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tv   News  RT  July 2, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm EDT

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the same time can please for greater nato involvement. as usual, zalinski is stuck between a rock and a hard place. the russian fact it includes muscle systems on the highlights along the countries border, citing, it's the right from ukraine. and that's as hungary as prime minister visits key up the color. the bottom is the last key to negotiate for peace with moscow. by ask the president to think about whether it would be possible to take a slightly different path to cease fire, and then continue negotiations. in the design more than anyone else supposed to urea to become a safe and secure place for the millions who were forced to leave their homes. a message of peace from president aragon as militant held the areas in syria gripped with on rest. i made reports of reconciliation plans between on correct and
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damascus. the protest does watch with the police in kenya in positions demonstrations. this by the government having scrapped the culture of also a tax bill. post bobby, i am a local is called for president william router to resign. you to report that for you. what are you going to be good? talk your tony. know to be a good one way i will need the but this is all to international routine. you live from my new center with moscow? i a michael question, but not russian president alexander location go has put myself systems on high a lot, finding threats coming from bordering ukraine. lockers ankle wanted. let them is
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the last key, not to play games with good. have serious repercussions for care of what's the name and that's for goodness me. recently i bought a gods in the military pub intercepting dozens of reconnaissance vehicles, especially drones already on our territory. i want to make it clear that we will defend ourselves against these drones wherever they are intended for you. i would ask ukrainians not to mess around, not to mess with fire. it's very dangerous around. so is that the border guards have been moved to heighten the security of the state border, the air force and air defense policies of both our country and russia. i mean, on high alert through food cooperation, polonaise. and this kind of missile systems may have been placed in the low position of okay, as allies have a different message, as the pentagon gave agree, lied to great dislike rushes, crimea with us weapons. the long range weapons that we provide to ukraine are for use inside ukraine. southern territory are considered friendly as part of ukraine.
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ok, so they can use the long range for weapons inside the best part of ukraine. correct? a little while a lot to me is the last use office as he has rejected the se salon proposal from the home here in palm. minnesota, who traveled the key of to share his ideas on how to restore peace of the hall, gary and fond managed to set the sci fi, would be a critical step towards a permanent peace deal between russia and ukraine. his visit came a day off to hungary assume that we're taking 6 month chairmanship of the us. you cancel with james to resolve issues within the european union. a bomb express health that brought him is the last key with engaging peace, thoughts with moscow. this is the, not, the war you are currently living in has a very intense impact on the security of europe. we highly appreciate all the initiatives of presidents of lensky to achieve peace. seeing the more i told the
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president that these initiatives take a lot of time because of the rules of international diplomacy. they are very complicated. i asked the president to think about whether it would be possible to take a slightly different path to cease fire. and then continue negotiation. steve, we put a vector in the wall correspondent lied to magneer things. it's on the wise for ukraine to engage in any military standoff with bella. ruse, adding the west has no desire to seek a peaceful resolution to the conflict. the ukraine is hardly managing one friend. it is impossible for the grand to mad ukrainian to manage 2 friends, and then another front was better roost when it completed destroyed everything that is remaining of the ukraine in all me. it is not only foolish and logical, but i don't think it would that to go to that route. because that when and everything that for present ukraine and russia is really taking it easy on the,
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from giving enough time for the west to reconsider. and particularly the b e u. now ukraine view of this proposal to cease fire that doesn't include its request or for us and withdrawing. now these, all these queues is because right a victor hold on is being an excellent position to negotiate a ceasefire. but only in case the west is to see it about stopping. now, what is nonsense here? the median skate is not the one who is a decision maker in this case, and the you abide by what the us want and do us under joe biden wants to continue this little that's a key is desire haste to ensure peace in syria. him make a safe and secure, and that's the message from president at yvonne, who called for reconciliation and made reports of rush up once more with the mass
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gus following the valves and unrest, the drift tuckers and militant held ponts of syria, a sort in, in it, a new topic is would design more than anyone else for syria to become a safe and secure place for the millions who were forced to leave the homes and the soonest. such an environment is achieved, the bad to, to will be for everyone, especially the human and party all the way concerned with expanding the common to ground rather than deepening divisions. just as in domestic politics. we believe there is great benefit in opening the convention deficiency in foreign policy as well. so therefore, if it is necessary to meet and talk with someone as we did in the past and will not refrain from doing so. again, the situation so far is that there were protests over the course of the last couple of days, particularly with respect to uncle, this position regarding the syrian civil war. but as it stands, security forces, they have to an extent called the unrest within syria's northern territories. but
