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tv   News  RT  July 1, 2024 11:00am-11:31am EDT

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we own the ukraine security service claims its filed a plan by active as the storm, the countries parliaments, and out to the current leadership summit. questions over blood emergencies, legitimacy as his term expired in may, it seems site the thought of having, having nothing was really come on guys wake up pace talks are the only way to end the ukraine complex that's according to her. now, the musician and active as roger waters and an exclusive interview with r t the in mass protest erupt in france after a right wing opposition party takes the lead in
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a decisive parliamentary election. as president microns defeats appears. evidence the current leadership urges the country to vote against the conservative block of marine le pen the live in moscow. i'm rachel ruble. you're watching archie international, ukraine's security service claims as filed, a plot to buy, so called civic active, is to take over the nation's parliament and remove the current leadership that comes in with questions over vladimir zalinski is legitimacy after his presidential term officially expired at the end of may earlier my colleagues, us via taylor discussed this with our tea correspondence, marina cost reva. the details are the following, that there were suppose the plan of protest that was the guys the premise to get themselves near the ukrainian parliament. apparently they even runs out a whole that could hold 2000 people that which lies recruit soldiers as well as
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private militia. they is. this is a. busy public union ahead, who apparently has a history was trying to create confrontations and conflicts and problems for the ukrainian government, but not very successful, apparently not very successful this time either. let's hear some more from the ukraine in the security for service and i'll place more be debated, and then providing it. but as long as we reach you, under the guise of holding a so called national gathering their tuckers blend to announce the removal of the current military and political leadership of decreeing from power. then they hoped to cease the billing on their holding. their rider and blankets work and local citizens were charged by prosecutors for i'll call them for a violent overthrow of the present governments. and as well as the constitutional order. they said, of course, that russians would be very happy about this, but they weren't involved. clearly. i do want to ask you, i mean, i mentioned obviously savanski is presidential. tom came to an end at the end of may, there being discussions about his legitimacy council. there's elections, allegedly marshal, and move time. yes, that's what he claims,
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which is something that actually brought him a pollutant called him out on out 1st. we heard latimer pollutants angle ukraine. really needs to look into it's laws right now because even if we were to continue with peace thoughts, who would we sign with? because legally speaking uh, zaleski is expired. he's no longer than ukraine and later. and also flattery again, a little bit later, literally 2 weeks later he looked into the ukranian constitution and said, well actually since a crane, as we know is not a pet of presidential repugnant, is to get hold. now that i've done so you create in parliament that actually can extend its powers during martial law, not depressed. and so it's actually bay right now who should be the permanent body responsible for making decisions. so once again, so if we are to talk about peace of service on the document, it should be someone from them over that either. but they insist that it has to be that lives getting a nice interest in middle power, low government with made since 2014. you just get to look, it's been under the presidential time of the previously elected head of ukraine has
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expired along with his legitimacy, which cannot be restored by any tricks. the executive power in ukraine is once again as in 2014, his upton held a legally. in fact, it is a legitimate to say more of the situation with the cancellation of the elections is an expression of the very nature of the real god of the current regime in cuba. which grew out of the cool of 2014, is tied to it and has its roots there before. and i guess these 4 active as tried to repeats as sort of a my that who what we saw there. but maybe this time it didn't work out because it has no cookies, no help from the west. who knows, but the screw it seems very low scale, not a lot of people in the. busy of much ado about nothing really, but it does show the general dissatisfaction with the landscape because the accomplices came also from a t of not only from the east of the country. right. we'll talk to you about this general dissatisfaction. i mean, zalinski is popular to seems to be declining,
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obviously a mid battlefield losses as well where rina's just took us through if collections of this general mood and the country at the moment. we're all these videos that we're seeing with the forcible mobilization. i'm not helping matters and also you crate in seems to be losing their patriotism as fewer and fewer people wants to go and fight for this one. they don't even know what they're fighting for at this point and they have this expired leader. so there's no one that they can reach to also, of course, we know about the shake up and ukraine's military top brass. they can seem to agree military speaking politically speaking. so it seems to be a very unstable time. plato's pause again, they show that zelinski and just one here. he lost 20 percent support and also 37 percent and not approve of his actions and having to set that 70 percent want them to stay on till the end of this month. ok, fine and hold elections because your constitution actually allows the president to be changed for someone else to come in or let that will not have to be pregnant
