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tv   News  RT  June 29, 2024 6:00am-6:31am EDT

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the, the, the ron announces a run off election between reform is position and conservative jelly to be held next week. perhaps, as none of the presidential candidates secured an effective majority in saturdays, but the new york times editorial board calls on biden to drop out of the presidential race, calling him a shadow of a great public servant for his train wreck of a performance in the 1st debates with donald trump independent to us presidential candidate robert f. kennedy junior argues that the nation deserves better to choose between the lesser of 2 evils. people across the country are echoing this set to. these are the choices that honestly labeled with like
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a disaster. it was really hard to watch. i think it's a national embarrassment that that is our representation of leadership there on threatens israel with the devastating war. if california decides to embark on full scale military aggression against 11 on has blog. as israel says, it's ready to open another front, also a head with or without you will move for most people how soon to sound up to the repeating. so i'll know that the chinese will be that the russians will be that the volley and foreign minister shares some hard truth in brussels. as the thought hel alliance expands to new fraud. some cooperation with russia and track the 20. i'm here in the russian capital. you're watching
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r t international. my name's donald quarter. welcome to the appropriate our top story with the votes for around this presidential race officially counted the countries election headquarters spokes person has announced that a run off will be held on july 5th. our team brings you all the latest details in our special coverage. the 2nd round, the voting was scheduled after no candidates managed to secure over 50 percent of the 24500000 ballots. 2 of the leading candidates will take part in the run off reformist masood position. keion and conservative said is really, iran is electing a new president for the country and a snap vote following the tragic death of abraham. right, you see, and a helicopter crash last month or t corresponding body i busty on brings us more from to run. well,
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the final results are out based on the announcements by the election headquarters, 24500000 uranium have participated in this election. that's while the total population of eligible voters who were agents, the teen, and above, was something around 60. $1000000.00 to turn out is uh at 40 a percent. now the breakdown of the shares of each candidate or as follows. the reformers, candid massey position on 10400000 votes. so i, you need the conservative candidates, 9400000 votes. while i'm at the ball, they'll call you off the speaker of the iranian parliament. or imagine this 3300000 votes. and finally, in more stuff up for them, we'll have maybe 206000. what votes this is going to be a number of blank floats. was a little more than 1000000 volts. now the country is buckling up for a one off election that will be held on july 5th. now from today, until
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a day before the one of the election candidates will have another chance to run their campaigns and the track motors to their accounts. in order to win the election of the um, the, the trend, it was required to uh, secure 50 percent plus of one of the votes. however, this didn't happen. so right now i'm joined by political analysts and the professor a professor at the university of to john, dr. mama, not on the welcome to the show. thank you. so now we know the one off election is due and um, what are your assessments? johnny, johnny lee and cuz this young, what do you think? how would this race be finished? well, both of them, despite having a lots of time on public television, they haven't turned out to be particularly popular,
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more tires. maddox. i think everything will depend on the debates that they'll have in the coming days. in the previous presidential elections, we've had heavy weights that that were either very popular or they were known entities like the present, very easy turned out to be very popular person as we saw through his funeral. so before that we had time at the new job, we had present roll, honey, we had present to me all of them to wanting competitive elections but have very different views. i think that proves that most people in iran don't vote face on political affiliation. they, they look at the personality and they make a choice. and i think the coming week will be very key. who is able to present himself to the public as being more appealing, as being a better eclipse to provide solutions to the countries of the problem. what do you think the pos of these law make republic of your one will be in the future?
