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tv   News  RT  July 2, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EDT

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are going underground as the protest as classic believes in 10 years. because this then demonstration, despite the government having scraps of controversial build that's pushed by the i am at the local is called for president rudo to resign. we've worked good for you. good, good luck. you had to be a bit of drawers. i was like i used to belong sion prize of inputs and vessel systems on the higher lodge. a lot of the countries toward the siding is to right from the grade, and that's as hungary, as the prime minister visits pulled on. the lot them is the last key to negotiate with the case with mazda. by ask the president to think about whether it would be
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possible to take a slightly different path to cease fire. and then continue. negotiations. are tragic news from india where more than a 100 people had been killed and the deputy stump. p religious event. the but this is our team to national reaching you live from a new center in moscow. i am michael watching. now we stopped. we can yeah. flag crashes between please and demonstrate as of a rupture in the east african nation as people are taking to the streets to deny the resignation of president router. the now please use secure gas against the crowds of protest as in the capital never be invested despite the country is high quote. having banned the use of tear gas and water kind of
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demonstrators lined up coffins on this street in my ruby in memory of. ready those who died and the previous protests other riley's of continued even after president router's decision to scrap of controversial finance bill that you had stipulated tax increases intended to pay off huge. that's through the washington base. i m. s a protest as now say that the problem is much more broader as the accuser, president of corruption and broken promises are now all the main roads to the presidents. the official residents had been blocked with the police of vehicles stationed out around the premises. what a cannon are on this done by the area i made a heavy security presence. crime is also on the rise with us reports coming in all 3 debts in the coastal city of non bossa. cause have also been set on fire the canyon and say that they have no faith in president router's government.
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the. no, no, we have the lives of course we can do the legal research board or do we book it for you for us to get to said this, i'm going to be too good. but you are turning out to be open and draws all my you will that bar and i do the your thing. but i think because we're, let's look for the vin. yeah, that's we put the, the feeds. so have you do both are good. definitely. did you put your life just no, i'm doing well, i mean to, you want to be there, but we've done it. all i want is a peaceful country where our lead that make our lives in the r t curse. but in the wto can get on local john, liz kenneth's a monday reported about the crisis as well. so what we would disobey the copy to
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see, to you these protests of the young people down, people who uh, mediately quoting themselves. uh jim these, um, so they have heated the street today either the city of and it will be and uh, we'll see a lot of new content. so need to see 2 young people protesting against the government . so the people who are on the street today, they're saying that the prison, so we have moodle mazda goals, and with that, with the, these cabinets secretaries and people helping him in the ending these comments. and again, young people out so decrying that the model people have lost their lives have never, not seen the president being the most for the, for the number of people that have been lost, their lives. the significance i do in addition about the human rights bodies. how would it be quoted that hold on to name people i've, i've lost their lives and i know many people have been even to day my number of people. i've been ange, indeed, as a kid, show me the uh, but to is that i mean, but does, between the police on the street and so,
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of protesting against the government. the, this is one of the deadliest demonstration in king is reese of history. the protest, worst ball to buy the canyon government's plans to significantly raise taxes to pay off the state. but the government did a u turn off to things change did lead when protest is broke into economy can never be. and i'm police open size killings, dozens of people present william,
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brutal at the time, and on such was listening to the citizens and to the purchase this concerns and was scrapping he's controversial fine in school. he also said that you would instead introduce budget cuts and or stay with t, mrs to try to. so i put the countries fine is but the chaotic events and one of epic has major economies. also a key ally to the you is to have data to questions about the data choking many developing countries in africa and who is to blame for all of that. but this is what the present says is the plan for kenya. point forward. we haven't dropped the finance yeah. what does that mean? it means we have one box for most of the means that this here we're going to model seem
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to be able to run our government problem watch. we're seeing the estimates of political move has lost present to the backing of the nation and the peace damage kenya's grandchild economy and democracy. did you remember earlier this year the i am, if it did reach an agreement on the disbursement of loans that urge the canyon government to raise its revenue, the government's been decided to transfer the pain. and i mean on to it's people through tax policies that would age into the poor wisdom. can you know young canyons have no faith to that a via taxes will be used for the benefit anymore. and that's why they've shifted the focus to making the coverage administration design. now we've heard from canyon the high court advocates even the moon d. i'm one key. he said locals are dissatisfied with the government because they think it is working, not for them, but rather than the interest of western pallets the this,
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the reason for today's broadcast is basically even on all the 59 people walk heated when they were protesting peacefully. i'm communicating the message with the government that they did not want the proposed finance be offended to all passed by the national assembly. and therefore, the protest i or not all those who died. suddenly the corners by a fictional member of the family for the president to resign, the finance bureau is only a symptom of the law, the problems that exist with the government. and therefore, they're not the right useful even means to do to that you put it into government. and especially when a lot of what i've shown on the phone to my desk, all expenditure, ways, government, and one of my doesn't really affect is it you've injury over the country, the people i think the problem is not in the next one. ok. the new but the problem how they've been is being spent. we don't want to be changed into one, you know,
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into the, into one box and the i may have for that one to buy as a nation. we want to buy to know we own. um, you know, one question of why it's not with us we've, i've seen is a saturday um, you know, giving us conditions about 3 by the employees, the nice the method to buy. they used to abuse country q that we should do away with the, i mean, nothing is coming from the eye. it may have the conditions that they imposing when our government, in including that one diesel green agrees that if any collect the only means that you do the cdns will be either. but i'm, i'm the, i am, it seems the most. okay. yeah, i'm definitely listed on these on government working for the i may have always the government watching for the people and to bella ruse. now. what president alexander lucas sango has put to mess all systems on high a lot fighting threats coming from bordering. can't you train lucas ankle ones like him? is the last key not to play games, which could have serious about cautions?
