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tv   News  RT  July 1, 2024 5:00am-5:31am EDT

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logic because it might just change the way inside the power as bonds. that's the national riley policy, takes the lead and the french that just puts the election way private of my problems, defeats on the called the nations prime minister issues of starting point the public to declare our objective is clear to prevent the national riley from obtaining an absolute majority in the 2nd round from dominating parliament, and therefore from governing the country within a serious plan. it has in mind pissed up this event of the government definition and unity and it's covered for this unprecedented demo. chris fell back, says president names a new po a shouldn't happen that the opposition making its debut and then you've got months
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off weeks on political rank like and you pray and is told by the i am asked to crack down on it or i'm putting per robinson, as the financial institution really says a not the trunk of a to kid from mrs. taylor packaged the it's just struck. cut mid date here and most good for myself, the whole team it all piece h q a very welcome to this monday's program. well, let's start with the chaos in from so right throughout the process, the nation on sunday night following parliamentary elections and which president microns party came out. the news and the national randi party took the lead in the 1st round of ot. the
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most dramatic scenes were on the streets of paris as well as the capital suburbs on the city of p. o. 7 straight to the finest employed, smoke kind of stairs and filled by retains to keep lu enforcement of say, i meant the people that lead all the national riley parts and we're in the pen, celebrated the pilot results that go back to you. my g. a compact, traditional democracy has spoken, and the french people have placed the national riley and its allies at the forefront of practically raising the max from this blog and manual on my crown
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called for snap elections. following his policies, law says in last month, you're a pen, palling entry elections. i'll talk to his cool to send troops to praying to your shop criticism from his opponents. chief among those is maureen patton. here, like i said, have policy is current meeting the election rates of when we start to focus on was on new commercials and left wing coalition tools and the 2nd 28th. and while the french prime minister has wound delta pens, polity winning and outright majority, a public sinclair, our objective is clear to prevent the national riley from obtaining an absolute majority in the 2nd round, from dominating parliament and very for from governing the country within a serious plan that has in mind, i said this with all the force at the moment, demands of each and every one of our voters, not a single vote, must go to the national rally. in this circumstance, france deserves no hesitation. we must never hesitate. so there was a historically high voter turnout in this election approaching 70 percent. now
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that's the number that hasn't been seen since the legislative elections in france of 1986. now the big loser here for sure is a menu and that caused the establishment to gather a party coming in 3rd place with just 20 percent of the popular vote. actually, he kind of blew it off himself with the grenade of parliamentary dissolution them onto the newspaper here in front of site in black hole, saying that he was a toss with the anti establishment. right? that just happens to be the big winner in, not only the european parliamentary vote last month with team macro in 2nd place there, but also in the selection. now he roll the dice here and didn't even manage to come in 2nd in this election. but 3rd, so these virtually guaranteed himself a final 3 years of his presidency as a captain, a drift, legislative lead, constantly fighting with whatever crew he alternately ends up with in the national
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assembly as government and both sides of the anti establishment political divide on both of right, and the left are celebrating not. so those are the kind of number of cases triangular elections are possible in line with our principles and our consistent positions. and all previous selections will not allow the national party to win anywhere, which is why we'll withdraw our candidacy event that they come 1st and we come 3rd . so in the 2nd round, run off set for next sunday july 7th candidates in any districts with more than 12.5 percent of the theoretical number of registered voters. not just those who actually voted can stay in the race. and what we show is now saying is that in the case of a 3 way race in any district where it looks like both splitting between team, that calls and the left, his coalition could risk putting the national rally candidate over the top. he wants the left, his candidate if they meet that threshold for being allowed to stay in the running
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in 3rd place to just drop out. which would mean that teen mental show would effectively be supporting teen mac hole and their establishment candidates in those cases. now the penn national rally party on the anti establishment right, came in 1st with 33 percent of the vote. and there even projections already of a potential national rally. majority government after the next round, with an estimated 262310 seats potentially in a 577, st national assembly were 289 seats are required for a majority. the anti establishment left new popular front coalition, so mino shoals team came in 2nd at 28 percent in this 1st boundaries. each of those 2 parties also has a few dozen empties who have already safely won their seats with over 50 percent of the vote. in the 1st round in their writings not includes nothing the pen herself.
