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tv   News  RT  June 29, 2024 3:00am-3:31am EDT

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ways too late, but yes, the vote counting is underway in a rock as the people choose, a new president following last month. the death of abraham, right, you see, and a helicopter branch, the new york times editorial board calls on by to to drop out of the presidential race calling in a following him, a shadow of a great public servant after his train rec performance. and the 1st debate with donald trump independent us presidential candidate, robert f. kennedy junior argues that the nation deserves better and to choose between the lesser of 2 evils. people across the country are echoing the said, these are 2 choices that honestly labels as like a disaster. it was really hard to watch. i think it's
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a national embarrassment that that is our representation of leadership. and ron threatens israel with a devastating war if tell of age decides to embark on full scale military aggression against the level non hezbollah. as israel says, it's ready to open another front. the just about 10 am here in moscow. russia and you are watching our teacher national. i'm your host donald quarter. welcome to the program. our top story, iranians have cast their ballots to elect a new president for the country and a snap vote. following the tragic death of abraham, right, you see, and the helicopter crash last month with the results expect it to be announced on saturday. our t brings you all the latest coverage in our special coverage. the
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. it was over 19000000 votes, counted, reform is muscle paras, keion has a position keion rather is gaining over conservative site. huge lily in the rainy and presidential election polling stations closed on friday evening after several extensions allowing all those ready and willing to cast their vote. if no candidate wins at least 50 percent plus one from all ballots cast, the country will hold a run off between the 2 top candidates. but to get more on this now we're going to cross live 2 or 2 corresponding my d. i bought c on. he's joining us from a to ron body q. take us through the latest developments in the writing and capital. the little uh, the latest updates are released by the election headquarters. uh was uh that uh, over 19000000 votes have already been counted. um,
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something around for me uh more 1000000 votes uh far to be counted and we're waiting for the final result that will show um how many votes each candidates has garnered. now based on the latest update, my soup position under reform is candidates, has a secure 8300000 votes. site jelly is in 2nd place with a 7 point. 1000000 votes moment above the volume off with 2600000 volts. and we'll stuff up for him on monday. just 1810588158000 votes. now, the voter turnout, the unofficial statistics, are at about a 40 percent, but we have to wait until the vote counting is officially finished. and then we will have the exact turnout now based on what we see now. the possibility
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of the election going to a 2nd round is eminence in this regard. we are now jo joined by mr. means is uh, hold on, so that political commentator will come to the shelf. thank you very much, sir. what items are there? please tell us? um, okay, it seems that there is a close race between position and journey and the run off election is eminence. what are your expectations in this regard? the most important thing about the results is that the non of the pulling, the surveys actually could predict the bolting behavior off the people. and they just surprise for all the actions that are important for the patients. and no one is everyone is actually now discussing it why this behavior is seen from the people and why is not matching the addictions and, and they use on behaviors that they have had. so what was the usual prediction of, of it was expected that it would be more than 50 percent of a turnout and the when we had in the present call time me or present will harney farm. it says that the time people like did this figures from the reform is,
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can actually participating and trying to inquire age. that was they could not actually awaken the, a society of 34 miscast. so here we're specifically talking about the reform escape . he was usually when he was more than 50 person events, they would be there before ms. waters with go to the by the docs less than 50 person. he was in mostly the, the other side, the principal, as the parents of the lease and cards over these. but more than i think the 1st name would be usually the point is because the other side, the principal is usually and participate in the election because they can see their read evolutionary and religious beauty who participate. so it was something i don't watch it for them. so it is usually something that they participate in. so more than that, it was usually the others who would vote on the degree and parts of reading the voting as a political action. but now we don't have those by the actual,
