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tv   News  RT  July 1, 2024 8:00am-8:31am EDT

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square, also known in the world as arms dealers. we must not be ashamed of that. the great and security service claims its foiled a plan by civil active as to storm the country's parliament and out to the current leadership summit. questions over blood emergencies legitimacy, as this term expired in may, the paris burns, as the national riley party takes the lead in the french legislative elections with president my crohn's defeats on the cards, the nations prime minister issues a stark warning the subject you see clear, our objective is clear to prevent the national riley from obtaining an absolute majority in the 2nd round from dominating parliament, and therefore from governing the country within
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a serious plan. it has in mind this, the basement of the government, of national unity and it's covered in full is unprecedented the democracy and the south africa as president names a new coalition cabinet with the opposition making its debut and the new governments. after weeks of political wrangling, the live in moscow, i'm rachel ruble. you're watching r t international ukraine security service claims. it's filed a plot by so called civic active is to take over the nation's parliament and remove the current leadership. well, that comes and had questions over vladimir zalinski is legitimacy after his presidential term officially expired at the end of may earlier my colleagues saskia taylor, discuss this with our correspondence, maureen, a customer of us. the details are the following. that they were suppose to plan
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a pro test. that was the guys the premise to get themselves near that ukrainian parliament. apparently they even runs out a whole that could hold 2000 people that which lies recruit soldiers as well as private militia. they is. this is a local public human head who apparently has a history, was trying to create confrontations and conflicts and problems for the ukrainian government, but not very successful. apparently, i didn't know very successful this time either. let's hear some more from the ukraine in the security service and i'll place more be debate and then providing it . but as long as we reach you, under the guise of holding a so called national gathering their tuckers blend to announce the removal of the current military and political leadership of decreeing from power. then they hoped to seize the billing of their holding. their rider and blankets works local well now for citizens were charged by prosecutors for i'll call him for a violent overthrow of the present governments. and as well as the constitutional order to others remain. and the cost to be this had, of course, that russians would be very happy about this, but they weren't involved. clearly i do want to ask you, i mean,
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i mentioned obviously, so last piece, presidential tom came to an end at the end of may, there being discussions about his legitimacy council, there's elections, allegedly marshall and move time. yes, that's what he claims, which is something that actually brought him approved and called him out on at 1st with his bottom or put in sample ukraine, we really need to look into it's laws right now. because even if we were to continue with peace thoughts, who would we sign with? because legally speaking, uh, zaleski is expired, he's no longer than ukraine and later. and also flattereth, which is again a little bit later, literally 2 weeks later he looked into the ukranian constitution and said, well actually, since you crane as we know is not a pet of presidential report, that's a problem and certainly want. so it's, they've been holding out either it's the crate in parliament that actually can extend its powers during martial law, not the presence. so it's actually the a right now. it should be the permanent body responsible for making decisions. so
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once again, if we are to talk about peace of who would find the document, it should be someone from the pull that out there, but they insist that it has to be their lives getting a nice, interesting little power load up. let them up with mates and the 2014 us gets it is . but under the presidential time of the previously elected head of ukraine has expired, along with his legitimacy, which cannot be restored by any tricks. the executive power in ukraine is once again as in 2014 is up and held illegally. in fact, it is a legitimate to say more of the situation with the cancellation of the elections is an expression of the very nature of the real god of the current regime in cuba. which grew out of the cool of 2014, is tied to it and has its roots there before. and i guess these 4 active as tried to repeats as sort of a my that who what we saw there. but maybe this time it didn't work out because it has no cookies, no help from the west. who knows, but the screw it seems very low scale. not a lot of people involved and much ado about nothing really. but it does show the
