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tv   News  RT  July 2, 2024 10:00am-10:31am EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the breaking news here on our to international protestors. the class was placed in kenya in persistent demonstrations despite the government having a scrap the controversial tax still pushed by the i m. s. local that paul for president reach out to resign. you the oh we've talked to before you get this im going to be to good luck. you a tony know to be open and draws on the wall and where our lead brush the stories 5 ukrainian fighter jets in a single strike. well, hunger is prime minister visits,
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you have to push bloodwork zalesky to negotiate for peace with moscow. i asked the president to think about whether it would be possible to take a slightly different path to cease fire and then continue negotiations. our release today indicates that there were no charges against us. there was torture on an almost daily basis in the as rarely prisons and the head of gods as el cheapo hospital describes 7 months of torture he in there to in and is really prison. while he was incarcerated without any charges live in the russian capital, i'm rachel ruble. you're watching r t international. we start with breaking news from kenya. our classes between police and demonstrators have a ruptured in the east african nation as people are taking it to the streets to demand the resignation of president retail of
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the place hughes and tear gas against the crowds of protesters in the capital, nairobi. that's the site, the country's high chord having a band here guess in water cannon demonstrations has continued even after president reduced decision to scrap a controversial finance film. it had stipulated tax increases intended to pay a huge debt to the washington based. i'm f protesters now say the problem is much a broader as they accuse the president of corruption and broken promises all the main road. so the presidents of pistol residents have been blocked with place armored vehicles stationed around the premises. water cannon are on standby in the area, and a heavy security presence. crime is also on the rise and in the post test, the 1st reports coming in of read this in the closest city among mazda cars have also been set on fire pinions and say they have no faith in president retails governments.
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the. no, no, we have he lives in maryville, we've a board or do we book it for you for us to get to said this, i'm going to be too good. but you are turning out to be original drawers. i use that bar and i do the your thing, but i think because we're, let's look for the event. yeah, we put the whatever feeds. so have you do, brother? do definitely did use a part of your life. just know one thing on the be level and done. all i want is a peaceful country where our lead that make our lives as well as cross live now to our to correspond that know who you convey in south africa and the local journal. us to tennis a monday in a row, be kind of i'll start with you. is there enough parts of the pro test right now?
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talk to us about the situation where you are the the between the different than the police, both pieces each like that because we didn't support the purpose of mobility because it will be here to the states that is copied and to i may just say to the side that you see the city of the country, we've had you that the young people felt testing by getting into the government. so what the thing is that uh because the government, the, that's my to view the eclipse to watch it, but not to be the 50 full roll, but the,
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the, the, the, the, of the, the young people already paid the government statement. that's why the, when he told me that the government that has not 50 promising that the government took the really good to be doing the good bit to didn't relate to the thing that, that lead to the cost of living at the you know, but that flu shot deal with the government without he won't see the contribution finance bit of a bit before the the, the, the, the prob, but to read but to be put into the country. we don't read that to you and see the protest of today's the most of debbie that's about this. probably they did done like numbers in the organization automatically said that people would competency to those that make it through the government and some of them all of those pages. uh cvd cv purpose that by that net reporting, do i have i go to if the president of the biggest cities say that i'm not going to
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let people to walk into the physical easy part to ask you to be the distributive. most of them walk low, so i think that is all over the p d on police are using does the uh, the report that they do use to be funny that you will see that. but you know, even though the hypo proved that that will lead to low to take 54 on the 15th of 2 to 5 being cool because this government is one of those. you told me things that you've made uh, during the complete list of what i'm doing, i've been reading it in the features of the thing, all the ease, what are you getting before that that, that i'm not going to box it out any time i do the government least of them that the most suite in the billing department and they want the government fucking from the president tennis, a monday reporting for us uh,
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from nairobi. quite loud where you are. but so thank you for that update. let's has now to know who you can go, who joined us from south africa approval. what, what can you tell us about the latest the situation? well, rachel, this is one of the deadliest i'm, is facing him. king is recent history. the protest was thought to by the canyon government's plans to significantly raise taxes to pay off its debt. but the government did a u turn off to things change did lead. when protest is broke into economy to never be ad, i'm police open size, killing, dozens of people present william, brutal at the time and on such was listening to the citizens and to the protesters concerns and was scrapping he's controversial. fine is full. he also said that you would, instead in seduce budget cuts and or stuart to mrs to try to so i put the countries fine is but the chaotic of ends in one of africa's major economies. also
