the ocean every day. he plans to sleep to sleep in a real bed. he plans to taste real food and he plans to enjoy his freedom as well. pretty incredible stuff. now, while the celebration is taking place in australia in the mood of washington, as you might imagine is more subdued, despite the sauce pleading guilty to that single charge of a conspiracy to commit. a crime, espionage court ruled that his actions did not endanger anyone. here's the thing, the state department spokesperson, matthew miller seemed to have missed that memo, insisting to reporters of the solid. yes, he didn't do wrong without really explaining what that was. listen to this,
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but are you satisfied that the case is over? so look at the justice department spoken that i don't have anything to add. obviously the, obviously the, the master put out a statement that said we were happy to work with our sterling colleagues on it. and that remains the case. i do think it is important when we talk about julia sons' to remind the world that the actions for which he was indicted and for which he has now taken guilty, your actions to put the lives of our partners, our allies, and our diplomats at risk, especially those who work in dangerous places like afghanistan and iraq, i actually did tory state from them. and i don't remember there being any public. there was a public concern that was raised about the potential security risk. those 2 sources who might have been quoted was there actually any for did you ever discover anyone who was injured? killed had to go into hiding. so because of them, so
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a few things about that one. i can't give you a definitive answer only because i wasn't here at the time. you know, if you drive drunk down the street and get pulled over for drunk driving, the fact that you didn't crash into another car and kill some one doesn't get you out of the uh, of your direct was actions and endangerment that you put your fellow citizens in and it's the same thing. same principle applies here, right? well i, i don't think that it does, but the fact the matter is that the state department has been leased as far as i know and maybe i'm wrong. but there's been as never been able to point to anyone who was compromised or to. ready or it's all right, the middle of this is insane. it's insane press conference. so i'm happy miller standing there saying joe, in massage, put our partners at risk endangered the lives of americans in our diplomats and spies, the endangered so many people. and the reporter says who, and he says, i don't know, i wasn't here, i mean, what kind of a response. and then i have,
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i have no words to describe matt miller. actually i do have some words, but the fcc won't allow me to say them. that was such a laughable answer that he gave you know, that was before my time here. what a lame response. i mean, i wasn't alive during the j f. k era, but i know what happened during his administration because guess what, then i can read and seek answers to the questions that i might have. what kind of week answer was this from a guy who's supposed to be, you know, a government official, he's actually hired to speak for a living. it was a ways only way out of having to be further pressed on a topic that you know, no, nobody being harmed by what do you weeks or the a sondra releases know and then but, but but manila, it's about just that nobody was harm. you can argue that people's lives were saved because of julian, a, sorry, the fact that you had people that the large numbers of civilians interact and of
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denison died. mean as a result of what was yeah, in place there and. and then you have joined a soldier when he leaves revealing it. and i would say turning the course of the rock more turning the course of the afghanistan war and bringing it in to this, the massacre of civilians. it wasn't that he was in danger and people, he's saving people. and this clown is standing there say no, i think it's really bad and it's bad. it's so bad. tell me what's bad about it. i don't know. i'm not really sure. i told me i wasn't here. tara wasn't here. okay. but yeah, we use the term, we use the term harm very loosely the days. i mean, i can't speak to anyone ceilings, reputations, of being hurt or hard. but to date, there is no evidence that any person whose name was even mentioned in those docs had a hair on their heads harmed. so that, you know, all of this is just a weak response because they have no answer. we got to go. but look julia, as long as the thing he harmed was the reputation of the us miller very. and
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organizations like the c i a that we're committing crimes against people and he embarrass permanent. washington. he embarrassed the bush administration. the obama administration. absolutely. that's why he wasn't present manila. we got fired up on this, but thanks. thanks for doing that. all right, so go ahead. we circle back to our top story today that dramatic failed to attempt . if it really was one in bolivia, find out why some are pointing fingers at the us for allegedly being involved. we'll break it all down right after the break state in the the
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position i was suggesting fell great. i was suggesting that we send americans in and uh, the bridges on the drain and put on your bill is us. an obama move donnie and avi now and they'll talk soon. but as to when you see it, all the owners will tell you that you will see the list of classes in the middle city. so what i knew about 12 past closeness was always thought in this one is know that the guidelines source or sit emotional around noon, it may be, you know, a lot less radioactive to the something is active uranium, but still it's radioactive. it has toxins that the kid killed the laptop. you want me to go and see. so these of us here again, let's see the eco seats. not going good. i don't. you know,
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those usually demolish. we're suggesting we pharma fell great the bill college. what was the and welcome back to our show and the top story of the day, the failed to attempted bolivia, series or squarely on x. formally twitter speculating that the crew attempt was covertly backed by the c i a which they do all the time about the miracles of why not this one. right? some are pointing to bolivia as extensive lithium reserves. so let's break it down despite holding the world's largest lithium reserves, the libya has struggled to industrialize the resource. however, recent agreements with the chinese and russian companies in 2023, it could transform olivia's economy. and this development is not sitting well with the officials in washington. big surprise they're. so joining us out to discuss, we have camilla scholastic. she is a journalist based in latin america. camilla,
