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tv   News  RT  June 29, 2024 2:00am-2:31am EDT

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the late but you have the low counting is underway in iran and as the people choose, a new president following last month, the death of paper, him right, you see and a helicopter crash. the new york times editorial board calls on vide into dropped out of the presidential race, calling him a shadow of a great public service after his train rack up a performance in the 1st debates with donald trump independent us presidential candidate, robert f. kennedy junior argues that the nation deserves better than to choose between the lesser of 2 evils. people across the country are echoing that sense of it. these are 2 choices. that honestly, both of like a disaster, it was really hard to watch. i think it's
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a national embarrassment then that is our representation of leadership. and iran threatens israel with a devastating more of tel aviv decides to embark on full scale military aggression against 11 non hezbollah. as israel says, it's ready to open another front of the, just about 9 in the morning here in moscow, russia and you're watching our teacher national. i'm your host, donald porter. what welcome to the program. now our top story radians have cast their ballots to elect a new president for the country in a snap vote. following the tragic death of abraham, right, you see in a helicopter crash last month with the results expected to be announced on saturday . our team brings you all the latest in our special coverage. the
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it was over 14000000 votes, counted reformist my sewage business keion is gaining over conservative sides jill lily in the rainy and in the rainy and presidential election, polling stations closed on friday evening after several extensions allowing all those ready and willing to cast their vote. if no candidate wins at least 50 percent plus one of the vote from all ballots cast, the country will hold a run off between the 2 top candidates, but to get more now on the elections going on in iran were cross. we're crossing live to archie, correspondence my d. c. on joining us for me to run monday. can you take us through the latest developments in the uranium capital? well, based on the latest and announcements by the interior ministry, as you mentioned, my supervisor scale and and um, said jelly need are leading the race to the president's office. however,
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this competition, there is a close race between these 2 positions. although has a slightly over ged bought the final results and we should wait for them. and it seems that based on the reports that within the next um 30 minutes, the final results are, will be out. now, in order to get a better understanding of what's going on and on the election, we are now joining by and we spend most of, of course changed political and is kind of list from to one of association. we'll come to the show. thanks now, considering the recent results that there is a close race between position and jollity of it seems that one of the election seems imminent. so what are your expectations or that are on ups or? yeah it's, it's going to go to a run a boat, but the run of center one of 2 tides. if they go by fuller, then there will be
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a tie to raise more people will appear at the pulse. the sometimes it's not bipolar for like the run off of the parliamentary elections that we got just last month and the turn out will be lower. now in this election it seems to be a very bipolar war because about off by a bi polar arrays. because i'll say jelly is a standing exactly on the opposite side of muscle positioning on. he is called a revolutionary actually, and he has a she on is from the form his 10. so the 2 are going to have a very tight race. and we believe that we are going to have a heck 6 weeks of fall, you know, campaigning by both sides. hm. and, um, i understood that these 2 people have, you know, totally different viewpoints. now, let's focus on their foreign policy. if elect each of these candidates, what the you're seeing, the changes in the rooms for foreign policy will be, well,
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you know, a big countries move along the strategies, visa strategies are for 102050 years. and so the macro scale policies will not change. hm. on this for very, very exceptional conditions. and these are the tactics that the district iran is no exception on the lawn has developed this strategy for looking through the he's after the use prove several times that it's not willing to, you know, resolve the differences. and is, it's a standing against iran in every aspect. so this has been on the way, i mean, this strategy listening to the east has been the case for the past 3 years. and it will go along, you know, the foreign policy of the country is decided by the entire establishment, including the uranium supreme leader, the national security council. so the national security council,
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as well as the layman's and on the military's and the government. so they ahead of the governments, the head of the states has only limited share and of decision making and policy makings. but when it comes into practice, they find a bigger role actually alongside other bodies off. so this, this is the uh, established strategy of the country. now the difference between these 2 can then contenders of falls in the way that they want to practice this when it comes to jenny will definitely be, will move along. president, re easiest path even at the higher speed. we do believe that because he is, i think there is a strategies and the present strategy falls within his the scope of practice and thoughts. but when it goes to a position beyond, maybe that pace will be slower,
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but the direction is the same. but during the debates it clearly stated that actually he's going to pursue another path. so could you clarify that? yeah. what does that mean? he says, okay, i want reforms regarding our foreign policy, one talks and dialogue with western nations. but based on what you said, could you just explain the you don't well, the reform is position keion. he didn't have any kind of plan according to the, the base that they had all the tv, the, all the programs that he took part of. she didn't present any clear path all for resolving economic problems for foreign policy for him. so he was just going after the same kind of strategy that for us that little honey went and won't to be elections. awesome. uh, 1213 years ago. i don't know that as well as 7 years ago,