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a key ally to the u. s. have data to questions about the data choking many developing countries in africa and who is to blame for all of that. but this is what the present says is the plan for kenya going forward. we have dropped the financing piece. yeah. what does that mean? it means we have one box almost 2. yes. it means that this here we have one to portal back to you. i'm sure to be able to run our government from watch. we're seeing this major political move has lost present to the backing of the nation and the peace damage king of france, all the economy and democracy. it to member earlier this year, the i am, if a did reach an agreement on the disbursement of loans that urge the canyon
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government to raise its revenue, the government's been decided to transfer the pain and mean onto it's people through tax policies that would age into the poor wisdom can, you know, young canyons have no faith to that of the taxes will be used for the benefit of the move. and that's why they've shifted the focus to making the coverage. i can just ration resign right. are to correspond it another way you could. okay, and thanks again to local journalist to kind of a monday but we heard from kenyan high cor advocate, steven lindy, in the long he said locals are dissatisfied with the government because they think it is working, not for them, but rather in the interest of western powers the, this, the reason for today's broadcast is basically, you know, on of the 59 people walk heated when they were protesting peacefully. i'm communicating the message with
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a government that they need not want their proposed finance be offended to all passed by the national assembly. and therefore, the protest i or not all those who died, but suddenly the corners by a fictional member of the above before the president to resign. the finance bureau is only a symptom of the law, the problems that exist with the governor. and therefore, they're not the right useful even means to do cuz i have to put it into the government. and especially with a lot of what i've shown on the phone to my desk, all expenditure, ways, government, and one of my does that really affect? is it you've injury over the country? the people i think the problem is not in the next one. ok, when you buy product, they probably between how they've been. he's being spent. we don't want to be changed into one, you know, into the, into one box, not with it. i may have for that one to buy as a nation. we want to approximate we own. um, you know, one question of why it's not with us. we've, i've seen is a saturday um, you know, giving us conditions about 35, the employees, the nice,
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the method to buy that used to be friends with you that we should do away with the, i mean, nothing is coming from the eye. it may have the conditions that they imposing when our government, in including that one diesel read, agrees that if any collect the only means that you do the cdns will be either. but i'm the i am, it seems and most of yeah, i'm definitely listed on these on government working for the i may have always the government watching for the russian forces have destroyed 5 ukrainian fighter jets in a single strike. let's do 20 seven's were stations in ukraine's eastern pull talbot region. russia use the scanned or ballistic missiles to conduct the strike to the aircraft for also damaged us according to the russian defense ministry. meanwhile, hungarian prime minister, victor, or bon, has traveled to the trade in the capital for tops of letters and landscape. mister oregon insisted on implementing a sci fi. he said that that would be
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a critical step toward restoring peace between russia and you find it as it came a day after hungry assumed the rotating 6 months of chairmanship of the council, which aims to resolve issues within the european union. this or bond expressed hope that blood red zalinski would engage in peace talks with moscow. not the war you are currently living in has a very intense impact on the security of europe. we highly appreciate all the initiatives of presidents of lensky to achieve peace, seen the more i told the president that these initiatives take a lot of time because of the rules of international diplomacy. they are very complicated. i asked the president to think about whether it would be possible to take a slightly different path to cease fire and then continue negotiation. steve we i heard from george, send me while a, a senior research fellow at the global policy institute in budapest. he said, the hon gary in prime minister has long been determined to promote peace
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negotiations between russia and ukraine. a well, he's a goes doing nothing different from what he has been doing really since the south of the circle of special military operations. he has argued repeatedly that this war makes no sense, least of. busy for ukraine, it'll lead to eventually through your grades, complete destruction, but above all, it's also extremely dangerous. in the, there's a growing rate risk that nato and russia will end up in the world war, including nuclear escalation. and of course, it's hurting your up. you can only play with a policy of sanctions, which is also opposed. so in going to give and, and saying, well, why don't you think about a ceasefire? and then we can start negotiations. i think that's consistent with what you said before. the problem is that that's not the position of the ukraine. it's not the
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position of nato, it's not the position of the european union, but position of the us government. there are no takers for what is really an eminently sensible policy. and now to fill its ranks cabins, calling up, convicts 2 or punishments troops on the battlefield due to lack of manpower, according to reports, over 3000. the prisoners have already been mobilized. zalinski signs the launch, recruit inmates in may with ukrainian justice ministry, stating that around $27000.00 convicts could potentially be eligible to ukraine's search for more man. power comes as russia is advancing along the front. moscow says that as forces have now taken control of 3 new areas in the don't ask republicans, they've also made gains in the hard top region as ukrainian troops retreated from the village of step of via nev, as low nova loca, in the south. the russian army now has control as mere noise. in this upper rows of region,
