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tv   Direct Impact  RT  July 3, 2024 7:30am-8:00am EDT

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the, the, the okay, hi everybody. rick sanchez bits is direct impact and this is what we're going to be talking about. if she cared for her husband and if she cared for america, she would tell joe biden, that it is time to let go. even in australia, they are talking about 1st lady jill. bye and i'm going to show you why not tell you why show you why i'm rick sanchez. this is direct impact. let's do it the . all right, and you know what? we're going to begin, we're going to begin, strangely enough. i never thought these words would come out of my mouth as a guy has been doing news for so long. we're going to begin by showing you the cover of vogue, vogue magazine. there's something i probably never opened the pages of here. take
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a look. there you go. talk about bizarre timing. right. i mean, there is the 1st lady of the united states of america appearing um in vogue on the cover. no less. i, i suppose the thinking of the white house was that the president would have this killer debate against donald trump, just like he did 4 years ago. and then right after that, joe biden would appear on the cover a boat magazine. and everybody would be talking about the pines and their glamorous and powerful mystique as a couple right? well, oops. you know what they say about the less but best laid plans of mice and ben, or actually nothing could be further from that plan. nothing could be further from that narrative, then what has actually happened? instead, the debate made the president appear to be horribly unfit and the vote cover is
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making the 1st lady looked like a power hungry opportunist. intentional or not. this is how the world is reacting to jill bye to watch. she paid on the cover avoid today, and i don't know how someone could base our time desk and board. what are you doing? do barton is right now being accused of elder abuse by encouraging her husband to continue his election campaign, which is like watching a car crash play out in slowing motion every day to by the end told vari, again this interview. we will not let those 90 minutes to find the full years he's been president. we will continue defies. she's absolutely delusional. no matter what side of politics you're on. if a kid for her husband and if she kid from america, she would tell joe biden, that it is time to let god a boss. so why is that australian commentator saying that because since the debate, i don't know if you've seen it,
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but you're about to. joe biden has been appearing with her husband at rallies and she's coming across kind of desperate and somewhat dishonest. it's almost like she's trying to hard to convince people that her husband is as fit as a fiddle and the sharp of attack when everybody knows that's just not true. jill. this is something slightly shakespearean, a play here. and if there's one act of desperation that stands out in this tragedy, it's this one, watch such a great job. you answered every question, the, the, the ouch. manila, i'll, i'll tell you what i think in a minute. i, i want to know what you think is as you just watch that together with our viewers.
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i just cringe the wreck. i mean that is how i spoke to my son when he was potty training a couple of years ago. in that thing, song, the tone expressing how proud i was of him making it all the way to the party without any major accident. yeah. nobody should be talking to the commander in chief like that, rick. i mean, if you've got to talk to him that way. hello houston with got a problem. now going back to the cover itself, though, i think it's safe to say that this has always been part of the media cheer leading the bite and administration. this is the 3rd time the jill has been featured in both, not only as a cover model, but splashy features finding all over the 1st lady. now worth noting, ironically the only 1st lady who was actually a professional not that's true. yeah. any of the trust and she was the only
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1st lady since the 19 thirty's, not to grace the cover, or have a teacher even data about her. but rec, the editor and a when tore a notoriously objected to the idea of having leilani a trump in her magazine. because when tour is, is a known anti trump, or every 1st lady has grace the pager. if not the cover a boat going as far back as eleanor roosevelt resign jackie o in there. and nancy reagan, hillary clinton patton nixon, laura bush. i mean you name it. but in recent years, especially in the case of michelle obama, the magazine has served to influence many female voters. biden has been shedding support among the middle class mom demo. so that's exactly who buys this magazine. so this is an old play from the play book using the 1st lady to boost the husband's numbers. of course, in this instance, the release of vogue coming on the heels of jose disaster is performance as
