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tv   Documentary  RT  July 3, 2024 9:30am-10:01am EDT

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going around lecturing the global south in particular on the need to do what 180 degree turn on cool. i'm guessing we're working closely together on how to move from fossil entities to green entities. and we will have a conclusion of that in the drawing declaration. signs together also apply mia virtually between our ministries of the economy and a n c. a we bothered with any due diligence on those supposedly regulated you agree and funds is bear. bock is leading the charge then maybe by doing a 180 on cool that you really just meant a 360 china top whole producer, china sion well and china resources power holdings of also benefited from the u. blast green funding, helping to expand production, the cleaners. what size has block officials quote? very worried, but as climb as commissioner, i do get asked,
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what difference does the green deal make if you take into account that the issue is only responsible of 7 percent of global greenhouse gases, and that's for the other 93 percent. so today i'm addressing you, we do need china currently the source right, apologies for interrupting that story, but we're gonna take you now to the seo summit's in a start of the capital of cars. it's done with the russian and chinese leaders are holding a bilateral meeting. so let's listen to that. the source, i mean this thing, but it, so this is, there were little sherman was the idea of friend that was yeah, our chinese colleagues and friends me 0 there was so use. well, so it's,
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i'm glad to see you here again. and so can you hear again saying that the, this time has rules, the seo summit for roots and the shooting interests. and you allow me please to. so you know me thing terms that controls but it's a new shift. and that's why summarizing our previous main things is colquitt, to pluck to, if i remember who in us, the war which you welcome to us, all in china, you menu and on my behalf. and on behalf of all of my colleagues. and i'd like to thank you as a dispute, but he used to for the hospitality upstairs in the video or with the so he had the very strong side of the leading evanego. sions signed the program joint statement and tend to take itself year of the culture. and then during our visit to car been so good, we once again had a chance to see how these type of historical relationships between russia and
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potentially pools republic of china. we still confused countries, sewage to mid appear to going back to today's and tomorrow's events of countries. so close to the direct the origins, vision of the shanghai cooperation organization. i'm going to do in 2001 medium grew which us and it because of the issue. and as the organization grows i tomorrow do little soon. belarus will become a full scale member of the seo the organization has grown to be one like 2 pillars . hopefully it's just a multi polar world order, because that is for us for a little continuous of old saying china zillow, switch to a chairman ship, got them in the seo incentive, $0.24 offensive 5 and him constituted with the store. and we had a, he's good any time since i didn't get an issue, but feel that the russian chinese relationship is used to 3 joy of all, i'm confessing, partnership and strategic corporation are the higher and you'll be reading the
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story. i don't know, but i, they are built on the principles of mutual equality usual benefits using disability and respects to the silver and c o each other. just doing, you know, probably in the positive color corporation is most names against anyone because we did not create any block support unions. we just sat in the interests of our cd middle nation position as a feature continuous series of events. the city to celebrate the sensitive anniversary, implement of a stablish and diplomatic relationships between the 2 countries. connect me to the trade between countries as growing, we get those couldn't and also exaggerated miners instance to china and cities are today is i can state that once again. i do for the way you took a show the 1st day and you moved and then half of this year she would have observed slightly positive dynamic right now our joint efforts are aimed at consistently realizing what shows you to who am i school, what was the investment piece, a digital must, is about city to of what a limit that was very difficult to develop the lens plan for key areas listed on
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the mistress of waves, accepted during your visit, the syllable in, in march. but you mature this plans for williams fans when when you 2 years until 2013 and the same, the duties teach to many sarah and exchange. she is growing a tourist. the flow is growing up in the last year when the play is that it exceeded 1200000 trips to to book another visa or a little bubble. today's my last year on a visa, free group tourism search with the city more than 260000 people get face good. use it this opportunity to learn. the russian chinese corporation in the world world affairs is one of the tools that lives in factors on the international are right now. goodness is even we continue to strengthen our cooperation with them in this regard that uses. but this year, russia then use that to susan their 8 chairs brings and organizations equates as up on our joint initiative nadeem soon, which is too much just collect the whole assignment if, cuz then you look to be able to see you at the cause on summit in october of this
