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tv   News  RT  July 3, 2024 11:00am-11:30am EDT

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of the water, if it meets with the leaders of your race of nations, including china, is the shooting thing. and turkey is everyone, they are boosting security ties that are some of the song high cooperation organizations. after his disaster is debate performance to biden's own democrat allies begin turning on him, demanding a better candidate to stand against donald trump and the november election. and a russian missile strike destroys that you create in military helicopter of an eastern airfield and it can last is on the battlefield. some problem that number, say a crew is on the horizon. probably a new my don awaits even more ruthless and even more destructive. the
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we are watching r t international. i'm rachel ruble live in moscow. russian president vladimir putin is in the central asian nation of catholics to and for the strong high cooperation organization summit. one of the main topics is strengthening, regional security and by the federal tax. the mr. clinton has met with a range of national leaders at the summit to including china as president. she yeah for them to skokie to blow to if i remember how warmly you received us all in china, we held a very detailed negotiations signed by level program agreements and launched years
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of cultural exchange. later, during our visit harbin, we were able to once again see how close the historical ties between russia and the people's republic of china really are with the expansion of the circle of participants as tomorrow. bella luce will become another full member of the seo the organization has strengthened its role as one of the key pillars of adjust multi polar world order. it has been stated more than once with good reason that russian chinese relations of comprehensive partnership and strategic cooperation are experiencing their best period in history. and they are built on the principles of equality, mutual benefit and respect for each other sovereignty. our cooperation is not directed against anyone. we do not create any blocks or alliances against anyone. we are simply acting in the interest of our people. each i'm going to be to your successful state visit to china wasn't important historical events on the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between china and russia. certainly advancing along the established track facing the intertwined
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international situation and the external environment. the 2 sides must continue to uphold the original intention of friendship for generations adhere to its preserve and for the benefit of the people and continued to cultivate the unique value of relations between russia and china. while vladimir potent has met with chinese president seizing, paying here at the 24th, the summit of the shanghai cooperation organization. and russia's president says that relations with china are at an all time historic high because those relations are based on mutual respect and mutual cooperation. and they're in the interest of both the chinese and the russian. people seizing ping added onto this, saying that the strategic partnership between russia and china is moving full speed ahead and that both sides need to continue to work hard for their people. all right . and to preserve this friendship and of creates opportunities for this friendship to flourish. in the future, now this isn't the only meeting that vladimir putin was able to attend today. he
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also met with turkish president, are the one who said that he was thrilled to see tourism from russia flourish in the country. he also said that he's looking forward to the success of the 2nd joint nuclear power plant project with russia. and that's strategic cooperation with russia is just going well and basically all spears sooner. there is a very important step that we are taking together right now. we want to put the co you power station into operation as soon as possible to finish it. as soon as possible. we're conducting negotiations for another nuclear plants. we believe that we can take serious steps and disregard with this one relationship between rush and 2 kids. of course, i expect to host you in my country soon. good for that. a lot of our put and also met with the president of mongolia who congratulated putting on his re election victory this year. he also said that the economic situation in this country of mongolia is improving since inflation is quite down from the years of cold. and then he also spoke a lot about joint energy projects with china that are helping mongolia,
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tackle it's energy deficit. and he said that he would really like to see similar projects opened up with russia as well. for his part, vladimir putin said that energy cooperation is absolutely without a doubt, one of moscow's priorities in bilateral cooperation that it gets going to the land state. so energy has been and remains one of the main areas of our cooperation. the work has been established, but we can also talk about expansion. i mean both hydrocarbons and electric power. there is something to talk about here. i am very glad to have the opportunity today to exchange views with you on the whole range of our relations bearing in mind coordination in the international arena. because on top of that, the russian president also met with the president, advisor by john l. home olive who praised his country's longstanding partnership with russia and he also put energy cooperation at the top of his agenda as well. saying he's got a lot of new ideas on how to further develop cooperation in that sphere between us or by john and russia. vladimir put in the also had
