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tv   News  RT  July 3, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm EDT

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in the after his disastrous debate, the full month's jo biden's own democrats allies begin turning on him, denied a good. that's a candidate to stand against donald trump in the november election, the russian, the prong stars. and it's all buttoned. alexis poll from the us top diploma to hillary clinton with one of them closing as a former ukrainian president clinton, the urgency ukraine to launch the new offensive saying to help i didn't get re elected i really commend you for your support. not only hold the line, but engage in an apprentice, an offensive, and then between many of us and this country will do everything we can to re elect,
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present, and invite a lot of put just to meet. so with the leaders of your asian nations, including china as you've been paying and took, he is added on the boosting. secuity ties at the summit. top is a shock high. the cooperation organization, the co would continue that coverage of the latest drive, the shape in the world right now there's, these are the international i a michael, quite a now us president joe biden's port debate performance has been making headlines with growing demands for his withdrawal. and from the presidential race that will open the hopefully coming from his own party. and i think we, we'd be better off if we had a, a new canada who could present the new vision for our country. and we can do that if we have an open and fair democratic process over the next few weeks. now i'm at drawing cod side so by jo biden's cognitive problems and calls for his withdrawal
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of white house, doubtful report at least hold a telephone conversation to discuss biden's health conditions. now the same time was more than 2 dozen democratic governors. i don't know. i said pro, preoccupied with buttons for mental health and state qual timing to meet with the incumbent president. but despite all this, the white house continues to insist that biden's health is fine. to understand, we're not taking away from what you all saw, what the american people saw. we understand it was a bad life. it is not on common for incumbents to have a bad night on their 1st debate. does president by the 81 years old? all signers, any form of dementia for degenerative illness? cause these sorts of lapses and it's a yes or no question. i don't know. why don't you as one of the senior staff
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members now? are you ready for this? it's a no and i hope you're asking the other guy the same exact question. now, while the us media now picking up on the fat they do bided, might actually be on the face to run the country. are these kind of bumping looks back up by the actual policies over the past 3 years, which he carried out with the help and support of the washington establishment. after biden's dismal performance of the recent debate, us secretary of state anthony blanking a rushed in to defend his boss. these are the people around the world are enjoying biden's leadership. they've seen a president who's reinvested america reinvested america in the world. we invested in these alliances in these partnerships. if you look at surveys around the world for what they're worth, you see again and again and again, that confidence in american leadership has gone up dramatically over the last 2 and a half years. and they see president biden having led the way in all of those different areas and in ways that are bringing people together and focused in the
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same way on the challenges that we have before us with a whole. so a different story fighting global approval rating seats in 2021 and it's been thinking over sense. and why does the world disapprove of u. s. foreign policy? a lot of it has to do with the ongoing carnage and gaza and how the united states almost on critically backs, is rail throughout the entire process. as i told prime minister netanyahu, our commitment to israel security gets the stretch moran and as proxies is our class appreciate again, our class we're going to do all we can to protect is here. and then there's the u. s. withdrawal from afghanistan where washington was embroiled in the longest war in the country's history. now, the world may not have minded the united states finally pulling out after 20 years, but the sloppy manner in which they did it throwing allies under the bus shots, even adversaries. i remember going through all that the
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that's pretty remarkable the that airport basically for all intents and purposes, american property. so i'm sorry, i just don't buy the whole argument chaos for all this talk. ok us. i just didn't see the, there was a lot. right. the so yeah, there's a lot to be proud of. the world was unimpressed and polling shows that americans
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were not thrilled with how bide managed or should we say mismanage that entire debacle. and then there's the conflict, a new crank, after rejecting russia security concerns that lead to moscow special military operation bite and responded by flooding ukraine with billions of dollars of american taxpayer money. and in addition to that, he set up some unprecedented restrictions on trade with russia. what was the result? countries around the world not using the us dollar in transactions to avoid the risk and a rise in prices back home. i understand inflation is a real challenge to american families. today is advisory board confirm what americans already know? prudent price? i can see in america hard, but the rest of the world isn't having it. india, china, and the rest of the global south not only refuse to implement anti russian sanctions, but actually deep into their ties with moscow. and then there's the ongoing crisis that the us border by these foreign policy is so weak. you cannot even protect the
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borders of his own country. the american southwest is plague with drugs and criminal activity. today we have new video justin to outfront. this is video from the southern border. we have a drone there and it captured a group of migrants illegally crossing into california and heading towards us border patrol officers, hardware g footage from the southern border. when the moments families with children raped dangerously high river water levels in order to make it into the united states, the fighting zone party now wants him out. recent polling after biden's dismal debate performance shows that 75 percent of democrats think they have a better shot of keeping the white house with another candidate. but blinking says the binding is doing a heck of a job racking up victories and well wishes for the old us today. but the rest of the world sees a bumbling old man. mister president, can you tell us?