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the attending get a voting so it shows that people's minds. my interpretation is that people show that they wants to change. so even the, the body a part of the society, they usually want that for the principalities. now have to and then it turns toward the position is that because of supporting reform is a thinking. it is because they want a change. who are the other side? introduce 2 main candidates. both of them were people who had attended a where no meaning that uh and they were a heavy weights jelly, i'm going to be aware, but they were actually have the lease and put it on figures in the prison of a discount. we want to discount it just by being a, an m p for many years ago and at least 2 decades. but it wasn't new person for a presidential race where there's no, no, it was a known as the other. okay. what is the new face was a signal of change and the turn for him to because they want a change. and some are the trying to say that it is a no to is there a c or
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a yes to affairs around offers and little honey. i cannot say any of them, but we pretty much tv during the debates and during the campaign trail, the things that the funds of mr. position young were pretty much similar to the policies, the mr. who honey pursued during his government parts off of them. and that was, he was actually a waiting to be connected to the federal hon. yeah. and he said that he approves him in some cases, but disapproves in some other cases, who mean why he approved for that? right? you see in some cases and be criticized in some areas. so the point is that many of figures just live in a farm. it says that a for a mess of communication, i see as a job for me and these figures where he is can find he where they are supporting actually position here. so he is very close to him,
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especially in terms of support for negotiation as and when i 1st month's awards various and, and these agend goes in front of the policy. he's closer to present at all honey, of course. but he tries to detach himself from that. so even off being gets her the governmental of his arrow, honey. okay, um the next thing i want to talk to you to walk us through is before him policy, these 2 characters johnny lee and um, uh, physically on have got a totally different and sometimes contradictory view points where it comes to runs foreign policy. if any of these 2 are elected, what, what, what should we expect? how would it be? if it is positioning on where again, the phones show that it's the expect you like that. mm hm. you know, right off connection between uh this young and jenny,
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it would be position to we buy them with the results of from us so that we cannot say that anymore. we cannot trust the points at any rate. uh, but uh, if a disposition fee on it would be more focused on negotiations with their way to spots, he made a different router from arrow honey. and ronnie's foreign policy was only focused on these who, having a dates, if you're a, and, and negotiating with their, with. and they had forgotten about the, the rest of the war. but any one of the 3 programs which was mainly focused on the front end policy. yeah. for the aren't had and it says that even with this, i know you with him who, who was that? if it's a foreign minister, we know him, but as a sunday ones for men and bassett as russia. mm hm. and he's in every office studies about the rush on china so, so he was signaling that even if he, he is support things that events that need be, is actually behind him in the east as well. he needs to have a look at toward the east as well. so somehow a combination of the front of all these,
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the facing arrow on you could be expected because we define part of this and the legacy that has already left and uh, some adjustments made. uh, no one can avoid that. so even if it will on you comes to office right now. you can not forget everything because people are expecting gas. and the improvements are relations with neighbors, like focused on saudi arabia and the others by having and joining the acquisitions . like as c o n briggs, these are the statements that to have been in port century people and cannot be easily avoided them, forgotten by the next government, even in these reforms. and how about jelly the considering the fact that he seems to be willing and has the plan to pursue the policies of the late presidents of a nice c. again, for denny, it is a noun that he's against and then they will see ations or they games move the, our thoughts and, and for our 1st month to work with. but again,
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he can not avoid these either. so uh, they should be something that detriment us at the moment you probably cosign and how it is coming to to that. of course it is not that following the limitations because the other side has not followed it. but it is not something that you can easily forget. he is mainly focused on the other alternatives in a different different i'm i see just like prisoner. i see having bit their relations and expansion of size with neighbors moving towards is having their, their relationship to wash on china. and also using quality and quality assurance. and also looking at the solid, solid support weren't satisfied actually. and to habit their relations with like, teen, america, african countries. so these are, his agenda is on what he has talked about. but again, he can not forget about the j 6 because of the, the timings and the demands. he also needs to talk about that on the on,
