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tv   Documentary  RT  June 28, 2024 4:30pm-8:01pm EDT

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thing, these kind of 2 attempts in a very kind of stuff away operation, claudio, of course, was initiated off to level 2 and it, so the military alliance allying with all sorts of organizations fall like groups full, my members of the s s. now, the, this was in countries across europe, including in italy, in germany, integrity and in greece. but also the west has a very long list of groups and individuals that supported, including the dean in afghanistan, met in around the usa as we, as he's called one glade. in, um, if it is wait, uh, and he's also supporting groups like that muslim brotherhood. and of course the united states has long been allegedly linked to i say. so the west really has no scruples on the groups and individuals that it supports as low as long as it maintains its power and had gemini. when we further discuss this with venezuelan
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investigative journalist, ego, secure has nation, has also had to deal with a western back would be crew figure now and exile, former opposition leader one. why do do you mean for venice? what else? it came out of the blue. he was like a 2nd there to your politician that southern he because of a certain amount of the elements were scared viable actually as a resource for the provider, certain junction this case, you know, creating a full shadow driver and most of the party leadership port in full was actually already outside of and so in a so that's why why goal was basic you chosen and yes, they, after it failed, it was a slow them a political demise button. the mars nevertheless, and crazy boy, i don't know what your tenant on a florida university. so that's, you can see like your whole biology of this kind of political that created students . usually this is the fate of all these kind of traders. this no other word for this, i mean, you will show spray in this case of so we can do kind of,
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you could expect something. i like for something different, us in become an expandable some been fabricating a new market. just like a big with novelty. now remember that idea not so long ago that made headlines giving free cash to every citizen, no strings attached to spar economic growth and level inequality. whatever happened to my business or genius, median trade charter. it's the american side, next to the of the is 2 things we love in this country, its cache and freedom. but anybody that's ever been poor here can tell you that in
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america, if you ain't got no cash, you ain't got no freedom shackle jack, i'll do a job that explode, you shackled to get interest right. this apps, you drag, shackled to medical bills for ailments. so they could have their own student loans, their default, they know it's an impressive in this heart. and then state of affairs that leaves people doing whatever they can just describe by because they don't have any other choice and that's not freedom. but the universal bicycle income can give you afraid of lots of free freedom to go back to school, to learn new skills, freedom to take care of it, aging parents, the freedom to start a small business and the freedom to leave an abusive relationship. the freedom to just not have to worry about money every single 2nd of every day. the
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plumbing up until literally the last 2 years of my life might have been like one emergency situation away from some plate. financial catastrophe. basically, i just, i live in paycheck to project, not having any extra money for any thing at all and you know, things happen. my name is tre crowder. i've got attention on the internet for these videos i made featuring a character called the liberal read drake. router, little read, what's a try, crowded long time, no scheme i want to talk to you about something is deeply personal to me. pales lot . people asked me what to think about like live matter. well put same place i find that they do for a long time when i was a young adult, i didn't have health insurance, you know? and so i wouldn't do i intramural sports and stuff like that in college. right? since there's because i was like, well, you know, when i blow my knee out or something, i'm screwed and those just those types of things just knowing that you're on the precipice. so if i take ruin all the time. yeah. it's extremely stressful. and
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i know for a fact just the typically that a lot of people in this country are live in that day to day. you know, all the time, only 41 percent of us adults have enough savings to cover a $1000.00 emergency. we have record numbers of americans who are on the verge of having their cars repossess more than a 137000000 americans are facing financial hardship because of medical that my son couldn't afford to live, sit in the saving medication. he needed, the worsening on a planet picture is simply staggering. the pandemic is also causing many to go hungry. my bills are going to back up, but i'm going to be in trouble here. couple, a student loan debt in the united states has doubled 40 percent of americans. 65 and older are in default. that's always going to be there for me. personally, i've heard about the idea of a universal basic income. it was pretty immediately of the opinion. well,
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there you go, so that's at least a solution cuz we're going to have to do something. the idea is this. every citizen in this country would receive a $1000.00 a month every month, no strings attached. that might seem part best to you, but it could be a potential improvement over some of our existing welfare programs that i grew up and don't get me wrong. i'm grateful for him. but i kind of look back on those programs and food stamps and all that the same way that i look back on the final season, a game of thrones. i'm still glad that it exists, but it could have and should have been so much better. we deserve better. you be as actually not a new idea in america, you can trace it back to one of our founding fathers, thomas paint, you know, the guy who 1st convince people that american independence might be a good idea. he's not the only one. martin luther king junior was for you, we are all one of answers and seems to me is a guaranteed annual income, a guaranteed minimum income of people and pro family is about from
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the 1969. richard nixon even proposed an actual plan to congress. let us play so far under the income of every family with children in america. and without those, the meaning souls siphoning upfront for human dignity, that soul bite, the lights, a welfare of welfare children the day. one state in america actually already has a form of basic income, alaska. each year they take a portion of the states oil revenue and distributed to every man, woman and child, to be an example for the world there and the lights. and the last comes out to be extremely proud of that because as a whole concept of people owning your resources and the government having to take the money back from the people instead of the government, getting the money and partially moved out. and socialistic program is exactly the opposite of what some people term, the dividend to be socialistic. it's capitalistic village screen. okay, so they've got oil up in alaska,
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but how do we pay for basic income and the rest of the country? taxes? yeah, said it the dreaded t word, but yes, actually it's time to in corporate welfare, get big tech to pay its fair share and use tax mechanisms to create the strongest, citing that the world has ever seen. and all these rich people can rest easy knowing the extra money they give back isn't going to some big sold us government bureaucracy. it's going directly to the people social justice. get with it. the ones that we want from a small town. a lot of times, especially in the south, it can end up in this like sort of a small town concepts thing where it's like now my hometown smaller than yours. and i feel like that's an argument that typically when, because it's a really, really small town. i remember saladas dislikes, quite little southern town with, you know, some charm to it and the football team was good child square was, you know,
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just little mom and pop business is a store for us that type of thing. and everything was fine. but at the beating heart of the town was economy, it was as big clothing factory where most people worked. and that's for my mom works best for me. i might ever caller to come out there for a long, long time, and then i might tubs. my dad, he was, he was the head engineer and my mom, she actually so every body and so on that you talk cable. this worked osh kosh osh kosh. they've asked kosh that, and if you heard of us, costco, gosh, or whatever. yeah, for decades the center of the towns economy was large clothing factory and then the mid ninety's after now i have to eat my buckets down at midnight and went south of the border and we never recovered. there's been no real
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industry that's come in there and the 20 plus years since and as far as i'm aware, there's not anything major in that regard on the horizon so, so on the, in my opinion is like a textbook example of the top place that would benefit a lot from a basic income and then also from the states, but you think the people there would be all for it with but i don't know that that is true the there it is saying that the crime these they ask us for gosh, factors, yes, my gosh, you did. how long do you know how long it was here? the factory was here and when he clothes people had worked there, 40 years you'll have after here. i was in business up the street and there was a little wind blowing through town that maybe a factory was going to be close. and i mean people stop coming into the restaurant
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and spending 4 bucks on, you know, a sub or something like that. if it was $34.00, or $5.00, people stop spinning it, you know, you've got the cafe, my mom and dad are running the video store and the car lot. and that by the time i graduated high school, that i'm literally all going to say and not all, not only is that all gone but like, you know, all the stuff with mama are getting all strong out. i'm going to jail my, my life changed tremendously for the worse. just like everybody else is around here . when that happens, you know, and like it affected like literally everything and pretty much the ripple effects under dent up. see. yeah, i know, you know, that was, i mean yeah, i was on the, the hits just kept on coming. the i'm saying, i think there will be a lot of people that will say, well i've no, i mean i don't know a hand that yeah, i'm not looking for hand. well,
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here's the white bring, bring the job bag. that's what you need to do. politicians. but like, i mean, can you easily envision a lot of people responding to it that way? oh yeah, i can see that. right. well, i think that's gonna be the problem. i would love to also see how they respond to that check right. last day, right. let's see what they did, right? presumably they buy stuff or, you know, finally get like the fan belt fixed on their car or whatever that i've been putting you on for forever. but i'm saying they're going to go to some mechanic around here to do that. you want to main, like see a radically, a big portion of it would get like pump straight back into just sure the general economy because they're going to spending all things that they need, that they haven't been buying in a long time because they didn't have the money to do or the idea of giving unconditional cash might not sit well with everybody. i know that's a shock or how does this sell a paycheck every month? even if you do not have a job?
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i think it's a continuation towards the road of socialism in america welfare should be a 2nd chance and not a way of life. we're going to take from you over here to give to you over here because that's what we're going to do. the universal base again come when you're taxing people and redistributing wealth without merit, that he encourages leaves the next source warren buffett to work hard wood floors. this guy to work hard, not handling them a check. you can not appreciate something fundamentally that you get for free. the know you might this trust. it's providing a guaranteed income to low income african american women and their families. so the med, no, you my distress, it's doing this in the form of a $1000.00 a month for 12 months. i am so excited. it's like my 2nd child in
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a matter of months. i have 2 kids and 2018 and they know you mothers trust is one of the it is taking a population that works so hard to be seen on a daily basis and really saying we see, we honor your stories, we believe in you and we trust that you know what it is that you need for your family. the there will be on us from industry for gay is so support my kids. tell me pay deals and have a lot to straight. from month to month. when my mom was in abusive relationships, my dad was there rivera, my mom. so when i got this and my relationship model issue was abusive and i was like, when never ever put my kids in jeopardy. oh. or in
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a relationship that i mean it's not working. so you have to break the cycle somewhere. and so this one i did, i'm going to jason and i brought this a $1000.00 a month. no strings attached. if you use a have, i would like them moves. i don't know, i just won't go crazy. but one night when me on my page this way here, we actually fell asleep on the couch and seemed that's what was right here, right outside the door. to shift to 1st day and they came to my mind square my baby after you for my life and i knew. but at the moment i'm nice to you here forever. i will get back to school, pay of some dis agency to raise my credit score. so that i can get the home that i want for me, and i love the
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of all of the individuals that we work with. living communities where they receive housing vouchers, we really are trying to figure out the impact and benefits when cash is infused into these situations where individuals are highly subsidized. but then also we're trying to get a better understanding of how the women themselves are able to show up. are they less stress? are they more engaged in their local community? are they are more engaged in our kids school? are they more engaged in their own self care? are they able to now look towards careers and not just the job because they have the freedom, the,
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the, the blue shirt. um, you know, pretty much getting up verify. getting the middle one jurors that really take him to the bus. stop a lease by $545.00. do you need him off of school or actually come back to the house? oh, this one she's getting ready? probably this will arrive in the lanes. 655, actually having to rush back home, get the baby ready to take him to my mom's house is entering the turbo tuesday. how would you give that code and come along, sir? come, let me say, let me say, can i say the reading myself and also being close at like 720, some light rushing, rushing. so i think of a lack of sleep is very challenging. i want to at least get to
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a point in my life where i'm actually working a good paying job i wanna job is going to make is meet. i want to be able to in saving, you know, take trips and do all of the things too. so and the reason that i am a fan of guaranteed income because it is this idea that everybody is deserve it. just by virtue of your being here, you deserve a life for you and your family can drive you deserve a life where you can actually dream you deserve a life where you can actually. so streams is going to help us really, really like really, really a lot i'm very size about these are not really having too many like rules or just tell you or you and you have to spend it on or how much she have to say let me say to nurse when i was on tanf the somebody's for gays,
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you have to put this, this is for gas and transportation. well, he see that i see you. i'm not here. you can say food stamps and pay lie. be like, you can't take food stamps and get your medicine. so is, is a big difference. being able to just go and do everything i need to go with is going to be exciting. i think most of america believes that our systems work. that's that we have welfare and we have these safety nets and they actually are doing what it is that they're supposed to be doing. and that's not true. this actually a med, most folks don't quite understand how complicated these various systems are in, in the complication of the systems that they're not wife. and you're just in effect that for example, if you're on 10 of your case worker to say ok, you have 2 weeks to get
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a job, but no support is provided and getting that job, no child care is provided. why you're looking for the job. if you do not have a job within 2 weeks and you are sanctioned, in most cases, that means that you will lose your smith for 90 days. with best means this a for 90 days, you have no way of ensuring insurance household you are to have for work. take a moment list this thinking and that's also why a lot of individuals choose not to fool with tana. because who can run the risk of not being able to be their kids a need. sorry. oh, okay. and instead of recognizing that is the policies that are wrong were blaming the families. were saying, oh family. so i wanted to alert or o family someone or you know, have to take the drug test that we're requiring them to take because their own drugs now is none of that. if you went out and had conversations,
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you could actually really get to what the problems are with these policies that are being implemented. i think our current safety and system is not working. and so i believe that a guaranteed income is an opportunity for us to rewrite the system. the everybody deserves to be able to take care of their child. every body deserves to be able to have safe and adequate housing. everyone deserves to be able to depend on a meal, a society they cannot take care of its children, society, they cannot take care of its elders. a society that leaves people in the coal without options cannot call the self civilized we're trying to elevate and push towards a dignity economy, an economy which focuses on the inherent dignity of every person and show that that actually operates in the best interest of all citizens we have to equip mothers to
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be able to care for their children. and the more we're able to do that, the more home society we're raising, the more hol, circumstances and conditions where lifting up so that we can make certain that we create these dignity economies. we should say the in america, we do have a welfare system in place to help people who are struggling financially, but it's a conditional system. you have to prove to the government that you truly need help . and if that doesn't immediately sound unfair to you, consider that different people's different financial lows can be very wide ranging hard to quantifier typically time sensitive and overall, just generally speaking pretty damn complicated to sort out. luckily for them, every american knows that our government ex sales at resolving complex and nuanced issues and an efficient and judicious manner. rise. oh yeah, yeah,
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this is joe. now it's in fact is the opposite in our system as well and truly broken. but let's imagine for a 2nd that you are deemed worthy of receiving government simple. the minute you get a job and your income increases that support will decrease. think about the incentives of that that can make it so that it doesn't make financial sense to take a job if it's a low paying job. if you are a single parent, you need child care for when you're working. you can be successful in your job search and end up worse off then you were before when you were on government assistance alone. that's called a poverty trap. the universal basic income, on the other hand, is an unconditional system. you don't have to prove that you deserve anything. you don't have to constantly jump through bureaucratic hopes. you don't have to choose between working a job and actually being able to afford your bales because under you be i, everyone will always be better off with a job you be. i can be an economic slower on which we all can stay the one to let you know we're having
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a townhome discussion and cook out tomorrow. i'm just heading out flyers for event . we're having tomorrow at the courthouse, my name is alma so lucky and i'm an associate professor of practice in political science at n y u, shanghai. awesome. it's going to be right across the street at the courthouse. ok, and we're going to talk about ways of bringing economic vitality to towns likes one of the great, if people really understood with the basic income is i think would be great if this is something that they started to talk to candidates about as well. so that we can bring the broader attention to the idea based income and get the voices of ordinary people rather than just academics like me. the, the simplest way that i can explain a basic income is that it's like social security for the rest of us. a basic income
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would be a monthly payments that would go to everyone. i think if we get these details right, basic income can eliminate poverty. to increase economic security for working folks and can give a boost to local economies like the economy of selena. that sound good to you. that doesn't sound too good to be true, the face. how to go back. exactly what happened. okay, here's one more on your wedding ring to put money on your electric. and then, you know,
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you're wondering how you're going to get that back and i have no clue. i'm going to get that back. that would rather my bills will be pays entering the on my senior specialist. i see it, i don't, i don't want to be rich by any means. i don't want as in india to, i just want to be able to pay my bills for my kids. that's all i want to be able to get the last tuesday. my husband went to transport court over his oldest daughter, not power 3, but his oldest otis, when he's younger that judge, look, i just got a job and i'll start paying however much shortly to pay most of it. that wasn't good enough. that here's the answer. it's to $180.00 days or until sampling can come up with $700.00 about $700.00, a lot of money to be $10.00 is a lot of money to do. so with hand on, what do you use for christmas? what do you do?