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i think that the legacy of president or a c and none of these candidates are president re c. and i think that's, that was clear. what i think that's his legacy is going to be long term. his idea that we should explore better ties with the global sales with asian countries, with russia and china, india, brazil, and others to join the brakes and to be more involved in selling high cooperation organization. i think that's something that everyone has embraced. whether it's mr . pettis john or dr. jenny b or the other candidates who either step down or who couldn't make it to the 2nd round. what is the difference between mister position, at least in rhetoric with mr. jenny the if i think mr. president, she on to is saying, well preserving what dr. raise has done, we should try again and put in put in a new ad effort into seeing if we can revise the nuclear deal. dr. jeremy,
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probably in private is saying the same thing, but in public, he's saying that the west is not going to fulfill that side of the bargain. but i, in general, i believe that iranian politics has moved more to the center. and whether it is dr . a position or dr. jenny, me, both of them are going to have to be more centric. stay with us at our, to international, on air and online as we cover the next round of uranium presidential election. the now to the us where joe biden is scrambling to manage the damage following his collaborative, showing at the presidential debate with donald trump, where the us president struggled to keep up with his opponent the
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when we get the money, however, are not convinced with the new york times editorial board now calling for joe biden to drop out of the 2024 presidential race altogether. the president appeared on thursday night as the shadow of a great public servant. he struggled to explain what he would accomplish in the 2nd term. he struggled to respond to mister strong's provocations. he struggled to hold mr. trump accountable for his life, his feelers and his children plans more than once. he struggled to make it to the end of a sentence. mainstream media outlets are admitting the debate was a disaster for the incumbent president with headlines screaming for him to bow out of the race. a complaint you turned from earlier calls defending his mental
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capability. and they were having conversations about the president's performance, which they think was dismal, which i think will hurt other people down the party in the ticket. if you're concerned about jo bivens age, you probably don't know, nobody is actually in good shape. and now they're in a, i won't say a full fledged panic but it's getting there is a. busy so i'm panicked and i pray mentally, he's quite a cute bennett aid who engages with him or reporters. we can see this. the gears of his mind are working the right way. media has so fixated on bite and inviting purportedly have a talk to the of issues. it's not just making an issue of buttons and it's, it's lying. it's saying he's seen wild things demand as a call for biden to quit grow louder. the main stream media is looking into potential replacements, vice president, kamala harris appears the most obvious one, but she's got competition. the bad news for the democrats is that whoever may replace the party is not many will likely still lag behind trump and several polls
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back that up. a fox news survey concluded that biden's most popular replacement would be michigan governor gretchen whitmire. in fact, most democrat voting responded and said that the current president would be the least favorable candidate in the batch going forward. meanwhile, independent presidential candidate robert f. kennedy junior, sees the trunk by didn't debate as a momentum boost for his 3rd party campaign. he says the nation is weary of picking between the lesser of 2 evils and his view. democracy should elevate the cream of the crop, but this debate has shown otherwise. this sentiment seems to resonate with many media content. commentators and disheartening to voters a like. i see, i think a lot of people just are in denial that these are the 2 candidates running for president like i we just including myself, but yeah, we just have not actually internalized and accepted these are your choices is that um you know, i would like seen them answer the questions mark cuz they just were like you're,
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you're worse and yours is like we know you're both that those what you're good. and so honestly they both have like a disaster. it just seem like 2 toddlers kind of going at it. i think it's a national embarrassment that that is our representation of leadership and especially what they both have done, even more of an embarrassment. but it is a sad day for america and it was really hard to watch. like i wanted to turn it off almost immediately. my reaction was just a lot of sadness. i think we have not good choices. the pulse of the muslim community has been, especially over the last around 8 months and that we have to not so great option. we spoke with political scientist, glen decent, who says that the options voters have for president, do the country a disservice? well, i don't think it was much of other bates or to canada,
