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tv   News  RT  June 30, 2024 10:00am-10:31am EDT

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of the, the the home last week, it expounded julianna's songs takes his 1st step back on australian soil. were united with his family off to a ruling 14 games on legal bass of the
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that's also a judge accepted a plea deal struck with the us government, which offered a song, so little choice, but to agree australian nor amaica. andrew wilkie slammed washington for assessing other law mean precedent on us to retreat. i present it with 6 for the charging and conviction of a journalist for doing that job. that is a really allow me increase to that. it's a sort of thing we'd expect you to know 3rd period to tell it, period country, the positive a chrome centrist. the lines could be dealt a major blow by le pens. you're skeptical position policy as not elections in for, on saw in full swing. today, he's wanting us to send us troops and weapons to ukraine, happen to help the coalition schooling po number, the hello and welcome to just the weekly on auntie and national bringing you the latest
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world news updates, along with a round up of the stories that shapes the week is good to have you with a loved to a 14 year long legal battle. what can expounded julie, the songs has returned home to australia and reunited with his family office to i think a plea deal with the us government the the, the, the, as long as it's released spots celebrations across to australia demonstrates, has gathered to praise the outcome of the cold hearing and julian's return home. but australia and lawmakers are worried about the president. his case has set i will, i will flag the one, allow me issue, and that is to die on us territory. i present it was 6 for the charging and
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conviction. public journalist for doing that job. that is a really alarming priesthood. it's a sort of thing we'd expect you to know 3rd period to tell it harry, in country. it is not what we would expect from the united states or similar country like destroyer. well, i think it changed. i a chill down the spine of journal as well was at this price it, it has been sick and it means out there is more work to do to push for lady of freedom and protections for journalist. so they can do that and you'll be able to be a free man. the phones can be seen leaving the court room. a free man also thinks he is of legal persecution to saga is finally out of the spot, the most expensive relief and joy. i have his release to whistle blowers. no, you please. the kansas have
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a shilling. outcome with washington still seems of journalism as a crime. mister assad should reveal the truthful, important, and news worthy information, including, revealing that the united states had committed war crimes. and he has suffered tremendously in here's 5 uh for free speech for freedom of the press and to ensure that the american public and the world community gets fruitful. it important news where the information that is for journalists of these cited states, prosecuted that the dispos most precisely under the 75 pairs of prison. that is what has it showing up today? the decision that it's time for mr. science to go home. that does have a showing, the fact is the united states pursuing journalism has a fine, i think this is the 1st and last time julie and assigned as a free man. now that he excepted a guilty plea and entered a guilty plea in
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a us federal court in the mariana island. now julia sanchez, attorney made clear that while he will comply with the requirement that he deletes certain sensitive information, the work of which he leaks will continue 62 months in belmore to give this deal weekly weeks is for work will, will continue. and mister sancho, i have no doubt the continuous force transparency, government use of power. so now in order for julian assigns to accept the plea deal for time served no supervisor released in order to return to australia, a free man. after 14 years of a legal battle, plenty of time and a british prison, julian assad had to formally admit guilts and, you know, plead guilty to a criminal charge violating the us espionage act. this is what was said,
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and the tense moments and the u. s. federal courthouse working as a joint of this time covers my source to provide information that was set to be classified in order to publish that information. i believe the 1st amendment protected that activity but acts out that it was a violation of the espionage statute. i believe the 1st amendment and the espionage act in concert diction with the child the but accept the would be difficult to win so suitcase given all the circumstances. it's been 14 years so that joanna sanchez been spacing off in a legal battle. and at this points, we see him on his way home after quite a bit of time, walled up in the ecuadorian embassy, quite a bit of time in british prisons, a long extradition battle. now around the world, many are looking on and seeing this is an example of hypocrisy on the part of us leaders who constantly lecture the world about freedom of the press, the protection of journalists, freedom of speech, etc. let's review everything that has happened to julian assigned over the course