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she longed to elections through the same kind of solve, you know, slogans that j. c, p o, a talks to the united states. but after 8 years that he failed to resolve economic problems and he waited for, you know, the, the, the united states and there was no results. actually the uranium turned side and, and picked up president ray, you see me for the same purpose because they realized that this has been a totally wrong perspective ins and the strategy for a wrong to try to resolve the differences and go out there conflict resolution with the united states, wind the united states, since obama, as well as donald trump, and biden, they have never been after a conflict resolution. they've been after the content and strategy even though that to contain the law in 0 rules. so all right, i'm miss miss ed position on because he doesn't have any clear perspective for that
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. he's trying to pick up from the same. you know, that that was left by president will honey in order to win the election. so we believe that it has more a domestic consumption for collecting wells. that's why he went to press that little honey though many, i believe and told him that if he goes to visit, to pick up his support for his mental honey support, that would bring him negative votes. he still went there in order to collect his support. because he was a strategy, he was talking about negotiations again and again and again. besides that, the j. c. p always whole there is already dead. there's only one more year i had before the 10 year long period of j. c. p always over me. so there is nothing actually to talk about. there is nothing more. so we do believe that she needed something to clean on and to stick to in order to, you know,
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rally support and you know, warm his campaign. now, based on what you said with people having the experience of mr. ro, honey being president of pursuing these policies. and do you think that in case of a run off election, which is evidence position kion has a chance to win over. jenny, for no jelly is going to garner more votes. no one can say it's a very tight drive over. right now. more than half of the worlds have been counted . and the difference between the 2 is no more than 30400000. mm hm. or even less than that, um, you know, if we see a lot of boats between these 2, it's only because the principally scam failed to establish a unit b. mm hm. and this res, so they split the world's a mom. it's been by the boss and otherwise they could have won the 50 person
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marching in the 1st round that that would have been way easier for them, but because they split the bolts. so position the on and jenny, the are spending now and they run a full it's very hard, as i said, it's a bipolar, you know, race, the one who has more capability and ability to mobilize his supporters with when it depends on media, it depends on campaigning tactics and many other things, but the, basically speaking generally has more loyal supporters who possess gian has also fair been supporters, but not very much loyal valley depends on people's decision any way. mm hm. and my final question is, um, any of these to be elected if elected, which one of these 2 people based on their background, you think would be a better president for these lumnick republic of
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a wrong considering the they're their executive right. good, for instance, volleyball, he has a long list of different positions executive positions in these lubbock republican everyone, however, it seems that he failed to attract motors. but when it comes to position on jelly the what would be, what would be the case? you know what? it's no secret that volleyball had a very radiant record when it comes to executive affairs. yeah. but let me have one more thing that you just mentioned, volleyball, and you, your last question was about to run a full one, very determined. in fact, there now is that all who will vote for? i mean of the, the fathers, the voters for the fans of most of all the boss who will, they will load or in the run of the, for jazz or the for, for the show up was the position beyond because they could find themselves somehow
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in both times some of them are they are the principal of scout. normally they should go after jelly, but we hear some of them go saying that they would like to go to a physician young campaign. so now it depends on if they are the chairman. in fact there who you're on a folder that's very important. but when it comes to these 2, i was a jelly, lee, i believe has an easier job because at the uranium paul, him and you have one parts that are loyal to him and other apart loyal to by the boss and other parts. the independence mother, it's reform is loyal. nearly all of them loyal to us, the business beyond. it would mobilize them. so uh generally would have an easier job in order to start some kind of lobbies with them or the boss and other, you know, law make errors that support valuable and, and in order to move ahead, however, he didn't manage to do this before the 1st election yeah, sure,
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but when it comes to position john, well definitely he will have much more problems with the pond the minutes. because as i said once there to find him in a heart in his can me. so he needs to have very, very diplomatic tact and i mean, he needs to have the tact and diplomacy in order to win a support that would be a very difficult job. let me give you an example, a slight, a bite in a plan going into the, you know, congress of going into the senate. it's very difficult when you have the republicans of the house or the senate. and you have it democrats, government. it's very difficult to, you know, to move ahead. so here is the, say, he really is normally give the governments to the same kind of time that they have picked for the pond. mm hm. that's, that's rates that there's been a lot. now. they're physically on where they are standing,
