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tv   News  RT  July 1, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm EDT

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the the ukraine security service claims its filed a plan by active as to storm the countries of parliament. and i was the current leadership that summit questions over broadway, as well as these legitimacy as his term expired in make. the mass protests erupt in france after a right wing opposition party takes the lead in a decisive parliamentary elections. as president microns defeat appears, eminence, the current leadership urges the country to vote against the conservative flops of marine le pen. it seems site the thoughts of having had another world to really come on guys wake up. and these thoughts are the only way to end of the
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ukraine complex that's according to her now, the musician and active as the roger waters and an exclusive interview with our team, the rachel ruble live in moscow. you are watching our t international ukraine security service claims. it's filed, applied by a so called civic active, is to take over the nation's parliaments and remove the current leadership that comes and made questions over. vladimir zalinski is legitimacy after his presidential term officially expired at the end of may earlier my colleagues saskia taylor discussed this with our tea correspondence, marina customer, eva, all the details are the following. that there were suppose the plan of protests that was the guys the premise to get themselves near that you prayed in parliament . apparently they even runs out a whole that could hold 2000 people that were trying to recruit soldiers as well as private militia. they is, this is a local public human head who apparently has
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a history was fine to create confrontations and conflicts and problems for the ukrainian government, but not very successful, apparently didn't know very successful this time either. let's hear some more from the ukrainian security service and i'll place more be the one who feature under the guise of holding a so called national gathering. their attackers blend to announce the removal of the current military and political leadership of ukraine from power. then they hoped to cease the billing of their holding, their rider and blankets work and local citizens were charged by prosecutors for i'll call him for a violent overthrow of the present governments. and as well as the constitutional order. they said, of course, that russians would be very happy about this, but they weren't involved. clearly. i do want to ask you, i mean, i mentioned obviously, so last piece, presidential tom came to an end at the end of may, there being discussions about his legitimacy counselors elections, allegedly marshall and move time. yes. that's what he claims,
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which is something that actually brought him a boots and called him out on out 1st we heard bought him or if we can sample ukraine really needs to look into. it's lost right now because even if we were to continue with peace thoughts, who would we sign with? because legally speaking, uh zaleski is expired, he's no longer the ukraine and later, and also a lot of my printer again, a little bit later, literally 2 weeks later he looked in, so the ukranian constitution and said, well actually, since a crane, as we know is not a pet, a presidential repugnant is they've been holding out either as the crate in parliament that actually can extend its powers during martial law. not the preston . so it's actually bay right now who should be the permanent body responsible for making decisions. so once again, so if we are to talk about peace of who would sign the document, it should be someone from them over that either. but they insist that it has to be the legs getting a nice, interesting little power, little government with mates. it's 2014, you just get to the bottom of the presidential time of the previously elected head of ukraine has expired, along with his legitimacy,
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which cannot be restored by any tricks. the executive power in ukraine is once again as in 2014 is apt, unhealthy, legally. in fact, it is illegitimate. to say more of the situation with the cancellation of the elections is an expression of the very nature of the real god of the current regime in cuba. which grew out of the cool of 2014, is tied to it and has its roots there before. and i guess these 4 active as tried to repeats as sort of a, my dad who what we saw there. but maybe this time it didn't work out because it has no cookies, no help from the west. who knows, but this group, it seems very low scale, not a lot of people in the. busy of that much ado about nothing really, but it does show the general dissatisfaction with the landscape because the accomplices came also from a key of not only from the east of the country. right. we'll talk to you about this general dissatisfaction. i mean, zalinski is popular to seems to be declining, obviously a mid battle field losses as well, where you knows,
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just to go through. in fact, like you said, this general mood and the country at the moment, what all these videos that we're seeing with the forcible mobilization, not helping matters. and also you crate in seems to be losing their patriotism as fewer and fewer people want to go and fight for this one. i don't even know what they're fighting for at this point and that have this expired lead or so there's no one that they can reach to. also, of course, we know about the shake up and ukraine's military top brass. they can seem to agree military speaking politically speaking, so it seems to be a very unstable time. plato's paul's again they show that zalinski and just one here. he lost 20 percent support and also 37 percent and not approve of his actions. having said that, 70 percent want him to stay on till the end of this month. ok, fine. and hold elections because your constitution actually allows the president to be changed for someone else to come in or let the full not to the training upon them and being charged, that the riots are up to it across france. on sunday night after the 1st round of
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a decisive parliamentary election, president, a menu microns party came in 3rd place as a right wing opposition block and took the lead. the, for the most dramatic scenes were on the streets of paris and its suburbs, as well as the eastern city of leon. testers lit fires, deployed smoke canisters, and set up barricades to keep law enforcement officers at bay. well,
