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tv   News  RT  June 30, 2024 7:00am-7:30am EDT

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going underground can the, would you be expanded julie, the songs take these, the steps on australian soil. we're, you know, i think with his family also grueling both team do long legal back to the software. john takes it to the play deals 12 with the us government with which it massage, have little choice, but to a great australian omega. andrew wilkie slammed washington for setting a loading press on us to recreate
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a pricing that was said for the charging and conviction. public journalist for doing that job. that is a really alarming price to that sort of thing. we'd expect you to know 3rd period to tell it harry, in country and a series of terror attacks on religious sites, on police posts in southern russia lives. 20 people that we don't find could be horrific attacks one week on the hello and welcome. this is the weekly on, on the international bringing you the latest. well news on the dates, along with a round up at the stores. the shapes the week is good to have you with us off to a 14 year long legal bass. so would you be expounded? julian, a sons' returned home to australia where you nice him with his family, of just why can you please do with the us government of the
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as long as its release pump celebrations in australia demonstrates is gathered to praise the outcome of the cold hearing on julian's return home with australia and little make is of worried about the president's his case a set i will, i will flag the one allowing issue and that is to die on us territory. i present it was sick for the charging and conviction of a journalist for doing that job. that is a really alarming priesthood. it's a sort of thing we'd expect you to know 3rd period to tell it harry, in country. it is not what we would expect from the united states or similar
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country like destroyer. well, i think it seems a chill down this point of journal as well was that this president has been sick and it means out there is more work to do to push for lady of freedom and protections. the journalist so they can do that. you'll be able to be a free man. the funds could be seen leaving the coach with a free man off the 14 years of legal persecution with his saga fine and the others . i despise. a massive sense of relief and joy of his release that was hopeless. his lawyer says the case has had a chilling effect with the us, the ceiling journalism as a crime. mister assad should reveal the truthful, important, and news worthy information, including revealing that the united states that committed war crimes. and he has suffered tremendously interviews 5 for free speech for freedom of the press
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and to ensure that the american public and the world community gets fruitful. it important news where the information that is fall journalist of these cited states, prosecuted that they dispose must personalize the 7500 prison. that is, what has it showing up today? the decision that it's time for mr. science to go home. that does have a feeling showing the fact is the united states pursuing journalism has a fine. i think this is the 1st and last time julie and assigned is a free man. now that he accepted a guilty plea and entered a guilty plea in the us federal court in the mariana island. now, julian, a sanchez attorney made clear that while he will comply with the requirement that he delete certain sensitive information, the work of which he leeks will continue 60 took months in belmore to get this deal
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with the weeks is for work will, will continue. and mr. sanchez, i have no doubt the continuous force transparency government use of force. so now in order for julian assigns to accept the plea deal for time served no supervised release in order to return to australia, a free man. after 14 years of a legal battle, plenty of time and a british prison julia sancha had to formally admit guilts and, you know, plead guilty to a criminal charge violating the u. s. espionage act. this is what was said in the tense moments in the u. s. federal courthouse working as a joint of this time covers my source to provide information that was set to be classified in order to publish that information. i believe the 1st amendments protected that activity, but acts out that it was a violation of the spam no statute. i believe the 1st amendment and the espionage
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act in concert diction with the child, the but accept the would be difficult to win such suitcase given all the circumstances. it's been 14 years so that you and a sanchez been facing off in a legal battle. and at this points, we see him on his way home after quite a bit of time, walled up in the ecuadorian embassy, quite a bit of time in british prisons along extradition battle. now around the world, many are looking on and seeing this is an example of hypocrisy on the part of us leaders who constantly lecture the world about freedom of the press, the protection of journalists, freedom of speech, etc. let's review everything that has happened to julian assigned over the course of this 14 years saga. the
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. this appears to be the end of julia saunders 14 year saga, but it's not the last of which he likes. we are awaiting a statement from juliet's onto about what comes next. but at this point, many around the world who rallied in support of julia sons' protesting, making social media posts raising awareness, doing everything they could to highlight his case and the dangers. it pauses to freedom of information and journalistic protections. many people around the world are happy to see him free, though many are also worried about the implications of the guilty plea. he entered in the us federal court house for 20 people on now known to have died following
