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tv   News  RT  July 3, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm EDT

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on existence was only exists the after his disastrous debate performance president, joe biden's own democrat allies begin turning on him, demanding a better candidate to stand against donald trump in the november election. russian priced are both in and like says paul, former us tough diplomat. hillary clinton was one of them posing as a former ukrainian president. clinton urges ukraine to launch a new offensive saying that could help fight it and get re elected. i really commend you for your support. not only hold the line, but engage in an expensive and an expensive and then obviously many of us in this country will do everything we can to re elect presidents inside and let them are put in mates with the leaders of your race of nations, including china,
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sheets and hang, and turkey is an arrow on they are boosting security ties of the some of the some high cooperation, the organization, the are watching archie international live in moscow. i'm rachel ruble. you as president joe biden's part debate performance has been making headlines with growing demands for his withdrawal from the presidential race now openly coming from his own party. i think we'd, we'd be better off if we had a, a new canada who could present the new vision for our country. and we can do that if we have an open and fair democratic process over the next few weeks. i'm in and growing concerns over biden's cognitive problems and the calls for his withdrawal. whitehouse staff full report, they hold a telephone conversation to discuss his health condition at the same time that more than 2000 and democratic and governors are also preoccupied with fighting for
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mental states while planning to meet with the incumbent president. but despite all this, the white house continues to insist that biden's health is find funds to that, sir. understand, we're not taking away from what you all saw, what the american people saw, we understand it was a bad life. it is not uncommon for incumbents to have a bad night on their 1st debate. does president by the 81 years old, all signers any form of dementia or degenerative illness that cause these sorts of lapses. and it's a yes or no question. and it's, i don't know why don't you as one of the senior staff members now, are you ready for this? it's a no, and i hope you're asking the other guy, the same exact question. all the us media are now picking up on the fact that joe, by them might actually be unfit to run the country or to kill them off and looks back at biden's actual policies or in the past 3 years,
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which he carried out with the full support of the washington establishment, after 5 is dismal performance of the recent debate, us secretary of state anthony blank and rushed in to defend his boss. these are the people around the world are enjoying biden's leadership. they've seen a president who's reinvested america reinvested america in the world re invested in these alliances in these partnerships. if you look at surveys around the world for what they're worth, you see again and again and again, that confidence in american leadership has gone up dramatically over the last 2 and a half years. and they see president biden having led the way in all of those different areas and in ways that are bringing people together and focused in the same way on the challenges that we have before us with wholesale, a different story, fighting global approval rating seats in 2021 and it's been sinking ever cents. and why does the world disapprove of us foreign policy? a lot of it has to do with the ongoing carnage and gaza and how the united states
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almost on critically backs, is rail throughout the entire process. as i told prime minister netanyahu our commitment to israel security gets these threats moran and as proxies is our class . appreciate again, our class we're going to do all we can to protect is here. and then there's the u. s. withdrawal from afghanistan, where washington was embroiled in the longest war in the country's history. now, the world may not have minded the united states finally pulling out after 20 years, but the sloppy manner in which they did it throwing allies under the bus shots, even adversaries. i remember going through all that the that's pretty remarkable. the
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airport would be singly for all intents and purposes, american property. so i'm sorry, i just don't mind the whole argument for all this talk. ok us. i just didn't see the there was a lot that went right the yeah, there's a lot to be proud of. the world was unimpressed and holy shows that americans were not thrilled with how bide manage doors. should we say mismanage that entire debacle. and then there's the conflict, a new crane, after rejecting russia security concerns that lead to moscow special military operation bite and responded by flooding ukraine with billions of dollars of american taxpayer money. and in addition to that,
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he set up some unprecedented restrictions on trade with russia. what was the result? countries around the world not using the us dollar in transactions to avoid the risk and a rise in prices back home. i understand inflation is a real challenge to american families. today is advisory board, confirm what americans already know prudent price psycho city in america hard, but the rest of the world isn't having it. india, china, and the rest of the global south not only refused to implement anti russian sanctions, but actually deep into their ties of moscow. and then there is the ongoing crisis that the us border by these foreign policy is so weak and cannot even protect the borders of his own country. the american southwest is plague with drugs and criminal activity. today we have new video justin to outfront this video from the southern border. we have a drone there and it captured a group of migrants illegally crossing into california and heading towards us
