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tv   News  RT  July 3, 2024 1:00am-1:31am EDT

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the the in the headline thrown off the international foraging. the bulk fee polo was inside of a fusion, arriving of the capital of catholics. don, the shanghai cooperation organizations, farmers with 16 nations and attendance, discussing regional tier he among many other issue, the few brain rejects ceasefire. hunger is proposal is shot down on a ride. a conflict meantime is growing among the military leadership in the city didn't come with civilians inside almost the children, the tank was just to meet us. the child was crying out of all the students at the death toll in gaza at $1237000.00 the rou, full details of a 6 year old girl,
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and our relatives fabled by the idea images. and all the investigation from under the covers. the it is wednesday, it am here in most go with a ton of developments to pass along to you this hour. it's so good of you to join us. so straight to our top story for you right now, as the russian president vladimir putin has arrived in the capital of catholics on the summit for the shanghai cooperation organization is kicking off, topping the agenda, strengthening regional security and bilateral relaunch the
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. the s c o consists of 9 countries, and it's set to welcome bellow roost into the fold. china as president gee, has already touched down the head of adults and the tiers of the one will also be into independence as well as a many other top officials, including from the u. a. e. started with the preview of what's in store for all of us from us then. uh, is our correspondent bundle. the 24 summit of the shanghai cooperation organization is about to kick off here in austin uh with officials from 16 different countries coming here to discuss multi polar cooperation. vladimir putin already has a number of bilateral meetings lined up and she's in pain. wrote an article in the run up to this momentous event for shadowing new horizons and multi polar universally beneficial cooperation. we chinese believe that in every challenge lies an opportunity and the challenges and opportunities are interchangeable. we need to
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foster new opportunities and mid crises, and open up new horizons on the shifting landscape. we will work together to build an equal and orderly multi polar world, promote universally beneficial and inclusive economic globalization, and bring about more positivity and certainty to world peace and stability. china as president placed a special emphasis on further developing his country centuries old friendship with the host nation of patrick staff for as part presidents a guy of wrote that middle powers like his nation, are playing a vital part in ensuring international peace and stability in a world where the traditional power houses are increasingly at each other's throats, admits this global discord, the traditional power houses, the world's economic and political behemoths, are increasingly unable to work together. against this backdrop middle powers, like catholics, donna much is pivots, will plays with growing capacities to ensure great to stability, peace and development in the regions and beyond. in terms of other attending powers,
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india is delegations being led by new del use, external affairs minister, while prime minister and around remote is rumored to attend remotely. val ruth is also set to expands the membership of the shanghai cooperation organization by be coming to organizations, tense, member states, and turkish present. the other one is here to represent the tank. rough as an observer for key is actually express great interest in becoming a full member of the shanghai cooperation organization. something that's raise a lot of concerns in the west regarding the exclusivity of turkey as membership in nato. no doubt this is going to garner a lot of attention in the west and around the world along with the rest of the aspirations of the ceo's member states. and observers, in terms of further integrating with the multi polar world, donald porter, r t asked on and so as officials from 16 nations, a meeting in the us and to discuss regional security, the pen to gone apparently has rather different plans is given the green light for
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the key of to use us supplied long range missiles to strike cry. mia play me the peninsula. it's a suffering part of you create the long range weapons that we provide to ukraine are for use inside ukraine. southern territory are considered friendly as part of ukraine. ok, so they can use the long range for weapons inside the best part of ukraine. correct? well, i mean, while unofficial from i've let him in. as i mentioned, he's a presidential office as a ton down a ceasefire. proposal that was hand delivered by the hon. gary and prime minister to key the residence of ukraine, of course, gave the prime minister as hungry the opportunity to express his opinion. we're saying that ukraine really wants peace for itself. this is logical for this. we have a tool, the summit on piece which has being held and we have preparing for the 2nd one or
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prior to ukraine's rejection. the hungry and prime minister said that a sci fi would be a critical step towards the permanent p c. o. between moscow and the key is coming a day off the hungry assume the rotating, the 6 month chairmanship of the e. you council, which aims to resolve issues within the european union. so as the conflict rate is on the is no longer a unified voice in key f deputy from the ukranian people's bodies said the top brass and the country is responsible. the tragedies to continue to run for of the question regarding the activities of the top military leadership in 202220232024. as i emphasize that this is a tragedy and the situation isn't changing the principles of decision making to north georgia. we haven't seen our ration. so with the article for you, that was the same intelligence warning. so everyone reports that everything is just fine, mind fortifications or ready to go. i drew attention to the work of the defense