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a series of terrorist attacks on churches and synagogues in southern russia. last sunday, 2 christians were among the victims, while the rest were muslims, including the police officers who for back against the attackers. 6 terrorists will also account. so it shows the off the amount of the attack on a church in the hutch color vehicles popped outside, became bones how it works well, the supposedly sacred territory now resembles a battle field. we heard from a priest the mileage to barricade the doors and protect his parishioners inside the building. this is when i closed the church yesterday. some people were running around the territory. i brought the main to. the deacon has checked everything. we stayed inside for 4 hours. a warning, the following image is all graphic as a church and then came on to our top terrorists talk and said it's priest, father,
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nikolai patel nicole's in his house on the side of the shooting him deadly attack. is that the church on fire fall, the nicolai's at korea sponder the 40 years, making him well known in the local community. he was a father of 3 underground. the father of 6, we heard from his wife. so that didn't go through yesterday. it was a trinity to sunday, so there was a lot of people in the morning service in the evening. the service not so long, almost no one was that we came home. my husband had to lie down. it had 2 strokes and yesterday he was in a move all day, so he needed to rest. when we had shirts and i went to close the door, but it was too late as do already in one of the charter was run into the house and immediately shut my husband in the head because then that it was running through the rooms. i closed the door and i was waiting until he left, but he put this in, send you a raise, and in 5 minutes everything was on fire. he also said the church and saw you with my son in law. he is a priest to he does it so it wasn't damaged much,
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but all was the 5 was strong because it took time for $55.00 just to come get this because the terrace level to cause open the end police probably sold that there will bombs and the cause over that ever since been to the ground. as i said, the golf was also in the terrace cross has this was it shows a crew clearing the debris from the buildings, charles interior and unlucky twist of fate. the incident took place before evening press. so no worship was without the time the regents had has since visited the orthodox church in my hutch club to express his condolences for it shows as walls and windows peppered with bullet holes all season long calls are of reports from back as though they were at least, 20 worshippers of discharging much color on sunday evening when they were celebrating the holy trinity. they on a sunday now the terrorist attacked late in the evening. and you can see the
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buildings here, the church, or, or written with a bullet holes. now that service were killed, but before that they killed a security guard who was fine to protect the worshippers from their attacks. that security guard came to the door. it was open another time, which deed was he closed and the terrace continued shooting. he can see this door is also riddled with bullet holes. now the security guard, his name is me, how you was killed and he died instantly after he was shot. this is what's left of the prayer holes in the synagogue in the city of their events, in russia's republic of the stone, according to officials, the terrorist, guardians, to synagogue from the backside. i killed 2 security guards as they walked in and then said this prayer hole on fire and thankfully the were no worshippers there at that time. but some number of casualties couldn't be much harder because the prayer
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on sunday was supposed to start 40 minutes after the terrorist attack of the synagogue. now, right now, as i said, the prayer hole is almost completely destroyed. all that's left of these birds sacred text. i mean, let's just say suddenly they came from over there and killed the security account, then carried molotov cocktails and gasoline here, killed the other god and wounded the placement, the placement cold. this won't take a little from here. we can see where the shooting occurred, and that was the moment, the terrace fred. this pull the people of that guest on of russia with us. remember what happened, a must go race and they don't know what's going on. people are being killed or the shall god created. people for want to live in the browser, the way we all together. we will be together and we will never so ready to show what didn't have a couple of those thoughts who didn't. and it's there only a few of them in the republic with 2, but it's happens a 4th and it's, and it's never had any impact on the overall situation in a lot of unity, i'm not sure what do you see to them and we'll continue to defeat with them,
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it's like, you know, so some of the level that they want to scare us, but it won't work for them. but it was a project to built in most judge and the scene that y'all can do event. i don't even know how to cause the stocks. there is nothing like that in the mazda religion of the it's some group of people is controlled by some wonderful, happy people street. so that's the name given to this pedestrian area in their bands by local residents, because for them, it symbolizes peace and unity for the multitude of nationalities that reside here. it is also at home to this monument. over here we have the representatives of judaism, christianity, and islam. and up until sunday, all of these people were alive, however, the terrorist inter bent, they attacked a church and killed a priest. his name was nikolai concerning the gulf, and that he's been here for 40 years. changing judges parish.
