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tv   News  RT  June 29, 2024 3:00pm-3:30pm EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the the around the presidential race heads to i run off with a reformist hyundai, conservative candidates set to go a head to head next week. also a head, a warning, disturbing images. another tragedy on our last enemy's fired civilians are civilians died. 5 people were killed. 2 were injured including 2 small children, sadly, ukrainian shelling on russian border regions results and set them in fatalities with several residential building shops and a church also damaged in the the, the new york times goals for our job. i'm going to quit the presidential race after
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a kilometers the big deal with donald trump reinforcing speculation that us democratic party heads of bond all along that puts another account of it works and i'm with or without you. we will move full loads from people have to understand that to the repeating. so i'll know that the chinese will be that the russians will be that the molly and foreign minister share some hard truths in brussels on his face. the hell alliance expands the new fronts of cooperation with moscow on patient the . this is our to international. my name's you know, neil of 30 minutes of using the use starts not the college in around this presidential election has wrapped up, but there's been a winner. i run off will not be needed to the side who heads the nation going forward with 2 front runners for forms must suit the should be on. i'm conservative,
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side jelly said to face off on july 5th. the snuff election follows the tragic death of president ibrahim right easy and a helicopter process last month from tara. here's our t correspondence monday about cl with the story of the vote, as well. the final results are out based on the announcements by the election headquarters 24500000 uranium have participated in this election. that's while the total population of eligible voters who were agency team and above was something around 60. $1000000.00 to turn out is at 40 a percent. now, the breakdown of the shares of each candidate for as follows. the reform this candidate must be positioned on 10400000 votes. so i, you need the conservative candidates, 9400000 votes. while i'm not ball, they'll call you above the speaker of the iranian parliament, or imagine this 3300000 votes. and finally,
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a more stuff up point will have maybe 206000 more votes. this is going to be a number of blank floats. was a little more than 1000000 bucks. now the country is buckling up for a or on off election that will be held on july 5th. now from today until a day before do you run off the election candidates will have another chance to. busy run their campaigns and the track motors to their accounts in order to win the election of the um, the, the turned it was required to uh, secure 50 percent plus one of the votes. however, this didn't happen. so right now i'm joined by a professor at the university of to and from dr. mama, not on the welcome to the show. thank you. so now we know the one of the election is due and what are your assessments johnny, johnny lee?
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and for this young, what do you think, how would this race be finished? well, both of them, despite having a lots of time on public television, they haven't turned out to be particularly popular or charismatic. and i think everything will depend on the debates that they'll have in the coming days. in the previous presidential elections, we had heavy weights that that were either very popular or they were known entities like the present value see turned out to be very popular person as we saw through his funerals. before that we had time at the new job we had present romani we had present to me all of them who are wanting competitive elections but have very different views. i think that proves that most people in iran don't vote face on political affiliation. they. they look at the personality and they make a choice, and i think they're coming week will be very keen. who is able to present himself
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to the public as being more appealing, as being a better eclipse to provide solutions to the countries of the problem. what do you think the pos of these will make republic of your will and will be in the future? i think that the legacy of president or a c and none of these candidates are president re c. and i think that that was clear. but i think that's his legacy is going to be long term. his idea that we should explore better ties with the global sales with asian countries, with russia and china, india, brazil, and others to join the brakes and to be more involved in selling high cooperation organization. i think that's something that everyone has embraced. whether it's mister position or dr. jenny b or the other candidate to either step down or who couldn't make it to the 2nd round. what is the difference between miss or position, at least in rhetoric, with mr. jenny the is i think mr. present she on to is saying,
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well preserving what dr. rays has done, we should try again and put in, put in a new ad effort into seeing if we can revive the nuclear deal. dr. jenny, be probably in 5, it is saying the same thing, but in public, he's saying that the west is not going to fulfill that side of the bargain. but i, in general, i believe that iranian politics has moved more to the center. and whether it is dr . a position young or dr. jenny, me, both of them are going to have to be more centric. less cross live now to really and political scientists and commentators. so tara said the key is also host of the twice told tails podcast. you're most welcome to the program. didn't surprise you that no 11 i could write in around on that these are the 2 candidates who remain. thanks for having me to be on us. no,
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it was not really surprising that was something that everyone expected that the elections would go for a 2nd round, even even though people had different guesses whether it would be possess, sky on, versus find the ball for position versus jed. and he was something that was discussed, but everyone was expecting it to go for a 2nd ground. many iranians just have another aspect of this, also voted abroad in countries across the globe, but not in canada, which severed diplomatic ties with a run back in 2012 to run has slums off. it was refusal to give her radians a chance to vote. we can take a listen sitar to at what in the really an election official had to stay on that. a lot in chair canada has conducted a shameful act. although the claim to support democracy, they did not let our people vote there. i do not think they will let us hold an election in canada for the 2nd round either. we appreciate the countries that did
