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tv   News  RT  July 2, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm EDT

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conflict lodge on odyssey the protesters plus with police in kenya in for assistant demonstrations despite the government having scrapped a controversial tax bill pushed by the i am asked levels call for president rito a to resign. you the oh, we bought the boy. you get this in front of you to good vanador brush the stories 5, you create in fighter dead in a single strike, while hunger is prime minister visit you have to push blood or zalinski to negotiate for peace. with moscow. i asked the president to think about whether it would be possible to take a slightly different path to cease fire and then continue negotiations. our
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release today indicates that there were no charges against us. there was torture on an almost daily basis in these rarely prisons. in the head of gauze as el cheapo hospital describes 7 months of torture he endured, and it is rarely presumed while he was incarcerated without any charge. the rachel ruble live in moscow. you are watching our t international. we start with, can you classes between place and demonstrators have erupt in the east african nation as people are taking to the streets to demand the resignation of president rita, the place is and tear gas against proud of protesters in the capital, nairobi, and that's despite the country high court having
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a band of the gas and the water cannon and the traders lined up a confidence on the street. and i, robi, and memory of those who died in previous protest rallies have continued even after president. read those decision to scrap a controversial finance bill. it had stipulated tax increases intended to pay off huge debt to the washington based. i am at. my desk is now say the problem is much broader as a soon as the president of corruption and broken promises all the main roads to the presidents, official residents have been blocked with police armored vehicles stationed around the premises. water cannon are on standby in the area and then a heavy security presence. time is also on the rise. the 1st reports coming in of 3 deaths in the coastal city of mombasa. cars have also been set on fire. kenyans say they have no faith in president. retails governments. is the
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no no, we have the list that we can do for every 2 weeks. the board there, do we booked it for you? for us to get to said this, i'm going to read some good luck. you have done, you know, to be a been on drawers. oh my, you will that bar and i do the thing that i thought would be the vin. yeah, we put the the feeds. so have you do, brother? do definitely. did you've a part of your life? just no one thing. the point done. it all i want is a peaceful country where our lead that make our lives and or take or respond to know who you couldn't day and the local journalist kind of some on the report about the crisis. the
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between each the, if it is copied to i may just say you see, move all the way to see if you got the young people from the testing
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to what the thing is that uh because the government div that's part of the western part not to be the $54.00. so what the see the see though, the young people that has noticed that the government to the really who's gonna be doing the good bit to, to get the thing that the cost of that we need to make sure that the people see the contribution. finance people to read the as the most of them, you know as much as this lovely they didn't done. happy lives now must be in the organization automatically said that the company that those are going to make it to
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the government. some of them all of those pages. cbs, cbs, is that by that name to 14, do i have to do? i've seen the go to the government, the, the biggest thing the people to, i mean the only physical needs before to be the distributive. most of them walk little so i, that's been for this all over the p. d on police are using our that we for that they have to use to be faxed to you. but, you know, even though the hypo proved that the police do not use this before on the 15th of april sizing, the government has one domain. you told me that you've made uh, a complete list of what i've seen. i've been witnessing the features of the thing all these these, what are you getting new for that that, that i'm not going to talk about any time. might be the government least as to them
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that the most sweet in the once the government fucking from the president who is one also did we have some assertion in king is recent history. the protest was bought to buy the canyon governments plans to significantly raise taxes to pay off its debt. but the government did a u turn off to things turns deadly. when protesters broke into economy to move rubies and police open fi killings, dozens of people present, brilliant, brutal acts of the time announced that she was listening to the citizens and to the purchase this concerns and was scrapping he's controversial fine in school. he also said that you would instead in seduce budget cuts and or stay with to mrs to try to . so i put the countries sign is if a, let's see chaotic events and one was ethic as major economies. also a key ally to the u. s. have data to questions about the data choking many developing countries in africa and who is to blame for all of that. but this is
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what the present says is the plan for ken, you're going forward. we have dropped the financing piece. yeah. what does that mean? it means we have one box for most of us. it means that this here we have one tomorrow, like to and should be able to run our government from watch. we're seeing this major political move has lost present to the vacuum of the nation and the peace damage kanyes branch all the economy and democracy due to member area this year. the i am, if a good reach an agreement on the disbursement of loans that urge the canyon government to raise its revenue, the government's been decided to transfer the pain. and i mean onto it's people um,
