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tv   Lets Talk Bharat  RT  July 2, 2024 3:30am-4:01am EDT

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political rights and subject them merciless economic exploitation. african base rates with the support of the soviet union and china oppose the splinter of the colonial system. a coalition of pro western countries just the side of road. these are the gorillas carried out bold raids from the territory of zambia and mozambique and inflicted painful blows on the races. as the situation worse than the rhodesian army, turned to chemical and biological weapons, the races boys in the water and food and planted contaminated medicines on the gorillas. this caused an epidemic of cholera and anthrax and led to mass bates ality. however, the attempt to break down the adver against resistance were futile. the white minority ramsey was due in 1979. it could be delayed a year later, free elections warehouse, instead of racist road. the just the state of zimbabwe appeared on the world map and became a true, vast yes, of the ideas of man,
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african is of the we are working away from the colonial influenza. the indian system had by revenue as an oil is different than you were the end everyone who comes to me and the sides . bye bye. hello and welcome on from church. not ever changing the focus now more than ever is on india. on the show we bring your unique and establish guest and their views on indian culture, politics and history. this week, my guess is one of the most i provided for them in the law as in india. please welcome mr. sedation, my dish and now scrubs. so they can verizon, wonderful, wonderful, thank you very much for joining us that you have from the hardwood. yeah. and you
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came here. your father was a charter. yeah. yeah. and which department? the other department in the government. okay. and you came here. i came in in 1980 g. yeah. in 1982 i had competed for the call completion of for law students that were certified towards the d as in biased or the one of the top one. the last 4 digits of that you have, you contacted brother back on zillow for in de, incidentally who use your license. subject is all the doing. just looking for the competition forever. monday. me that you just as of the one bag court in the next scene had judge me. so they spotted me and visit the wider dick, i'm on be able to set you up with somebody. so that's how i know the, i joined us. you know, i bought the mr night. mm. i mean like, so i, the film industry my just and after about the 68 months i drive is that i'm did too many pets i. i joined them and now the 10 years. so those to me, as i worked almost 16 to 18 hours a day,
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it goes to work with the top criminal lawyer who had to perform yes. and do you know, do you do a service? yeah, so he taught me a lot. mr. did provide me with a nice boss. yes. yeah, that will be jameson. and he to get those. see that all of us got enough work. we hard enough money to so i went and after i had your name, i didn't look back then you would join the profession with values are not necessarily taken care of. riley was the one in the legal fees are really important . okay. i take up a is not because i want a different to come to me. i'd take up a case because i belong to the practice going to a lot. so those people who come to me as a defense lawyer, most of them wouldn't make use of right now. it's not necessarily that all of them are going to be able to grab. some of them are mostly implicated. some of them are many crimes because i've submitted situations. some of them uh, did it as a profession in the sense that i different it. a lot, lot of number to spam,
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those in the for us to dig it up. i like them. i switched or do if anything that door then monday and i appeared for the dog to bid for the truck that i didn't grow by a beautiful. i don't know name. so in those 10 years that i practice at law, it was an entry. let me log these guys to come to him defend the their cases. so since i was your name austin chambers with all the work turned on me. so because of that, that was probably the 1st known regression in the sense that i had to take up all of the material myself and build up a case or different the case. i feel i'm going to be that the a good job in the sense that the came back to me again and again. that's how i built my practice. and then in 1990 g i appear to send you that you're like use the of some offences in the bottom left case. and i was successful in convincing the judge along with my senior lawyers and the team that send you a started and are the bottom last the or like yours or for others. and you'll find