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so for 19 minutes exchanged insults and the talking points, which i mean there's seen a month. so i don't think it was a good luck for the united states, and they did leave me with some sense of an empire in the terminal declines. i would say that the election and most between too deeply involved candidates. and most people probably ask themselves why the us couldn't produce any other candidates, which would be better. and i think the answer is that the merits across the so obviously undermined by the corruption of the political system. and also there are dishonest media. so also i would say that it in deeply polarized decides, and there's a sense of the need to excuse anything that your own side us this, the amount of for group loyalty means that is for a little room for criticism on one's own candidates. and this tends to result in corruption really festering itself in the system and there for not being addressed
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either. so which side is one? i think all the civil far show steps have trump one, which is why there's now a huge advantage in the democratic party. so i also think it was a predictable disaster provided was obviously in cognitive decline. presidents and it will be very difficult for my need to recover from this debate separately. it's unclear and you know, it's the democrats. so put them on stage again or change, seek to replace them. and so i guess decided excuse for our debates, for sense could also result in more people looking towards the 3rd party candidates, such as the kennedy until we get to the and other news. the international monetary fund has approved $2000000000.00 to support ukraine's budget. as part of an aide package program established last year that says the world's largest asset managers demand key of re pay some $20000000000.00 worth of debt in government bonds. in
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2022 and the conflict began a 2 year moratorium. henri payments was granted to ukraine, but that grace period will expire within a month. the previous round of talks on the matter failed with key of ready to repay only 40 percent of securities. out of the 80 percent requested ukraine also needs to find $37000000000.00 to finance this year's budget. while the i m f. projections on its g. d. p growth have deteriorated to make things worse for the ukranian economy. the you now plans to reimpose tyrus on keeps eggs and sugar claiming ukrainian goods hamper the prosperity of european farmers. meanwhile, some your european states are calling for increased support to help deal with the burden of ukrainian refugees on their territory. charged on foreign germany, poland the check for public and a couple of all the countries have well come to most refugees. and that is why i,
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together with my colleagues, think that it is time to make decisions. now, which means that if all the countries don't contribute as much to hosting refugees those hosting the most should get support from europe for financing the subsistence job language straining and all of the things that play a role. the president, some german politicians are also calling for their governments to abolish or at least reduce unemployment allowances for ukrainians to encourage the refugees to find jobs. currently benefits for ukrainians are equal to those for unemployed german citizens. and more than the standard amount paid to other refugees, ukrainians also receive free medical care and social housing while learning, german or completing integration programs to. and in slovakia the president has recently limited compensation for that was hosting ukrainians. after almost having its back in february retired lieutenant colonel,
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an international security consulted, or old rasmussen says the issue of ukrainian refugees is showing discord in european society. other refugees that have come in from number lease and all that are getting a are getting less they're getting a lot of them are working even a higher percentage or working. it's unfair for the other refugees, which i think is going to create some divisive mess as well. and you've got a very low percentage of the ukrainians that are actually seeking work. i mean, pay, you know, hey, i got this extra $7750.00 and my cash in my pocket. every month. i got housing. i got medical, you know, so there's no incentive for them to work. why did the residue slug to those countries? because especially from germany, it's got one of the best benefits is to be you gives the money to pull in and check a check in the, in germany, you're going to have other countries very upset and because they're making cuts to address the issue and handle it so i think uh, i think in a crate,
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more devices this within the european union just as always in the more roughly do slit in the more challenges they're going to have internally with their own internal politics. both with the in the countries as well as a, as well as amongst other member states also. so it is good, grief is going to week in the european union. in general. they randy admission to the un has warned israel, it will face and obliterating war. if it launches a full scale attack against has blood and lab a non, and i'll be at a ron deems as psychological warfare, the zionist resumes propaganda about intending to attack lebanon, should embark on full scale military aggression and obliterating war. will ensue all options, including the full involvement of all resistance fronts are on the table. this comes as the idea says, it is carried out attacks on several habits of the blood targets in southern