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look, yeah. what's the name? and that's for goodness. we recently bought a gods in the military, hoping, intercepting dozens of recognizance vehicles, especially drones already on our territory. what i want to make it clear that we will defend ourselves against these drones wherever they are intended for me. i would ask ukrainians not to mess around, not to mess with fire. it's very dangerous around. so is that the border guards have been moved to height and security of the state border. the air force and air defense forces of both our country and russia. i mean on high alert through full cooperation polonaise, and this kind of missile systems may have been placed in a low position, but blah, blah, them is the last key is office savvy, has rejected the sci fi proposal from the hong area and from minnesota. would travel to key up to she is ideas on how to restore peace out of hunger and from minutes to set the ceasefire would be a critical step towards the permanent peace. a peace deal between russia and
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ukraine. his visit came a day off to hungary. i assume the irritating 6 month chapman ship of the cancel, which items to resolve issues within the european union. a bond express health, a lot of them use it as key with engaging peace folks with moscow. this is the no, the war you are currently living in has a very intense impact on the security of europe. we highly appreciate all the initiatives of presidents and lensky to achieve peace, seen the more i told the president that these initiatives take a lot of time because of the rules of international diplomacy. they are very complicated. i asked the president to think about whether it would be possible to take a slightly different path to cease fire and then continue negotiation. steve, we are ukranian authorities have been adopting men from the streets and sending them to the front lines of the state rounds up. it's mobilization policy that
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you're in, respond to these roles, embassy and key f, as issued a warning, saying your citizens of those countries should avoid traveling to drain or else the might stop by the same fate. we recommend all these writers who have you credit citizenship to think again on whether they should to visit ukraine at a time of war. if it doesn't, with double citizenship is detained. the embassy won't be able to help when it comes to leaving ukraine. if you're is riley, boy you talk about, you know, can't figure out if you're on the fire or the frying pan. because you go to ukraine, you're getting it snatched up, put on the front lines. if you go back to israel, the pressure is to snatch you up and put you on the front legs. the only difference, i guess, is probably better to serve with the is really, you know, one of the israeli occupation forces, simply because the power of her mos doesn't even begin to approach the
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kind of military force that russia is demonstrating. and it's war insides. you try, you know, how much doesn't have their power. it doesn't have to, you know, hypersonic missiles, it doesn't have ample supplies of artillery. it doesn't have tags. whereas if you, if you're thrown into the front lines of any trench and you cry and want to be crated forces, at a minimum, you're going to be eating a drone within 24 hours. so the odds are surviving for these new recruits is extremely low. if you're military age and you just because you holding this rarely passport doesn't mean you're gonna get a free pass out of the country at all. you know, i think it's uh, you know, highly likely that they will be kept in country and put it into the front ranks. so there's nothing democratic nor free is about to ukraine at the present time. and the zaleski is a symptom of the illness that afflicts ukraine. and shocking news from india
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who are more than 100 people have reported the being killed and the stump. p religious event, with women and children, set to be among the victims. more than $150.00 injured people are in the hospitals and authorities fee of the death toll could rise, corresponded wondering shop, gave us more information about what happened, a wanting the images and the report. a disturbing is very, very tragic news coming in a from india. now this incidents took place in the novel and state of far for the town hall officer office is about 200 dollars kilometers from the national capital buildings. deborah, 100 over a 100 people who are dead. this has been confirmed 5. see now, district officials, there are several injured while being treated in stage one hospitals nearby. in fact, the victims have been taken to these hospitals for both treatments, but also a topsy. and this is
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a rather tragic because we're seeing that the hospitals around with the incidents to police are also now guessing, well and let me point out here. the reason why these tragedy to please uh is, is being said would be all well crowded. so let me just bring the scenario for you . this is about 50000 people, you know, wrong. this is for a religious congregation, all organized by a lot of a self styled bought man. so these were essentially devotees, around $50000.00 of them would gather then towards the end of it when we saw there was a bit of a scuffle as the with the not very good it's, it's, it's been v to med uh, its been a much so much uh so in this particular situation, diesel or stampeded that sort of broke out. and oh, for some after that we saw in this crazy commotion as it at least
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100 people say lives as number of via the rise. um, uh, this is engine back to based on early evening in that time. uh uh, but this, this entire night to go uh, the data people still running has those scheduled as a compensation, which has been announced for the families and those last dots. they loved ones around $2300.00 for the ones that you all say lies for their families. so it is a very, very flag used coming in from india. but let me, let me find out. yeah, there are lots of questions being raised now. this particular wrong way, this religious congregation was organized. they were only about 70 or nice, close enough on the grounds. that's what no boss is suggesting. 70 lease personnel for the crowd of $50000.00 people a sol. how was an event like this old devised power?