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border patrol officers, hardware g footage, from the southern border. show your moments, families with children, reb, dangerously high river of water levels in order to make it into the united states the find his own party now wants him out. recent polling after biden's dismal debate performance shows that 75 percent of democrats think they have a better shot of keeping the white house with another candidate blinking says the binding is doing a heck of a job racking up victories and well wishes for the old us today, but the rest of the world sees a bumbling old man. mister president, can you tell us? or donald trump prefers himself as a political prisoner and blames you directly. what's your response to that, sir? the last. see who so long as you know,
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i the, and that raises questions not just about biting, but about the country that's keeping them in the top job. they have a mobbing. archie, new york, the russian pranksters of all van and lexis have tripped up yet another western politician. this time getting former us top diplomat, hillary clinton to confide in someone she thought was a previous ukrainian at president clinton said kids should launch a new i'll fence up against russia to help improve biden's chances for re election . obviously it is a very difficult time in this country, but i, i really believe that it's important for ukraine to continue to do all that you are doing. and i really commend you for your support. you've been a very strong voice on behalf of your people and your
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country. and let's, let's take it, you know, as, as, as we can, uh, given you the, the means you need to support yourself to try to not only hold the line, but engage in an offensive, an offensive. and then obviously many of us in this country will do everything we can to re elect, present, advise our to assess scale. taylor joins me now in the studio. so yet another prank call by bowman and likes this other never disappointing. what were the highlights? well, another day, another prank on another, on save for yet on surprising admission from a top west and politician for stones. and justin, true, david cameron, they will, being victims of the to evolve. and alexis, now for us next to the state, cannot her name to the list, the top line of thought who clinton? i think it's about to say speaking that on behalf of the entire political elite
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stateside wants ukraine to fees more young voice from the street. on sudden the mon, trained unarmed, to sum that she wants you pray to and never to be news more territory. she wants ukraine to prolong this conflict, and so on. watson, the times of ultimate peace. why? so? 8000 slumped away from t as in washington, an 81 year old man with most probably a degenerative cognitive disease can win an election. yes, so ukraine must sacrifice itself for joe biden, a man who sometimes has problems in as to what, why, ukraine, even if there is no way we were ever going to unite ukraine, i mean, you should, we are a rack afghanistan. no way that was going to happen. i mean, the idea we had to wait on those monsters to get the money for racked and ways because we're ready. i mean, it just, it just,
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it's not who we are. it's not all americans to make sure that your credit and government can keep providing basic fundamental services. if you're ready and people like health care, education may circle key with tags, but it'll never gain the hearts and souls of the writing and people who never. he'll never stay, reset a lot of freedom and he will never, never, we can resolve the free world. well that was also confusion with thoughts. i think you've got the point that roth iran, i've gotten sonya quite and one in job items had but still couldn't some things the key of should make the ultimate sacrifice to keep him in also is it really would be comical is one. so i'll leave project because that clinton is uh, teaching about cooling for this town for offensive. and in order to sort out her own political sauces back home, i know and behold, just 2 hours later, his cilenzo rose. zalinski said, keep sports. this are better positioned in terms of manpower than they were months
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ago, and then you come through offensive is a matter of arming. it's for gates and short message received henry loud and clear . i mean, talk about lots of sovereignty about selling yourself annual people to a foreign power, but of course, if you've been paying attention, then none of that should really comes any surprise. and i like the structural path we're on here as long as the way up you crane with the weapons, they need an economic support. they will fight to the last person we've invested. and i mean, invested $66000000.00 in ukraine this year. and that's like 1 point, one percent. and what, what do we get in for that for $66000000.00? what we're getting is ukraine is doing the fighting. when you spend 5 percent of your annual panic on budget supporting ukraine, and they have degraded 50 percent of the russian military hardware. that that's