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of course, this is just a part of a much larger and broader problem that being, of course, the position in northern serious, currently defacto under control of turkish forces, syria accuses searches of occupying it's north. but what we're looking at right now is of course, another important factor which is the north is populated by militants. these militants are deemed terrorist by damascus as well as moscow. whereas encore has a different opinion. but there's also the aspect that many people living within syria's north field across persecution as a result of damascus. it's position with respect to the minutes in groups that they use syrians to collect donations from europe. and when the european support stopped, they started deporting syrians from turkey, now to j, as co ordinating with the all sod regime and opening the eyeballs and, and crossing. we do not want this crossing to be open. sat is our people escape from the oppression of bush are all a side only to find the oppression into p a and from its races,
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people we are here to avenge our syrian brethren and will not allow any want to practice their racism against them. let us know we participated in the demonstration for several reasons. the 1st reason is what's happened to our serial brothers and turkey a yesterday. and the other reason is the opening of the of wealth indeed crossing which will lead to the complete end of the syrian revolution. the unrest was not limited to that. in northern syria. in central took care of the city of kaiser. they witnessed an uprising and, and of itself, the allegations that a syrian national abused a young girl, and many civilians took to the streets, targeting syrian businesses and essentially causing unrest throughout the city overnight. many turkish security forces, government officials essentially suggested that the, the unrest was, of course quelled as well. that more than 400 people have been detained or arrested as a result of this on risk. and the turkish president rigid type, or the one essentially suggested that many people throughout the country need to
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ensure that they remain calm in the face of micro aggressions as such as those that were currently happening in the kaiser to the director city. but another aspect that we need to take into consideration is that the climate in and of itself is becoming a little bit more delicate and a lot more sensitive. what we're looking at right now is of course of the fact that the turkish government is essentially highlighting its interest in negotiating with the syrian government with a serial lead of a short left side. the same sentiment can be shared across the board. and late june, the president assad accepted russian president vladimir putin special envoy for syria. and in that meeting, he stated that the syrian government that he, himself, specialist, is open to all initiatives related to the relationship between syria and to care. and it is based on the sovereignty of the syrian states over its entire territory. and this is again of the sentiments of that's the aside of sharing. he has not
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changed his position over the years. but what has happened, of course, since then, the church president seems that he is more willing to discuss the aspects of approach minutes and also taking into consideration is addressed of a nation today, highlighting time and time again, emphasizing the importance that to which it is not there to take hold of syrian soil, but it is there to ensure that the state of syria is respected, its sovereignty is respected, but more part needs territorial. integrity is respected. so what we're looking at is over the course of the next few days, we can expect some of the rhetoric from uncut. it's going to be interesting to see if damascus and on color can essentially come together and begin talks, hopefully putting an end to the decades more than a decade, long conflict in syria. but the timing could not have been more important in his address. president, are the ones also stated that the events that aren't there that are happening right now, it goes up by how, by the hand of these, where the government is also an important factor as to why many countries within the region must come together to ensure that the threat of the is really government
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does not cross over and spill over from guys to neighboring countries like jordan, syria, and iraq. but more importantly, by the words of the church present, which is one of the capital of catholic status. hosting is summit for the shanghai corporation organization that has a state council or the security organization, which currently consists of 9 countries is set to welcome bella arose into its group. of the lead is i'll be your asian country as we'll discuss the regional and national security issues, as well as the prospects of multilateral cooperation are the, is the quote that brings us more on the upcoming summit from us on a the 24 summit of the shanghai cooperation organization is about to kick off here in austin with officials from 16 different countries coming here to discuss multi polar cooperation. vladimir putin already has a number of bilateral meetings lined up and she's in pain. wrote an article in the run up to this momentous event for shadowing new horizons and multi polar
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universally beneficial cooperation. we chinese believe that in every challenge lies and opportunity and the challenges and opportunities are interchangeable. we need to foster new opportunities, so mid crises and open up new horizons on the shifting landscape. we will work together to build an equal and orderly multi polar world. promote universally beneficial and inclusive economic globalization, and bring about more positivity and certainty to world peace and stability. china as president placed a special emphasis on further developing his country centuries old friendship with the host nation of patrick staff for as part presidents a guy of wrote that middle powers like his nation, are playing a vital part in ensuring international peace and stability in a world where the traditional power houses are increasingly at each other's throats, submits this global disco, the traditional power houses, the world's economic and political behemoths,
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are increasingly unable to work together. against this backdrop middle powers, like catholics, donna much is pivots, will plays with growing capacities to ensure great to stability, peace and development in the regions and beyond. in terms of other attending powers, india is delegation is being led by new del use. external affairs minister, while prime minister and the rand remote is rumor to attend remotely. bell roots is also set to expands the membership of the shanghai cooperation organization by becoming the organizations tense, member states, and turkish present. the other one is here to represent the tank roof as an observer for key is actually express great interest in becoming a full member of the shanghai cooperation organization. something that's raise a lot of concerns in the west regarding the exclusivity of turkey as membership in nato. no doubt, this is going to garner a lot of attention in the west and around the world along with the rest of the aspirations of the ceo's member states. and observers, in terms of further integrating with the multi polar world, donald porter,