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$32.00 seats for the coalition left and $4014.00 the pen that's already been nailed down. so now there's going to be a re shuffling of the electrical parts heading into the last one more week of campaigning ahead of this final round. and this is where as predicted, it's going to come down to the battle for the ideological soul of france. we're getting down to the id, logical, nitty gritty now, right, versus left. all ready. we're seeing teen mac hole, including knuckle himself and his prime minister. gabriella tyler, demanding the french motor support. the national rallies, opponents in the 2nd round, even if they have to hold their noses and vote left to south africa. now web presence or run a service that has established his new cabinet of ministers, the freshman informed covenants and government says top st said between the african national congress, the democratic alliance, and the number of other position policies and intensify speech. the nation's need
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to have this as an unprecedented form of democracy. this the basement of the government definition and unity in this card in full. this is unprecedented in the history of democracy. with a hatch to consider how to form the new government in a manner that advances the nation of interest. that also gives due consideration to the outcome of the election. and that makes use of the respective capabilities with it. each of the parties represented the president puts emphasis on unprecedented because this administration is not just gave me as a chapter. and so that because democratic journey, but a new beginnings mocked by a historical unity and collaboration. so that's what got is blocking on a new era what a miraculous government, promising inclusive governors and a brighter future for all its citizens. and this new cabinet,
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which would indeed the country supposed in. you consist of members. often you add to very old political parties of the d, a, the i s p, the pets you ought to collide. and the p. c. in many as the political parties have signed onto the part of the government of national unity. but the president has decided to keep a key ministry. the include in fine is for in a phase of defense for he's policy, but also we thoughts on skin is indeed off the d a. taking the agriculture ministry at d. c. a who been taking basic education ministry as well. in fact, as speculate to the d, a got to more than 10 positions, including deputy positions in the cabinets. but the was a 2 notable political parties which did not a toy in the new government of national unity pro forma presents jacobs them is empty party and these economy freedom fights is in the last minute. so if, if it would only be joined, the good news is would be and the seat in front tests were excluded from the union
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. the empty party has also completely refused to work with the current leadership of the ac, including prison, sit on the. so saying this is a why to lid unholy alliance between the d a n a d a and c position. i'm a pull. so which was supposed to do this announcements a few days off to opinion overrated a by to decide to 2 kinds of sign. and also speaking of cutting, the prison was supposed to cotton to ministers from this new cabinet, amid some departments, but because of 11 put the toolboxes in this new government of national unity, he had to increase it to accommodate all these as the political parties making this the largest cabinets compared to many developed countries, and of course the post is so full, being this cabinet was not without any challenges. how is the present or my pulse? this is what's the commitment to to dialogue. and the consensus building has shown
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that even the most complex problems can be solved through a mass cooperation is many of the challenges facing this new government to one being the issue of foreign policy off. so that's the cost, is he insist that it will not change its positions in many international issues including it. supports for the, for the scene is despite the new condition agreement, hips. i know this all you that it cool with this, and this is africa may need to make internal trade offs in pursuing some of the positions the agency has taken on the international stage in the past few months. in fact, in the past few years, because you would remember that the support was more muted among the countries at the political parties when it comes to the i c, j. k is, is he's main rival at the time, which was the da's opposed the case. although it's subsequently all the is really government to us. yeah. to the i suggest intern routing the, the,
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the rights wing populace of what you ask elias was also part of this. you a new now. cool. so that because move at the time a choke. but now i, so that's a box on this new turn. what's the government of national unity is here. there's also renewed sense of hold and some sort of optimism and would be proceeding discomforts and uncertainty now behind us. so that because witnessing a historic moment, the promises had to be defined governance inelastic speaking to all to you for the south african, the ministerial advisors site, this appraised the makeup of the new government, the intent centrally done. well, he has to be listening to the consensus that people are, they have raised around the issue of approaching the same appointments, you know, took this minute a one would never but that the, the agency and the d it'd be in as little guy hates about do who should get to how
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many really still positions and the the d has been very vocal in talking about a. busy what the calls that we did all the people, it was quite surprisingly decent. wrangling, the idea things for our partners, and keeping them in the student positions. and the, what was most interesting is where you, me to bring talk to you about the do not have a major problem vision and gave them ministers. and especially those who come from the black happens to what they did. i'm dissipate that is to have a strong a hand by day. when you look at a decent composition, you can see that the, the broad people who themselves have very much had been with a drug. i hate so strongly with the d man. so it is possible visa attempt signature lives by the same time. so to also to respect to that, you would need to have more me discuss, given each choice. so what do we have the
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a you was looking at the joint ability of also they did they come into this that unique? no one is hating face things, cool piece thoughts according to the sub been present to commenting on china's assets, to results, be ukraine conflict, alex on to vintage contrast to best with the ro, paid by western powers, highlighting that indifference to the cottage on the battlefield. why? because he says that boys all the ones died a moment tell me particular about that because no one will immediately stop the far as the people's republic of chinese asking for us because everyone wants to defeat the other. because until people die from the west or only volunteers die, they don't care how much you create and so will suffer. they don't care how much russians or anyone else will suffer. russia has enough oil, gas, phosphate gold with silver, everything you need to fill out. in