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of this 14 year saga. the . this appears to be the end of julia saunders 14 year saga, but it's not the last of which he likes. we are awaiting a statement from julian to sondra about what comes next. but at this point, many around the world who rallied in support of julia sons' protesting, making social media post, raising awareness,
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doing everything they could to highlight his case and the dangers it pauses to freedom of information and journalistic protections. many people around the world are happy to see and free, so many are also worried about the implications of the guilty plea. he entered in the us federal court house with the elections to the national assembly kicking off today. the french president in monument crone finds himself at the top sports as the popularity of his son tristan lines on formula. thomas in the poles, millions of french boats has calls pallets alongside the incumbent president and the crown code for snap elections of the policies heavy losses last month. and during the european parliament in both thing is openness to sending troops to ukraine on to risk. further escalation, drew sharp criticism from the off position that includes the national riley lead on the read live pen who voted in northern frogs today. post is a hot project today majority waiting for the pens, policy all to contribute to rachel moss and brings is up to date with the date. one
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of the things that the french initially liked about a menu item back home was that he appeared to be keen to slip into the mindset of former french president and world war 2. general shackleton good. the mindset of france being an honest broker between east and west refusing to go all in on either account, but the writing was on the wall when the ukraine conflict went red, hot and maximum was 5 days walking around the palace in a dark hoodie that looked like he'd stolen it from his girlfriend, ukrainian president bly, mirrors when skis, partial gardener, fashion collection of the, the new vill, egoism we have agreed on you deliveries on a long term basis, announcing the delivery of a 1st series on the raft, 2000 dash 5 and then the serial pilot training, which will immediately begin instructing, pilots and mechanics, we also proposed and decided together that friends would train and equip an entire ukranian army brigade as part of the effort to originate rates forces. that's around 4500 soldiers. we propose we decided together that's nice. know
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who wasn't involved in any of that decision making as part of that we, the french people who needs effectively committing to fighting the war against russia. starting with sending in trainers. it's not like the law makers that french voters democratically elect good and who are accountable to them, have never even declared war against russia. and the president is supposed to have that power. if the russians were to break through the front lines, if there were a ukrainian request, which is not the case today, we would legitimately have to ask ourselves this question. i have a clear surgical objective restaurant can not win a new grade. so teacher's pet not call has certainly used all the right words to charm the western level as the establishment. nato secretary general, the end stoughton for whose effectively just the chief populace s p r. guy for the western military industrial complex lobby. because a bug. busy so i'm on the road and thank you for your warm welcome on your kind
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words, and thank you also for an excellent meeting this afternoon on the bill. so thank you for your store on a personal commitment to the transit time taken out in san to nato. it has really been a great privilege to work so full share with you over all these years. but say over to somebody, i want our position to be clear to formulate it and we'd be the we support president microns initiative to send instructors to ukraine. and by the way, just simply shores in the past to learning french public generosity is really wearing send at this point in light of not cause attempts to effectively ease the french people into this conflict with the back of this boon. as the from saying goes 68 percent of the french don't think that he should have even a vote. the notion of putting western troops on the table for ukraine, 74 percent of them, don't want them on the ground over there ever. that is this choice in the french election. it's teen macola versus team pretend period. that that's hard insulting
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people's intelligence at all. it is a demonstration above all for peace against the spiral war into which mat, chrome, the european union and nato are leading us. we are tired of others deciding and speaking for we're the solder and we're the ones who must speak for ourselves. because we have a salary, but despite the salary, we called me till needs because we are in fact more in, on dated with bills. and we have almost nothing 0 money left to live on. we are in perpetual survival per box. if they called me to bump, there will be people who are looking for food and garbage cans. people who have housing problems. i think we are entitled to them on the way to, to achieve, to who best of the history of humanity, the pollution of humanity, people who are already financially struggling from that goal blindly following the use economically devastating demands for ukraine. asking even domestic ministries like finance ministry to cut budgets,
