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tv   News  RT  June 28, 2024 2:00pm-2:30pm EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the, the polls closing on grid, our as armenians vote for a new president, following the untimely death of abraham are easy and all had a couple of pressure in they were on top of the developments here and the heart of the a wanting capital as the nation chooses its next president to stay with us for the latest updates on the experts. analysis of the course of votes. both are coming off on the program. us media outlets speculate who may replace 181 year old joe biden, us the democratic presidential nominee following a live debate performance, but many say as far as the conic among the incumbent leaders party. as donald trump delivered a strong display himself on washington, lawmakers,
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tasks and amendments for him in the us state department from siding down to help ministry statistics raising some of the question if it's an attempt to conceal the number of debts in the middle east. the mid day in guatemala city, midnight in colombo and 9 pm here in the russian capital. welcome to the news. our armenians are choosing their new president in this now election. it follows the tragic death of abraham. right? is he in a helicopter crash last voting time? has twice been extended today would pause now to to shut a 10 p m local time. that's in about half an hour's time. let's go live to our studio in the really in help of toyota where our to correspond to use of july. lee is prompting our coverage use of hello to take us through the story of the day on
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the crush. the question of course, who be leading the country going forward? what, of course, pivotal moments for the iranian nations as they try to decide their fate following the tragic and untimely death of president res, seem to have a cop to crash last month. and now the avoiding hours have been extended to times that were expecting that the forwarding hours will be extended until midnight. of course, this is based on previous experiences with previous iranian elections to allow for more voters to come to the paulding stations and take part in the countries democratic process. of course, um, initially 6 candidates were competing jobs after they got the appropriate from beach powerful guardian council, which is responsible for bidding any candidate in each election in the country. but in the 11th hour we saw 2 candidates from the principal. his can withdraw in favor
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of the leading principal. his candidates, namely jedi and well, how am i going to volleyball fog? these are the candidates from the principal us or conservative camp known for their anti western approach. so on the other hand, we have position, feel, and must be position be on from the reformers cap who is known for his openness to the west. he does not seem to have any problem with building ties with the west, trying to revive the 2015 nuclear of the nuclear deal um, which uh, from which the united states withdrew back in 2018, leaving the remaining signatories crumbling to revive the of course. so on top of the business accounts plan would be to revive the 2015 nuclear deal and return to talks with it was to try to extensions whether it was that he believes that this is the ultimate way out of the economic, close the country suffering from as a result of western sanction. so right now to get
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a clear picture of who is who and what is watch in this iranian a snob selections. let's talk to a boss as funny, who is a prominent political analyst, a journalist, and of course, a friend of mine. what. com. thank you very much for joining us. please tell us about the dynamics of the elections. what it means for the future trajectory of everyone's foreign policy. well, use of, you know, it's quite challenging to predict what will happen to who will the next president and many people, you know, a few days ago, they tried to look at the polls in order to gauge the political climate in the country. and today they are most of the looking at the following stations on the they're talking to different people. and it says that there's a close race and competition taking place between among 3 candidates. so all of them are conservative. the speak up, the parliament volleyball f as well as the former need to negotiate this age i. d.