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so he did not the night face and during the debates on he did not say that these against, as if you a, a he and the other candidates. i so i mean, they were saying that we need to make a j security something fruitful, who have some for without of that, i depends on the other side of the story, the voice and countries where they would return to the various it'd be around, would be mentee or not? and um, the final question is about social and economy, uh, economical reforms that these candidates probably the 2 most likely to become the next president. either pleasure stealing or jelly are going to implement . what do you think their funds will be and will, but will there be any changes, economically and socially interval of economy is a priority for any governmental cons. is one of the main concerns of the colors? yeah, because people don't want to feel it in their life. and they want to be their economy
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to have it advisors find and persisting cover and such things. and so jenny, the is thinking that we should focus on domestic capacities. why that this company that these needs to be, how as to be actually cured by negotiation, who he believes that the, the only solution or the main solution is to have sanctions renew and to work with the west. why did he believes that line to present? right, you see who did nothing with the science sense, but he managed to have some, a cumulative dems up in front of me. we need to focus on this to capacities and work on them so that we can improve the economy by domestic for the production instructions. so if it seems that the either, okay, a case needs to focus on the domestic issues. because if any of this young wants to have that position, the situation in the west like that, they can. is it
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a 2 way that we think short term? because we have of the elections in france and retain, and we have the elections in the states. and is that something that you can easily move toward that was use as right now? so it pays at least a year for them to talk about negotiations. and for that they need to focus on domestic and capacity and they do need, they need to do something about that. however, uh uh, this young did not put the provide any particular a clear agend plans for to kind of make the forms that need be had introduced some ideas which cannot be actually talked about seriously. and right now because of kids on the papers. now we need to find out when it comes to office office when he implements. so to wrap it up, based on the plans announced by the candidates, namely positions. and jenny,
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do you believe jenny v seems to have better plans? well for funds compared to position and you thing jenny, these funds are more practice of all of the day before recent years trying to find the shadow cabinet. and in this is the shadow of a cabin, the idea he has been working on starting on signs different ideas, discussing with different aly scholars and such things. so he has a lot of plans, but we don't know how practical and pragmatic on these plans are a force. but this is the main difference between human positions aren't the main can, can parts of the campaign or position can wants to. uh, they create the created to the last 2 card sides, the current situation. so he did not, he always said that i should rely on experience and they would provide some solutions. they didn't provide any, any ideas or plans that politically. but daddy has some ideas of but the point does
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sound good, things like i say that jenny, these ideas are not clear how practical they are, because it has always been a study phase not ever put into practice to be tested. that will be, uh, check the with the realities on the ground. but anyway, he has a lot of plans. so out of a $110.00 a month lease would be successful. in fact, is probably expected that he would have better plans for him. fixing the problem. thank you so much that lets political commentator honey, the result funds are there. so we are just waiting for the final results of the votes counted in iran to determine if there will be a runoff election back to you. all right, are to correspond in body of us the on reporting from to ron. thanks a lot for giving us those details. now stay with us here at our
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t international on air and online for the latest developments on the runs, highly anticipated the election results. the and then the news joe biden is scrambling to manage the damage following his collaborative, showing at the presidential debate with donald trump, where the us president struggled to keep up with his opponent. 2 the we didn't get the money, however, or not convinced with the new york times editorial board now calling for joe biden to drop out of the 2024 presidential rates. the president appeared on thursday
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night as the shadow of a great public servant. he struggled to explain what he would accomplish in the 2nd term. he struggled to respond to mister drums provocations. keith struggled to hold mr. trump accountable for his life, his feelers and his children plans more than once. he struggled to make it to the end of a sentence. mainstream media outlets are admitting the debate was a disaster for the incoming president with headlines screaming for him to bow out of the rates. a prominent champion of the democratic party committee and john steward offered this mocking sentence and let's see how it began. well, fred came out and oh yes. ok. and then both men are ambulatory. they are both right. level one clear. we know the bar that's been set up for each to pass. biden has to not look a and not have a senior moment go,