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the opposite. they work with each other, definitely, but the it will be, uh, bumped peter out except thank you so much. thank you sir for shares. uh, political analysts. uh okay, so we're getting close to the time of the final announcement of the results of the election. we will follow the this story and keep you updated back to you. all right, that's our 2 corresponding monday, a b c on a reporting from to ron. thanks a lot for that amazing interview. i'll stay with us at our tea international on air and online for the latest developments on it runs highly anticipated the election results. the joe biden is scrambling to manage the damage following his calamities showing at the presidential debate with donald trump, where the us president,
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struggles to keep up with his opponent the when we get the money, however, are not exactly convinced with the new york times. editorial boards now calling for joe biden to drop out entirely of the 2024 presidential race. the president appeared on thursday night as the shadow of a great public servant. he struggled to explain what he would accomplish in the 2nd term. he struggled to respond to mister strums publications. keith struggled to hold mr. trump accountable for his life, his feelers and his children plans more than once. he struggled to make it to the end of a sentence. mainstream media outlets are admitting the debate was a disaster for the incoming president,
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with headlines screaming for him to bow out of the race. prominent champion of the democratic party committee, and jon stewart offered this marking, send up and let's see how it began. most men came out and oh yes, ok. and then both men are ambulatory. they are both right. level one clear, we know the bar that's been set up for each to pass biden as a not look a and not have a senior moment go. making sure that we're able to make every single solitary person eligible for what i have been able to do with the, with the cobra. excuse me, with the dealing with everything we have to do is if we finally b, medicare, presidents by the
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okay, or high pressure situation, a lot of times you can confuse saving medicare with beating it. i'm sure it's not something that repeated throughout the debate, causing democrats across the country to either jump out of windows or vomit silently into the nearest recycling. ben. um, anybody can as talking as the calls for biden to quit grow louder. the main stream media is looking into potential replacements. the vice president's kamala harris up here is the most obvious replacement, but she's got competition. and that's bad news for the dams, in terms of whoever that may replace the parties. not many will still likely, like behind trump and several polls back that up. in fact, a fox news survey concluded that biden's most popular replacement would be michigan
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governor governor gretchen whitmore. in fact, most democrat voting rep responded and said that the current president would be the least favorable candidate and the batch going forward. meanwhile, independent presidential candidate robert f. kennedy junior sees the trump bite and debate as a moment to boost for his 3rd party campaign. he says, but the nation is weary of picking between the lesser of 2 evils and his the democracy should elevate the cream of the crop. but this debate has shown otherwise, the sentiment seems to resonate with media commentators and disheartening voters like well, i don't think it was much of other bates a door to canada. so for 19 minutes exchanged insults and the talking points, which have been the reverse in a month. so i don't think it was a good look for the united states, and they did leave me with some sense of an empire in the terminal declines. i
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would say that the election and most between to the political candidates and most people probably ask themselves why the us couldn't produce the any other candidates, which will be better. and i think the answer is that the merits across it is august, may undermined by the corruption of the political system. and also there are dishonest media. so also i would say that it in deeply polarized, besides, if there is a sense of the need to excuse anything that your own side us just amount for group loyalty means that is for a little room for criticism on one's own candidates. and this tends to result in corruption really frustrating itself in the system and therefore not being addressed. this is that either so which side is one? i think all the civil far show steps have trump one, which is why there's now a huge advantage in the democratic party. so i also think it was a predictable decides to provide me with,
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obviously in cognitive decline and present. and it will be very difficult for me, i need to recover from this debates separated. so i'm clear and you know, it's the democrats. so put them on stage again or change, seek to replace them. and so i guess decided, excuse for our debates, for sense that it could also result in more people looking towards this 3rd party candidates such as a candidate to we get to the total band. they ran the admission to the un has warned israel that it will face and obliterating more if it launches a full scale attack against has blood and lab and on. and i'll be at a ron deems as psychological warfare. the zionist resumes propaganda about intending to attack lebanon, should embark on full scale military aggression, and obliterating war will ensue. all options, including the full involvement of all resistance fronts, are on the table. this comes as the id f says, it has carried out
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a tax on several hezbollah targets in southern lebanon. and recent hours is rarely defense minister claims that the government prefers to reach a political resolution with has bla, but says israel is ready for war. if the lebanese army, the group wants conflict is rarely defense minister claims that $450.00 has blood militants have been killed since the start of hostilities. are these middle east bureau chief maria phenomena visited the northern is rarely city of high fox, which has been marked by the lebanese militant group as a target in the event of a military escalation. a hi funds. these rows, the largest city and busiest ports, 30 kilometers from the lebanese border, could be among the primary targets in the vent over to allow tour with his bella. from the spark on a high for hill, the beautiful bay area is at to your fingertips. israel's largest board as close by
