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tv   News  RT  June 29, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm EDT

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the, the, the are headlines stories this hour a runs presidential race heads to i run off with the reform is found that conservative candidates set to go head to head next week. also on the program. a warning, disturbingly which is another trash, the on our lands, enemies fired civilians are civilians died. 5 people were killed. 2 were injured including 2 small children, deadly ukrainian shelling on russian border regions, results and civilian fed. tullocks hayes with several residential building shops and a church also damaged in the attack. the new york times called for joe biden to quits the presidential race of direct kilometers. the big jewel with donald trump reinforcing speculation. the democratic a lead, something plumbing,
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all along to put another candidate for work with all with all cheats we will move full lot of people have to understand up to the repeating. so i'll know that the chinese will be that the russians will be that the molly and foreign minister shares some hard truth in brussels. of the so hell a lie and 6 pounds to new from some cooperation with multiple invasion the . this is our to international hello and welcome to then use our to our top story. this are the comments in a runs presidential election is over, but there's been no winner. i run off between the 2 candidates with the most votes is now required that we'll see. reform is my suit, the she can match up against concert of said john, leave me on july 5th. the snap election follows the tragic death of president
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ibrahim right. easy and a helicopter crash last month from durham, here's our t correspondence, monday, a bussey on with the story of the vote. as well as the final results are out based on the announcements by the election headquarters 24500000. the ring is half participated in this election. that's while the total population of eligible voters who were agency team and above was something around 60. $1000000.00 to turn out is uh at 40 a percent. now, the breakdown of the shares of beach counted or as follows. the reform is counted at massey position on 10400000 votes. so i, you need the conservative candidates, 9400000 votes. while i'm not ball there to call you off the speaker of the iranian parliament, or imagine this 3300000 votes. and finally, in more stuff up, we will have maybe 206000 more votes. this is while the number of blank votes was
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a little more than 1000000 votes, now the country is buckling up for a one off election that will be held on july 5th. now from today, until a day before the one of the election candidates will have another chance to run their campaigns and the track motors to their accounts in order to win the election . the, the, the, the candidate was required to secure 50 percent plus one of the votes. however, this didn't happen. well, i spoke with a reading and political scientist on common theater, said tara, so dickie, on this. she says to run is unlikely to break the old trips foreign policy course, no matter who wins. next. friday's run of presidential build. that was something that everyone expected that the elections would go for a 2nd round, even. even though people had different guesses whether it would be possess ski on
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versus funny ball for position versus jenny was something that was discussed, but everyone was expecting it to go for a 2nd bell. i think had a reform is the president will rely on or, and we're looks to do more towards the west in establishing ties rather than expanding ties with the, the eastern countries and they will try to lease offer a balance. the like, foreign relations run has proven time and again, over decades, no matter who was analysis that age for specs, it's international commitments, international treaties. and when the president changes the international treaties that yvonne has signed with its partners, stay intact in they run the states committed to its promises. and it's, uh,
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what's his partner is an allies and that doesn't change how many iranians just have another aspect of this. also voted abroad in countries across the globe, but not in canada, which to run has some off. it was refusal to give a really into a chance to vote. we can take a listen started to at what in the really an election official had to stay on that loading chair, canada has conducted a shameful act. although the claim to support democracy, they did not let our people vote there. i do not think they will let us hold an election in canada for the 2nd round. either. we appreciate the countries that did provide the opportunity for our foreign ministry to organize loading slowly and why do you think also what declined to let randy and have their say to have their vote counter has uh taken the move to the even is missed. i or g, c, is a terrace organization which is like a part of the runs the armed forces in canada has previously also limited the wrong
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iranian. they asked for a success to voting. and this, this looks like, even though kind of the claims to support human rights and care. even for ronnie in surprise when it comes to a different perspective, which ease participation in the presidential election by iranian ex spouse in canada. kind of doesn't want to allow that happen and doesn't wants to keep the rights to yvonne yards and for whatever reason. this is very contradictory to what kind of the claims, in terms of practicing democracy and respecting its own citizens. first thing with our to international honor, i'm on line for all the latest developments in the arena in presidential race. as the 2 candidates left standing go head to head next week,
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the escalating ukrainian strikes have killed and wounded civilians in 3 russian border regions over the past 24 hours. numerous known military targets, where hits, including residential building shops, and a church. russian authorities are probing what they call that terror attack that kills 5 people, including 2 children in the crust region, a local official has posted a report from the scene a warning you may find some of the following images. distressing. i sure did not that i give you another tragedy on our lands, isn't enemies fired civilians are civilians died. 5 people were killed. 2 were injured including 2 small children. to now are paramedics. are removing the dead. i would like to ask our civilian residents to go about their lives being very careful and attentive to not leave the house at night to not move around border villages.