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making sure that we're able to make every single solitary person eligible for what i have been able to do with the, with the coven, i should be with dealing with everything we have to do with uh, what if we finally be medicare, taking presidents by the okay, a high pressure situation. a lot of times you can confuse saving medicare with beating it. i'm sure it's not something that repeated throughout the debate, causing democrats across the country to either jump out of windows or vomit silently into the nearest recycling bin if anybody can stocking
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as the calls for bite and to quit grow louder. the main stream media is looking into potential replacements, vice president kamala harris appears the most obvious replacement, but she's got competition. the bad news for dams is that whoever may replace the parties nominee will likely still lag behind trump. and several polls back that up as well. a fox news survey concluded that biden's most popular replacement would be michigan governor gretchen whitmore. in fact, most democratic voting. respondents said that the current president would be the least favorable candidate in the batch going forward. meanwhile, independent presidential candidate robert f. kennedy junior sees the trunk bite and debate as a momento boost for his 3rd party campaign. he says that the nation is weary of picking between the lesser of 2 evils and his view. democracy should elevate the cream of the crop, but this debate has unfortunately showed otherwise. this sentiment seems to
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resonate with many media commentators and disheartened folder. so like, and i think a lot of people just aren't in denial. that these are the 2 candidates running for president like i we just including myself, but yeah, we just have not actually internalized and accepted. these are 3 choices. is that, um, you know, i would like seen them answer the questions mark because they just were like you're, you're worse and yours is like it. we know you're both that those what you're good that so honestly they both have like a disaster to be honest. it just seem like 2 toddlers kind of going at it. i think it's a national embarrassment that that is our representation of leadership and especially what they both have done, even more of an embarrassment. but it is a sad day for america, and it was really hard to watch. like i wanted to turn it off almost immediately. my reaction was just a lot of sadness. i think we have not good choices. the pulse of the muslim
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community has been, especially over the last around 8 months and that we have to not so great options. we spoke with political scientist, glen decent, who says that the options for voters have for presidents, do the country a disservice? well, i don't think it was much of other bates a door to canada, so for 19 minutes exchanged insults and the talking points which have been rehearsed in a month. so i don't think it was a good look for the united states, and they did leave me with some sense of an empire in the terminal declines. i would say that's the election and most between to the political candidates. and most people probably ask himself why the us couldn't produce any other candidates, which will be better. and i think the answer is that the merits across it is
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obviously undermined by the corruption of the political system. and also there are dishonest media. also, i would say that in the blue polarized decides, and there's a sense of the need to excuse anything that your own side us this, the amount for group loyalty means that us are a little room for criticism on one's own candidates. and this tends to result in corruption really festering itself in the system and there for not being addressed either. so which side one? i think all the civil far show steps have trump one, which is why there's not a huge advantage in the democratic party. so i also think it was a predictable decides to provide me with obviously in cognitive decline. and it will be very difficult for my need to recover from this debates. it's unclear of, you know, use the democrats or put them on stage again, or change, seek to replace them. and so i guess decided, excuse for our debates,
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for sense that it could also result in more people looking towards the 3rd party candidates, such as the kennedy. we get to total the rainy admission to the un has warned israel, it will face and obliterating war. if it launches a full scale attack against has blood and lab and on, and i'll be at a ron deems as psychological warfare, the zionist resumes propaganda about intending to attack 11 on should embark on full scale military aggression and obliterating war. will ensue all options, including the full involvement of all resistance fronts are on the table. this comes is, the idea says it is carried out. attacks on several has blood targets in southern lebanon. and recent hours is rarely defense minister claims that the government prefers to reach a political resolution with has bla, but says israel is ready for war. if 11 use arm group wants conflict