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b in pilot with the reform is candidates must have possessed young. uh so it's, it's the highly likely that this could, you know, progress to a run of the, on the, in that case. yet, the more important question is that which candidates are going to advance to do run off on the 2nd round of the election. but it seems that you know the questions, you know, rise about the impact of the selection on the roster, mystic politics as well as its foreign policy is speaking of the foreign policy, it seems that more or less a similar foreign policy can continue because he runs loops, east, you know, policy is evaluated in the strategy terms rather than attack because one. so a runs cooperation with countries like china, russia on neighboring countries, and those in the rest asia, i think, will continue as it was the case on the president. right. you see a but even if you have
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a reform is president enough says i think the change will be more in tone and relative because the options that the country has and its foreign policy tool box will be more or less similar on the list. i forget that even the reform is counted as set that he will be acting within the framework, you know, envisioned by the supreme leader as well as there are some other institutions within the countries. foreign policy infrastructure which remains intact. and i think he, you know, the, even if it's a free form is present in the changes can be very relative on the small on foreign policy will be subject to continued to over change. but in terms of domestic politics as good think today, i think we will be seeing more wry will 3 among different faxes. a specifically, specifically among service. what we're looking at the big picture from outside,
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especially when it, with our, with, with regards to the western approach and it's mentality towards iran selections. in general, yvonne's political landscape, they believe that they want is vanya and political landscape seems to be comprising 2 ends of us, political spectrum. on one end, we have the principal scamp and the other end we have the reformers camp a. so these 2 accounts, are they conflicting what you thought with each other or do they share some approaches with regards to foreign policy? because we see that for example, jeff eady on the principle of scab. yeah. he says that his red line is to, for any type of engagement with the west to us. it's his red line to engage with the west. instead, he says that he did the country. he needs to move towards countries that share the same mentality like minded. the countries in the global south or the shanghai cooperation organization on the other end of the spectrum, we have the reformers,
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who do not seem to have problems with ease intentions with the west. so where do these 2 ends of the spectrum share? the approaches of all uses, you know, uh, the reforms have been traditionally more pro engagement with the rest. but there is one thing that with the withdrawal of the us, from the next it, the of the country learn. the lesson on following the positions understand, says by the european countries as well. they were not able to compensate the us, you know, exit from the, the same uh 2015 accord. so that's why the country shifted towards more collaboration with eastern states, including with china, with russia and focusing on cooperation with regional countries on states. uh, i think you know that the area that both foxes share in common
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is the cooperation with this then powers and countries have been with a reform is the president. this will continue because there is no guarantee that if they caught any cooperation with ease, the rest will you know, behave the country in a good manner. so that's why the cooperation of his face will continue. but when it comes to the rest, you know, the failure uh to revive the new plan deal as well as the sizes these days. but in the past few years, we have been sick, even not just from the united states, but from european countries. does not, you know, suggest that the relations will be in good times. so i think uh it today that as we speak now, uh there was more in common between these 2 factions, even, you know, interestingly the reforms candidates, when he was talking about opening up to the world, you use the term, you know,
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engagement with the world, not the rest, you know, previous a, the probably, you know, the former president has a romani when he was running for office. he was using the term, you know, next it deal with the west, particularly with the united states. but must we possess beyond the reforms candidate today is not using the term even the west let alone the united states is using that. the world which icing most specifically refers to a balanced depot just yesterday and was at our school. exactly. that's a big lesson learned during the honda administration when he put all his eggs and the baskets of a nuclear deal and only 2 cars for the nicest united states. of course, to get out and pull out of the nuclear deal back in 2018. i'm reinstates sanctions on these womic republic other aso, now this rivalry and competition is going on between the principal list and the reform is of course, if we are going to witness a reform,
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as the candidate named we must be, possess, gone to emerge. victorious. yvonne was most likely to try to engage closer with the west more closely with the west. but if besides the 80 or how about the body bought being come and parliament speaker emerge victorious. so either one of these 2 candidates both believe in the eastern oriented approach that's the same approach that was adopted by the late iranian president abraham race. the which proved successful and many now hell this as an achievement because if led to it was the inclusion to um the block of emerging economies like breaks and also the shanghai cooperation organization which supports by mr. volleyball lease to our game changers. and they're wanting, capitalize on those emerging economies to try to neutralize western sanctions on these monitor public. as you say, a lot at stake. thanks so much for breaking all of that on our tea,