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if anyone is provided with a temporary accommodation facilities, please call and contact us. if anyone needs to leave these border settlements, please call the russia has read. tell you, i said with the defense ministry estimating you printing and losses to be some 1800 soldiers over the past day. the m o d states it's or defense is also shopped on the printing and mig fighter jet and more than a 100 drones. while the ton of to me has been taken, and the russian advance in the done yet square public, according to the same defense ministry briefing must go say to all of ukraine's costs the s 300 or defend systems were destroyed in the russian offensive. this fundings from the defense ministry shows the units being hit by an s calendar missile in the odessa region. russian surveillance has also tracked a u. s. supplied rocket launcher on the move in the front line park called region.
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the vehicle was seen reaching cover inside of warehouse, which was then bomb by moscow's forces, repeated bluff up. the ukrainian military side indicated also contained a large stock pile of a munition. i discussed the latest developments with a totally more correspondent. i'm 3 electricity is key of that part of targeting of russian civilians is a sign of desperation and that's where effort. fortunately, we continue to see such a thought against the set them up near the bar, the between the roof and effort and ukraine and the personally, i don't understand why you can not make continuing to keep such targets where a simple know may 33rd a 3rd look at the russian troops in the north of ukraine, a combined effort there at lot of ukrainian soldiers
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killed a lot of movement on the front line, pushing forward by russia. is this one way the key of things? well, this is, this is the way to respond. we instead of going head to head with rushes, perhaps superior firepower, let's just go after a civilian infrastructure, because, you know, nobody's going to criticizes anyway. i think this is one way that they try to use. uh now, because uh now the ukraine, i thought that i have a big problem with them and power. so nobody wants to go the front line to be monday. it is a good the front line, and i for that ask you and the maybe for have such some results. so for have something that they can use in their propaganda. they can use the outlook against civilians as well with the ongoing conflict, also rapidly draining ukraine's coffers. the international monetary fund has
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approved a $2000000000.00 pay out to prop op. keeps budget as part of an aide loan program established last year. but others want their money back a group of. busy the world's top asset managers, including the infamous black rock, are demanding that t a ripping some $20000000000.00 of government on debt in 2022. when the conflict began a 2 year moratorium, and those for payments was granted to ukraine. but that grace period expires in the matter of which the previous round of talks on the matter fails with tips, taking a much bigger discount on repayment stuff. it's creditors have agreed to also ukraine needs to find $37000000000.00 to finance this year's budget. while i m f. projections on it's g, d, p growth have worse. and to make matters worse for tea at brussels,
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the concert reimpose tarus on imports of you printing edge and sugar cleaning the goods humphrey the prosperity of the farmers. another issue to add to the growing pile european union states are calling for increased support to help deal with the burden of ukrainian refugees on their territory. here's what the german chancellor had to say on that. a dodge done for germany, poland the check for public and a couple of all the countries have well come to most refugees. and that is why i, together with my colleagues, i think that it is time to make decisions now, which means that if all the countries don't contribute as much to hosting refugees those hosting the most should get support from europe for financing the subsistence job language straining and all of the things that play a role, the number of german politicians are also demanding that burly in a ball assure at least reduce unemployment benefits for ukrainians to encourage the
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refugees to either find jobs or leave. currently the allowances for ukrainians are equal to that of unemployed german citizens and indeed higher than the standard line paid to other refugees. ukrainians also receive free medical care and social housing and can take advantage of complimentary language programs to last germany instead of vac. yes, the president has recently limited the compensation paid to those hosting ukrainians after already having slashed it back. in february security analyst earl wrote me some say is the challenge of helping except the millions of ukrainian refugees is sewing increasing discord within european society. the other refugees, the that have come in this number, leaves them all that are getting a are getting less, they're getting a lot of them are working even a higher percentage or working it's unfair for the other refugees, which i think it's gonna create some divisive nets. as well, and you've got a very low percentage of the ukrainians that are actually seeking work. i mean pay,
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you know, hey, i got this extra $7750.00 in my cash in my pocket. every month i got housing. i got medical, you know, so there's no incentive for them to work. what are the rest of you slugged to those countries? because especially from germany, it's got one of the best benefits is to be you gives them money to pull in and check a check in. and germany, you're going to have other countries very upset and because they're making cuts to address the issue and handle it. so i think uh, i think, i mean create more devices this within the european union, just the salt lake. and the more roughly the flooding in the more challenges are going to have internally with their own internal politics. both with the in the countries as well as a, as well as amongst other member states also. so this is denise is going to weaken the european union in general to bide non team are scrambling for
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damage control following his by most the cards. dire debates showing on thursday, nationwide us both say the democratic leaders sort of verbal thrashing by republican donald trump. here's what the incumbent president himself had to say in the the when you get not to be get who maybe by didn't on his team tools, it was going to go away. but the whole world is still talking about his does office performance in the presidential election debate. now as the saying, he came out fighting, but there still seems to be a slide in support. and now there's even talk about him being replaced as a democratic candidate for the presidential election. now, the mainstream media certainly across america,