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lebanon. and in recent hours, is rarely defense minister calls the government claims the government for prefers to reach a political resolution with has bla, but says israel is ready for war. if the lebanese armed group wants conflict is rarely defense minister claims that $450.00 has the militants had been killed since the start of the hostilities. ortiz, middle east bureau chief marie if an option of visited the northern is rarely city of haifa, which has been marked by the lebanese notes in group as a target in the event of a military escalation. a hi funds. these rows, the largest city, and the easiest ports to kilometers from the lebanese border, could be among the primary targets in the vent over the allow tour with his bella. from the spark on a high for hill, the beautiful bay area is at your fingertips, is rails largest board as close by the dog shapes, comedy and out, cargo being loaded and unloaded roughly 20000000 tons of goods passed through here
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. annually drone photos recently released by his butler shows this board as clearly as if they were right here. a stark reminder from the 11 on based militant group we, i was changing any of the 10 minutes we do shows much of high for civilian areas and also a detailed overview of the russell military industrial complex, including its factories, warehouses, and testing fields where it is rarely defense systems i made that for which was also extensively filmed. if the video was meant to turn or intimidate it, clearly failed is real, responded with even harsher rhetoric and increased preparations for war on it snowed in boulder. i live up there and i have the port in front of the product. so i'm going back here. the nice is, this is this happening. so nice is happening tonight. so we need to have us 1st and
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level of sarcasm, you know, through to deal with a room and is really aaron, from the head. osh body that promotes jewish arab cooperation, believes these really leadership is the one pushing for war. this government is already into war. this is the only guarantee for this and yeah, hopefully the co life as shallow as it may seem. this is unfortunately the truth. the hyphen may or earlier complained the doctor, his butler released the dread sewage. no one from these really, governments called his office to assess the situation. and this is a fashion try. twin government that is not really care of as civilians about any civilians. not only that tell us simians or leave any of them, doesn't care about its own civilians. prime minister netanyahu ensues that both tours with him us and his bow less were imposed on these rails. but not everyone in the country greece, this is lie that they haven't been saving. the surface is here saying only by power, only by war shall we exist. peace a v r sir,
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because she ation the answer. having a palestinian faith is the answer. what more will never be the answer when his bow listen chronologist, it's attacks on israel with him us after october 7. it said it would stop as soon as the war in gaza ends. but as these 5 talks have, once again sold, the wars seems more real than ever israel once before, they will not say openly because there will be uh many uh backlash against them from abroad and also from here from within. but they definitely wants it before we had many, many $0.10 to avoid that, but they intentionally decided to move it even closer to the reality that we live in right now, where people are preparing for doomsday situations. guy and i do is, and design is an anti war. activists from hi fi, remembers the 2006 world 11 on both of those things were free to q. ok. my parents
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took me and my brother and they brought us to the center of israel because they were scare other for, for a life like she feels that just like during the previous 4 civilians we once again bear the highest cost of israel tries to show that they are not afraid of the been on do we not agree to make any deal with the we've come off the track, the shoulder muscles and eventually who will pay the most because of this the, the situation this, the tourist, the question is the civilians themselves, downtown high for appears normal with shops and you just loans are restaurants operating as usual. home to about 300000 people. high for is a diversity with varies is and they cities, religions, political views and different opinions on a potential world with has all of our family if it's started. well, it is what it is. this gary being can wake up tomorrow and feeling like in this
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system in october. one is this allow of, of the food it's shown indicates that hezbollah is psychologically playing with people's fears. nothing more, nothing less and will be, they will always out of. but the way i need to stay, well another flight, so nobody and the if you want to fight side, if you're unsure true, it's non talking to slot ok. we ask shop owners on this, my burn street. if they have phone shelters, they might need turns out that most of them don't. and while some are concerned about that, let's get, i don't know where they're coming. very role, father is believe they want to be in need. they fix it. uh, so i thought was, what can they do? says one day me says to day me says, and then we, we just started on, on the run on, on wednesday, the lebanese prime minister reiterated the peace country is not interested in more with these well, global concerns over the escalation,
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also grow as the war we definitely impact the entire region. even these roads, closest ally, and long time so full to the west, has voiced the concern, stating it will not be able to provide the same level of assistance against his bella as a de, during the rent and retaliatory attack when he is real. in april, the ball is now in israel's court, but then it and yahoo government shows no signs of backing down. marie if an ocean a r t reporting from hyphen the saw health region will move forward with or without the western health. that's the message from the molly and for administer speaking and brussels. the best that this a hell of lines will straits us in the context to react to something. today we are in a dynamic of building regional integration. we sell this dynamic with between a fossil and these. yeah. and today in terms of security, we find that they are convincing results on the grounds, molly,
