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tv   Direct Impact  RT  July 2, 2024 3:30pm-4:00pm EDT

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seems congressional district election. thank you so much for your time and insight . thank you. now the capital of cosmic that is hosting a summit for the sockeye corporation organization. the heads of states cancel the security organization which college the consist of 9 countries is set to welcome bella rose into it's group of the leaders of the european countries will discuss the regional and international listen cube with the issues as well as the prospects of multilateral cooperation are these don't all quote uh brings us more on the upcoming summit from us. donna, the 24 summit of the shanghai cooperation organization is about to kick off here in the hospital with officials from 16 different countries coming here to discuss multi polar cooperation. vladimir putin already has a number of bilateral meetings lined up and she's in pain. wrote an article in the run up to this momentous event for shadowing new horizons and multi polar
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universally beneficial cooperation. we trying these believe that in every challenge lies and opportunity and the challenges and opportunities are interchangeable. we need to foster new opportunities, so mid crises and open up new horizons on the shifting landscape. we will work together to build an equal and orderly multi polar world. promote universally beneficial and inclusive economic globalization, and bring about more positivity, uncertainty to world peace and stability. china as president placed a special emphasis on further developing his country centuries old friendship with the host nation of patrick staff for as part presidents a guy of wrote that middle powers like his nation, are playing a vital part in ensuring international peace and stability in a world where the traditional power houses are increasingly at each other's throats, submits this global disco, the traditional power houses, the world's economic and political behemoths, are increasingly unable to work together against this backdrop middle powers,
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like catholics, donna much is pivots who plays with growing capacities to ensure greatest ability piece and development in the regions and beyond. in terms of other attending powers . india is delegations being led by new del use, external affairs minister, while prime minister and around remote e is rumored to attend remotely. val roots is also set to expands the membership of the shanghai cooperation organization by becoming the organizations tend to member state and turkish present. the other one is here to represent the tank roof as an observer. so key is actually express great interest in becoming a full member of the shanghai cooperation organization. something that's raise a lot of concerns in the west regarding the exclusivity of turkey as membership in nato. no doubt this is going to garner a lot of attention in the west and around the world along with the rest of the aspirations of the ceo's member states. and observers, in terms of further integrating with the multi polar world, donald porter,
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r t asked on the right, you can get for the details of all the stories are following with r t dot com. i'll be right back again. that's up. i'll be out. see you again the hi everybody. i'm rick sanchez. this is direct impact. and this is what we're going to be talking about. and i'm going to continue to move until we get to totally band on the to do the total initiative relative to what we can do with more border patrol and more asylum off the truck. i really don't know what he says. the end of this is, i don't think he knows what he said, either donald trump basically says what the whole world seemed to be thinking. as they watched a us president stumble, mumble his way through one of the worst performances and us political history
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painful. now what i'm rick sanchez, this is direct impact. the, interestingly enough, i want to start to show by talking about my dad. and when my dad got to be in to his eighty's like our president, he lost his ability to do many things that he used to. so me and my brothers got together and did what we thought was the responsible thing to make sure that he didn't humiliate themselves and make sure that he didn't barest himself or hurt himself. for example, we took away the keys to his car. it was an easy but you know what it was necessary . but this, this is my dad show you a picture of him. you see him right. there is him into his eighty's and my son's graduation with my wife and my mom and the rest of our kids. and as you can see,
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my dad is holding a came that i remember i had bought him at walgreens, which he also did not want to use. his thought, he said he would be embarrassed to use it. people would think less of a just like he didn't want to stop driving, but i told him he had to. but we were eventually able to convince him that this was for his own good. we set dad. now if we could, let's contrast this to joe by and the decisions that are being made by the people around him, which actually all began when his family, his party, his advisors chose to cancel the primaries. so that way he could have no competition and no face to face time with the media or the public for that matter. you see here in the united states, primaries are an essential part of the presidential selection process. it's how the voters get to choose who will represent each party as that parties candidate, not this year. sure, it was cancelled. can you imagine anything more on democratic than that cancelling
