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tv   News  RT  July 4, 2024 1:00am-1:30am EDT

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the, the problem you're buying it to win it and all of a sudden we placed our support to him because the stakes could not be higher. democrats awesome. well, some types that fall support the joe by the slightest spiraling mental decline of the party members, according on him to step aside for you to watch white house and dropped his head and said, who might become the next us president. foreigners are facing golf toner to be a close for one of their audience, preparing the heads of the polls to elect the next leader in the 2nd round of us. it's not the presidential election also uniting together for the sake of common prosperity. that's the goal of the 9 member states of the stomach,
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shanghai corporation organization, which is set to bring one more nation into the fault. and united states, as it has nothing to do with the failed to attempt in bolivia, south american countries says a foreign power was involved. the world without correspondence. dining biology is live and allow that am locally here at most. go a very good morning to you. is your top story. start kicking off with this one for this. i was program here at all to you is a democratic government as a circling the wagons. they say jo biden's in it, so when it wasn't us presidents mental decline was on full display in his well disastrous debate but. busy months they held a private meeting with him to assess the big guy. i'm here to tell you today,
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president joe biden is in it to win it. and all of us said we pledged our support to him because the states could not be higher. it was a great conversation with the present advice present because it was honest, there was candid, i think that know, we always believe that when you, when you love someone, you tell me sure. and i think we came in and we were honest about the feedback that we were getting. we are honest about the concerns that we're hearing from people. and we are also honest about the fact that as the president continue to tell us and show us that he was all in that we said that we would stand with him because as the governor wall said, the president is always had our backs. we're going to have his back as well. well, it sounds good, but all on the left are and finally convinced some fellow democrats say the right thing to do is provide them to take a ball and withdrawal from the presidential rights. i think we, we'd be better off if we had a, a new canada who could present a new vision for our country. and we can do that if we have an open and fair democratic process over the next few weeks. well,
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as our concerns to grow by the day over bivens decline, and netflix co founder read hastings, who is one of the democrats and the biggest donors is actually called on by them to step aside. it said, when is echoed by other pati officials, as a dozens of congressmen over formerly drafting an appeal to urge the american leader to accept the reality and that someone else take the response to that. however, joe biden is digging in for a fight for saying his current performance with the debates is irrelevant. what masses to biden is the past in a bad night? the effect of the matter is that uh, you know, it was i actually, i screwed up. i made a mistake that's 90 minutes on stage. look what i've done to 3.5 years as well as the white house basically goes into full damage control. it's pressed, secretary says, who's the best bet for the party going for one of the reasons why he picked the
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vice president for land. commer harris is because she is indeed the future of the part and he's very proud to have partnered with her and continue to partner with her and delivering an unprecedented record for the american people. yeah, what's it a probably didn't slip or the white house raising a trial balloon by mentioning president horace. we've heard from investigative journalist and founder of the truth and media project and ben's one here. he gave us his take a couple of things that are happening that are pretty interesting. first of all, it's all been a huge set up, right? we've been hearing for months over here that there's nothing wrong with present it by them. the things are called cheap fake videos, there was no cognitive issue at all. then there was a debate which by the way, was held earlier than any other debate in us history early as has ever been held. and then suddenly, the same night is the debate. every prominent democrat in the country is making phone calls to tv. pundents saying they're deeply concerned. they had no idea there was something wrong combined in the whole thing was the setup in order to remove
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him before the convention because the democratic convention and the republican convention where the actual nominates are decided, some cases have not been held yet in this country. so they do have time to do this now some of the names that are being folded out there, there are several of them. i've obviously a couple of harris who's the vice president of the united states market. a lot of talk about her, even though her approval rating has actually been far lower the bible through office terms. so she's got the likely candidate, gavin newsome, who is the governor of california. obviously, there are a lot of people who are looking at him. he's been making that kind of arouse from national media a lot lately as a by them. so it good. you have gretchen whitmore who was the governor of michigan . she's also a kind of a rising star in the democratic party, but again, not entirely popular, especially on also national level and national pulling. now there has been talk and this goes all the way back into the early spring. there was talk, see that there was a design plan here by the obama as actually runs michelle obama, the former 1st lady as the candidate and has been nominated for the democratic party. a lot of people said, this is crazy. it's a conspiracy theory. and yeah,