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police use tear gas to disperse. the crowds, several 100, most of the young people march through the streets of the city of nancy's in western france, announcing the 1st round results. amid the people national riley leader, marine the pen, celebrated the preliminary victory. my compact, traditional democracy has spoken and the french people have placed the national riley and its allies of default, rounded up for practically raising the max from this blog manual, not crohn called for a snap. so following his parties, losses in last month european parliamentary election. so that's after his call to send ships to train, drew sharp criticism from his opponents. chief among those is maureen le patton, whose party is currently leading the election race with almost 34 percent. as on the lunch on the left wing coalition is drawing in the 2nd was 28 percent in. well, the french prime minister is more of a pens, party winning an outright majority the public to declare our objective is clear to
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prevent the national riley from obtaining an absolute majority in the 2nd round from dominating parliament and very for from governing the country within a serious plan that has mind. i said this was all the force at the moment demands of each and every one of our voters, not a single vote, must go to the national rally in this circumstance, france deserves no hesitation. we must never hesitate. for this cross live now to independent journalist for acura, they look, can you explain to us, what are the main issue is influencing friends of voters right now? why are so many people turning away from french president micron? but 1st, it was the dissolution, faxes deciding, 2 hours off the same, you get a payment actions. nobody in both federal and everybody was surprised is the opposition, of course, but also his own people. so it's worth avenue east now are,
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is 0 people because they have lost the jobs like that, simply because i'm president, my name is a spoiled child. broke is points. that's what happens. and the last, so long as you're now national brought you fine. but that was leading in the polls . i'm is exploding. it never has all the, the acceleration of political life in fonts being sold great in one call. now it's so everybody against all the pen against national funding. but the french don't accept anymore based on simplistic slogans that day here since me get home since 10 years since decades that it's us. ok. it's us all to nazi school. of course my in the family smoke banassi is not a precious. this is ridiculous. the problem for them is, of course, that the,
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the points that they defend is a fight against immigration, especially in the get them aggression. they want to increase the buying power of the people and the states that the people want and that the president of my whole and these who called us all together and cancel, defended so mind the band has the voice of the call me and she's very welcome absolutely majority. next sunday at the 2nd brought up the like something that's the key thing because you can't all of course, she needs 189. 1. what institute i'm pulling is gifts her to 17 maxima. it's going to be all the length of an agency gives her $300.00 possible as a maximum. so if she gets $300.00 or 4, you know, around $3290.00 plus, then she has the majority. she has some majority and she can send it on my phone,
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browse these every time he comes up with efforts to stop, to destroy the leadership of the us. some of them want us to have in his government by children, but that was the most popular um, you know, the most popular position, some of the young people, he also has good support among the pensioners or traditionally for michael. so as long as we speak every so look, francis prime minister has urged citizens against voting for right wing candidates in the 2nd round. what are your thoughts on that? first, are friends, people likely to listen and 2nd, could this be considered an attempt to pressure voters? the prospect is an attempt to press the photos of from the prime minister is has no way to weigh it because he is a politician engaged between. but what is the box, the bowl in front of it is that the price of the bus in my home does the same. if
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he finds his own party, you know, input pos, the goal on the vice does not work. the devil to the socialist, me don't that were they the position themselves above the fray? they did not want to be the man of one party. you cannot say what the presence of the french no machine model is, is playing like a digital kit gets to the point that kind of gets to. so the prime minister effect, as well as the austin, desperately not to intervene in the campaign, not to speak on tv. because the morrison's, the results of discount of for majority comes majority. can you imagine how far they are? it's incredible. it is literally incredible monument and so the values for the next call is i think, a 5050 chance for me. one more thing about that. i just said that if he doesn't get thrown up, so there's majority that will refuse to phone,
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go and will be then dire straits. so look, if the national rally party manages to install its own prime minister, how much would that limit president microns power? i say equal the only then you can only remain in his on official day free, which is for an offense host or less of we'd like to about 8 months. it's dry. right. and why the friend saw me on the ground and you grades and my problem, he has about 20000 sol. engage you to watch. if that is the war, he has no munitions, only munitions, but to be maximum and threatened to send $20000.00 troops, treasure crime. why russia has to be sure to announce that they have $700000.00 men on the ground for the special operation. so, you know, it's crazy and all the heads of space, it may to already you to think that the math as last as models that he's getting
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your basic science side saying, you know, but he needs to be treated somehow because that goes to a huge problem with this man, you know, people call in jupiter or jupiter as full on from the old marine. the pen opposed as mac crumbs idea of of putting french boots on the ground, a new crane. what do you think her approach to the conflict will be? why don't you know that political correctness in falls and the rest of you to make it make sense? that's interesting. possibly to say nice things about russia you meet, you must be full, your prayer, and full present themselves. guthrie o ma, law best and most part of stockton, you know, overall the last 3 years. so have started by saying we all for you. okay. you know, we don't want to of what happens. we don't like it and support you print for the community as well. now of course the cracks because everybody knows that many