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through tax policies that would 8 into the poorest and can, you know, young king is of no fee to that of the taxes will be used for the benefit even though. and that's why they've shifted the focus to making the coverage administration resign. we heard from kenyan high cor advocate, steven monday. i'm in long long the he said locals are not satisfied with the government because they think it is working, not for them, but rather in the interest of western powers. the this, the reason for today's broadcast is basically in, on all the 59 people walk heated when they were protesting peacefully. i'm for me to getting the message that the government that, that they need not want their proposed finance meeting. i sent it to all passed by the national assembly, and therefore, the protest i or not, of those who died suddenly the corners by a fictional member of the family for the president to resign the finance beat. it was only a symptom of the law. the problems that exist with the government,
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and therefore they're not the right useful even means to do cuz i have to put it into these governments. and especially when a lot of what i've shown on the phone to my desk, all expenditure, ways, government, and one of my doesn't really affect distinctive injury over the country. the people, i think the problem is not in the collection. ok then you but the problem how they've been, he's being spent. we don't want to be changed into one, you know, into the, into one box and not with the i am may have for the but as a nation we want to approximate we own. um, you know, one question of why it's not with us. we've actually is a saturday um, you know, giving us conditions about 35, the employees of the nation. the method by the use of this country is that we should do away with the, i mean, nothing is coming from the eye. it may have the conditions that they imposing when a government in including that one diesel 3 degrees. then the only means that
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you do the 50 vents will be out there, but on the i am, it seems the most. yeah, i'm definitely will still need is a government working for that? it may have always the government watching for the russian forces have destroyed 5 ukrainian fighter jets in a single strike. the c 27th were stationed in ukraine's eastern pull top a region. russia use the scanner, ballistic missiles to conduct the strike, to other aircraft. we're also damage that's according to the russian defense ministry as well. this comes as letter, as well as his office says it has rejected a ceasefire proposal from the hungarian prime minister who travel to cab to share his ideas on how to restore peace. secondary and prime minister said a ceasefire would be a critical step toward a permanent peace deal between russia and ukraine to our bonds. visit came a day after hungry assumed the rotating 6 month of chairmanship of the you council, which aims to resolve issues within the european union or bond expressed hope that the lucy would engage in peace talks with moscow. as you know,
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the war you are currently living and has a very intense impact on the security of europe. we highly appreciate all the initiatives of presidents and lensky to achieve peace seen the more i told the president that these initiatives take a lot of time. because of the rules of international diplomacy, they are very complicated. i asked the president to think about whether it would be possible to take a slightly different path to cease fire and then continue negotiation. steve, we, we heard from george, samuel a, a senior research fellow at the global policy institute in budapest. he said, the hungarian prime minister has long been determined to promote peace negotiations between russia and ukraine, as well as it goes doing but nothing different from what he has been doing really since the south of the circle of special military operations. he has argued repeatedly that this war makes no sense, least of. busy for ukraine,
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it will lead to eventually through your grades, complete destruction, but above all, it's also extremely dangerous. in the, there's a growing rig risk that nato and russia will end up in the world war, including nuclear escalation. and of course, it's hurting your up. you can all make live with it's a policy of sanctions, which is also a pose. so in going to give and, and saying, well, why don't you think about a ceasefire? and then we can start negotiations. i think that's consistent with what he has said before. the problem is that that's not the position of, uh, ukraine is not the position of nato. it's not the position of the european union opposition of the us government. there are no takers for what is really an eminently sensible policy. your credit and authorities have been abducted in man from the streets and sending them to the front lines as the state rams up. it's
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mobilization policy and responses rails. and the same key of has issued a warning saying to us citizens of those countries should avoid traveling to trade, or else they might suffer that fate. we recommend all these writers who have you credit and citizenship to think again on whether they should to visit ukraine at a time of war. if it doesn't, with double citizenship is detained. the embassy one be able to help when it comes to leaving ukraine. if you're is riley, boy, you talk about the, you know, get figure out if you're on the fire or the frying pan, just because you go to your crime, you're going, it snatched up, put on the front lines. if you go back to israel, the pressure has to snatch you up and put you on the front legs. the only difference i guess, is probably better to serve with the is really, you know, one of the as rarely occupation forces. simply because the power of her mos doesn't even begin to approach the kind of military force that russia is