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a meeting with the prime minister of pakistan and there again, energy cooperation was at the top of the agenda. but the russian president also placed special emphasis on i grow industrial cooperation saying that moscow wants to continue to aid as lama, but in terms of food security. and the pakistani prime minister responded by banking russia for the integral role. it's played in the country successes and said that there's a lot of experience to be gained and that has been gained through this strategic partnership with russia. so that's basically a rundown of the main things that were said throughout these bilateral meetings. on the 1st day of the 24th, the summit of the shanghai cooperation organization. so let's dive into what this organization is all about. the seo is a group of your asian countries with 9 member states. it is also set to welcome dollars to join. the organization represents about 40 percent of the global population and roughly a quarter of the world's economy. india and china are among the most prominent
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members of the block. the seo was established in more than 2 decades ago. in 2001 with its main name being to ensure regional security. meanwhile, russia's foreign minister, 2nd law prop has met with as indian counterparts in us. donna, mr. jason car highlighted the progress that's been made in bilateral relations. both of the top diplomats discussed the global strategic landscapes. it's all right, let's cross slide down to nelson, long vice chairman of the shanghai center for room pack and international studies. i know some great to have you on with us during talks with the student ping president, put in said relations between russia and china are currently at their strongest points in history. can you explain to us what's at the core of this bilateral partnership as well? i think the, the, the, the relationship between china, russia as our president of german she has pointed out, is that it's all time historical. hi,
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which speaks about every thing, because this is unprecedented. a now 2 countries relations, even since the soviet union days. so this is a very special is part of coal moment. that's not only you know, to countries relations, but also considering what's happening around the world. now we are entering into a great translation period, actually from the, the only polar world into a new world of multilateralism. so i think the 2 countries between china and russia for all 2 countries, to sit together to think together and to, to map out the future of the world. this is very important. it's not only important for our 2 countries, but also for the rest of the world, actually, particularly that china and russia are representing,
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well hold slate to represent the global cells. so i think, yes, the, the importance cannot be dressed even for further. nelson putnam says the partnership between russia and china is not directed against any other power. why do think the west doesn't see it that way and has even called on china to put pressure on russia when it comes to ukraine, for example, as well. i think this is understandable because what the west is trying to do is to demonize china and russia to basically put china and russia together as the opponent. but in the meantime, it is very important for china and russia to declare that our relationships is not against any sort of policy. this is not only a clear message, but also it reflects the coverage status of the well. because the relationship
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between china and the rest of the world is intertwined. so is russia. so is russia . so this is not, you know, splitting the world into 2 competing kinds. again, it's not going back to the cold war days. this is a new world. so i think the reason why our 2 countries would like to stress, again that again, that this is not full alignment. this is not for against any 3rd party. it is purely for the boasting, the relationships between our 2 countries. this is quite relevant to what it takes now, but apparently this is not what the west wants to see because they don't want to. but you know, i mean the reality that the world is already multi paula. they want to continue to stick to that rhetoric that they say is a to can competition sales on china and russia on the one side and the us led to
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west on the other. but this is not the reality. the time is leader, no to the importance of strengthening bilateral relations with russian. i met a difficult international situation. so how does this is a partnership between russia and china affect the international political environment as well? there are several aspects of the relationship between china, russia, thus the economically o 2 economies are quite complimentary to each other. russia has withdrawn the needs of trying to also can produce on both the what russian needs as well. so economically, it is without question. also, i mean, it shows that shit vision about 2 countries in terms of global governance, because both china and russia, i'm not happy with the way the world has been governed onto today was