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a pretty good investment. united states age ukraine and her people. so that we can cite russia over there and we don't have to fight russia here. so the car is officially out of the fog backing ukraine isn't about democracy. it's not about freedom, it's all about this rules based volt, something's been constantly told over the last 2 years. it is about america. it's got to politics, it's military, industrial complex, no pulls is absolute determination to cling on to play for dominance. yeah, i think hillary clinton stance on your credit is clear, but what else does she say? well, prints, and it turns out is happy not just to pay around with ukraine state, but with america's to still smoldering. katie is a hard to feed in 2016 to donald trump. she's very hard to be welcomed. the pranksters also basically ferrying how old nemesis and time for the november elections, which in america really just varies for democracy and transference. the main fret this tron because he will ask for money back. it will be a disaster. after all,
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he wants to end the conflict on russia terms is a very bad guy, is i know, personally from yeah, having to run against very, very bad guy. i see that we can request a hearing in the bottom and to find something kind of came before the election. good. well i bet you could do attack them. i'm all for because he the is a very dangerous man. strongly is the dangerous one. a power in the never mind that is onto a bite and we've come closer to a need to the, on the contract that we have in decades. never mind that as a find an administration that has a did an a batch with this filtering thoughts. another line that it's finding he's talking about putting us boots on the ground in taiwan. it's donald trump must not be allowed back into the oval office. it's not pretty cool. it did have a couple of pride stuff. but really, the main overriding thing was that the ruling democrats, indeed in america, has only about america and power and it will do anything to secure that power. so
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if another huffman and ukrainian boys need to die worth election, sobari federal cause that's much advertised much all utilize american democracy needs to be tempted with well needs most. tragic indeed, are 2 correspondence, as good taylor says, good, thank you. the russian president, vladimir putin, is in the central asian nation of catholics, down for the shanghai cooperation organization summit. one of the main topics is strengthening regional security. and that at all times the mr. clinton has met with a range of national leaders at the summit,
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including china. is that president she a year for them to skokie to blow too if i remember how warmly you received us all in china. we held very detailed negotiations signed by let them know program agreements and launched years of cultural exchange. later, during our visit to harvey and we were able to once again see how close the historical ties between russia and the people's republic of china really are with the expansion of the circle of participants as tomorrow. bella luce will become another full member of the seo the organization has strengthened its role as one of the key pillars of adjust multi polar world order. it has been stated more than once with good reason that the russian chinese relations of comprehensive partnership and strategic cooperation are experiencing their best period in history . and they are built on the principles of equality, mutual benefit and respect for each other sovereignty. how cooperation is not directed against anyone. we do not create any blocks or alliances against anyone. we are simply acting in the interest of our people. each i'm going to be doing what your successful state visit to china wasn't important historical event on the 75th
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anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between china and russia steadily advancing along the establish track, facing the intertwined international situation and the external environments. the 2 sides must continue to uphold the original intention of friendship for generations adhere to its preserve and for the benefit of the people and continued to cultivate the unique value of relations between russia and china. while vladimir potent has met with chinese president seizing, paying here at the 24th, the summit of the shanghai cooperation organization. and russia's president says that relations with china are at an all time historic high because those relations are based on mutual respect and mutual cooperation. and they're in the interest of both the chinese and the russian. people seizing ping added onto this, saying that the strategic partnership between russia and china is moving full speed ahead and that both sides need to continue to work hard for their people. all right
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. and to preserve this friendship and create opportunities for this friendship to flourish in the future. now this isn't the only meeting that vladimir putin was able to attend today. he also met with turkish president, are the one who said that he was thrilled to see tourism from russia flourish in the country. he also said that he's looking forward to the success of the 2nd joint nuclear power plants project with russia. and that strategic cooperation with russia is just going well and basically all spears sooner. there is a very important step that we are taking together right now. we want to put the, i'll call you power station into operation as soon as possible to finish it as soon as possible. we're conducting negotiations for another nuclear plants. we believe that we can take serious steps in this regard. with this one relationship between rush and 2 kids, of course i expect to host you in my country. so good for that. a lot of our put and also met with the president of mongolia who congratulate and putting on his re