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r t asked on the acadia now where flashes between police and demonstrators a rob, to those people to take to the streets, to demand the resignation of president william rudo. the companies use gas against crowds of protest as in the capital in that ruby, and that's this part of the country is high chord having bands the use of tear gas and water cannon. demonstrators lined up coffins on the streets and that will be in memory of those who died in the previous protest. now there, while these have continued even after president reuters decision describe the controversial find on finance bill. they had stipulated tax increases intended to pay off a huge debt to the washington base. i, in that i protest is now say that the problem is much broader. he's the president of corruption and broken promises. all the main roads to the presidents or festival
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residents have been blocked with police almost vehicles stationed around the premises. a water cannon are on the stand by the area, have many heavy security presence with crime is also on the rise with 1st reports coming in of 3 debts in the coastal city of and on by side. cause of also being set on fire. can you and say very, we have no faith in william rooters. government. no, no, we have do you need to we can do the retail. we footboard or do we book it for you for us to get this? i'm going to be too good. but you are turning out to be, i've been in drawers, i use that bar and i do the thing that i think because we're,
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let's look for the vin. yeah, that's we put the, the fees. so have you do both are good. definitely. did you've a part of your life just no, i'm doing well, i mean to you want me to be there, but we've done it. all i want is a peaceful country where our lead that i think our lives as well as the r t correspondent and all of your communion, local journalists. kenneth, for monday, i reported about the prices. so what we would need is today, and the copy to see to you is a protest of the young people down people who uh, mediately quoting themselves. uh jim these, um, so they have heated the street today either the city of and it'll be and we'll see a lot of new content. so need to see to you young people protesting against the government. so the people who are on the street today, they're saying that the president, we didn't moodle mazda goals, and with that, with the, these governments secretaries and people helping him in that adding these comments
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. and again, the young people also decrying that the model people have most of their lives have never, not seen the president being the most for love for the number. we will the top of those, the lives of the submitted to do in addition, another human night bodies have. what are the quoted that hold on to name people i've, i've lost their lives and i'm know many people have been needed even to dave. my number of people, i've been ange, indeed, as a kid, show me the uh, what does that mean? what does between the police on the st feet and so a protesting against the government, the,
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this is one of the did, the, is demonstration in king is reese of history. the protest was off to by the canyon government plans to significantly raise taxes to pay off its debt. but the government did a u turn off to things change deadly. when protesters broke into economy to never be ad, i'm police open size killings, dozens of people present william, brutal at the time and on such was listening to the citizens and to the purchase is concerned at was scrapping he's controversial fine in school. he also said that you would instead introduce budget cuts and austerity. this is to try to so i put the countries fine is but the chaotic events and one of epic has major economies. also a key ally to the u. s. have data to questions about the data choking many
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developing countries in africa and who is to blame for all of that? but this is what the present says is the plan for ken, you're going forward. we have dropped the financing. yeah. what does that mean? it means we have going back most of the means that we're going to go to senior senate to be able to run our government from watch. we're seeing this major political move has lost present to the vacuum of the nation and the peace damage kanyes, french, all the economy and democracy. it's a member earlier this year the i am, if a did reach an agreement on the disbursement of loans that urge the canyon government to raise its revenue, the government's been decided to, to transfer the pain and mean onto it's people um,
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through tax policies that put it into the pool of wisdom. can you know young canyons have no fee to that a via taxes will be used for the benefit anymore. and that's why they've shifted the focus to making the coverage administration resign and the and to you right now, the now presidential election, the new run has it was dictated after the class, the crushed of president and the rise. these had a cup to he's heading into a ronald this week. as both reform is. as a skin and conservative deline failed to secure a majority in the 1st round of the candidates faced off and the debate to engage voters and pushed the vision of yvonne's future. archie is corresponding to use of july. the has more. it was not the intensified the
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places to them all to watch is live televised debate again. it's all for conservative bible study this year. he's charged with excitement as backers, a physician for the candidates needed to be one from $1.00 to $5.00. there was a fire there's been a collateral views in a range of domestic and foreign policies. but the peak of this account, or is it was ties with the west, is the scale of believes the one needs to ease tensions with the western world. to address the country's economic challenges, ranging from unemployment and ramped into play shirts for declining currency motor hospitals, letting me quite a bit of calls about behavior. we are losing social support every day because of the high cost of living people because about treatment of women that about the internet, the filtering terabyte of course, due to a misbehavior,