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the dog shapes, comedy and out, cargo being loaded and unloaded roughly 20000000 tons of goods passed through here annually. drone photos recently released by his butler shows baseboard as clearly as if they were right here. a stark reminder from the 11 on base militant group. we are watching do any of the 10 minutes we do shows much of high for civilian areas and also a detailed overview of the raphael military industrial complex, including its factories, warehouses and testing fields where it is rarely defense systems. i made the pool, which was also extensively filmed. if the video was meant to deter or intimidate it, clearly failed is real, responded with even harsher rhetoric and increased preparations for war on its northern border. i live in a flare and i have the port in front of the product. so i'm going back here. the nice is, this is this happening. so nice is happening so nice. so we need to have us for
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some level of sarcasm. you know, so it's a deal with a ream and is really aaron from the head. osh body that promotes jewish arab cooperation, believes these really leadership is the one pushing for war. this government is already into war. this is the only guarantee for and that's a yahoo political life as shallow as it may seem. this is, unfortunately the truth. the hyphen may or earlier complained the doctor, his butler released the dread footage. no one from these really, governments called his office to assess the situation. and this is a fascist right when government, that is not really care about civilians about any civilians. not only that tell us simians or labor needed and doesn't care about its own civilians. prime ministers in yahoo and says that both tours with him, us and his bo less were imposed on as well. but not everyone in the country agrees . this is lie that they haven't been feeding. the faith is,
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is here saying only by power, only by war, shall we exist? peace, a v r sir the goal. she ations of the answer. having a palestinian faith is the answer. what's more will never be the answer. when his bella synchronized its attacks on israel with him as of october 7th, it said it would stop as soon as the war in gaza ends. but as these 5 talks have, once again sold, the wars seems more real than ever. israel once before, they will not say openly because though it will be uh many backlash is against them from abroad and also from here from within. but the definitely wants to before we had many, many $0.10 to avoid that, but they intentionally decided to move it even closer to the reality that we live in right now. where people are preparing for doomsday situations. guy on a jewish and design is an anti war activists from hi fi,
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remembers the 2006 world 11 on both of those things were pretty close. my parents took me and my brother and they brought us to the center of israel because they were scare of the for, for a life like she feels that just like during the previous war, civilians were once again, they are the highest cost. israel tries to show that they are not afraid of the been on the we not agree to make any deal with the we've come off the track, the shoulder muscles and eventually who will pay the most because of this, the, the situation this, the tourist, the question is the civilians themselves, downtown hi for appears normal with shops and you just loans items. restaurants operates in his usual home to about 300000 people. high for ease of diversity with various expertise, religions, political views, and different opinions on a potential world with has all of our family. if it's not as well, it is what it is. this gary began wake up tomorrow and feeling like in this system
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in october. so i'm going to just allow of, of food it's shown, indicates that it has been a lot to psychologically playing with people's fears. nothing more, nothing less and will be, they will always out of. but the way i need to stay around on a flight. so nobody and the if you want to fight fight, if you're unsure truth, non talking to slot, ok. we ask shop owners on this, my burn street. if they have phone shelters, they might need turns out that most of them don't. and while some are concerned about that, let's get, i don't know where they're coming. very role. father is believe they want to be in need. they fix it. uh. so i thought was locked and they do tend one day me says to day me says, and then we just started on, on the run on, on wednesday, the lebanese prime minister reiterated that she's country is not interested in more
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ways. well, global concerns over the escalation also grow as the war. we definitely impact the entire region. even israel's closest ally, and long times the full to the west has voiced the concern, stating it will not be able to provide the same level of assistance against his bowler, as indeed during the rent and retaliatory attack on a 0 in april. the ball is now in these rolls court, but then it on yahoo government shows no signs of backing down. there we use an option, a r t reporting from hyphen. you're watching r t international, more news heading your way and just about 30 minutes. so stay to the the
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most people i know they laser i, they are job and go home and relax, but i have about 3 or 4 more hours to go. so i just keep summer clothes, change my clothes, the 1st job, go to the 2nd and this keeps and keeps me from wanting to go home. what's the book about this time? oh, well it is free to shoot you a piece of mailbox. it was, it was um, oh yeah, i have listen to some of that one with you. of the use you didn't have to maybe work is hard to get by. you did uh maybe spend more time with your loved ones. why you still have them margaret. this is my grandpas sister.
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she came off a horse in a curve and i found her on the bank and over. here's my grand great grandmother and great grandfather. here it's peaceful. i really lock it up here. and then since my family's buried here, how does feel like i need to come up here and take care of the cemetery? the i disliked volunteer and do things for my community in try to make a difference. the no one ever dies and says, and i wish i had a better job, they say i wish i had more time to spend with my family. i wish i could've explored .


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