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tv   News  RT  July 3, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm EDT

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of the the also have disastrous debate performance. jewel biden's own democrats allies, the getting testing on him demanding a better candidate to stand again. donald trump, in the november election, the rush of the products dies within the next us full from a us stop. the government hillary clinton with one of them posing as a former ukrainian president clinton, the artist, ukraine, to launch the view offensive. very good help. i didn't get re elected. i really commend you for your support. not only hold the line, but engage in an offensive offensive. and then obviously many of us in this country will do everything. we can to re elect presidents and invite a lot of inputs and meets with the leaders of your age and nations,
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including china. seating thing and to kids added on at their boosting. secuity ties at the summit, all these kind of cooperation mobilization, the while you're watching r t to national, reaching you from the russian capital. i a mike up watching the us president joel biden's board debate performance has been making headlines with growing demand for his withdrawal from the presidential race. now hopefully coming from his own party . i think we, we'd be better off if we had a, a new canada who could present the new vision for our country. and we can do that if we have an open and fair democratic process over the next few weeks. now i'm at drury and coincides of virtual bindings cognitive problems and calls for his withdrawal. white house staff will reportedly hold a telephone conversation to discuss biden's health conditions. the same time,
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more than 2 dozen democratic governors are also preoccupied with biding for mental states. while putting to meet with the incumbent president about despite all this now the white house continues to insist that body his health is fine. you understand, we're not taking away from what you all saw or what the american people saw. we understand it was a bad life. it is not on common for incumbents to have a bad night on their 1st debate. does president finding the 81 years old all centers, any form of dementia or degenerative illness? cause these sorts of lapses, and it's a yes or no question. and if you don't know why don't you as one of the senior staff members now are you ready for us? it's a no, and i hope you're asking the other guy, the same exact question, investigate the john list and the founder of the chosen media project. ben swan
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gave is fake on the situation. it is, it are happening that are pretty interesting. first of all, it's all been a huge set up, right? we've been hearing for months over here that there's nothing wrong with the present . and by the end, the things are called sheets, fake videos, there was no cognitive issue at all. then there was a debate which by the way, was held earlier than any other debates in us history early as has ever been held. and then suddenly, the same line is the debate. every prominent democrat in the country is making phone calls to, to the pundents saying they're deeply concerned. they had no idea there was something wrong combined in the whole thing was the setup in order to remove him before the convention. because the democratic convention and the republican conventions where the actual nominates are decided, cases have not been held yet in this country. so they do have time to do this. now some of the names that are being folded out there, there are several of them. i've obviously a couple of harris who's the vice president of the united states. there's a lot of talk about her, even though her approval rating has actually been far lower the biden's through office terms. so she's not the likely candidate, gavin newsome who is the governor of california. obviously, there are a lot of people who are looking at him. he's been making the kind of
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a rouse to national media a lot lately as a by then. so it good. you have gretchen whitmore, who is the governor of michigan. she's also a kind of a rising star in the democratic party, but again, not entirely popular, especially on, on national level and national pulling. now there has been talk, and this goes all the way back into the early spring. there was talk. there was a design plan here by the obama as actually runs michelle obama, the former 1st lady as the candidate and has been nominated for the democratic party. a lot of people said, this is crazy as a conspiracy theory. and yeah, now that rumor is kind of re surfacing again that maybe she is the one. and by the way, if you really look at all of this, the reality is it looks very much like this has been orchestrated by the obama themselves. not necessarily for michelle obama. i won't go that far, but it does appear that it has been lined up in order for the obama to remove, bided, and to push in a different candidate. whether it's michelle obama. devin newsome, couple of harris or some other candidates. the other thing they wanted to make sure though is that they did this after the primary was over and before there was
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a or the conventions, because there were people who were running on the democratic side as part of the actual elective process, including robert f. kennedy junior, who was eventually he dropped out of the democratic side is running as an independent because he wouldn't be allowed to debate on the democratic side. so they've now bypass the primaries, and now it's the selection process of replacing by the i don't think nobody ever ran the united states. so to be clear about that binding was essentially chosen in the last election cycle in order to push out bernie sanders, just as hillary clinton was chosen in the election cycle before that to push out bernie sanders. and so what has happened is there is a, a kind of a permanent washington that's been in place for some time advisors. people like on the national security for people like jake sullivan, victoria newland who are the national security advisers. but they're the ones who are actually making all of the ukraine policies. they're the ones who are making the policies regarding of the foreign policy of the united states. and so really it's cabinet level administrative people who are running most of the administration
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and biting himself is doing very little, obviously. and again, this is not something that should be surprising to people. everyone that since the debate is actually like, this is a shock and yep, we've known this for years, there have been videos abiding be lost and not knowing where he is and not being able to speak and, and being led around by the easter bunny for years and yet now all of a sudden, the media who's been complacent with all of this, is pretending that this is now shocking. and this is now new and who could have ever seen this coming? all you have to do is turn on your tv and you knew this was coming. i would call them useful idiots because that's what the, the media in this country have. it served as for the democratic party and really for the establishment republican party as well. they are useful idiots, meaning they don't question anything. the fact that you have reporters who for years have refused to with knowledge, there's anything wrong with this president's cognitive abilities. then he gives a debate and then when all of a sudden, governors from around the country and congressmen and senators are now selling the alarm and anonymous sources selling to the alarm saying, oh no, no,
