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tv   Documentary  RT  June 29, 2024 12:00am-12:31am EDT

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the robot must protect this phone. existence was only exists, the the hello and welcome to cross talk where hall things are considered. i'm theater. lavelle, jo biden's, whitehouse continues to insist it has little leverage over the israeli government to bring a whole to the fighting and gaza, or living on this is obviously an absurd claim. at the same time, it appears to us has resigned to a wider conflict that includes lebanon and beyond the
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crest sucking power site. i'm joined by my guess, lionel in new york. he is a legal and media analyst also in new york. we have stanley cohen is the human rights lawyer and in rome. we cross of romano roberto, she is an author and managing editor of the palestine chronicle. alright, cross lock rules and effect. that means you can jump any time you want. and i always appreciate stanley if i go to you 1st in new york, i'm, i'm really getting very, very sick and tired of these claims that the white house has no leverage over is real. you know, we're supposed to resign ourselves to a genocide that we can all watch in real time. i find that pathetic and i find the criminally liable. but also we have a us official them that have the kicker is really citizenship by the way. they're going to 11 on and saying, well, if the israelis go to work with has blog will be on the side of the as really is why was he there? where was the diplomacy? why do we have to resign ourselves to just more bloodshed in a wider war?
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a with a one telephone call from the white house could change all of that? go ahead stanley. well, it's called the election. it's called uh, a package for the atl. it's paul, at this point 5, you could care less about the morality principle, international law about work crime. she wants to wait. he's waited long enough and he's made a decision that is more important to port a past and is more important. port designers wing of the democratic party and the independent party that he is concerned about losing young women and men who are in the streets, or rightly so saying, genocide, genocide, genocide, and you're absolutely correct one phone call the sense because under the arms export controller, which is real, there's been clearly in violation of for generations now. he fits up a phone, he says that's the end that you're not in compliance with the act of congress put ended as well because they are the only person who can weigh in on the arms export control act. judiciary has said, it's a separation of powers issue, so bite,
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and as he's done through his entire career has made a political calculus. how do i get more involved? so what do i have to worry about, in this case? the slaughter of bowman yesterday of, of, of, of the, the electoral, of the a pack ownership. really friends they find watch when he knows he can't shut down. here's wheels for a while. we tried to walk beside rope ready for every dollar. he gave him the man to try to give 10 to kill people, and to destroy community. so this is all about the election as it is with nothing yahoo, there's 3 trials that are waiting for him to put him in prison. well, you know, yeah, but since violent is already been mentioned, i was going to do that. the 2nd half of the program, but i'll throw it to line. all right now. well, i know you're on the program quite a bit. we went through the forest called russia gates, you know, we're a russian meddling and the american elections. stanley just brought up the most glaring meddling and american elections all out in the open here. i mean,
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every cent with it was spent. i mean, this is, you know, a foreign government israel, through its conduits in the united states and its satellites there in the us determining outcomes politically. i mean, this is just outright meddling, but no one will call it that line. oh, well, aside from that, you know, was really interesting, is that and, and i have been doing a radio a did talk radio for, for 35 years. and the word a pack or is real. the lobby was 3rd rail. kryptonite. you just, it was like the n word, this was the a word. and yet yesterday, for coverage thing, a pack back, the bowman loses and the now the own. and just like there was this transition. so i don't know if that's deliberate. if people are finally awakened, but you're absolutely correct. how can you claim, how can anybody claim that external extra judicial,
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extra governmental influence on our sovereignty is okay, and very uh, finally, how does anybody seek to secure the position of power with their voters by saying, i ted dougherty big about this? what is there a gun to your if you don't understand, i can't control where your money goes all by the way. vote for me. yeah. much better or amanda. this is the america's democracy is at stake. that's what everybody says here, but they, they missed the point here. i mean, it seems that both major parties, they will curry favor with donors and not with voters, certainly not with what's right. okay. it's all about money and how much you can get to run your elections here. that is probably the most pathetic soft power message america is sending the world right now. go ahead in room. yes, i think i'm all of the various things that garza is exposing to the word. there is