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or donald trump prefers himself as a political prisoner in blaine, hugh directly. what's your response to that, sir? do you know last so you know, so long as it was denied the and that raises questions not just about biting that about the country that's keeping them in the top jobs. they will not been party new york, but let's cross now live to lawyer for my pennsylvania state senator bruce marx. bruce is good to have you join me right now. now there are concerns and concerns of growing in the us over divided mental health on clothes for he's withdrawal becoming you've allowed up by the day. how would you describe what we are currently seeing in the us presidential race?
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it's a non precedent development to have a presidential candidate, let alone it incumbent, like president biden, considering withdrawing this late in the race. i think what you're saying is that the biden's team and the democrats to, for attempting to conceal this is mental decline for the last 2 years. even though it was obvious and uh many you know, the videos of him that are portrayed on the news. they tried to the legs that this was, you know, republican misinformation which it wasn't and then became stark. i was in south petersburg when the debate took place. you know, earlier and i saw myself, he's clearly a suffering from mental decline. and so what's happening now is that the, the, the so called mainstream media, the, the media controlled by the liberals and the democrats are realizing that he's just not going to be able to sustain a campaign until now they turn on him because they want to pressure him out of the
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race because they think that there's no chance the fight and given his condition will be able, is the faith or something. trump, in november. now, you talked about the, the, the mainstream media now after the disastrous debate that has been a change of the mainstream media. like you said, the narrative with even to see it and revising its previous bands. and now questioning biden's mental health. that how can you explain such a you turn and, and what do you make up the timing? because it's not even just cnn. there are still all the media stations, you know, having a having to utah, the brothers as well, of almost all of the liberal donald or the media. now the t v. stations, but it's the liberal newspapers as well as new york times the chicago tribune that they've all turned on by that. and it's for a simple reason. so now that is it, one of the cats completely out of the bag given this debate performance, but they don't think he can defeat trump. and their main goal now is to defeat
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donald trump. so they realize that they have to start telling the truth and the truth is the findings and capable of continuing that. you can't. and what i'd like to point out, it's the liberal media, both tv and leak in the press. it's putting the pressure on bite into withdrawn. it's not the conservatives, it's not the trump campaign, it's not the republicans. we've, we've weren't less other than stating the obvious as these condition. there's no republicans who demanded to find withdraw. that's up to the democrats as to what i but even several democrats that preoccupied with with bindings cognitive health. why didn't they address this issue soon? because i, we, we assume that they would've been watching how things have been playing out and taking decisions as on the go. i think they thought that they can play the country . don't forget, in 2020 uh they move 5 more or less kids, you know, during the campaign he brings it on cobra. of course he did debate, but i believe that there was only 2. there were only 2 debates. the democrats,
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particularly those in the house and the senate now realized and by there's not only going to lose the presidential race, but because he's going to be such a, we can of it, that they're going to lose the senate seat to rush more. so it's either gonna then remain in the, in the minority and both the house and the senate. so it's, it's, they have their own self interest abiding step down even at this late date because they're concerned about overall republican lance. now if you buy didn't withdraws from the race, who could be the democratic party nominees for nominated for the presidency? they live? a lot of names have been bandied here and there, but speak to us about what the, what you're hearing and so on as well. i think the, the leading candidates would be governor new, some of california or the, the governor of the, and the governor of michigan. they would most likely be the 2 leading candidates. it doesn't look like any of the people who ran against binding in 2020 or are
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pursuing the race. also they talk about josh shapiro, who i know personally is a governor pennsylvania. josh has only been in the office for about yeah. about a year and a half, i guess. so that's why i think that so they're looking primarily as a governor of that's what are california, the governor shocking as of michigan and like, uh they talk about case of perhaps the governor of illinois. but let's not forget as far as michigan is concerned, this election is coming down to separate states of michigan, wisconsin, pennsylvania, and nevada, arizona, georgia, maybe one other states of having to be somebody at the top of the ticket ever cox from michigan. i think we'd be helpful to the democrats watching, and of course, you know, i'm all harris's there. uh, but it would. i just don't think that there's much interest overall. she's very unpopular as a vice president, and i don't think that people would think that she would help the ticket much, even though she might be slightly better than the 5 or i. but today they all the
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candidate be able to compete against donald trump at this time. i think so. uh, i bought a rug said sometimes that you know, the only person on the truck might be, is bike and the only person that buy it might be peters trump. donald trump, you know, obviously has some issues is his personality and so forth. so i think if you had a uh, a new democratic candidate express spaces if were given that the election is only gonna really be decided, 7 states. it is possible that one of these democrats to win. but the fact the matter is that donald trump is a very strong candidate. people know him. i think people re now remember what a good president is compared to joe biden. i mean, on the economy, we have the super economy up until coven, i listened to your show earlier to the back. oh and a half, ganesh, them. i mean there was no military jets when trump was president. they have ghana.
