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tv   News  RT  July 2, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm EDT

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the, the, the, the russian president put some vessel systems on the higher launch along the countries border, citing it right from the great, and that's of hungary is to administer a visit key up to full on vitamins the lensky to negotiate peace with moscow. i asked the president to think about whether it would be possible to take a slightly different path to cease fire, and then continue negotiations to that. and it would design more than anyone else for syria to become a safe and secure place for the millions who was forced to leave their homes. a message a peaceful on the president of the vaughan, as many times held areas in syria and gripped with unrest. i made reports of reconciliation plans between colorado and damascus.
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the 3rd test as classes please in k. yeah, in position demonstration, despite the government having scrap the controversial attacks available close to bobby, i am at a local pulse or president rudo to reside. no, we've talked before you get this, i'm going to talk to you attorney, no one we're our lead that the ability to do the coverage of the latest trends shaping the well right now. this is our due to national i a michael question. not below washington president, alexander lucas sank of his put the muscle systems on the higher lodge sighting threats coming from bordering ukraine. locust angle one lot to me is the last kid
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not to play games which could have serious risk. but caution for key of what's the name and that's for goodness we recently bought a gods in the military. pub intercepting dozens of reconnaissance vehicles, especially drones already on our territory. what i want to make it clear that we will defend ourselves against these drones wherever they are intended for me. i would ask ukrainians notes to mess around not to mess with fire. it's very dangerous. around so is that the border guards have been moved to heighten the security of the state border. the air force and air defense forces of both our country and russia. i mean on high alert through full cooperation polonaise. and this kind of missile systems. i mean have been placed in a low position but while i'm loving his last year's office as a, his rejected the sci fi proposal from the home gary and from minnesota, who travel to key up to share his ideas on how to restore peace of hunger and problem minister said that a ceasefire would be a critical step towards a permanent peace deal between russia and ukraine. his visit came
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a day off to hungary. it seems that we're taking you 6 months of championship of the e. you cancelled with james to resolve issues within the european union. a bond express health that loved him is the last key with engaging peace talks with moscow. in the war you are currently living and has a very intense impact on the security of europe. we highly appreciate all the initiatives of presidents and lensky to achieve peace, seen the more i told the president that these initiatives take a lot of time because of the rules of international diplomacy. the say a very complicated i asked the president to think about whether it would be possible to take a slightly different possible to cease fire and then continue negotiation. steve, we put a veteran war correspondent, elijah magneer things. it's on weiss, will you train to engage in any military stand off with bella? ruth, adding that the west has no desire to seek
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a peaceful resolution to the conflict. the ukraine is hardly managing one friend. it is impossible for the grand to mad ukrainian to manage 2 friends, and then another front was better roost when it completed destroyed everything that is remaining of the ukraine in all me. it is not only foolish and logical, but i don't think it would that to go to that route. because that when and everything that for present ukraine and russia is really taking it easy on the, from giving enough time for the west to reconsider. and particularly the b e u. now ukraine view of this proposal to cease fire that doesn't include its request or for us and withdrawing. now these, all these queues is because right a victor or bond is in an excellent position to negotiate a ceasefire. but only in case the west is stupid, see it about stopping the world. now what is nonsense here?