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demonstrating its war inside the tray. you know, how much doesn't have their power. it doesn't have to, you know, hypersonic missiles, it doesn't have ample supplies of artillery. it doesn't have tags. whereas if you, if you're thrown into the front lines of, uh, any trench and you cry, and once you've created forces, at a minimum, you're going to be eating a drone within 24 hours. so the odds are surviving for these new recruits is extremely low. if you're military age and you just because you holding this rarely passport doesn't mean you're gonna get a free pass out of the country at all. you know, i think it's uh, you know, highly likely that they will be kept in country and put it into the front brakes. so there's nothing democratic nor free about ukraine at the present time. and the zaleski is a symptom of the illness that afflicts you crying and now to sell its rays. kev is
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calling up the convicts to replenish his troops on the battlefield, due to lack of manpower, according to reports, over 3000. the prisoners have already been mobilized, zaleski signed to the law to recruit inmates in may with the ukrainian justice ministry, stating that around $27000.00. the convicts could potentially be eligible your crimes search for more man power comes as russia is advancing along the front. moscow says it's a forces have now taken control of 3 new areas in the don't ask republic. they've also made gains in the heart coverage. and as you create in troops retreated from the village of step avaya, nova zillow's cup. in the south of the russian army, now has control of your noise. in this upper rose or region are senior correspondent, reports from the front alarm, ukraine's move in boy, the very to boot models of drones swell and grew
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thousands of drew operators and technicians on both sides. bye for security. they want should track peo and creek. we think the news is potential grey. the we are visiting a drew control station. it is, or it was as always, temporary. these squad is always on the move to avoid detection, especially rece close to the enemy. this so hopefully will cause i shall open these over here, the large settlement and their main strong coal. here we watch everything, vehicle movement, men, power, movement, and watts. if you see a squad run into a house recorded and get our children to target the location and destroy, i understand that they don't show themselves much. well,
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everyone wants to live. we also try not to go off much mistakes, are punished immediately, nor during munitions on, never, far away. you paid in full is, is often losing ground along the board to have repeatedly tried to couch with zach . they don't any more additional to really try his luck, etc. positions had on the bicycle. i did a noon, you know, there are 2 things. the other run waynesville or see them and they decided to go on the offensive launching and probing attack. and have they tried again since? no, they haven't got clips you up with our the troops holding up, then we'll, we'll figure out the pressure you got. so we'd rather push on guard, we're ready to push on his come on, but we have our orders were men of the military. we've been ordered to hold the border the, we'd rather push on with pleasure and over some hard copies just there. 60
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kilometers from belgrade, so i need to verify the lowest. do you want to return at school? oh, we do. it's ours. it's our land. since russell's surprise offensive, earlier this year, and kind of give region way above russian forces broke through credit in front lines and captured as well as of territory along the border. ukraine who's marshal tremendous amounts of material resources, non power it, what does it plug? it's holes as well as a lead units. the downside is the now one of the a down range from russia. not hillary. well need to is manage to secure billions more and shows and rockets for ukraine. k of is running off of the one thing that the west con, land sell or do needs to its man. so just pace with terrible losses in schools and manpower. zalinski has intensified conscription,
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low, but ukraine then snatched off the streets and pressed into service. the draft has moved into a campaign of terror, prepaid the men unwilling to type in zealand skis more. they are 100 beaten and violently falls into service. it is a key, a son who ukrainians, the war isn't going well and it is getting worse. the tide of ukrainian men seeking to escape the country because of the grown, they pay tens of thousands of dollars to guides with new guarantees for jobs to get out of ukraine. but even less on the border with europe, zalinski, his res bob wad fences said druids and patrols notes to keep
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russia out. but to keep you premiums in wide gas b a r t from bill. good. each of the no, it's a dramatic news from india where more than 100 people have reported they've been killed in a stampede out of religious events. women and children are said to be among the victims. more than 150100 people were hospitalized authorities, fear the death toll will continue to rise. the stampede happened at a prayer meeting and the northern province of other pradesh reports say over crowding. amid the sweltering sheets lead to the tragedy administrator in the remote, he has expressed his condolences to the families of the victims and investigation is underway. the director of elsie for hospital has been freed from it is rarely present. right. he was held for 7 months without charged. he was among 50 other released palestinians. doctor mohammed boost on the shed
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light on his treatment saying he was tortured nearly every day. they arrested me to propagate to their people and their governments that they had arrested the director of al she for hospital. the claim to great treasure was hiding their hour released today indicates that there were no charges against us. we were released without any deal or exchange regarding the torture i was subjected to. yes, we were subjected to severe torture. my pinky finger was broken. it still can't move completely. i was hit and the head multiple times, causing bleeding. there was torture on an almost daily basis in these really prisons, however, is new found freedom has stirred the controversy in israel as the country's prime minister was kicked quick to call for a pro, calling the decision to release the dr. a. quote, severe mistake of the release of the director of chief a hospital is