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an election essentially. then, with mr. biden formally in place selected, not elected. some of us start to notice that he's looking horribly feeble, and i'm looking old. so we sense so. right, right. but we did it right here on the show. i'm gonna let you see that again. but he seems confused. almost seems like he's kind of, i mean like he's losing it. i'll give you some examples. look at this. this is the president at the g 7 summit watching a power shooting exhibition. it appears to just now watch, keep watching, watch 5, and on the right side of your screen. and as you watch him, you're going to see that he just, he just wonder why. he just starts walking away. nobody knows why. finally the a time prime minister watch, she goes and grabs them. that's maloney. she goes over and grabs them and brings them, but she's like his granddaughter say grandpa get over here. yeah,
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grandpa get over here. well, what when we did that? the media and the president's advisors of it kills me and others i'm lying to you is that we were simply selecting his bad moments that that was a state video. they called it. and now this making sure that we're able to make every single solitary person eligible for what i've been able to do with the, with the coven, i should be with dealing with every day we have to do with work. if we finally be medicare and i'm going to continue to move until we get to total ban on the to do the total initiative relative to what we're going to do with more border patrol and more asylum of present drunk. i really don't know what he said at the end of this is i don't think he knows what he said either. oh, wow. that's tough. okay. i mean, there was for the whole world to see and they did
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a president who could barely put a sentence together that made any sense. i me bring in my partner here in manila, she's standing by, she saw this as well. and, and as we get into this a couple of more videos, minute what, let's do you what i stay here. but let's, let's look at these videos together. here is the president coming out on stage for the very 1st time? i mean, i don't know what you thought when you watch it, but i thought a look at that. mean, what do you think? and at that point, as you're watching him come out on stage, the actual wreck. i mean, how many times do we have to say it? he's, he's just physically and mentally not capable of taking care of himself . it would appear much less the rest of this country. and rick to say that the debates, stoke panic among democratic circles, i think would be an understatement. i mean 1st to the critics who say that that we
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are being a just, i would say it has nothing to do with, with po, to says chronological age because there are plenty to try 80, some things out there. but he, he, and one of the one is not being, not being a just is also demonstrated in the week pulling numbers of his vice president commer harris as well. i mean, she's young, she's vibrant, even good looking. but nobody thinks there she can do the job of po this either. here's another video by the way. i just found this one this morning as i was getting ready to prepare the show. here's the president getting off the stage. nobody seen this one. forbes had this, here's the president going off the stage. now, this is interesting. his wife comes out and pretends he did a fabulous job when she's of course acting. she knows he didn't. there's president trump walking off the stage, you know, like mr. mr. grumbly old man is himself but, but obviously a guy who was able to keep it together and have a cogent conversation. but now watch this. let's look at him. what he's got to take
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one step, one step. and this is like tortures for him. i mean, you know, there you go. it's, it's, it's the whole thing from beginning to end was top to what, how tough to watch. and there is shaking hands. by the way, let's talk about this too. now you're not the media and the many democrats, the ones who said we were lying, the ones that we weren't lying to you are now having to admit what has become painfully obvious. i mean, it's that it's quite to allow this president to continue in office for 4 more years here. here's a synopsis of this. take a look if you more see any turned in a performance like that. with any corporation in america, any fortune 500 corporation america. keep him on a c,
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e o. we saw last night. why this race has been close? and why? i fear donald trump will be the next president the united states. unless things change, he didn't do well at all. the you did not do well at all, and we're still far from our convention. and there is time for this party to figure out a different way forward if he will allow us to do that. it kind of pains me to save us today, but i think president biden needs to step down and be replacing and there is a conversation happening inside by the circle and certainly a much more frank conversation happening is i have a different kind of coalition conversations, range from whether he should be in this race tomorrow morning to what was wrong with him. maybe he needs to go. maybe he needs to be honest with himself and, and the american people. he can bell out at this time with grace and dignity has a record. he can be proud of, he believes that he is the only person that can do it. the problem is after tonight,