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a one superpower, calling all the shots. and this is not right and bold a global supply chains is actually broken. why is that? because the us doesn't believe that it is serving the interest anymore because they do not want to see the rising of other countries to basically compete with tia, with talking about competition fights to cents. all right, it's labor, your competition. it is not come from patience. neither china nor russia has ever tempted or declared to a temple or tempted to challenge the united states all to replace them. this is purely for co existence, but this message is not being taken very well by the west. they tried to stick to the old rhetoric. that is the problem we're having now. all right, built on long vice chairman of the sun high center for rent, pack,
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and international studies. nelson. great to have you on, as always. thank you. the uh, president joe biden for debate performance has been making headlines with growing demands for his withdrawal from the presidential race now openly coming from his own party. and i think we, we'd be better off if we had a, a new canada who could present the new vision for our country. and we can do that if we have an open and fair democratic process over the next few weeks. and the growing concerns over jo biden's cognitive problems and the calls for his withdrawal. whitehouse staff were part of a hold a telephone conversation to discuss biden's health condition. at the same time, more than 2 dozen democratic governors are also per preoccupied with items for mental stage while planning to meet with the incumbent president the. but despite all this, the white house continues to insist that biden's health is fine. i understand. we're not taking away from what you all saw,
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what the american people saw. we understand it was a bad life. it is not uncommon for incumbents to have a bad night on their 1st debate does precedent by the 81 years old. all signers, any form of dementia or degenerative illness cause these sorts of lapses. and it's a yes or no question. i don't know. why do you as one of the senior staff members now? are you ready for this? it's a no and i hope you're asking the other guy, the same exact question, call the us media are now picking up on the fact that joe biden might actually be unfit to run the country, are to use, kill them up and looks back at job items actual policies over the past 3 years, which he carried out was the full support of the washington establishment. after 5 these dismal performance of the recent debate, us secretary of state anthony blank and rushed in to defend his boss. these are the
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people around the world are enjoying biden's leadership. they've seen a president who's re invested america, re invested america in the world, re invested in these alliances in these partnerships. if you look at surveys around the world for what they're worth, you see again and again and again, that confidence in american leadership has gone up dramatically over the last 2 and a half years and they see present bite and having led the way in all of those different areas and in ways that are bringing people together and focused in the same way on the challenges that we have before us with a whole. so a different story. biden's global approval rating seats in 2021 and it's been sinking ever since. and why does the world disapprove of us foreign policy? a lot of it has to do with the ongoing carnage and gaza and how the united states almost on critically backs, is rail throughout the entire process. as i told prime minister netanyahu. our commitment to israel security gets these threats from over and, and its proxy is our class. we say it again,
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our class we're going to do all we can to protect is here. and then there's the u. s. withdrawal from afghanistan, where washington was embroiled in the longest war in the country's history. now, the world may not have minded the united states finally pulling out after 20 years, but the sloppy manner in which they did it throwing allies under the bus shop, even adversaries. i remember going through all that the that's pretty remarkable. the airport basically for all intents and purposes, american property. so i'm sorry, i just will find the whole argument for all this talk.
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ok us. i just didn't see the, there was a lot of the . yeah, there's a lot to be proud of. the world was unimpressed and polling shows that americans were not thrilled with how bide manage doors should we say mismanage that entire debacle. and then there's the conflict, a new crane, after rejecting russia security concerns that lead to moscow special military operation bite and responded by flooding ukraine with billions of dollars of american taxpayer money. and in addition to that, he set up some unprecedented restrictions on trade with russia. what was the result? countries around the world not using the us dollar in transactions to a void, the risk and a rise in price is back home. understand inflation is
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a real challenge to american families. today's advisory board, confirm what americans already know prudent price psycho city in america, hard, but the rest of the world isn't having it. india, china, and the rest of the global south not only refused to implement anti russian sanctions, but actually deeper into their ties with moscow. and then there's the ongoing crisis that the us border by these foreign policy is so weak and cannot even protect the borders of his own country. the american south west is plague with drugs and criminal activity. today we have new video justin to outfront this video from the southern border. we have a drone there and it captured a group of migrants illegally crossing into california and heading towards us border patrol officers. parts were g footage from the southern border, showing the moments families with children reb, dangerously high river water levels in order to make it into the united states. the