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parties, especially on bribes, they fuse that they don't want that song like going think total, the bottom in hungry and all of us all vocal. they don't afraid of saying it because they have a majority at home, but my in the band or office told them, but i love that sense. they will surely support you cry starch, and all of my independence won't change now. oh, they will have to wait for some time. you know, before they come up with something else, then we won't because that's what they say. we won't make us. all right, we're gonna leave with our luca independent journalist. thank you. look into jerusalem. thousands of alter orthodox jews have hit the streets to protest against a high court decision for them to be drafted into the as rarely, military. the situation quickly spiraled into violence with demonstrators squaring
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off against the security forces. the well military service is currently compulsory for both men and women in israel. the politically powerful ultra orthodox community is exams and business that allowed to pursue religious studies. ultra orthodox jews, hold key positions in the coalition. government,
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meaning that if they leave it to collapse and trigger a new election, and as protests came just days after another demonstration where residents demanded the authorities accept a new piece proposal for guys that we spoke with as rarely, journalists, yankee, barbara, who said the country is desperate for troops, but the ultra orthodox community will continue opposing the draft. no government knows where to go with and no matter why left center, nobody did anything to get those people into the idea of not to but didn't do the editing. not to take them to the idea of fun. after the 7th of october and we think change the newsletter, everybody the minds, the orthodox community for joining the idea of in for the full. ringback obviously they don't want because of the, they say that the idea of consult, prepared to give in every thing the older people need in the idea of it. that's what it is very, that's my controls. today actually the setting these are, the problem is up is what i need an urgent about 10000 young boy is and this lady,
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the old community, can you me and you know, suspend the 1000 voice because those $10000.00 a lot even sold it or not even even to the they're not even out of the community, but because they come from older families. so the bible trying to keep them out from the ideas, but i don't think it's going to help. and before the government or for the idea of the old, it looks community will never send their children even easily. so that's but for soldiers the world is spiraling out of control because of us policies. that's the message from right now. and musician, and active as to roger waters, a founding member of the british rock band, a pink floyd. he spoke to archie in an exclusive interview, covering a variety of hot issues from the release of julia and assigned to global politics. the children, a science is still telling the truth,
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even after 15 years fishing specification by the western powers. so that's a good say. thanks to julian, we need to bad. you need as much time of as you need to get health care again and then we want you bet on the world stage, telling the truth about the crimes of our latest in terms of a sondra is guilty play and, and those words that he said about the espionage act in the 1st amendment being in contradiction to each other. do you think this is washington using a facade of national security in order to silence journalist this course it is. that's exactly what it is. it's an attempt. i've always said julian hassan, she has the mag piatt and the head. she gave him keepers in the united kingdom, killed magpies, and they hang the dead bodies in the hedge as a warning to either but step might still pheasant said, so whatever is there trying to protect in this case, the truth about the policies, what's actually going on in the world and why the world is spiraling out of control,
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probably to its extension because of the power structures in how politics set in the united states of america. where i left. roger, what made you so personally involved with the assigned case because he's had many activists over the years and many people also abandons him. why are you so personally involved with with assigns and, and his, his fight for freedom. well, like everybody else back in 2010 shows you manning, extremely courageously release. the collateral motivated julian, a song along with many of the many national papers in fact published. so he was about he was a publisher. and the thing that i saw, that video and, and so did many and some other people and that was extremely important
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on trillion massages the hall. i'm not done if you remember, but back then in the early 2, thousands, all the speeches that julia searched by it's a camera. he always said, when we go to wal, it is based on weiss, the said, the gulf of tonkin a lie, which was the beginning of the official beginning of the war in vietnam, and so on and so forth. what off follows the war and the ukraine as well? a pretty closely since it started in february 22. so that, so from numerous interest to me, i cannot believe there are people in ukraine who still support the continuance of the war against russia. right. and you cry, i mean, everybody with half a brain could see it was perfectly of the is that the people few credit and have an absolute right to live in peace and hopefully some press bar chase and bring up the children like everyone else in the well but i believe that because i believe in
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basic human rights, every one of our brothers and sisters, russian, ukrainian, chinese power stand in, let us not forget all of the work they respect to for the f, misty, or the religion of the nationality. so the soon as i know go go, she ations and begin at between the russian federation and the government of the crate. and the better because this war has been complete since the since the my, it started. i heard you earlier on our to talking about a may down in 2014 on the and sing civil war in the dumbass. and so in a so we're all, most of us with an i q above room temperature. i've been reading about this, the years i've been speaking about ukraine fee is the warship never of solitude? and if the west were prepared to negotiate and listen to boats, and so this conversation, it never would have done. it is tragic that all those ukrainian lives have been