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year, thank you. seem to have missed the residential, my friend insights from your free man. i'm very happy to help. we're going to try to a meeting again. so i'm the whole time indeed. meeting coming up on the margins of the shit of events like this is not on the good tradition between us, but also an embodiment of the high level of russian chinese relationship. in may this year you made a successful state visit to china, sonya, and truly our lease in cuba, which allowed us on this anniversary year. how about $7.00 to $10.00 of us or about diplomatic ties allowed us to lay down priority. salary is of our diplomatic relationships in moisture and thoughts and good sounds,
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boom should now be a working. pay them on the agreements we had and cheating. we thought fun. butcher, moving forward, sour cooperation alone your childhood course. so to the what distinguishes needs very challenging. why are you shipping international situation with you? we need to change. so that's all what i'd say in our commitments to friendship for them were cards for the benefits of our nations who took jobs and multiply the unique values of russian chinese relationships and cultivate new drivers. of corporation che, highway good, you're going to tend to work on going to continue or ongoing work to defend how rights and interests and the key norms of international relationships from great, sorry, mean good teaching tomorrow's summit and us announcing you and will become a milestone events for the shanghai corporation organization this year,
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i see that it shows you the google, yay, show show a ton toss. we are ready to talk in detail with you and other colleagues in georgia fonda. she was junior on the, on the topic of strengthening seo and corporation in other areas in the interest of forming the types of community of country is united by single destiny. thank you. the right. that was the chinese and russian presidents of meeting on the sidelines of the seo summit, which is taking place in the capital of cosmic, somebody just heard from she didn't ping, they're saying that tomorrow some, it will be a milestone event. just a few moments ago we heard from the russian president of putting a, it's thinking she didn't paying for his hospitality during pittman's most recent visit to badging, which took place in may. shortly after putting his,
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we have not read it for another term. as a russian president, he said that fellow roost will become a full fledged member of the seo that will take place tomorrow. and he also said that there cooperation with a china in the us, it was not aimed at anyone, is just in the best interest of their own relations. he held the positive dynamic between the 2 countries. and the partnership is stronger than ever and said that humanitarian exchange, as such as tourism is growing between the countries. all right, do stay with r t international. we will continue to cover all the latest from the seo summit and more of the talk new stories around the worlds in just a few minutes bye for now. the the tools he says cube does not want to prolong the war and make it last for years. is even suggested using intermediaries to achieve that. and at the same time camp
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cleans for greater nato involvement. as usual, zalinski is stuck between a rock and a hard place, the acceptance, and i'm here to plan with you. whatever you do, you do not watch my new show. seriously. why watch something that's so different whitelisted opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to please or do you have the state department, the c, i a weapons, bankers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead. change and whatever you do. don't want my show stay main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called stretching time, but again, it's not, we don't want to watch it because it might just change the way and say on the
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right, i'm rachel ruble in moscow. continuing our coverage of top new stories around the worlds in gaza. the death toll is claimed over 37000 lives and more than 1900000 people have been displaced from their homes and nearly 8 months of bombardments. well, every individual story can not be told details of the in the humane and killing of a 6 year old girl and her family at the hands of idea forces have come to light. you may remember in january and her and uncle and cousins were trying to leave guys, the city by car when the area came under is really attack. she had her cousin lay on managed to get the red crescent emergency services on the phone, land was killed while she was on the call and him to spend that 3 more hours on the phone before the connection dropped. or these middle east bureau chief now has the details of her fate. a waste of the report say that's the right job family from guys on has lost. yes. another member, the father of the 6 year old haines job, whose death made world headlines,
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was also killed and is really offensive. he didn't leave to see the day when day is responsible for the death of his daughter would be punished and safe. all progress on the matter is close to 0. i don't know if it had been regarding the investigation. we only hear about it through the media know entity has kentucky, a deposit all of this meta? no one from these. radi ami, kentucky is to us to inform us about this. the investigation is clear and doesn't meet the probing. it was a civilian card with the media mulkins even before he was allotted because of the lee and it was mother life on that. and nothing happened worldwide. who bedroom at the end of january, the car with haines on co, her and 10 there for children. it was attacked while the family tried to really cage to a safe area with a 1000. after the 1st strike, 2 people survived pain on her cousin leon, who found themselves trapped in a vehicle with a dead relatives. the older girl managed to call the red crescent tasking for help