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provides the opportunity for our foreign ministry to organize voting yeah, it's worth noting that forcing 10, which doesn't have diplomatic relations with tier around either did a lot of really and citizens to vote inside the us. i'm indeed some of them even payment from across the board or in canada just to cast their ballots. why do you think also what declined to let a really and have their say to have their vote? yeah, you mentioned that the you even the west, which we haven't had to pull medic relations of direct relations for decades allowed iranians to catch esther bouts inside the us. but kind of the for some reason, ones to august even more restrictive to your buttons rights to various rights, including the rights to cast their ballots. i mean a new canada has seen
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a showing of a stronger design its influence and its policies. canada has uh, taken the move to the events in list i, as you see as a terrace organization, which is like a part of the runs, the armed forces and canada has previously also limited the wrong iranian. they asked for a success to voting. this is, this looks like uh, okay, even though kind of the close to support human rights and care. even for iranian surprise, when it comes to a different perspective, which ease participation in the presidential election by iranian ex spouse in canada, kind of doesn't want to allow that happen and doesn't wants to keep that rights to yvonne ends and uh, for whatever reason. this is very contradictory to why it's kind of the claims in terms of practicing democracy and respecting its own citizens. sites just the word
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on washington as well ahead of the uranian election officials in the us said the vote would not be free or for. but the same politicians don't seem to mind giving billions of dollars to keep it, even after loving. there is a lensky scrap presidential elections earlier this year. it's quite the juxtaposition exactly. i mean the us has a history of the meddling into other countries affairs. we know back in 205014, how the us middleton, the ukranian politics. how it has supported the uh, opposition, so called oppositions or even armed oppositions against elected governments. how it has tried so hard to ousted democratically elected a heads of other governments in different parts of the world and its, uh, i wanted how of, you know,
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how the electoral college system works in the us. where for example, you see in different rooms various cases, including the year where president trump was elected into office that the popular vote in the us. what one is another person to be the president but against, or will they have from to be like to that or to be, to round the office as a president. and that also violates the rights of the masses in the us. but the, the, the us is not talking about dad, or even while of watching the us presidential debates. the, the, the, the very few choices that americans have a, for electing a president doesn't probably doesn't seem very democratic to a lot of other nations where the majority of people's votes matters. but we all know how the us wants to, or us as rhetoric
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a and actions against that or to independent ration. the nations have been going on for as long as us history. we just have about 30 seconds. so i just want to sneak in just your thoughts on, on next week on the, the real off. if a reform is does at when, what do you think would be the single biggest change in around you? uh well, i think the biggest change would be in how uh or uh, as far as i'm concerned or what because my area is the setting foreign policy is that uh, i think the of reform is the president will rely more aware, looks more towards the west in establishing the ties rather than expanding ties with the eastern countries and they will try to lease offer a balance the like foreign relations that is concerned with for example,
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reviving the j. c, p a in some way or another, or trying to indirectly at least have relations with the us and the european countries that have severed relations with iran. very interesting, and they, thanks so much for coming into the program, ensuring your view and all of that to really and political scientist uncommented or said tara. so take a nice day with our team to national honor and on line for all the latest developments in the reading and presidential race as they 2 candidates left spending go head to head next week, the escalating ukrainian strikes have killed and wounded civilians, and 3 russian border regions over the past 24 hours, numerous known military targets, where hits, including residential buildings,
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shops, and a charge. russian authorities are probing what they have caused a terror attack that killed 5 people, including 2 children in the cursed region. the local official has posted a report from the scene and warning you may find some of the following images distressing. she did not that i gave you another tragedy on our land enemies fired civilians. our civilians died. 5 people were killed, 2 were injured including 2 small children. now our paramedics, are removing the dead. i would like to ask our civilian residents to go about their lives, being very careful and attentive to not leave the house that night. they're not moving around border villages. if anyone is provided with a temporary accommodation facilities, please call and contact us. if anyone needs to leave these border settlements, please call the russian house retaliated with the defense ministry, estimating you for any loss, has to be some 1800 saunders. over the past day, the m o d states,
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its our defenses also shut down to your cleaning and mig fighter jets and more than a 100 drones. while the ton of shumate has being taken in the russian and fonts in that done yet. republic. according to the same defense ministry briefing, las cruces to the cranes closely. es 300 or defend systems were destroyed in the russian offensive. this fridays from the defense ministry shows the units being hit by this calendar messiah in the odessa region. and russian surveillance has also tractor us supplied rocket launcher on the move in the in baffled har. called region of the vehicle, was seen reaching cover or attempting to inside of warehouse which was then bombed by moscow's forces repeated bloss set. the printing inside indicated also contained a large stock pile of munition, which went off. i discussed the latest developments with a tele more correspondent. i'm drea lucida, he says p of appears to be targeting russian civilians in