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lost for nothing. it's not like they're going to get a better deal than they would have done 2 years ago in february 2022. when a peace deal of being done, let us not forget and the extent of agreements, and it was scuppered by the us government, aided by bar, as johnson who was the prime minister of a thing. so it is tragic biondo measure. so i keep my fingers crossed that they can pull an end to it now. and i'm come to a reasonable conclusion to that supports everybody's security, not just in eastern europe, by the way, not just ukrainian security and russian security. but the security of the rest of europe as well, because the, the, the, the, the government, so many e u countries, a wrapped thing that saved was as hard and loud as the account of the french, the germans, the english did it. and it's in sight, the thoughts of having
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a novel wo really come on guys wake up balance for is no total to one of slide. it may have food and wants to talk, talk to him. know that you have a deep knowledge of what led to the war, a new crane, and then the western efforts to continue to prolong it. i wanna go back to his sons' for a moment here because it took him 12 years to win back his freedom. that, of course, is a very heavy price to pay for what he believes. what can you tell us? what are your thoughts on how the us and british governments treated him the way that he was treated by both of you as some of the u. k. government is absolutely important. what they have done in the treatment of a song is they have freely and openly admits it, to the rest as well that they don't give of faith for the rules of law. you know, the americans always told him about rules by story about rules based international
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by sort of but what that means to them is you do as i say or well yeah, i can. yeah. that's basically those are the rules by which they abide. i'm a huge support to the international court of justice and the i c. c. i wish all the countries of the world and whole with members of the united nations were signatures to the statute of fraud. and so that we could show that the i c, c and the i, c j had some legal takes so that we could then price a job item that netanyahu and whoever and whoever, whoever that these people could people to adjust it and not as for children. and this honest belief, that's why they know that's why they wanted to kill it. and they said go, i'm in america, they would have kills. so thank goodness he's back with stellar and the 2 boys. you know it's, it's a huge relief to all those of us who not only love julian instead of the boys and
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joe and shipped in. and gabriel is brother. but we love the brothers and sisters, and we believe that julian, the songs, like all of us, should have basic civil, a political human rights under international law. and at the moment people done it because we live in a well the way who am was weaponized themselves. the mall will bully the others into submission if they can set for half a day. that's not gonna work anymore. it was for a few 100 years, but those days are over. now we have to co operate one with another because we face a company of an enemy in climate change. but we need, we have to start talking to one another. the, the american government with who the american empower, the was defended. this is every foot in the well, most. they didn't know. they have to start talking to their brothers and sisters in
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china, and in russia they cannot just say, we're not talking to you because with the good guys and you know, the bad guys in a conversation is meaning, no, it isn't meaningless. it's absolutely necessary or we're going to go up in smoke. so get used to the idea and i will go on fighting to my last graph to get you to tool tool tool we have, if we're going to save this small beautiful planets of waco, have we have to talk to browser, you had a, we miss you a long day. oh that's, that's great. i've had to hear that you're a fan of. 2 and you had a chance to visit us on it in prison last year. can you tell us more about that visit? what did you see? what were, what were the conditions like that he was kept under? yeah, we such a large room that were about 22 prisoners they. they each sat as a in their own space. what i didn't notice until i was about to leave was that the
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prisoner sat on red chairs. that was one red chair at that one there. i'm on the, i know group around the red chairs with blue chairs, which were for family and friends, some visitors the most chilling parts of the whole thing. while i have to it too important memories, one was, i was chatting to julian and he was, he was there and they, we were talking and the kids for running around and going off and, you know, getting a packet of chris is stella and bob julian and nice tools and i sitting here looking good because he didn't look and he was smiling and i think he was glad to see me or whatever. and he looked at me in the eyes. anyway, i'm not i'm not good. and i went on my hop so fell apart and not my mouth. of course, you know,
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you're banged out for $23.00 and a half hours every day. you've been in, in nearly 4 years now, before that you will look tough in ecuador and embassy for 8 years and 4. why? because you told the truth about american war crimes, among other things. yeah. so that was what i'm say, but when we left, we had to queue up and we searched again when we went out of the big road where we've met the prisoners. okay. and i turned and looked over my shoulder. and that those 20 men, all cit, incomplete, is still in clock on the red chair, cuz they are not allowed to move a muscle until old visits just left the road. and it was a, it was a very that was a very busy my when very, very difficult to will tell us that we're leaving them that on the right chat
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a lot. all right, well that is going to do it for me for now, but you stay with us. my colleague michael park, she will be in next in about half an hour this morning. the the, i'm asked sooner than say, welcome back to going underground broadcast to go around the world from the u. a. today, russia takes the helm of the un security council as president putin proposed to head because excited for the shanghai cooperation organization summit, championing and multi polar wealth.


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