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this concept of liberal democracy as a whole. and we see that this is a structured crisis. it's not it contingent prices for, for, and meaning that if these lobbies are so powerful, that they can actually be a superior interest. and then people in the treat solved shoddy for sure. we don't have a representative democracy, democracy, but we have its best and pretty good key and not a democracy. but i think that, yes, what can seem completely irrational here a abc russian or the up to a certain point. yes, for sure. uh, the united states is treating as well as an insured of friends, not as a foreign policy. so, and it is doing so also because the task of your motive for the united states, it is essential, especially following the people to asia. and so the fact that they actually next to
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me that you've, you've essentially so essential for them, that is what maintains it's determined that is what maintains its military. so to reach superiority over the region, i think that the united states wanted is were to win and wanted to win fast. it is not in the interests of course, that the conflict that spends, but they cannot afford to be as well not restore the determine the amount that made, but the problem with maintaining or re re capturing deterrence for israel's and it might cost the 3rd world war that is certainly not in the interest of anybody, including the united states. now that a pack is written, written, brought up stanley. can you explain something to me that i've never really understood? we hear all of this investigations about how much a pack a gets involved in elections, who they have bought the of mind years in congress of where all we know is really is americans were all the same, are interchangeable,
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is really sees the american flag. well, why am i spending so much money and so much effort, and so much intimidation on something that should be obvious that were the same. but apparently we're not because they have to keep pressuring people to convince everyone that we're all. busy the same, i don't have to share those values. i don't believe in genocide. i believe in bringing people to account. i mean, it's counter intuitive. i mean, you wouldn't need a pack if we were really actually shared these values. and stanley, well, you know, the 400000 the registration acts fair, which was designed years ago to force microsoft for foreign governments to registered with the country and noticed that i am working for is real. i am working for country x. i'm working for country wide, which has rigid rules in terms of what you can do, how would, why, what's past that should have been passed with this real and it's not. we know that fara has been applied when it comes to lobbyist and folks that are supported brush
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over the years. we know this power has been applied when it comes to people that they charge with the fences. they're speaking or working on behalf of a rock, but when it comes to israel, it comes ultimately down to, you know, true instead of 48, when he initially was opposed to photo, quote, the establishment, the state of his real truman said eventually i'm not interested. i don't think it's a good idea, but after discussion she made some comments which remain true today. palestinians don't have money and they don't vote. use of america have money and they do, but look at allison's white. late allison gave hundreds of millions of dollars to the israel for ever has been sitting on the fence because she supported the opponents initially against the trump. and the last few days she said, i'm giving you $100000000.00. yep. do what you want with it. just make sure it is real, has no headaches as no problem and come in as much genocide as possible. so you have, this is the publicity we're on the one hand you have laws,
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you have actually have procedures. you have limits that in theory or pass to level the playing field to try to keep foreign governments outside of controlling domestic policies and politics in the united states. you have the arms export control act. you have the, you have the allow react up. you have all these laws that have been passed to maintain the theory that democratic integrity and i be able to be that states which when it comes to israel, politicians, when it comes to israel, they have north. yeah. but just barely got money yet. but so if i go to this, the line will be huge. it is then we just said, you know, here's all the money, a mixer. israel doesn't have any headaches, but it actually creates like a huge headache for, for the united states. and it standing in the world in a far worse than a headache for the people have gaza line on, or, you know, the, well, it's a great point and i was going to say tell the be before i forget, have you noticed that of course we have to thank god for digital streaming
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platforms and or alternate citizen and civilian and alternative of news, which basically have they have transformed the subject matter. but now people are starting to pay attention as to what's being said, because all i tell my friends is pay attention. recently. there was a statement by i believe, and it's rarely official whose name escapes me. who said something like, you don't, you really can't stop. how much you really can't it's, it's like an idea and i thought, well, well, well, well wait a minute hold. that was the $1000000.00 statement because the, the argument is that we need this money in order to stop this. we will not stop until they are crush. if you have somebody who just eliminates that is a possibility that defeats the entire theory yet it's now percolating through and it's permanent. it's breaking the blood brain barrier. in these debates, people are saying this is a lot like terrorism, isn't it? this is like when we were going after people around the world because they embodied some kind of ideology. and they really weren't actually