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ministry and the systemic collapse. so the capabilities of the offices of ukraine. why do you creating until ministry commodities? i will also mention a number of military operations that will cause to be controlled by turn of also the same as their subsidies. ukraine is having a game of thrones. moments blocked in windows with betrayal and plain games. yes. key up as a rule with itself. the head of the eastern front, general soto has killed more ukrainian ministry than any russian general. is this really going to continue? is it really necessary for the military to unite on the basis of hatred for the elidah? do we have to do man in territory this way? is this how it works? come on during chief of the training and on forces. do you not care at all, or is this your intention, a full stop and the firing line. other minute treat top ross whose fate stuff tied to the landscape, women's and fantasy. allah and generals larry seduce me to whether they got cool
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pocketing west and $8.00 on a resident calls or to whether they've killed too many of that. oh, i wrote a letter to the security intelligence service for the call to open an investigation into one military general, who in my opinion, killed more ukrainian soldiers than any russian general. it pisses me off the combatants and brigade commanders are put on trial for the loss of an observation post. but a general was not put on trial for the loss of regions and dozens of cities and the loss of thousands of soldiers to settle departure instigated by that top dog of the as a free game, which is really a whole lot the story. a little unto themselves they own, which likes est with an estate greedy for power. and foss, fee for blogs. now room is a flooding. the general fisk a might be staring down the barrel of an investigation. so generally, failing to live up to his nickname of the butcher. according to the source,
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the discontent of zelinski in his office is connected both with the unsuccessful preparation for the russian, authentic in the car, give region and with a number of other issues. however, as the source the ledges, the commander in chief is unlikely to be removed from office in the near future. but when the report sent ukrainian full says are losing over 14000 men on a weekly basis. when one does, how long before says they've given his marching mode as, as the landscape places a batch on another pool. so not unless the spinning carousel of generals as fools the landscape commander in chief himself while he's also out, but navigating a political mind field. his approval rating is in free for his ingratitude is getting up some his legitimacy is on the sports me. his tom expired back in may on his plans for the next election while they're on, which i want to play. mean,
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if he's now a restful, because everything the put him to how, what in the 1st place, a could be the pro, by the, under the guise of holding the so called the national gatherings through attackers blend to announce the removal of the current military and political leadership of the cream from power, then they helped to seize the billing on the holding their router and blankets worked through but holding it all day. and finally, ukraine is in a fight for economic survival in debt to the tune of $152000000000.00 a no honey pot from which to pay it off. she, it was one month before it defaults before washington the i mass, the wall of banking come knocking, looking for that pound of flesh. oh yes, what it was all a guess to upfront need. but then case for example, did you know that the u. k. only paid off it so that it needs to be us in 2006. it took $61.00, his hands economy is 18 times more of a non dense,
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and it's running on empty. it's a perfect storm. the possibilities of the economy have been exhausted and destroyed 1st by the russian army, and then by all security forces, the country has long stopped earning money. we live at the expense of tax payers of other countries. now look at the opinion polls. do you notice anything strange from an economic point of view, we have become a closed country. both inside and out, probably in you might, don awaits us even more ruthless and even more destructive. and the trigger for this will be a complete collapse of economic stability. still living off the health of the west . so yes, wind is coming from ukraine in more ways than one. and as really it's feel about news quite sudden with political career is at stake with blank checks at risk. and with the sense that some day, soon the people might come bang so that blogs, well, sometimes just to survive. the only thing left is to take out a knife and look for
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a back. for meantime, a. so if the west look into drag feller roost into the conflict, according to alexander lucas shank of the answer is yes. the russian leader revealed about during a meeting with a russian station during my deputy. as nato continues, i should say that i took countries and the members, i'll continue to amass troops along the countries borders the borders of bella risk because you know that it was a defensive organization. going to build up, we've got the rights up for you right now. dotsie dot com right over to gaza. now with a desktop all this claimed over 37000 lives and more than 1900000 displays from the homes in any 8 months of bombardment. and while every individual story can not be told, the cold blooded killing of a 6 year old girl and her family at the hands of the idea of forces has come to light. this story over now to walk me at least bureau to