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the median skate is not the one who is it the decision maker in this case, and the you abide by what the u. s. one and the u. s. under joe biden wants to continue this little kids desire haste to ensure peace in syria and make it safe and secure. and that's the message from president adelanto who called for reconciliation. i made reports of rep for small with the mosque us follow the following. be valid on rice, the grip, turkish and militant helps parts of syria. a sort of in, in, in a ton of kids would design more than anyone else for syria to become a safe and secure place for the millions who were forced to leave their homes. then the soonest, such an environment is achieved, the bad, which will be for everyone, especially the human and party. all we're concerned with expanding the common ground rather than deepening divisions, so that in the,
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just as in domestic politics, we believe there is great benefit in opening the convention deficiency in foreign policy as well. so therefore, if it is necessary to meet and talk with someone as we did in the past, we will not refrain from doing so again, the situation so far is that there were protests over the course of the last couple of days, particularly with respect to on could us position regarding the syrian civil war, but as it stands, security forces, they have to an extent from the unrest within syria's northern territories. but of course, this is just a part of a much larger and broader problem that being of course, the position in northern serious, currently defacto under control of turkish forces, syria actually was a turkey of occupying it's north. but what we're looking at right now is of course, another important factor which is the north is populated by militants. these militants are deem terrace by damascus as well as moscow. whereas encore has
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a different opinion. but there's also the aspect that many people living within syria's north figure. cross persecution as a result of damascus is position with respect to the militant groups that i brought up. they use syrians to collect donations from europe, and when the european support stopped, they started deporting syrians from turkey. now they're j is co ordinating with the all sod regime and opening the abo elves and, and crossing. we do not want this crossing to be opened for people to escape from the oppression of a shar, all assad only to find the oppression into p a and from its races. people we are here to avenge our syrian brethren and will not allow any one to practice their racism against them. let us know. we participated in the demonstration for several reasons. the 1st reason is what's happened to our syrian brothers and turkey a yesterday. and the other reason is the opening of the a boils and dean crossing, which will lead to the complete end of the syrian revolution. the unrest was not limited to that in northern syria, in central tech,
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in the city of kaiser to witnessed an uprising in and of itself. the allegations that a syrian national abuse, a young girl, and many civilians took to the streets, targeting syrian businesses and essentially causing unrest throughout the city overnight. many turkish security forces, government officials essentially suggested that the of the unrest was, of course quelled as well. that more than 400 people have been detained or arrested as a result of this on risk. and the turkish president rigid type are the ones essentially suggested that many people throughout the country need to ensure that they remain calm in the face of micro aggressions, such as those that were currently happening in the kaiser to the director city. but another aspect that we need to take into consideration is that the climate in and of itself is becoming a little bit more delicate and a lot more sensitive. what we're looking at right now is of course of the fact that the turkish government is essentially highlighting its interest in negotiating with
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the syrian government with a serial lead of a show of us on the same sentiment can be shared across the board and late june the president assad accepted russian president vladimir putin special envoy for syria. and in that meeting, he stated that the syrian government as he himself push, unless it is open to all initiatives related to the relationship between syria and to care. and it is based on the sovereignty of the syrian states over its entire territory. and this is again, the sentiments of that's as the aside of sharing. he has not changed his position over the years. but what has happened, of course, since then, the church president seems that he is more willing to discuss the prospects of approach minutes and also taking into consideration in his address of the nation today, highlighting time and time again, emphasizing the importance of activity is not there to take hold of syrian soil, but it is there to ensure that the state of syria is respected, its sovereignty is respected, but more part needs territorial, integrity is respected. so what we're looking at is over the course of the next few
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days, we can expect some of the rhetoric from uncut. it's going to be interesting to see if damascus on color can essentially come together and begin talks, hopefully putting an end to the decades more than a decade. one conflict in syria, but the timing could not have been more important in his address. president are to and also stated that the events that are under, that are happening right now in gaza by how, by the hand of the is where the government is also an important factor as to why many countries within the region must come together to ensure that the threat of the is really government does not cross over and spill over from guys to neighboring countries like jordan, syria, and iraq, but more importantly, by the words of the church present to j as well. the. now the capital of catholic stand is hosting is summit for the shanghai cooperation organization. the heads of space council of the security organization, which currently consist of 9 countries is set to welcome the reason to the group of the leaders of the region. countries will discuss regional and continued to
