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tv   News  RT  July 1, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm EDT

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the, the, the us supreme court has ruled the former presidents have absolute unity from persecution for official act. come and say you on the case against donald trump, who is impacted for his come down during the 2020 election you go ahead and security salvage claims. it's for the pride bond activist, the storm, the countries upon dimensions of the current leadership. and that's a big question of letting me use the last keys legitimacy as a tab and expires. it seems the site, the thoughts of having had another world to really come on. guys wake up and facebook saw the on the way to add the tray and complex that's
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according to redound. and they say send me an active if i don't want to get an exclusive interview with our team the, what is our team to national routine? you live from my new center with moscow? i a michael question. now the us supreme court is rules that former presidents have absolute immunity from prosecution for official acts commenting on the case against donald trump, who was indicted for his conduct you into 2020 elections events in the capital of january 2021 of boats. tabs to block the certification of this of the election were also on the list of the federal criminal cases that are now unlikely to proceed at the court. also note that chums actions unrelated to his presidency may still be subject to persecution. or the bodily campaign says click the slam. the routing
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described the port stating it stems from the nation's constitutional stuff to a we discussed it. the news with the sun stove and political on the list and to make and talk, show host, see of mazda, but some people have said on the left in this country, in the media. crazy stuff like all the and this came up, but they'd be hearings before the supreme court. what if the president ordered? so the seal team 6. i a very elite force in our country to assassinate a political enemy. well, i mean, i've heard that brought up again today by people on the left that now he's a president, can do that. no, the president can't do that. that's not within his constitutional core authority. i mean, that's ridiculous. so i think i think it, it, it does grant. and so a lot of what donald trump and his attorneys requested, but they also does not grant a lot of what it does not say that he's granted total immunity from prosecution. be
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traditional for public is supposed to be, be at the congress is supposed to hold the president accountable. it gets into this very blurred, murky realm of, of clandestine operations, national security. right? things like this, things that are, is there a top secret? so you end up with the shadow government that essentially has immunity to do what it wants and ends up control, you know, essentially a influencing or, or controlling the department of justice. if we had a real, a republic where people could bring the questions around executive privilege and immunity to me should have been raised around things like assassinating american citizens, which obama did. how about bringing cases against abuse of the war powers? for example. um obama, as a war against cut off the without congressional approval. so i think that there is a whole scope of, of legal issues that if you want to raise real questions around, what is the presidential immunity from, you know, let's say it's creating morris or the stabilizing countries,
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or bombing people killing people without congressional approval and oversight. i think there is a real case for, you know, for this, the idea that executive, the executive community or, or whatnot has its limitations. a little while joe body needs rapidly losing public support in the wake upsize. today's debate which saw him took a verbal beating from rival candidate donald trump and the live television. he's family is reportedly urging him to remain in the race while some from it in democratic fig. i suppose it focal costs and pointed out that the special role of the 1st lady's fighting is, quote, unusually good for us. the relations between the obama is and the bindings have never been home, but times they've been hostile. but recently they've deteriorated further, mostly due to jo, bullied in in the hours and days off to the debate. she kept her husband posted away from any one who might convince him to drop out. jewel by then is the driving force behind her husband's re election campaign just as she was in 2020 when other
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members of the family, including bite and assistive, val considered him to impaired to run. now joe biden was among the 1st to back joe, after the debates, later stating that the cancer defined the president's time and office and that they re election campaign was still on by didn't himself try to steady the ship after his poor performance saying he'll fight honda while acknowledging, he both didn't have a great night. let's take a look back at the highlights of the events, gentlemen to be the total initiative relative to what we can do with more border patrol and more asylum off for the drunk. i really don't know what he said at the end of this is who they don't think he knows what he said. either i made sure every company in the world, every pharmaceutical company can not have to pay you. and by the way, my son was not a loser, was not a sucker. you're the sucker! you're those are he sure that we're able to make every single solitary person