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upon them and being charged. then earlier i discussed the create in crisis risk for now the musician and active as to roger water is a founding member of the british rock band, pink floyd. he said that peaceful negotiations between the ukrainian authorities and bottom are put in are the only way to end of the conflict. and what else follows the war and the ukraine as well? a pretty close they have since it started in february 22. so that something, no most interest to me. i cannot believe there are people in ukraine who still support the continuance of the war against rush or a new crime. i mean, everybody with hall for brain could see it was perfectly obvious that the people few credit and have an absolute right to live in peace. and hopefully some prosperity to bring up the children like everyone else in the world. but i believe that because i believe in basic human rights for every one, all our brothers and sisters, russian new brain in chinese, palestinian. let us not forget all of the work they respect to for us at misty or
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the religion of the nationality. so the soon as that we know, go negotiations and begin that between the russian federation and the government of the crate. and the better because this war has been complete since since the since the moment it started. i've been speaking about ukraine, figured the war should never have started. and if the west were prepared to negotiate and listen to both sides of the conversation, it never would have done. it is friendship that all those ukrainian lives have been lost for nothing. it's not like they're going to get a bad deal than they would have done 2 years ago in february 2022. when a peace deal has been done, let us not forget and the extent of agreements. and it was covered by the us government, aided by bar, as johnson, who was the prime minister of incentives. and the time it is tragic biondo measure
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. so i'll keep my fingers crossed as i can cool. and then to it now. and i'm come to a reasonable conclusion to it that supports everybody's security, you know, just in eastern europe, by the way, not just ukrainian security in russian scourge for the security of the rest of europe as well. because the, the, the, the, the governments of many a e u countries, rap thing this savers as hard and loud as they come to french, the germans, the english to. and it's insane. the thoughts of having a novel woe really come on, guys wake up. the answer is no total to one another. vladimir putin wants to talk, talk to him. you can watch the full interview with roger waters throughout the day, right here on archie international. do stay tuned. the water zalinski
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has demanded the us, let ukraine use american weapons to strike deep into russian territory as well as the claims that's needed to improve air defenses. as he questions the efficiency of the us patriot missiles that have been supplied the 2 key f bad through a numerous little display of the car. but each with me saw system or any other air defense system can not fight against live bombs. and that it will allow you to win in the short term, but in the long term, the russians will provide that. but we need a long range solution. i guess the airfields where russia has military planes that use glide farms. we currently need an opportunity to launch attack comes missiles, with deep inside watching territory at the comes to. the zillow skate has said, there will simply never be enough patriot missiles to prevent russian live bombs from hitting their targets. that is, however, after he is repeated claims that us patriot missiles would make sure that you create in. so these are protected and cab was ready to get even a relatively small amounts of that weaponry. we needs at 0 or the assistance. and
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today we talked about how to speed up the delivery of beds or of systems to ukraine . at least 7 passers are necessary for our see this to be safe? yeah. more. who was because of the ship was that can, i can tell you that in order to cover, recreating completely, it is desirable for ukraine to have 25 patriots systems with 6 to 8 batteries. each of course is the landscape demand came weeks after the u. s. gave key of approval to use american weapons to strike russian border areas. that green light was followed by ukraine using us made attack them's missiles to strike this to them. some estoppel and crimea for civilians including 2 children were killed in that attack. but despite repeated incidents of kids, horses targeting civilian areas, a number of nato countries have already allowed ukraine to use their weapons to strike inside russia. right,
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let's go live now to russian military expert alexanders depend of alexander good to have you on with us for months. zalinski claims that us patriot missile systems would be something to make sure the sky is over. ukraine are safe, but now he says there won't be enough of them to fight against russian live bombs. why are we seeing this change of his rhetoric? it does. hello everyone. well 1st of all. busy all we have to understand that now restaurants. ready ition, i use different types of correct to tear bones. uh, that is very difficult target to score such kind of for enter, right federal systems like federal tend to all the of the systems that are coming from the nato countries. and surely everything. and sometimes it's uh, from the commercial point of view, not effective to because for example, one the rock at all by true cost about so from a $3.00 to $4000000.00. and they should have talking about john so they can know
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cost about from $3.00, i'll solve them to $22000.00. so i understand that it's not where so i use such type of protection systems against a such kind of targets and objects. but as a matter of fact, um you know, such systems as a printer surely uh, using this if we are talking about uh, 5 to 9 gains. so for example, connected terrell booms such as or fall of $1500.00 or oh cop 15 hundreds. that's up now, why are they used by the russian forces on the different types of all the objects or may not through infrastructure on the trunk line. and they show it to the high effectiveness because until i real systems for that now i used by the printer and it forces. so kind of during the thing to intercept such types of bombs.