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need to know the soonest, the harder i tried for my kids to be normal for further and i go back in the one of the feminist arguments for basic income is that for very long time care work as being devalued. we've divided care work as the site and if we think about what really matters to include society to a society where people liable to flourish. and then of course, realize that care shouldn't be put too much more on the center of the conception of a good to say. and music income by being unconditional enables people to make a choice to spend more time caring for others. the
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why will what we types the wealthy for basic income is because we take the wealthy or we, we resent them for their success. no, it's because they're the ones we're benefiting from the economy. as it is right now, they're the ones we're doing well. the right, we're not gonna take all their money for let them cheap enough so that they are incentivized to keep doing the worst that they do. we want to reward entrepreneurs and one of our award people who take business risks. we want to reward people who create jobs for other americans, but we take some of their, some of the gains that they're making and we share it with everybody. and that not only has the effect of reducing economic and security and eliminating poverty. it also has the effect of putting resources in the hands of the people who know best, what to do for their own communities. the,
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the, the headline stories this hour pools flow isn't around with tens of millions voting in a snap presidential elections following last month. they're able to him, right? easy in a helicopter crash. we're on top of the developments here and the heart of the are wanting and capital as the nation chooses its next president. stay with us for the latest updates on sex purch analysis. public proof of jo by these lackluster performance. it gets done with trump in their 1st 2020 for presidential debates. first speculation that the democrats are controlling their incumbent leader under the box that says that new york times article released the head of the show dog fame. that's part of the jeep, were already at different. dominic critics excuse, washington. i'm trying to conceal the number of debts and the gals that war.
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following the passing of a new amendment. we report why the revision is so controversial, the just a few moments into a brand new day here in moscow on the base, the weekend, saturday, june the 29th. welcome to the our team. these are some $26000000.00 or when the ends have cast their ballots in a snap presidential election triggered by the tragic death of abraham rising and a helicopter crash last month, but will top not lose the costs. the nation after voting hours were extended several times throughout friday. that's across live now to our studio in the reading capital, we're ortiz, correspondent, the use of july is fronting our coverage and use that so the following stations have finally closed. the code begins tickets through just what's at stake. the
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use of if you can hear me, i'm just talking about the polls being closed. i'm the kind beginning take us through. what's it say? okay, an issue there with that use of live in terra ron. but the good news is we did speak to him a little bit earlier in the day, and he give us a sense of what's that, what's happening with the election and all that. let's take a listen at to what's usage of all the, our correspondent inter, on how to say about a rums outage. in the forwarding window has been extended for the 3rd time setting the new deadline at midnight for, for now, we have based on the latest statistics released from different folding stations across the country. i missed surfaces, keion,
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who was the reformers candidate as well as all the boss was the principal as contender or leading the election in 24 provinces out of iran, 31 provinces. so that will, uh, that mean that of course, the main rivalry is taking place between mr. hardy bob, a well known and a seasoned iranian politician, known for his principal as an anti western views and myself as john, who is known for his pro western as he was an open this of the western world. so this rivalry will determine, it runs a future trajectory, whether everyone would move towards the east slide, the same as the race he did during his tenure as it was president or move towards the west time revived past agreements with the western world. so, of course, there are speculations, by some observers that the election will read what will lead to a run off between mister volleyball and the surface has gone. of course, for now,
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it's too soon to talk about. at that time, around $21000000.00 voters and iranians cast their ballots and that's 35 percent out of the $61000000.00 eligible voters. i talked to mister bodies that he who was a well known commentator. indeed, as monica publicly run and he echoed these same stances for the last 4 the 5 years since the victoria of the summit server to shun. indeed, on this and media outlets, the main to sit in corporate media has been demonizing, you know, and that in the process of demonizing your underneath the theme and ideas selections. yeah. and question the democracy. and you know, that's why the channels like are cod, important to for why this an alternative voice, a more accurate voice. the truth is that, you know, we are on the election day and no one any one knows who is going to be an honest next president. that, that,
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that's something amazing. so he runs democracy is very vibrant. you know, it's democracy is comparable to any of them up to see anywhere in the world. yeah. and it's the talking points of this and media that's inaccurate. some of the issues that i, the support for the type of simian cause is going to be constant. and you guys find public safety in terms of making sure that the genocide, the regime is facing consequences for its met. there's, you know, given the fact that in the last couple of years, especially if the heat on dry showed relations has improve significantly. i think that's a policy of improving relations with russia who has it on his neighbor is going to continue. no matter who the president is, the, the us democratic establishment is in public mode after joe biden struggle to keep up with his republican rival, donald trump,
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in their 1st debates of the election cycle, even liberal media outlets admitted the verbal tool was a disaster for the incumbent president, a game changing debate in the sense that right now as we speak, there is a deep, a wide and a very aggressive panic in the democratic party. and they are having conversations about the president's performance, which they think was dismal, which they think will hurt other people down the party in the ticket. and they're having conversations about what they should do about it. the people who are texting me were even more panic. they actually expected it to be better than it was. and now they're in a, i won't say a full fledged panic, but it's getting panic level, particularly among elected democrats, who have to share the ballot with him. um, there is a full on panic tonight. i want to pull up some of these tweets and reactions here from jackie heinrich, she's a very well connected democratic source tells her the house and the senate are the g o. p. 's for now everyone is freaking out. it needs to go no way. they replace
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him unless he agrees there, so you want to talk about them level freak out at the moment. yeah, them you just to type out all together being that 81 year old joe biden stumbling debate performance has reinforced fears that he may be on fit for a 2nd term in the oval office due to the total initiative relative to what we can do with more border control and more side of present drunk. i really don't know what he said at the end of this is i don't think he knows what he said. either i made sure every company in the world, every pharmaceutical company can not have to pay him. and by the way, my son was not a loser, was not a sucker. you're the sucker, you're. those are all of the things he's done. we've become like a 3rd world nation, and it's a shame you're weiner. when you lost the 1st time, i've never seen anybody like this guy. he lies, i've never seen, if he could look you in the face of that. so many other things to what this man has done is absolutely criminal. yeah,
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well public reaction really did tell the story, didn't a big cause be 459 percent of those us in a poly market at poll said that trump would win the head to head that rose afterward. but as those figures. busy busy the rights of your screen at truly alarming for biden's team, those figures plummeted by 11 in percentage points following the exchange. well, after the debate, the hash tag swap jo, art spent on ex user to calling on democratic party heads to remove to buy them from the presidential ticket altogether. well, a prominent jump in for the party software, as john steward offered the smoking center. and let's see how it began. most men came out and oh yes. ok. and then bozeman are ambulatory, they are both right. level one clear. we know
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the bar that's been set up for each to pass. biden has to not look a and not have a senior moment. go, making sure that we're able to make every single solitary person eligible for what i have been able to do with the, with the coven, i should be with dealing with everything we have to do is, uh if we finally b, medicare, take you president by the okay, a high pressure situation. a lot of times you can confuse saving medicare with beating it. i'm sure it's not something that repeated throughout the debate, causing democrats across the country to either jump out of windows or vomit
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silently into the nearest recycling. then anybody can talking lots of fingers were sitting pointed after by these wall, believe performance with white house officials offering a range of excuses to clear up the presidents, lackluster showing. you was over prepared in relying on minutia when all that mattered was bigger in energy. one person in biden's orbit told ac's years they prepared him for the wrong debate. he was over prepared when what he needed was rest. it's confounding. it's interesting lee. the new york times published a pre debate article suggesting that democrats were already planning to replaced by the with another candidate for november. spell it again that was before thursdays, bruising and counter the peace sites. the president's physical frailty on use is whether he should have funding the campaign. no, because of how we key looks compared to come. that question will be decided of the democratic national convention in a few weeks time by didn't,
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can resolve this by withdrawing from the race. there isn't time to hold new primaries, but he could throw the choice of a successor to the democratic national convention in chicago. the democratic party has some prominent figures, who i think would be in a good position to defeat trump in november, as well. besides the pundits pollsters, how be looking at what happens if by them the parts the presidential race, vice president kamala horace appears the most obvious replacement, but she's got the competition. the bad news for the dentist is that whoever may replace the parties nominate will likely still lag behind trump in the polls. here's another survey over here offering up some thinking on that. a fox news pulled concluded that by this most likely replacement would be gretchen whitmore. and in fact, democrats looting respondents said that the current president weighed on here the least favorable candidate in the patch going forward. let's take
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a closer look at biden's main competition within the party for the top spot. there's 3 main contenders, kamala har, as is the 1st female v, p on the highest ranking, female official in us history. c is reported by many of the wider left of the party as as this month. galvan use some of the governor of america's most popular state california since 2019 on. finally, we mentioned her earlier direction. whitmore, governs michigan. unimportant swing state in past elections. while we spoke with political scientists min dyson who's phase 2, by the looks increasingly unlikely to make the cut for november, spell it. and that may well have been the time. but the idea that this crisis comes as a surprise for the democrats borders to observe, because i think everyone else wanted to busy covering up for by the recognize that, that he was not doing well. know what possible solutions that is on clarity could also now looks 2 words changing him and the, there's over and i mean,
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some loud voices call him for him to really be replaced, i think. and even on cnn, which is, let's be honest, a mouthpiece now for the democratic party. they argue that biting should be changed towards another candidates and that this was a painful to watch. so this was something to which is obviously changing. now. it remains to be seen, but there's a lot more today that are pushing for a new candidates. then it was 24 hours ago for analysis on the debates on whether the voucher called to shows by who from the running actually will gain the necessary lo method that can be funded are to the well a few hours after the show done. joe biden, returning to his re election campaign trailer, north carolina in an apartment display of damage control. the american leader claim
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that wiley's not a stop is it used to be, is at least almost like his republican rival. the democrat also defended the nation's economic record under his presidency. today we have the strongest economy in the world without exception. 15 the job 800000 matter factory jobs. for the 4 percent for richard, 2 years in a row. unemployment, a butts, leading financial analyst back to defer. the international monetary fund has stated that the us government's handling of the economy creates serious problems. not just for washington. it's a phase but the entire world high deficits. and that creates a growing risk for the us and the global economy potentially feeding into higher fiscal financing costs. the ongoing expansion of trade restrictions and things sufficient brokers and interest and development abilities both pose important
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downside risks. the i m f, also question the intensifying of us tre body are saying the us economy could bear the brunt of such practices. its recommendations include income tax increases reform over the entitlements system. that's a big one, such as well for on the medicare program, medicaid to the countries national debt, which measures what the us owes. its creditors has ballooned to our records. $34.00 trillion dollars international economists. martin armstrong spoke with us earlier. he is of the views, the financial was western countries face comes down to a tendency to just borrow money. keep on doing that rather than face the challenges . an economic problem for most of the west that they just continue to, to basically borrow money year after year with no intention of paying anything back . if this is just always going to continue. when we get into these debt crisis,
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historically is one you cannot sell the new debt to pay off the old a and this is really what's happening. it's a systemic problem that is going to really probably escalade a lot more next year after the elections. the federal reserve chairman came out last december or powell. he came out and also said this spending is not sustainable. and it, we are going into a crisis and we're most likely going to see a global recession going into about 2028. okay, let's turn attention to guys at the center of being safe where a local official sands really, or strikes have killed a woman and a child in derek. l belong a warning. you may find the following images disturbing the 2 idea of attack. so how is this palm and in a residential area to other people were killed in
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a separate is really strength of the city. as well. as a reminder, i made the ongoing idea of strikes on gallons. a more than 37000 people have been killed in gaza. according to the territories health ministry. while the guns and media officers, israel has destroyed a 150000 residential units and do some $79000.00 tons of explosives and gals that leaving damages estimated a $33000000000.00. and how's the number's 9 solve palestinians killed in the conflict? american lawmakers have voted to effectively conceal some of the gals that dental they've passed. the by part is an amendment prohibiting the us state department from citing statistics. pauline, i the gals, a health ministry of the spike, washington, and many of the countries news agencies having used the groups data for decades on specifically since the recent conflict. again, here's one of the amendments. authors defend at the initiative. there are better
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ways to do this. i just believe that the united states should stop relying on a terrorist organization for this information. remember, it is a mass goal to sell propaganda to the american people, to sell propaganda to the world. we've got reaction to the from publicity and children's dr. uh means salary, who accused washington sure, complicity in work crimes and gas. i am really very sympathized with the position taking by the congress. m a u. s. congress. is this uh, an attempt to come by law. what crimes we have was to watch on that assertion media bid. there is no other explanation for that they, they are really delaying the acts of genocide taking place. and in augusta. the u. s. administration is completed in the war,
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crimes committed against the philistines, and by that, estimating these crimes they are really trying to get away from being responsible in front of the dimension that gore of justice, that preventive b. u. m. best scenarios from inc. cutting and assessing the situation they have even really advanced on a lot from a heavy anything to do with a situation in guest. and yet really denying. if you guys get in by the by the met at bell. se me and his ministry in guest which you guys were actually independently verified by of our agencies. i see no reason why don't you guys be a man at state. we have many,
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many uh children warm and uh oh wow, lot of secretaries. i'm not available. and if you guys are on that estimation of the reason the guys actually because expands foreign ministry has accused the british foreign secretary of spreading, mis information rebutting claims may by david temper and not his culture part once said that ukrainians are quote, dying for catholics though the accusation was made in a conversation with russian pranksters boban, alexis, who pretended to be a former ukrainian president portion. i was recently in, in the, the oldest dogs and cats like style. i'm not convinced that puts this is once a slice of the most of cause x done. so you tell that when you told them that put in ones to capture their stay so they were afraid. yes,
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they also the, the foreign minister said he'd fit. he said it's difficult because of a loan border with, with, with, with russia. but, you know, he said i feel that you, ukrainians, uh, uh, you know, he put it like this. he said, you guys are dying because x dog, the, they all putting the lives of risk to hold back russia. and that, that benefits us well, following the video called the u. k for an office was quick deluxe united russia for the products they need. this information tactic came, quote, straight from the from the playbook. however, the content of the conversation couldn't go on noticed us. david cameron made a revelation about us on willingness to support you printing and membership to native up to something. and then another case is summit of nato and i rates yesterday. that's secretary blake and said that the there will not the will not be any invitation for ukraine, the scientists,
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and it does but signal for us. because i know i see, i think the look it, there's no, i mean there's not really an invitation to the america would support one a. and so what i, what i've said to the president is that etzky is, let's try and get the best language we can about the nature of support for ukraine . but don't, let's, that we must have an argument between nato and ukraine before the summit. so let's get to the best we can, a bridge to membership membership is a reversible ed, revokable, whatever we can get. and then let's make sure we go into the, the conference united. because we called before to have a, a sort of public argument about where ukraine is. visa v nato. in the run up to the july summit, the nato box to assess the nations of prominent russian figures of an overthrow of the countries democratically elected president himself. as a shocking plan, pitched by a group of former russian lawmakers who had convened in exile in poland to ask the
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western military block for him. and therefore the use of force against buttons murders. their finance. here are some propagandists is morally justified when consistent with the internally recognized stars are for fair and imperative for victory. while this manifesto was dropped it as a full day conference and was told by a group describing themselves as the congress of people's deputies is made up of former russian parliamentarians explain, described by the times newspaper as a shadow, paula would not be put forward, distrusted, do you notice the victory planet cause for increase on so you, crane and the expansion all the functions raging. that claims to have $106.00 members, including former russian parliamentarians or even says that it has covered the serving m p. 's in russia. or, of course, there's no evidence to support this claim. so for somebody acts as the police go waiting on the freedom of russia legion, of course,
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and known for carrying out these cross pulled incursions into russia's world regional nicole's killing russian civilians. but also the national republican all me now. yeah, i see. i keep hearing it within there based within rushes borders. right. the boss, a story that's supposed to be by using the footlights side. okay. this existence has been down to in the west, including by reuters, but it has been shown to claim responsibility for a number of highly profiled assassinations, including a very high profile. i'm going to treat you and this impacts always. famously, the killing of diarrhea due gonna in a comp on the talk in the most i region that he or do you know, of course, the daughter of alexander do didn't. who's midnight and provoked hysteria in the west. i call him mention him without calling him to teens. brian, now this manifesto who says that he's no longer an option, but simply i do see over the west to support what it describes as revolution
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reactions in side. most of them also mind if this is the former state, dumont deputy area on are the else who has advocated as we're about to have a number of targeted assassinations inside russia. who were you, would you, i consider everybody connected to the war machine, government officials, to organize or finance the war. business management produce arms propaganda, warmongers, as well as military or security personnel as combatants. and they're legitimate charges for both ukrainian military and russian resistance fighters at the post, william. so this plainly includes a very long and very broad list of people that hate things to be legitimate targets included on that list all to a list. of course i have protected on the international lawyer deliberately targeting them is a real crime. so part of any of these he's backed by the west and before he fled to russia. he was known for organizing anti government protested, but he's deemed by moscow to be a for an agent,