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corresponded use of july we on foreign policy experts speaking to them of us us loudly life frontier on the go by the donald trump meanwhile, have faced off for the 1st time in the 2024 election cycle i'm the live debate has well large they've been seeing those that disaster for the encompass leader with even us liberal media outlets saying president biden had a rough game changing debate in the sense that right now as we speak, there is a deep, a wide and a very aggressive panic in the democratic party. and they were having conversations about the president's performance, which they think was dismal, which i think will hurt other people down the party in the ticket. and they're having conversations about what they should do about it. the people who are texting me were even more panic. they actually expected it to be better than it was. and now they're in a, i won't say a full fledged panic, but it's getting panic level, particularly among elected democrats, who have to share the pallet with them. um, there is
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a full on panic tonight. i want to pull up some of these tweets and reactions here from jackie heinrich, she's a very well connected democratic source tells her the house and the senate are the g o. p. 's for now everyone is freaking out. it needs to go no way they replace him unless he agrees there. so you want to talk about them level of freak out at the moment. public reaction to the debate spoke volumes before 159 percent of those us thought the trump would win the head to heads up where it was afterwards. but it's the buying numbers which will be truly alarming. for his team, his figures plummeted by a full dozen percentage points following the exchange. following the base, this hash tag swap, jo, it has spread on x or twitter. users are calling on democratic party leaders to actually remove job. i'm all together from the presidential ticket. i'm prominent champion for the party software as john stewart offered the smoking center. and
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let's see how it began. both read came out and oh yes. ok. and then both letter ambulatory, they are both right. level one clear. we know the bar that's been set up for each to pass. biden has to not look a and not have a senior moment. go, making sure that we're able to make every single solitary person eligible for what i have been able to do with the, with the coven, i should be with dealing with everything we have to do is, uh, what if we finally be medicare taking presidents? 5, i'd the okay,
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a high pressure situation. a lot of times you can confuse saving medicare with beating it. i'm sure it's not something that repeated throughout the debate, causing democrats across the country to either jump out a windows or vomit silently into the nearest recycling bin. um, anybody can talking um lots of fingers were pointed out to biden's wall bleed performance with white house officials offering a range of excuses to clear off the president's lack luster showing. he was over prepared in relying on minutia when all that mattered was bigger in energy. one person in biden's orbit told ac's us, they prepared him for the wrong debate. he was over prepared when what he needed was rest. it's confounding. and interestingly, the new york times published a pre debate article suggesting that democrats were already planning to replace spite and with another candidate for november's father. that's before any debate
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took place while the peace sites, the president's physical frailty and uses whether he should have found the campaign . and because of how we key let's compared to trump. that question will be decided of the democratic national convention in a few weeks time. by didn't, can resolve this by withdrawing from the race. there isn't time to hold new primaries which he could throw the choice of a successor to the democratic national convention in chicago. the democratic party has some prominent figures, who i think would be in a good position to feed trump in november, as well. besides the pump, it's posters have looked at what happens if mr. by the, the parts the presidential race vice president kamala horace, appears the most like the replacement. but the bad news for the dams is whoever might take over the parties nominate, is likely to still be behind trump in the polls. here's another survey offering up some thinking on that. the fox news poll concluded that biden's most likely
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replacement would be gretchen whitmore. i'm in fact mix the current president, the least favorable candidates in the batch going forward. let's take a closer look at biden's main competition within the party for the top spot. there's 3 main contenders. tamala harris is the 1st female vice president. i'm the highest ranking female official in us history. she's supported by many of the wider left all of the party, galvan you some also beloved of the left has been the governor of america's most populous state, california since 2019. and finally, gretchen with murray governs michigan unimportant swing states in the presidential election passed video. steve gill advise the bush and clinton administrations unsafe democrats are increasing, waking up to the idea of replacing biden to stay in power. the democrats right now, we're having to have that conversation with joe biden saying, joe, you can't drive anymore, you're going to hurt yourself, you're going to hurt others. and, and the,