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a senior correspondent reports from the front. along the ukraine's northern border veritable models of drones swell and grew thousands of drew operators and technicians on both sides. bye for security. they watch and track, tail and creek. we think the news is potential great. the we are visiting a drew control station. it is, or it was as always, temporary. these squad is always on the move to avoid detection, especially rece close to the enemy. the so hopefully would cause that's your local news over here, the large settlement and their main strong coal here,
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which we watch everything. vehicle movement, men, power, movement, and watts. if you see a squad run into a house recorded and get our children to target the location and destroy it, i understand that they don't show themselves much. well, everyone wants to live. we also try not to go off much mistakes are punished immediately, nor during munitions on, never, far away. you paid in full is, is often losing ground along the border. have repeatedly tried to counselor's sac. they don't anymore. initial theory would try his luck at tech for positions had on the bicycle. i did a noon, you know, there were 2 tanks, the other runaway 0. they decided to go on the offensive launching and probing attack. and have they tried again since? no, they haven't got quite sure how the troops holding out. then we'll, we'll figure out the pressure you got. so we'd rather push on guard. we're ready to
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push on his come on, but we have our orders were men of the military. we've been ordered to hold the border the, we'd rather push on with pleasure though with the hard copies just there. 60 kilometers from belgrade. what do you want to return to school? oh, we do. it's ours. it's our land. a sense buses, surprise, offensive. earlier this year and kind of give region way above russian forces broke through credit in front lines and captured, swells of territory along the border. ukraine whose marshal tremendous amounts of material results is non power. it, what does it plug its holes as well as and these units, the downside is the now one of the a down range from russian dollar tillery. well, nato is managed to secure billions more and shows and rockets for ukraine. k of
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is running off of the one seeing that the west cons land sell or do needs to its land. so just pace with terrible losses and shows and manpower zalinski has intensified conscription level ukraine, then snatched off the streets and pressed into service. the draft has moved into a campaign of terror. 3 great in men. unwilling to fight in zealand skis more, they are hunted, beat, and violently falls into service. it is a key, assign the ukrainians. the war isn't going well and it is getting worse. the tide of ukrainian men seeking to escape the country because of the group. they
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pay tens of thousands of dollars to guides with new guarantees for jobs to get out of ukraine. but even less on the boards of with europe zalinski, his res bob was senses said druids and patrols notes to keep russia out. but to keep you premiums in wide gas via of a t from be a good each of the, the director of the l chief. a hospital has been freed from and is rarely prison where he was held for 7 months without charged. he was among 50 other released palestinians, doctor mohammed of whose sonia shed light on his treatment, saying he was tortured nearly every day. the rest of me to propagate to their people and their governments that they had arrested the director of al she for hospital. the claim to great treasure was hiding there. our release today indicates
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that there were no charges against us. we were released without any deal or exchange regarding the torture i was subjected to. yes, we were subjected to severe torture. my pinky finger was broken. it still can't move completely. i was hit in the head multiple times, causing bleeding. there was torture on an almost daily basis in these really prisons. however, his new found freedom has stirred controversy in israel as the country's prime minister was quick to call for a pro, calling the decision to release the doctor, a quote, severe mistake. the release of the director of chief a hospital is a serious mistake and a moral failure. this man under whose responsibility our abilities were murdered and held belongs in prison. the decision to release the chief a manager was made without the knowledge of the political echelon or the heads of the organizations. when mohammed loosened me, i'm chief of guns as large as hospital on chief. i was already back home telling
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douglas about his experience and his really jail and heated debate, a rock to denise row on how such a dangerous person, according to these really authorities managed to end up a free man in the midst of the war. the country's national security administer criticized what he called security negligence, blame, and his really intelligence and the military for acting town to the political leadership. the time has come for the prime minister to stop defense minister gallons in the head of the ocean bed from conducting an independent policy. contrary to the position of the cabinet in the government. since last october, the idea of has been accusing how nice of turning out she the hospital inter it's command and control center. a place to launch may solve and direct attacks on israel from as well as to store weapons and ammunition battles and arguments beyond the used to justify its been both meant of civilian infrastructure. the army claimed the hospital gave shelter to hundreds of ham us militants involved in the