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there's something wrong with buy them. now all of a sudden the media says, oh yes, we need to take a serious look at this and now they'll run reports about it and they were calling the days before this, this debate cheap fake video. that was the new term that was being used, that they wilfully and happily adopted. now, all of a sudden, they're not cheap fake videos. now all of a sudden it's real. so why did they, they the about face, because someone in the democratic leadership, and i, i would argue, is most likely the obama is. but someone in the, in the democratic leadership turn the media in one night and said, now it is okay to take this position because we're getting rid of him. it is a coordinated effort. there is no way every governor in the state and senator and congressman decides in one night because of one bad debate performance. but joe biden was fine and now he's on the fit to serve as president. it does not happen that fast without there being a coordinated effort. and that's absolutely what's happened here. now, legal and media analysts, law and l spoke out against american politicians in mainstream journalists who have
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long been trying to hide biden's obvious cognitive impairment complete and total k as a meltdown statements. this is, this is, this is for real. we're going to begin with, this is a cross between us and by the way, his, his spoke to people, this is a, this is baghdad. bob rush, fisher might be the monty python and dead parrot sketches. so he's not dead, he's done. all of a sudden people who are adults who have had relatives in grand parents and folks who might have got it probably suffered from barriers to come out . and if disorders you don't have to be a neurologist want to get rid of it, you don't have to be an o b, g y end to tell of a woman's practice. sometimes there's some things that are just a copy of the file and i, and many people have been saying, where have you been and respect and what, what, why all of a sudden? and the answer is because of this debate. now interestingly enough,
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a debates in american history but have been really unimportant. oh, somebody maybe make a gas here or, or say something that's them really kind of silly or i joined. you might have a flyer or something, but the page were really, they didn't make or break anything. each of those precious law, every things to stop 11th to for that to be dressed and everything. and what happens is you have building, i felt like the following rhetoric. you have the following statement, democrats, and by the way, this, this democrat run by from sock puppet media that does nothing but repeat and not report. you're basically, you know, agents and proxies of, of this administration. you know, even they're saying every do we do we want to continue with is do we have a shred of legitimacy left? how do you not acknowledges? so they're bringing this up and the best are the people who are this den fast for,
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for not budget, for c, p is fine. and they'll go so far because the more of the story is, if you're going to lie live big, they'll say i've never seen them better. he's at the top of his good on hearing. and i keep thinking maybe because i'm paranoid up the, they're doing this as a joke. to me, this is an international conspiracy against me because i can't believe anybody is actually saying this. and it's sad structure. i'm here in rock said the defense minister with his release, the video showing the moment when it's forces destroyed, the ukrainian military haven't got to be a time to occur. that's an air base and you cranes, eastern pulls out by region. a truck service vehicles were also eliminated. now russians defends ministry has reported that ukraine has lost more than 1700 soldiers over the past today. a bit of wilding t as the last case got been has rejected deceased 5 proposal voice by hunger is
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prime minister big. the old one is recent visit to your grade on had said that the truth between moscow and kia would be a vital step towards the negotiations to end the conflict by saying that most european citizens are inclined towards the hon. gary and prime ministers proposal of the majority of solve a respondents with an opinion about the company said of the peace agreement between moscow in key as well. but the most likely outcome and that's according to polls in france, the u. k. and greece, a less than 10 percent of respondents said that ukraine could defeat russia in greece by the 3rd set, russia would. when the author runs on the list of donald laws or explain why the us government would want to prolong the conflict. the us is escalating the war because it's very, very worried about what is happening into yes, uh,
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the key of government is weakening as lensky clearly does not have a way out of political support for the war is following in western capital's. especially now that it looks like donald trump will become precedents. uh so, um, so uh, the body ministration is very worried about the uh, the state of affairs in the, in t as uh, wants to bolster that government. and therefore, as uh, as escalating the war otherwise the media has failed to adequately cover that ukraine conflict, including the dangers associated with us involvement. and that's according to a group of legal and political experts who address the un after an observational trip to the conflict. so i'll just say as we move closer and closer to a direct confrontation with russia towards nuclear annihilation, which so few seem to care about this historical reality. and the experiences and
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desires of the people in these regions must be taken into account and respected. and i'll say again, the failure of the us press to properly acknowledge and report on these realities has been nothing less than shameful. the people of the nets getting the guns people's republics in the done best, having dirt at decade, a bombardment, terrorism, and brutality. all of which had been severely under reported, or even misreported in the west. most shockingly, was my visit to these app rogia a nuclear power plant. several points of critical infrastructure at the plant have recently been compromised by ukrainian drone attacks and showing in fact, the director of the plant gave me this right here. this is a fragments from one of the drone attacks on the plans that occurred just feet away from where the reactors lie in the ground. so you know, you said it was my tax payer dollars that did this. so i got to keep the fragment.