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the challenge here is that he's not just blame politically damaged. he's the president of the united states. he has the finger on the nuclear button. he is the, the commander of our military and, and he's not capable of serving in that position. so the democrats are panicking, talking about removing him as they're political. nominate one of the reasons you're seeing so much panic with the democrats right now is not just because they're concerned about the white house or the people who work at the white house. they're concerned about their own jobs and whether they'll lose their seat in congress. their seat in the us senate, maybe their seat as governor and one of the sub blue states. so it's not just about binding. it's mainly about them. they feel well as reaction continues to come in. we'll bring you all the updates on the debates on whether that call to shelves by the, from the ticket gains moment. and that's can be funded artsy dot com. the alarm bells aren't ringing in u. s. financial circles. now it's after a pressing warning from the international monetary fund,
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stating the government's mounting budget deficits and ask living debt load poses a growing risk for both washington and the global economy. high deficits. and that creates a growing risk for the us. and the global economy potentially feeding into high of fiscal financing costs, the ongoing expansion of trade restrictions and things sufficient progress and interest and development abilities. both pose important downside risks. the lee, i am f also question. the intensifying of us trade vari are saying the us economy could bear the brunt of such practices. its recommendations include income tax increases and reforms of the entitlement system, such as the wealth for and medicaid programs. the country's national debt, which measures both the us. so it was, its creditors has ballooned to a record $34.00 trillion dollars. economists richard fern are safe. the financial policy us is following comp good one for us. we're reaching the
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point where the national debt has become. so laws are we talking about 35 trillion dollars and in particular, the last few years, i mean the, the acceleration is being quite explain show and we saw just a few weeks ago that the, you know, the expenditure. now the annual budget is coming from the annual budget for just the interest on his debt is larger and then even the single biggest item, which is the military expenditure. and so it's now that com, the biggest part of the interest on the debt is the biggest item. and so it is the sort of late stage phase when you have really spend too much and your debt is beginning to spiral out of control. you know, what's happening means alternatives will be for me. and because the other lesson from the, the us cases bed is the last night,
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every company knows that if you just keep printing money, spending and printing money, it sounds days. there will be price to pay. being the result of kind of the just means that's being delayed and delayed intimate, but even over the policy kind of go on forever. okay, let's turn attention to them at least 2 central gallon. so we're a local officials say is really our strikes have killed the woman and a child as an injured civilians, inter out the law of warning. you may find the following images disturbing. the 2 idea tax bombed houses in a residential area. 2 more people were killed in a separate is really striking on the city as well. it's believe. well, as a reminder, i made the ongoing idea strikes on gallons that we have these numbers more than 37000 people have been killed in gas, according to the church res, health ministry. since october 7th, the gals, the media office saves israel,
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has destroyed 850000 residential units, 79 sizes. tons of explosives have been using gals and leading down to just estimated a $33000000000.00 and that was the numbers of palestinians kills mines every day. washington lawmakers have voted to effectively conceal the gas and death tool. that's the spice us state department and use agencies having use the enclaves data for decades. and specifically, since the recent concept began lawmakers past the bi partisan amendment on thursday to prohibit the state department from citing stats from the gallon and health industry. here's one of the amendments or if there's defendant, the interest, there are better ways to do this. i just believe that the united states should stop relying on a terrorist organization for this information. remember, it is a mass goal, the sale propaganda to the american people to sell propaganda to the world. when we
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heard from palestine in dr. amin psychology, who accused washington of complicity in war crimes and guns. i am really very sympathized with the position taking by the congress. m a u. s. congress is this, uh, it's an attempt to come up. what crimes we have, what do you watch on that sort of media? the bid is the one of the explanation for that they, they are really delaying the acts of genocide taking place. and in augusta, do you have said ministration is completed in the war? crimes committed that gets the color stadiums. and by that estimated theme describes the really trying to get away from being responsible in front of the dimension that gore of justice, that prevented
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b u. m. best scenarios from inc cutting and assessing the situation. or they have even really a band honors a lot from a heavy anything to do with the situation in guest. and yet really be lying to see guys, given by the by the met at by let's see me and his ministry in guest which you guys, we're actually independently verified by of our agencies. i see no reason why don't you guys given that stated we have many, many uh children, more men. uh oh wow. i've seen the barriers. i'm the and if you guys are on that estimation of the readings,
