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tv   News  RT  July 3, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm EDT

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as usual, zelinski is stuff between a rock and a hard like the one of the reasons why he picked the vice president, president commer harris is because she is indeed the future of the part of joe biden. his own democrats allies begin turning on him, demanding the better candidate, the stat again, donald trump, in the november election, the winehouse heads of whom had become the next us president. a russian song stands all bundled like this fall from a us top diploma of hillary clinton, but one of them posing as a former you korean president clinton edges, the cream, to launch a new offensive say the could help. i didn't get re elected. i really commend you for your support not only hold the line, but engage in an expensive and pensive,
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and then obviously many of us in this country will do everything we can to re elect residents and invite a lot of important needs with the leaders of your agent ations including china as g, d, ping and talk to use added on how they're boosting security tires. are this summit television on high corporation organization the about what could you the coverage of the latest right and shaping the well right now, this is our team to national i a michael question i've been doing. coincides in the us of a dual biden's mental health and calls where he is withdrawal white houses, hinted at who may become the next us president. one of the reasons why he picked the vice president for low income le harris is because she is indeed the future of the part. and he's very proud to have partnered with her and continue to partner with her and delivering an unprecedented record for the american people. the bodies
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commit to decline her sponsor coincides. he was in a bung, the fellow democrats who now hopefully demanding his withdrawal on from the presidential race. i think we, we'd be better off if we had a, a new canada who could present the new vision for our country. and we can do that if we have an open and fair democratic process over the next few weeks. i'm a drawing consanzo federal bindings, cognitive problems, and calls for his withdrawal. white house staff will the report of the whole the telephone conversation to discuss biden's health conditions at the same time, more than 2000 democratic governors are also preoccupied with binding for mental states. while i'm planning to meet with the incumbent president, but despite all this about the white house continues to insist, biden's health is fine. you understand. we're not taking away from what you all saw or what the american people saw. we understand it was
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a bad life. it is not uncommon for incumbents to have a bad night on their 1st debate. does president by the 81 years old, all centers, any form of dementia for degenerative illness? cause these sorts of lapses and it's a yes or no question. and i don't know, why do you as one of the senior staff members now, are you ready for this? it's a no, and i hope you're asking the other guy, the same exact question investigative done list and found her while the choose the media project. ben swan gave us a stake on the situation. a couple of things that are happening that are pretty interesting. first of all, it's all been a huge set up, right? we've been hearing for months over here that there's nothing wrong with present to buy them. the things are to comb, cheap, fake videos. there was no cognitive issue at all. then there was a debate which by the way, was held earlier than any other debate in us history early as has ever been held.
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and then suddenly, the same night is the debate. every prominent democrats in the country is making phone calls to, to the pundents, saying they're deeply concerned. they had no idea there was something wrong combined in the whole thing was the setup in order to remove him before the convention. because the democratic convention and the republican conventions where the actual nominates are decided, cases have not been held yet in this country. and so they do have time to do this. now some of the names that are being folded out there, there are several of them. i've obviously a couple of harris who's the vice president of the united states. it's a lot of talk about her even though her approval rating has actually been far lower than biden's through office terms. so she's not the likely candidate, gavin newsome who is the governor of california. obviously, there are a lot of people who are looking at him. he's been making the kind of a rouse to national media a lot lately as a bite. and so it good. you have gretchen whitmore who is the governor of michigan . she's also a kind of a rising star in the democratic party, but again, not entirely popular, especially on, on national level and national pulling. now there has been talk and this goes all the way back into the early spring. there was talk, there was
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a design plan here by the obama as actually runs michelle obama, the former 1st lady as the candidate and has been nominated for the democratic party. a lot of people said, this is crazy as a conspiracy theory. and yeah, now that rumor is kind of re surfacing again that maybe she is the one. and by the way, if you really look at all of this, the reality is it looks very much like this has been orchestrated by the obama themselves. not necessarily for michelle obama. i won't go that far, but it does appear that it has been lined up in order for the obama is to remove, bided, and to push in a different canada, whether it's michelle obama. devin newsome, couple of harris or some other candidates. the other thing they wanted to make sure though is that they did this after the primary was over and before there was a conventions because there were people who were running on the democratic side as part of the actual elective process, including robert f. kennedy junior, who was eventually he dropped out of the democratic side is running as an independent because he wouldn't be allowed to debate on the democratic side. so they've now bypass the primaries,