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stan was a complete tobacco. and of course, the crisis center border, it has been approximately 15000000 illegal people veterans united states under donald under choose me under under binding some. it's unbelievable when you watch the videos of people crossing into our country from mexico. now korea thing scenarios. yeah. if by didn't decides to quit, is it possible is that there will be any change in us policies? you mean he's not between now and not between, not between now and the election? i don't think defining this going to step down. it's present and i think it best to step down as a candidate, and i would expect to buy this policy is will continue as long as he's an office. needless to say, i can't predict right now who's the democrat for it, but if you're, if there's, if you're, if you're asking me if donald trump is elected president, of course is going to be enormous changes in american policy,
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including the american policy towards russia. smell on unambiguous situation in the u. s. with democrats calling for binding to withdrawal, while his family is encouraging him to stay on the, on the res. so what are your thing? is that the will of the situation right now. at the end of the day it's going to be is going to be a present, binds decision. but given that the primaries are over and the delegates shift to the democrats side are all pledge to bind and be very difficult to, to, to keep binding from get, getting the democrats combination. but i think he's gonna be under tremendous pressure. i'm not an inside of the democrats side. is your audience? most of my prior appearances, i was an attorney for donald trump in 2016. the 2020. so i don't have the year there, but i think what you're going to see over there is next week of july, 4th all day tomorrow and the long weekend. i think that you're going to see president obama president clinton all talking to the president biden. and
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suggesting that to the go to the country of the good, at least, to go to the democratic party that the step down, i think you're going to see the buying family getting together. his brother is son, you know, honor who's now, you know, can take the federal courts are and i think that you're probably going to see them reach some type of a decision by the end of the weekend. early next week. i think the, the complexity is whether on slide, so i'm going to step down, but whether he wants to exercise some influence on who's going to replace them. now of course we, we know that uh in the us with the democracy that you, ron a, the former president remains a former president and international figure. but they don't into fact in the incumbent situation. what is the role of former presidents when it comes to a situation like this as well? is it again it's, it's, it's really, i'm president, unprecedented. uh, you know, the president nixon in 1973 resigned. and i'm trying to find whether there were
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there were president eisenhower, a former president eisenhower, i believe was i can't recall whether he was still alive or not. but listen, a bama was president biden served under him is vice president that they have a relationship built for a bill clinton's, you know, sort of the now leader of the democrat party because president carter died a little bit earlier. so i think that the 2 of them are just going to, on a personal level, we're going to talk to him and, and that helps help him make a decision. but i'm certain that what they're going to tell them is look, joe, you did a great job as president, but you know, we all get older and unfortunately, it looks like, you know, time is caught up with you, went to the go to the country for the good of your legacy that will say to them to you ought to step down and let somebody younger. take your place. okay, well, we have to leave you here. now bruce marx, a lawyer and from us pennsylvania state center to thank you so much for your time.