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to pay for more funding and more weapons for you frames just done by the leading figure in both the. busy p and, and the national campaigns for the pens party and the most likely candidate for prime minister of the party wins has at least been talking like he's thrown down a few boundaries. say that the hordes that of course, i think that this is francis roll. that they should have plates to maintain these rates line between both supports and ukraine to lobbies, to hold the problems with the equipment needed and avoiding the risk of escalation with russia. when the president of the republic goes so far as to say, we can send troops before the end of the year. we can possibly consider serving the nuclear deterrence with all your pain partners. i believe that these crossing by lines not being a pen herself, is also a virus of warning shives over the ballot. i'm surprised at this over what you could expect of her party wins this weekend, spoke to the chief of the armed forces for the president is an honorary title,
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since it is the prime minister who holds the purse strings. jordan has no intention of picking a fight with mister mcroy on, but he has set red lines. the president will not be able to send troops to ukraine . so what is he saying? there's that nicole maybe president, but it's the french national assembly that controls the post. and there's been major debate here over the past few days about how much has already been allocated, how much can be club back, and to what extent macros prior ukraine deals could be real, did. in any case, it's a reminder that elections absolutely have consequences. and this one could certainly have significant ones for our practice involvement and you prayed it's a garza now where is where the troops carried us a deadly attack on display as civilians. the 2 schools in kansas city resulting in schools of casualties including children. a warning this report has disturbing images as much as came from out of the faucet. i need school whether he is ready as plateaued, more than 8 members of one family,
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including 5 children. the youngest of those was an 18 month old baby wanting to to go was burned beyond recognition and another for the melted. we want is really officially justified there. roxanne's under the guise of finding how much these really are forrest structure structures that were being used by him most terrorist and shoddy interest of northern ghosts trip. the terrorist operating side school compounds that were used by him off as a shield ford service activities. meanwhile, refugees say that civilians by the bronze of such strikes we heard from a bus my alco, bonnie, a refugee at the elbow. ridge comp in garza city. and she says as well has not left a single safe place. in garza, this quote is very crowded to age contains about a 3000 deep one. most of them are to re enter men, most of them displaced from their houses. so the one to the, to the school, to be safe, thoughts the,
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there was no safe. 45 people building these to schools and most of them honors civilians, not the time us. as they said, you know that my husband throws on his hon is harmed, is here in this in this is for his arm now with no boon. my father know also was taking my is really my is right in the people so we can do anything without me and we go by ourselves to have water to fruit. the situation is in garza's very home. no clean water, no free food network, many people and many treasure were displaced from their homes and had exposed to from the money. we spoke to rami on the palestinian journalist and
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doctor visits. his family is still in gaza and he says, the idea is not targeting him nice, but palestinian civilians and this is a what is happening now is what's happened since a month ago. if i came between is that a lot of time, a lot of policy and citizen you get 3 of these. i know, but the care of people inside. yeah, they're looking for up to what i see for you, but they have nothing to do or they are between from us and is really on me that is very edit like, never stop to from october. i'm assuming something now. and as in all over the, in the media, they are probably get things from us, but to is did the civilian people, disability and family, a lot of friends, our partners. so i think it's, it's not making sense that when the, in the video of the is a me idea of saying that there are 5 things from us know,
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and it looks like and some of the fights. and then finally, getting the people, chris says that most friends, inside god's 20 people are now known to have died following a series of terror attacks on churches and synagogues and southern russia. last sunday, 2 christians were among the victims, while the rest with muslims, including the police officers, the full back against the attack is 6 terrace, also killed. so it shows the optimal for all the a taco church in the hutch color. vehicles at post outside became the in town, wrecks will be suppose of a sacred territory. now resembles a basil field. we heard from a priest who managed to barricade the doors and protect his parishioners inside the building. this is when i closed the church yesterday. some people were running around the territory, i brought them into. the deacon has checked everything. we stayed inside for 4 hours. a warning the following images, all graphic as the church and the bands came on to attack. terrorist targeted its