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a state of desperation. the 1st one, so we, we continue to see such a thought against the, the set them up a near the bar, the between the roof and effort and ukraine. and the personally, i don't understand why you cannot make continued to keep such a target where a simple know may 33rd. the 3rd look at the russian troops in the north of ukraine. a combined effort there at lot of ukrainian soldiers killed a lot of movement on the front line, pushing forward by russia. is this one way that key of things? well, this is, this is the way to respond. we, instead of going head to head with rushes, perhaps superior firepower, let's just go after civilian infrastructure, because, you know, nobody's going to criticizes anyway. i think there's one way that's in the prior to
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use. uh now, because uh now the ukraine. i thought i have a big problem with the manpower, so nobody wants to go or the front line to be. nobody's a go to the front line and die for their landscape. and the maybe for have such some results. so for have something that they can use in their propaganda. they can use the outlook again. sven's joe biden and team are scrambling for damage control following, who's my most the cons? dire debate showing on thursday nationwide us polls say that democratic leaders suffered a verbal thrashing by a republican frontrunner. donald trump. here's what the incumbent president had to say in the aftermath. the,
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the. 2 the when you get the who may be by didn't on his team tools, it was going to go away. but the whole world is still talking about his does office performance in the presidential election debate. now as the saying, he came out fighting, but there still seems to be a slide in support. and now there's even talk about him being replaced as a democratic candidate for the presidential election. now, the mainstream media certainly across america, even those that have previously being loyal to by didn't on his administration, have conceded that he performed very, very poorly in the debate. now there's been some suggestion that the whole thing was even settled that it was a deliberate point to put by didn't on the world stage and funds of donald trump. knowing that he was perform 40,
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he would stumble across his was that he was raised in order to justify replacing him. now, let's remember that by them was hold up in 3 comp. david, head of the debate. he was surrounded by his team. they drilled him in preparation, but the results are in and is not good news for by didn't and even the new york times. editorial board. well then i'll say in that by didn't ship you replaced the head of the 2024 election. the president appeared on thursday night as the shadow of a great public servant. he struggled to explain what he would accomplish in the 2nd term. he struggled to respond to mister drums provocations. he struggled to hold mr . trump accountable for his life. his feelers and his children plans more than once, he struggled to make it to the end of a sentence. so what the media is saying now, however, is in stone control as to what they was saying, apply it to the debate, something regarding as far as is to justify or say that he was mentally capable to stand as president. let's take a listen to what they said,
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and they were having conversations about the president's performance, which they think was dismal, which i think will hurt other people down the party in the ticket. if you're concerned about the job, by that age, you probably don't know till 500 is actually in good shape. and now they're in a, i won't say a full fledged panic, but it's getting there is a full on panic tonight, right mentally. he's quite a cute, any aid who engages with him or reporters. we can see this. the gears of his mind are working the right way. media has so fixated on bite and inviting purportedly having talented of issues. it's not just making an issue of buttons and it's, it's lying. it's saying he's seen wild things demand for this dramatic usa and is perhaps no surprise given biden's poor performance. well, well, the whole world is talking about bite in the debate. one of the white house officials say, well, that seems to be some sense of panic setting. if you remember prior to the debate, the democrats were dismissing these suggestions about the biden's mental capacity,
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his physical capacity. and they would, dismissing these as republican conspiracies, republican smith and before the kind of before the debate, the democrats for they were performing all sorts of summer. so as these videos are paid to show the fight, and one thing will forward it on his own freezing, forwarding over and saving really not capable for the top job. they said that this footage was deliberately manipulated to undermine him ahead of the presidential election. now, washington went as far as to set up a task force, and they coined a new phrase for these uh videos which is quoting them. cheap fights, there seems to be a rash. make for them here, especially for now or use. i'm wondering if the especially worried about that this is the yeah, we, and i think you all of called is the cheap fix video,
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and that's exactly what they are. they are cheap fix video, and they are done in bad faith. but maybe the debate itself was the biggest cheap flight of all. now the democrats of floundering, the narrative has reversed and the even contemplating replacing biden. as the presidential candidates always good to walk them onto the program. independent us senate candidates. i am sorry for her views. on that development over the last few days down a good to see you. what do you make of the liberal media southern you turn on by and they had been defending him against trump for years on till thursday is debate. well, i really don't think people can be surprised, and as some of them were saying, and alleging there is some talk that this was a set up that there's been a faction fight going on for some time. and they wanted to have
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a debate early enough to be able to replace tim before the convention. the problem that i have with all of this is where the american voters, who are these people making the decisions about who the candidates are. and then of course, the other problem is given the extremely dangerous situation, the world does, and right now, who is making the decisions at the white house? the details are very interesting. it was the democrats who asked for the debate to help in knowing, i would imagine that he would not be able to have the same energy as donald trump at on the podium. was it a bloodless coat? this knowing that there are people that like har, as knew some who wants to staff off, but they don't want to do it publicly. they want the public to get behind them another way. the fact that could be the case, i'll tell you what concerns me even more than these crazy. so now i'm against