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people are dissatisfied with us. the main problem in this country is disagreement. we should 1st establish unity within our country and we should admit you, it's about interest, depends on the go shading with the world and securing out shelves. we can live in a cage close the door and have no relations with the world. claudia, but we will have a pool life if we want to make progress or we should expand our ties, then somebody will be able to live better. first, you know, we stock with neighbors and then we go, father, as far as possible. so the form is candidates believes these problems have the roots in western sanctions and that iran used to restore the federal 2015 nuclear deal with world powers to navigate it's economic challenges. even more skin is j. c, p o, a v a ron nuclear deal is our problem now and alter, you know, trump was against it. netanyahu was against it. i mean it, ron,
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those who set fire to the saudi embassy and attacked england's one were against it . even saudi arabia was on his other and subsequently we said we were against it to so that it's defective with how much did all these from the country find the red line they call such a vision, quote, agent, pharmacy, which he says, has already experience of the 2015 sections will be for everyone in return for the country. curbing he said this live often as promises under vehicle reinstated one of the international atomic energy agency said 15 times that iran had carried out all of its commitments. i must tell you, we did even more than that. however, the us never, the less has withdrawn from the deal. what has it all eventually come to the result of all this was that they a mass,
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the sanctions of 800 turned into 1500. just like that to turn the civil age is not the solution wise and 40 nowadays the opportunities on the seo see us that's quoted you i guess. so when we talk about foreign policy, there are more than 2 or 3 countries out there. this was a wrong policy that our foreign relations were limited to a few powers that we've had the most disagreements with what there are 200 countries in the world. what is the key 2 opportunities we should look at them from the point of finding common ground, those who focus on disagreements and want to benefit by cooperating with those who are disagreeing with us. the most just one succeeded task, one of the points on which one of the some candidates wins, one off collection schedule for this friday. the 1st round to head to the res
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securing was 2nd and for the ban on which way 2nd round scale, according garner, more than 50 percent needed for an hour to be a even a volume also run for president for the last 2 positions in the 1st round of the vote, so the parliament is not expected to take a cooperative course with physicians. will most likely to project for, for a policy including wants to revive the nuclear is compounded by the return of donald trump, american presidency. withholding was from the past
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and to the united states now with federal reserve. chad gerald power has sound of the alarm over the us budget deficit, emphasizing the need to prioritize debt issues to prevent dire consequences. he made these comments, are the european central bank forum on tuesday. the united states is running a very large data set at a time when we're at full employment. and it just is the level of debt that we have is not unsustainable. the past that we're on is unsustainable. that's completely non controversial. i would have thought that this, this is something that should be a top level issue. and you do hear this from a lot of elected officials, but it should be a real focus going forward is how do we get back to a sustainable past? because you can't run these kinds of deficits and really in good faith, good economic times for very long. i mean, i wouldn't say it, i can't, i can't really speak to the time, but in the long run, we'll have to do something sooner or later. and sooner will be better than later.
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but i know we discussed this with economies. an author about democracy had look a cure for capitalism, richard wolf by the he explained the reasons behind the wiring size of us debt. the reason the government of the united states borrows is because it spends more money that is demanded by the corporations to support them by rich people to support them and by the mass of people to support them. it spends more money than it taxes. and the reason it does that is above all, that if the government dears, to really heavily tax those most able to pay corporations under which they will find themselves pushed out of office. and then everybody should understand what corporations in the rich want is not to pay taxes and they succeed. and then the government doesn't have adequate revenue.
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so what does the government do? it borrows for whom does it borrow from answer corporations and the rich or lender to the government. the money that they refuse to give the government as taxes. that makes much sense for corporations and the rich, but it produces these awful i there is mr. powell says, unsustainable deficit. leaders of both the republican and party democratic party regularly say things like, our deficits are too big. our national debt is going to quickly say, are you, it is something they all do. doing something about it is what they do not do. they're going to talk about it like they are doing now, but they're not gonna do anything about it until the day comes,
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that they cannot borrow anymore. because the people who listen to them have lost confidence in their ability to repay. and that day is much closer than most people understand. ordinary americans at this point are deeply worried about where the economy is going. they do not agree with the elite that runs the country, that our economy is in good shape. they don't, it's well understood. it's not even controversial and staying in the us where a video has gained attraction, showing active is jose vega confronting the us and the china hawk on stage only to be dragged away until by gods are these. and like you are trying to tell me the responsible one for you. it is through. i'm supposed to believe china
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surveilling our kids. we have a mass surveillance grade year. we saw that says um, okay, we add a say 5 on every thing. we do this a go here, and up on the stage, there's no different than the angle here in batler named biden, who probably isn't running our government. we don't need to have good more 3. we can actually work with china. did you know that we work with china now we got the chance to speak to jose vega himself, who said that the collective west is pushing a confrontational policy, but he expressed his hope for just for a change in the future. the west, as we like to call it doesn't want peace in the world. we know that boards johnson has sabotage the peace talks that happened in april 2022 but could have stopped.


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