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i was very appreciative the r t curse, but then collab bumping, joins us now from new york club is good to have you join me now. what are the main issues that web raised at the press briefing as well at the very important press briefing hosted by the russian mission to the united nations. we heard on an image and a portrait of events on the ground in dawn boss that is never heard in western media, we heard about the atrocities of us back ukrainian forces carried out with us back us supplied weapons against the civilian population. we heard about how the conflict began back in 2014 and how the peoples of don boss have been subjected to an ongoing onslaught since that time and how they welcome to russian forces. we also heard about some of the feelings of the people in that part of the region about the fact that the western world and the western media in particular,
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has not made a point of highlighting their voices. now i have with me one of the speaker that the press conference this is the international secretary of the communist party. christopher, how lovely. thank you for joining us today. thank you for having me. appreciate it . so when you spoke before the united nations press conference, the press room there the you and what was it that you really wanted to communicate? what was the overall thrust of what you were explaining as you told the many stories about the people you spoke to? i think one of the main things was, of course, the, her, the heroism and the resilience of the people of the done best. the fact that they've been at war since 2014, they've been fighting for their survival. their stories have been under reported misreported ignored by the western media and, and the mainstream media. and we believe that we need to uplift their voice is because they have agency, they have a will and they want to be, they want to have self determination do do just to figure out where they want to go and they want to be with the rest of now, and that's the main things we want to do now only reveal the crimes, but also speak about what their desires are for
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a political settlement going into the future. now, one thing that came across in the presentations from you and the other speakers was that the notion that the people have done boss, or under some kind of, for an occupation or something that just doesn't match the reality of how they feel and how they see themselves it's, can you talk about what you saw and why that is the case? of course, i mean this is good starting in 2014, the people in the done best, really wanted to preserve their language, their culture, their history. and as they told me, the heroes, right they, they preserved the legacy of may 9. they present the legacy of the great and the precious victory of the people right. of the great, but you're out of work. and so when the givers you begin to tear that away, begin to take down statues, begin to forget the language uses and things like that. people who would identify it as ukrainian when ukrainian citizenship said we will not be a part of that state. we want our own, we want our own culture, we want our own values and we don't want anything impose from from degrees you mean kids. and so over time, what ended up developing is the people said,
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we're going to be independent. they declared independence. they had referendums that were looked at as, as being legitimate right in the eyes of the people. and eventually in 2022 they asked the russian federation. after 8 years of work, they asked the russian federation for support and for protection. and they asked to be a part of the russian federation, which was accepted by the russian government. and so i think that that was really important to understand that these people had been fighting for the identities for so long. and now they are very happy with the rush of being there. now you as the international secretary of the communist party, your participation in this trip was particularly unique as you were bringing with you of perspective. one thing in the united states will often hear people say is, well, haven't you ever spoken to anyone who actually lived under communism, etc. so as someone representing the communists in the united states, did you speak with people who had no style just for the soviet union? and did you find the style just for the time of the soviet union that didn't match what we're told about that history? absolutely. especially in the guns people's republic, there was tremendous nostalgia, not only was there in australia for a great,
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a soviet union that encompassed all of the land where people lived in harmony, where there was all of these different ethnic groups living side by side. but also the legacy, for example, of the, of the factories in the region that had sometimes 60000 workers that now had reduced numbers. and they were looking for rebuilding that energy rebuilding the dynamism of the soviet union. and also the preserving the legacy. they had the lending statues, they had the sectors of the great patrick war. they had the haven't, they had busted of marks outside of the factory, all of the, the awards that they had received. so i think that was very important for them. it's part of their identity. they lived under the soviet union. they're proud of that history. they fought for it. they gave $27.00 plus 1000000 lives in the struggle against fascism and that's something they want to preserve. now, the last question i want to ask you uh, is about that, you know, we hear so much about the humanitarian situation in ukraine and in the contested territories. we constantly hear western leaders say that they are so concerned about civilian lives, that that's why they're pouring billions of dollars in to keep this war going. uh,