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even those that have previously being loyal to by didn't on his administration, have conceded that he performed very, very poorly in the debate. now there's been some suggestion that the whole thing was even settled that it was a deliberate point to put my didn't on the world stage and funds of donald trump. knowing that he was performed 40, he would stumble across his was that he was raised in order to justify replacing him. now, let's remember that volume was hold up in to become david head of the debate. he was surrounded by his team. they drilled him in preparation, but the results are in and is not good news for revising and even the new york times. editorial board. well then i will say that by didn't ship you replaced the head of the 2024 election. the president appeared on thursday night as the shadow of a great public servant. he struggled to explain what he would accomplish in the 2nd term. he struggled to respond to mister drums provocations. he struggled to hold mr
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. trump accountable for his life. his feelers and his children plans more than once, he struggled to make it to the end of a sentence. so what the media is saying now, however, is in stone control as to what they was saying, apply it to the debate, something regarding as far as is to justify or say that he was mentally capable to stand as president. let's take a listen to what they said, and they were having conversations about the president's performance, which they think was dismal, which i think will hurt other people down the party in the tickets. if you're concerned about a job by this age, you probably don't know till 500 is actually in good shape. and now they're in a, i won't say a full fledged panic, but it's getting there is a full on panic tonight. frank mentally, he's quite a cute benny aid, who engages with him or reporter as we can see this. the gears of his mind are working the right way. media has to fix it on bite and inviting purportedly having talented of issues. it's not just making an issue of buttons, it's, it's, it's lying. it's saying he's seen oil things demand for this dramatic usa and is
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perhaps no surprise given biden's poor performance. well, well, the whole world is talking about bite in at the debate. one of the white house officials say, well, that seems to be some sense of panic setting. if you remember, prior to the debate in the democrats were dismissing these suggestions about the biden's mental capacity, his physical capacity. and they would, dismissing these as republican conspiracies, republican smith and before the kind of before the debate, the democrats for they were performing all sorts of summer. so as the videos are paid to show the fight and one thing will forward it on his own freezing, forwarding over and saving really not capable for the top job. they said that this footage was deliberately manipulated to undermine him ahead of the presidential election. now, washington went as far as to set up a task force, and they coined
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a new phrase for the use of video footages, quoting them cheap fight. there seems to be a rash. make for them here, especially for now or use. i'm wondering it the way especially where you this is the yeah we, and i think you all is called is the cheap fix video, and that's exactly what they are. they are cheap fix video, and they are done in bad faith. but maybe the debate itself was the biggest cheap flight of all. now the democrats of floundering the narrative has reversed and the even contemplating replacing biden as the presidential candidates well independent us senate candidate di on sar say some figures within jo biden's party appeared to be making on democratic decisions over who should be on the november's pilot there was some talk that this was a set up that there's been a faction fight going on for some time. and they wanted to have that debate early
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enough to be able to replace him before that convention. the problem that i have with all of this is where the american voters, who are these people making the decisions about who the candidates are. and then of course, the other problem is given the extremely dangerous situation, the world is in right now, who is making the decisions to go in and at the white house. and we'll see perhaps it's became more clear that maybe there is a change. maybe his decline has become more precipitous and they're wondering if he could be really incapacitated by november. and then what do they do? so perhaps they're trying to preempt something that's now becoming more unavoidable . visa hill region will move forward with or without western help. that's the message from the molly and for administer. speaking earlier in brussels. the best at the this,
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the hell of lines most creates. it's in the context to react to something. today we are in a dynamic of building regional integration. we sell this dynamic with between a fossil and these. yeah. and today in terms of security, we find that they are convincing results on the grounds because smally off to 10 years. so for the presence it now has control of it some time. national territory wants you to be objective observers and to watch how you can engage with this space . but with or without you, we will move forward to the people have to understand the, to the repeating. so not the, the chinese will be the the boss. and so will be that are predict either for molly is your and bertina fast. so are they 3 west african states that make up this a hell alliance? all have undergoing military coups since 2021. and a recent official visit to breaking a fast. so the molly and president highlighted the importance of looking be on the west. the summit we have decided to take our destiny into our own hands with us
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a hell of lines we malley, jr. as routine a fast. so sift have decided to quit for more and effective partnerships in favor of sincere partners, such as with russia, china, and to keep these new partnerships. their beloved are countries to with themselves well and conduct effective operations against armed service groups. and they keep on cooperation between russia on west african states is growing. molly is a major importer of russian. we to accounting for nearly 40 percent of its overall sales. the nation also imports russian fuel and fertilizers. well, 13 of us so has received 25000 tons of free grain from moscow already this year. find also consulted on journalist angelo. juliano is of the view, the so hell a line states have no chance of becoming full democracies as long as former colonial power fronts remains in the reach of this, the alliance in the process of