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general dissatisfaction with the landscape because the accomplices came also from a t of not only from the east of the country. right. we'll talk to you about this general dissatisfaction. i mean, zalinski is popular to seems to be declining, obviously a mid battlefield losses as well, where he knows just to go through a fact like you said, this general mood in the country environment where all these videos that we're seeing with the forcible mobilization and not helping matters and also ukrainian seems to be losing their patriotism as fewer and fewer people wants to go and fight for this for they don't even know what they're fighting for at this point. and they have this expired leader. so there's no one that they can reach to also, of course, we know about the shake up and ukraine's military top brass. they can seem to agree military speaking politically speaking. so it's assisted living on stable time, plato's paul's. again, they show that zalinski and just one year he lost 20 percent and supports and also 37 percent and not approve of his actions having to set that 70 percent want him to
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stay on till the end of this month. ok, fine. and hold elections because your constitution actually allows the president to be changed for someone else to come in, or let them not to be creating a problem and being charged. then fomenting europe's biggest, more since world war 2. that is the accusation. the natal chief has cast in bay things direction in stilton park for the claims that china is secretly supplying russia with electronic equipment crucial to the manufacturing of drones and missiles. but the serbian president has a different take stating that western powers are ignoring badges, calls for peace. and instead of pushing for further blood shot moment on the particular lot the because no one will immediately stop to far as to people's republic of chinese asking for us because everyone wants to defeat the other. because until people die from the west or only volunteers die, they don't care how much ukrainians will suffer. they don't care how much russians or anyone else will suffer. russia has enough oil, gas,
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phosphate goals with silver, everything you need to fill out the the in the meantime, russian forces are advancing all along the front lines. the country's defense ministry reports the army units have now taken control of this for no. yeah, no, but like central africa and no poker of so i settlements all of them located in the don't as republican russian forces have also advanced in the hard copy region, capturing the step a via nova slope. cuz settlement some footage here of the cut see a self propelled howitzer in the area, taking aim at ukrainian positions. a little weekend also saw the i m f, improve $2200000000.00 and additional funding for ukraine under its existing loan program. however, one of the terms dictates that the country step up, it's a fight against corruption. in recent times, concern has been growing over reports of officials pocketing millions of western
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a dollars or the correspondence from one customer off has more. international monetary fund has released another $2200000000.00 from its $15600000000.00 bail out package for cash strapped to ukraine. however, the mentor is the corrupt keep governments was given an ultimatum. the item that demands that ukraine and men to the custom scold in order to enhance the fight against corruption and ensure transparency and the recruitment of custom staff on anti corruption. they commit to advance critical reforms, such as strengthening the criminal procedural code, creating a new hi, administrative quote, completing the 1st ever external audit of the national anti corruption bureau. the external audit of may be you should be completed promptly and its results leverage to enhance the bureaus accountability and operational effectiveness. the real question is, will these efforts actually help the country that's being drowning in graph for
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decade for dust? the imap really believed in the possibility of defeating corruption in ukraine. an endless stream of international funding funneled to ukraine remains largely on account of for it. there are a number of reports in that regard that seems to go unnoticed by mainstream media, even when they come from pro ukrainian groups. the heart of regional states administration has transferred multi 1000000 contracts for the construction of fortification structures with a total of $173000000.00 to dummy companies. according to create an official sum of 40 percent of the national economy lacks any transparency or accountability . according to all accounts, some 40 percent of the economy is patasha in the shadows. i think itself, there is that this applies to the cultural sector, including the export of agricultural products. corruption has spread throughout all
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sectors of the economy as the country descended into a situation which can hardly be described as democracy. a screen of recent corruption relate to the rest and ukraine was meant to show key determination to fight graft. and as long as the oligarchy society, however, ukraine's west and supporters still claim that's not good enough. a less cross confidence and jump to kenya and nation also up to its neck and international debt. just like ukraine. nearly a day after the east african nation was proclaimed by washington as the main us ally outside of nato sounds as if people suit to the streets and can you to protest a controversial draft budget even attempt to fulfill a 9 that requirement to pay off loans the government proposed to raise taxes on a number of vital goods that cost wise throughout the country in the canyon capital . now i won't be processors the warning department building and set it