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based on what you saw, does the american government care about the people in the regions affected by the conflict? not only does the american government not care that your opinions don't care, and nato doesn't care. we saw buildings bombed reset playgrounds bonds. we saw schools bombs, we saw civilian infrastructure binding, they attacked the fuel factory, they attacked a technical university and their dormitories. what kind of military targets are these? these are civilian, these are civilian, these are civilian infrastructure. this is economic infrastructure. but of course, what, what was the, what, what i understood was that the cavity she is that interested in the people there. neither is america night. does anybody else? they're interested in the land. they want to live with other people. and these people who now see themselves maintaining just identity destruction either the and especially history. they don't, they don't, they don't want them. and so we saw it clearly, the us, munitions, the us weaponry that was there, the drones that were, that were being used. it was quite horrific. so and one thing that we did see was rushed as investment in infrastructure, rushes, investments,
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and roads rebuilding. it's quite amazing to see and everybody i asked if i said would you want to return to ukraine? everybody said no, they're very happy on the russia. well, thank you very much for giving us your words after giving that done as conference. so that was christopher holly, who was one of the speakers at the press conference that was hosted by the united nations. now they took questions from the press and they laid out the actual conditions on the ground. they spelled out how they just don't match the portrait for trade in western media. they spoke gabriel testimony of their conversations with people and the gods, people's republic. people in other parts of the contested regions where the conflict is taking place. it was quite a dynamic press conference. and christopher holly was one of the speakers. and i mean, they really had a lot to say a lot of things that they wanted the western world to hear that western mainstream media just won't allow to be part of the conversation. all right, our tea correspondence came up in the, joining us with the political research. and the album is christian. hell ali,
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bringing us up to speed. the now russian products does of over and then lexus a trip up yet another west and politician the best i'm getting from a us diploma of hillary clinton to confide in someone she thought was a previous you trade in president clinton said t. f should launch a new offensive against russia to help improve biden's chances for re election. obviously, it is a very difficult time in this country. but i, i really believe that it's important for ukraine to continue to do all that you are doing. and i really commend you for your support. you've been a very strong voice on behalf of your people and your country. and let's, let's take it, you know, as, as, as we can, uh,
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given you the, the means you need to support yourself to try to not only hold the line, but engage in an offensive offensive. and then obviously many of us in this country will do everything we can to re elect, present advise, so another day, another prank, not the on, saved for you on surprising admissions from the top west, an official, the top line of this cool hillary clinton and i think it's about to say she's speaking on behalf of the entire political indeed state side was ukraine to see if you move young boys from the streets on sending them and trained on, on, on the thoughts and death. she wants them to inevitably lose more territory. she wants ukraine to prolong this conflict. and so watson, the terms of ultimate peace. why so that a 1000 kilometers away from k, as in washington, an 181 year old? mine would most probably a to generate to cognitive disease can win an election. yes. henry clinton wants
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ukraine to pay the ultimate sacrifice for joe biden. a man who sometimes has trouble recording, who was why ukraine even is. and there is no way we were ever going to unite ukraine. i mean, she, we are a rack afghanistan. so we had to wait all those months to is to get the money for a rack to make sure that your grading got right to keep providing basic fundamental services. if you're ready and people may circle key with tanks, but it'll never gain the hearts and souls of the writing people. so that was also a comparison with god. so, but you get the point there on a rock you crate and it's one into biden's head. but pinson still thinks the key of must pay the sacrifice and wanted to keep him in office. it really would be call me poll if it was so awfully tragic. because here we have clinton cooling for an offense of which will apparently magic piece sold out her own political, soc,
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is back home. know and behold, a few hours later, his the lensky, zalinski, safe keeps. forces are better positioned in terms of manpower than they were months ago, and then you come through offensive is a matter of arming is for gates and sho. message received henry loud in class. i mean, talk about loss of suffering to talk about selling yourself annual people to a foreign power. but of course, if you've been paying attention that none of this will really come as a surprise, i like the structural path we're on here. as long as the way up ukraine with the weapons, they need an economic support. they will fight to the last person we've invested. and i mean, invested of $66000000.00 in ukraine this year. and that's like 1 point, one percent. and what, what do we getting for that? if it's $66000000.00, what we're getting is ukraine is doing the funding. when you spend 5 percent of your annual panic on budget supporting ukraine. and if the great is 50 percent of