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a terrorist and extreme is now he has some delusions of grandeur of himself. he's compared himself to the full mission fighting president jerry adams. of course, he's referring to the all right, and it's decades long struggle against voting thing to be a british occupation. but what he fails to mention is adams key role in negotiating piece and then to the on struggle. yeah that's, that's a key point, isn't it? right? so let me just break this down in steve, who's got terrorist asking nato to bach on assassination and campaign against russians. do they really expect to get some more with this? well, as the times reported, this document is due to be presented, the full coming. they throw some in july taking place in washington. it doesn't say how it's going to be present if it doesn't say by whom it's going to be presented. nato in reality is extremely unlikely to by coding tools such as document coding for roku, at least not publicly. of course, nato has
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a history of supporting these kind of cool attempts in a very the stuff away operation. claudio, of course, was initiated off to level 2 and it, so the military alliance allying with all sorts of organizations fall like groups full members of the s s. now the, this was incomplete across europe, including in italy, in germany, integrity and in greece. but also the west has a very long list of groups and individuals that it's supported, including the legit dean in afghanistan and met in or on the usa as we as he's cold, wind glade us in venezuela. and he's also supporting groups like the muslim brotherhood . and of course the united states has long been allegedly linked to our you see. so the west really has no scruples on the groups and individuals that it supports, as long as, as long as it maintains its power and
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a gemini in law. moscow has appealed to the un educational, scientific, and cultural organization to formally condemn the killing of russian journalist. moscow pointed to a monday that obligates unesco to make such statements. however, the international body of its leadership hops so far, decline to weigh in. at least 30 your russian media workers have been killed since the ip break of the ukraine conflict. some like daria do gonna, and lovelyn to tar ski. we're assessed and they did far from the front lines. we heard from russia's envoy to unesco in par us and the
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archie has launched the documentary film festival here in moscow focusing on the her ruined feet. some decorated russian soldiers on the front lines are correspondent for long cost red flows. among those of the old girl screening. we are the most go expo at the artsy documentary festival cold. so i am about heroes. as you can see, the line had extended right around the block here at this expo. well, this year it, united journalist ministry correspondence officers and soldiers of the russian army as well. and of course, members of the public to this year,
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they will see more documentary films made by archie and all the producers as well in regards to the special military operation about the soldiers about volunteers. and of course about what correspondence as well the r t, launch the 1st international festival time of our heroes in most code, back in february 2023. after the premier, the festival moved on to other russian cities. it also came to dunbar. films were shown to russian soldiers stationed along the front lines, as well as in the hospital. over the years of his broadcasting the 24 hour archie, the documentary tv channel has produced more than $1000.00 films, many of which have one procedures, international awards. since the beginning of the festival, it's already been used by over 60000 people all over the world,
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mainly in the 17 countries, including 2 nato nations. that's a, it's an 8, and it's searching v r t documents for the festival time of i here also will be held here in moscow for a period of 3 days. and every single day is going is expected to be uh, sold out at the moment. like i said, this festival has united to the public and their heroes. the soldiers and officers are fighting and especially miniature operation, as well as war correspondence for covering this for the entire country on call for emergency last. now it's been called the copy or capital of the world, and next we get an up close and personal look at why russia's southern region of esther account is so fame for the pricey delicacy in law and visions gets going by the
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today. the are of countries are in my view, in a stronger position than they were in 1973. they carry much more economic weight and they didn't 1973 today guys. uh united something and. and it's very clear that the palestinian issue is not going to go away and there is no way israel will be integrated in the region before this process. and the issue is resolved, the the,
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[000:00:00;00] the we are in a rush or southern region on where the mighty pull the flows into the caspian sea forming of the largest as to where in continental europe, which means it's a great place to learn about the
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public. so you thank you for bringing us out here. i think we have the best office in all of russia today, but at least the best view more relax. um, as a fisherman, i have a couple of questions to ask you. um, 1st of all, i've heard that it's best to go fishing at dawn. why is that move as because fish get very hungry over nights and bellowed and also in some of the warranty cools down by doing it. and that's when pageantry finished become more active. you know, i know that you have some rules as fishermen that you go buy. one of them is to release younger fishers, smaller fish when you catch them. are there any other rules that are mandatory for you? like next we release younger fish as well as very large specimens that can produce a lot of all spring on. so we were the smaller fish, the minimum allowed standard, and also launch vase useful for reproduction. what sounds like though, i know that sometimes fishermen have supers decisions like maybe eat a big meal before you go out so you can get
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a big catch what types of superstitions or traditions do you guys have look like or develop fishermen? we never bring fish with us. when we go fishing. what do you think that people should understand or should know about what you do out here? what beautiful? possibly people shouldn't have an appreciation of the vulgar river to they should act responsibly to keep it clean. and if they do that stuff too nice, you won't take care of the rest with the show along with of the, from the humble beginnings of food of fishermen to a symbol of the leech and wealthy. we've come to one of the best farms in the world to see how black caviar is making
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the . so this is really cool to be able to see how this has done. thank you for bringing this out here. so i have to ask, what kind of a fish is a sturgeon and why do they like the caspian sea so much? let's go surgeons belong to a group of age and fish. do you know that the surgeon has no burden skeleton? it has both material on the outside and what's inside is called image, call it, and this is what holds it together and it's on the surface of its body that it has bony plates escape. why do they loved the caspian sea because of searching tomorrow? it has many most solemnity and is home to the surgeons food chain. we're talking about mollusks and reply to natural food for stages. and this is the guy says, oh, i've heard that they're kind of like dinosaurs and they have roommate into these ancient creatures. how they stayed with us, so unchanged for so long. well,
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and that's good. it's true that they once lived among dinosaurs, they adopt easily and are you into disease this facility and help them survive to this day? i understand that they kind of have a navigation system of their own that they go out to the caspian sea, but they always return to where they were born so that they can give breast themselves talking me a little bit about that process that i just 3 yes, they do have a so called homing and but it's the west fish pulled in a specific type of food to come back to it to support i'm a stages are anonymous fish, which means they mature and spend most of their lives and see but come back to the place where they were born, where they had to use the technical term for breeding purposes already. yes. do you remember playing and you say that you treat your stringent here with love and care in this farm system, but a farm system is still not a natural system. talk to me a little bit about the differences in how are they treated with loving care distribution? yes, it's true that it's not the same as a natural habitats. however,
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we do everything we can to make sure that the conditions here much those in the wild. they have a natural flow through system. we use water from the vulgar and we give them the typical food, such as the caspian sea sprites and hiring for the florida. understand that they're going to get really hot. if they stay up here in the shallow water, should we give them arrest the yes, let's do it. the so i know the district and doesn't produce um caviar until it's at least 15 years old. maybe. so tell me about the adolescence. what happens in the 1st 15 years of officious life? and that's because that's bar so emotion stuff and it's best for one. when they reach 14 years of age, males reach maturity, a 12, we have several species of session here at this farm, apart from russian sturgeon,
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we have believed in boston stretching, which is a rat, an unusual time. but i know a lot of them mature, a different ages, beluga mature between 16 and 18 years of age, almost like humans until that time the fish are kept in ponds when they grow around the age of 3 or 5 for beluga. when the sex can be identified and males can be distinguished from females, they are placed in 2 separate phones until they reach maturity. the beautiful city vine, you know, you practice what you call lifetime caviar production. what does that mean? is it, it can to given childbirth in certain sort of way we deal with the no kill harvesting method which allows us to milk the fish without killing it. by the time of that the sports dungeons on to go annual assessment to establish that production capacity. so we've got each spring and full, we pull the fish out and check the size and weight and do an ultrasound. and the ultra sound helps us see the development stage of the road. once it reaches stage 4,
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we know the fish can be transferred to the school any point to the as a rule, since we imitate a natural environment, all fish get ready for harvesting in may, which would be a natural time in the wild. so each may we have fish, the ready to produce eggs, old, lined up and waiting for the ton. we perform a minus surgery, it's a tiny block, this incision, and then we massaged on milk. the x out these x of then either send to be process will copy all at all factory at auster 100 we finalized so that we can get larvae and juveniles which we also raise him years. this couple different questions here. first of all, how long discharging live and how many times can they give a caviar in their lifetime? russians dodge and live for 50 years ago, the believe, discharge, and as a lonely living fish with a lifespan of around 100 years. we have a 50 year old beluga at all from so do to over fishing. the surgeon type lation has become endangered species. is it safe to say that the only
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way that people can get caviar now is through a farm system like yours? that's not entirely true statues do you live in the wild? there are scientific institutions in russia. the make this happen does also state programs designed to increase the walls dudgin population fish hatchery is breed young fish to replenish the surgeon population in natural environments. and i understand that you have a role here at your firm that you release a certain number of young sturgeon so that they can go out into the wild and naturally live. when does that process take place and how does that work? well, we have a special program that has been implemented for over a decade now at school stages, cost present, and future. we're trying to engage children to show them that there's a unique species of fish that lives in the caspian sea. we want them to be able to touch it, went to take it in the hands and release it into the bulk or that's why on june, 1st on international children's day, we hold an annual event to release fish into the river and invite school children
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to participate the number of fish released is different every year, but it always takes place on june 1st or were you in the thank you for bringing us into the facility. see how this is all done? it's kind of fascinating for me to watch. what makes good quality top and caviar white, beautiful as well known good products only come from top quality. raw materials is the tiny gap between the farm and cover production facility is minimal because only the cover that goes immediately into processing is considered high grade. and a good product also requires skill and experience from the staff involved in the process losing my head so nice and process. it may sound like a strange question,
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but i've heard that you can actually hear caviar. what do they mean by that? what do you here know, yesterday we have, i know to if you take it jeff, god, there for example, you need to make sure it's full to the brim. the pool is to use the what would that good for pretty shaken like this? and if you don't hear a girl going sound in the jar, then you can be sure the product is of high quality and you can buy it. but if there is some noise or gurgling, i don't recommend buying it. now caviar, comes in different colors, is that it comes from a golden brown to the black cover that we see right here in front of us. what makes a caviar have different looks look good you have here has a natural pigment. it is located on the membrane of the ro pounds. the color range and pilot are so rich. the color of gather also depends on the species and breed of the fish. if the cover is obtained from the sturgeon, then the shades of yellowish green greenish and brownish dark dogs will prevail in the color fill out. and if the carrier is obtained from the little guy,
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then it's strictly ranges from library to gray in the caverns obtained from starlet sturgeon. then it can also have shaped from log gray to gray to black. it's such a ridge color, pull out the codes that way if i need to. so someone who takes wine a good smelly, i can tell the region that is from can tell the age of the the of the vineyard. what can you tell from the taste of caviar? what can a good caviar, smile you a uh tell from the fish itself. so you could have got them all together. we process comes from maturer sturgeon's deficiency or dense and firm. they should all be uniform of the same color and size. so knowledgeable person can easily spot any defects. now i know that you've prepared all of this for me, so thank you very much. i'm going to take this and see how much i can eat tonight.
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the unit, thank you very much for taking the time to talk to stay. there's a lot so we can talk about fish. nobody's in yellow. i'll be more than happy to tell you everything you want to know. so there's a, an idea that um caviar specifically, sturgeon's caviar is good for your health. is this true? the thing is, the black coffee all is a product, but like know of is rich and micro nutrients and victim in scott. capital is also exceptionally which in protein and all of that protein is easily digestible. which means that 97 percent of its protein content will be fully digested by all systems . copy of also contains a lot of healthy fatty acids like omega. everyone has heard of that one,
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and casio is also exception the which in a particular variety of the omega 3 fatty acids cooled dpa, that is particularly good for syrup of vascular health. and for the amine system that's probably what about the size of the fish? there's an idea of that eating smaller fish is better than bigger fish because of mercury contents has talked to me about that. the us. yes, sure. you're right. about fact, it's not just an opinion. it's a proven fact that big a fish have a high and low grade content than smaller ones. but it's important to remember that what we're talking about is some very big fish indeed like shock. so sort fish which you know, because keeping it can be really huge. old very big catfish ok. like to avoid health problems. it's recommended to eat no more than half a pound of such fish per week. you know, what about salt water versus fresh water? there's an idea that salts actually disinfect the fish and gets rid of parasites,
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whereas fresh water leaves all of those impurities and isn't the truth inside you that might. yeah, right. you see, the important thing to know is that both salt water and fresh water fish have parasites when it's who and cooked fish. but if you cook it properly, it will be completely homeless and safe to eat. the key is to cook the fish properly with you. boy. let's do it or fry it. oh, bake it. just do it until it's well, coach. there's the pool. is that sort of the thank you for bringing us into your lab. you are doing things with fish, that is kind of thinking outside of the box, for example, the scales and the bones of fish, things that we think of as
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a waste product. you're doing some creative things with. tell me about that. what can we do with fish phones and scales? lets you see skin scales and bones are rich in college, and then all this waste can be put to good use and not buy households of course, but by enterprises like ours producing some very valuable products. since these parts of the fish are rich in college and it's naturally a product we can extract in various forms, one of the things we produce is unable college in the city. it's a recent innovation, it's been discovered and researched over the last 2 decades. so it's a fairly new product as me, but 1st of all, it's college in peptides that help your system stay young. there's also gelatin that's used in the food industry for making deserts, candies and so on. and fish gelatin is a hollow product, which is also important from the. so you mentioned gelatin. what makes gelatin made
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from fish and byproduct, better than original gelatin? which lets him gelatin can be produced from the bones of pegs and cattle and from fish to making fish gelatin is a new technology. well, cows are prone to certain diseases, fish or not. and that's an important factor. it's a bio available substance that's easy to digest. for few minutes, but the really cool, so i would snatch mark on using. i also heard you mention college and i know i've or just that you can make edible packaging out of college. and what does that look like? what does that mean? i mean, can i wrap an ice cream in this college in packaging and be able to eat it? that means you implement yes, we make some from these products. it's biodegradable even edible packaging. by the way, a very important point is that it has no odor. raw materials from fish have an odor that is very specific. we use multi stage processing to remove this odor. and this film has no odor for. let's check whether there's a note or not for the most do,
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but he's got the feeling you with you have some time opening account of college and lunch with me. what's the, this is the product. is there a note or no you want and look, i also really like that. it's very transparent. i mean, when it's in room temperature, it's like a liquid look. now it's called some code me, e, and look at the strength of it. you're going to school. it's a very, very dense jelly and there's a huge amount of amino acids each mean that there's $6000.00 units of amino acids in this product. you wouldn't be able to. and so we immerse it in water. just a little pollution will do e and this is very important for low molecular weight college and which will dissolve very quickly. but just because it is good right now
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as we're talking it will get completely dissolved this what those language in particular comes out. it's also very beautiful here when it's in the water like this to hook the e book on. and while it's dissolving, i'm going to show you another type of college in cosmetic college. and so we also have cosmetic college in which is used for the face. but it's because food college and is set up to synthesize our own college and you will see the effect only after a months the commission, everybody wants to get younger really fast, but one pill doesn't make you younger. it's all about prophylactics. you need to take this product consistently. after the age of 40, you should constantly drink these amino acids that are like building blocks. this means that after one month, you will see the 1st results. hair will grow well, skin will be more or less stick, firmer, denser nails will grow. i mean, everything that has to do with the skin and this is cosmetic college and see what
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it gives you fast results. and as far as small goes, this is a college in base 0 and look, let's do it. the system, can i see the back of your hand as much else? so we're going to do the college and toner 1st. and this is that we're going to create a moist environment because college and as a moisturizer for the scan. and then we drop the call june and spread it around. you will feel, 1st of all, there's no smell like you said, this doesn't mean it's a light scent of natural hydro lights. we combine plants, hydra lights and college, and then you just have to wait a little bit for this because it's very concentrated substance. it's going to be sticky at 1st. it can you feel the stickiness? now just wait a little bit or 2 and just like that. and you're going to notice that your skin feels different. can you feel that move? i feel like you're already lucrative or just dissolving the low molecular weight college and we're going to put that stuff and i'm looking there's just
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a little bit here and it's going to dissolve the to stop the questions. okay, i'm going to give you a treat. ok. here goes, ladies and gentlemen what side there's like water doesn't have any bad taste at all and it's good for my body. yeah. mm hm. okay. so i should drink pulsing. yeah, sure. yeah. we're not talking about an unpleasant smell or taste already. feel younger. all right, it took just a little bit of affinity just a little bit and it's just a little bit more precise is and we're trying to make it tasty. so now i'm going to live longer because i haven't glass. yes, of course. i for not just for cosmetics, but um, for other medical benefits as well. for example, burns that colombia skin can actually help him burns, is that true only for to lock your skin or is that other fish as well?