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it all. but those are for the purpose of any of the ask to drink, i'm good by radius of the accused. so he'll get off. that is back in the last for the press was playing in those days because of his family like, you know, so many things. and in fact, by the remember that's, i've been married going ones in the car that's i'm just on the spot that's on the other side. the airport is a windows down. and when i go to here and somebody on the board, the 2nd saying that they call and look at the data so either. wow. so that was like, i know for the most fear that it was created that thing and it was successful. in fact, i got on the guard to say that the funds you weren't produced by the being like the same as dave in the family history of all the davis deck because of that, the kids that i did, i got dropped off a french and the volume does it bothering sometimes that you know exactly that the person you are defending has come into the crime and you're still big because it
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does happen to be a number of things. so can you hear me? yeah, the look about and then me hello button going my dad. he had a security juice. his wife a little bit about us and maybe this benjamin knows us about it from punjab. so one fine day the wife complained to him that the local level is asking me so when she told us about about this story, it was very and based and one fine day he said, you beecham innocent. so the kids are having call that towards them to the money. the guardian drunk to the by the watchman, cardboard of his hands and legs, and the side of the guard booth sword and dropped his head off and came to me with the blood st. george, in the sock, i asked you, why did you do it? because it said i had to save the fight privately. my wife was being at best buy this or to them. so i did it. i had a different name before the kids could come out for a final meeting. it up squandered, and when are sort of in the sofa,
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but i didn't feel bad. i read definitive. so let me uh, last name uh try well why i'm saying was streamed by. what is because in the muslim community that allowed to marry the 1st cause of the gods. first cousin was asking the good jordan school. and one fine day she complained to a father that about this. why is this brother of mine who is harassing me and he wants to get married to me. so one fine day, the father called the board to his house. they gave him a cup of tea, is listed with some boys, and after a very long conscious dropped off his head, the head was thrown and i didn't see it on the phone. so they came to me to defend the, the father. i different new to me and we brought to the court that the there was no evidence against him because the nice but the produced did not have one but it had bloodstream. so footboard which they use, they used to know which i but then i didn't feel bad. different name these guys because uh, 1st of all, it an ottoman, you need to prove that he was innocent,
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is presented to me and also the prosecution. pull the case against him, my value as a lawyer is different than anybody and everybody who comes to me, all right. it is for the quarter to decide on the evidence that is produced by the prosecution. well, that's i see if somebody is guilty that's. that's inducement ends in india, and that is taught to the lives in the law school. and that's how it does start. that you, my beauty is to listen to a person. me. if i don't under defend him, i can't refuse to accept the belief and my name for a different name. my bus, and that'll be all in the case as an already know that what a student need a near a color. i like this. we're going to have, and i used to like the lady in the lead, the mazda is me, and i used to be on storm buses and i'm sure you're the call the cause, but i did it for the purpose of our do minds. so when did our do it?
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we did not do it again. any advantage financially your father knew about it, that you would let me about it and my friend zip. and once he saw me doing it, because i read needing the delegation to the university. and we had the guidelines the right size of and since i was struck the songs the natives and they told me to stand in front of them before the god landed their vice as the warranty. oh god, it ended. i gave a speech because i had a good debate to me and we got the examinations postpone me. so when they brought me back to the college and on a direct up with the flowers and then okay, that was my friends with cardboard. helped me and said, that's a piece. i gave you admission in my university one day because i was referred by a principal of the comments college that did a good student. and the here you're finding hard to be able to do, i'm your artist. so do you mean by college the next year?