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thanks for being here. first of all, kind of take us through this recent qu, attempt videos versed on the social media, but an interesting name on x pointed out that the time from the beginning of the so called crew attempt to its end to less time than ordering and having a pizza delivered, was a serious, threatening thinking establishment was a real cool. i know that there is a claim by as any guy generals, any guy that he was put up to this. do you believe that or do you believe this was a failed to attempt by an outside power? and these are the same questions that everyone inside of bolivia is asking right now. everyone from the left represented by the movement towards socialism. the party led by evelyn morales and the right wing the far right who left the 2 in 2019 . they're asking the same questions, and i think just normal every day supporters of the government want to know as well . what exactly transpired, what were the conversations that were had during what looked like the confrontation, or discussion between zuniga and president,
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luis arts and his ministers there in the government palace for a number of minutes. a students face to face. you saw people pointing putting their hands up and what we do know is that reportedly the administer of government, or interior minister, or perhaps english would. i told, told that this commander that he needed to stand down and tell his officers to withdraw from plaza moody out. they also said the government also said that they would not be adhering to the demands to resign and move over so that the military or the section of the military could install their own leadership in the country. and just like that, it seemed that they withdrew. and of course, in a matter of minutes, luis r say, and his vice president headed inside and they named a whole new high command of the military. which is really interesting. it means
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that we sort of say, survived what took place, although he is probably in a very weak position. because since 2019 we've seen a number of changes to the high command of both the military and the police. so now there are also questions about whether something like this could happen. again, whatever it is that is investigated or what they decide that this actually was, could happen again. they have elections in bolivia, in 2025. and right now, there is a concerted efforts by the right wing, and by those who carried out the 2 and 2019 as well as their allies in the exterior . that would be the us and its allies to try to subdivision in the country. and destabilize the country and split up the left, so that the right has some fighting chance that actually winning an election. yeah, it's, it's interesting to see how much attention is on bolivia right now. and i guess the elephant in the room when it comes to bolivia, certainly those lithium reserves. we mentioned bolivia has more than enough with
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them to make the country awfully prosperous and wealthy. and it looks like the country's leadership wants to heading that direction with the investment again, as we mentioned from china, bolivia, as president meeting with russian president vladimir putin at the st. petersburg economic form earlier this month. none of that is, is a good sign. we wouldn't take it for washington, take us through just how much lithium bolivia has and where are the countries current kind of lithium extraction and production industry standards right now there with there's been talk over a recent years about nationalizing lithium reserves in order for the whole country to prosper, but as you mentioned, the right wing isn't a fan of that. and certainly outside powers like the us, they hate that idea to yep, libya has nationalized, it's bullet, its lithium reserves. and as south comedy united states always speaks about this area of argentina chilly and bolivia has the most lithium and all of the world. and it's been a process, a very interesting process of the last few years since luis r 6 came to power in bolivia, following the trying for the bolivian people over the to that they have been
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needing to look for these partners to try to develop that lift the end and of course this has been a little bit of a political thing as well because there are bidders potential partners from the united states, from china and russia, and many other countries of the world who want to develop with bolivia of. so this is something that's always a factor, and this is direct. we links to what i, you know, any civilization or anything that we see in the country. we can't say right now, we can only speculate what sort of outside powers to return to your 1st question might have been involved in what took place in the planning. we know that something was planned. the commander himself said that he met with the different commanders of the armed forces. he was the head of the military. he said that he had the support of certain actors of the air force and the navy as well. he actually said that the reason he was unsuccessful and reaching his aims of over throwing the
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government and according to him, restoring democracy yesterday was because the armed forces are sorry, the navy and the air force didn't actually show up at plasm video as they were supposed to but i, if it is the case that a lot of planning applauding went into what happened, what transpired yesterday over the course of the past week, we do have to ask, what sort of discussions were held between the armed forces and members of the up the right, willing opposition, and any sort of allies they have in the exterior, whether it be the us to see in the past or any other countries that participated in organizing or supporting and legitimate my using the 2 and 2019 was it that sort of a thing, these are the questions that are being asked. yeah, i know and their, their big question is lucky. you go to latin american, south american, you see chinese influence everywhere. right. now obviously, the building road initiative has been pretty, pretty powerful in terms of the changes that are being made and latin in south