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a court for real threat. and people are getting it. and that's why somebody at some point they've got about a 130 something days until the election. they've got to for the to stall the american electorate, because people are figuring out right now and narrative doesn't make any sense. and the way you have a better deal, but the brain, couple of people do face consequences if you don't go along with the narrative, you know, long before this happened we had i academics all across the western world of lost their positions because they were contrary. and, and now it's the case of death. so mean you have to, you have to get in line and this, this is a liberal liberalism is really, really damaging folks. i have to jump in here. we're going to go to go to a short break. and after that short break, we'll continue our discussion on palestine state without the of the today, the arab countries are in my view, in
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a stronger position than they were in 1973. they carry much more economic weight and they didn't 1973 today. guys, uh united something and, and it's very clear that the palestinian issue is not going to go away and there is no way it is real. will be integrated in the region before this processing issue is resolved. the position i would suggest in belgrade was suggesting that we send americans in and uh, the bridges on the drain that on your bill is us. one of them of move donnie and holly, now now about seeing what it's done or when you see it,
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all the owners will tell you that you will see the list of classes. you know, the middle school is what i need to file a possible smith's most valid thoughts in this one is not as a guide on source or fit emotional running room. it might be, you know, a lot less radioactive than that something is active uranium, but still it's radioactive and has toxins that they can tell you the laptop you want me to go and see. so either of us here again, let's see the echo seats. the boeing good, i don't know those old i was suggesting we fell great the bill cost of what they were just the i'm sure across the top where all things are considered on peter the bill to remind you
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were discussing palestine. the ok, let's go back to our guest in room. remember one of the things i find very disturbing . well, all of us are watching the events on folding real time on the lebanese border on the west bank and gaza. well, i'm watching main stream media. they're kind of normalizing genocide. it's like, well this is what's going on again in, in gaza. and of course, you know, using a passive voice and all that they're just normalizing of. that's part of our everyday experience here with the reason why i bring it up because it didn't rages people like us even more because, you know, you, we point out this is a don't to just stand with genocide actually is you, we see these pictures here and you're not going to do anything about it. that is one of the most a waiting experiences and feelings i've ever had in my life. go ahead and room. yes,
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absolutely. and this from immediate point of view and from it pretty easy code point of view. let's think what happened with rough, uh and the rough operation. we have us a piece of going every single day and. ready vision say no, we don't want israel to carry out a major operation in rough or east where it doesn't have to cross the red line. then we saw literally babies burned alive in the tents. in about, as we saw the cafeteria, babies and we still need are going on television and say yes to it is very sad because it is very disturbing. we are inquiring what we do not think is, was cross the red line. we would like to ask them, what was these red line, but this has happened, you know, so many times when each was in the united states, let's think of what happened with all the seas fighter discussions on may 31st, biden says, or penalty o e 's was presented as these fire proposal,
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and then these was said after a few hours, or this is a surprise for us. and the united states were, was negotiating as easy to look at part and not an honest at peace bro. okay. as we are used to here. so literally we are used to the i think the words keep up with the, in double standards. literally not enough to describe what is happening now even in terms of how they present the genocide, a city you know, stanley that there's uh, i think it was in hot out. there was a, a letter assigned by a prominent is really, uh, officials, uh, asking the us congress to resend disinvite benjamin yet. and you know who to speak to a joint session and nothing that you know, he's policies may be popular among the israeli citizens. but he isn't. okay. and they point out and these people are, most of them are pretty hard liners to other than me. i have to make sure that's