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party doesn't believe that that was right after the debate, where it seemed even the media, the top democrats, had to admit that, pardon the pun here, but that joe must go. but wait, not so fast, because already now his advisors are reaching out to their buddies all in the media to say, oh he just had a cold. he over prepared. he was fine the next day you just had to see him. so why are they doing that? do they just want to keep their jobs or do they need him an office because that way they can completely control him or is it because he just won't step down your take manila? why are they doing this? or look, read those talks are confirmed to be happening by various members of congress. but getting rid of jo may not be that simple. and here's why. based on the d and c's
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own party rules set forth by the party. the rules say that nobody can force the nominate out, the nominee must choose to step aside on his or her own volition. although we should know that the that, that bite and isn't even technically the party nominee. yet at this point, either dnc rules say that the person was 1st when the primaries, which joe biden has has done securing roughly 99 percent of the votes. in most us states and territories. then they have just a tier the nomination by getting the majority of both at the convention from the superdelegates. that's article 2 sections, 3 of the dnc charter and bylaws. and now there are $700.00 of those superdelegates the party provides if you will. and all that has to happen at the democratic convention, in this case happening august 19th in chicago, where then, and only then in joe biden or,
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or whoever can become the official nominee. so right now, technically speaking, joe biden isn't even officially the democratic party nominated. so they have time to pony up a new face if that's what they're choosing, but they got to convince by didn't himself, but he's got to quit. right? pardon me for being a contrarian, but uh, technically speaking they were supposed to have a primary to. if they want to do something, they'll find a way to do it. and damn be the laws for their regulations. at least that's how i see it at this point. by the way, speaking of stories that we could call, we told you so uh, another top, wasted leader appears to be going down in flames. politically. take a look at these pictures. this is from france over the weekend. look at this. so those are tens of thousands of people gathered at the place. the public in paris.
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polls closed the marine depends. national rally dominated the 1st round of the legislative elections in france. signalling what can only be called the repudiation of a manual ma crowns policies including his aggressive even pro war positions all over the world and putting the south pacific. the middle east, the wrong south china sea, and perhaps the worst of all suggesting that he wants to send french troops in the ukraine to take on the russian military. yeah, that's tomorrow. these are positions, it seems the french people are saying they find absolutely unacceptable. look at, look, look at this graphic by the way. this is a snapshot of how well um, uh, depends uh, party did. she's the one in purple. she's the one in purple. i mean, a graphic can tell a 1000000 stories. manila, your take. yeah, this is absolutely a repudiation, plain and simple. this is a reflection,
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not only of what's happening in france, but across europe. in general. there is a lurch to the right happening in several e. u. member states. now it's not a clear cut when just yet for a la pens, national riley, they have another round of voting to go through. but given last month you parliamentary election results, which were the catalyst to this snap election. we're seeing in france, it shows many europeans don't have confidence in the direction that their respective countries are going and how the collective is actually ferrying the very broadly. europeans want to see the e, you go in a different direction. politically. the french are no different. they're unhappy with the cost of living costs of utilities, the seemingly blind march towards world war $3.00 and the guarantee of mutual destruction. they feel that they have given a manual ma crone plenty of time to make things right. since the days of the yellow vest protests, the pre pandemic protests and he's failed to deliver. so the voters in france are
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simply looking elsewhere and willing to overlook even some of the questionable if not racist. positions that had been held by the national riley party. and other right, leading groups direct. yeah, no, you're absolutely right. i mean, there's still another step in the process. we'll see how it goes. but at this point it does not look good for mr. i'm a chrome of next manila. appreciate it. by the way, another major election taking place. iran is choosing a leader after president rise. he died recently, and a helicopter crash is change coming to iran as well. and if so, what is the radi and inside are and professor at the university of toronto has joined us in the past. mohammed mirandi is going to be joining us in just a little bit. there he is. he's going to be taking us through this to help us understand what the selection means. you stay right there, because we're going to be right back of