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very nice to speak to you. good, thanks. have a good day. thank you. and you too. thank you. stuff was on the boat. some doubt. whether abiding is fit for office of this one passing, who we sudden of it from the us stop diploma. hillary clinton, she even said that ukraine should launch a new offensive against russia to improve biden's chances for re election. i should make those comments during a candid phone call by ross and bronx as well. but alexis, in the, which one of them posed as previous ukrainian president. obviously, it is a very difficult time in this country. but i, i really believe that it's important for ukraine to continue to do all that you are doing. and i really commend you for your support. you've been a very strong voice on behalf of your people and your
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country. and let's, let's take it, you know, as, as, as we can giving you the, the means you need to support yourself to try to. not only hold the line, but engage in an offensive offensive. and then obviously many of us in this country will do everything we can to re elect, present 15 are all right, hearty sauce. good. taylor joins. we arrive here in the studio for us to have a another if i didn't turn it into this. so that's good. that's good to have your dog me on stage. and right now i'm not upfront cool by well, by the next us can you walk us through the highlights of this? so another day, another prank, not the on, save, were yet on surprising admission from a top weston official. the top line of this cool hillary clinton and i think it's about to say she's speaking on behalf of the entire political. indeed,
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state side was ukraine to see if yeah, move young boys from the streets on sunday and trained on, on, on the thoughts and death. she wants them to inevitably news move territory. she wants ukraine to prolong this conflict. and so watson, the terms of ultimate peace. why so that a 1000 kilometers away from k, as in washington, an 181 year old? mine would most probably a to generate to cognitive disease can win an election. yes. henry clinton wants ukraine to pay the ultimate sacrifice for joe biden, a mine who sometimes has proper recording, who, what, why ukraine even is there is no way we were ever going to unite ukraine. i mean, she, we are a rack. i have candice staff. so we had to wait all those months to is to get the money for rack to make sure that your credit and government can keep providing
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basic fundamental services. if you're ready and people may circle key with tanks, but it'll never gain the hearts and souls of the writing and people as well. that was also confusion with gauze, but you get the point there on iraq, ukraine, the full one in job items head, but pinson still thinks the key of must pay the sacrifice in order to keep him in office. it really would be call me po, if it was so awfully tragic. because here we have clinton cooling for an offense of which will apparently not took place, sold out her own political, soc, is back home. low and behold, a few hours later, his lensky zalinski safe keeps. forces are better positioned in terms of men power than they were months ago. and then you come through offensive is a matter of arming is for gates and sho message received henry loud and clear. i mean, talk about loss of suffering to talk about selling yourself annual people to
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a foreign power. but of course, if you've been paying attention, then none of this will really come as a surprise. i like the structural path we're on here. as long as the way up ukraine with the weapons, they need an economic support. they will fight to the last person we've invested. and i mean, invested $66000000.00 in ukraine this year. and that's like 1 point, one percent. and what are we getting for that? if it's $66000000.00, what we're getting is ukraine is doing the funding. when you spend 5 percent of your annual panic on budget supporting ukraine. and they have to great is 50 percent of the russian military hardware that, that's a pretty good investment. the united states, a jew crane and her people so that we can fight russia over there. and we don't have to fight russia here. and so the cat is officially out of the bag back king is
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ukraine. it's not about democracy. it's more about freedom. it's more about the rules based on which, which is what we can still ain't been told over the past 2 years. it is about america, about america's data to politics of military industrial complex. and of course, it's absolute determination to cling on to type of dominant. and we are looking at this drama from the west as far as this issue is concerned. now we've heard the clinton spends on new trade talk to us basically, what else does she say? what turns out the pension is helping not just to play around with ukraine's faith, but also with america's spill clarity. small team from ha defeats in 2016 to donald trump. she welcome to the pranksters of a basically burying how old nemesis and time for the november election, which in america's really just as democracy and from the main fred this time because q will ask for money back. it will be a disaster. after all, he wants to end the conflict on russia terms is a very bad guy is i know,
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personally from yeah, having to run against very, very bad guy. i think that we can request a hearing can development to find something kind of came before the election. good . well i think you could do attack them. i'm all for because he the is a very dangerous man. so trump is the dangerous one. a party, nevermind. but it's on the job item that we all play. so to a new to the on conflict and we've been in decades, nevermind. but as the binding administration, which has aided and abetted the sewage and calls and never mind that it's job i done. who was talking about putting us boots on the ground in ty, once donald trump must be kept out of the oval office. so the pretty cool how many threads that, but really one key over writing see, which is the warning, particularly democrats and meat, and america has only about america on power, and it will pay any price to secure that power. so it was that means that another
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half a 1000000 ukrainian boys need to die. wow. or if that means that election, this is very secret bedrock of the not job for ties much all you denies the american democracy that it takes good with wow, needs must rice see the watch and see how these things play out. the stuff got taylor. thank you. for bringing us up to speed on this. thank you right now, a reminder of our top story, not the us democratic party, is appearing to turn against president dual body and after his disastrous performance and the debate against the rival and republican candidate, donald trump, let's trust live to investigate. they've done less than the founder of the truth is media project, ben swan, ben is good to have you told me right now. now, what do you think is going on inside the democratic body right now? voice, still supporting bite and what other potential candidates are there and who's backing them? can you unpack all of these for us?