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fighting zone party now wants him out. recent polling after biden's dismal debate performance shows that 75 percent of democrats think they have a better shot of keeping the white house with another candidate blinking says the binding is doing a heck of a job racking up victories and well wishes for the old us today, but the rest of the world sees a bumbling old man. mister president, can you tell us? or donald trump prefers himself as a political prisoner and blames you directly. what's your response to that, sir? do you know last say no. so long as it was denied the and that raises questions, not just about biting, but about country that's keeping them in the top jobs. they have a marvin, archie,
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new york, that's across live now to legal and media analyst line, all line on really strange days. we're living through, we have concerns finally growing in the us of a job by this mental health and calls for his withdrawal, becoming louder. how would you describe what we're currently seeing in the us presidential race, complete, and total chaos a meltdown. this is, this is, this is for real, this is across between and, and by the way his, his spoke to people. this is a, this is baghdad. bob, there's a, might be the monty python did parrot sketches. so he's not dead, he's done. all of a sudden people who are adults who have had relative the same grand parents and folks who might have suffered from various i've native disorders, you don't have to be a neurologist. you don't have to be a o b, g y end to tell of
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a woman's practice. sometimes there's some things that are just obvious. and i, and many people have been saying, where have you been? why, why all of a sudden? and the answer is because of this debate. now interestingly enough debates in american history but have been really unimportant. oh, somebody maybe make a gaffe here works or say something that's really kind of silly or you should, you might have a flyer or something, but the page were really, they didn't make or break anything and make sure everything stops. you can take that to a nation, everything. and what happens is you have the following rhetoric. you have the following statement. we're democrats, and by the way, this, this democrats run sock puppet media that does nothing but repeat and not reports. they're basically, you know, agents and proxies of, of this administration, even they're saying, do we, do we continue with this?
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do we have a shred of legitimacy left? how do you not acknowledge it? so they're bringing this up. and the best are the people who are this den fast tour or not budging, go. we're saying he is fine. and they'll go so far because the, the more of the story is if you're going to lie live big, they'll say i've never seen them better. so he's at the top of is good, i'm hearing that and i keep thinking maybe because i'm paranoid up the, they're doing this as a joke. to me. this is an international conspiracy against me because i can't believe anybody is actually saying this. and it's sad. i'm gonna be just going to record this. this does not make me happy. this isn't something i like even talking about. i don't like appearing to mocking any human being in any context, especially when it's something that they can control. we all have people in our
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family that we've seen this too, and it makes me sad to, to be mocking this semester. and that's not what's going on here. this is about leadership. and this is about, this is at an election that's a $120.00. so many days away, and i can't believe the catastrophe. and also people are say, what do we look site to the rest of the world? mm. suppose in charge who's running the show here? it is. it's rachel to, to say it is so real is an understatement. it, yeah, it really is. and you know, you mentioned that the media and how even they have mainstream media have reversed course, or even questioning biden's mental health. it's, i mean, what do you, what do you make of that? because it seems like it was only a couple of weeks ago that cnn was still parenting the talking points of oh, you know, behind the scenes the people gave y'all. good. can, can barely keep of a keep up with by then how do they justify making such a dramatic change in narrative? i have no earthly idea and right now when that
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particular industry and that, that, that media platforms is, is seeking itself a co lapse in the wake of digital platforming and, and, and streaming. and the like. you would think they will be at the top of their game . somebody eventually said, we can't do this and we can't do this anymore. and here's the best part. so they're now throwing come communities. john pierre is absolutely masterful at making you think you are trying to make you think that you're looking at something they don't see. it's like you're watching a magic trick and you can see what the magician is doing and you're saying, i see this, but they don't know that. and there are say they will actually throw with acted towards president trump remember rate. these are the same people who actually suggested that president trump was out of his mind because he held