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national security issues as well as the prospects of multilateral cooperation. artie is don't know, quote that brings us more on the upcoming summit from us. donna, of the 24 summit of the shanghai cooperation organization is about to kick off here in the hospital with officials from 16 different countries coming here to discuss multi polar cooperation. bottom are putting already has a number of bilateral meetings lined up and she's in pain. wrote an article in the run up to this momentous event for shadowing new horizons and multi polar universally beneficial cooperation. we chinese believe that in every challenge lies an opportunity and the challenges and opportunities are interchangeable. we need to foster new opportunities, so mid crises, and open up new horizons on a shifting landscape. we will work together to build an equal and orderly multi polar world. promote universally beneficial and inclusive economic globalization,
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and bring about more positivity, uncertainty to world peace and stability. china as president placed a special emphasis on further developing his country centuries old friendship with the host nation, patrick staff, for as part presidents, a guy of wrote that middle powers like his nation, are playing a vital part and ensuring international peace and stability in a world where the traditional power houses are increasingly at each other's throats, submits this global disco with the traditional power houses. the world's economic and political behemoths are increasingly unable to work together against this backdrop middle powers, like catholics, donna much is pivots, will plays with growing capacities to ensure greatest ability piece and development in the regions and beyond. in terms of other attending powers, india delegations being led by new del use x terminal affairs minister, while prime minister in the rand remote is room or to attend remotely valid roots is also set to expands the membership of the shanghai cooperation organization. by
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becoming the organizations tense, member states and turkish present, the other one is here to represent the tank. rough as an observer for t is actually expressed great interest in becoming a full member of the shanghai cooperation organization. something that's raise a lot of concerns in the west regarding the exclusivity of turkey as membership in nato. no doubt, this is going to garner a lot of attention in the west and around the world along with the rest of the aspirations of the ceo's member states. and observers, in terms of further integrating with the multi polar world, donald porter party, how so not and to kenya, now where cashier is between please and demonstrators of erupt of those people to take to the streets to deny the resignation of president william rudo the please use your gas against routes of protest as in the capital net ready. and that despite the company's high
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quote, having banned the use of tear gas and what the cabin demonstrators lined up coffins on the street and not were being memory of those who died in previous protests, other valleys, have continued even after president read the decision scrap of controversial final finance bill. they have stipulated tax increases intended to pay off huge debts to the washington base. i am as opposed to say in a big problem is much broader as the cues, the president of robinson and broken promises all the means, the roads to the president's office and the officer, the residents have been blocked with the police almost vehicles stationed around the premises. i was kind of not on the stand by the area i made the heavy security presence. a crime is also on the rise with bus reports coming in of 3 debt to the coastal city of mombasa. a cause of also been set on fire by canyon say that we have no faith in the president. we em router's government.
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the no, no, we have he lives in the region. we support or do we book it for you for us to get to said this, i'm going to be too good. but you have tony know to be i've been on drawers. i use that bar and i do the your thing. but i think because we're, let's look for the events. yeah, we put there, we don't. 2 have fees, so have you do, brother? do? definitely, cuz he's a part of your life. just know one thing on the be leveling done. all i want is a peaceful country where our lead that regardless of the r t curse, but another view will come gay and local journalist kenneth monday reported about the crisis as well. um, so what we would disobey the copy to see to you these uh,
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protest of the young people down people who uh made any quoting themselves. uh jim these, um, so they have to meet the street today either over to the city of and it will be and uh, we'll see a lot of, uh, new content. so need to see 2 young people protesting again it's, it got me in so that my god, they have people who are on the street today. they're saying that the prison. so we have moodle mazda goals, and with that, with the, these cabinets secretaries and people helping him in that running these comments. and again, young people out so decrying that the model people have looked at eliza never, not seen the president being the most for love for the number of people that have lost their lives. the significance i do renovation, i love the human nice bodies of what i mean. they quoted that hold on to name people i've, i've lost their lives and i'm know many people have been needed even to dave and i'm going to people, i've been ange, indeed, as a kid. show me the uh, but to that, i mean, but it's between the police on the street and so of protesting against the government
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the, this is one of the did v as the migration team is recent history, the protest, worst ball to buy, the canyon government's plans to significantly raise taxes to pay off its debt. but the government did a u turn off to things change did lead when protest is broke into economy to never
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be. and i'm police open size killings. dozens of people present within brutal acts of the time and on such was listening to the citizens and to the purchase. there's concerns and was scrapping he's controversial fine in school. he also said that you would instead in seduce budget cuts and or scary t, mrs to try to. so i put the countries fine is but the k, i took events in one of africa's major economies. also a key ally to the u. s. have data to questions about the data choking many developing countries in africa and who is to blame for all of that. but this is what the present says is the plan for kenya going forward. we have dropped to finance. yeah. what does that mean? it means we have one box for most of us. it means that this you want to model. so you should