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a waste of the report say that's the right job family from guys on has lost. yes. another member, the father of the 6 year old haines job, whose death made world headlines was also killed and is really offensive. he didn't leave to see the day when day is responsible for the death of his daughter would be punished. and so far progress on the matter is close to 0. none of this had been the regarding the investigation and we only hear about it through the media. no entity has continued to cost at all this meta no one from these radi on. and you can talk to us to inform us about this. the investigation is clear and doesn't mix the probing. it was a civilian card with the media markings even before he was allotted because of the lee and it was model life on that. and nothing happened to me all the while. i live at the end of january, the car with haines on co, her and 10 there for children. it was attacked while the family tried to relocate
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to a safe area with a 1000. after the 1st strike, 2 people survived paint and her cousin leon who found themselves trapped in a vehicle with a dead relatives. the older girl managed to call the red crescent asking for help in the recording the sounds of shots i heard before the girl started screaming and her voice stops abruptly. the move in the hub in the in the caribbean. ringback level and could you will see all the little the next pained was on the phone with the operator and the red crescent says for around 3 hours, the time it took to coordinate a safe route for the ambulance with these really army the you're may,
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i'm the sooner than have them and ha ha ha, ha yes, yes, it had the for the family, the picture is clear. yeah. and the so they come just defy the actual stuff. it was us if you didn't call was civilian scene science most that you read the tank was just made us away from because the child was cry knowledgeable that i just shooting out of her. yeah, i know they were intentionally keaton and it's in the movement of human otherwise but fall from everybody sees that with the same clarity for months. officials, from the bye didn't administration have side steps, questions regarding the death of things and 6 of her family members. as your rent is really is were handling the investigation. we have made clear to them that we
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want that incident to be investigated. they have told us they are investigating it . i don't have an invest in and update my understanding that the investigation is ongoing. last monday, the state department spokesman finally got an update. all i can tell you is what they've told us. and what they said is they went to the you in and of the house and you red crescent and ask them to supply information that would help them. and what they claim is that they were, were given, the palestinian red crescent, strongly denied that his claims for dependents under the president has never been contacted by those res, affinities of the parking. and i can't think of the 6 year old hands or time any i'm the to firm of the where. so to save me. but it shows being happens without collecting information from the transfer with the girlfriends and from the old parties. so there investigation was just to say there, thanks. we're not in the area. that is indeed what is row claims publicly and passes through to american partners. however,
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earlier in the u. k based research group concluded the car we changed on her relatives were in was attacked by is really forces investigation revealed. it was feet with 355 bullets using 3 d modeling. and i know this is all the shape and nature of the holes, the group concluded those binary could not, not see children inside for the family. again, the reason was clear for some the other the says v shows the on his desire for revenge. 5 buddhist would have been an artist by myself, but they used to be 155. and so when they hate fitful, the to the young people for couple of washington continues to back. israel's claim that's new idea of troops were in the area. we have seen the reports and i will tell you what our latest interaction with the governor of israel is about this. so we went to the government of israel and at preston for information. and they told us that there were no idea of tanks operated in the area. no idea of forces
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operating the area at the time of that attack, which i believe is something they've also said of the week. so who shot the 355 tank, but i am not able to i look, i'm not in the grad. i can't offer any kind of assessment about this. it's why we called for an independent, we called for the governor, visual to conduct and visit investigation. meanwhile, the red crescent has no doubts, but the idea was on the ground. the group contacted the army immediately to coordinate sending helps of the girls every day. finally, military where a, where it is out the area, then why we have full for the nations grow the is really to ensure they've access for our staff and how come that is ready. these have i'll move that forward. donation. send us the map to, to be followed by that. no good as that is the link to the paramedics were sentenced to rescue haines all the while using the safe pass approved by these really army. they were probably attacked, they lost communication shortly after they left. and 12 days later,
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when the army withdrew from the area, both cars, where it is covered, one not far from another. with all those inside dead, there is no way. this is not intention at that is not as part of a system, i think as far as a pretty standard presence style inc. asa, since the beginning of where we have last 90 and as the as members up to this moment, which comes wide and on the duty weddings are the residents everywhere on being asked. and it says, which has very clearly marked the red cross and emblem off the top of the evidence . and then also i hadn't read job is one of thousands of palestinian children killed and these really offensive on garza but the death of this little girl. her family and 2 paramedics tried to save her, became a rare case in terms of increased international attention. what did it change?