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absolutely. well, thanks for having me on a couple of things that are happening that are pretty interesting. first of all, it's all been a huge set up, right? we've been hearing for months over here that there's nothing wrong with the president by the end of these are, it's called cheap fake videos. there was no cognitive issue at all. then there was a debate which by the way, was held earlier than any other debate in us history early as has ever been held. and then suddenly, the same night as the debate, every prominent democrat in the country is making phone calls to tv pundents saying they're deeply concerned. they had no idea there was something wrong with by that the whole thing was the setup in order to remove him before the convention because the democratic convention and the republican conventions where the actual nominates are decided have not been held yet in this country until they do have time to do this now some of the names that are being floated out there, there are several of them. i've obviously cala harris who's the vice president of the united states. there's a lot of talk about her even though her approval rating has actually been far lower than biden's through office terms. so she's not the likely candidate, gavin newsome who is the governor of california. obviously, there are a lot of people who are looking at him. he's been making the kind of the routes
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through national media a lot lately as a bite. and so it good. you have gretchen whitmore who is the governor of michigan . she's also a kind of a rising star in the democrat party, but again, not entirely popular, especially on, on national levels and national pulling. now there has been talk and this goes all the way back into the early spring. there was talk that there was a design plan here by the obama's to actually run michelle obama, the former 1st lady as the candidate, and has been nominated for the democratic party. a lot of people said, this is crazy. it's a conspiracy theory. and yeah, now that's how a rumor is kind of re surfacing again that maybe she is the one. and by the way, if you really look at all of this, the reality is it looks very much like this has been orchestrated by the obama's themselves. not necessarily for michelle obama. i won't go that far, but it does appear that it has been lined up in order for the obama is to remove, bided, and to push in a different canada, whether it's michelle obama, gavin newsom, couple of harris or some other candidates. the other thing they wanted to make sure
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though is that they did this after the primary was over of and before there was a kind of convention, because there were people who were running on the democratic side as part of the actual elective process, including robert f kennedy junior, who was eventually he dropped out of the democratic side is running as an independent because he wouldn't be allowed to debate on the democratic side. so they've now bypass the primaries, and now it's the selection process of replacing budget. all right, a lot of people are watching what's going on right now, and they're asking you how has it become possible for the highest office in the us to be occupied by someone like do by them. i'm big concerns about his mental health . now talk to was, who do you think really runs the united states right now? well, certainly i don't think nobody can ever ran the united states. let's be clear about that. vitamin was essentially chosen in the last election cycle in order to push out bernie sanders, just as hillary clinton was chosen in the election cycle before that to push out bernie sanders. and so what has happened is there is a, a kind of
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a permanent washington that's been in place for some time advisors. people like on the national security for people like jake sullivan, victoria newland who are the national security advisers. but they're the ones who were actually making all of the ukraine policies. they're the ones who are making the policies regarding of the foreign policy of the united states. and so really, it's cabinet level. administrative people who are running most of the administration and binding himself is doing very little, obviously. and again, this is not something that should be surprising. the people, everyone that since the debate is actually like this is a shock and yep, we've known this for years. there have been videos a body to be lost and not knowing where he is, and not being able to speak and, and being led around by the easter bunny for years. and yet now all of a sudden the media who's been complacent with all of this, is pretending that this is now shocking. and this is now no one who could have ever seen this coming. all you have to do is turn on your tv and you're new to feel comfortable little, well, the point as well. so seeing like you, you mentioned the main street and media after that is after the debate that has
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