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america. you also see that the, the model of who that the united states has run now for, you know, many, many decades where they go into a country and they decide what we want. we want to control this either economically . we want to bring multinational corporations in here and give them control. and so they engineer these crews and this becomes such a playbook we, we watch it play out over and over and over. we saw it playing out in venezuela with one guy though, and it'd be a temp of us out there to install him as the leader of the country. and so we think that's taking place all the time. i'm just curious as to what is happening in latin america in south america in terms of the, the shift by people in those countries who say, look, the chinese and the russians treat us differently. like the us uses this hammer 1st approach, where they want to go and smash everything and then say, don't worry, we'll put it back together the right way using your own people, which it never is really. and the chinese have a very different model in the long run. how do you see this playing out? especially when you have a country that is so rich in lithium, it seems like the,
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the chinese russian model of say, let's work with you rather than trying to overthrow and basically take it all from you. seems to work better. or it does work, whether better you ask the number of questions there, i think is going to be very tricky for luis are set who is buying for re election 2025 to get re elected without the support of the broader left and the movement towards socialism led by eval morales. that is what the united states and its allies is focusing on their focusing on showing division within the country within the revolutionary sectors. within that is the people who supported that radical change under eval morales and the compass. the knows the world of people and the unions, of course, and digital sectors. those people are going to need to support the resources or eval morales wherever it as forever for this project to remain in power. and these are people who largely support the projects of developing jointly with countries
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like china and russia. research that has been very savvy on the foreign policy front of just like ever, morales, even though there has been a crisis internally and there has been some economic problems, particularly in the last couple of years. he has had very storm solid foreign policy when it comes to palestine, when it comes to iran and obviously russia. so that's very key. that means that he has a lot of support and legitimacy internationally. and he's seen as having some sort of a strong voice on, on particular issues. i think that it's going to be more of an internal struggle within the country to see if he can garner that support and the, and, and remain in power. this of course, is the 5th consecutive government elected by the bolivian people. only 4 of them had been carried out of the force of the 5 was uh, when edward morales was re elected in 2019. but of course,
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he was not able to surface 4th term because of the 2. so this is what this is what they're trying to avoid. right now. another disable ization attempt. another entry of these n g o's, uh, uh and, and uh, so called human rights organizations. uh, funded, of course, by the net by, you say, etc. that will disrupt the process. yeah. and whenever the engine goes coming, you know, you're going in the wrong direction. that last question for you, we have about a minute left. if this crew was in fact engineered by western partners by the united states and others, how embarrassing is it? i and we talk about the model of the crew has been run for a long time. it seems to get progressively worse, it seems to become progressively incompetent. if this one does turn out to be us, lead isn't just an embarrassment at this point to have put together something. so shoddy, so, so in the apps, and it's
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a now have washington's stamp on this as it does, it does further destroy credibility there. well, it shows that the, you know, washington allied sectors are completely inapt in the country. it's not the only to attempt to obtain these up so many 2 attempts, and actually assassination attempts against eval morales during his 14 years of presidency. we saw one crew, but we've seen many attempts against the resources presidency. we think the civilization, we've seen out violent groups take to the street and hold roadblocks and all sorts of other things in the department of santa cruz. and otherwise, this is the one that took the headlines internationally because we saw so many armored vehicles and hundreds of military literally rammed down the front doors of the government palace. but it's not the 1st time and it won't be the last time they have all been failed attempts, and it just means that the right wing in the country, the opposition has no strength. it has no people, it has no project and no one is supporting it except these exterior powers and
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their vast amount of money and influence camilla escal and say thank you so much for your time, your insight. we've learned a lot today. thank you. thanks. and that is our show for you today on ben swan. we'll see you next time covering stories that have a direct impact the the, what is part of the, the employee would post that isn't the deepest view of us and bidding the word part is it something deeper, more complex might be present. let's stop without glitches. let's go out of
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the radios had to the polls. destination votes were new presidents also the on time the death of abraham race, the you know how the costs are crunched last month. oh, so this out here one. and i've never seen anybody like this. you're the sucker you're those. what this man has done is absolutely criminal us 2020 full presidential debate between joint finding on donald trump defends into a name, cooling sponsor, as the incumbent democratic struggles to keep up with these republicans. 5 of the us liberal media reacts by speculating who could replace the 81 year old by didn't as the democratic parties know, many if he drops out of the race for the most i.


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