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a blaze. gail, since sued, as the police opened fire, as the result 23 people were killed and at least 200 others were wounded. the main reason for that avoidance a provision office,
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significant amounts of money in the new budget for the renovation of residences on the country's top officials, the ukraine, kenya, or any other nation, have it that the i am, if requirements seemed to always negatively affect the poorest and most vulnerable members of society, while the leads continued to bask and benefits and illegal gains to which the collect to west turns a blind i was drawing on most g. it's closing dependency. and in this dependency, it tries to bring forth the old names and the international money. ready was clearly stealing by the us of the western european countries. so they use it as a means of kind of neo colonial isn't. so i think that african countries are countries of low themselves. they know by experience how the countries are offended. you've called the cheese only see all the
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monetary for that's why your premium politicians say those are things like we could be in slavery because they know what happens and the country. so i think all the cells of so long time as well. if you see him, you train to corruption still is very high and they say okay, we can do it still. there is some good developments about this is some kind of little crusty because they know that there is a lot of corruption and know if there is so bad a my you ation about the developments which will come due to the economical developmental cube crane. the monetary phone doesn't mind so much, because as a general strategy young is more bound to it's 3, let's say long to ideas off to you political given let's
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let's press live now to ike a hammer economist and publisher of the, the art shop up to a business newsletter, like a good to have you on with us. so just recently the i am f approved a $2200000000.00 pay out for ukraine under an existing loan program, also envisaging a 1st ever external audits of kids and the corruption institution. what do you make of that entire situation? a lease credit was 7 necessary to serve old credits that have been bought by american, a oligarchy. investors. so they didn't want these credits to go into the, into the default yet. so the i m f is just a tool to keep these uh, credits, somehow alive. and it's a trick to get to the german tax pass over your p tech's fast to pay for these
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debts. because the credits from the i m. s. had be guaranteed to by the europeans and the german. so this is another strict by the american oligarchs to use these international entities like the i m f or the world bank or so on to um, to, and not only in slave the country. so to surrender the country, so they give the credit, it's due by also to plunder the, the people, the free people in the, in the so called west, especially in the companies such as gemini and the european union. right. the i m f, has lowered its growth outlook for the current in economy. so why is it continuing to issue money to cran? despite this negative front notice because they don't want the credits. the about 6. i'm a 1000000000 credits the ukraine took and that has to be bought by international, on the west, on all the guards,
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such as george soros. but they go into default and they want to wait after the election in the us and the, because uh, this is very bad for joseph biden. and they want to want him to be re elected because he is the key stone in a very huge corruption network. and they don't want this corruption network to call us before the elections and us, the i m f is just a little too low to keep this a few months, a life and these 2000000000 dollars that are going to be spent on ukraine. i'm not going to the grays they are going directly to the people who gave the credits in the us. so this is just a, this is just a game to, to, to keep the bodies from of the bi limits, administration afloat and to save them from losses. i cause i m f said that
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despite the complex in ukraine, macro economic and financial stability has been preserved through quote skillful policy making by the ukrainian authorities as well as substantial external support . but meanwhile, a ukrainian anti corruption group has revealed that millions of dollars had been stolen by officials. so what, what is the truth? the truth is that they are lying like down and they don't care honestly they, they are themselves, they are corrupt, like, like nothing else. so they are corrupt the partners in crime. and this is not what it is about. they tell you any story you want to hear. the only big story is that they want somehow to keep these huge steps from the ukraine life. and they have him being able to pass these credits. the only guards haven't been able to pass these praise on to other entities such the c, b, or the bank of japan or of puppets who are kind of nice from the us. and this is
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the entire game. they are corrupt, like nothing else. and uh, wherever the i m. s. a is looking for for us. its hippocratic like nothing else. it long before the complex began in ukraine 2 years ago, many ukrainian politicians stood up against new i. m. f. loans warning against accepting unfavorable conditions. it back in 2014 new kinds in term president said it was a choice between national default and slavery to death. why is kids stance changed since then? been, in my opinion, it has changed because the administration in here for so corrupt on public own personal purposes. now, rumors that the only the lensky has that are more roughly a $1000000000.00 on this conflict to so everybody has to question, how can this happen? it's probably not his salary, so we have a little group that is heavily benefiting from these, from this war,