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and surely of those bumps over effective, effective for throughout talking about deep tor bunkers and all those infrastructure, for example, in the operation of the car. now in the ball challenge. and we can see how they are being destroyed every day. alexandra, what kind of influence have the us patriot systems had on the conflict? a glove? surely now we have to understand that picture is quiet and that's x to the system or east without talking about the protection. for example, the capital of key. but it's affecting us, as i already mentioned, use are very expensive and that are out talking about for example, of such a record. some systems like russian control the shows that they come into a sub hypertonic, new styles. so. busy defense the region and defense of the you know, military open end against which those systems are being used. if we are talking
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about all. busy efforts to in this, on the from plan. uh, surely you know, it's not on a very high because so when those systems on the, to all, for example, forces so that you can use, that will destroy them. and that can uh, take the information about their location. uh for original size. surely it's one of the, uh, route drought by or it is size the targets. so i think that's all those. these terms cannot change the situation on the problem sign. surely they can protect some infrastructure objects from the capital or in some zones. important zones for the key is read jim, but surely is or dimensions of them are pointed to the rockets. and so the want to tell the possible targets that kind of keep them. uh, surely um, uh,
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very well from, from national, from financial sides uh you use using this. we've seen previous claims of western arm supplies being game changers in the war. for example, us to mars missiles and the german leopard tangs did those claims translating to any reality on the ground and the conflict. and um, every time you type all 4 of them on chrome, the country is when it comes to trone clients. we see they're highly promoted. mindy are competing, that shows all the effectiveness so, such kind of game changes on the problem. fine. but we have over the sol how, for example, laptops being uh, just stored on the chrome plan using just p p drones all into thing systems for different types of these files. uh and uh, surely, all such types of old marvelous,
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yes. if we are talking about some local uh, local for situation on the phone line, they can uh make some damage. but in general, uh when we are talking about the quantity uh, the preparation of the units that have to operate the system. surely, there are a lot of problems, so you originally have a very uh, big problem. so if we are talking about people, uh, the engineers can use such type of barbara months. uh, but highmark speed is uh now uh where, where, where, where it promoted little system rocket launch system. and surely it can be dangerous about talking about the sample of the situation in crime me up. but i'll enter all forces on now or dreaming to intercept such types of targets,
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some ballistics news files. and surely we can protect our borders and premier for us to with a bunch of this system. so show the effect on this. but the quantity of those systems, i'm not enough for the key is to reach them to make some changes on the product for russian military experts. alexandra step, one of alexander, thank you. the hey, i think the riots are up to it across france on sunday nights after the 1st round of a decisive parliamentary election, president microns party came in 3rd place as of right wing opposition block and took the lead the
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the most dramatic scenes were on the streets of paris and the suburbs as well as the eastern city of leon protesters that fires deployed, smoke canisters instead of barricades to keep law enforcement officers. that may well please use a tear gas to disperse. the crowds. several 100 mostly young people march through the streets of the city of nancy's in western france, denouncing the 1st round results and made the people of national riley later marie and the pen celebrated the preliminary victory. about 3 of my g, a compact, traditional democracy has spoken. the french people have placed the national riley and its allies have default from practically raising the max. from this block,
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me please to the manual, not crohn called for a snap boat following his part, his losses in last month to europe in parliamentary election. but that's after his call to send troops. ukraine drew a sharp criticism from his opponent's chief among those is marie la penn whose party is currently leading the election race with almost 34 percent. as john luc millines on the left wing coalition is drawing in seconds was 28 percent. meanwhile, the french prime minister has warned of the pens, party winning and outright majority. the public key clear, our objective is clear to prevent the national riley from obtaining an absolute majority in the 2nd round from dominating parliament, and therefore from governing the country within a serious plan. it has in mind, i say this with all the force of the moment demands of each and every one of our voters, not a single vote, must go to the national rally in this circumstance, france deserves no hesitation. we must never hesitates. terry paul, the letter