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eligible for what i have been able to do with the, with the coven, i should be with dealing with everything we have to do is, uh if we finally b, medicare, take it for us within 5, i'd a while national opinion polls have shown growing opposition to the incumbent president, back in february, 63 percent of respondents were against the by didn't seeking a 2nd to fall on the debate. that figure has risen to 72 percent. and the number of americans who say that he is mentally on fits to lead the nation has also increased . most respondents to a recent sub, a set of 8 to one year old democrats is simply too old for the job. now for the debates, even the media, traditionally loyal to democrats, have had to change their tune. vista by didn't, has been an admirable president. under his leadership,
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the nation has prospect and begun to address a range of long term challenges and the wins ripped open by mister trump, have begun to heal. but the greatest public service mister boy didn't to know before mister announced that he will not continue to run for re election adult body and support is a now grasping at straws to somehow justify his poor debated performance of my house speaker, nancy pelosi has been judging the public not to make any decisions based only on one debate. but some of biden's allies had been claiming that the president was simply exhausted out the days of preparing to face off with the drum. the others have even tried to put it all down to the events being held after bodies regular working hours. now we've discussed the situation with steve gil radio host and political commentator who told us by didn't families pushing him to continue his campaign for their own benefits. i think it's amazing that while almost everybody
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who watched the debate knows that joe biden is not only capable of running for president, he's not capable of serving as president. and i think it's shameless that his wife and his family members are so desperate to hang onto the power board that they're doing everything they can to ignore reality dates in order to keep their little power based in the white house. this is all about jill by wanting to continue as 1st lady, not wanting to take care of her husband's. jo biden's own sister is saying that it is cruel and inhumane to subject him to this kind of embarrassment and humiliation . and yet joe biden, that was on the cover of vogue joe biden is still the 1st lady, and she wants that more than she wants, what's best for her husband. and then you have a 100, but if daddy's not present anymore as 100 faces more criminal charges, nobody can give the con or the but the pardon the he needs when these additional charges result in convictions. so this is all about the bite and the family, putting themselves ahead of joe biden, head of the country,
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and head of the world. away from the united states. ukraine secuity service claims . it's for the plant by so called civic activists to take over the nation's parliament and remove the current leadership. and that comes up with questions of a lot of mr. lansky, selected tennessee after his presidential time officially expired of the end of may . the area of my colleagues saskia tell you i've discussed this with argy, corresponded martin echo, sorry about the details are the following. that they were suppose to plan a protest that was the guys the premise to get themselves near that you creating parliament. apparently, they even runs out a whole that could hold 2000 people that were tries recruit soldiers as well as private militia today. and this is a local public human head who apparently has a history was fine to create confrontations and conflicts and problems for the ukrainian governments, but not very successful. apparently, i didn't know very successful all this time either. let's hear some more from the ukraine in the security service and i'll place more be the way and then providing
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a budget around the whole feature under the guise of holding a so called national gathering their tuckers blend to announce the removal of the current military and political leadership of decreeing from power, then they helped to sees the building on the they're holding their rado and blankets work and local citizens were charged by prosecutors for i'll call him for a violent overthrow of the present governments. and as well as the constitutional order fits that, of course, that russians would be very happy about this, but they weren't involved. clearly. i do want to ask you, i mean, i mentioned obviously, so let's keep presidential tom came to an end at the end of may, there being discussions about his legitimacy council, there's elections, allegedly marshal, and move time. yes, that's what he claims, which is something that actually brought him a boots and called him out on out 1st with his bottom, i presume sample ukraine really needs to look into. it's lost right now because even if we were to continue with peace folks who would we sign with? because legally speaking uh, zaleski is expired. he's no longer than ukraine and later. and also
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a lot of references again and never, but later, literally, 2 weeks later he looked in so that ukrainian constitution and said, well actually since a crane, as we know is not a pet, a presidential republic, instead of holding out either, it's the crate in parliament that actually can extend its powers during martial law, not the preston. so it's actually bay right now who should be the permanent body responsible for making decisions. so once again, if we are to talk about peace of who would find the document, it should be someone from the over that on the page says that it has to be that lives getting the nice interest in middle power load up lot of up with mates and 2014, you just get to the bottom of the presidential time of the previously elected head of ukraine has expired, along with his legitimacy, which cannot be restored by any tricks. the executive power in ukraine is once again as in 2014 is apt, unhealthy, legally. in fact, it is illegitimate to say more of the city of asian with the cancellation of the elections, which is an expression of the very nature of the real god of the current regime in