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the meantime, russian forces are advancing along the front line. the country's defense ministry reports that army units have now taken control of the spot in line. and over alex, on the risk assessment step is located in virginia republic. some footage how often acacia self propelled how it's in the area taking a ukrainian position where we handle so full b. i'm asked for proof $2200000000.00 and additional funding fee. ukraine on the it's existing learning program. however, one of the tubs dictates that the country step up its flight gates corruption, in recent times, concern has been crying over reports of officials, pocketing millions of west and $8.00. she corresponded redmond cost rep, has more things, international monetary fund has released another $2200000000.00 from its $15600000000.00 bailout package for cash strapped to ukraine. however,
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the notoriously corrupt key of governments was given an ultimatum. the item that demands that ukraine and men to the custom scold in order to enhance the fight against corruption and ensure transparency and the recruitment of customs staff on anti corruption. they commit to advance critical reforms, such as strengthening the criminal procedural code, creating a new hi, administrative quote, completing the 1st ever external audit of the national anti corruption bureau, the external audit of an a. b. you should be completed promptly and its results leverage to enhance the viewers accountability and operational effectiveness. the real question is, will these efforts actually help the country that's being drowning in graph for decade for does the imap really believe in the possibility of defeats and corruption and ukraine? an endless stream of international funding funneled to ukraine remains largely on account of for it. there are
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a number of reports in that regard as seems to go unnoticed by mainstream media, even when they come from pro ukrainian groups. the heart of regional states administration has transferred multi 1000000 contracts for the construction of fortification structures with the title of $173000000.00 to dummy companies are forwarding to you create in the official some 40 percent of the national economy lacks any transparency or accountability, according to all accounts. so 40 percent of the economy is patasha in the shadows. i think itself there is that this applies to the awkward cultural sector, including the export of agricultural products. corruption has spread throughout all sectors of the economy as the country defended in this situation, which can hardly be described as democracy. a screen of recent corruption relates to the rest and ukraine was meant to show the determination to fight graft and as long as they own the gothic society. however,
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ukraine's western supporters still claim that's not good enough. a less cross confidence and jump to can. yeah. and nation also up to its neck in international debt, just like ukraine, merely as a ass or the east african nation was proclaimed by washington as the main us ally outside of nato sounds as if people'd soups of the screen to virginia to protest a controversial draft budget even attempt to fulfill it. now i'm a requirement to pay off loans. the government propose to raise taxes on a number of vital goods that costs rise throughout the country. in the canyon capital now won't be processors storm department building and set it a blaze. gale as ensued, as the police opened fire as a result 23 people were killed and at least 200 others where one of the,
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the main reason for that avoidance a provision of a significant amount of money in the new budget for the renovation of residences. on the country's top officials, the ukraine, kenya, or any other nation, have it that the i am, if requirement seemed to always negatively affect the poorest and most vulnerable
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members of society. while the leads continued to bask and benefits and legal gains to which the collective west ferns a blind josh was going on, mostly it's closing dependency. and in this dependency, it tries to bring forth the openings and the international money. ready was clearly stuart by the us of the western european countries. so they use it as a means of kind of neo colonial isn't. so i think they offered some countries that can be something. ready in cells they know by experience how the countries are offended. you call it cheese only c o, b monetary for that's why your premium politicians say those are things like we could be in slavery because they know what happens and from the country. so i think all the cells of so long try as well, if you see him,
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you've trained to corruption still is very high and they say okay, we can do it still there is some good developments about this is some kind of local christy, because they know that there is a lot of corruption and know if there is so bad a memo. you ation about the developments which will cause you to be combining, filled in enough men. don't ukraine of the monetary phone doesn't mind so much, because as a general strategy, young is more about to it's 3. let's say long to ideas off to you political given all those career has taken a the us south korea and japan for run pick not minute check to the t in the asia pacific region. it's on yet and says this try logical. co operation resembles in
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easton nato, belong in the us is now claiming that the us japan uh k relations of just co operative ones with strengthening regional stability and security and do not mean that they tow asian version. but it is nothing but rhetoric to evade international criticism of the formation of an aggressive law. the dpi, okay, is referring to the us conducting tri lot so minutes we exercises with allies in the east china sea on site today. this footage shows the u. s. s. santa roosevelt, in american, you can up how that cross carrier as it prepared for the event. the drills have been dob, freedom edge, and so says that aimed at boosting the defense capabilities of the nation's involved. well, washington has increased administering presence in the age of pacific following president clinton's visit to noise career last month. while in killing young rush, assigned a number of biological agreements, including a new pact, subject, mutual defense. if i, as a nation is attacked,