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the bottom any fish can be suitable? because the skin is of the covering tissue, it is also college, and that is the active ingredient, the structural unit that benefits it's college and, and you can get it from different products. so when we use our fish from aster hun devolved the caspian basin because we were care. i was born here, i grew up here, i studied here. my grandfather was a fisherman. my father is a fisherman. you so we know our fish him, but we have a lot of diversity and with a lot of fish, which in the composition of species is changing. there's also culture. there is what's artificially grown,
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but the sense does not change. the, the russian states never as tight as one of the most sense community invest in all sun set up the, in the system must be the one else holes. question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin mission, the state on the russians cruising and split the ortiz full neck, even our video agency,
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roughly all the band on youtube tv services. what question did you say a request, which is the job items? whitehouse continues to insist it as little as branch over the israeli government to bring a whole to the fighting and gaza, or lebanon. this is obviously an absurd claim. at the same time, it appears that us has resigned to a wider conflict that includes and beyond acceptance . and i'm here to plan with you whatever you do. you do not watch my new show. seriously. why watch something that's so different. little opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to please do the have the state department c. i a
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weapons, bankers, multi $1000000000.00 corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead. change and whatever you do. don't marshall state main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called stretching time. but again, you probably don't wanna watch it because it might just change the way you the other way. not. right? it says the brother printer was up and one of this is just simply slippers associated with me. the last name was needed read it was can when we used
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to be too much and we have some more for someone who is this we would show new people to the the the in 1492 this evening. christopher columbus rates, the bahamas and discovery. the new world for europe, the wealth of america, and its fast territories. cosby envy of the europeans, especially the spaniards and the portuguese. they sought after taking over these lands, however, there lived indigenous peoples with a high culture and their own nation. who is there, the barbaric colonization of america,
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which went down in history under the name of con deece that lasted for more than 100 years. and 1521 care design. cortez is done with doors captured and destroyed the capital of the aztec empire. daniel was practically massacring the local population. following them, francisco pizarro is gone. case the doors destroyed the inca empire as a result of spanish aggression. the ancient maya civilization collapse, suppressing the resistance of the indians. v invaders carried out mass executions. the horrendous genocide was aggravated by the diseases that the europeans had brought to america. the number of the indigenous population decreased 16 times from 25 till one and a half 1000000 people from keystone became one of the largest demographic disaster fees of mankind and remains an indelible bloody stains in the history of the european colonial empires.
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the poles flows in or um with tens of millions of voting and a snuff presidential election following last month. the death of abraham riding z in a helicopter crash. we're on top of the developments here and the heart of the are wanting capital as the nation choose is fix. next president, stay with us for the latest updates on the export analysis on the coastal vault to bindings locked las to performance against donald trump. in their 1st 2024 presidential debates for speculation, the democrats are throwing their incumbent leader on to the boss. that's as a new york times article released the head of the show dog claim. the party chiefs were already eyeing
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a different nominate for the execution washington of trying to conceal the number of debts in the gallons of war. following the passing of a new amendment, the breakdown the comforter versus the revision, the for must go to the world. this is your r t international. hello and welcome to the news. some $26000000.00 are really in tough cast, their ballots in a snuff presidential election triggered by the tragic death of abraham rise in a helicopter crash last month. old top that close to across the nation after voting hours were extended several times. with more on fridays votes, here's our tourism based, corresponded use of july in the polls closed at midnight after 16 hours of breathtaking competition between the 4 final hopefuls. and now both counting is
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under way. if there is this general policy within these longer public, that any candidates when's the election has to pursue? it was closer ties with the eastern block eastern hemisphere of including the 2014 closer ties with what shot china. and also countries as far as latin america and african nations, this is a dominated policy within the fabrics of these. lemme for public. any president who wins the election has to pursue closer ties with those countries. but with regards to the west, if mama ball got a volleyball for his be let the election, he's not going to pursue or prioritize amending the fractured ties between taiwan and the western world. but it's not going to be on the bottom of his list. he also considers a building closer ties with the west. it's an option for him to try to revive the 2015 nuclear deal,
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but he's going to prioritize the eastern oriented approach as adopted by the lady of wanting president re c. so for now, we have to wait for the results of a vote counting. perhaps it's going to be announced by the interior ministry on saturday morning. of course, based on the election law, the winning candidate must secure at least 50 percent of the total votes cast, plus one volts, meaning an absolute majority of the volts to be elected as, as long as president. otherwise, it will lead to a 2nd round or a run off between the 2 leading candidates. for now, we based on official reports in upholding stations, outside of the country, a set for iranians residing abroad in those supporting stations. we see that to mr. hardy boss is leading by a large margin,
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but when it comes to the domestic polling stations, there's been a highly, closely contested rivalry between i'm, i bought a volleyball and a muscle position on who's the sole reform is contender. of course, when he comes to possess accounts policy, he made it clear that he is never shy about amending the fractured ties with the west. he said that on top of his agenda would be to revive the nuclear deal would be to engage more closely with the tire was not just the western rules, but also the eastern hemisphere. of course, this is going to be a coastal moment for a want ends, as the trajectory of fee iranian nation would be decided. once the next one year president would be announced one of the political commentators i talked to was mr. far. he said he who is a university professor, and he said that the united states only 6 to demonize iran,
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and that is why it keeps accusing everyone of trying to face the election results for the last 4 to 5 years says civic 30 of the saw me so it would have shown in either on this and media outlets. the meanest sitting corporate media has been demonizing united and in the process of demonizing your on the needs of human ideas, selections, area and question. the democracy indeed. and that's why the channels like archie, are important to provide the an alternative voice, a more accurate voice. the truth is, that's a, you know, on the election day and no one ever knows who's going to be the next president. that's something amazing. so he runs democracy is very vibrant. you don't see the marker, see, is comparable to any of them to see anywhere in the world. and this is a talking points on this and media, and it's got an extra that's some of the issues that i see the support for the time
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to see me and cause is going to be constant. anyone's fine for the safety in terms of making sure that the genocide of the gene is facing consequences. words there's you know, given the fact that in the last couple of years associated on drug showed relations has improved significantly. i think that that's a policy of improving relations with russia who has some neighbors is going to continue no matter who the president is to stay with r t on their, on the line for the latest developments from around were, as we heard, boats are now being content with the initial results expected on saturday morning. the us democratic establishment is in panic mode after joe biden, struggles to keep up with his republican rivals. donald trump, in their 1st debates of the election cycle, even the liberal media outlets admitted the verbal jewel was a disaster for the incumbent president,
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a game changing debate in the sense that right now as we speak, there is a deep, a wide and a very aggressive panic in the democratic party, and they were having conversations about the president's performance, which they think was dismal, which i think will hurt other people down the party in the ticket. and they're having conversations about what they should do about it. the people who are texting me were even more panic. they actually expected it to be better than it was. and now they're in a, i won't say a full fledged panic, but it's getting panic level, particularly among elected democrats, who have to share the ballot with him. um, there is a full on panic tonight. i want to pull up some of these tweets and reactions here from jackie heinrich as she's as a very well connected democratic source, tells her the house and the senate are the g o. p. 's for now everyone is freaking out. he needs to go no way, they replace him unless he agrees there. so you want to talk about them level freak out at the moment when the data, 81 year old joe biden stumbling debate performance,
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has reinforced sphere. it's not, he may be on a fit for a 2nd turn in the oval office, the, the, the total initiative relative to what we can do is more border patrol and more asylum last present drunk. i really don't know what he said at the end of this is, i don't think he knows what he said. he, that i made sure every company in the world, every pharmaceutical company can not have to pay him. and by the way, my son was not a loser, was not a sucker. you're the sucker, you're, those are all of the things he's done. we've become like a 3rd world nation, and it's a shame you're weiner. when you lost the 1st time, i've never seen anybody like this guy. he lies, i'd never seen if he could look you in the face of that. so many other things to what this man has done is absolutely criminal. as a reaction to the debates among the american public was enlightening before 159 percent of those asked in a nation wide survey based on trump would win the head to head off towards 65
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percent that he did. but as the by numbers on the rights of your screen, which will be truly alarming for his team, those figures plummeted by 11 percentage points following the exchange. well, after the debate, the hash tag swap, jo, i spread on x users are calling on democratic party heads to remove joe biden altogether from the presidential ticket while a prominent champion for the party south risk. john steward offered this mocking scent and let's see how it began. my friend came out and oh yes. ok. and then it was murder, ambulatory, they are both right. level one clear. we know the bar that's been set up for each to pass. biden has to not look a and not have a senior moment go, making sure that we're able to make every single solitary person eligible for what
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i've been able to do with the, with the coven, i should be with dealing with every day. we have to do is uh what if we finally be medicare taking president 5 by the okay, a high pressure situation. a lot of times you can confuse saving medicare with beating it. i'm sure it's not something that repeated throughout the debate, causing democrats across the country. to either jump out of windows or vomit silently into the nearest recycling bin. anybody can stocking infrequently the new york times published and article pre debates suggesting that
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democrats were already planning to rep play spite and with another candidate for november's pilot. again, that was before thursdays, bruising and culture, the piece sites, the u. s. leaders, physical frailty, muses whether joe biden should abandon the campaign because of how we can elect compared to trump. that question will be decided of a democratic national convention in a few weeks, but by the end can resolve this by withdrawing from the race. there isn't time to hold new primaries, but you could throw the choice of a successor to the democratic national convention in chicago. the democratic party has some prominent figures, who i think would be in a good position to defeat trump in november, as well. besides the pundits posters, helping looking what happens at biting the parts. the presidential race vice president kamala horace appears the most obvious replacement, but she's got competition. the bad news for the dams is that whoever may replace
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the parties nominate will likely still lag behind trump in the polls. here's another survey. another news will offering up some thinking on that. it's a fox news poll. i'm concluded that biden's most likely replacement would be gretchen whitmore. i'm in fact, democrat booting. respondents said the current president is way down here. the least favorable of candidates, all the possible options. put forward, well, let's take a closer look at biden's main competition within the party for the top spot. there's 3 main contenders. kamala horace is the 1st female v p. m, the highest ranking, female official in us history. she's report supported by many of the last of the party. more moderate. this guy galvan news from the governor of america's most populous state, california. since 2019 um we just mentioned her. gretchen whitmore governs at michigan a states very much up for grabs, electronically or video. steve. bill spies, the bush and clinton administrations,
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and sees the fact that it was demmer crowd had to requested the debate, suggest they won't fight and go the democrats right now we're having to have that conversation with joe biden saying, joe, you can't drive anymore. you're going to hurt yourself, you're going to hurt others. and, and the, the challenge here is that he's not just blame politically damaged. he's the president of the united states. he has the finger on the nuclear button. he is the, the commander of our military and, and he's not capable of serving in that position. so the democrats are panicking, talking about removing him. is their political nominate, one of the reasons you're seeing so much panic with the democrats right now, is that just because they're concerned about the white house or the people who work at the white house? they're concerned about their own jobs and whether they'll lose their seat in congress. they're seen in the us. it is maybe their seat as governor and one of the sub blue state. so it's not just about bind, it's mainly about them for analysis on that,
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that based on whether the call to shows bite me from the ticket will actually gain the necessary med can be funds on r t dot com the well a few hours off to the showdown joe biden returned to his re election campaign trail in north carolina in the part display of damage control. the american leader claim that while he's not as snappy as he used to be, he is at least almost like his republican rival. the democrat also defended the nation's economic record under his presidency of the day. we have the strongest economy in the world without exception 15 the job to job the 4 percent for record 2 years in a row. historic. good, good. good. well,
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let's talk checks out because some leading financial analysts beg to differ. the international monetary fund has stated that the us government's handling of the economy create serious problems in washington in the us, but also the entire world hi deficits. and that creates a growing risk for the us, and the global economy potentially feeding into high a physical financing costs, the ongoing expansion of trade restrictions and things sufficient progress and interest and development abilities. both pose important downside risks. the i m f also question the intensifying of us crating borrowers saying the u. s. economy could bear the brunt of such practices. its recommendations include income tax increases and reform freshly of the entitlements system, such as well for on the medicaid program. the country's national debt, which measures what the us owes, its predators has ballooned to record $34.00 trillion dollars. economist
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richards burner saves bay financial past the us is following is going to be of reaching the point where the national debt has become. so laws are we talking about $35.00 trillion dollars and in particular, the last few years, i mean the, the acceleration is being points exponential and we saw just a few weeks ago that the, you know, the expenditure. now the annual budget is coming from the annual budget for just interest on his debt is larger, and then even the single biggest sites in which is the military expenditure. and so it's now that com, the biggest part of the interest on the debt is the biggest item. and so it is the sort of late stage phase when you have really spend too much and your debt is beginning to spiral out of control. you know,
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what's happening means alternatives will be for me. and because the other lesson from the, the us cases that is the list of every country knows that if you just keep printing money spending and printing money, it's on the stage. there will be prize to pay being there is that kind of the just means that's being delayed and delayed and delayed but even over the policy kind of go on forever. ok. moving the program on to moving to central goals and more local officials say is really our strikes have killed a woman and a child in dirt, all blah. and what and you may find the following images disturbing the 2 idea attack. so how does this fall move in a residential area to other people were killed and a separate is really striking list city as well as a reminder that made the ongoing idea of strikes on guns and more than 37000 people have been killed in gaza. according to the territories health ministry,
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all the gals and media office sees israel has destroyed 150000 residential units and use post 280000 tons of explosives and gaza. meetings. damages estimated at $33000000.00 and the numbers montez palestinians killed. american lawmakers have voted to effectively conceal the gals the death toll. they've passed the by park this on amendment prohibiting the us state department from citing statistics probably by b galsen and health ministry dollars. despite washington and many of the countries use agencies having use the groups data for decades and specifically since the recent conflict again, here's one of the amendments. authors defended the initiative. there are better ways to do this. i just believe that the united states should stop relying on a terrorist organization for this information. remember, it is a mass goal, the cell propaganda to the american people,
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to sell propaganda to the world. what we heard from policy and children's dr. amin, family who i choose washington of complicity in war crimes. in guessing i am really ready to ship fries with the position taking by the congress. m a. u. s. congress. is this uh, an attempt to come up. what crimes we have or to watch on that sort show media be bid is the one of the explanation for that they, they are really delaying the acts of genocide taking place. and in gusta, the u. s. administration is completed in the war crimes committed against the palestinians and by the estimated team these crimes, they are really trying to get away from being responsible in front of the dimension of court of justice that preventive
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b. u. m. best scenarios from inc. cutting and assessing the situation. they have the been really bad on a lot from a heavy anything to do with the situation in gaza. and yet really be lying to see guys, given by the uh, by the mad at bell. se me and his ministry in guest which you guys were actually independently verified by of our agencies. i see no reason why i put down. if you guys get me in at speed, we have many, many uh children warm and uh oh wow, lot of state bank i'm not available. ready if you guys are on that estimation of the reasons the guys actually new daily house rejected the premise of
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a us state department report that raised concerns about religious freedom. in india, the country's foreign ministry has called it politically motivated, that we have no didn't the release by the us department of it. so they bought on international religious freedom for 2030 t. as in the boss, the report is d. p biased lex understanding offering the social fabric and is visibly driven by what bank considerations and a prescriptive outlook. we data for the subject. in the report, washington listed dozens of incidents that it's called violations of religious freedoms. in india, american top diploma to anthony blinking, also issue that where personal statement but criticize the situation in the side asian country, new delhi, denies discriminating against any minorities. we discuss that with veteran indian diplomats from who day i'll say is that us preaching to other nations is insulting
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and wrong the right, the freedom of religion is age right? in the indian box, the judge should is offering to preach practice and propagate any religion at all. that george to go up who would take this right inside to observe all of us to believe that religious freedom in their own goswick is on the right. so i see that instead of going deep, so you guys in the us needs to correct the wrong the old society. let me also make sure that we are concerned about certain aspects of the human rights situation in the united states. last yeah, it gets really taken up with the us all concerns about who would drives that such