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be able to run our government from watch. we're seeing this tomato political move has lost present to the vacuum of the nation and the peace damage kanyes branch all the economy and democracy. if you remember earlier this year, the i am, if it did reach an agreement on the disbursement of loans that urge the canyon government to raise its revenue. the government's been decided to transfer the pain . and i mean on to it's people um, through tax policies that put it into the pool of wisdom. can you know young canyons have no faith to that? a via text is, will be used for the benefit anymore. and that's why they've shifted the focus to make you the coverage administration resign the enter the middle east now as usual, or the residents of the sovereign guys. a city will come here this to evacuate. the united states depart,
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department deputy spokesperson was questioned by reporters. but on pinedale said that that documentation is appropriate for security reasons, despite the washington opposing department and displacement of guidance. when it comes to one of our t, a tenants of this conflict, the secretary was very clear in tokyo that there can be no permanent displacement of, of guidance. of course, over the course of this military operation that the idea is conducting and i will let them speak to a specific logistical parameters as those operations are being conducted. it is of course pertinent that civilians and non built in to be asked to appropriately evacuate for safety concerns. but again, these are all logistical parameters that the audience can speak to, but best as the reality of displacement on the ground of policy and invoice sleeping in the streets following the easily or the european hospital in the con
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goodness also began evacuating patients with the idea of saying they, they have no intention of evacuating patients and medical staff personnel say they are hospital is in danger, unemployed ill be you in office for the coordination of community or in affairs in guys. i said lights on, the displacement of pharmacy needs and the young place it's so hard to understand, forced displacement sometimes. but imagine one evening receiving an evacuation order. you have 10 to 15 minutes to leave your building because it's going to be boned. your kids are sleeping in the room next door. you wake them up a wine probably and you have to make split 2nd decisions to decide what to pack, what's essential, and how do you define essential. so you take one that's look at the room and you say permanent good by because you know it will be dust to see a little while video obtain a biologist here, i do use tunnel report and the shows
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a president who appears to have been forced to put on many tree clothing and rome among destroyed houses on either foot, it shows an almost naked policy in being forced to search. the rulings of a building for the page also apparently shows a palestinian 9 beaten sand into a tunnel in front of these rarely ami the leader of the policy, the national, the initiative doctor, most of about booty highlighted. the easel has a long history of using palestinians as human shields. is this miss the means and what is going is, as human shields is not new, in the 2nd item to forego. this thing goes out there to the $10.00 to bank on the target and, and get close to, you know, listen to the buyers that are in your site to understand the jeep and then there's a move start on the streets using this in just man as a human she's knowing does that,
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the images are even modifying because they're pushing for people to learn to turn those off to addressing them. and is there anything else that's done this way? do they know that if somebody wouldn't be stopped, it wouldn't be tough. i was thinking they use the 1970 with really important that sort of times that early on. yeah. does that any sports person as nothing, you know, the but i'm just sort of was very comply, clear means that. but this thing as themselves, are using themselves as you much. it's, in my opinion, this is one of the cities and also the relations of the human rights. but does that have goes on? and the content is gone so far as it goes right? clear to me or comment on the agreement of the most i would say by the american spokesperson, who is just justified as really actually including the pollution because the people who wouldn't be effective today. in fact, some of them out of my sense,
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my colleagues have been already moved out of their homes 6 times. this is unbelievable. the life of a dozen of guns is now is absolutely miserable. people have no food. they don't have water. they don't have a good, it says they don't have, they don't have anything on the left really kind of care today like medications, they like a place to stay. this is the crime of continuous ethnic cleansing is not to smoke twice, not 3 times. but what about 6 times now, in addition to the human side, the army is commenting. it's the laws, crime and murder mystery. they are licensed is. i'm with them and money list and governments about this impulse and disturbing water bill while a policy and seeking refugees from the warming. guys are finding a safe haven in southern russia where authorities of taking the initiative to build them a settlement and provide them a new whole the the
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here in russia. i am very glad that you have found the 2nd one church. and so we know firsthand the hardships and deprivations of war. so we are acutely worried while watching the tragic developments of god, the same humane bloodshed, his shot, the whole world. but the west continues to cynically support israel's monsters. crimes on palestinian soil, which gives the chechen people themselves knows 1st hand what more is what the bitterness of war is. what broken homes are, what the crying of mothers is. therefore the church and people led by our leader rums on cuz they are off, warmly welcomed all refugees from palestine. they are our brothers or sisters.