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a debate. it comes off cheap. that tightens, make no mistake rick. the whole point of using jill is to give bite and a bump ahead of these elections. well, and it'll also do well for the magazine by the way. and the fact that she had to look at the audience and then tell them what to say. usually when you say, what are you good? who's going to win this game and the audience screams? we are. but she actually said what a truck do. and then she told them why she didn't wait for them to respond. she basically to leaving and the whole thing just looks horrible. and when they're talking about this in australia, you know, it's become a bit of a big deal. here's another big deal. russia has just assumed the rotating presidency at the united nations security council. that's important. one of the 1st things they did was send a stern warning to is we'll why israel is apparently preparing to send weapons to ukraine to use against russia. and they're not just any weapons. 8 different us
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made patriot defense systems from a geo political point of view. i believe this seems both hardy and provocative on the part of israel to do something like this, especially considering their expanding conflict right now with the as well. now take, take a look at this headline. i want to put this up for you. so you can see that it's, there it is, it says us officials concern is really offensive on his ball. i could drag in russia, talk about poking the sleeping beer. right. manila, i mean, think about this. russia has been rather template regarding is we'll massacre in gaza. they haven't been like south africa or other countries. so why would, is, will provoke russia knowing that russia has ties to iran, which has ties towards more. and is the us really concerned about this, or are they in on this game as well? it seems crazy to me, your comment so, so i would say this is at the very least a sticky situation between israel and russia because it's well established that the
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2 countries have fairly warm ties in this latest move could, could really put a chill on that relationship weimer putting has been relatively soft on his criticisms of nothing. yeah. whose actions in gaza until recently, nothing yahoo himself began showing over support for ukraine in this conflict with russia. so now with this talk of giving you create a stock of like 8 or 9 retired patriot batteries, this is going to exacerbate these increasingly strain relations rec, so we're pointing out also the patriot air defense systems that israel is considering to give to ukraine. our old ones from the 90 and the early 2000. yeah. but who are is real well the is really defense experts say that they were work with and taking down iraqis, god's back in 1991. but since the ukrainians are pleading for them. yeah. israel's, you know, got some laying around it wouldn't serve the us side did for us or no,
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i still have that. i don't care of their sure. they're giving them p shooters it's, it's not the weapon. it's. c but you'll be, you're getting involved in a war, so that whatever you're sending will be used to attack russia. and the method that, that's sending to russia is the real story here that it's just the principal, it's jill politically stupid. it seems to me, i don't know, i'm not the ambassador from israel. here's another big story. you're ready for this one, you're not gonna believe is boeing can't stand out of it. can't stay out of the headlines and they can't seem to do anything that doesn't attract negative attention. i mean, let me take you through this. let me ready. even their private space business is now a problem for them. watch this report tonight, high above verse atmosphere to astronaut. they're waiting to find out when they can return home. let's go forward into starlight or at the time nasa astronaut, sonny williams and bush, wilmore davis tour. boeing star,
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lighter docs since june 6th. at the international space. station the so off they'd only be there for days life just super happy to be here on the international space station. but now after a series of delays, a plan 10 d mission has become a weeks long. stay with a return date on no. yeah, stuck in space for some time. at some point i guess they're going to be told. all right, don't worry. we're going to be able to catch you down. wait, as they say, and some of these game shows on television. wait, there is more. now this last night, you're ready for this. a plane started nose diving in mid flight. i mean, what's described as a hill, the turbulence? years that report chez bent parts of the planes were falling down blood on the back of the seats. this is the mess on board a you brought up a flight. you x 45 of to 3.5 seconds of may have when the plane hit terrifying, toby looks footage taken on board shows a man being helped from the overhead compartment,