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as the numerous do see the 8 grinds race to the tax on indian nations and other minorities when the dog, digital place of worship, or wireless mistreat, but by law enforcement to reduce all of our masters. there's no reason to feel that they be jewish, has any genuine concerns about your drive, just religious reasons or late duty to get into it can think of the matter for magic nato back the sauce, the nations of prominent russian figures and then over through the country democratically elected president himself, that is the shocking plan. pitched by a group of former russian lawmakers, whose convenient exile in poland to us the western military block for help i and therefore the use of force against buttons murders,
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their finance. here some propagandists is morally justified when consistent with the internally recognized stars are for fair and imperative for victory. while this manifesto was dropped it at a ford, a confidence, and also by a group describing themselves as the congress of people's deputies is made up of former russian parliamentarians explain, described by the times newspaper as a shadow called him and nobody put forward distrusted. you notice the victory planet caused full increase on so you crying in the expansion of the functions, raising the claims to have $106.00 members, including former russian parliamentarians. it even says that it has covered the serving m p. 's in russia. or, of course, there's no evidence to support this claim. so for somebody acts as the police call waiting, all the freedom of russia legion, of course, and known for carrying out these cross pulled incursions into russia's world regional nicole's killing russian civilians. but also the national republican all
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me now. yeah, i keep hearing about them. they're based within rushes, borders. write about the story that's supposed to be by using the that's what they say. it is. existence has been down to in the west, including by reuters, but it has been shown to claim responsibility for a number of high profile assassinations, including a very high profile. i'm going to treat you in this. and perhaps most famously the killing of diarrhea due gonna in a comp, i'm attacking the most i region. that of your, do, you know, of course, the daughter of alexander do didn't. who's midnight and provoked hysteria in the west. i call him mention him without cooling him. to teens brian now this manifesto who says that he's no longer an option, but simply juicy of the west to support what it describes as revolution reactions, a side rush of them. also mind if this is the former state, do my deputy area on ideals who uh, as advocate as were about to have
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a number of targeted assassinations inside russia. who were you, would you, i consider everybody connected to the war machine, government officials, to organize, or finance the war. business management produce arms propaganda, warmongers, as well as military or security personnel as combatants and their legitimate targets for both ukrainian military and russian resistance fighters at the post where you so this plainly includes a very long and very broad list of people that have things to be legitimate targets included on that list all to a list. of course i have protected on the international lawyer deliberately targeting them is i will crime. so, part of any of these he's backed by the west and before he fled to russia, he was known for organizing and government protested, but he's deemed by moscow to be a for an agent, a terrorist and extreme is now he has some delusions of grandeur, of himself, he's compared himself to the for mission fighting president jerry adams. of course, he's referring to the all right,
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and it's decades long struggle against voting thing to be a british occupation. but what he fails to mention is adams key role in negotiating peace or that into the own struggle. yeah, that's, that's a key point, isn't it? right, so let me just break this down. and steve, you've got terrorist asking nato to bach on assassination and campaign against russians. do they really expect to get some more with this? well, as the times reported, this document is due to be presented to the full coming nights or some in july taking place in washington. it doesn't say how it's going to be presented to it doesn't say by whom it's going to be presented. nato in reality is extremely unlikely to by coding tools such as document coding for roku, at least not publicly. of course, nato has a history of supporting these kind of a 2 attempts in a very the stuff away operation. claudio, of course, was initiated off the world war 2 and it,
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so the military alliance allying with all sorts of organizations fall right groups, form of members of the s s. now the, this was in countries across europe, including in italy, in germany and to t and increase. but also the west has a very long list of groups and individuals that it's supported, including the major dean in afghanistan and met in around the usa as we, as he's cold wine glade, us in venezuela. and he's also supporting groups like the muslim brotherhood. and of course the united states has long been allegedly linked to i say. so the west really has no scruples on the groups and individuals that it supports, as long as, as long as it maintains its power and had gemini our team has launched a documentary film festival here in moscow focusing on the rubric feats of decorated russian soldiers on the front line, our correspondent,
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vermont cost red was among those of the un or girl st. that we are the most go expo at the ard, see documentary festival cold. so i am about heroes. as you can see, the line had extended right around the block here at this expo. well, this year in united journalist military correspondence officers and soldiers of the russian army as well. and of course, members of the public to this year, they will see more documentary films made by archie and all the producers as well in regards to the special military operation about the soldiers about volunteers. and of course about what correspondence as well the r t, launch the 1st international festival time of our heroes in most go back in february
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2023. after the premier, the festival moved on to other russian cities. it also came to dunbar. films were shown to russian soldiers stationed along the front lines, as well as in the hospital. over the years of his broadcasting the 24 hour r g, the documentary tv channel has produced more than 1000 films, many of which have one procedures, international awards. since the beginning of the festival, it's already been used by over 60000 people all over the world, mainly in the 17 countries, including 2 nato nations. that's a, it's an a. and it searches v r t documents for a festival time of our heroes who will be held here in moscow for a period of 3 days. and every single day is going to use expect it to be, uh, sold out at the moment. like i said, this festival has united the public and their heroes. so the soldiers and officers are fighting and especially miniature operation,
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as well as war correspondence for covering this for thing. sorry, country i'm on call for mit last. ok, i do hope we manage to give you a solid sense of the days. main use developments. our website will have all the big updates to do. check in there occasionally as well. good by and see. see the the hello and welcome across side. were all things are considered. i'm theater. lavelle, jo biden's,
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whitehouse continues to insist that has little leverage over the israeli government to bring a whole to the fighting and gaza, or living on this is obviously an absurd claim. at the same time, it appears to us has resigned to a wider conflict that includes lab and on and beyond the cross talking power sign. i'm joined by my guess, lionel in new york. he is a legal and media analyst also in new york. we have stanley cohen c as a human rights lawyer and in rome we cross. oh, romano roberto. she is an author and managing editor of the palestine chronicle. all right, cross, that girl is in effect. that means you can jump any time you want. and i always appreciate stanley if i go to you 1st in new york, i'm, i'm really getting very, very sick and tired of these claims that the white house has no leverage over is real. you know, we're supposed to resign ourselves to a genocide that we can all watch in real time. i find that pathetic and i find
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a criminally liable. but also we have a us official them that have the kicker is really citizenship by the way, me going to 11 on and saying, well if the israelis go to work with has blog will be on the side of it is really is why was he there where was that diplomacy? why do we have to resign ourselves to just more bloodshed in a wider war with a one telephone call from the white house could change all of that? go ahead stanley. well, it's called the election. it's called uh, a package for the atl. it's paul at this point. uh, 5 music chair. less about the morality principle, international law about work crime. he wants to wait. he's waited long enough and he's made a decision that is more important port a past and it's more important. port designers wing of the democratic party and the independent party that he is concerned about losing young women and men who are in the streets, or rightly so saying, genocide, genocide, genocide,
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and you're absolutely correct. one phone call be sense because under the arms export controller, which is real, there's been clearly in violation of for generations now. he fits up a phone, he says that's the end that you're not in compliance with the act of congress pretended as well because they are the only person who can weigh in on the arms export control act. judiciary has said it's a separation of powers issue. so by and as he's done through his entire career has made a political calculus. how do i get more involved? so what do i have to worry about in this case? the slaughter of bowman yesterday of, of, of, of the, the electoral, of the a pack ownership. really friends, if i watch, when he knows he can't shut down, here's wheels for a while. we tried to walk that side rope where he, for every dollar he gave him the man attorney and a d. it's 10 to kill people and to destroy it. community service is all about the election as it is with nothing yahoo affairs,
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3 trials that are waiting for him to put him in prison. well, you know, yeah, but since violent is already been mentioned, i was going to do that. the 2nd half of the program, but i'll throw it to line. all right now. well, i know you're on the program quite a bit. we went through the forest called russia gates, you know, we're a russian meddling and the american elections. stanley just brought up the most glaring meddling and american elections all out in the open here. i mean, every cent with it was spent. i mean this is, you know, a. busy we're in government, israel, through it's conduits in the united states, and it's satellites there in the us determining a outcomes politically. i mean, this is just outright meddling, but no one will call it that line. oh. well, aside from that, you know, was really interesting, is that and, and i have been doing a radio a did talk radio for, for 35 years. and the word a pack or is really the lobby was 3rd rail. kryptonite. you just, it was like the n word, this was the
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a word. and you're yet yesterday for coverage i a pack back, the bowman loses and the now the own. and just like there was this transition. so i don't know if that's deliberate. if people are finally awakened, but you're absolutely correct. how can you claim, how can anybody claim that external extra judicial, extra governmental influence on our sovereignty is okay, and very uh, finally, how does anybody seek to secure the position of power with their voters by saying i ted doherty big about this? what is there a gun to your if you don't understand, i can't control where your money goes. oh, by the way, vote for me. yeah. much better or amanda. this is the america's democracy is at stake. that's what everybody says here, but they, they miss the point here. i mean, it seems that both major parties,
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they will curry favor with donors and not with voters, certainly not with what's right. okay. it's all about money and how much you can get to run your elections here. that is probably the most pathetic soft power message america is sending the world right now. go ahead in room. yes, i think i'm all of the various things that garza is exposing to the word there with this concept of liberal democracy as a whole. and we see that these as structured crisis. it's not a contingent prices for, for, and meaning that if these lobbies are so powerful, that they can actually be a superior interest. and then people in the treat, solve charging for sure. we don't have a representative democracy. democracy once we have its best and pretty good key and not a democracy. but i think that, yes,
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what can seem completely irrational here a abc russian or the up to a certain point. yes, for sure. uh, the united states is treating as well as an insurance of friends not as a foreign policy. so, and it is doing so also because each task, as you were motive for the united states, it is essential, especially following the people to asia. and so the fact that they actually next and even if you do the essentially start essential for them. that is what maintains each determines the ease, what maintains its military. so 2 weeks will give you all review over the region. i think that the united states wanted is or to win and wanted to win fast. it is not in the interests of course that the conflict that spends, but they cannot afford to, the ease will not restore the determine the amount that may. but the problem with maintaining or re recapturing deterrence for israel's and it might cost
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a 3rd world war that is certainly not in the interest of anybody in including the united states. now that a pack has britain, britain brought up, stanley. can you explain something to me that i've never really understood? we hear all of this investigations about how much a pack a gets involved in elections, who they have bought the of minders and congress of were all we know is really is americans were all the same, are interchangeable, is really sees the american flag. well, um, why are they spending so much money and so much effort, and so much intimidation on something that should be obvious that were the same. but apparently we're not because they have to keep pressuring people to convince everyone that we're all. busy the same, i don't have to share those values. i don't believe in genocide. i believe in bringing people to account. i mean it's counter intuitive. i mean, you wouldn't need a pack if we really actually shared these values. stanley, well, you know, the foreigner tell us that the registration act fair, which was designed years ago,
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to force microphone for foreign governments to register to put the country on. notice that i am working for is real. i am working for country x. i'm working for country wide, which has rigid rules in terms of what you can do, how would, why, what's past that should have been passed with this real and it's not. we know this barrier has been applied when it comes to lobbyist and folks that supported brush over the years. we know this fara has been live when it comes to people that they charge with the fences. they're speaking or working on behalf of a rock. but when it comes to israel, it comes ultimately down to, you know, truman said 48 when he initially was opposed to the photo, quote, the establishment, the state of israel truman said eventually, i'm not interested. i don't think it's a good idea. but after discussion she made some comments which remain true today. palestinians don't have money and they don't vote use of america have money and
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they do. but look at alison's white. late allison gave hundreds of millions of dollars to israel for ever has been sitting on the fence because she supported the opponents initially against the trump. and the last few days she said, i'm giving you $100000000.00 at do what you want with it. just make sure it is real, has no headaches as no problem and come in as much genocide as possible. so you have, this is the publicity where on the one hand you have laws, you of actual procedures, you have limits that in theory or pass to level the playing field to try to keep foreign governments outside of controlling domestic policy. some politics in the united states, you have the arms export control act. you have the, you have the allow react up. you have all these laws that have been passed to maintain theory, that democratic integrity. and i be able to be that states which when it comes to israel, politicians born comes to israel. they have north. yeah. but i'm basically just barely as i like that money yet. but so if i go to this, the line will be huge. it is basically just said, you know,
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here's all the money. a mixer is real, doesn't have any headaches, but it actually creates a huge headache for, for the united states. and it standing in the world in a far worse than a headache for the people of gaza. line on you know, the, well, that's a great point and i was gonna say tell them before i forget, have you noticed that of course we have to thank god for digital streaming platforms and or alternate citizen and civilian and alternative of news, which basically have they have transformed the subject matter, but now people are starting to pay attention as to what's being said, because all i tell my friends is pay attention. recently. there was a statement by i believe, and it's rarely official whose name escapes me. who said something like, you know, you really can't stop how much you really can't it's, it's like an idea and that, that well, well, well, well wait a minute hold. that was the $1000000.00 statement because the, the argument is that we need this money in order to stop this. we will not stop
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until they are crush. if you have somebody who would just eliminate that as a possibility that defeats the entire series, yet it's now percolating through and it's permanent. it's breaking the blood brain barrier. in these debates, people are saying this is a lot like terrorism business. this is like when we were going after people around the world because they embodied some kind of ideology and they really weren't actually a court for real threat and people are getting it. and that's why somebody had some boards. they've got about a 130 something days until the election. they've got the for the to stall, the american electorate, because people are figuring out right now the narrative doesn't make any sense. and the way you have a but praying, couple of people do face consequences if you don't go along with the narrative, you know, long before this happened we had a academics all across the western world have lost their positions because they were contrary. and. and now it's the case of death that mean you have to,
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you have to get in line it this, this is a liberal liberalism is really, really damaging folks. i have to jump in here. we're going to go to go to a short break. and after that short break, we'll continue our discussion on palestine state without the are known in vietnam as the american war, the vietnam war lost it for almost 2 decades and dragged in numerous countries. nor does he have written down that you don't really know why it's all on the empty hundreds of thousands of american troops who was sent to the country to bank the south vietnamese on me. i thought about that not but the american soldiers miller did resist as mercilessly bowed down entire villages and spread dangerous chemicals and lee by
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all right. did the americans ever fully acknowledge what they did and on the via the means veterans ready to forgive? yeah, yeah, yeah, that's that way. it's too late. but yeah, the welcome back. across stock were all things are considered on peter the bill to remind you were discussing palestine the ok, let's go back to our guest in room. remember one of the things i find very disturbing . well, all of us are watching the events unfolding real time on the lebanese border on the west bank and gaza. um, the way of watching main stream media,
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they were kind of normalizing genocide. it's like, well this is what's going on again in, in gaza. and of course, the, you know, using the passive voice and all that they're just normalizing of. that's part of our everyday experience here. with the reason why i bring it up because as it enrages people like us even more because, you know, you, we point out this, this is a, don't charge a stand with genocide actually is you, we see these pictures here and you're not going to do anything about it, but it's one of the most alienating experiences and feelings i've ever had in my life. go ahead and room. yes, absolutely. and this from immediate point of view and from it, pretty easy code point of view. let's think what happened with rough, uh, and what was the rough operation? we have u. s. a piece of going every single day on television. say no, we don't want israel to carry out a major operation in rough east where it doesn't have to cross the red line. then we saw it. and literally babies burned alive in the tents,
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in and out as we saw the cafeteria babies. and we saw a major going on television and say yes to it is very sad because it is very disturbing. we are inquiring what we do not think is was cross the red line. we would like to ask them, what was these red line? but visa has happened, you know, so many times with each were in the united states. let's think of what happens with all the seas. fighter discussions on may. 31st, biden says, or penalty o e 's was presented as these fire proposal. and then it was said after a few hours, oh, this is a surprise for us. and the united states were, was negotiating as easy to look at part and not an honest at peace bro. okay. as we are used to here. so literally we are used to the i think the words to box easy and double standards, literally not enough to describe what is happening now even in terms of how they