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you better sit down and get you a problem. ok. and get hacked from the entrance to the other end for you all, all you become a street fighter. yeah. so i course corrected that them and then became a studios boy that i was from them into school. what are your thoughts on media about and it's not only a problem and, and you guys have problems all over the world, especially given that i slipped it is involved in it. so you just remember them is good. do let the people know that this is happening or what is happening now. is a section on the press 6 up a particular story of the 1st time that agenda with the gun agenda. and they, they, they, they invade the privacy, not only other thing, but of the accused. so that creates a lot of what hindrance, not only for the victim, but the wonderful, the accused. because before the trial, you want to start before they've got people already made up their mind as to what the person is, the program good, the audience. and in order to manage that,
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didn't have she has the course of justice number to do it is a non domestic thing. and i already dodson, i mean from the mad me what, but to be because of the newspapers just because social media i, because of the electronic media, they just do it in transposed to god. before they come to court. they are related, the story in the newspapers are in the social media and come to god. so it is possible that they don't have a independent mind but to sit in court and then there's going to be some insurance . so bring carter said number of things that the police are produced should not discuss the cases that they come in that investigation to the public. should not just throw the names of the mrs. you should not just throw the names of it meant victims. you should not in the stroke aboard the box, you should not put in that big just in spite of that,
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this keeps happening. a big question mark aboard the fair to conduct the dry this invasion of privacy. is it? i'm been donald, the. what are the media and there's no control inside time that the, our government been the supreme court. so i say that. so i brought, i would say lies blind. so is it the new system which has come to the nor do we manage enough independence for the british due to sprint ends in the british system? because there were low country for hundreds of us and they didn't been in the court then they would exact. and the commitment was egypt court, particularly for that i was framed in adrian's experience. so that will continue within our country did about now the government of india has realized that most of those laws rid object laws, number one. now what do they are meant to protect the british crown and the fines and the punishment. the boys did not match the present system in the work. secondly,
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the punishment that is not warranted is not coming to the prison system in the sense that if you are you, i'm a 6 months in prison, but for the but he missed crime or to see this claim. the bus center come out after 6 months in the dental fence, and so once the government, every day is done about is particularly optimism that ended when they came in to the united cabinet in the country. she had promised us that every day, if you would delete one law, that would be the same. but the registration fee are happy with the time happy. i'm happy to jane because we are going away from the code on the, on the instruments that the indian system has the language that has been using the court yesterday as being on the start button. okay. published and i don't know the language was english in all the courts right now, if you're going to read off here to get judgements and we're not the if you go to
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the level, the court proceedings take this environment. and so i've gone one man who is the biggest big gets to know what is happening in this case and or not. is it right in, in the respect of cyber claims in this, by toby electronic offenses in those picked up various other electronic more soaker meeting or fences that are being brought into the new law that the government of india has promised to get to. it would be enforcing the next 3 months in this in your mind. yes. for including me. i have led lawyers which are larger than life. yes. lucky in my life i have only needed a lawyer once. yeah. um it was uh, my friend go online with the guy who being really liked you for that. yes. before that i played this role of live but i see it on the map to kinda jot down. yeah. so i went to the good. i didn't good doing while i was the just yes, yeah. yeah. and there was a case defamation case and belong brought up. this is truly peace and he's stopped me like this now. i'm trying. i don't think he was indeed speaking loudly. he's
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supposed to speak loudly because the judge is not listening. so i said, well, go, speak, speak loudly. and he kept saying, you don't know, have this one to say that my who chose to look at my the stand that the speak loudly. we said, do i teach you how to act? so when you see this, the friction orders ordered the victim in different rooms in our country is nothing compared to what actually happens in the courtroom. i remember in 1986 and i was uh, interested in just uh, trying to fight the father on behalf of the children because the father had to come to my mistress and therefore the children are finding the father and the mistress splitting position of their share of the property and so we part of the case and i won the case, we came back to court. no getting back to the office. i've done getting the order in all of it. so my clients told me that i did all that and we won the case, but we didn't like the way you for. so i said why right into like guy when the kids
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for you is it know the guy, the sure, and the feelings, no size beds or no. uh, how much is it for an god based on your table or you don't pick up the books and throw it to the judge. all these things don't happen. disgusted, system is very slow. then this whole thing about justice blake justice denied. and then the 2 have 3 legs, so that the tip less of democracy. why does it as a trip? the one is exit. could do that alone is a joy to show you the chevy is the most leg looked at oregon are forced by them by government. when india became independent, we had courts set there by the british, and the same set of courts shouldn't continue. number one, if you go to the bottom rag, constructed for us 10 of main core drugs, and the stop today where they'd be wanted just so impressed extra that was made in