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and now it's the selection process of replacing by the i don't think nobody ever ran the united states. let's be clear about that bite and was essentially chosen in the last election cycle in order to push out. bernie sanders, justice hillary clinton was chosen in the election cycle before that to push out bernie sanders. and so what has happened is there is a, a kind of a permanent washington that's been in place for some time advisors. people like on the national security for people like jake sullivan, victoria newland who are the national security advisers. but they're the ones who are actually making all of the ukraine policies. they're the ones who are making the policies regarding a, the foreign policy of the united states. and so really it's cabinet level administrative people who are running most of the administration and biting himself is doing very little, obviously. and again, this is not something that should be surprising to people. everyone that since the debate is actually like, this is a shock and yep, we've known this for years, there have been videos a bite and be lost and not knowing where he is and not being able to speak and, and being let around by the easter bunny for years and yet now, all of
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a sudden the media who's been complacent of all of this, is pretending that this is now shocking. and this is now new and who could have ever seen this coming? all you have to do is turn on your tv and you knew this was coming. i would call them useful idiots because that's what the, the media in this country have. it served as for the democratic party and really for the establishment republican party as well. they are useful idiots, meaning they don't question anything. the fact that you have reporters who for years have refused to acknowledge there's anything wrong with this president's cognitive abilities. then he gives a debate and then when all of a sudden, governors from around the country and congressmen and senators are now selling the alarm and anonymous sources, some of the alarm se, oh no, no, there's something wrong with vitamin. so now all of a sudden the media says, oh yes, we need to take a serious look at this and now they'll run reports about it. they were calling the days before this, this debate cheap fake video. that was the new term that was being used, that they wilfully and happily adopted. now, all of a sudden, they're not cheap fake videos. now all of a sudden it's real. so why that they,
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they the about face because someone in the democratic leadership and i, i would argue, is most likely the obama is. but someone in the, in the democratic leadership turn the media in one night and said, now it is ok to take this position because we're getting rid of him. it is a coordinated effort. there is no way every governor in the state and senator and congressman decides in one night because of one bad debate performance that joe biden was fine. and now he's on the fit to serve as president. it does not happen that fast without there being a coordinated effort. and that's absolutely what's happened here. we spoke with lawyer and for my pennsylvania state senator bruce box, and he said it's not the republicans, but rather the democrats who won binding to withdrawal. it's an unprecedented development to have a presidential candidate, let alone an incumbent like president biden, uh, considering withdrawing this late in the race. i think what you're saying is that
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the manufacturer items team and the democrats for attempting to conceal this is mental decline for the last 2 years. even though it was obvious in the us, many videos of him that are still more trade on the news from scratch. um, they just tried to flags that this was, you know, republican misinformation was which it wasn't earlier and i saw it myself so he clearly is suffering from mental decline. and so what's happening now is that the, the, the so called mainstream media is the media controlled by the liberals and the democrats are realizing that he's just not going to be able to sustain a campaign. and so natalie turned on him because they want to pressure him out of the race nation because they think that there's no chance to take the fight and give them his condition. will be able to see president trump in november. not only the meetings, not only the tv stations, but it's the liberal newspapers as well as new york times to chicago for doing that . they've all turned on bite and it's for
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a simple reason. and now that is it for the cats completely out of the bag given is the debate performance, but they don't think he can defeat trump. and their main goal now is to defeat donald trump. so they realize that the, they have to start telling the truth and the truth is defied is incapable of continuing that you can't. and what i like to point out, it's the liberal media uh, both tv and meet and the press. it's putting the pressure on bite into withdraw. it's not the conservative since not the trump campaign. it's not the republic it's we've, we've more or less other than stating the obvious as these condition. there's no republicans who demanded to find withdraw that that's up to the democrats. away from the united states. now russian president vladimir, put in his, in the center malaysia, a nation of catholics done for the shanghai cooperation organization summit. one of the main topics is stephanie regional security in biological ties. the
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midst of put student has met with a range of national leaders hall, the summit, and including china as president, aging dean is. yeah, for me to stuck with to blow to if i remember how warmly you received us all in china, we held very detailed negotiations signed by that the road program agreements and launched years of cultural exchange. later, during our visit to harmon, we were able to once again see how close the historical ties between russia and the people's republic of china really are with the expansion of the circle of participants as tomorrow. bella luce will become another full member of the seo the organization has strengthened its role as one of the key pillars of adjust multi