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present the genocide, a city, you know, stanley that there's, uh, i think it was in hot out there was a, a letter assigned by a prominent is really officials asking the us congress to resend disinvite benjamin yet. and yeah. who to speak to a joint session. and you know, nothing that, you know, he's policies may be popular among the israeli citizens. but he isn't. okay. and they point out and these people are, most of them are pretty hard liners too. rather than me. i have to make sure that's clear. but you know, this is not the message they think israel should be sending the he's not the right messenger for the world right now for us to make israel's case. so all, all people in washington are talking about is how many standing ovations this man is going to get. this is this a so real stanley? everyone gets to use as a parents to their own. and it's a political jester, it's a political presence. it's a political gift, you will get up there. he will speed on one hand,
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he will think those so literal leaders, those political players, those entities that are supporting israel's right to be just peace and safety. while they murder a 100000 people and civilians lively women and children. and on the other hand, he will then say, and here's this man by keeps threatening us. and it keeps telling us he's gonna, he's gonna roll back to weapons. he's, he's going to oppose the a pac sanctions. it's the biggest political show in town. he will serve the purpose of jo by the whole time that by we turn around and say, i disagree and he shouldn't be involving himself the whole time. the bible says i'm writing them in, they're not, they're continuing to pour money into it. you know, just and with the reference to genocide, people have argued for years and genocide is built to find him lots of lots. well, this genocide statute has nothing to do with the amount of damage. yeah. but in spent, what does the intensive stomach show for years is real and is really supportive said there's more palestinians than ever show us the box. and now that you've got
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the bodies, they turned around and said, it's a proportionality test. well, the original proportionality test and whatever happens and october 7th, as absolutely nothing to do with the results of genocide that are plain to say with the i c, c and the i, c j which report to go after. anyone else doesn't, that doesn't have the political power that israel does blinks and triple play stuff . or maybe we'll get to a warranty issue. or maybe we'll move to intervene and biden turns around. he makes a speech. it'll be interesting tonight for him to raise the, the american effort, his efforts and try to rain in the end, the genocide, while he's writing a check daily, which keeps it going, the red line has become a period of dots that doesn't matter what you want to call it when you've got every day, thousands of women and children and civilians, better displays that are targeted, better assassins that murder bite and can say, well they will. i'm opposed to this. meanwhile, these winking is fueling the system. and here comes as you started out this,
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this particular segment. and here comes nothing yahoo be good standing ovations for what? for american dollars to slaughter women, to slaughter children, to displace millions to destroy. and as you pointed out, to create a norm as form for the american body politic when it comes to the vision of the world, because we see what's going on in the middle east, we see what's going on elsewhere. and while everyone is apparently focused on all what's, who's reading with whom, where and when the bombing continues, the funding continues, the difference continues and it's oil at this point. how do i get more votes? and that's what you're going to see tonight. yeah, but a lot like, oh, i know, i can't see how a bite and wins at all. he is painted himself into such a corner and i saw, i think you saw the image when that he was that are fundraiser with a brock obama and brock obama. had to lead to pass the stage. i was wondering if that's a matter for it's time for you to go. jo, you've served your purpose. go ahead. and brock obama, by the way, who was the verbally and theoretically man handled by mister netanyahu during his
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visit. let me explain another aspect to wait, which, which is so interesting. you know, peter not, you will not have talked about how i am side eating passionately with people who before i guess i told her i just buy it. i just, there were a massive me to me know, here's something very interesting phrase, reason expression, or it is under attack all over the world. very, very briefly. we had this thing on january 6 where people decided to ard to, to riot in washington. okay, fine. and they were charged with the dish, just conspiracy, and rebellious and instruction because they all conspired to interrupt a governmental process and they were put under the jail and these then these star chambers, okay, fine. when mister netanyahu arrived, you're going to see protests as well. many of them manned by and led by people who are called left the left who didn't care about january 6th, who didn't care about it because it applied to donald trump neck,
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how they're going to be reaching out to their brother's across the i always say, wait a minute, you know something about this. is this the dishes conspiracy? no, this is a corruption and a collapse of free speech all over the world where you have to pledge field, teach why? the allergy. and if you were to ever interrupt this, this, the spot, you are crushed criminally. there is nothing. i've never seen anything as boyton does this in my life, either as a lawyer or a congregate around the mandate. it's really i think that we've talked about this before. but if it is zine is i'm, is an ideology is corrupting all of the west with all of these acts that we're seeing right now. and, you know, there people like joe biden, you know, who, it's difficult to know what he knows these days. but you know, when he says i am as i in this, i wonder what he know what he thinks when he says that. ok, because it has a certain meaning to me and it's about any quality, bigotry, etc, etc. but for him,
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it just is real. and that's really damaging. go ahead and room as we have to be to be clear. joe biden has always said, you don't have to be induced to be a zionist, and i am resign. if this is a line that she likes very much, she has repeated that like so many times over the last decades we can say, since she was very young and you are absolutely right. zine, everything is permeating every aspect and even europe. i need an entity here. there are, for example, we entirely impose 10 kids, i think kids because they're very young in their early twenties. and they were detained because they were supposedly sharing resistance propaganda material. nobody is talking about that, but this is basically, they are doing so in the name of b is really and the see you need any not to speak about germany today. the news was that a germany,
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we have an east was no history test to grant the citizenship the term and see doesn't typical of people we are really, you know, crossing every possible line. of course, like as i said before, he brought democracy. it wasn't me that has already been dismantled. i am speaking from bro now, and actually i cannot access russia today. i cannot access r t and there has been a wide spread censorship over the last the years at months and years. so yes, there is zionism as a concept as the superiority in a sense of the west, and they don't want to let it go. yeah, stanley, you know, and questioning the israel, of the, in the way things are going now. we'll probably see a war against has belie in lebanon, which nobody knows how that can turn out. it could be a huge regional war. the united states has already pledged,
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how do you won't kind of country. so it's in advance. you know, we're going to back these guys. okay. but we are here to a, to my, the rate is a to so absurd. here. we're looking at a, a regional war and it would be very serious if it happened. stanley, well, you know, it's interesting when you a few moments ago you referred to, to divide. you saying these design has been a proud science, but he's for justice. it reminds me of decades ago when, when biting settings of civil rights act. this, when he tired of legislation that ended up sending millions of people to go to prison for non violent defense. so there's just double standard pursuit between do not as i do, but just follow what i've said to get back to your, your question about his blow at this point of the world is generating support that's not been seen before and it's appropriate and necessary. so let me see if i understand this, as well as elected as a community in the community. we're not talking about 7000 miles away. we're talking about place whether or not that has been invaded and multiple occasions.
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we're talking about the home of salvage dealer. we're talking about the occupation by israel's, we're talking about the use of phosphorous weapons and cluster bombs in violation of international law. we're talking about is really torture chambers in the south of 11 on which we're talking about israel, which is bombing syria, which is bombing 11 on. so let me see if i understand this, please provide you with the united states are funding genocide on the ground in palestine. you in the united states are every day supporting is really a taps on syria and lebanon on and elsewhere. and for those countries on the ground in the region, forget about for the positions the whole, these, the principal position saying we're not going to be silent neighbors. so the neighbors o r c, i mean i'm a provider, i'm afraid i have to, i have to jump in here. we run out of time and have the, the hard break here. i want to thank my guess in new york and in rome. and of course, i want to thank our viewers for watching us here are the see you next time and remember prospect rolls,
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the or the in the 2nd half of the 1940. the powerful european armies were losing their color. one of the 1st to start collaborating, what's the dutch empire? on august 17, 1945. the declaration of independence of indonesia, a former judge colony was proclaimed the liberation movement, west led by the national hero of being the needs of people to carnis. however, amsterdam had his own plan, which was to defeat the revolution. moreover, they were supported by great britain. the colonial troops setup control over the main cities in the country, but the countryside remained in the hands of the rebels. and the resistance
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continued growing in 1946, the british left indonesia, whereas the dutch did not want to lose power and switch to the tactics of total terror. in december 1947, the royal troops committed a massacre of the inhabitants in the village house. robert got a 431 civilians were killed. all in all the lives of 100000 indian agents were on the conscience of the dutch colonialists and their allies, mass executions, and regular bombing did not help the netherlands. their troops got blocked in the cities, the world community demanded to put it into violence and the empire started in negotiations. in 1949, the head round table conference was held and the kingdom of the netherlands was forced to recognize the independence of indonesia. a sovereign muslim state appeared on the world map and became one of the most powerful countries in the islamic world.
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the, the old clothes in around with tens of millions voting and a snuff presidential election following last month. the death of abraham right in a helicopter crash, we're on top of the developments here and the heart of the are wanting capital as the nation choose is fix next president to stay with us for the latest updates on the experts analysis on the course of votes to buy these locked las to performance against donald trump in their 1st 2020 for presidential debates for speculation. the democrats are throwing their incumbent leader on the bus that solves a new york times article released the head of the show dog claim. the party chiefs were already eyeing a different moment for the execution. washington have tried to conceal the number
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of debts in the gallons of war. following the passing of a new amendment to break down the comforter versus the revision, the for must go to the world. this is your r t international. hello and welcome to the news. some $26000000.00 iranians have cast their ballots in a snuff presidential election triggered by the tragic death of abraham rise in a helicopter crash last month. bulls hop that close the across the nation after voting hours were extended several times with more on fridays votes. here's our toyota on base, corresponded use of july, or the polls closed at midnight after 16 hours of breast sticking competition between the 4 final hopefuls. and now both counting is on the way,
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if there is this general policy within these womic republic that any candidates who when's the election has to pursue it was closer ties with the eastern block eastern hemisphere of including the 2014 closer ties with what shot china and also countries as far as latin america and african nations, this is a dominated policy within the fabrics of these. lemme can public any president who when's the election has to pursue closer ties with those countries. but with regards to the west, if mama ball got a volleyball for is the let the election, he's not going to pursue or prioritize amending the fractured ties between taiwan and the western world. but it's not going to be on the bottom of his list. he also considers a building closer ties with the west. it's an option for him to try to revive the 2015 nuclear deal,
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but he's going to prioritize the eastern oriented approach as adopted by the lady of wanting president re c. so for now, we have to wait for the results of the vote counting. perhaps it's going to be announced by the interior ministry on saturday morning. of course, based on the election law, the winning candidates must secure at least 50 percent of the total votes cast, plus one volts, meaning an absolute majority of the votes to be elected as everyone's president. otherwise, it will lead to a 2nd round or a run off between the 2 leading candidates. for now, we based on, on official reports in upholding stations, outside of the country, set for iranians. residing abroad in those folding stations. we see that to mister of how the boss is leading by a large margin,
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but when it comes to the domestic polling stations, there's been a highly, closely contested rivalry between i'm, i bought a volleyball and a muscle position on who's the sole reform is $1010.00 there of course, when it comes to possession y'all's policy, he made it clear that he is never shy about amending the fractured ties with the west. he said that on top of his agenda would be to revive the nuclear deal would be to engage more closely with the tire was not just the western rules, but also the eastern hemisphere. of course, this is going to be a crucial moment for a want ends. as the trajectory of the iranian nation would be decided, once the next one year president would be announced, one of the political commentators i talked to was mr. far. he said he who is a university professor, and he said that the united states only 6 to demonize iran, and that is why it keeps accusing everyone of trying to face the election results
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for the last 4 to 5 years says civic study of the saw me so it would have shown india and listen media outlets. the meanness sitting corporate media has been demonizing, you know, and in the process of demonizing, your underneath of human ideas, selections, area and question, the democracy. and you and that's like the channels like archie, are important to provide to an alternative voice, a more accurate choice. the truth is, that's a, you know, on the election day and no one ever knows who's going to be the next president. that's something amazing. so he runs democracy is very vibrant. you don't see the marker, see, is comparable to any of them on to see anywhere in the world. and this is a talking points on this and media that's inaccurate. so some of the issues that i see the support for the type of see me and cause is going to be constant. seniors
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find public safety in terms of making sure that the genocide of the gene is facing consequences for it. so there's, you know, given the fact that in the last couple of years associated on drug showed relations has improve significantly. i think that that's a policy of improving relations with russia who has some neighbor is going to continue no matter who the president is to stay with our tea on their on line for the latest developments from around were as we heard, boats are now being counted with the initial results expected on saturday morning, the us democratic establishment is in panic mode. now, after joe biden, struggles to keep up with his republican rivals, donald trump, in their 1st debates of the election cycle, even the liberal media outlets admitted the verbal jewel was a disaster for the incumbent president,
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a game changing debate in the sense that right now as we speak, there is a deep, a wide and a very aggressive panic in the democratic party. and they are having conversations about the president's performance, which they think was dismal, which they think will hurt other people down the party in the ticket. and they're having conversations about what they should do about it. the people who are texting me were even more panic. they actually expected it to be better than it was. and now they're in a, i won't say a full fledge panic, but it's getting panic level, particularly among elected democrats, who have to share the pallet with him. um, there is a full on panicked and i want to pull up some of these tweets and reactions here from jackie heinrich, as she's as a very well connected democratic source, tells her the house and the senate are the g o. p. 's for now everyone is freaking out. it needs to go no way. they replace him unless he agrees there. so you want to talk about them level freak out at the moment. well indeed, 81 year old joe biden stumbling debate performance has reinforced fear. it's not,
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he may be on the fit for a 2nd turn in the oval office does the, the total initiative relative to what we can do with more border patrol and more asylum of present drunk. i really don't know what he said at the end of this attitude. i don't think he knows what he said. either i made sure every company in the world every pharmaceutical company cannot have to bang you. and by the way, my son was not a loser, was not a sucker. you're the sucker, you're, those are all of the things he's done. we've become like a 3rd world nation, and it's a shame you're weiner. when you lost the 1st time, i've never seen anybody like this guy. he lies, i've never seen if he could look you in the face of that. so many other things to what this man has done is absolutely criminal or reaction to the debates. among the american public was enlightening before 159 percent of those asked in a nationwide survey stalled. trump would win the head to head off towards 65
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percent that he did. but as the by numbers on the rights of your screen, which will be truly alarming for his team, those figures plummeted by 11 percentage points following the exchange. well, after the debate, the hash tag swap, jo, i spread on x users are calling on democratic party heads to remove joe biden altogether from the presidential ticket while a prominent champion for the party south risk. john steward offered this mocking scent and let's see how it began. most men came out and oh yes. ok. and then both men are ambulatory. they are both right. level one clear. we know the bar that's been set up for each to pass. biden has to not look a and not have a senior moment go, making sure that we're able to make every single solitary person eligible for what i have been able to do with the,
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with the coverage. i should be with dealing with everything we have to do is uh if we finally be medicare, take it for us within 5, i'd the okay, a high pressure situation. a lot of times you can confuse saving medicare with beating it. i'm sure it's not something that repeated throughout the debate, causing democrats across the country to either jump out of windows or vomit silently into the nearest recycling bin. if anybody can stocking infrequently the new york times published and article pre debates suggesting that
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democrats were already planning to rep play spite and with another candidate for november's pilot. again that was before thursday's bruising and culture. the piece sites, the u. s. leaders, physical frailty, muses whether joe biden should abandon the campaign because of how we can lex compared to trump. that question will be decided of the democratic national convention in a few weeks back by didn't, can resolve this by withdrawing from the race. there isn't time to hold new primaries, but he could throw the choice of a successor to the democratic national convention in chicago. the democratic party has some prominent figures, who i think would be in a good position to defeat trump in november, as well. besides the pundits posters helping looking at what happens at biting the parts, the presidential race vice president, kamala horace, appears the most obvious replacement, but she's got competition. the bad news for the dams is that whoever may replace the parties nominate will likely still lag behind trump in the polls. here's
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another survey in or other news wall offering up some thinking on that. it's a fox news poll. i'm concluded that biden's most likely replacement would be gretchen whitmore. i'm in fact, democrats voting, respondents said the current president is way down here, the least favorable of candidates, all of the possible options put forward. well, let's take a closer look at biden's main competition within the party for the top spot. there's 3 main contenders, kamala horace is the 1st female v p. m, the highest ranking, female official in us history. she's for support supported by many of the last of the party. more moderate. this guy galvan knew some the governor of america's most populous state, california since 2019 um we just mentioned her. gretchen whitmore governs at michigan a states very much up for grabs electronically or video steve deal and spies the bush and clinton administrations. and so he's the fact that it was demmer crowd had