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october 7 attacks on israel after they supposedly returns to being played, as well as probably held tide is rarely hostages. as chief on the idea of stated seats on an extensive net of underground tunnels and military base that can be entered through the hospitals, doors. if true they had of the hospital, couldn't have been unaware of this defense minister galandes office was quick to deny any responsibility. the prime minister's office replied, that's natania. who owed it an immediate inquiry, but it was showing that or shove box, these rel security service, which reports directly to the prime minister, at which let the man in question go, as well as around 50 other detainees, including on chief personnel. the service claimed it was to clear a space for others. shouldn't that accuse? bend here is a national security ministry, involve remaining dafter,
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it's calls and threatened to conduct more releases. unfortunately, these requests written an oral which were forwarded to older relevant policies led by the national security administrate, which is responsible for these were of no use on an practice. the number of places of incarceration did not increase in the mind are appropriate to the need without a choice, without an immediate solution to the shortage of places of confinement. a rest will continue to be cancelled, and detainees will continue to be released opposition later is work quick to slammed these radius ortiz for freeing a suspected criminal. the news this morning and the chaos and the government regarding the release of the director of the el cheapo hospital is a direct continuation of the recklessness and this function of these really government, which is causing outrage to the security of israel citizens. the defense minister did not know the national security minister was not involved. there was an exchange of accusations, everything is leaked. this is what moral and functional disintegration looks like.
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was it a mistake or negligence? a devil may care attitude this organization among various branches or perhaps the hospitals chief was not as dangerous as ease. real initially claimed. after returning to gaza, he told journalists that the court never pressed any charges against him. this raises another question beyond what caused the release. why was this man detained in the 1st place? reef an ocean, a r t, resulting from 0. so then we discussed the situation with a former colonel of israel security agency. i mean to us who explained to the decision making behind the so called release list. it shows or has the case and it was of a meeting with the manager position that. busy see that the in the all motion protected you interrogation in portions connected between intelligence. we mishawaka all righty. so maybe they have something to say
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about that, but may and most of the, all the blame we are talking about some of the classes on the some failure is and she is putting the names and this was the names to release it. so even the people that is connected to the ceiling position. so we have a lot of all these things when they she back in position officials to from the so as we can understand, everybody is covering. so at least you know how to do is i'll be going to a situation board as well. well, for my go, some dramatic news coming in from india. more than 18 people have
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a portal. they've been killed in a stampede at a religious events. women and children are said to be among the victims. this occurred at a prayer meeting in the northern district of horace, have minister, under moody, has expressed his condolences to the families of the victims. an investigation is underway, right? do stay with our to international. i'll be back with that much more news in just over half an hour. i'll see you then the to what is part of the employee would post that isn't the deepest view of us and that in the word part is it something deeper,
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more complex might be present there. let's stop without collision. is that spelled out of the as russian states, never as one of the most sense community best to him, then i'll send, send the same assistance to father speedy. what else calls question about this? even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin mission, the state on the russians cruising and split the ortiz full neck, keeping our video agency roughly all the band on youtube tv services. for what question did you say?
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even twist, which is the walk a town in ivory coast is little known outside the region. but for rivalry and the name countries up memories of tragic events that plunge the ones prosperous country until tomorrow, the luncheon broken lives, the country deep in crisis. the cause of the 2 friends. the, anyone with an interest in international affairs may associate what gave with the
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bombing of french power explain. i've orient forcible planes flown by bell or russian medicine royce. the emphasis is specifically on the woods bella, russian, medicine, res of the. the african country has been my head and civil war. at that moment, it was a turning point. this box that triggered the tragedy. the the ivory coast was the jewel, the from says west african call. the nice, rich and abundant natural result is with coffee phenomena and pineapple plantations . cocoa was introduced from south america and going to be exported exclusively to
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france the after gaining independence, the country was turned into a fossa freak showcase on to it's a long time president. felix will say, boy, need to also lead to the countries only a political body. he's a former french minister who ruled for 33 years. the pro front president's death riveted the crisis in the country. the good news is of course they look for the city in north end so that you select plus some the was to move into, but not likely did. did you didn't. you didn't do it. i see it dependable enough. so it kind of sees it, but there's


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