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this people hearings or bents have been bringing flowers, this monuments all for out months. they had, it doesn't seem to stop as people here realize that the only units that you can prevent mores terrorism, which is a national vice to very sorry, of all per se. so yes, you've had no him since i was a child, it was a good contest and what's happening is wrong. sure. and i want to say that the attack is the only a small fraction of people in the caucasus. the rest of the stand that it is wrong because which this people didn't give life. so they don't have a royalty kid. they say there are muslims, but there is nothing in this, none that it would allow mother or impose something on all those new store. if we looked at most of them, nothing can divide us. whatever happens where decent citizens living in a friendly way in one city and having our own mentality,
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we understand everything and separate nationality from terrorism and every 4. so we can try to influence the situation from the outside and i can say that they will not succeed to all the assailants were brothers from the village of say go collab best found. a in the going that on the ralph was actually the head of the district . he's now being fired from his post on detained by police. from naples, say they suspected the power for others were around because the russian at an a 5 to have b, but no montgomery adults gave us an exclusive interview in the wake of sundays. tragic events. it's a brutal attack on people, on clergy and the holy places, the face would feelings going to have i don't know what this could have to do with religion, and as long as this is what offends me, frankly speaking to people when they go into synagogues or churches in cube clergyman there, where did this come from? where is this even practiced? where in the religion of islam do they teach such things?
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and i am very offended that this very situation is connected with the religion of islam. i'm offended that these moments are attributed to a certain sport or a certain hall, so to speak, to go into a monastery and kill a man just because he is of a different religion. is this something that need some sort of condemnation? is it not clear that this isn't atrocious in an human act where and when has such a thing ever been committed? we have more than 30 nationalities living in the darkest in. and well, of course, the majority professors is long, but there are also jews and christians. in my experience, this is never happened in 30 years in the 35 years that i've lived there. and there's never been anything like this. how could it be normal? my kids lived there. my mom lives there. my family lives there, my brother, my relatives. in 5 minutes away, people are being killed there. terrorists operations are taking place. how can i react to that? how can not be human?