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to requested the debate, suggest they won't fight and go the democrats right now, we're having to have that conversation with joe biden saying, joe, you can't drive anymore, you're going to hurt yourself. you're going to hurt others. and, and the, the challenge here is that he's not just blame politically damaged. he's the president of the united states. he has the finger on the nuclear button. he is the, the commander of our military and, and he's not capable of serving in that position. so the democrats are panicking, talking about removing him as they're political. nominate one of the reasons you're saying so much panic with the democrats right now is not just because they're concerned about the white house or the people who work at the white house. they're concerned about their own jobs and whether they'll lose their seat in congress. they're seen in the us, that is maybe their seat as governor and one of the sub blue states. so it's not just about bind, it's mainly about them for analysis on that, that based on whether the call to shows biden from the ticket will actually gain
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the necessary method can be funds on r t dot com the well a few hours after the show done joe biden returned to his re election campaign trail in north carolina in the part display of damage control the american leader claim that wiley's not as snuff fios he used to be. he is at least almost like his republican rival. the democrat also defended the nation's economic record under his presidency. today we have the strongest economy in the world without exception. 15 the job to job on employ the 4 percent for richard. 2 years in a row historic unemployment as well as fuck checks out because some leading financial ellis beg to differ. the
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international monetary fund has stated that the us government's handling of the economy creates serious problems in washington in the us, but also the entire world high deficits. and that creates a growing risk for the us. and the global economy potentially feeding into high of fiscal financing costs, the ongoing expansion of trade restrictions and things sufficient progress and interest and development abilities. both pose important downside risks. the i m f also question the intensifying of us crating vari are saying the u. s. economy could bear the brunt of such processes. its recommendations include income tax increases and reform firstly of the entitlement system such as well for on the medicaid program, the country's national debt, which measures what the us owes its predators, as balloons were record. $34.00 trillion dollars. economist richards burner saves
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a financial pass. the us is following is going to be the reaching points where the national debt has become. so laws are we talking about 35 trillion dollars and in particular, the last few years, i mean the, the acceleration is being quite explain show and we saw just a few weeks ago that the, you know, the expenditure. now the annual budget coming from the annual budget for just interest on his debt is larger and then even the single biggest sites in which is the military expenditure. and so it's now that com, the biggest side of the interest on the debt is the biggest item. and so it is the sort of late stage phase when you have really spend too much and your debt is beginning to spiral out of control. you know, what's happening means alternatives will be for me. and because the other lesson from the,
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the us cases that this is the list that every company knows that if you just keep printing money, spending and printing money, it's on the stage. there will be price to pay being there is that kind of the just means that's being delayed and delayed and delayed but even over the courtesy cannot go on forever. ok. moving the program on to moving to central goals and more local officials say is really our strikes have killed a woman and a child in dirt, all blah. and when and you may find the following images disturbing, the 2 idea of attack. so how does this fall move in a residential area to other people were killed and a separate is really strong and list city as well. as a reminder that made the ongoing idea of strikes on guns and more than 37000 people have been killed in gaza. according to the territories health ministry on the gals
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and media office sees israel has destroyed 150000 residential units and use close 218000 tons of explosives and gather, leaving the damages estimated at 30 $3000000.00. it has the numbers mine to palestinians killed. american lawmakers have voted to effectively conceal the gals the death toll they've passed. the by part is an amendment prohibiting the us state department from citing statistics probably by the gallon and health ministry dollars despite washington and many of the countries use agencies having use the groups data for decades. and specifically, since the recent conflict began, here's one of the amendments. authors defended the initiative. there are better ways to do this. i just believe that the united states should stop relying on a terrorist organization for this information. remember, it is a mass goal to sell propaganda to the american people, to sell propaganda to the world. what we heard from policy and children's dr. amin, family,
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who i choose washington of complicity in work crimes and guessing. i'm really very shim prized with the position taking by the congress, m a u. s. congress. is this uh, an attempt to cover up what crimes we have was to watch on that assertion and media bid. there is no explanation for that. they, they are really delaying the acts of genocide taking place. and in augusta, the u. s. at ministration is completed in the war. crimes committed that guess the color stadiums. and by and that is to me and seen these crimes. they are really trying to get away from being responsible in front of the dimensions that go out of justice, that preventive
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b. u m. best scenarios from inc cutting and assessing the situation. and they have even really advanced on a lot from a heavy, anything to do with a situation in gaza. and yet really be lying to see guys, given by the uh, by the mad at bell. se me an has ministry in guest which you guys will actually independently verified by of our agencies. i see no reason why i put down. if you guys, given that still we have many, many uh children warm and uh oh wow, lot of seems bad. i'm not available and if you guys are on that is dimension of the read, the guys actually new daily house rejected the premise of
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a us state department report that raised concerns about religious freedom and india . the country's foreign ministry has coal. that politically motivated, we have no didn't release by the us state department of it, so they bought on international religious freedom for 2000 pretty t. as in the boss, the report is deeply biased. blacks understanding offering the social fabric and is visibly driven by what bank considerations and a prescriptive outlook we data for rejected in the report, washington listed dozens of incidents that it's called violations of religious freedoms. in india, american top diploma anthony blinking, also issue there were personal statement, but criticize the situation in the side. asian country knew deli denies discriminating against any minorities. we discuss that with veteran indian diplomats from who day. i'll say he's the us preaching to other nations is
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insulting and wrong the right, the freedom of religion is age, right? in the indian constitute citizens offer you to reach factors and properties and you really get all the tools to go up to to take this right in front of us. we believe that religious freedom in their role goswick is on the right. so i feel that instead of going deep figures in the us needs to correct the wrong the old society. let me also make sure that we didn't. yeah. i concerned about certain aspects of the human rights situation in the united states. last yeah, it gets really taken up with the us all concerns about who would drives that such as the numerous gives you the 8 grinds race to the tax on indian nations,
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other minorities, one device or a dog digital place of worship, wireless and mistreat. but by law enforcement to reduce all of our masters of the day, the jewish has any genuine concerns about your will drive. just religious reasons are late due to didn't do. it can take up the matter. for magic nato back the sauce, the nations of prominent russian figures and then over through the country democratically elected president himself. that is the shocking plan. pitched by a group of former russian lawmakers who convened an exile in poland to off the western military block for help i and therefore the use of force against buttons murders their finance. here some propagandists is morally justified when consistent
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with the internally recognized doors of for fair and imperative for victory. while this manifesto was dropped it at a ford, a confidence, and also by a group describing themselves as the congress of people's deputies is made up of former russian parliamentarians explain, described by the times newspaper as a shadow called would not be put forward. distrust did you notice the victory planet cause for increased on so you crying in the expansion of the functions raging that claims to have $106.00 members, including former russian parliamentarians. the even says that it has covered the setting and peace in russia. or, of course, there's no evidence to support this claim. so for somebody acts as the police call waiting, all the freedom of russia legion, of course, and known for carrying out these cross pulled incursions into russian world regional nicole's killing russian civilians, but also the national republican. all me now. yeah, i see. i keep hearing about them, they're based within rushes borders right,
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well the story that's supposed to be by using the that's what the site is. existence has been down to in the west, including by reuters. but it has been shown to claim responsibility for a number of highly profiled assassinations, including a very high profile. i'm going to treat you in this. and perhaps i famously the killing of diarrhea due gonna in a comp i'm attacking the most i region. that of your, do, you know, of course, the daughter of alexander do didn't. who's midnight impressed hysteria in the west . i call him mention him without cooling him to teens brian, now this manifesto who says that it's no longer an option, but simply juicy of the west to support what it describes as revolution, reactions and side rush of them. also mind if this is the former state, do my deputy area on ideals who as advocate as were about to have a number of targeted assassinations inside russia. who were you, would you,
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i consider everybody connected to the war machine. government officials organize or finance the war. business management produce arms propaganda, warmongers, as well as middle to real security personnel as combatants and their legitimate targets for both ukrainian military and russian resistance fighters at the post where you so this plainly include a very long and very broad list of people that hate things to be legitimate targets included on that list all to a list. of course i protected on the international lawyer liberally targeting them is a will crime. so a lot of these, he's backed by the west, and before he fled to russia, he was known for organizing anti government protested, but he's deemed by moscow to be a, for an agent, a terrorist and extreme is now he has some delusions of grandeur, of himself, he's compared himself to the full mission fighting president, jerry adams. of course, he's referring to the all right, and it's decades long struggle against voting thing to be
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a british occupation. but what he fails to mention is outcomes. key role in negotiating. peace and then to the on struggle. yeah. that's, that's a key point, isn't it? right, so let me just break this down. and steve, you've got terrorists asking nato to bach on assassination and campaign against russians. do they really expect to get some more with it as well as the times reported? this document is due to be presented the full coming nights or some in july taking place in washington. it doesn't say how it's going to be presented to it doesn't say by whom it's going to be presented. nato in reality is extremely unlikely to buy according to such a document coating for roku, at least not publicly. of course, nato has a history of supporting these kind of a 2 attempts in a very the stuff away operation. claudio, of course, was initiated off to level 2 and it, so the military alliance allying with all sorts of organizations fall like groups
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full. my members of the s s, now the, this was in countries across europe including in italy, in germany and 30 and increase. but also the west has a very long list of groups and individuals that are supported, including the major dean in afghanistan and met in around the usa as we, as he's cold, wind glade, us in venezuela. and he's also supporting groups like the muslim brotherhood. and of course the united states has loan being allegedly linked to i say. so the west really has no scruples on the groups and individuals that it supports as long as, as long as it maintains its power and a gemini r t has launched a documentary film festival here in moscow focusing on the her real like feats of decorated russian soldiers on the front line,
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our correspondent vermont cost red was among those of the un or girl st. that we are the most go expo at the ard, see documentary festival cold. so i'm about heroes. as you can see, the line had extended right around the block here at this expo. well, this year in united during this ministry, correspondence officers and soldiers of the russian army as well. and of course, members of the public to this year, they will see more documentary films made by archie, ends on the producers as well. in regards to the special military operation about the soldiers about volunteers. and of course about what correspondence as well as the r t, launch the 1st international festival time of our heroes, and most code back in february 2023. after the premier,
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the festival moved off 2 other russians disease. it also came to the boss films were shown to russian soldiers stationed along the front lines, as well as in the hospital, over the years of as broadcasting the 24 hour r t. the documentary tv channel has produced more than $1000.00 films, many of which have one procedures, international awards. since the beginning of the festival, it's already been used by over 60000 people all over the world, mainly in the 17 countries, including 2 natal nation stats. it's a and it searches v r t documents for the festival time of our heroes who will be held here in moscow for a period of 3 days. and every single day is going to use expect it to be uh, sold out at the moment. like i said to this, the festival has united the public and their heroes. uh, the soldiers and officers are fighting and especially miniature operation, as well as war correspondence for covering this for thing. sorry,
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country. remind call for emergency moscow. ok, i do hope we mothers to give you a solid sense of the day is made. use developments our website will have all the big updates to do, check in there occasionally as well by ncc, the take a fresh look around. there's a life kaleidoscopic, isn't just a shifted reality distortion by how us tied to vision with no real opinions.
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fixtures designed to simplify will confuse really once a better wills, and is it just because it shows you few fractured images presented to this 1st? can you see through their illusion going on the ground? can the hey everybody on bins one in for rick sanchez and this is what we're talking about today. we are a fighting peoples and we will not allow any cool, especially against the constitutionally elected president. okay, i'll say a rough st. bolivia as an attempt to take over spirals out of control armed demand, storm, the grounds of the government pallets and a bold move to seize power for president luis, our say we've got the wild images and we'll dig into what this could mean for the future of that south american country,
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this is direct impact the to get let's get right to what's happening in bolivia and the parents failed to attempt on wednesday morning armored vehicles rammed into the doors of the government palace leading to a stand off with president luis r, say bolivian television capture that seemed the 2 tanks and several min and military uniforms outside the building. the soldiers were led by general one who se zuniga known for his anti government viewed so in response, president r say called on his supporters to stand against the perpetrators sparking a series of questions. take
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a look at some of the footage we collected the dramatic images there, but what's really going on because after only about an hour, the arm she was eventually stood down. here's where it gets interesting. why does any guy who is now under russ claims that president our se, instructed him to prepare that show of force to boost his popularity. so now let's go to international corresponding with no chance of manila. what's your take on this? the defense claims coming in from sydney guy that this was not actually a code. this was a false flag as well. then there were means circulating on twitter yesterday about this very short lived to, i mean,
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some calling it the pizza. cool on line because you know, the crew began and ended faster than some people could order a pizza and have it delivered. but it is an interesting allegation by general zuniga right now. there is no evidence to support such a claim. you know that he was ordered to, to do the state to in order to help bolster luis, our se is sagging support. but behind is when it goes defense claim upon his arrest . that is, that there is a growing rift among the mass party and its direction and its leadership by who, with a return from exile of eval morales in late 2020. and now he's announcing that he wants to run for yet another term in 20. 25 is as another layer to the political mass. that is bolivia. now if you recall back in 2019, when morales 1st fled after that, that military coup at that time. opposition sen janine on. yes, declared herself into room president much in the way that one guy though did in
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venezuela with born support from the american government in groups like o a s. now she gave the green light to the military at that time to quash defend by pro morales protestors allowing the military to shoot and kill $33.00 demonstrators . so it was a very tumultuous time coupled with the cobit pandemic that hit during the political strife. the elections got rescheduled, and ultimately the mass party still prevailed, which but luis are se in office in 2020. so the soon it goes claims against our se really don't make any sense in the broader picture. if a recent history tells us anything, it would say that there's outside influence at play here once again been, well if and if there is outside play, i'm not saying there isn't, but it's hopeless. it in the whole thing was so as he said, it was short lived, it was so weak. what a weak attempt at the cool it's, it's hard to believe that anyone could have organized this,
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but maybe more on that. let's go to this other story. so brussels is set to sign a defense packed with ukraine on thursday. the agreement is to bolster ukraine security and defense in 9 key areas, including weapons deliveries, of course, military training. of course, the building up the defense industry cooperation. it's not a mutual defense treaty, though. i'm sure you can imagine why the pac promised and swift in you consultation an action in case of future aggression. manila, this is a pretty significant move by the you, but it's yet another example of their commitment to defending ukraine, keeping the us satisfied it seems like but at the same time, again, this is not a mutual defense agreement. what does that mean? it means so if he was attacked, we're not going to call on ukraine maybe because they have no military left and they're dropping and 15 to 16 year olds into the army. yeah, i mean, so bad a we can characterize it that way. yeah. but, but we can also do it through the lens of say,
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celebrity marriage. and here's what i mean by that. first. who is this guy that signed the pact for the ukraine side? i mean, zalinski is term as president ended in may based on ukrainian law in lieu of and now you're writing a new president. the inner room role should be passed to their version of speaker of the house. so the last e signature on this whole thing is dubious. now the pack itself is only 12 pages long, and it only outlines funding through the end of 2024, which is coincidentally the, when the world will learn, who becomes the new american president. but it does talk about wider security measures, as you mentioned, which includes cooperation in the way of military training and aid to ukraine, specifically only to ukraine. but what i found most interesting was that it specifically talks about countering cyber threats as well as. and this is a, quote,
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foreign information manipulation and interference translation, the continued censorship of any russian related media contact or even descent against the you or us role in making this a protracted war. yeah, well, and that's absolutely true. look, the, the, the persecution of journalism online media and ukraine is pretty astounding. but when you look at like american companies like youtube and facebook and the words that they have done to squash any kind of the same, not only as of it has to be f, b i. but at the behest of ukraine's s b u. it is, it is remarkable to think that kind of influence that it's having worldwide. but let's move on to this other story to we've talked about this earlier this week. julian, a saw and finally back home in australia that we keep mix founder reunited with his family. after finalizing a deal, pleading guilty to a single charge of conspiracy in return, you'll receive credit for time served, avoiding any further jail time. take a look at the moments that he returned home here.