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the permissions given where the boxes really stop. so more questions than answers and this points into the middle east. now, as israel ordered residents of the solving together set to your con, units to evacuate, the us state department, deputies books bus. and it was questioned by reported that on pots outside the bucket ration is appropriate for security reasons. despite washington, the opposing the permanent displacement of guidance when it comes to one of our t, a tenants of this conflict, the secretary was very clear in tokyo that there can be no permanent displacement of, of guys. and of course, over the course of this military operation that the idea is conducting and i will let them speak to a specific logistical parameters as those operations are being conducted. it is of course, pertinent that civilians and non milton to be asked to appropriately
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evacuate for safety concerns. but again, these are all logistical parameters that the idea of can speak to. now this is the reality of displacement on the ground, palestinian boy sleeping in the streets that following these ready order. the european hospital even con units also began about 218 patients. that with the idea of saying they have no intention of evacuating patients and medical staff personnel say the hospital is in danger. and employee will be un office for the coordination of humanitarian affairs in gaza. shed light on the displacement of palestinians, and again, great. it's so hard to understand force displacement sometimes. but imagine one evening receiving an evacuation order. you have 10 to 15 minutes to leave your building because it's going to be boned. your kids are sleeping in the
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room next door. you wake them up, they wind probably and you have to make split 2nd decisions to decide what to pack, what's essential, and how do you define essential. so you take one last look at the roof and you say permanent good by because you know it will be dust your model of the while a video obtained by algae 0 news channel reportedly shows a president who appears to have been forced to put on military clothing and roaming among, destroyed houses, all the foot that shows an almost naked protest in boy forest. just such during the building. footage also apparently shows a policy in mind being set into a tunnel in from, from the, in front of these ready ami, the leader of the palestinian national initiative. that doctor most definitely would be highlighted. but israel has a long history of using palestinians as human shoes. this means that i'm using what is going to use as human shields is not you didn't. and the 2nd thing to
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forego this thing, guys out there didn't $10.00 to bank with new tires and, and get into the site to understand eugene. and then there's, he won't start on the streets using this in just man as a human. she's knowing that the images are even modifying because they're pushing for people to learn to turn those. i've started dressing them and is the opposite side. and, and this way they know that if somebody wouldn't be something couldn't be tough. i was thinking they use the 1970 with really important that sort of the things that are the um yeah. does that any sports person as nothing you know the but i'm gonna just keep flight clemens themselves using themselves as you mentioned in my opening and this is one of the cities and also the voice, the relations of the human rights. but does it have goes on and the company is good
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to get somebody, please me, a comment on the claim in the notes i would say by the americans folks this and who is just justified. there's really actually isn't included in the positions because the people who wouldn't be effective today instead of doing this on some of them out of my sense mike weeks have been already moved out to their homes 6 times. this is unbelievable. the life of dozens of guns now is absolutely miserable. people have no food. they don't have water. they don't have a good. it says there's no time. they don't have anything. do you like me to kind of care today like medications they like a place to stay? this is a terrible crime of continuous ethnic cleansing, not once, not twice, not 3 times, but not about 6 times. now, in addition to the human side that there's an idea i'm, is commenting. it's those crime and mother misty,
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their license dues. i'm but them and money was the governments about this impulse and disturbing or to try not to keep the desire hayes to ensure peace in syria and make it safe and secure. that's the message from president ad on who called for reconciliation. i made report solve, rep, or small with the ask us follow up be valid on rest. the grid to turkish and rebel held parts of syria. a suit in, in, in the design more than anyone else for syria to become a safe and secure place for the millions who were forced to leave the homes of just the soonest. such an environment is achieved, the bad to, to will be for everyone, especially the see room people we're concerned with expanding the common to ground rather than deepening divisions. just as in domestic politics. okay. well believe there is a great benefit in opening, clenched fists in foreign policy as well that for if it is necessary to meet and
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talk with someone as we did in the past, will not refrain from doing so again. not for more on this less cross live to our to corresponded yesterday can joining us right now. yes. and what do we know about the situation so far? to mike over the weekend, protests have interrupted in northern syria. these are areas that are currently under control by one way or another to factor by the turkish military. and these protests essentially oregon's turkish forces, turkish organizations, any church nationals, even vehicles were a part of those protests for the most part. however, it appears that security forces, whether that's turkish forces or rebel groups. they essentially quote the uprising, buying those that were protesting the turkish stance with respect to its position in syria. but what we're looking at right now is of course, a general sense of rage by those in northern syria. this is an area that shot or