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$90.47 is not sufficient for the 91, just that the besides about the courts in palm bay and others henderson, the number of judges that are meant for advancing distance to the population. out country interest at uh, one judge, pull it up 50000 operation. or in fact, we should have continued to assume for the present population. and we have on, well, what are the times less than what we actually require that the infected is so bad? in the new digital system, the government is government which came to by what and 1947 did not interest enough money in this organ of the state. the be all meant had been blind in jewels funds, not on me to be a large number of courts. now let me send them the traditional system, but also includes a number of judges where more than 5 broad cases spending all over the country. now this is and this is but that it, yeah. so when people to come to me, hey,
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i'll just tell them that you might find the case now. but it's possible to do a grand job and make it some justice in this case. going to expect you to be a lifetime because each case, dick, so what do i need to do? and if i yes, do you think judy system was better and why than the judy system worked in your system or that polished not with the get go? not how big is, because in spite of the fact that the person was, hasn't given the but the courts and the duties decided to give them the, let him go. so therefore, that was the last case. and we do the system was used in our country. they don't have introduced a reminder due to my as to what the case is about the so how do you regulate the public demand? see, we don't have to go by public democracy and where to go over the law that is framed . and we had to go by the president that has been set up by the judgements and the public may not like it, but where to go where the internet has changed the whole system off. there are so
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many cyber dry exam, but when a blanket blows are leah and wish to spend wasn't no other subject line than a regular meetings. now with the electronic h against it didn't even ask me and get the papers to bed with a bunch of a button. and it gave me that bad law. that is it live in for that particular case . and because of the brand, i mean we had what you had court functioning all the countries in india was one of the 1st few countries would use the electronic models, conducting a gas in the battery and dispensation of just as a big a much faster. plus it has been made accessible to every bus and every comment man against it at home or disappeared because it is on his mobile. i don't know what you're the but phone and know what does that mean and the lord and the country against at any rate in the country, in any corner of the country and out of your guess before any corps that out of the
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things where we are i good one case in genetic one case in the spring course one given the one backward or one case in the notes on this 100 possible ended this got on the bus, somebody to get a lea, a finding of papers in the court meant that you have just bring this certified to 50000 to be as me but petition, but it has all over the guard when it is based on the supreme court. today you're trying to get finding it is a paperless card. so my electronic agent is kind of them because they're all electronically offensive. they've been coming to all of the cyberspace. it doesn't come into financial pro fraud sitting outside due to the action of a court. you can get to know louise and within a minute. my name's good. you're operated company that i plus and minus find somebody electronic image. but it's helpful in the light, isn't we? are they very exciting status for our country? what are your thoughts on india? in 2024, when i was in school in my home, they don't have
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a dentist for me. if i had to go back to many do this and it'll take me at least 10 to 12 hours to reach my home. the just wanted to let me just uh and uh, to get the booking on the tree and get the bus. somebody go to the station, the station trying to make you of what i was. and again to, to get today. you can see that on what category electronic, i mean it is more to transport that trans buses that it costs are. you're gonna want to add it back to the envelope. so life has become much faster. but also to anybody in those days, in way below you will see at the accident that is a big mess because off the bus thought i'd try got a guide. well usually pick a tree. there's no wait upset or for the die, or do i just jump to the infrastructure at all or the country has improved? if you read the book, you would go to the $500.00 people,
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stand and make you and get you a vital that's on the stage today. there's a bite gas all over the country. so the end by life is changed. in the last 1015 minutes. and i couldn't do it for the present government because they're making sure that the common man is not the best of the facilities. the ditch man gets parliament also boss women's. that as ration built in 2023. how important for the future of women's rights and then do you think i was a bit practicum project in so sizing so we may not know please let me know. so say like you went today in some, some areas in the country we must in doing and, but about the amount i'd like to talk more about until the supreme court came up with the law. that the one in 5 different on an image. and maybe as it relates and i said sort of ancestors had to be made so that the