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now see bolivia where a to a mass extend off between rebel general fun jose's. and ega and president, luis all say, has been resolved. the failed carlita has been arrested and charged with terrorism . on the on the insurrection didn't, was an ego was removed from his post on tuesday, also making inflammatory comments about the country's former president, even morales, and it needs to be the day before. on wednesday, the general that's hundreds of troops and almond vehicles to store the presidential palace slashing down the main gates of the palace of the the bolivian president called him a nation to stand against the rebels and use military police equipments against those defending the legal governments. the
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we are fighting people and we will not allow any cool, especially against the constitutionally elected president. we are defending a democratically elected government, and that is why we are here to support our dear president. hold on, it is outrages that there are meal true man who still think that we are in time of the cat or the presence to ask for the whole country. level leaders were quick to condemn the attempted. cohen, voice that support for precedence, all say on the bolivian, people will say though it is, it will say, just because we want to express our deepest rejection of any attempt to violate the rule of law. we hope that the full re establishment of constitutional order can soon take place. i reiterate in the sister nation of olivia already some will have
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some of them into the meal we condemn the attempted to the top. and we hope that the legitimate government of president, luis, on, say, is maintained and can continue with the mandate given to him by the bolivian people, people receiving in am uh, from venezuela, with the immense love we have for, believe you, we call on the people of believe you to defend their democracy, their constitution and their president, olivia and president luis also spoke exclusively to watch and his 1st interview off to be failed to attend his a preview, a little simpler, most populous. the reasons for such actions are always related to the economy, or perhaps this is due to our economic structure. we see that these political actions, at least in the history of our country, are always connected with some kind of natural resources when he can nomic interest is pursued by the corrupt officials who really will to our country good enough to pour maybe these currents. paula guards, who are trying to seize power in the country today. and as we all know,
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national and international forces may be behind us because that's the histories of ecuador and bolivia are very similar to getting a good site. the same movie with the different characters, of course, we all know that they are internal and external forces that are after our natural resources, pursue certain economic interests. we saw such attempts in the 1970s in latin america, such as operation con doors. we are well aware of the history of our region and perhaps someone wants it to be repeated. but fortunately, i think our people's have changed if they don't want to take part in these cruise for us, that people are ready to give their lives to maintain the democratic system. so people want to live in peace and a sovereign democracy, which we have always fun for us then somebody has a book or uh, i mean i agree simply general, very good. so and how does the solve come on? when recent years has made to toms to cross link to, to the tunnel fast of the region, and was even perceived by summit tested on some of the region as the head of states
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. although in reality she was only a military leader glum. please states that the country, so delete dom triangle is comprised of origin, tina silly and believe the have 60 percent of the boils, leaky reserves. you. she also stated the lithium who's the mass sold, the future of the console. this region is a myself, national security for the united states. they were, do you think this has anything to do with the co, thompson? 20192024. do you think the us is behind this? so those are the renters of video are lead to or general richardson spoke, not only about lithium in our case. she also meant rare earth elements. and also that bolivia has the largest reserves of fresh water. this is all of this is located in our country and also so many and for us to collide here. little many interest here, sir. but i am confident and that we will conduct a thorough and in depth investigation or me to find out or something. not only the actual perpetrators, but also those who ordered this failed cool. most in our country experience suffice
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is the us secretary of state, finally hitting a high notes onto the blink. and as long as they publish it with youtube, as part of the global music diplomacy initiative focused on giving voice to pace and democracy, lincoln claims that there will strengthen washington's ties with nations around the wealth. with a dozen us musicians from sing the campaign of music on behalf of this. this comes as russian content creation. so if you know that increasing pressure from youtube, a point mosca has repeatedly taken issue with legally media. the last line i'll say is long time i'll shut the messages down. if this doesn't mean somebody's interested in the us. oh, come on. it's not about the us music industry. it's about a understanding. it's look, i watched the entire episode, the entire presentation, but i thought to myself, you know, i can't find anything wrong with this. i did find that was interesting go. there was one particular portion where they wanted to teach english through music. and
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having studied many, many years of american english i, i, i don't think if that would be the best way to teach, to find are the skills of the queen's english. but that's beside the point. there is something that i hope is the same year and that is streaming platforms and digital media digital platforms. this is not the future, this is the current. and what i personally springs your point is anybody who says let shut down an entire platform because it may or may not either provide information that is negative or may absorb information and, and, and gather information that, that needs to standards of whatever the standards are. you can't shut these things down. you might want to work with them to be able to perhaps have