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priest father, nikolai patel nichols and his house on the sides of the shooting him dead. the attack is for the touch on file for the nicolai's career. spawns over 40 years making him well known in the local community. he was a father of 3 and the grandfather of 6, we heard from his wife. so should i be able to assist you with us yesterday? it was a trinity to somebody. so there was a lot of people in the morning service in the evening. the service, not so long, almost no one was that we came home. my husband had a light down. it had 2 strokes and yesterday he was in a move all day. so he needed to rest. when we had shirts and no one to close the door, but it was too late. as they were ready in. one of the turn was run into the house and immediately shut my husband in the head because then that it was running through the rooms. i closed the door and i was waiting until he left, but he put this in, send you a raise, and in 5 minutes ever since it was on fire. he also said the church and saw you
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look my son in law. he is a priest too. he does it so it wasn't damaged much, but all was the 5 was strong because it took time for 5 sites is to come get this because the terrace level to cause open the end police probably sold that there will bombs and the cause over that ever since then to the ground, i said a golf was also in the terrorist. false has this fits, it shows a crew clearing the day of re from the buildings, charles and syria, and i lost the twist of fate. the incidents took place before evening, fresh and no rush asses were there at the time. the regents has since visited the orthodox church in my hunch conduct to express his condolences, but it shows its walls and windows peppered with bullet holes seized from on console reports from they were at least 20 worshippers of discharging much color on sunday evening when they were celebrating the holy trinity, they on a sunday now the terrorist attacked late in the evening. as you can see,
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the buildings here, the church, or written with a bullet holes. now that service were killed, but before that they killed a security guard who was fine to protect the worshippers from their attacks. that security guard came to the door. it was open another time which deed was closed and the service continues. shootings, i can see this door is also riddled with bullet holes. now the security guard, his name is me, how you was killed and she died instantly after she was shot. this is what's left of the prayer holes in the synagogue in the city of their events, in russia's republic of the stone, according to officials, the terrorist, guardians, to synagogue from the backside. i killed 2 security guards as they walked in and then said this prayer hole on the fire. thankfully the were no worshippers there at that time, but the number of casualties couldn't be much harder because the,
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the prayer on sunday was suppose to start 40 minutes after the terrorist attack the synagogue. now, right now, as i said, the prayer hole is almost completely destroyed. all that's left of these birds sacred text, honey, let's just start suddenly. they came from over there and killed the security code, then carried molotov cocktails and gasoline here killed the other god and wounded the placement, the placement cold. this won't take a little from here. we can see where the shooting occurred, and that was the moment the terrace fred, visible, the people of doug, a son of russia with us. remember what happened, a most guy raised and they don't know what's going on. people are being killed or the should god created people for want to live and probably way we all together. we will be together and we will never so ready now shall be what didn't leave a couple of those thoughts who didn't even it's there only a few of them in the republic with 2, but it's happens a 4th and it's and it's never had any impact on the overall situation in a lot of unity,
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i'm not sure what do you see to them and we'll continue to defeat with them. it's like, you know, so some of the level that they want to scare us, but it won't work for them. or is it projects to be able to most judge and to see that y'all can do events. i don't even know how to cause these thoughts. there is nothing like that in the most of the religion of the it's some group of people is controlled by some wonderful happy people street. that's the name given to this pedestrian area in their bands by local residents. because for them, it symbolizes peace and unity for the multitude of nationalities that reside here. it is also at home to this monument. over here we have the representatives of judaism, christianity, and islam, and open till sunday. all of these people were alive, however, the terrorist ins are bent, they attacked a church and killed a priest. his name was nikolai concerning the gulf, and that he's been here for 40 years. changing to his parish.