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diabetes screaming in the background. the a hold on. i'm still not done where there's more boeing, it was just denounced, is now on the verge of signing a plane deal with the us government justice department that allows it or will allow it if they sign this thing to waive a trial and instead pay a fine and probation for the 737, max plane crashes that killed almost 350 people. and we've taken you through that story many times in the past manila, i guess the only thing i can say to you at this point is, you thought you were having a bad week. try being blowing. what i gotta tell you, rick boeing's reputation is i would say, irreparably harmed by this non stop bad news on their own making. yeah, this was their own fault hubris in greed became paramount. so quality has kind of taken a backseat public confidence in the brand, especially when those wind commercial like we just saw, has taken more of
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a nose dive. then what we just saw in that video, thankfully that latest scare, you know, didn't have deadly results. but remember that, that, that boeing jet, the alaska flight back in january, where the door whipped right off mid flight. now you add in their star line or troubles. i mean, right? i don't know if aaa is in space yet, so i don't know who they're going to call for a toll up there. but if you asked me what i would tell the suits at boeing is maybe you out of focus on the bread and butter. yeah, company 1st and that, that is making the commercial objects that are error or the before you look up to the cosmos. because if you can't make a jet the can stay up at 36000 feet, then you shouldn't be diverting limited resources and focus on trying to keep up with the likes of space. that's cause you ain't doing it. they have people's lives in their hands, brick. that's a good point and well said, and by the way, speaking of looking up,
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how does that guy end up like it's good part. we saw the guy out there the i don't know, i just don't know, but i'll tell you what, it's a hell of a story. anyway, the middle of the great, thank you for the conversation. by the way, there's something else that we're going to reach out to you about. when we come back, i gary and prime minister victor or bob is in ukraine and he's meeting with bottom air sullen. skate about a cease fire. how about pick news? right. george? i'm well, it is in budapest, he has a keen understanding of or bon and all that he's about, which is why i'm very much looking forward to speaking with this young man. you see right there before you do not go away. we will be right back. the,
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[000:00:00;00] the now you need your visa, stupid loyce law here to now think, you know what kim's in the book then actually shifts me very gets to the, the only showcase is use the sounds good to the by the ways that the boys, the,
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the most new and that'll be put down in my trip to florida. doesn't want that extra them for the that the when i was sure they just don't have to safe house because the kids and engagement because the trail when so many find themselves will support. we choose to look for common ground, the
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the see the silver. so the somebody how can it be that um the ship to the middle east from a country whose top officials constantly complain about shortages of munitions and military equipments through a low paying booth. but of boston low cream and maybe a little in your system with low grade level, nominal facility or some of those other slash we i'm about to the daisy student. and they also want to know, we have more of an easy, some better mobile bubbles, a full well nice to know kind of the piece that have gone on now. well, why are weapons from ukraine spreading over the world to, to this country and to a major arms hub, will continue to bolster ukraine's and forces by rushing them occasionally use that they need to defend their country. the everyone knows very well that we don't sell but known as pineapples or any kind of children's toys. we sell weapons. yes,
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we're also known in the world as items dealers that we must not be ashamed of them . the the right welcome back. and we're joined now by the right guy to talk to about this particular story, george a some way. george is a senior research fellow at the global policy institute and he's good enough to join us now from budapest buddhist task. maybe that's the way they call it, their budapest. thank you very much. hey, thanks so much george. for joining us. oh, it's a pleasure, rick. so oh, wow. woke up this morning to the news that victor or bon isn't div. apparently i've seen the picture so it must be real. he's actually meeting with the landscape. what's going on george?