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the, the, it was us meeting on the tarmac, but it was the entire world who was celebrating a julian plans to swim in the ocean every day. he plans to sleep to sleep in a real bed. he plans to taste real food and he plans to enjoy his freedom as well. pretty incredible stuff. now, while the celebration is taking place in australia in the mood of washington, as you might imagine is more subdued, despite the sauce pleading guilty to that single charge of a conspiracy to commit. a crime, espionage court ruled that his actions did not endanger anyone. here's the thing, the state department spokesperson, matthew miller seemed to have missed that memo,
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insisting to reporters of the solid. yes, he didn't do wrong without really explaining what that was. listen to this, but are you satisfied that the case is over? so look at the justice department spoken, then i don't have anything to add. obviously the, obviously the investor put out a statement that said we were happy to work with our sterling colleagues on it. and that remains the case. i do think it is important when we talk about julianna's ons to remind the world that the actions for which he was indicted and for which he is now plead guilty, your actions that put the lives of our partners, our allies, and our diplomats at risk, especially those who work in dangerous places like afghanistan and iraq, i actually did talk to the state department. and i don't remember there being any public that there was a public concern that was raised about the potential security risk. those 2 sources who might have been quoted was there actually any for did you ever discover anyone who was injured?
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killed had to go into hiding. so because of them, so a few things about that one. i can give you a definitive answer only because i wasn't here at the time. you know, if you drive drunk down the street and get pulled over for drunk driving, the fact that you didn't crash into another car and kill some one doesn't get you out of the uh, of your direct was actions and endangerment that you put your fellow citizens and it's the same thing. same principle applies here, right? well i, i don't think that it does, but the fact of the matter is that the state department has been leased, as far as i know, and maybe i'm wrong. but there's been as never been able to point to anyone who was compromised or killed or it's all right. the middle of this is the same in saying press conference to have the miller standing there saying julie massage, put our partners at risk, endangered. the lives of americans and our diplomats and spice, the endangered so many people. and the reporter says who and he says, i don't know,
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i wasn't here. i mean, what kind of her as well. and then i have, i have no words to describe matt miller. actually i do have some words, but the fcc won't allow me to say them that was such a laughable answer that he gave you know, that was before my time here. what a lame response, i mean, i wasn't alive during the j f k era, but i know what happened during his administration. because guess what? then i can read and seek answers to the questions that i might have. what kind of week answer was this from a guy who's supposed to be, you know, a government official, he's actually hired to speak for a living. it was a way, easily way out of having to be further pressed on a topic that, you know, no body being harmed by what do you weeks or the a sondra release is no. and then, but, but but manila, it's not just that nobody was harm. you can argue that people's lives were saved
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because of julian assault. the fact that you had people that the large numbers of civilians in iraq and of denison dying as a result of what was happening, place there and. and then you have joined a soldier which he likes revealing that. and i would say turning the course of the rock more turning the course of the afghanistan war and bringing it in to the, the massacre of civilians. it wasn't that he was in danger and people, he's saving people. and this clown is standing there say no, i think it's really bad and it's bad. it's so bad. tell me what's bad about it. i don't know. i'm not really sure. i told me i wasn't here. tara wasn't here. okay. but yeah, we use the term. we use the term harm very loosely the days. i mean, i can't speak to anyone feelings reputations of being hurt or hard. but to date, there is no evidence that any person whose name was even mentioned and those docs had hair on their heads harmed. so that, you know, all of this is just a weak response because they have no answer. we got to go. but look julia,
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as long as the thing he harmed was the reputation of the us miller, terry, and organizations like the c, i a that were committing crimes against people. and he embarrassed permanent washington. he embarrassed the bush administration, the obama administration. absolutely. that's why he wasn't present manila, we get fired up on this, but things thanks for doing that. all right, so go ahead. we circle back to our top story today that dramatic failed to attempt if it really was one in bolivia, find out why summer pointing fingers at the us for allegedly being involved will bring it all down right after the break states in the who when i went to the wrong
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just don't you have to safe house to come to after care and engagement because the trail when so many find themselves will support. we choose to look for common ground, the the and welcome back to our show and the top story of the data failed to attempted. bolivia, theories are squarely on x. formally twitter speculating that the crew attempt was covertly backed by the c i a which they do all the time a lot in the miracles of why not this one. right? some are pointing to bolivia as extensive lithium reserves. so let's break it down despite holding the world's largest lithium reserves, the libya has struggled to industrialize the resource. however, recent agreements with the chinese and russian companies in 2023, it could transform bolivia as economy. and this development is not sitting well with the officials in washington. big surprise they're. so joining us out to
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discuss, we have camilla escalante. she is a journalist based in latin america. camilla, thanks for being here. first of all, kind of take us through this recent qu, attempt videos versed on the social media, but an interesting name on x pointed out that the time from the beginning of the so called to attempt to its end to less time than ordering and having a pizza delivered, was a serious, threatening you thinking establishment was a real cool. i know that there is a claim by as unique. i generals any god that he was put up to this. do you believe that or do you believe this was a failed to attempt by an outside power? these are the same questions that everyone inside of bolivia is asking right now. everyone from the last represented by the movement towards socialism, the party led by evelyn morales and the right wing the far right who left the 2 in 2019. they're asking the same questions and i think just normal, everyday supporters of the government want to know as well what exactly transpired, what were the conversations that were had during what looked like the confrontation
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or a discussion between zuniga and president, luis are saying his ministers there in the government palace for a number of minutes, they stood face to face. you saw people pointing, putting their hands up. and what we do know is that reportedly the administer of government or interior minister perhaps in english would. i told, told that this commander that he needed to span down and tell his officers to withdraw from plaza moody out. they also said the government also said that they would not be adhering to the demands to resign and move over so that the military or the section of the military could install their own leadership in the country. and just like that, it seemed that they withdrew. and of course, in a matter of minutes, luis r say, and his vice president headed inside and they named
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a whole new high command of the military. which is really interesting. it means that we sort of say, survived what took place, although he is probably in a very weak position. because since 2019 we've seen a number of changes to the high command of both the military and the police. so now there are also questions about whether something like this could happen. again, whatever it is that is investigated or what they decide that this actually was, couldn't happen again. they have elections in bolivia, in 2025. and right now, there is a concerted efforts by the right wing, and by those who carried out the 2 and 2019 as well as their allies in the exterior . that would be the us and its allies to try to subdivision in the country. and destabilize the country and split up the left, so that the right has some fighting chance that actually winning an election. yeah . it's, it's interesting to see how much attention is on bolivia right now. and i guess the elephant in the room when it comes to olivia, certainly those lithium reserves,
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we mentioned bolivia has more than enough lithium to make the country awfully prosperous and wealthy. and it looks like the country's leadership wants to heading that direction with investment again, as we mentioned from china, bolivia, the present and meeting with the russian president vladimir putin at the st. petersburg economic form earlier this month. none of that is, it is a good sign. we wouldn't take it for washington. take us through just how much lithium bolivia has and where are the countries current kind of lithium extraction and production industry standards. right now there was, there's been talk over a recent years about nationalizing lithium reserves in order for the whole country to prosper. but as you mentioned, the right wing isn't a fan of that. and certainly outside powers like the us, they hate that idea to yep, libya has nationalize its bullet, its lithium reserves. and as south comedy united states always speaks about this area of argentina chill in bolivia has the most lithium and all of the world. and it's been a process, a very interesting process of the last few years since luis, r say, came to power in bolivia,
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following the trying for the bolivian people over the to that they have been needing to look for these partners to try to develop that lift the end and of course this has been a little bit of a political thing as well because there are bidders potential partners from the united states, from china and russia, and many other countries of the world who want to develop with bolivia of. so this is something that's always a factor, and this is direct. we links to what i, you know, any civilization or anything that we see in the country. we can't say right now, we can only speculate what sort of outside powers to return to your 1st question might have been involved in what took place in the planning. we know that something was planned. the commander himself said that he met with the different commanders of the armed forces. he was the head of the military. he said that he had the support of certain actors of the air force and the navy as well. he actually said
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that the reason he was unsuccessful and reaching his aims of over throwing the government and according to him, restoring democracy yesterday was because the armed forces are sorry, the navy and the air force didn't actually show up applies and video as they were supposed to but i, if it is the case that a lot of planning applauding went into what happened, what transpired yesterday over the course of the past week, we do have to ask, what sort of discussions were held between the armed forces and members of the up the right, willing opposition, and any sort of allies, they happened the exterior, whether it be the us to see in the past or any other countries that participated in organizing or supporting and legitimate my think the 2 and 2019 was it that sort of a thing, these are the questions that are being asked. yeah, i know and there, there been questions lucky you go to latin american, south american, you see chinese influence everywhere. right. now obviously, the building road initiative has been pretty,
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pretty powerful in terms of the changes that are being made and let in itself, america. you also see that the, the model of who the united states has run now for, you know, many, many decades where they go into a country and they decide what we want. we want to control this either economically . we want to bring multinational corporations in here and give them control and so they engineer these crews and this becomes such a playbook we, we watch it play out over and over and over. we saw it playing out in venezuela with one. why though? and then the attempt of us out there to install him as the leader of the country. and so we seem is taking place all the time. i'm just curious as to what is happening in latin america and south america in terms of the, the shift by people in those countries who say, look, the chinese and the russians treat us differently. like the us uses this hammer 1st approach, where they want to go and smash everything and then say, don't worry, we'll put it back together the right way using your own people, which it never is really. and the chinese have
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a very different model in the long run. how do you see this playing out? especially when you have a country that is so rich and lithium, it seems like the, the chinese russian model of say, let's work with you rather than trying to over throw and, and basically take it all from you seems to work better. and it does work whether better you ask the number of questions there, i think is going to be very tricky for luis are set who is buying for re election 2025 to get re elected without the support of the broader left and the movement towards socialism led by evelyn morales. that is what the united states and its allies is focusing on there focusing on showing division within the country within the revolutionary sectors. within that is the people who supported that radical change under eval morales and the campus. the knows the world of people and the unions, of course, and digital sectors. those people are going to need to support the resources or eval morales for whoever it as forever for this project to remain in power. and
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these are people who largely support the projects of developing jointly with countries like china and russia. research that has been very savvy on the foreign policy front of just like ever, morales, even though there has been a crisis internally and there has been some economic problems, particularly in the last couple of years. he has had very storm solid foreign policy when it comes to palestine, when it comes to iran and obviously russia. so that's very key. that means that he has a lot of support and legitimacy internationally. and he's seen as having some sort of a strong voice on, on particular issues. i think that it's going to be more of an internal struggle within the country to see if he can garner that support and the end and remain in power. this of course, is the 5th consecutive government elected by the bolivian people. only 4 of them
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had been carried out of the force of the 5 was uh when eval. morales was re elected in 2019, but of course he was not able to surface 4th term because of the 2. so this is what, this is what they're trying to avoid. right now. another disable ization attempt. another entry of these n g o's, uh, uh and, and uh, so called human rights organizations. uh, funded, of course, by the net by, you say, etc. that will disrupt the process. yeah. and whenever the engine goes, come in, you know, you're going in the wrong direction. lot last question for you. we have about a minute left. if this crew was in fact engineered by western partners by the united states and others, how embarrassing is i? we talk about the model of the crew has been run for a long time. it seems to get progressively worse, it seems to become progressively incompetent. if this one does turn out to be us, lead isn't just an embarrassment at this point to have put together something. so
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shoddy, so, so in apps, and to now have washington's stamp on this, as it does, it does further destroy credibility there. well, it shows that the, you know, washington allied sectors are completely inapt in the country. it's not the only to attempt to obtain these up so many 2 attempts, and actually assassination attempts again to eval morales during his 14 years of presidency. we saw one crew, but we've seen many attempts against the resources presidency. we think the civilization, we've seen out violent groups take to the street and hold roadblocks and all sorts of other things in the department of santa cruz. and otherwise, this is the one that took the headlines internationally because we saw so many armored vehicles and hundreds of military literally rammed down the front doors of the government palace. but it's not the 1st time and it won't be the last time they have all the ins failed attempts, and it just means that the right wing in the country, the opposition has no strength. it has no people, it has no project,
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and no one is supporting it except these exterior powers and their vast amount of money and influence my life. go on, say, thank you so much for your time, your insights. we've learned a lot today. thank you. thanks, and that is our show for you today on ben swan. we'll see you next time covering stories that have a direct impact the the, the we are in the rest of the southern region on where the mighty vulgar flows into the caspian sea, forming of the largest as to where in continental europe, which means it's
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a great place to learn about the only 41 percent of you as a delta and i'm savings to cover a $1000.00 emergency. if we have record numbers of americans who are on the verge of having their cars repossess more than a 137000000 americans are facing financial hardship because of medical then in america, we do have a welfare system in place to help people who are struggling financially, but it's a conditional system you have to prove to the government that you truly need help. the simplest way, like explain the basic income, is that it's like social security for the rest of us. a basic income would be a monthly payments that would go to everyone. just a $1000.00 a month, no strings attached as a user here, but i would like them maybe. i don't know. i just won't go crazy. the reason that i am
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a fan of guaranteed income because it is this idea that everybody is deserve. and that's just by virtue of your being here. the polls closed in around with tens of millions voting and a snuff presidential election following last month. the death of abraham right in a helicopter crash. we're on top of the developments here and the heart of the iranian capital as the nation chooses its next president. stay with us for the latest updates on the experts analysis on the course of the vote. to biden's lock loss to performance against donald trump in their 1st 2020 for presidential debates for speculation. the democrats are throwing their incumbent leader under the boss that sells a new york times article released the head of the show dog claim. the party chiefs were already eyeing a different nominate for the execution washington of trying to conceal the number


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