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this people here injure bents have been bringing flowers. this monuments all for out month they hand, it doesn't seem to stop as people here realize that the only units that you can prevent mores terrorism, which is a national event to very sorry, of all per se. so yes, you've had no him since i was a child, it was a good contest and what's happening is wrong. so if i want to say that the attack is the only small fraction of people in the caucasus, the rest of the stand and that it is wrong because which these people didn't give life or so they don't have a royalty kid at the, they say there are muslims, but there is nothing in this, none that would allow mother or impose something on all those new stool. anybody who looked at most of them, nothing can divide us. whatever happens, you know, where decent citizens living in
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a friendly way in one city and having our own intelligence, we understand everything or separate nationality from terrorism within the every 4 . so we can try to influence the situation from the outside. and i can say that they will not succeed to all the silence we're brothers from the village of a. so the color that father gomez on the ralph was actually the heads of the districts. he's now being fired from his post on detained by police. some neighbors say they suspect to the power for others were radicals, russian, and of a fine to have be. but near montgomery dogs gave is an exclusive interview in the wake of sunday's tragic events as a brutal attack on people on clergy, on the holy places of face. would feelings, can i have? i don't know what this could have to do with religion in this long. this is what offends me, frankly, speaking that people, when they go into synagogues or churches in kill clergyman there, where did this come from? where is this even practiced? where in the religion of islam do they teach such things?
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and i am very offended that this very situation is connected with the religion of islam. i'm gonna send it to these moments are attributed to a certain sport or a certain hall, so to speak, to go into a monastery and kill a man just because he is of a different religion. is this something that need some sort of condemnation? is it not clear that this isn't atrocious in a human act where and when has such a thing ever been committed? we have more than 30 nationalities living in pakistan. and well, of course, the majority professors is long, but there are also jews and christians. in my experience, this has never happened to 30 years in the 35 years that i've lived there, and there's never been anything like this. how could it be normal? my kids lived there. my mom lives there. my family lives there, my brother, my relatives, in 5 minutes away, people are being killed. there. terrorist operations are taking place. how can i react to that? how can not be human?
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the risk between the need between asia, the former colonial power from sinclair is why the, the west african nation is concerned is taking back control of a french run uranium mine the council of ministers adopted to drive a degree withdrawing the permit for large scale uranium exploitation thus the marine permit, no returns to the public domain of the state to jerry and officials has with votes the around a nuclear fuel produces license full failing to fulfill government demands. and with the mind and the french power group froze operations in 2011 due to the collapse of global uranium prizes, it argues, work had resumed the size. and now was that withdrawing the license without any damage in asia, around a phase to this decision to withdraw the mining permit for the deposit. we'll have a negative impact on the economic, social, and societal development of the region around it remains willing to keep all
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channels of communication open with the media sorts. he's on this subject while reserving the right to challenge the decision to withdraw the money permits before the company to national or international jurisdictions. historically, powers has been a major importer of new jazz minerals, the west african nation accounts in india. costa of b natural, uranium supplied to europe. and asia was one of phones is top 3 uranium suppliers in 2022. but it appears a vital link. it is energy system chain, maybe last speculation in west and media has russia sweeping in to take over the console license? i saw on the touch roma a projects member for the local transparency agency road top stage that is in moscow style. a. hi brianne, susan, while yours ramos position is simply one of non compliance with these in laws and regulations because the nation in mining coal is requests around and so probably minus finding ways to danger and must say what it wants to do with it. so you any of these and indeed we can determine what we want to do with value to any. and then
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we will now look at country small companies that can actually offer acceptable terms in relation to what we also want. i think the draw, she's a country that can make this happen in the direction of our interest, simply because ross, she's a country that does not have a colonial, boston navigating the russians, you know, try to elect us. they come us bogged us. they are ready for an equal partnership with older countries with wage and incorporate. i think they already, they have the design and technical capabilities to truly create a mutually beneficial and equal partnership with the share of board. and as a previous us with never in this mood, they will never ready to go in these direction. if for us continues to behave as before, i believe that the relations between friends and the share will remain prostate before we go. so i things as well, same as the american rafa kanye west in the russian capital. media report was of west arriving in moscow to celebrate the best day of his bronze chief designed to hear russian citizen negotiate with tennessee. the rafa towards the capital 9
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visited most goes main department store due and funds. i think the iconic rapid will stick around and perform a concept, but no word yet on that happening. we will of course, keep you posted many thanks for joining us here. and i'll see international this sunday we've got was sent to you more than 30 minutes. see you then the the
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hello and welcome to wells of park certain years ago a.


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