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a glass funny. or he which he confused one name during the speech that he was on the decline directly. not only do they divert attention, not only do they live, but the light in colors in dimensions. you've never seen other members of the world by the way, anything that they show anything they say, look at this isn't the sight of some kind of a problem. the other day to show you how bad it was during this rift fick g 7 of it . you actually had cnn. and i'm old enough. remember when that was the crown jewel, they were absolutely incredible. they actually brought out people who they had previously fired to come back to repeat this truth that somehow this was a cheap fake. they actually looked you in the, in the lens and told you that what you were saying was somehow a m, right angle, or somebody. and they do it with impunity. they have no compunction whatsoever. no
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morality was how did they live on themselves? well, if you don't have to to, to be meetings and the president, well what, how can a news organization, why this drastically about something again, like a magician's trick? i couldn't see. i see the trick. i know what you're doing. like, oh wait, we were restored on time, only have about a minute left, but i do want to ask you, we, we spoken to program a couple of months ago, and you said that biden will drop out. and the gavin newsome, the governor of california, will replace some given what we've seen in the last few days. do you still believe that to be the case? well, i still believe it is going to be somewhere in there. there is no way physically it that the president can do it. and i have been saying for 4 years, gavin newsom in gretchen whitmore. and, and by the way, nothing is an impression but, but we, we knew this, then there is no way that the democratic party remember the, the, the down ballot. the other races are also suffering tragically. so they have to do something and gavin,
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those and so far may be the best at the most optimum. but i will put my money in as of today, him and also gretchen whitmore, which asks you which begs the question, what happens is comma harris. she's the vice president. that'll be interesting. interesting, and the legal and media analysts line. oh, thank you. thank you. the rest of the defense ministry has released the video showing the moment when it's forces destroyed a ukrainian military helicopter. the attack occurred at an air base and ukraine's eastern pole top origin aircraft surface vehicles were also eliminated. versus defense ministry has reported. ukraine has lost more than 1700 soldiers over the past day. well, as the conflict rate is on, there is no longer a unified voice in key of one parliament member says the countries own military leadership is responsible for the tragedies that continue to unfold of the question regarding the activities of the top military leadership in
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202220232024. i emphasized that this is a tragedy of the situation, isn't changing. the principles of decision making do not change. and we have a situation with the harkell region. they were the same intelligence warnings. everyone reports that everything is just fine, mind fortifications are ready to go. i draw attention to the work of the defense ministry and the systemic collapse of the capabilities of the armed forces of ukraine by the creating until ministry come on. i will also mentioned a number of military operations that were supposed to be controlled by turn of ulster leaves me um sir, ski ukraine is having a game of thrones moments blood day or window with betrayal and playing games. yes, he a visit, who, with itself the head of the eastern front, general soto has killed more ukrainian ministry than any russian general. is this really going to continue? is it really necessary for the military to unite on the basis of hatred for the
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elidah? do we have to do span and territory this way? is this how it works? come on during chief of the training on forces. do you not care at all or is this your intention, a full stop and the firing line. other minute treat top ross? who's faint, stuff tied to the landscape, women's and fantasy off on in general. but larry seduce me to whether they got cool pocketing west and $8.00 unexplained resident calls or to whether they've killed too many of that. oh, i wrote a letter to the state bureau of investigation with a call to open an investigation into one military general, who in my opinion, killed more ukrainian soldiers than any russian general. the combatants and brigade commanders are put on trial for the loss of an observation post, but a general was not put on trial for the loss of regions and dozens of cities and the loss of thousands of soldiers to settle departure instigated by that top dog
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a v as a free gate, which is really a whole lot the story a little unto themselves. they are almost like a state within a state, greedy for power and foster for blogs. now room is a flooding. the general fis k might be staring down the barrel of an investigation, so generally failing to live up to his mit came of the butcher. according to the source, the discontent of the lensky and his office is connected, both with the unsuccessful preparation for the russian off and saving the cargo region and with a number of other issues. however, as the source the ledges, the commander in chief is unlikely to be removed from office in the near future. but what the reports that ukrainian full says are losing over $14000.00 men on a weekly basis. 11 of how long before says they've given his marching orders and the landscape police has a bet on another who.


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