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polar world order. it has been stated more than once with good reason that russian chinese relations of comprehensive partnership and strategic cooperation are experiencing their best period in history. and they are built on the principles of equality, mutual benefit and respect for each other sovereignty. our cooperation is not directed against anyone. we do not create any blocks or alliances against anyone. we are simply acting in the interest of our people. each of them the, to your successful state visit to china wasn't important historical event on the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between china and russia. certainly advancing along the established track facing the intertwined international situation and the external environment. the 2 sides must continue to uphold the original intention of friendship for generations adhere to, is preserved, and for the benefit of the people and continued to cultivate the unique value of relations between russia and china. well,
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what i'm your opponent has met with chinese president seizing, paying here at the 24th, the summit of the shanghai cooperation organization. and russia's president says that relations with china are at an all time historic high because those relations are based on mutual respect and mutual cooperation. and they're in the interest of both the chinese and the russian. people seizing ping added onto this, saying that the strategic partnership between russia and china is moving full speed ahead and that both sides need to continue to work hard for their people. all right . and to preserve this friendship and creates opportunities for this friendship to flourish in the future. now this isn't the only meeting that vladimir putin was able to attend today. he also met with turkish president, are the one who said that he was thrilled to see tourism from russia flourish in the country. he also said that he's looking forward to the success of the 2nd joint nuclear power plants project with russia. and that's strategic cooperation with russia is just going well and basically all spears sooner, there is
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a very important step that we are taking together right now. we want to put the co you power station into operation as soon as possible to finish it. as soon as possible. we're conducting negotiations for another nuclear plants. we believe that we can take serious steps and disregard with this one relationship between rush and 2 kids, of course, and i expect to host you in my country. so good for that. a lot of our put and also met with the president of mongolia who congratulate and putting on his re election victory this year. he also said that the economic situation in this country of mongolia is improving since inflation is quite down from the years of cove. it and he also spoke a lot about joint energy projects with china that are helping mongolia, tackle it's energy deficit. and he said that he would really like to see similar projects opened up with russia as well. for his part, vladimir putin said that energy cooperation is absolutely without a doubt, one of moscow's priorities in bilateral cooperation that it gets good. the last,
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though to energy has been and remains one of the main areas of our cooperation. the work has been established, but we can also talk about expansion. i mean both hydrocarbons and electric power. there is something to talk about here. i am very glad to have the opportunity today to exchange views with you on the whole range of our relations. bearing in mind coordination in the international arena. and on top of that, the russian president also met with the president of visor by john eel, home, a live who praised his country's longstanding partnership with russia. and he also put energy cooperation at the top of his agenda as well. saying he's got a lot of new ideas on how to further develop cooperation in that sphere between us or by john and russia, vladimir put, and also had a meeting with the prime minister of pakistan. and there again, energy cooperation was at the top of the agenda, but the russian president also placed special emphasis on i grow industrial cooperation saying that moscow wants to continue to aid as lama, but in terms of food security. and the pakistani prime minister responded by
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thanking russia for the integral role. it's played in the country successes and said that there's a lot of experience to be gained. and that has been gained through this strategic partnership with russia. so that's basically a rundown of the main things that were said throughout these bilateral meetings. on the 1st day of the 24th, the summit of the shanghai cooperation organization. and in the united states, russian products dies, volva, and lex, us have a trip top. yet another western politician at this time getting former us of diploma. hillary clinton to confide in someone she thought was the previous ukrainian president clinton said keith should launch a new offensive against russia to help improve biden's chances for re election. obviously, it is a very difficult time in this country. but i, i really believe that it's important for ukraine to continue to do
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all that you are doing. and i really commend you for, for your support. you've been a very strong voice on behalf of your people and your country. and let's, let's take it, you know, as, as, as we can, giving you the, the means you need to support yourself to try to not only hold the line, but engage in an offensive, an offensive. and then obviously many of us in this country will do everything we can to re elect present advise. so another day, another prank, a not the on save, were yet on surprising admission from a top weston official. the top line of this cool hillary clinton and i think it's about to say she's speaking on behalf of the entire political. indeed, state side was ukraine to see if your move young boys from the streets and send them on, trained on, on, on the thoughts and death. she wants them to and never to be lose more territory.