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less of the syrian present. it has no control over. it is currently under the control of turkish forces. and what makes this significant, this timing particularly, is because it appears that the truck is presidents, ridge up side or the one is interested in negotiating. or at least the prospect's of reproach meant between on correct and damascus. we understand over the years that have in many attempts made by 2 to russia as well as iran to ensure that cease fires. we're essentially established and upheld and negotiate in process these were initiated. but over the use of course, one thing fell and it essentially failed. and what we're looking at right now is of course an important development with respect to what's happening right now. we understand that over the years, the church government essentially by way of moscow and the wrong, essentially agreed with damascus that it would ensure safe passage from different parts of syria to those territories in the north controlled by turkish forces. and in response for, of course age and looking after those fighters under families within those regions
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. but what we're looking at right now is of course we're looking at a number of important factors, especially when we take into consideration discuss, i'm kind of has the sense that long damascus has, uh, before the most part, despite the politics and the rhetoric, it seems that those living in those areas in the north of the country, like to have some fears and among those of course persecution because let's just share quickly lender years to what they upset. they use syrians to collect donations from europe. and when the european support stops, they started deporting serious printer to nature k, as co ordinating with the oscillators and opening the eyeballs in crossing. we do not want this crossing to be open to satisfy the people escaped from the oppression of a shar all assad, but only to find the oppression into p a. and from its races, people, we are here to avenge our syrian president and will not allow anyone to practice their racism against them. we participated in the demonstration for several reasons . the 1st reason is what's happened to our serial brothers until to you yesterday.
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and the other reason is the opening of the of wealth and dean crossing, which will lead to the complete end of the syrian revolution. over the course of the last few days, there had been events in search as well. there's a city within central anatolia, the city of kaiser, which essentially saw witness to an event which led to outraged by turkish nationals, allegedly, a, syria national amend abused a young girl. and that led to out rest and protest by many nationals within the country. and over the course of that time, of course, the interior sort of the ministry of interior affairs of $22.00 centuries stated that hundreds have been arrested as a result of these protests, these and to see how we can protest. but what makes this more important is of course, the general unrest into 2 and that of syria seems to tie back to one thing on the surface president during his address to the nation. so that time and time again, the number of under the number of important factors that he stated were essentially turkish governments until it does not have any interest in gaining territorial
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gains from syria that it will respect its soil. but more broadly that it will respect the serial sovereignty. and this was the talking points by syrian president bush or all of us that we understand that over the past few years, the prospect of reproach meant had been discussed and negotiated. and it appears that only now over the course of the last few weeks is incorrect and domestic, more vocal about it. and of course, with everything taking into consideration that was one of the fundamental points that bush auto less i've made, that the syrian government will not be interested in to go shooting until the situation of turkish forces in the north of the country are addressed. and in this address, the church present essentially stated that it is high time that we negotiate, that we come to some sort of a conclusion that can benefit everyone within the region. and as much as the governments in on color and damascus suggests that reproach me is on the table. those within the syrian territories in the north areas that show less that does not have control over or worried about their future and their fate. but if one thing is certain that the talks over the course, the last few weeks have for the most part,
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been instigated by the events the surrounding gaza. and israel and the church present essentially to highlight it as much as saying is that it's, it's important to ensure that the stability of the greater middle east is established. ensuring that the outrage, the conflict doesn't escalate and spill over to region. and countries like serial like iraq, like living on, as well as jordan, but more importantly the church present it says to to you is among those countries a ride. yes. and it can r t corresponding and thank you for bringing us up to speed there. and that's the update this time a see you again with more stories at the top of yeah. so you again the the,
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what is part of the, the employee would post good, isn't the defense, you wasn't bidding the word or is it something deeper, more complex might be present? good. let's stop without teachers. let's go products the of the
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. 2 the do it through the beautiful. 0 tools or you just give them the sure stuff to go. i still have to meet you the see the start of the homework. it's literally just to look the national so get plenty of suicide. that gives us a move from the blue screen.


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