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clear. but you know, this is not the message they think israel should be sending the, he's not the right messenger for the world right now for to make is released case. so all, all people in washington are talking about is how many standing ovations this man is going to get. this is this a real stanley everyone gets to use as a parents to their own. and it's a political jester, it's a political presence. it's a political gift. you will get up there, he will speed on one hand, he will think those a literal leaders, those political players, those entities that are supporting israel's right. so we just peace and safety while they murder a $100000.00 people and civilians. lastly, women and children, and on the other hand, he will then say, and here's this man by keeps threatening us and it keeps telling us he's gonna, he's gonna roll back to weapons. he's, he's gonna pose the a pack sanctions. it's the biggest political show in town. he will serve the purpose of jo by the whole time that by we turn around and say, i disagree and he shouldn't be involving himself the whole time. the bible says i'm
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writing them in, they're not, they're continuing to form money into it. you know, just and with the reference to genocide, people have argued for years and genocide is built to find him. do lots of lots. well, there's gender such that it has nothing to do with the amount of damage. yeah, flooded spent. what is the incentive stomach? so for years, israel is really supportive said there's more palestinians than ever show us the box. and now that you've got the bodies, they turned around and said, this are proportionality test. well, there is no proportionality test. and whatever happens and october 7th, as absolutely nothing to do with the results of genocide that are plain to say with the i c, c. and the i c j, which reports to go after anyone else doesn't that doesn't have the political power that israel does blinks instead. well, please stop. or maybe we'll get to a warranty issue, or maybe we'll move to intervene and biden turns around. he makes a speech, it'll be interesting tonight for him to raise the, the american effort,
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his effort to try to rain and at the end of genocide, while he's writing a check daily, which keeps it going, the red line has become a period of dots that doesn't matter what you want to call it, when you've got every day, thousands of women and children and survey is better, this place better targeted, better as ashton's that murder fine can say, well they will. i'm opposed to this. meanwhile, he's winking, he's fueling the system, and here comes as you started out this, this particular segment. and here comes nothing yahoo to good standing ovations for what for american dollars to slaughter women, to slaughter children, to displace millions to destroy. and as you pointed out, to create a norm as form for the american body politic when it comes to the vision of the world, because we see what's going on in the middle east, we see what's going on elsewhere. and while everyone is apparently focused on all what's, who's reading with whom, where and when the bombing continues, the funding continues, the difference continues. and it's all at this point. how do i get more votes?
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and that's what you're going to see tonight. yeah, but a lot like, oh, i know, i can't see how a bite and wins at all. he pays painted himself into such a corner. and i saw, i think you saw the image when that he was that are fundraiser with a brock obama and brock obama had to lead them past the stage. i was wondering if that's a matter for it's time for you to go. jo, you've served your purpose, go headlines, and brock obama, by the way, who was the verbally and theoretically man handled by mister netanyahu during his visit. but let me explain another aspect to wait, which, which is solely just so you know, peter not, you will not have talked about how i am side eating passionately would people who before i guess i told her i just spies. i just, there were a massive me to me know, here's something very interesting. freespace and expression are, it is under attack all over the world. very, very briefly. we had this thing on january 6 where people decided to ard to, to riot in washington. okay. fine. and they were charged with the dishes conspiracy
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and rebellious and instruction because they all conspired to interrupt a governmental process and they were put under the jail and these then these star chambers, okay, fine. when mister netanyahu arrived, you're going to see protests as well. many of them manned by and led by people who are called the left, the left who didn't care about january 6th, who didn't care about it because it applied to donald trump neck, how they're going to be reaching out to their brother's across the aisle to say wait a minute, you know something about this. is this the dishes conspiracy? no, this is a corruption and the collapse of free speech all over the world where you have to pledge field, teach why? the allergy. and if you were to ever interrupt this, this, this thought you were crushed criminally. there is nothing. i've never seen anything as boys in does this in my life either as a lawyer or a complicated around the. it's really,