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a french political analyst and leader of the europe equitable parties says the crown has a vote to anger of among the french people. and as us ended up in the decline, the stuff, the one thing is clear and unequivocal. emanuel mat, crohn's political death, has been announced at the ballot box in the 1st round of legislative elections with national riley. now when the lead, the presidential majority has slipped to the 3rd place in his decline, mccolan has also drug down members of his own guardy. the crone has evoked anger, he has been expressing a full hope for 7 years now. the french are determined to pull, show it a manual ma chrome is trying to put on a brief face, but his page is already filled. obviously this is a vote for or against a manual and the crohn he has failed to respond to even the slightest social crisis . he decided to dissolve parliament. he thought he would be able to secure
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a sufficient majority around him. and the 1st round of this election shows that that's a total failure. that is his political death. the election turned out was historic, with almost 70 percent of voters appearing. this is considerable and something that hasn't happened for years. there's no doubt the national rally will win an absolute majority in parliament. the overall lesson from this is that politicians have never really listened to the people for over 30 years. the french are really fed up, fed up with a political class that doesn't listen to the weakest of the french people. after all, france has over 10000000 people living below the poverty line. and also french democracy has been damaged. it has always been damaged because they have never wanted to listen to the french and the streets were opposing reforms. france, which calls itself a country of freedom, and human rights relies on fundamental values that are very,
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very far back in time. they are very far away, they no longer exist, the french can't take this anymore. and today the french have decided to say, stop the, the us government plan to offer a controversial play deal to american aircraft. producer boeing has sparked resentments among families that the victims of 2 deadly crashes. the play deal was reported. it includes a financial penalty and imposition of an independent monitor to audit the company for 3 years. the play maker is expected to side by the end of the week whether it would plead guilty to a fraud, charge, and avoid a trial. the 2 fatal crashes that boeing is accused of took place in 2018 in 2019 and claims the lives of 346 people. the victims loved ones are not satisfied with the current punishment with attorneys accusing the federal government of cooking up a quote sweetheart deal for boeing. the justice department is prepared to offer to boeing another sweetheart plea deal. the families will strenuously object to this
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plea deal. the memory of 346 in a sense, killed by boeing demands more justice than this. the issue is that the penalty is being proposed by the d. o j are totally inadequate both from the perspective of accountability for the crimes committed. and from the perspective of acting in the public interest by insuring a change in borton's behavior. right, well joining me now in the studio is french aviation expert and former pilot serial the luxury several the us government's been accused of cooking up yet another sweetheart deal for boeing. what are your thoughts about this deal? well, it's all the on their interest to do it. and they blinked another for the trial with the situation. and this is actually, so it's all the interest of the united states government to solve this problem then quietly, even if it involves uh, things that there should not do the financial penalty and imposition of an
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independent monitor are among the deals reported terms. i know nothing could compensate for the lives of 346 people, but is this enough punishment? well, no, that's not enough. but you have to understand that regarding the 737, max problem of the 2 crashes that you have. we had the experiments that grinding, a complete fleets of fat craft to solve the problem is costing, unfortunately for the lives of those people is costing much more money than to pay indemnities to feminine families of victims. and it's not the 1st, it's not the 1st time that happened, but it is the 1st time that it a complete fleet is grounded. and there was that there were so many problems that it's absolutely not surprising that boeing comes under strict unity of the if a and they have a trailer for this. what is surprising is that it shouldn't have happened much