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the look forward to talking to you all. that technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given by human beings, except we're so shorter is it conflict with the 1st law show alignment as a patient, we should be very careful about visual intelligence. at the point, obviously is to create a trust rather than fit the various. i mean with the artificial intelligence we have summoning the theme and the robot must protect this phone. existence was on the
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back again. i'm rick sanchez and i think you're going to recall because we covered the story at length when it happened. a coverage a little more than a month ago, i believe. and president, right, easy of a ron when he died and a horrible helicopter crash in some mountains, in, in some bad weather, by the way. now there is an election that is taking place right now to replace them . it fits a candidate describe as an ultra conservative against another who was seen by many as a reformer. now there they are, that's the reformer masoud possess kim, on the left of your screen and the ultra conservative side jelly. he is on the right. so let's talk about this and the perfect person to talk about this and someone who's joined us in the past from tay, ron professor mahatma randi is going to help us understand what's going on with
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this election. the professor, thanks as usual for joining us or thank you for having me. rich, i've been reading all the wester newspapers and they're making a big deal out of the fact that 60 percent of the people in the country did not vote. and they're saying that it was a protest against the current government that they didn't do. so what do you, what do you make of that? is that, is that true? is there some truth to that? i don't think so at the end. the last no matter what the outcome of the election period will always be. a sign that the people dislike the gum with this stomach or public with the political establishment, no matter who is elected and what the turn out. it will be presented in a very negative light. if you recall, when present a c died in the helicopter crash, the western media was saying that people in the wrong or celebrating their all happy that he died. and i was on the bbc actually saying after they brought in these so called the ryans living in the west, to, to bad mouth him and said,
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people are celebrating. i said, well, when the funeral is happened, what are you going to say then when people millions of people come to the streets? and that's exactly what happened in the city of tab trees where the helicopter was going. before a crash. there were huge crowds, unprecedented prompts then the funeral move to boom, and then to tear on the capital and then to match up the millions of people on the streets where morning the president. so, you know, it's not, doesn't really make sense. the problem. i did the argument is very bias. yeah. the but what you're, i think what, what you have to admit that they're probably just like in any country, by the way, this is not a, the criticism of a ron. mean, half of the people in united states can't stand both of the guys were running for president right now. so what does that tell you? however, there is a sense in iran that 2 things are at play. it seems to me for my reading and you can correct me if i'm wrong. a. the economy is horrible. for many reasons,
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including the us sanctions. i understand and be people feel especially the young, what they want to get a little hip are they want to modernize the country a little bit? they want to make some changes, which my wife may, may be, why they're attracted to the reform is canada. what did i get wrong there? well, the couple of issues here is that, that that would be very pop paradoxical position to take by the western media. because if the young want the reform is candidates, it's them to turn out would have been much higher. huh. the problem to me is that these 6 candidates who, 2 of whom were reformers and 4 were from the so called conservative or principal. this can who themselves were very diverse and none of them were very appealing. there were 20 hours of debates, but none of them stood out. president gracie was a person who stood out and he became very popular among ordinary ronald's
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presidents before him. also were usually the accountants matic, and more or less popular. but these 6 gentlemen, no matter how good they may have been in the, in, in their, in their work, in the previous positions. but none of them appealed a great deal to the rotors that, that the debates are actually quite boring. so interesting to turn out was low, largely because none of the candidates i was able to connect with the public who was we look at some of the video of some of these people voting. interestingly, interestingly enough, we're seeing video probably chosen post somebody in the west that only has people in burke as of course, just just so people know not everybody in a ron walks around in a book. but, but, but regardless of that. so i'm wondering, and i think this is a really important question that i want understand let's suppose the reform is