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well, hey, a hungry is just taking over the chem and shape of the european council. that's a rotating uh business so that so hungry will be running the european council for the next 6 months. so it is a, uh, a mock of, uh, respect code to say, uh towards the landscape. okay. you know, these going to meet him. but the message that he conveyed the landscape is one that, or bob has conveyed many, many times in the past, which is this war has the stop, and the sequence of events is not, well, let's send some more. let's send some more. tillery shows the escape, destroying a little bit more. you know, that again, russia to the goal, shaday, they will, he said not. the sequence shall be less of a ceasefire immediately. and then we can stop negotiations. better cause is not ukraine's position,
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is not the major's position as the you position is not the u. k. position the by the industries as well. those are so i don't think it's going to get very far. but there is also a sole point between hungry and ukraine, which is that are a $150000.00 as they come, gary and so we live in ukraine. and hungary has been very unhappy for quite a long time about the treatment of the sound gear. and so, you know, if every time there's any meeting with landscape, the issue of the so on gary ends is brought up and then it doesn't really give us a satisfactory account of the way the some guaranteed being treated the i'm just thinking right now george, that there might be some kind of opening with zalinski. i've been reading a lot lately that it's finally starting to dawn on him. that he is getting his butt kicked by the russians, which everybody in the world knows, except maybe people who watch nbc and cnn. um, and on top of that,
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let me add something. there's, there's a, there's, there's a fly in the ointment you might say, right? there's something else going on. if he wants that debate between biden and trump, he's got a figure, there's a real big chance that the next press, the united states he's going to be dealing with, will not be by. and in fact, it will be somebody who is very much in favor of ending this war, and maybe not necessarily satisfactorily to the needs of the lensky. so that what do you think that could be, spurning them on to want to perhaps even consider a ceasefire at this point? well i, i don't think he's considering a ceasefire at this weather. he said that he isn't going to be persuaded to read by barb. i'm not, i mean, he's coming to washington to the few days for the big 75th birthday party for nate . so um, nato will probably offer him something something
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a little short of the membership, but a little bit more than what was offered to him last year. at the bill in the is and they're going to again offer him more money, more ons and so on. so, but that, you know, your, your directionally right, trump is the big on known and uh, and it's now looking as a trunk will be the window in november. i mean, it was, it wasn't just the debate. i mean, the last week has been just one series of, of tramps, uh, for trauma. they know, they, he said a number of very favorable supreme court rulings. mm hm. and there's also the poles, which everyone had expected would good. trump, it's up to the conviction in the mind happened a quote that didn't happen in fact, of a trumpet in the past, if anything increases leads. so it is now looking as if a trump is cruising the vicar. now the problem with trump is, you know, is no one really knows what he's thinking and we,
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we thought he was thinking one thing in 2016 and then during his 1st time in the office, he really didn't accomplish any well, but, well, hold on. he, he's, he's been very specific in saying that he seems to be sick and tired of this man's lensky coming to washington. and every time he shows up, they have the money. he seems to be saying, he ain't going to get no money for me. so that, that's a, that's not a message. i would want to hear if i was a lensky or, well, there's a, his says, he's not going to get any mountain money from me. you're right, he's, he said, oh, the landscape is, is you know, one of the best salesman in the world, but that's not a negative as well. hers. trump is concerned what the him, his trump other than one of the best salesman's in the world. so that may be a compliment, and he also says, well, i really had very good relations with the landscape zalinski helped me out during the 1st impeachment. uh and uh,
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and any kauffman beau's. but he was the 1st to send legal aid to ukraine. so the we're, we're in the, was columbus room with the trunk. we don't know which way he's going to do it. oh, i mean, anyone who says why know what, what he's going to do, i think is going to be wrong. i would have thought just common sense to suggest that he doesn't want this above his administration. you know, you want to end this war as, as early as possible. let me just common sense because in no time it's old, this will be trumps war and he doesn't want the tag of trumps was wondering what would bring, bring it to an end as soon as possible. let me differ with you on that, and i don't think we're arguing truck versus bite and so much but the tactics of the neo cons, i think if i weren't neil con, if i was sullivan, if, if i was uh somebody at the state department of the c, i would want bite and because i want a little old man who is barely awake so that he can be the president. but i actually make all the decisions i've had with trump in office. it's gonna be