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woman, one in that one family, destiny garcia, was born in one or more in your not a shed and that for this property. so the system has been a, bring about it does very have sent you that we meant that we shouldn't be allowed to be passed because in spite of all these uh, evolution that are taking place we're interested in aren't being integrated by just of the being and board slowly and suddenly you weren't in the courts. you'll see a large number of inflect stuff that's coming into breakfast. does anybody come but that i locked so many large number of cnn lawyers designated by the various courts as part of the american sense? you don't find that large number of women to just of course that would make rules that women should be empowered and they don't have and they don't do on a point the lady did just yeah, the preventive justice has said that some day that the remainder of the big an
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equally important to run in, and i mean the administration of justice. so that's what i'm saying. so the ration that has been made, it very apt, in the sense that you'd like, you don't know, you had bad one 3rd audio on top of the other women because how the population is made of women, right? if you take the numbers in some states, we minimize the then men. yes. so it's a good deal up and then the icon i made the present government for having the division diligence coming in into the system. now, how well, what do you see the future? good thing affected by this regular, like, let's say it was a scientific gable roof of pluses and minuses. i agree completely. if you read to use a i in the direction of a case, it's very easy to detect the claim. but that i've done this said one big decision by using a offense is being committed in the sense that the worries of the person is being
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used or done in such a might not that so this one is in the beginning speak as mr. cache. that's a scientific illusion, the mistake of best the but i feel about it. i'm happy as long as any use positively ready to be used to cover defenses. yeah, i see that a lot of big folks. uh 50 percent of cases approval. and i'll do that even today if i, if i p brought it to my largest, i'm really comes to me and my boss. and so i'm good for that. me had brought me that it was new to him for us. and if a boy ma'am comes to you, you must do it. bro bought a lot for people to come to me, but take my number from a newspaper on the, on the electronic space and contact me for him. and so people who come to me with the weird is push the bag out before giving pro one of the services we don't need besides it, but we do, it is losing, it just kind of a set back is all is
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a said back of a sense if you're directed me heavy works your heart and having a particular part of you, you would feel that you are part of law or your bind on facts, but i'm not accepted by the judge. and so you feel bad about it, but then you can stop to continue doing your cases. so what does important photo lie and then it gives you the making money. you must go certain section of a particular, but that's what many cases that i forwarded last. but i had this type of section of writing for good, read win or lose. every person has a little scope. you want to kids as it has its own. how does it does on this? and so we have not somebody which we can jen the cause of this student destiny cannot be changed. so monday the fate of it gets kind of changed. but uh, do you have the more spelling lauderdale times? well, one of the 1st things that i've done as a lawyer and you must keep your heart at 12 and then go to park because you kindly
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and most of in the court the j as may be really tough. the kids may have a little bit false. the kids may have already worked on the, on the don't that kind of a must, fisher not affect you and you're finding it is we don't get very close direct link daugherty or it takes a long time for the kids to be disposed off on. no coach. so you meet with the off on your desk. very often. you feel bad if you lose those cases. but then the next step is always gonna be in that you can fight your brand distance from the different clock. so when you train uh you are to try and do you also tell them out, rely, rely network delivered as to data, like on the contract, and then send by the to okay, we're just done with the internet. do ma'am, what is your answer? and if it did one like to keep memorizing a dollar light. yes. and but somebody because delays are very easy to be got. but
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if you're starting with a drop in, assess your name, their money, you don't have to you in an account or do a set up deal. it's automatically coming from center and the to the stands by uh, the best of things that site is addressing that thing to be and friends with. fin stars see, 1st of all, they have a very george personality in the media. what do i need actually made them that are, or they're projected by the media. if you go to their homes, they also live in the same kind of flag that you live and the one sentence for justice you would like to leave us good. this is in order to be art or it's all is that as long as you stand with the the ones who go buy drugs, this is elizabeth buds of ism thank goodness to manage and the, and thank you for watching. joining us next week, but another intimate finalization as we did another in depth look at india and it's going impact on the way i am unable to see you next week. and let's talk about it
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the most, which doesn't, which is was the only way not to be alliance as the final push, but they will not put renewals are up at the moment. this is just so please stay with me. the last thing was these really, those can, will be used to live imagine we have some of which was this, we would show new people to the,
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the, the reason why about russian forces groups who played in front lines and kept well from the territory along the border ukraine whose marshal tremendous amounts of material results is non power as russian forces continue involved st. paul along the front lines in the ukraine conflict t as mine power is running low, mobilizing over $3000.00 prisoners to fill the gaps. our release today indicates that there were no charges against us. there was torture on an almost daily basis. and these really prisons breaking the trains here on our tape, the director of the al, she thought hospital and gone to city describes 7 months of full che he and do it while hell documents ready presenting go.


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