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from this conflict. and um, they are pushing for more such as black rock who owns who is supposed to own vast amounts of land nowadays into ukraine. and so on, they wanted and he lives a grand put it on the spot when he said it can be that the ukraine is sitting on $10.00 to $12.00 trillion dollars off the raw materials and the russians and the chinese able to, to use them. these are almost 2 years that the u. s. a is supposed to get an investment into a conflict is the cheapest way to get these raw materials and this is what it is about. and therefore, you need a little crew off the court cases such as savanski and his crew to uh, to, to make this happen. they are, they are absolutely corrupt and it is about to hand over ukraine to these only darks. and this is the entire story. and the i m. s is just a little too,
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and these politicians were absolutely right. when you start to take credits from the i m. s. and such entities. it's the beginning of handing over the silver and silver entity to these entities. and this is exactly what happened is there are some experts who have suggested that the us based ion math is used by western powers as a weapon to prevent emerging economies from getting out of that position. can you be in a recent example? what do you make of that? is there truth and the assumption? well, it is so this famous writer, author jump perkins, wrote in his book of confessions, often economic hip man, executive, the strategy that he as an inside of this and the prep, the present facts are proving him right. and it says that these entities a use to overthrow other countries on the some of the us financial system, the us to the us based only gars. and this is exactly what these entities
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a form for. we have a good, we have a good example in germany. of the i, m. s. was, was put into motion. also the 2nd work, well with some goals they found so to speak and, and during the 2nd world war 10 days, germany credits. and these credits were paid about the types of times they have 5 times the amount. visa investors got the money back and they are now owners of the majority of the big companies in germany. if you go through the tax that says our big index, the majority of the shares of the big companies are based in the us and britain and basis, no co incidence, that this happens and the i a mess. well thing, and so i'm, they just to us to get in to make this happen. all right, i got hammer economist and publisher of the very soft of 12 business newsletter.
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thank you very much for turning now to the chaos in france, right. it's abrupt that across the nation on sunday night following parliamentary elections in which president microns party came out the loser. and the national rally party took the lead in the 1st round of building. the, the, for the most dramatic scenes were on the streets of paris as well as the capital suburbs and the city of leone. demonstrators that fires deployed smoke canisters
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and build barricades to keep law enforcement, update some of the people, the leader of the national rally party, marine, the pen, celebrated the ballot results. this echo, but 3 of my compacts here that democracy has spoken. the french people have placed the national riley and its allies a default on practically raising the max from this blog. and manual non crohn called for several actions following his part his losses in last month's european parliamentary elections. as after his call to send ships to crane, drew sharp criticism from his opponent's chief among this is maureen, the pen whose party is currently leading the election race was almost 34 percent was on this village on the left when call us and as drawing seconds was 28 percent . meanwhile, the french prime minister has worn depends party winning an outright majority of the south africa now where president, sir around the plaza,
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has established his new cabinet of ministers. the freshly formed coalition government sees top seats shared between the african national congress, the democratic alliance, and a number of other opposition parties. in the televised speech, the nation's leader held this as an unprecedented form of democracy. this, the basement of the government, of national unity and it's covered in full. this is unprecedented in the history of our democracy. we have had to consider how to form a new government in a manner that advances the nation of interest. that also gives due consideration to the outcome of the election and that makes use of the respective capabilities with it. each of the parties represented the president puts emphasis on unprecedented because this administration is not just gave me as a chapter. and so that because democratic journey, but a new beginnings mocked by a historical unity and cooperation. so that's what got is blocking on