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within the democratic party is i actually feel that we are lacking serious, qualified presidential leadership committee. in any case, i think it's a real crisis for our nation, and you have to ask out of 330000000 people. how could it be that we've come down to the choices that we have who are far from being statesman in any case? do you think the republicans are a little nervous about what's happening here because of joe by who does the polite thursday on known factor of a new perhaps energetic and candidates who could coolest more functions that, that, you know, biden had. maybe people were tired of him. is there a fear that donald trump's team now could perhaps look like the opposite? the less energized side? not as well as may be. but i think given the trajectory of the d n. c, they're unlikely. i mean, even if they replaced by them, they're going to replace them with someone who is just as awful. remember,
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tulsa gabbert left the democratic party. she was very popular. everyone knows that hillary clinton stole the nomination from bernie sanders. then you have a congressman, consented. once ran for president, he's a strong democrats, he's now independent. robert kennedy junior is running independent. i don't think there's really that much to be feared from the democratic party as it is right now, because if they're going to choose someone who represents the same horrible policies with is very good point you raise about 3rd candidates because people might be looking at this debate of the absolute as you say, shenanigans that run that i'm just thinking you know what? i was kind of tired before this but are there other options? is there an alternative at robert's f kenzie junior? do you think he and other people who are, who are gaining or had been gaining momentum? will they, even though i'd be up the, the front of the line thinking, you know what, this is the time to really grasp for a moment?
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i certainly think trinity is thinking bad for sure. he held his own simultaneous debates since they wouldn't include him. and i believe there were over 5000000 viewers for non mainstream media. that's rather impressive. i, again, i, you know, aside from my own disagreements with various aspects of his policy, i still think we're lacking someone with the gravitas and strategic qualities of thinking that's really needed for this moment in history. unless if it was in the other side, people are looking at the rubber pins and donald trump, who could be running a campaign possibly from, from jail. yes, that's the intent it's, it's quite a sorry state of affairs right now, and i think the actual issue which hasn't really been discussed is the impending blow out of the trans atlantic financial system. and the fact that there is an
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alternative which is led by the brakes brakes plus nations which, you know, if americans were better informed about this, i think we would be well coming instead of trying to was sabotaged it. just going back to thursday the night and uh, what are the folded given all down the the recent video gas by joe biden did send media really expect a strong display from him after lives that they know the writing look to be on the wall. i don't see how they could have and i also really don't believe any one who said, oh, it's just change so much in the last 6 months. we've seen this when did he go to poland? uh that was about a year ago or more and he was terrible. then he's been stumbling. he's been saying the wrong things. i guess it wasn't that long ago that he was calling president l c . c,
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the president of mexico or vice versa. so this really shouldn't have been surprising, but that's what we're left with independent us set of candidates. i on started down all was a pleasure. thank you. this the hell region will move forward with or without western help. that's the message from the molly and for administer speaking and brussels. the best at the this a hell of lines most creates as in the context to react to something. today we are in a dynamic of building regional integration. we saw this dynamic with between a fossil and these. yeah. and today in terms of security, we find that they are convincing results on the ground molly up to 10 years. so for the presence now has control of it some time. national territory wants you to be objective observers and to watch how you can engage with this space. but with or without you, we will move forward. people have to understand the, to the repeating,
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so not the, the chinese will be the the boss. and so will be the predicted molly measure and bertina fast. so are the 3 west african states that make up the hell. a lions all have undergoing military coups since 2021. and a recent official visit to bertino facile and molly and president highlighted the importance of new partnerships for the nation. the summit we have decided to take our destiny into our own hands. with this a hell of lines we malley these year and routine of fast. so have decided to quit for more and effective partnerships in favor of sincere partners such as with russia, china, and to get these new partnerships. their beloved are countries took with themselves well and conduct effective operations against arm terrace groups of cooperation between russia and west african states is growing. molly is
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a major importer of russian. we to accounting for nearly 40 percent of its overall sales. the nation also imports russian fuel on 1st lodgers by breaking a fox who has received 25000 tons of free grain from moscow. already. this year. financial consulted under list angelo. juliano saves the so hell a lie and states will not become full democracies as long as the former colonial power france remains in the region. the subhead alliance in the process of a complete set that they mean nation on paper they were independent. but in v i t, yes, to color nice color nice by the in this, in this area in africa by friends of friends that he's, as she is being looting the, those countries taking the resources and something which is extremely important is the friends due to the small much is actually editing those countries code sees


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