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cuba, which grew out of the cool of 2014 is tied to it and has its roots there before. and i guess these 4 active as tried to repeats as sort of a my dad who what we saw there. but maybe this time it didn't work out because it has no cookies, no help from the west. who knows, but the screw it seems very low scale. not a lot of people involved and much ado about nothing really. but it does show the general dissatisfaction with the landscape because the accomplices came also from a t, if not only from the east of the country, right. we'll talk to you about this general dissatisfaction. i mean, zalinski is popularity seems to be declining, obviously a mid battlefield losses as well, where he knows just to go through a fact like you said, this general mood in the country environment where all these videos that we're seeing with the forcible mobilization and not helping matters and also you crate in seems to be losing their patriotism as fewer and fewer people wants to go and fight
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for this for they don't even know what they're fighting for at this point and that have this expired leader. so there's no one that they can reach to. also, of course, we know about to shake up and ukraine's military top brass. they can seem to agree military speaking politically speaking. so it seems to be very unstable time plato's paul's again they show that zalinski and just one year he lost 20 percent support and also 37 percent and not approve of his actions haven't set that 70 percent want him to stay on till the end of this month, ok fine and hold elections because your constitution actually allows the president to be changed for someone else to come in or let their putting out either the training upon them and being charged. then the while those qu attempt has been swatted another one, however, is growing right. one u for union member of parliament pointed out that ukraine's economic collapse might become the trigger of a new might on the comments potential has been exhausted and destroyed. the country
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has long stopped making money, will leave at the expense of the tech space of other countries, probably. and you might on a way to us even more ruthless and even more destructive. and the trigger for these will be a complete collapse. so they can nomics stability, which is only still survive in of the help of the west. you create it is defective in default on its debt. now they have to ask for itself, but huge, something like 60 percent debt forgiveness, which is just not going to happen. i think the will be. the problem is that this is a very expensive games that you're having to support you cream to the tune of separate off $100000000000.00 a year. and they running out of money. and i do not see where they are going to come up with the something like trillion dollars, which is going to be necessary to rebuild the ro you create deep the western moya teeth if you create another is certainly very important agriculture production
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. but the problem is there, they have to integrate with the you and the you already have some technical to crisis. the farmers are rebelling against the system. now we see that mister mccaul is, has been humiliated the french elections. and uh, he is not going to be able to provide support for you. grades that he thought he could, which was merely political employed, to save himself his little future in france, which is very compromised in the united states. it's so good test at this point, you don't really know what's gonna happen. money gets cut off the search function as far as a foreign financial inflows get kind of a, it's not a function of the world is spiraling out of control because of us policies. and that's the message from ronald musician, an activist lodge a what?
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as a founding member of the british rock band being floyd, he spoke to our t and an exclusive interview, covering variety of health issues from the release of july, an assigned to global politics. the children a song, she's still telling the truth, even off to 15 years, some fishing specification by the western path. so that's a good say, fine to julian, we need to bad. you need as much time of as you need to get health care again, and then we want you back on the well stage telling the truth about the crimes of our latest in terms of a sondra is guilty play and, and those words that he said about the espionage act in the 1st amendment being in contradiction to each other. do you think this is washington using a facade of national security in order to silence journalist? yes, because it is. that's exactly what it is. it's an attempt. i've always said julian hassan, she has the mag piatt and the head to the game keepers in the united kingdom,
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kill magpies, and they hang the dead bodies in the hedge as a warning to on the buds that might steal pheasant, sang, so whatever is there trying to protect, in this case, the truth about the policies, what's actually going on in the well, why the world is spiraling out of control. probably to its extension because of the power structures in how politics set and in the united states of america, where i live. roger, what may do so personally involved with the assigned case because he's had many activists over the years and, and many people also abandons him. why are you so personally involved with with assigns and, and his, his fight for freedom. well, like everybody else back in 2010 shows you manning, extremely courageously release the collateral motivator. and julian, a song along with many of the many national papers in fact published.