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now that rumor is kind of re surfacing again that maybe she is the one. and by the way, if you really look at all of this, the reality is it looks very much like this has been orchestrated by the obama themselves. not necessarily for michelle obama. i won't go that far, but it does appear that it has been lined up in order for the obama is to remove, bided, and to push in a different canada, whether it's michelle obama, devin newsome, pamela harris, or some other candidates. the other thing they wanted to make sure though is that they did this after the primary was over and before there was for a conventions, because there were people who were running on the democratic side as part of the actual elective process, including robert f. kennedy junior, who was, eventually he dropped out of the democratic side is running as an independent because he wouldn't be allowed to debate on the democratic side. what's what he's now bypass the primaries and now it's the selection process of replacing by now all of a sudden the media who's been complacent with all of this is pretending that this is now shocking. and this is now new. whitehouse tended off tough questions about
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president, spite and fitness president biden's re election campaign, scrambling to ease concerns over his acuity president biden's alarming debate performance last night. so all too clearly that he does not seem to be up for serving for more years in office. i don't think any one can really do 9 now. the mental states that by them using this version of biting intellectually, analytically, is the best buys and after his mental acuity is great, it's fine. he has a tremendous amount of wisdom and experience. this is a man who is sharp, who is on top of his game. i think people should be speaking up for joe biden. i would call them useful idiots because that's what the, the media in this country have. it served as for the democratic party and really from the establishment republican party as well. they are useful idiots. so why that they, they lee about face because someone in the democratic leadership and i, i would argue it is most likely the obama is. but someone in the,
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in the democratic leadership terms, the media in one night and said, now it is okay to take this position because we're getting rid of him. it is a coordinated effort. there is no way every governor in the state and senator and congressman decides in one night because of one bad debate performance. the joe biden was fine, and now he's on the fit to serve as president. it does not happen that fast without there being a coordinated effort, and that's absolutely what's happened here as well. the fact is us voters are uneasy about their election choices off to this presidential debate effect. 18 percent of americans believe biden is too old to be re elected. that's according to a recent poll by the wall street journal. truth is many a questioning right now. where is the country with the getting to be done work across people or so i think it's a little late for him to step down at this point. i was very surprised when i saw that debate. i didn't know realize the condition he was in to me, it seems as though he's not the candidate that he used to be. and i'm not sure that
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he's independently able to make the decisions that you'll need to be able to make running the country. i am feeling hammond, certainly like laying in my bed at night like overcome with here. i do not think that you're finding that is the best person to be running in the selection. i don't know who that person is. i want us to someone else younger. have more like speak more from the hearts and know what i'm saying, you know, just for the people and not just for the part. yeah. interesting comments, right. that, well, that we did speak with a lawyer and a former pennsylvania state center. so i, mr. bruce marx now, he said, is not the republicans, but rather than democrats who won by them to withdrawal. it's an unprecedented development to have a presidential candidate, let alone an incumbent, like president biden, considering withdrawing this late in the race. i think what you're saying is that a matter of fact,
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biden's team and the democrats for attempting to conceal this is mental decline for the last 2 years. even though it was obvious in many, you know, the videos of a matter of more trade on the news from scratch. um they just tried to the legs that this was, you know, republican misinformation was which it wasn't earlier and i saw it myself. so he clearly is suffering from mental decline. and so what's happening now is that the, the, the so called mainstream media is that the media control, father, liberals and the democrats are realizing that he's just not going to be able to sustain that campaign. and so now they turn on them because they want to pressure him out of the race station because they think that there's no chance to take the biden given his condition, will be able to sleep or something. trump, in november, not only the meetings, not only the tv stations, but it's the liberal newspapers as well as new york times to chicago for doing that . they've all turned on by the end. and it's for a simple reason. and now that is it for the cats completely out of the bag,