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election victory this year. he also said that the economic situation in this country of mongolia is improving since inflation is quite down from the years of cobra. then he also spoke a lot about joint energy projects with china that are helping mongolia, tackle it's energy deficit. and he said that he would really like to see similar projects opened up with russia as well. for as part vladimir putin said that energy cooperation is absolutely without a doubt, one of moscow's priorities in bilateral cooperation that it gets going to the land states. so energy has been and remains one of the main areas of our cooperation. the work has been established, but we can also talk about expansion. i mean both hydrocarbons and electric power. there is something to talk about here. i am very glad to have the opportunity today to exchange views with you on the whole range of relations. bearing in mind coordination in the international arena. and on top of that, the russian president also met with the president of visor by john eel, home olive, who praised his country's longstanding partnership with russia. and he also put
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energy cooperation at the top of his agenda as well. saying he's got a lot of new ideas on how to further develop cooperation in that sphere between us or by john and russia, vladimir put, and also had a meeting with the prime minister of pakistan. and there again, energy cooperation was at the top of the agenda, but the russian president also placed a special emphasis on i grow industrial cooperation saying that moscow wants to continue to aid as lama, but in terms of food security. and the pakistani prime minister responded by banking russia for the integral role. it's played in the country successes and said that there's a lot of experience to be gained. and that has been gained through this strategic partnership with russia. so that's basically a rundown of the main things that were said throughout these bilateral meetings, on the 1st day of the 24th, the summit of the shanghai cooperation organization is really government has just approve to the largest seizure of land in the west bank in 3 decades,
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that's according to the as really and g o piece now, which said the countries leadership is only moving the region further away from establishing peace. is really pm. that's in yahoo and finance ministers mode which are determined to fight against the entire world and against the interest of the people of israel for the benefit of a handful of settlers who receive thousands of do names as if there were no political conflict to resolve or war to end. today, it is clear to everyone that this conflict cannot be resolved without a political settlement that establishes a palestinian state alongside israel. still the as really government chooses to actually make it difficult and distance us from the possibility of peace and stopping the blood shed to me long washington, the us state department's deputy spokesperson was grilled. why it by reporters, over as rarely settlements in the west bank in response he admitted the settlements undermine as well as security. is there any evidence you have and any evidence that
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there's a way to listen to what you say, your expression of displeasure with a sort of made sense on that alone, he drawing back on, on this one. has there been any sort of, you know, tearing down a settlement, backing off plans to increase housing in or by, you know, so many folds and so on. is there been any evidence psych as a result of you quoting time and time again and telling them that this is in violation of international law? i'm not going to speak to an article out of conversations more specifically. but it is our hope that israel is also interested in preserving and maintaining its own security in the region. and that's why we have been so clear that such kind of activities are not just inconsistent with international law, but of detraction from uh, israel security as well. as cross live now to publish the stand, the commentator, you already have oppenheimer, i'm member of the board of directors of the n g o piece. now you're good to have
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you on the program. what are your thoughts on israel's plan to seize yet more lands in the west bank? so this is a very disturbing news coming from a. these are the government, it's not the supply. so we know that this is the policy but states that it's, it is such a big number of fair housing construction that we don't put him in building the past. and it's very clear that this government is taking advantage of 2 owing guys on 11 on you know that to continue on to the story. any future chance for peace between days where it is. and the 1st thing is, and every day to state solutions and the st announcement of the government to establish a new house in such a place as in the house of the west bank is the only one going to make it impossible in the future split the land into 2 states and to have these what a few patients over the square to spend a permanent this is the goal of the, the logical goal, specific list and dad to eat whatever they can. they can do the,
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the money of the pro fees with a knowing the international criticism and knowing that united states, ignoring the international and just continue a and even create to increase the construction into expands, you know that to destroy any chance for peace. this is really settlements are widely seen as legal owned by the international community, and yet israel continues to cease palestinian land and, and build more of these settlements without any consequence. why do they get away with it? in the past, the, a pressure was effective and we'd saw that these are the government to do. the multi version of their writing. a policies is always to continue to be an interest bank. we saw the red lines and we don't know by my losing power. there was that the meant to stop if and to freeze, told me the construction into us bank. now due to the wall and the place showing