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so he was default, he was the publisher. and the thing that i saw, that video and, and so the top of millions of other people and that was extremely cold on trillion massages the hall. i'm not done if you remember, but back then in the early 2, thousands, all the speeches that shows you know, so it's my, it's a camera. he always said when we go to wall, it is based on weiss, we said the gulf of tonkin. a lie, which was the beginning of the official beginning of the war in vietnam, and so on and so forth. what off follows the war and the ukraine as well, a pretty closely since it starts in february 22. so that, so from numerous interest to me, i cannot believe there are people in ukraine who still support the continuance of the war against rusher and new crime. i mean,
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everybody with hall for brain could see it was perfectly obvious that the people few crate and have an absolute right to live in peace. and hopefully some press for a change to bring up the children like everyone else in the world. but i believe that because i believe in basic human rights for every one of our brothers and sisters, russian, ukrainian, chinese palestine in let us not forget all of the work they respect to for us at misty or the religion of the nation. i. let's see. so the soon as i know go go, she ations and begin at between the russian federation and the government of the crate. and the better because this war has been complete, senseless since the moment it started. i heard you earlier on our to talking about a may down in 2014 and the, and sing civil war in the dumbass. and so in a so we're all, most of us with an i q above room temperature. i've been reading about this the
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years i've been speaking about ukraine figures. the boy should never have started. and if the west were prepared to negotiate and listen to boats, and so the conversation, it never would have done, it is friendship. that will let me shoot crane and lives have been lost for nothing . it's not like they're going to get a better deal than they would have done 2 years ago in february 22. when a peace deal of being done, let us not forget and the extent of agreements, and it was covered by the us government agent by borrowers. johnson who was the problem of the stupid thing. so it is tragic beyond measure. so i'll keep my fingers crossed that they can cool and then to it now. and i'm come to a reasonable conclusion to that supports everybody's security, not just in eastern europe, by the way, not just ukrainian security and russian security. but the security of the rest of
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europe as well, because the, the, the, the, the governments of many a e u countries, a wrapped thing that savers as hard and loud as they come to french, the gym, and it's the english that it. and it's insane. the thoughts of having a novel wo really come on guys wake up balance for is know to to one of slide it may have food and wants to talk talk to him. know that you have a deep knowledge of what led to the war. a new crane and then the western efforts to continue to prolong it. i want to go back to a sons' for a moment here because it took him 12 years to win back his freedom. that, of course, has a very heavy price to pay for what he believes. what can you tell us? what are your thoughts on how the us and british governments treated him the way that he was treated by both the u. s. on the u. k. g of one is absolutely important
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. what they have done in the treatment of a song is they have freely and openly a message to the rest as well that they don't give of fee for the rules of little. you know, the americans always told him about rules by store to put rules based international vice florida. but what that means to them is you do as i say, or we're going to carry some places the. those are the rules by which they abide. i'm a huge support to the international court of justice and the i c. c. i wish all the countries of the world and whole with members of the united nations with signatures to the statute of fraud. and so that we show that the i c. c in the i, c, j had some legal takes so that we could didn't price a job item that netanyahu and whoever and whoever, whoever that these people could be brought to justice. and that's what treated in this honest belief, that's why they look to mount. that's why they wanted to kill it, and they said go,
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i'm in america, they would have kills. so thank goodness he's back with stellar and the 2 boys. you know it's, it's a huge relief to all those of us who not only love julian, instead of the boys and joe and shipped and then gabriel is brother. but we love all our brothers and sisters, and we believe that julian, the songs, like all of us, should have basic civil, a political human rights under international law. and at the moment, people have done because we live in a well the way who am was weaponized themselves. the mall will believe the others into submission if they can set happily. that's not gonna work anymore. it was for a few 100 years, but those days are over. now we have to co operate one with another because we face