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is rarely defense minister claims that 450 has blood militants have been killed since the start of hostilities. are these middle east bureau chief, maria, for an option of visited the northern is rarely city of high 5, which has been marked by the lebanese militant group as a target in the event of a military escalation. hi, funds. these rows, the largest city and busiest ports, 30 kilometers from the lebanese border, could be among the primary targets in the vent over the allow tour with his bela from the spark on a high for hill. the beautiful bay area is at your fingertips, is rails largest, 4th is close by. the dog shapes comedy and out, cargo being loaded and unloaded roughly 20000000 tons of goods passed through here . annually. drone photos recently released by his butler shows this board as clearly as if they were right here. a stark reminder from the 11 on base militant group. we are watching news, any of the 10 minutes we do shows much of high for civilian areas and also
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a detailed overview of the raphael military industrial complex, including its factories, warehouses and testing fields where it is rarely defense systems i made that for which was also extensively filmed, if the video was meant to deter or intimidate it, clearly failed is real, responded with even harsher rhetoric and increased preparations for war on it smelled in boulder. i live in a flare and i have the port in front of the product. so i look here, the nice is it says this happening so nice is happening tonight. so we need to have us 1st and level of sarcasm, you know, so to deal with actually 3 men is really arab from the head. ash body that promotes jewish arab cooperation. believes these really leadership is the one pushing for war. best government is already into war. this is the only guarantee for and as a yahoo political life as shallow as it may seem. this is,
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unfortunately the truth. the hyphen may or early who complained the doctor, his butler released the dreaded sewage. no one from these really, governments called his office to assess the situation. and this is a fashion try. twin government that is not really care about civilians about any civilians. not only that tell us simians or leave any of them, doesn't care about its own civilians. prime minister netanyahu ensues that both tours with him, us and his but less were imposed on these rails. but not everyone in the country agrees. this is lie that they haven't been saving. the 5th is, is here saying only by power, only by war, shall we exist. peace, a v r, sir, because she ation the answer. having a palestinian faith is the answer. what war will never be? the answer when his bolo syncronized its attacks on israel with him as after october 7th,
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it said it would stop as soon as the war in gaza ends. but as these 5 talks have, once again sold, the wars seems more real than ever. israel once before, they will not say openly because though it will be many backlash as against them from abroad and also from here, from within. but the definitely wanted before we had many, many $0.10 to avoid that, but they intentionally decided to move it even closer to the reality that we live in right now. where people are preparing for doomsday situations. guy on the jewish and design is an anti war activists from hi fi, remembers the 2006 world 11 on both of those things were free to q. ok. my parents took me and my brother and they brought us to the center of israel because they were scare of the for, for a life like she feels that just like during the previous worth of civilians, we once again bear the highest cost of israel tries to show that they are not afraid of the ban on do we not agree to make any deal with the we've come off the
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track, the shoulder muscles and eventually who will pay the most because of this the, the situation this, the tourist, the question is the civilians themselves downtown high for appears normal with shops and you just loans open, restaurants operates and as usual, home to about 300000 people. high for is a diversity with varies is and they cities, religions, political views, and different opinions on a potential world with has all of our family if it's not as well. if it's what it is, it is terry being can wake up tomorrow and feeling like in this system in october of this allow of, of the food it's shown indicates that hezbollah is psychologically playing with people's fears. nothing more, nothing less and will be they will always out of but the way i need to stay around on the flight. so nobody and the if you want to fight sides, if you're unsure true,
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it's non talking to slot. ok. we ask shop owners on this, my burn street. if they have phone shelters, they might need turns out that most of them don't. and while some are concerned about that, let's get, i don't know where they're coming. very role. others believe they want to be in need. they fix it. uh. so i thought was locked and they do tend one day me says to day me says, and then we, we just started on, on the run on, on wednesday, the lebanese prime minister reiterated the peace country is not interested in more with these well global concerns over the escalation also grow as the war. we definitely impact the entire region, even as well as closest ally and long time, so full to the west has voiced the concern, stating it will not be able to provide the same level of assistance against his bella. as indeed during the rent and retaliatory attack when he is really nice.


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