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she wants ukraine to prolong this conflict. and so watson, the terms of ultimate peace. why so that a 1000 kilometers away from k, as in washington, an 181 year old man would most probably a to generative cognitive disease can win an election. yes. hillary clinton wants ukraine to pay the ultimate sacrifice for joe biden, a mine who sometimes has trouble recording who, what, why ukraine even is. and there's no way we were ever going to unite ukraine. i mean, shoot me a rack. i have can stand. so we had to wait all those monsters to get the money for a rack to make sure that your grading got right. keep, keep providing basic fundamental services. if you're ready and people may circle key with tanks, but it'll never gain the hearts and souls of the writing people. so that was also a comparison with golf. but you get the point there on iraq, ukraine,
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a full one into biden's head, but pinson still thinks the key of must pay the sacrifice and wanted to keep him in office. it really would be, call me call if it once so ultimately tragic, because hey, we have clinton cooling for an offense of which will apparently not pay, sold out her own political, soc, is back home. know and behold, a few hours later, his lensky zalinski safe keeps. forces are better positioned in terms of men power than they were months ago. and then you come through offensive is a matter of arming is for gates and sho message received henry loud and clear. i mean, talk about loss of suffering to talk about selling yourself annual people to a foreign power. but of course, if you've been paying attention that none of this will really come as a surprise, i like the structural path we're on here. as long as the way up you crane with the weapons, they need an economic support. they will fight to the last person we've invested. and i mean,
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invested $66000000.00 in ukraine this year. and that's like 1 point, one percent. and what, what are we getting for that? if it's $66000000.00, what we're getting is ukraine is doing the fighting. when you spend 5 percent of your annual panic on budget supporting ukraine. and the, if the great is 50 percent of the russian military hardware, that, that's a pretty good investment. the united states, a jew crane and her people. so that we can cite russia over there and we don't have to fight russia here. so the cat is officially out of the bag back king is ukraine . it's not about democracy. it's more about freedom. it's more about the rules based forms of which what we've instantly been told over the past 2 years. it is about america, about america's dowdy politics of military industrial complex. and of course, it's absolute determination to playing on the type of dominance. what turns out the pension is happening, not just the pay around $50.00 frames, faith,
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but also with america. still play the small team from ha defeats in 2016 to donald trump. she welcome to the pranksters of o, basically burying how old nemesis and time for the november election, which in america is ready to send democracy and from the main fred, this tron because q will ask for money back. it will be a disaster. after all, he wants to end the conflict on russia terms is a very bad guy, is i know, personally from yeah, having to run again. so he's a very, very bad guy. i think that we can request a hearing can development to find something kind of came before the election. good . well i think you could do attack them. i'm all for because he the is a very dangerous man. so trump is the dangerous one. a party, nevermind. but it's on to joe fight and that we are place that's when used to the on the conflict and we've been in decades, never mind that us to find an administration which has aided on a batch as the source and golf. and never mind that it's joy bind to who is talking
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about putting us boots on the ground. in taiwan, donald trump must be kept out of the office. so the pretty cool how many threads that, but really one key over writing fee, which is of the ruling protection of the democrats and nate in america, has only about america and power, and it won't pay any price to secure about power. so it was, that means that another half a 1000000 ukranian boys need to die. wow. or if that means is that elections has very st cred. bedrock of the mount jobs, the ties much all utilized american democracy, made it tinkered with. wow. needs most a massive explosion has occurred at the us defense manufacturer. at least 2 people were injured and another has gone missing. the incident occurred that the company had general dynamics, ordinance and tactical systems in the southern state of arkansas. now the factory
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produces a tillery immunization and investigation this already on the way. there are some new revelations about a friend of the clinton's family, the notorious to peter file, who jeffrey epstein, you as persecute as apparently knew he was committing sex out against our under age girls for years before they caught the plea deal with him now are to shallow dimansky has a story. when jeffrey epstein was arrested for sex, trafficking of mine is back in 2019 his famous friends will fled the scene forming us president bill clinton on one time at sun confident said he knew nothing about his terrible crimes. but it's now imagine just how protected epstein was despite being described by a judge as the most infamous p defy in american history. for almost 20 years. the story of how jeffrey epstein victimized some of the palm beach county is most