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we heard from that chap professor at the soup child university. victor doubt. he believes that new escalade will minute treat presence insights, rule, and has nothing to do with maintaining peace. and i think that this is a strong indication that the united states is not doing. it's what to promote peace, but just the culture me, they are really agitating for more war preparedness, all cold war or even talk. well, now this is the last thing that is needed in the world of today. i hope the united states can really exercise this global leadership by advocating peace rather than standing for. yeah, because wall will be mutually destructive. and the world of today are with nuclear weapons by part of the fuel countries will be g, a num, all major powers will lead to. i'm again and i hope watching to will really appreciate is find rather the act, the one to disregard. all of the huge states involved any war between and of
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all major countries in the world of today for russia and the dpr k, they're all neighboring countries. they have full rights to conduct their products or relations in their own way, according to their own decision. it is not the violation of the united nations security council resolutions of therefore, i say whatever the united states is thinking about the by natural relations or the improve bundle of the body. that's what releases the g rush. you i, d, k. the united states does not have a legitimate reason to him to see a v e the body. that's all relations between tpr k and russia and jerusalem. thousands at the streets and protests stole. but new bill that's set to to draft out shop is that old stews and the minute tree. the situation quickly spiraled into violence with demonstrated to squaring off. again, security forces the
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while, minute to solve this is courtney compulsory for both men and women. and as well, the politically powerful truck, instead of the policies are accent allowed instead to proceed with religious studies. these groups hold a majority of states and benjamin. that's me off his cabinet. so that means that if they do need new elections like the trigger and last protest comes to stays after another demonstration with people to bond with the government. except for new salt
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shrews professors not as a rap with this how as a ways to move on, those stories on plenty of others aren't you don't. com is the place new. check it out. have a great day and we'll see soon, the vonage sports samples, amalgam the story on this. thank you for joining us once again to discuss important geo political issues. i guess i would like to start with the recent statement by nature secretary general spoken there. who said that the congress of the lines are ready to deploy more nuclear weapons on stand by us. the may not tool with how would you comment when the, those of you so there's typically 3 new i think this is a typical example of escalating nuclear rhetoric, which is
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a very unfortunate example. the nato secretary general has a very 10 general relationship with nuclear weapons which belong to the united states. britain and france, which generally considered their nuclear arsenals to be separate. so lately has the end of his term in the office draws near, salt and berg has been making bizarre statements. and in this case, the us essentially had to disavow his words. white house officials said that the us is quite satisfied with the current status of its nuclear arsenals, and washington has no plans to change anything august need got, do you think they are ready to inflict this procedure to states on russia script? but as a claim, see how can they talk about it when they must realize the immediate consequences of sasha move? we will talk you the most of these are the times we live in. when people do not think much about the consequences. stone in front minister kind of carlos is now likely to take you somewhere else place she to said last week, that rush, it must be defeated to prevent bullet work frequently. so their hands are in
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a very special place. i think they're very disturbed by the major changes in the international arena. international relations may not be moving away from western and american in germany so quickly when they are moving steadily and surely toward a multi polar world. and this worries them a lot and they see our country as the locomotive of this process and are trying their best to net preventing negative scenario for them as much as possible intensive such states schema of spectacle slogan and under what conditions can frustrate really use the tactical nuclear weapons, we'll hear that if they go 90 to the support something we'll definitely have to be done this deal at the west gibson flame and the situation which is the russian nuclear doctrine contains the answer to your questions, both tactically and strategically. we are ready, we can see a radically use any nuclear weapons in 2 cases, if weapons of mass destruction and are used against us. and if russian statehood
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itself is threatened surgery, then there is nothing like that at the moment. and so i think that the possibility of using tactical nuclear weapons in ukraine, within the framework of our nuclear duction can be ruled out completely. another thing is that our president has pointed out several times when neutral or doctrine is a living document. it can change, and in all probability it will change and we will know when which direction when the relevant decisions are made. we'd be also got such a set of what the, what is it like to work in western countries. now, how has everything that is happening now as much to diplomacy? what does this, i don't think what's happening has had much impact on the centers of multilateral diplomacy, which are new york through geneva and me. and of course, some things have changed with these changes are not as big and dramatic as they could be, as is sometimes the case with the russian, bilateral for admissions in some countries, which are working under very difficult conditions. we still have a normal process in many respects,
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similar to what we had before the special military operations actually for the pandemic. of course there has been some changes, but in general we cannot complain. it seems to me and i hope i'm not deluding myself that we are more or less in control of the situation for i repeat, we are working hard as before, russia plays a very prominent role activities of the international organizations in vienna presenting. everyone recognizes this, so it has become a bit more difficult, but we are managing it out. i think that the audience will be interested in such understand and a little bit what has changed as how so there's usually some things have changed the way to lead. the most striking example of this is that meetings of specialized bodies, such as the un commission on narcotic drugs, international atomic energy agency, c meetings of the governing council, and others usually begin with western statements of a political nature of the statements that have nothing to do with the mandate of the bodies in which these statements are made up of.


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