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the russian military hardware, that, that's a pretty good investment. united states, a jew crane and her people so that we can cite russia over there and we don't have to fight russia here. so the cat is officially out of the bag back king is ukraine . it's not about democracy. it's more about freedom. it's more about the rules based phone to which what we can instantly being told over the past 2 years. it is about america, about america's data, the politics of military industrial complex, and of course, it's absolute determination to cling on to the type of dominance. what turns out the pension is helping not just to pay around for the cranes faith, but also with america's still clarity. small team from ha defeats in 2016 to donald trump. she welcome to the pranksters of a base of pain varying how old nemesis and time for the november election, which in americas, where he just came to cassandra informs the main fred,
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this trump because he will ask for money back. it will be a disaster. after all, he wants to end the conflict on russia terms is a very bad guy is i know, personally from yeah, having to run against very, very bad guy. i've seen that we can request a hearing can development to find something kind of came before the election. good . well i bet you could do attack them. i'm all for because he the is a very dangerous man. so trump is the dangerous want to party. never mind, but it's on the job fight and the we all play such when used to the, on the conflict and we've been in decades never mind that is to find an administration which has aided and abetted the source and calls and never mind that it's joy bind to who is talking about putting us boots on the ground in taiwan. donald trump must be kept out of the oval office. so the pretty cool how many threads that, but really one key over writing feed, which is the runing, particularly democrats and nate in america, has only about america and power,
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and it will pay any price to secure about power. so it was, that means that another half a 1000000 ukrainian boys need to die. wow. or if that means is that elections is very st credit bedrock of the mount jobs, the ties much all utilized american democracy need to be tempted with wow needs. most of the russian president vladimir put in is in the central asian nation of cosmic stand for the shanghai cooperation organization summit. one of the main topics is strengthening, regional security and biological ties. the
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not most of putting is met with a range of national leaders at the summit, including china as president, aging p, a year for them to skokie to pluck to if i remember how warmly you received us all in china, we held a very detailed negotiations signed by level program agreements and launched years of cultural exchange. later during our visit to harvey and we were able to once again see how close the historical ties between russia and the people's republic of china really are with the expansion of the circle of participants as tomorrow. bella luce will become another phone member of the seo the organization has strengthened its role as one of the key pillars of adjust multi polar world order. it has been stated more than once with good reason that the russian chinese relations of comprehensive partnership and strategic cooperation are experiencing their best period in history. and they are built on the principles of equality, mutual benefit and respect for each other sovereignty. our cooperation is not directed against anyone. we do not create any blocks or alliances against anyone.
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we are simply acting in the interest of our people. each of them the, to your successful state visit to china wasn't important historical event on the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between china and russia. certainly advancing along the established track facing the intertwined international situation and the external environments. the 2 sides must continue to uphold the original intention of friendship for generations adhere to its preserve and for the benefit of the people and continued to cultivate the unique value of relations between russia and china. while vladimir potent has met with chinese president as using, paying here at the 24th, the summit of the shanghai cooperation organization. and russia's president says that relations with china are at an all time historic high because those relations are based on mutual respect and mutual cooperation. and they're in the interest of both the chinese and the russian. people seizing ping added onto this, saying that the strategic partnership between russia and china is moving full speed
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ahead and that both sides need to continue to work hard for their people. all right . and to preserve this friendship and create opportunities for this friendship to flourish in the future. now this isn't the only meeting that vladimir putin was able to attend today. he also met with turkish president, are the one who said that he was thrilled to see tourism from russia flourish in the country. he also said that he's looking forward to the success of the 2nd joint nuclear power plant project with russia and that strategic cooperation with russia is just going well and basically all spears sooner. there is a very important step that we are taking together right now. we want to put the co, you power station into operation as soon as possible to finish it. as soon as possible. we're conducting negotiations for another nuclear plants. we believe that we can take serious steps and disregard with this one relationship between russia and 2 kids. of course i expect to host you in my country soon. good for the.


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