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the guys actually need to buy the sauce. the nations are prominent russian figures on the over through of the democratically elected president himself. that is the shocking club pitched by a group of former russian lawmakers who continued in exile in poland to ask the western military block for help i and therefore the use of force against buttons murders, their finance. here some propagandists is morally justified when consistent with the internally recognized stars are for fair and imperative for victory. while this manifesto was dropped it at a full day conference and was told by a group describing themselves as the congress of people's deputies is made up of former russian parliamentarians, its being described by the times newspaper as a shadow, paula would not be put forward. distrust did you notice the victory planet caused for increased homes to crane, and the expansion of the functions ranging? so nothing new or nothing unusual so far in that,
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but its main item is the overflow of the democratically elected president vladimir putin. and it says that this can only be achieved by violent means. in other words, they want the west to back a crew to terminal. now this group was set up in november 2022. it claims to have $106.00 members, including former russian parliamentarians that even says that it has covered the setting m p 's in russia. or of course, there's no evidence to support this claim. so full body acts as the police cool wing of the freedom of russia legion, of course, and known for carrying out these cross pulled incursions into russia's belgrade region. and of course, killing russian civilians. but also the national republican only now. yeah, i keep hearing about that. they're based within rushes borders. right, well, that's the story that's supposed to be by using the footlights side. okay. this existence has been down to in the west, including by reuters, but it has been charge will claim responsibility for
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a number of highly profiled assassinations including a very high profile. i'm going to treat you and this impacts most famously, the killing of diarrhea due gonna in a comp on the talking the most guy region that he or do you know, of course, the daughter of alexander do getting whose midnight impress i've hysteria in the west. i called mentioned him without calling him at the 2 teens. brian, now this manifesto who says that it's no longer an option, but simply, i do see over the west to support what it describes as revolution reactions in the side rush of the mazda mind. if this is the former state, dumont deputy area, paul, nobody else who has advocated as we're about to have a number of targeted assassinations inside russia. were you, would you, i consider everybody connected to the war machine, government officials, to organize, or finance the war. business management produce arms propaganda, warmongers as well as military or security personnel as combatants. and they are
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legitimate targets for both ukrainian military and russian resistance fighters. so this plainly includes a very long and very broad list of people that hate things to be legitimate targets included on that list all to a list. of course, they are protected on the international law and liberally targeting them is a will crime. so, pun about any of these, he's backed by the west on before he fled to russia. he was known for organizing. i'm to government protested, but he's deemed by moscow to be a, for an agent. a type of risk and extreme is now he has some delusions of grandeur of himself. he's compared himself to the for mission fighting president jerry adams . of course, he's referring to the all right, and it's that guy's long struggle against voting thing to be a british occupation. but what, what he fails to mention is outcomes key role in negotiating piece and then to the on struggle. yeah, that's, that's a key point, isn't it? am, right, so let me just break this down. and steve,
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who's got terrorists asking nato to bach an assassination on who campaign against russians. do they really expect to get some more with this? well, as the times reported, this document is due to be presented to the full coming. they tell you some in july taking place in washington. it doesn't say how it's going to be presented. it doesn't say by whom it's going to be presented. nato in reality is extremely unlikely to by coding tools such as document coding for roku, at least not publicly. of course, nato has a history of supporting these kind of a 2 attempts in a very kind of stuff away. operation, claudio, of course, was initiated off to level 2 and it, so the military alliance allying with all sorts of organizations fall like groups full members of the s s. now the, this was in countries across europe, including in italy, in germany, and 30 and in greece. but also the west has
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a very long list of groups and individuals that supported including the budget dean in afghanistan and met in around the usa as we, as he's cold wine graders in venezuela. and he's also supporting groups like the muslim brotherhood. and of course, the united states has long been allegedly linked to obviously, so the west really has no scruples on the groups and individuals that it supports, as long as, as long as it maintains its power and had gemini can finally this news, our pakistan has blasted the us over its coal to investigate interference claims in the countries general election in february. we believe that the timing and context of this particular resolution does not align well with the positive dynamics of our biological ties and stems from an incomplete understanding of the political situation and electro process impact of stand. pakistan is committed to the values


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