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i think that we've talked about this before. but if it is zine is i'm, is an ideology is corrupting all of the west with all of these acts that we're seeing right now. and, you know, there people like joe biden, you know, who, it's difficult to know what he know is these days. but you know, when he says i am as i in this, i wonder what he know what he thinks when he says that, okay? because it has a certain meaning to me and it's about any quality, bigotry, etc, etc. but for him, it just is real. and that's really damaging, go ahead and room as we have to be to be clear. joe biden has always said, you don't have to be induced to be a zionist, and i am a zionist. this is a line that she likes very much. she has repeated that like so many times over the last decades we can say, since he was very young and you are absolutely right design, everything is permeating every aspect. i live in europe, i need an entity here. there are, for example, we impose 10 kids,
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i think kids because they're very young in their early twenties. and they weren't detained because they were supposedly sharing resistance propaganda material. nobody is talking about that, but this is basically they are doing so in the name of these right. healy and the see, you need any not to speak about germany today. the news was that a germany, we have an east. what lawyer, the test to grant the citizenship the term and see doesn't tip to a people we are really, you know, crossing every possible line. of course, like as i said before, he brought democracy. it wasn't me that has already been dismantled. i'm speaking for wrong now, and actually i cannot access russia today. i cannot access r t and there has been a wide spread sense of shape over the last the years and months and years. so yes,
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there is zionism as a concept as the superiority in a sense of the west, and they don't want to let it go. yeah, stanley, you know, and questioning the israel, of the, in the way of things are going now. we'll probably see a war against has belie 11, which nobody knows how that can turn out. it could be a huge regional war. the united states has already pledged how the world kind of country sites in advance. you know, we're going to back these guys. okay. but we are here to a to my, to rate that is a to so absurd. here we're looking at uh, a regional war and this would be very serious if it happened. stanley, well, you know, it's interesting when you, a few moments ago you referred to, to, to by the saying he's designed has been a proud science. but he's for just this. it reminds me of decades ago when, when biting settings of civil rights act. because when he tired of legislation that ended up sending millions of people to go to prison for non violent defense. so
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there's just double standard pursuit between do not as i do, but just follow what i say to get back to your, your question about his blow at this point of the world is generating support that's not been seen before and it's appropriate and necessary. so let me see if i understand this, as well as elected as a community in the community. we're not talking about 7000 miles away. we're talking about place letter now that has been invaded and multiple occasions. we're talking about the home of salvage deal, or we're talking about the occupation by israel. we're talking about the use of phosphorus weapons and cluster bombs in violation of international law. we're talking about is really torture chambers in the south of 11 on which we're talking about israel, which is bombing syria, which is bombing 11 on. so let me see if i understand this, please provide you with the united states are funding genocide on the ground in palestine. you in the united states are every day supporting is really a taps on syria on 11, on and elsewhere. and for those countries on the ground in the region,
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forget about for the name of the positions, the whole, these, the principal position saying we're not going to be signing with neighbors. so the neighbors o r c, i mean i'm a provider, i'm afraid i have to, i have to jump in here. we run out of time, we have the hard break here. i want to take my guess in new york and enrollment. of course, i want to thank our viewers for watching us here are to see you next time. and remember us talk roles the, the, the, the, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the of the is 2 things we love in this country, its cache and freedom. anybody's ever been poor here can tell you that in america, if you ain't got no cash, you ain't got no freedom shackle jack, i'll do a job that exploits you shackled to get interest right. this apps, you drag shackled to medical bills for ailments, so they could have their own student loans,
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their default. they know it's an oppressive in this heart and the state of affairs that leaves people doing whatever they can just describe by because they don't have any other choice. and that's not freedom. but the universe of isaac income can give you afraid of lots of free freedom to go back to school, to learn new skills, freedom to take care of, and aging parents. the freedom to start a small business, the freedom to leave an abusive relationship. the freedom to just not have to worry about money every single 2nd of every day, the bombing up until literally the last 2 years of my life might have been like one emergency situation away from some plate. financial catastrophe. basically, i just,
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i live in paycheck to paycheck,


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