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up to 10 years. so for the presence now has control of it some time. national territory wants you to be objective observers and to watch how you can engage with this space. but with or without you, we will move forward. people have to understand the, to the repeating, so not the, the chinese will be the, the boss and so will be that the saw hill alliance is comprised of molly new share and burkina faso, all 3 west african states underwent military coups over the past 3 years. of molly and presidents in an official visits to burkina faso highlighted the importance of new partnerships for the region. does not mean we have decided to take our destiny into our own hands with us the hell aligns we, malley, jr. and routine of fast. so have decided to quit formal and effective partnerships in favor of sincere partners, such as with russia, china, and to get these new partnership so beloved,
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our countries took with themselves well and conduct effective operations against arm terrace groups. cooperation between russia and west african states is growing. molly is a major importer of russian. we accounting for nearly 40 percent of its overall purchases. apart from that, molly also imports russian fuel and fertilizers, burkina faso, received the 25000 tons of grain from russia. just this year financial consult with angelo, juliano says the style alliance states will not obtain a total democracy. as long as former colonial power france remains in the region. the subhead alliance in the process of a complete set that they mean nation on paper they were independent. but in v, i to you yes. to color nice color nice by the, in this, in this area in africa by friends of friends that he, that she is being losing the, those countries taking the resources and something which is extremely important is
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uh, the friends, due to the small month is actually in between those countries, currencies under the name of c, s a, is a fridge, courtesy, which is controlled by the french treasury. so it is a process of said that they mean nation of those. i think on con, please, they want to become real democracy and you can become a real democracy oil leaks if you can secure, use 70 and use because you, because democracy is a process of the so that the nation. so the 1st step is, is you're getting somebody then be defining you alliances. he doesn't need that uh those categories are going to align completely with the other side, which is the most people in the world. oh, i would say rochelle china, what they want to do is to be able to choose what which positives of defense for their own interest. thanks for watching arts international. my colleague, nicky,
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are and will be taking over here just about 30 minutes the the many years ago i took a trip to northern argentina where i stayed in a hotel that had a view just over the fight on a river into both brazil and part of why i thought correctly as it turned out, that this would probably be the only time in my life when i could go to potter why, even if it was just for a day. so i paid a taxi driver to drive and we didn't even slow down when coming to the border. we just blew across it. but the sleeping board guard didn't seem to mind much. i don't remember very much about where i went that day in see you that the state part of why. what i do remember is seeing what was more or less
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a parade of electronic equipment being smuggled into brazil. it was both brazen and obvious. the question though was why, when i got back to my job at c, i a headquarters i mentioned what i've seen to a colleague the last. and he said, that's how hezbollah makes its money. there's a huge lebanese community and see that the they smuggle electronics to brazil and then they send the prophets to his butler. it had never even occurred to me. i'm john to reaku. welcome to the whistle blowers the . 2 2 2 2 2 the most in the media, in the think tanks and even in hollywood, focus on terrorist operations on capabilities and on strategy. where will the next attack be? how many rockets does a terrorist group have? can they build bonds where their cells located? can they get on to an airplane?
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not much thought that was normally given to something that is at least as important and that is terrorist financing. i'm not talking about the work of treasury, department, or finance, ministry, bureaucrats and accountants planning future sanctions. i'm talking about how terrorist groups around the world pay for their weapons, explosives, ammunition, training, housing, even their travel. i'm talking about how they raise and transfer money. money is the life blood of terrorist groups. it's money that allows them to launch everything from a tax to propaganda campaigns. the conventional wisdom is that in today's world, it's extremely difficult to launder money or to pay cash for anything of any real value without it coming to the attention of a government. but it happens, it happens every single day assigned the been loud and manage to assemble an entire army. mostly under the radar. has bella is one of the best financed and best armed terrorist.


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