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vulnerable, has been the subject of much anger and has at times diminished the public's perception of the criminal justice system. the document reveals florida, prosecutors knew the late finance caea was assaulting teenage girls long before they caught him. d u a 2006 grand jury investigation looked at allegations of rape and sex trafficking and uncovered epstein's close relationship with the rich and powerful. having reviewed the testimony, the court also fine for testimony, relates to sexual activity between epstein and child victims of sex trafficking. again, it is widely accepted that epstein is a notorious and serial pedophile. the testimony taken by the grand jury concerns activity ranging from grossly unacceptable to rape all of the conduct that issue is sexually deviant. disgusting and criminal. the details in the record will be outrages to decent people. it is also important to note that some of the testimony in the records of epstein pen ophelia involved other people. and that's the crux he
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epstein had deep ties across the world. people protected him possibly in order to protect themselves from being exposed to sexual predators. those toys enabled epstein to avoid a serious jail to him for over a decade during which she continue to pray on children. one girl was only 14 when she massaged epstein, who offered to a 100 bucks more for him to perform. 6, ex ghouls were told they could earn more money if they brought him of the girls with the emphasis on them being young. she said, i know you're uncomfortable. if you bring the girls, i will pay you to bring the girls. she agreed to bring the girls to him and he told her the younger, the better it stones web of connections help secure. do you web i, he served a short jail sentence for, for less serious crimes. namely, procuring
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a person under the age of 18 for prostitution and solicitation of prostitution. that deal was signed off by alex acosta in 2008, late to labor secretary for the trumpet ministration. when that became public, acosta was forced to resign. but even in doing so, it didn't seem that he was remorseful of that. do you have seen this, hey, that is over 12 years old. that has input and bedding at multiple levels of the department of justice. and as i look forward, i do not think it is right and fair for this administrative labor department. they have seen as a focus. but this was epstein. he to continued evasion of persecution for so long. he wasn't just friends with those in power. he don't need to, to the campaigns, holiday with them, and just accused of acting as a cure of children to the sexual pleasures,
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to even major media outlet say when they was sniffing around the story. they were blocked. i've had the story for 3 years. i've had a survey with virginia roberts, we would not put on there for so i was told who's jeffrey, i've seen no one knows who that is. this is a stupid story of the palace found out that we had her whole allegations about prince andrew and threatened us a 1000000 different ways. we were so afraid we wouldn't be able to interview kate and we'll say that we think that also costs the story. and then um and then islanders, which was also implicated. and because of the plaintiff, she told me everything. she had pictures, she had everything she was in hiding for 12 years. we came in, started come out, we convinced her to talk to us and it was unbelievable. while we had clinton with everything, and even when the real propes into epstein's exploits began, he played the 5th a convenient paul to the us constitution. meaning people have the right to remain silent and not incriminate themselves. have you ever been convicted of a crime?
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yes. what was the crime of which you were convicted? it took about counts, one could associating prostitution, and procuring a mindful prostitution. do you in fact commit those acts? my 1st amendment rights. how many times if you solicited a minor for prostitution? same answer. how many times, if you solicited a minor for prostitution of the state of florida? same answer. have you ever solicited a minor for prostitution of a virgin islands? same answer. that is the you are invoking your 5th amendment. yes, right. while it's not yet, no, you should. in epstein sick fantasies, it is known who he mixed with billing as royalty on the political american elite. its thing was a prolific don't sending thousands of dollars at
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a time to those in his circle. all those he wanted influence over of to of reading justice for so long at seeing was finally arrested. he died in prison while awaiting trial. the official version is but he took his own life. others believe he was taken out to ensure he didn't reveal what he knew and who else was involved. what's clear from these newly released documents is that the role of jeffrey epstein leads back to the establishment directly. but questions remain. who are those individuals and why are they so being protected? the archie dot com is where you can get because of all the stories are following this house. see you again. it's all gonna be on the
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street. the be nice the what so striking. so let me use this contracts, but in california, where are some people that so rates and other people are very low making and that's a, that's a call cost of the whole united states. then there's what about 44. i don't know, 400 people that have all the more income than all of us together. you think there's a gap is becoming smaller or is growing all it's growing? i don't know. they only want a handful of people. uh, controlling everything they want to keep people under their, under this under your son's control people's that's a way of controlling people, you know, power and money. everyone should have had these housing food, you know, healthcare.


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