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these are the other issues like the ceasefire. like, do you have any terry, in the aging to guys like a not site team though not to taking is severely a liberal in the task. so community is not there anymore. and a, in many ways there is nothing that's pressure coming from the outside on this government. on the other hand, we see that this is the most extreme, what i tween simply all, we didn't, the government. this is what they were and, and look at this full. and when you have the pleasure minister inside of the smoking, it's also, i mean it's the in the defense ministry. it's possible for the westbank. this is actually to annex the reps bank. this is a really an extension of the west bank. we are in a situation in which is where i can move for me right into the west bank and to be there as, as many houses. so they won't. but the student is big. they cannot do the same the same way back to interviews what else they have to stay in their area and to see
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how they learn some things. it's 5 is the 1st thing that is being taken by the government and giving and giving it to the surplus. the us, him says the settlements are a threat to israel. so security, why doesn't, is well listen to that criticism from its biggest ally to us on such entry wherever lights when government didn't see the idea of the big use. well as the, as their objective and the beginning of that to make it impossible in the future. the 2 state solution. they believe that these later should control the rest band. it should be an ex employees very easily. i should move, believe there, but it's not going to be usable because the other thing is that the next to the 2nd message, i don't think is where the citizens better. we continue to live and the patient. however, this is the goal of the system and say i did to have the patient for have domain and, and, and, and this is why the other end it's, they don't care about security. they don't care about the money. it's to that when
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you have a new set of minutes, it's another reason to clash between these varies and 1st thing in the extension, the vitamins a coming from the cyclic against the palestinians. and it's, it's very clear that these we'd be means most or just more money from beasley government. and some of these are the people. but this, this, the 2nd i believe is the contract. and this is the, in the no matter how much, how much it's going to count the cost. they would like to be know, you know, the, to make sure that they would never be even x. like to put the toner t. the piece between these letters in front of the us uses leverage to pressure israel and to stopping the expansion. i am searching for the i think that the us is too busy with the guys a issue and with the then the but known issue and they have their own priorities. and when the asking themselves, what should i do today?
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sometimes just to, to, to save a people like seen gaza or even into pool, she's ready to begin to add. at least we come ask somebody else to just say crisis . it's more immediate and more important than supplements activity. therefore, i think we don't see enough blood coming from the outside, especially from and united states batch. we have to take into consideration the international it just as cold. the. tonight's a pull out a statement to create a clue on saying that the system is, is it will apply in order to see more action of the international community. most sanctions, sometimes even a direct sense of the sanction against the organization and people that to we make it more harder for the settlers and the government to establish a more housing you need and to get to me all but it's spinning and letting you know that they've been set them it's and you said earlier that israel of israel's amos to an x, the west bank is so is this the ultimate goal of the is really government to push
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all palestinians from their land from the west bank and gaza as well. the current government, this is what they're talking about. it's not the secret the saying that they all stay late and the fees land belongs only to the jewish people into the state of caesar. and the 1st thing in the we never have a state like, is there any is? and they are saying that, ok, it's just a day, a member or a single member of the position is saying that these is not, not such of main, illegal construction in their westbank situation to give the construction of course . but this thing in the liver, cuz construction is something that she recognizes, but it's, it's, i just wanna know is very well. so no, because i'm calling to be by to get to belong to is wiley. so even if this is breaking the ease, likely no, it's still legitimate for jewish people to pay close that, but by that's part of a stimulant and just to stay late to their own use. this is the, the use of, of the power form impacts using the government. nothing, you know,
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understand that the government is not acting alone, and we cannot do it. and he's big to us or community would say this is the mainland . unfortunately, they're all taking advantage of the gulf of the walls and in using the them being the focus of the role, you know, the to, to be at the end to of, to, in, to move or to perform such a huge, a 2nd month's construction program. we need to remember it's not just this 6000 housing units that will be built into west spend concluding the house of the investment real talking about legalizing illegal. and i'll post that today. i even get according to visa and you know, we're talking about to make it more likely to is a state land, meaning they can buy a steaming lens and creating a is what i need. and so rather than a senior citizen, religious are we doing in multiple directions, new settlements that really make it impossible in this.


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