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a serious mistake and a moral failure. this man under whose responsibility our abilities were murdered and held belongs in prison. the decision to release the chief a manager was made without the knowledge of the political echelon or the heads of the organizations. when mohammed loosened me, i'm chief of guns as large as hospital on chief. i was already back home telling douglas about his experience and it was really jail. and he did debate a rock, denise row on how such a dangerous person, according to these really authorities managed to end up a free man in the midst of the more the countries national security administer criticized what he called security negligence. blame and is really intelligence and the military for acting counters to the political leadership. the time has come for the prime minister to stop defense minister gallons in the head of the ocean bed from conducting an independent policy. contrary to the position of the cabinet in the government since last october,
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the idea of has been accusing her loss of turning on she the hospital inter it's command and control center. a place to launch may solve and direct attacks on israel from, as well as to store weapons and ammunition battles and arguments the on the used to justify its been both meant of civilian infrastructure. the army claimed the hospital gave shelter to hundreds of chemists militants involved in the october 7 attacks on israel after they supposedly returned to being played, as well as probably held tide is rarely hostages. as chief on the idea of stated seats on an extensive net of underground tunnels and military base that can be entered through the hospitals, doors. if true, they had of the hospital, couldn't tapping unaware of this defense minister galandes office was quick to deny any responsibility. the prime minister's office replied, that's natania, who owed it an immediate inquiry, but it was showing that or shove box,
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these rel security service, which reports directly to the prime minister at which let the man in question go, as well as around 50 other detainees, including i'm chief personnel, the service claimed it was to clear a space for others. shouldn't that accuse? bend? here is a national security ministry impulse remaining dafter. it's calls and threatened to conduct more releases. unfortunately, these requests written an oral which were forwarded to older relevant policies led by the national security administrate, which is responsible for this were of no use on an practice. the number of places of incarceration did not increase and the monitor appropriate to the need without a choice without an immediate solution to the shortage of places of confinement arrest will continue to be cancelled, and detainees will continue to be released opposition later is work quick to slammed these rating authorities for freeing a suspected criminal. the news this morning and the chaos and the government
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regarding the release of the director of the el cheapo hospital is a direct continuation of the recklessness and dysfunction of these really government. which is causing outrage to the security of israel citizens. the defense minister did not know the national security minister was not involved. there was an exchange of accusations, everything is leaked. this is what moral and functional disintegration looks like. was it a mistake or negligence? a devil may care attitude this organization among various branches or perhaps the hospitals chief was not as dangerous as ease real, initially claimed. after returning to guys, i had told journalists that the court never pressed any charges against him. this raises another question beyond what caused the release. why was this man detained in the 1st place? reef an ocean, a r t resulting from general so that we discussed the situation with a former colonel of israel's security agency. i made us uh,
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who explained to the decision making behind the so called a release list. as soon as the case was meeting with the manager. busy in the all new mission dr. call righty. so maybe they have something to say about that, but may most of the blame we are talking about some clashes on something here is an issue with the name and this was the name to release it. so even if people that is connected so they shouldn't bad position
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patients due to that. so as we can understand, everybody is covering so at least you know how to do is i'll be going to a situation board as well. all right, well that is going to do it for me for now, but do stay with us. my colleague, michael paci will be in next in about half an hour. with more news. the the we must face the simple truth to protect
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americans of the land that welcomes immigrants must 1st secure the border and secure it now. but just like beauty is in the eye of the beholder. what defines border security depends on the politician talking about it. however, with the election of claudia, shine balm as the new president of mexico. will the former un climate scientist, the more focused on the environment in the future, or the present crisis happening at their north and southern border? i'm sky no use and this is perspective the president joe biden is finally taking action on the record breaking a legal border crossings. however, not everyone is happy with visual chooses not to use our legal pathways. they choose to come without permission and against the law. that'll be restricted from
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receiving an asylum, and staying in the united states abiding receive criticism from both republicans and democrats. as the white house announced a new executive order that will basically cut it by allowing 2500 a legal immigrants into united states every day. but in a hot mike, a moment sooner joanie aren't so failed. not all republicans believe biden's new board or policy will solve the crisis. a lot of the demands is all over well, the average number of illegal daily border crossings remained above 4000 in april and for months, republicans including house speaker mike johnson and former president donald trump had came on bite and to use executive authority to close the border in response to biden's executive order d z o u, it's doing biden for implementing the same asylum band as truck but by.


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