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a company of an enemy in climate change. but we need, we have to start talking to one another. the, the american government with who the american empower, the west defend is every foot in the world most. they denied. they have to start talking to their brothers and sisters in china. and in russia, they cannot just say, we're not talking to you because with the good guys and you know, the bad guys in a conversation is meaning, no, it isn't meaningless. it's absolutely necessary or we're going to go up in smoke. so get used to the idea and i will go on fighting to my last graph to get you to the tool tool tool we have, if we're going to save this small beautiful planets of waco, have we have to talk to browser, you had a, we miss you a long day. oh that's, that's great. i've had to hear that you're a fan, a roger, and you had
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a chance to visit us on it in prison last year. can you tell us more about that visit? what did you see? what were, what were the conditions like that he was kept under? yeah, we such a large room that were about 22 prisoners. they, they each sets us a in their own space. what i didn't notice until i was about to leave was that the prisoner sat on red chairs. there was one red chair that one there i'm on the i know group round the red chairs were blue chairs which were for family and friends . some visitors, the most chilling parts of the whole thing. while i have to it 2 important memories, one was, i was chatting to julian and he was, he was there and they, we were talking and the kids were running around and going off and, you know, getting a packet of crisps with stella and about julian and nice tools and i sitting here looking good because you as well as he didn't and he was smiling and i think he was
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glad to see me whatever. and he looked at me in the eyes. anyway, i'm not i'm not good. and i went on my heart, so fell apart and knocked my mouth. of course, you know, you're banged out for $23.00 and a half hours every day. you've been in a nearly 4 years now. before that you were locked up in the door and i'm the see for a is and for why? because you told the truth about america, more crimes among other things. yeah. so that was what i'm say, but when we left, we had to few up and be searched again. when we went out of the big room where we'd met the prisoners. okay. and i turned and looked over my shoulder. and that those 20 men, all cit, incomplete, is still in the clock on the red chair, because they are not allowed to move
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a muscle until old visits just left the road. and it was a, it was a very that was a very busy my when very, very difficult to walk out is that we're leaving them that on the right chat alone . what i see all day miss allison, you can get all the details of all the stairways were falling on r t dot com. find out the the, the
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russian states never is as tight as one of the most sense community best in most all sense and the in the system must be the one else holes. question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin machine, the state on the rush, coding s r t spoke back, keeping our video agency roughly all the band on youtube tv services. for what question did you say it would twist, which is the
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mouse sooner than say, welcome back to going underground broadcast to go around the world from the u. a. today, russia takes the helm of the un security council as president putin proposed to head because excited for the shanghai cooperation organization summit, championing a multiple a world as washington's proxy war and ukraine escalates the dictates of shipping cabins, urging its nature back as to as strikes deeper into russian territory, following on from us talk is it strikes on civilians as a russian beach. this while the green lights arms funded by prophets from stolen russian assets in and in the middle east. israel is gearing up and all that well
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with has builder and limited and apparently with full backing from a by the administration. the recently rolled out the red carpet for is really defensive in this day. you'll have gland labels, palestinians, human animals, and forbids to welcome 5 minutes and then you always address to the us congress, both man and being pursued by the icbc for crimes against humanity in gaza. meanwhile, israel's propaganda machine is in full swing on us soil. there are reports on 1000000 spends on cobra drop or ations to redefine anti semitism in u. s. law and secure public and congressional support for the ongoing genocide, old fellow city is in gaza, east jerusalem, and the west bank. joining me now is the former co director of jewish voice for peace for us director of that selim and the current president to re thinking foreign policy goals and except for palestine. the limits of progressive politics with mach limone tail, which will put big joins me from germantown, maryland mutual, thanks so much for coming on. thanks.


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