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in the recording the sounds of shots i heard before the girl started screaming and her voice stops abruptly. lou might have been in the caribbean. ringback level and could you will see all the little the next pained was on the phone with the operator and the red crescent says for around 3 hours, the time it took to coordinate a safe route for the ambulance with these really army man, i'm the time the infinitive had them in ha ha ha, i had
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a yes. yes it had to for the family and the fixture is clear. yeah. and the so they can just defy the actions. it was a civilian car was civilians inside most the children. the tank was just made us away from the car. the child was cry knowledgeable the tank, shooting out of her unavailable, intentionally keaton. and it seemed that moved human or otherwise, but fall from everybody sees it with the same clarity for months. officials from the biden administration have side steps, questions regarding the death of things, and 6 of her family members. as your rent is really is were handling the investigation. we have made clear to them that we want that incident to be investigated. they have told us they are investigating it. i don't have an invest in and update my understanding that the investigation is ongoing. last monday, the state department spokesman finally goes to an update. all i can tell you is what they've told us. and what they said,
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as they went to the you in and of how soon you read chris and ask them to supply information that would help them. and what they claim is that they were, were given, the palestinian red crescent, strongly denied these claims, the founder, the president has never been contacted by those right. he's a affinity. is that in? pardon me? and i can't think of the 6 year old hand or time of the i'm the to per mother where i sent the safeguard shows being happens without collecting information from the band standard and brought the and, and from all parties. so their investigation was just to say their things were not in the area. that is indeed what is row claims publicly and passes through to american partners. however, earlier in the u. k based research group concluded the car we changed on her relatives were in was attacked by is really forces the investigation revealed. it was hate with 355 bullets using 3 d modeling and another size of the shape and
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nature of the holes. the group concluded those fiery could not, not see children inside for the family. again, the reason was clear which in this v shows the on his desire for revenge. 5 buddhist would have been enough, but they use $355.00 children that hatred for the, for the scene. and people for a couple of washington continues to back as well as claim that's new idea of troops were in the area. we have seen the reports and i will tell you what our latest interaction with the government of israel is about this. so we went to the governor of israel and at preston for information. and they told us that there were no ideas tanks operated in the area. no idea of forces operating in the area at the time of that attack, which i believe is something they've also said of the week. so who shot the 355 tank words? i'm not able to look, i'm not in the grad. i can't offer any kind of assessment about this. it's why we called for an independent, we called for the governor, visual to conduct a new business investigation. meanwhile, the red crescent has no doubts,
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but the idea was on the ground, the a good contact with the army immediately to coordinate sending help to the girls. everything is really military where, where it is out the area. then why we helpful coordinations. rosa is brittany leads to ensure they've access for our staff and how come the is ready. these have a pool for the nation and send us the map to to be followed by that i'm gonna have is that is the link to the paramedics were ascends to rescue hanes, all the while using the safe path approved by these ran the army. they were probably attacked, they lost communication shortly after they left. and 12 days later, when the army withdrew from the area, both cars, where it is covered, one not far from another. with all those inside dead, there is no way of this attack as not intentionally as not set up
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as part of a system. i think as far as the kind of standard, the presence style egos, the since the beginning of the war, we have lost 90 and p. c as members up to this moment with codes wide and on the duty wedding during the precedence. every now i'm being asked for the test and addresses which has very clearly marked the red cross and emblem off the top of the ambulance. and the full size hinge. red job is one of thousands of palestinian children killed. and these really offensive on garza but the death of this little girl, her family and 2 paramedics who tried to save her, became a rare case in terms of increased international attention. what did a change? well basically, nothing. most questions still remain unanswered while no one was ever held accountable for the lost lives. maurice and ocean on archie revolting from
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jerusalem. well headed stateside now where activist jose vega confronted us political hawk matthew ponds are known for his antique china stands on stage during an event at the asia society of new york. he was eventually drive away and told by security guards and like you are trying to tell me the responsible one for you. it is through. i'm supposed to believe china surveilling our to, we have a mass surveillance stayed here with all that says um, okay, we add a say 5 on every thing. we do this a go here and up on the stage, there's no different than the angle here in babbler named biotin who probably isn't running our government. we don't need to have good war 3. we can actually work with china. did you know that we work with china?