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well basically, nothing. most questions still remain unanswered while no one was ever held accountable for the last lives. marie from ocean on archie, resulting from jerusalem. in the meantime, palestinians seeking refuge from the war and gaza, or actually finding a safe haven in southern russia. or authorities have taken the initiative to build them a settlement to provide them with a new home. the gear and rushing your seat. i am very glad that you have found the 2nd church and so we know firsthand the hardships and deprivations of more. so we are acutely
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worried while watching the tragic developments of god. this in humane bloodshed, his shock the whole world. but the west continues to cynically support israel's monsters. crimes on palestinian soil is the chechen people themselves knows 1st hand what war is? what the bitterness of war is. what broken homes are, what the crying of mothers is. therefore the church and people led by our leader rums on khodiyar of warmly welcomed all refugees from palestine. they are our brothers or sisters. the old hosting is working the church republic. we think they had of the republic rooms
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on 0, and we also think the great church and people for saving us. well, the members of every family in the republic today are in children, go to school, young people go to universities, preschool, children go to kindergarten, pensions and subsidies are all documents for temporary registrations. residents permit, and citizenship have been formalized. all services have been busy pursuing the orders and today we can proudly say that we have virtually completed our job. we would like to thank from sun cordero for such a generous gift, which he gave to us palestinians who came from gaza to chechnya. thanks to the chechen people. so is this not everyone here helped us with work and house big job has been done. thank you very much for everything or to iran now with us
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stop presidential election is heading into a run off. that will be this week. at the meeting were full based on conservative confidence failed to secure a majority in the 1st round of voting. so they faced often a debate to outline the vision of the future of iran over. now to our correspondent with details, it's a lot easier to not. it was not the entrance to find the things are they forced to see them all to watch is live televised debates again is all for conservative rival set 8 this year he's charged with excitement as backers, a physician for the candidates needed to be one from one to 5, there was a fire branch. first of all,
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there's been a collateral views in a range of domestic and foreign policies. but the peak of this account, or is it was ties with the west, is the scale of believes the one needs to ease pensions with the western world. to address the country's economic challenges, ranging from unemployment and ramp contemplations for declining currency, more hospitals, letting me quite a bit of phone calls about behavior. we are losing a social support every day because of the high cost of living. because of the treatment of women that about the internet, the filtering terabyte of course, due to a misbehavior. people are dissatisfied with the main problem in this country is disagreement. we should 1st establish a unity within our country. and we should admit to the interest depends on the go shading with the world and securing our share. we can live in a cage close the door and have no relations with the world. claudia, but we will have a pool life. if we want to make progress,
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we should expand our ties, then somebody will be able to live better 1st and we start with our neighbors. then we go, father, as far as possible. so going to farmers candidates believes these problems have the roots in western sanctions. and the other one used to restore the federal 2015 nuclear deal with world powers to navigate it's economic challenges in more skittish j. c. p. o, a d, a ron nuclear deal is all problem now. um and also, you know, trump was against it and that's on yahoo was against it. i mean a rom, those who set fire to the saudi embassy and attacked england's one were against it . even saudi arabia was and subsequently we said we were against it to so that it's defective. it would, how much did all this harm the country finds the red line? they call such a vision. quote, a diplomacy which he has already experience of the 2015
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sections will be returned from the country. curbing he said, this live officer thomas is under vehicle one of the international atomic energy agency said 15 times that iran had carried out all of its commitments and i must tell you, we did even more than that. however, the us never, the less has withdrawn from the deal. what has it all eventually come to the result of all this was that they a mass, the sanctions of $800.00 turned into $1500.00, just like that just by turn them age anywhere else about the solution lies important thing is to be opportunities. see us that quoted you, i guess so when we talk about foreign policy, there are more than 2 or 3 countries out there. this was
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a wrong policy that our foreign relations were limited to a few powers that we've had. the most disagreements with there are 200 countries in the world. what is the key to opportunities? we should look at them from the point of finding common ground. those who focus on disagreements and want to benefit by cooperating with those who are disagreeing with us. the most just won't succeed, it has gone out the warranty which one of the one off collection schedule for this friday, the 1st to head to the res securing was the 2nd and for the ban on which way 2nd round is this going according garner, more than 50 percent needed for an hour to be a even are dominated by mohammed
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also run for president for the last 2 positions in the 1st round of the vote. so department is not expected to take a cooperative course with physicians. will most likely to reject policies including wants to revive the nuclear is compounded monday after submitted return and donald trump, the american presidency. meantime with the continued support of iran who these and yeah, and remain targeting is really linked ships due to the war on the palestinians. but now the u. s. s. theodore roosevelt ministry ship is in the process of the who with these because that ship is arriving in the red sea. if i've a who things are openly promising to sing that american aircraft carrier will keep you posted here on our international view on user testing. so the top of the,
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or the, i mean everyone is chasing the same dream. everyone's doing the same thing, having to get a job, making it rich, making the savvy money that, that was the most popular person in the world. no body, the
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world doing the same damn thing. it's like watching the high school all over again . i believe in creating awareness about homeless. because if we don't pay attention to it, it's going to overwhelm the population. and when that happens, where's the money going to come from? seriously, we're, we're, we're ready is what? 70000000000 or something like that. missing money. are democracies falling apart and we're worried about small things and what you should be worried about the bigger problems that are right in front of our faces instead of turning a blind eye to love, bye.


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