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canada. he's called the risk form is canada's, and the other guys called the ultra conservative i. those are labels and we need to stay away from them. but there they are just to be able to separate these 2 men. let's talk about the possessed scheme. if i pronounce his name correctly, i hope i did. they call him the reform is what happens if he wins? what changes? what does reform look like? it's hard to say he is a moderate reform, is he because the reformers can is very odd and some of them are very unpopular. the presidents before mister ray, you see a doctor all honey. she was not a popular person. and now 11 thing that is weighing down mister dr. position young, who's a heart surgeon, is, uh the, the, is present real. hi me, the person who ran the country before dr. ac. so the reformers kept. it's not as if the reform is, can, is a monitor, and it's not as if they are more popular. it,
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i think the 1st round showed actually that none of the political factions are terribly popular. and it also revealed that none of the candidates turned out to be very cameras matic. as i said, the debates were born. and while they have very diverse views, mister position, john was saying that we should work harder to revive the nuclear deal. he is, he is more optimistic about trying to improve the relationship with the united states and you would expect, based upon those narratives that you hear in the western media that young people would turn to him. but that really didn't happen. on the other hand, control for these candidates actually are similar in one respect. and that is that the conservative or the principal is mr. jenny, the doctor, jenny, he is a sort of social justice warrior,
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but the same is true about doctor peters can both of them speak about the pool or the disenfranchised. those have been left behind. of course, mr. parish kind of has a problem because part of the reform is often liberal oh business. and so there is a sort of a paradox, again here where on the one hand he's, he's social. he speaks as a social justice warrior and he does have credentials for that. but many of his backers are big business people and liberals and that sort of thing. so the camps are fragmented, the camps are not. um, it's not clear what the camp stands for or, and i think that confusion what, what also the fact that the, you don't have that much christmas, what should i think before we weren't going to ask you, what should they stand for? if you and nobody knows around as well as you do, i think you're, you're just, you're the guy to go to for an explanation of the heartbeat of the country in many
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ways. well, why would you suggest ation stand for what? what is the thing that can help or ron become a better iran and, and how much of that has to do with maybe trying to make peace with the west. somehow as difficult as that might be to put your hand out to somebody who's been beating you over the head with a hammer for so long. well, actually, i think the 2 things. one was the policy pursued by doctor ray, you see, and that was expanding ties with the global south joining breaks, joining the same kind of cooperation organization also continuing to engage with the west. we had negotiations opened a new care deal 2 years ago, and we almost reached the deal. but ultimately at the end of the day is the economy, 90 percent of w. ronnie and our focus on the economy in the polls is all about a, is jobs, inflation and the economy, and other issues, foreign policy,
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cultural issues, social issues. these are way down among priorities. they're important, but it just shows how the economy is important today. and so far, none of them seem to have showing the people that they are the ones who will provide this solutions. our right sort of shot. 30 seconds left. i have to ask you this question, do, do the people see the economic problems as something self made by the leadership or how much or do they see it completely as a representation of the horrible sanctions imposed by the united states of america? i think just like in western countries, they believe that the government is inefficient, but also the issue of sanctions is very important. but tonight and tomorrow night and as we speak, there is a debate going on. and then tomorrow night there will be a to night and there will be a debate, and there they are both one on one. so these 2 candidates have an opportunity to
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get their id is across the public and may be one of them will click interesting. you are such as the like to talk to you always seem to have your finger on the pulse of what's going on in your country and we appreciate being able to have this conversation with you. we'll be watching it and hopefully we'll get you back. okay, thank you. thank you so much for the dresser, and that's our show. and remember to always look outside your own box because as we like to say is the mission of our show, choose don't live in boxes. i'm rick sanchez, will be looking for you next time. ringback the, [000:00:00;00]
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the russian president put some metal systems on the high a lot along the countries border. citing is right from ukraine. and that's as hungary as broad administered visits. key after bottom is the last key to negotiate with peace. with moscow. i asked the president to think about whether it would be possible to take a slightly different path to cease fire and then continue negotiations in design more than anyone else with syria to become a safe and secure place for the millions who was forced to leave their homes peace message from that of odd as developed and hailed areas is theory i gripped with on


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