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sooner. do as just apartments plans have infuriated the loved ones of those who died in those 2 crashes. what could the families of the victims do to get what they would could possibly consider injustice? is there anything that boeing could possibly do? well, nothing is going to bring back that live in any way nominate will bring back the, the sorrow off the loss of that. so it's not someone that is beloved. what could bring just this is that boeing yours the problem? what could bring just this is that being put in place, all the processes and quality processes and manufacturing processes to, to make sure that this problem the, this problem does not happen again. but the problem is that bullying is facing so many problems today. if you've been listening to the news, you know, for example, but the bullying space shuttle that is actually the, the, the, the, i ss may not even come back to earth within the next 3 months. because the need to
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solve the problem with this. so it's an for the us government, it's impossible to see boeing disappearing because we have going civilian. but boeing is also military and considering the time being unfortunately, they cannot afford to lose this. so they have to find a solution. mm hm. boeing has had a long history of incidence with its 737 max aircraft and uh, full disclosure. both my parents worked for billing. my father in law worked for billing. i've always felt very safe flying on a boeing airplane, but not so much anymore. what, what are some of the main problems with this type of plan? what was, the problem is quite complicated because when the 737, max was designed, it came to a, a timeline where this was producing the $320.00 neo, and the meal family. but the thing is that a bullying at the time has to make a choice. either they have to design wrong, you aircraft, which would have to,
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can yours in research and development to do it, or to renew an existing one. and the problem for them is that habit says that craft are, are higher unless them the 737 met sites with the 737 also. so i know the big the problem. and the thing is that with the new engines and delete engines that are put on the, that, that aircraft, uh, they have to find a way, like them to triple 7 to make the engines coming a little bit higher on the wing. which creates a month to them that need to be compensated by a computer system, which is the and guess the system. but the problem is that the, this m gas, this them was badly designed. it was thinking, thinking informations on the, on one source, instead of taking informations on 2 different sources. and it was produced design and certified by boeing, which makes them judge potty. and that's not,
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that's not have been accepted by the, by the, if a and that was discovered after the 1st 2 accidents, i believe with the test. so for bullying, it was quite complicated. without us, you don't have that problem before chance the engines and the uh old fm, 56 engines, a way to have the new meal engines. without having that problem, the aircraft was designed differently. going i to make a choice 8 or they were designing a new aircraft and losing customers all the way of finding a solution structure of that problem and not previous customers that now, despite so many problems, so many incidents. boeing 737 max aircraft are still in operation. why is that? what i mean? how can they a lot of them? well, because the m cost system has been redesigned. um, so that's, that's not a problem. the, the, that's not
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a problem anymore. and the training of the pilots have been upgraded with the cast problem. so once again, we're speaking about proactivity and we activity here. we are technically in what i call re activity. we had a problem. what are we doing to make sure that is not happening again? proactivity is, oh, we may face this problem. what can we do to make sure that is not happening? this is completely different. buttons are not more done towards that craft than any other aircraft. the problem is that boeing has been facing tremendous problems. we've coveted prizes and a lot of people that were working into buildings have been laid and then some of them they found the new jobs a, you know, the company or car directly, all those areas. and then they need to replace those highly qualified people. and the, the other thing is that um, as you know, bullying, incorporated mcdonough, douglas, boeing used to be in junior engineering company. and no,
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you have more financial people working in boeing, then engineers. and the problem with financial people is that there are looking for money. and with the integration of all those people from the dental do less the philosophy of living as being moving around shifting. so these created new processes, these created more shortcuts into the processes and because for them it's a way to make money. okay, now they're losing that, right? we're gonna leave it there. frontier vision expert and former pilots. there was a lot to re thank you so much pleasure. all right, that's gonna do it for now, but do stay with our t international have. next, let's talk about rock with on a palm care by the we are.


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