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a complete set that they mean nation on paper, they were independent but in v i t, yes, to color nice corner nice by in this, in this area in africa by friends of friends that he, that she is being losing the, those con piece, taking the resources and something which is extremely important is uh, the friends, due to the small month is actually editing. those countries occurring sees under the name of c. s a is a french currency, which is controlled by the french treasury. so it is a process of stuff that they mean nation of those. i think on con, please, they want to become real democracy and you can become a real democracy only if you can secure you 70 in use because you because the vocal, she's a process of the so that the nation. so the 1st step is, is we gaining 70, then we defining you alliances. he doesn't mean that those countries are going to
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align completely with the other side, which is a multi point to what all, i would say. rochelle china. what they want to do is to be able to choose what, which positives of the best for their own interest. once the world and number one source of heroin of yellowstone has stopped cultivating nearly all of its poppy fields as part of a tell up on government's project done on drug production. but now the west is claiming that isn't such a good thing. after all, ortiz donald quarter explained, resolving success for the taliban war on opium production and afghanistan. but according to the u. n, a new problem arises of more potential drug related deaths, as users turn to synthetic narcotics. the result of a prolong shortage of african opiates could have multiple consequences in afghanistan and in countries of transit and destination for african opiates. the
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purity of heroine on the market is expected to decline. such a switch may pose significant risks to health and lead to an increase in overdose is, especially if the alternative opioids include highly potent substances such as some fentanyl analogs or neat designs that have already emerged in some european countries. in recent years. since 2020 to the taliban has been enforcing and all loud ban on opium cultivation on orders from their supreme leader with production in the countries former poppy capital following from over 50 percent of farm output to near 0. that's the same held man's province by the way, that was the center of operations for nato occupation forces in the country between 20062014 funny how not so long ago, the west and the u. n. were accusing the taliban and being responsible for afghanistan's form, a reputation of being one of the world's biggest drug slingers. afghanistan's drug trade is booming under the taliban rule. the record so far strongly suggests that
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the taliban is not enforced is narcotics bad. drug production and trafficking have remained high levels or increased since the change of regime in afghanistan. the taliban have counted on the ask in opium trade as one of their main sources of income. more production brings drugs with a cheaper and more attractive price, and therefore the wider accessibility. now that the taliban, as we did out the country is drug problem. the west is claiming that this is somehow a bad thing of the taliban. successful opium band is bad for afghans in the world. the band is not a counter narcotics victory, and we'll have negative economic and humanitarian consequences potentially leading to a refugee crisis. it begs the question of combating the opium trade was really one of the wes priorities in afghanistan. the taliban says the occupiers actually had a hand at themselves, but now the prophets have dried up the lighting and comparing 2 decades of occupations. the us did not wait to controlled drugs, but let me say that their policies were actually the reason for drug expansion in
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the country. the outcome people were the main victims of this evil in the us destroy the country. today, many women, children, an elderly people are using drugs. this is old due to the americans. they were part of this business. i personally know they were involved in smoking drugs through age transports the western countries. one things for a certain nato is decades long occupation, created a government that could be called a narco states profit received by the end of it all. 2 years ago, the legal opium trade grew 40 times larger and it was back in 2001. now that's all virtually gone along with whatever money western governments could have been pocketing along the way. and the taliban, which the us has for so long accused of being the cause of all this has been so effective at setting things. right? but even now, the un has had to give credit where credit is due to staying with the story independent political research on conflict specialist break,
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simon shared his take on nato's goals, an auction steering it's 20 year occupation of us giving us. and there is absolutely no logic to which by the sands of the night there who was dying and occupying afghanistan because it's like, it's only the contradictory. it's the one that has the one that was nice, i really doing it. and they gave us time to stop drug production, which was, according to the one of the priorities always it shows. so one of those won't tell the truth. and but as someone who have a, a consistency, but not telling the truth, i mean i, i, and the click the waste, everything love showing say less than forthright about the using the truth. if you word is that you're finding drug production,
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but the effect is in great, strong production them and obviously the, there is something wrong that there is a, at this thing, this committee between what you cite and what you do. and i mean, this is the one consistency with the cycle booms by his daughter. he would like to have your say on this, or indeed any of our stories this hour, we'd love to hear it. so why not head over to r t dot com and leave a comment to port so that you'll find plenty more. there are, besides, goodbye the, the russian states never as tight as on the phone in the most sense. community best
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ingles, all sense and up the speed . what else? paul's course about this, even though we will ben in the european union the kremlin mission, the state on the rush to day and split the ortiz full neck. even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube tv services. what question did you say from stephen twist, which is the .


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