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the philistines were going to church of republic. we think they had of the republic from song 0. and we also think the great church and people for saving us. well, the members of every family and the republic today are in children, go to school, young people go to universities, preschool, children go to kindergarten, pensions and subsidies are issues all documents for temporary registrations. residents permit and citizenship have been formalized. all services have been busy
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for filling the orders, and today we can proudly say that we have virtually completed our job. we would like to thank from son cordero for such a generous gift, which he gave to us palestinians who came from gaza to chechnya. thanks to the chechen people. so is this number everyone here helped us with work and house big job has been done. thank you very much for everything. are to the companies where you can get the details of all the stories are following this out. i'll see you again. it's about beyond the the, it was a joy to see joanna sash walk out of prison. i suspect she's
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a great hero fjords. well, yes, um, i mean i remain somewhat speechless. this has happened to tow. it was very abrupt. i gather from sources last julian that he has been very optimistic over the past year to an extent of the hasn't been before so that he knew this was coming. but now, i mean it's like an extraordinary victory for many hundreds of thousands of millions of people as well in march to arrest or elected representatives if tweeted, have written about him. um yeah, it's really quite extraordinary. and it appears that he's been given a green light to keep on coming now. and i'm sure he will. what can you was the along the reactions to his release, which was the most distasteful one. the ones were, i mean, i can't make my mind between the ones who are saying she's not a real journalist. and the ones who are buying allow the fact that he endangered his sources that she has blood are in his hands. yeah, well i mean it's a difficult tradeoff. i think that we know for
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a fact based on us legal submissions in the trial of chelsea mounting and also julian's own trial that nobody was at the homes by which leaks some disclosures. so, i mean to see people trusting out this perverse libel is pretty repulsive, but it's also to be expected. i think that the, it's a, it's as a means of maintaining this main stream. stigma around julian without of your even while he's uh and a legacy like say to state is it think of what we've seen a lot of this me is been directed a site, a site and over the past kind of decades in a huff i spun out but the majority of people on listening, you know, nobody types of mainstream media services anymore. nobody believes that their name is a russian agent or a or right test or a threat to national security. they see him as a valid entry,
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tyler who was persecuted and tortured. so the crime of publishing secrets the us government didn't want it in the public domain. you'll come from the cradle of democracy. indeed. and we share in the balkans. we have always a we have been for decades asking for those standards of journalism and that kind of freedom of the press. so could you start by telling me how did you get in trouble with your own government, practicing journalism. so yeah, sure. well, um, when i see back to the london last which was in may 2023, and there was a team of on account of tara police charity waiting for me on the thomas. and i been expecting to potentially be this stopped to the board ever since i made the site lever. reporting on pull masons leaked e mails. this pull mason is a, a breakfast generalist, who has been distinguished himself as a.


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