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a counter measure if the particular message doesn't meet your satisfaction on it. but it's, it's, again, i'm, i'm, i'm trying to, to, to not necessarily be negative about this. this is one of the few things that governments have done. right. said good for you. i'm tired of having a new platform of information that is subject to sensors. yeah. then docking and shutting down because somebody there, so either express somebody, somebody else doesn't like or they tend to collect information. and it's a gone. so now, where is wally troops carried out the deadly attack on display civilians that to school within garza city was also good schools of casualties including children. a warning this report does include some disturbing images. this which came from out those 500 school. by the way, the strike kills more than 8 members of one family, including 5 children. the youngest of those was an 18 month old baby. little gulf
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was born beyond recognition and nothing's for the most. meanwhile, is where the officials justify their actions under the guise of forcing him us. these really are for structure structures that were being used by mazda service in shoddy interrupt stuff. in the northern gauze trip, the terrorist operating side school compounds that were used by him off as a shield ford service of duties. meanwhile, refugees say the civilians by the bronze of such strikes we had from a bus my out to bonnie a refugee at the outlet but reached comping kansas city. and she says israel has not left a single safe place in gaza. this quote is very crowded. its contains about the 3000 deep one. most of them are tutoring and 2 men. most of them displaced from that houses. so they went to the, to the schools, to be safe, thoughts the, there was no safe,
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45 people killed in the schools and most of them, other civilians. not them all time us. as they said, you know that my husband throws on his home is harmed, is here in this, in this is for his arm now with no born. my father know also was taking my is really my is there are any people so we can do anything without me and we go by ourselves to have water to have fruit. the situation is in garza's, very home, no clean water, no fee for no need for many people, and many treasure workspace from their homes and laws and had exposed to funding. i believe we spoke to rami on the palestinian journalist ins activist
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whose family is still in gaza and he said, he's the idea. he's not targeting her last but palestinian civilians. what is happening now is what's happened since 8 months ago. the fighting between is of a long time, a number of policy and citizen. you get 3 categories. i know, but the care of people inside. yeah. they're looking for up to what i see for you. but they have nothing to do or they are between from us and is really on me. the is very edit like never stop to from october. i'm assuming something now. and as in all over the, in the media, they are probably get things from us. but to is did the civilian people, disability and family, a lot of friends, our partners. so i think it's, it's not making sense that when the, in the video of the is what any idea of seeing them. there are 5 things from us. none of them not 5 things from of they are fighting. and finally,
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getting the people, chris says that most friends inside god's human rights, similar to your image has the legs for this one is using starvation as a weapon of war. the body size is well, has rented over 75 percent of the farm lines in as long as the unusable israel has taken more than 75 percent of the ugly culture len daddy out of service. and guys, uh, i to isolated agent preparation for the, to legal and succession of the buffer zone oldest drawing and build those in it. in addition to destruction, to full audit components of local fluid production, and part of the, with its prevention of entry of food supplies, and humanitarian aid, in the context of his perpetration of famine and gaza. and the use of the evaluation is a webinar for to the human rights organization has documented numerous ideas, auctions and the destroyer in guns is food basket. from the destruction of loans, green owls is on the agricultural equipment, the killing farmers themselves passes. thousands of sick and ended guns have no access to the police produced food. the body also emphasized that is where the
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forces prevent humanitarian aid from freely entering the unsafe is ready. our relations independent research on from a gauzy rather than while lead. siam says that depriving causes of the livelihood is a policy and it pushing locals out of the area. a started vision of god, size being done deliberately by the state of government as the been a witness since the beginning of the work. when the fighters with the close and shut it down and that was being tested for them to see. and since then it has been just controlling as age in 3 and displaying any system like that. it says di, last, i think as a is right, this won't be too much east, we need you to go. the 1st one is to squeeze the guy because insightful team them is to inform distribution with via the class. and he does with a,
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we didn't have any choice, but to follow up with these today. the 2nd one would be the didn't mind encompasses so the key under the cause of the additions that has, that has been done. so is that the claim that the agent in the plan and following the vista be the 2. so any contact between the west bank and gaza cent, eliminating the status of cousins, passport has been used by providing them with the same se, documents, revising causes and the driving good, strong dance, eh, the traffic. it's people from monday, the a lively one total any particularly g for the life, little human lives are esteemed to, and it for us causes the father did lead the youth casa, always great to having with his head on the.


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