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a new era what a miraculous government, promising inclusive governors and a brighter future for all its citizens. and this new cabinet, which would, indeed the country supposed in you consist of members. often you add to very old political parties of the d, a, d, i s p, the pets you ought to collide. and b, p. c, in many as the political parties who have signed onto the part of the government of national unity. but the president has decided to keep a key ministry. the including fine is for an offense defense for his policy. but also we thoughts on skiing is indeed off the d a. taking the agriculture ministry at d. c with the whole big take to basic education ministry as well. in fact, as speculate to the d a got more than 10 positions, including deputy positions in the cabinets. but the was a 2 notable political parties which did not a toy in the new government of national unity. pro forma presents jacobs them as
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empty party and to these economy. freedom fights is in the last minute. so if, if it, it would only be joined, the news is would be and the freedom from tests would exclude data from the union. the empty party has also completely refused to work with the coverage, need to ship off the ac, including prison. sit on the so saying this is a why to lid on holy alliance between the d a n a d a and c, please visit? i'm a pool, so which was supposed to do this announcements a few days off the opinion over a to a back to decide to, to cut it fine. and also speaking of cutting the pieces in was supposed to cotton ministers from this new cabinet, amid some departments, but because of 11 political parties in this new government of national unity, he had to increase it to accommodate all these as the political parties making this, the largest cabinets compared to many developed countries, and of course,
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the process of forming this cabinet was not without any challenges. how is a prisoner, my philosophy is that still commitment to, to dialogue. and the consensus building has shown that even the most complex problems can be solved to match cooperation. there's many of the challenges facing this new government one being the issue of foreign policy off. so that's a cost is he insist that it will not change it's positions in many international issues, including its support for the, for the scene is despite the new condition agreements, hips, i know this all you that it would listen. this is africa made me to make internal trade offs and pursuing some of the positions the ac has taken on the international stage in the past few months. in fact, in the past few years, because you would remember that the support was more muted among the countries as the political parties when it comes to the i c, j. k is,
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is he's main rival at the time, which was the da's opposed the case. although it subsequently all the is really government to us. yeah. to the eyes. today's interval routing the the, the right wing poppy. these to put you ask elias was also part of this you and you know, cool. so that because move at the time choke. but now as so that's a good box on this new doing what the government of national units each is here. there's also renewed sense of hold and some sort of optimism and would be proceeding discomforts and uncertainty now behind us. so that's because with missing a historic moment, the promises to be defined. governance of africa, russian authorities have frozen bank accounts, connected with former, you'll see world champion a, b. but near magnet of the measure was taken to cover potential text as amounting to the equivalent of about $900000.00. authorities have also conducted the search of the prize fighters, renowned martial art school and the southern russian republic of daggett san,
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or allegations. someone believed to have participated in a deadly terrorist attack in the region has trained at the facility the let's cross live now to our, to correspondence. and that is shar for more of the what more do you know so far about the situation? now the former a russian and mixed martial artists have be no more them yet of had his accounts frozen by authorities. according to the tax, the federal tax services websites, all transactions on his accounts have been suspended and that is because he failed to comply to pay off his that's it is said that he's negative balance amounts to around $79200000.00 roubles, which would be equivalent to a $900000.00, but in a just recently, in late june security officers stormed in the martial artist fathers, art school, him what's called at the this time where a turns out that one of the attackers during the terrorist attack that happened in
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august on just recently was training there. now just to remind you, a little bit of what happened on the 23rd of june in diag, just on a terrorist, stormed off in the synagogue and churches in the region and have killed 20 people, including 15 police officers and 5 civilians and have left a 1000 more hospitalized. now, according to the us, the lightweight champion, he says that the terrorist should not be considered a student of the school, but he did admit that they did have trainings together. but let's hear more on the situation. the other communication is being checked, this is in connection with the terrorist attacks in the hutch carla in durban. one of the eliminated terrace had previously trained at this club. it is wrong to say that he was connected with abdomen up normal government off school. it is simply not true in 2021. he came to the gym.


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