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we got the chance to speak to jose vega himself, who said that the collect at west pushes a confrontational policy on the world stage that expressed hold that can change a matt putting your who is a state department. the spoke, as i like to say, there's now also advising people on the subcommittee for strategic competition between the united states and the chinese communist party was hosting a both talk because he just released a book called the bulk of boiling moat. and the entire talk was just filled with foxes points about why you should continue to be antagonistic towards the chinese and the russians. the room wasn't so big and i was able to get my message across and i did expect attention. i didn't expect confrontation, i knew they weren't going to be unhappy with me, but i certainly didn't expect the moderator himself to get off stage and come towards the west as we liked to call. it doesn't want peace in the world. we know
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that the forest johnson has sabotage the peace talks that happens in april of 2022 . that could have stopped in. busy or in ukraine, we know that the nato has no intention of stopping any of the 3 front world mores. whether it's is real, whether it's taiwan, or whether it's saying they want the voice to continue in any body who presents any kind of alternative or threats notified to that. and this starts talking about he's alive, is going to be silent during my case, charles, out of the room, don't want to criticize, you know, try it. our russian for being authoritarian. but i live in the united states with, you know, has free speech supposedly. and that's how we get treated for using our 1st amendment rights. but i believed in the american people. mean, that's why i'm running for congress. i believe that the american people, if they are presented with the right not just information but the right fruits, that we can work with the chinese and the russians and that we can actually cooperate and not have this and taking this to grow. i genuinely believe we can
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make something happen where people decide, let's stop more, let's work together. people need to actually stand up and wake up and say, wait a minute, my country isn't even being run by the 1st and i thought was running it. so in order for there to be a figure out who was actually running our country in our government 1st and then do take from there what the people want their foreign policy to be. what should be cooperation? a piece for all of their stay with us here on our to international. i'll be back in just a few minutes with mornings by the the see the silver the somebody. how can it be that um the ship to the middle east from a country whose top officials constantly complain about shortages of munitions and military equipments through a low paying the boy a bit of boss and low cream and maybe
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a little in your system and below came along the nominal facility or some of those other slash we, i'm about to the easiest you to know, you know, so what are the easiest on bottom of the soul of us that haven't gone on now? why are weapons from ukraine spreading over the world to turn this country into a major arms hub, will continue to bolster ukraine's and forces by rushing them occasionally is that they need to defend their country. the everyone knows very well that we don't sell but known as pineapples or any kind of children's toys. we sell weapons. yes, we're also known in the world is almost dealers, that we must not be ashamed of them. its own russian states. never as i've started as i'm one of the most sense community best ingles,
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all sense and the same assistance must be the one else holes. question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin media mission, the state on the russia routing and split the r t supposed met, keeping our video agency roughly all the band on youtube, the services. for what question did you say a request for check the . 6 the
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the, the, the
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permission of the as the mileage and almost a shift model to see if you can show bruce and let's come take a look at it sometime soon. thank you. know it's a new and go over some new move from 2 to 34 to 70, just a little god's username. and then for us do something. so most of the items to somebody to bring you must pick with was always the but do the meals that the, you know, the attended blue problem. so kind of show right here. so mental issue,
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oil. you so you don't have to in a 100, you're dealing with a pressure level. when of the cohen's case, as kemp does not want to prolong the war and make it last for years is even suggested using intermediaries to achieve that. and at the same time camp cleans for greater nato involvement. as usual, zalinski is stuck between a rock and a hard place. the spring and summer. the melting optics move reveals abandoned machinery, millions of rusty barrels, and the detritus left by human expansion into this most inaccessible of territories . yes, i used to move forward to a customer both of us for somebody at the post the beach and there's an issue. calling to us from clean optic travel to heis island home to the biggest opponent
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station on the fence of joseph land archipelago. sierra really asked me for our laws and that was the more you have to do should. so it means it's me when you feel when we see that's one way and then put some of the what the someone stay on, the old stuff was so much you feel like you are a mess. almost a little more c means membership. when you to, i've got the serial. no boys have been able to please join me at that of the optic pioneers main objective was to explore and comcast these harsh lands. they had no time to think about waste management now and, and then can see could remain for centuries. that's my of my choice to phil. he'll be in the city at the cross. your system is this multiple in your company to inquire about the deal to issue the car? i'm rick sanchez and i'm here to plan with you whatever you do. do not watch my new
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show seriously. why watch something that's so different little opinions that he won't get anywhere else to give it please, or do you have the state department to see i a weapons bankers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead, change and whatever you do. don't want my show state main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called direction. but again, you probably don't wanna watch it because it might just change the way and say oh, what else? they just don't have to shape house because of the application and engagement trails. when so many find themselves will depart, we choose to look for common ground,
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the the latter putting needs for the leaders of your race and nations, including china is changing thing. and turkey is arrow on. they are boosting security ties that have some of the song high cooperation organizations after his disaster as the bait performance sto, biden's own democrat allies begin turning on him, demanding a better candidate to stand against donald trump in the november election. and a russian missile strength destroys that ukrainian military helicopter and an eastern air filled. and then he has lost his on the battlefield. some prominent member say of who is on the horizon. probably a knew my don awaits even more ruthless and even more destructive.


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