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a little tougher this time around for the knee. it comes to control him and tell him what to do. that's what i think. am i wrong? you know, i, i agree with you, i, i do the things that the, you know, for one to the better, the deep state, the military industrial complex. yeah. first to have a bite and then the, uh, the drum, because biden is always been a very reliable uh pop in the hands ever since the 1st and much on the scene in the, you know, 19 seventies and 19 a is. he's always been in new york on his always been in it's of interest. so they're absolutely. and now he's really got a pretty much god up. um so yeah, absolutely. they would, they, would they, once in a, in that which is why i, i think they're going to be a lot of things between now and november to try to a trip trump up. i mean, i think, you know, they, the, the deep say like everything is just good, just to sit on these hands and allow trump to take office. i mean,
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we saw what they did before the 2016 election. you have to think they've got a lot of dirty tricks up the sleep before november, but, but let's close the loop a little bit. here. we said that the neo cons are going to be able to control by and less able to control trump. the neo cons are the ones who are controlling and pushing the war in ukraine. therefore, having truck there will not be good for those who want to continue the war and ukraine. that's my end to mind. right. uh, yeah, it doesn't. i said i totally agree with you. yeah, yeah, i absolutely agree. i don't think the neo cons. one of trump in the a tool and you know, i think they, they, they know by and is a very reliable from their point of view. they know bible will continue with this. busy or uh, trump is just something that is just an a note, and i'm likely to be easily controlled because i think this time around he will put together a much better team then you did during his 1st. um i think of the team that is much
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more into america 1st. no more a stupid was no more in the veins soon as i'm no more regime change was i think those kinds of people who will be around trump. um, uh, in this time around it wouldn't be like, you know, what you did last time, you know, pretty bringing in a whole lot of people who are basically just neil. yeah. you mean so it sounds like palm pale, and bolton need not apply 600 things. so one final thing, how does the lensky see this? this thing that you and i just went through this, this drill down, but you and i just did. don't you things. the lensky is done that drill down in his mind as well, which gets us to the original conversation you and i started with. i think so and the thing to look out for. busy is this brazil china piece initiative? i think that's supposed to take place um sometime before the g. 20 meeting.
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so i don't think so. let's get wants to piss off china. i don't think it was the best of brazil. yeah. the brazilian china say, well, let's hold a peace conference to which we invite both russia and ukraine. um, you probably will have to show up. your brain cannot just simply say, well we're, you know, we, we're not going to sit on the same table as rush. i think your brain has to show um and i will be very interested because then you know this, this will be the 1st time the offer and ukraine will be at the same table. and i think getting brushed also wants to be to maintain good relation to the china, be respectful. so that's, i think is the one to look out for see whether that that's going to lead to some form of negotiations. and we didn't even have good. we're out of time and we didn't even get a chance to talk about one other thing i do want to talk about with you at some future date. and that is this, this, this, this move afoot that is taking place both in europe and possibly in the united states where we're seeing a little bit of
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a shift toward the or bonds and the trumps in, in, in, not just hungry, but places like france and great britain as well. uh george, always a pleasure to speak with you. my friend. thanks so much. your delight. thank you all boys. the pleasure break. and that's our show. remember, always to be looking outside of your own box. that's what we think. i mean, we think troops don't live in boxes, which is why we do the shows we do, and we do them in the way that we do. i'm rick sanchez, by golly, who will be looking for you next time right here. the in the 2 in cases camp does not want to prolong the war and make it last for years, is even suggested using intermediaries to achieve that. and at the same time camp
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cleans for greater nato involvement. as usual, zalinski is stuck between a rock and a hard place. the total of the hollywood looking at i was working on the dream list for james, come through the we have approximately 10000000 people in california that are risk of becoming on house looks good. and then pulls up somebody forwards into 3 jobs and still not enough because of the cost of leaving also has increased coal bags and then he'll buy todd, she has last year long. the amount of all homeless roles by 12 percent in california. the
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the, the forging the multi pull or world flood we're putting arrives in the capitals causing sun for the shanghai cooperation organization summit with 16 nations and attendants, including the chinese and turkish leaders. right, we're gonna start with breaking news now. the russian and turkish presidents are holding a meeting on the sidelines of the esl summit in astonish, let's listen to that. the


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