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given the debate performance, they don't think he can defeat trump. and their main goal now is to defeat donald trump. so they realize that the they have to start telling the truth and the truth is defied ins and capable of continuing that to canada. and what i'd like to point out, it's the liberal media, both tv and meet and the press. it's putting the pressure on bite into withdrawn. it's not the conservative since not the trump campaign. it's not the republic it's we've, we've more or less other than stating the obvious as these condition. there's no republicans who demanded to find withdraw. if that's up to the democrats are shifting off focus from washington to have it on west side. john lily and my sort of position see on will compete to lead the nation. that citizens are heading to the polls on friday in the 2nd round of a snap election. it's off the last week 0 candidates were able to secure, more than 50 percent of the required vote. so onto corresponding to it in iran. now
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use of july the breaking down the election and everyone is gearing golf for a historic presidential run off both on july 5th. the 1st of its kind in almost 2 decades. the initial round, on june 28th neither candidate secured the necessary absolute majority of their article, 117 of their honest constitution. a candidate must attain an absolute majority, defined as 50 percent plus one vote and the 1st election row 2 in the presidency and the recent election messed with the discount. let the raise with more than 10000000 bucks. what sales? short of the 50 percent special or so you think around? 42 percent of the total votes cast dirty, closely followed it and 2nd place with $9400000.00 volts. now the tool for foreigners are facing golf toner to a clue for one of those that have significant implications for the last future project for either towards the reform as fast or a conservative an anti western was advocated for. the 2 candidates have been
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campaigning for the upcoming 2nd round with the deadline set 24 hours before election day. apart from the riley's, they have engaged into life still applies debates. what's of him square off in a fiery crash or visions of hostile pod, domestic and foreign policy issues, including which path a one will say again, this ties with the west and how it should navigate is see of sanctions for hard line principal as politicians, luxury any form of openness to the west is deemed edward lies on which he criticizes as a diplomacy of a piece mental this weekend. it won't stand. so i guess the west on the flip side, because the scale sees resolving the country's economic challenges in producing tensions with the west. putting the revival of the trouble of 2015 nuclear deal at the top of his agenda more routes. but it was very me, quite a bit of seagulls about behavior. we are losing our social support every day because of the high cost of living. because of the treatment of women that about the internet filtering of the bi, hold you to a misbehavior. people are dissatisfied with the main problem in this country is
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disagreement. we should 1st establish unity that is within our country. so because then we should just mention that our interest depends on negotiating with the world and securing our share of all the sources. we can live in a cage close the door and have no relations with the world. your daughter could, we will have a whole life have presented and see us. that's part of the jag, when we talk about foreign policy, is there are more than 2 or 3 countries out there. so this was a wrong policy that our foreign relations were limited to a few powers that we've had the most and disagreements with. so there are $200.00 countries in the world. what is the key to opportunities? we should look at them from the point of finding common ground, those who focus on disagreements and want to benefit by cooperating with those who are disagreeing with us. the most just won't succeed. no good guys, appreciate your standing for the 3rd time having previously run into other election cycles in 2021. he stepped aside in favor of the late president for you see, what for me, influential with embraces administration, earning him the moniker,
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the shadow government from could expect positioning on this part. natalie training position here on the 1st round of the current selection trinity enjoys twan, beckoning from hard line support for riley around this world in new compromise, no surrender to the west. former principal, his candidates are the result of our county. i mean, whole same policies audit and why my book everybody was. i've now found a way behind jedi by define greece under the care and leadership of the leader of the revolution. the nation has decided not to let you filing their rights by making the correct decision and electing our dear brother, mister jelly, occurred duty of all sympathizers is to support the candidate of the revolutionary front. i asked the great nation of the ron, my supporters and my other brothers, mister colored boss. mister is a connie and their election headquarters to support my dear brother, doctor said jelly, cuz this young age, 69 terrifically serves as
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a member of parliament and the mines were the reformers gap, which holds contrasting views to the principal has on the line approach towards the west, well not the most prominent figure and the reformers here for this account enjoys support from heavy weights. reformers like former presidents mohammed economy, widely recognized as the pioneer of the reform movement during his presidency from 1997 to 2005. in monday, you can take ahold of this humble servant of god, who wants good and progress for the country and pride of the nation and greatness and empowerment. society all considers participation in the election and this time is justifiable and will vote for dr. possession and the president has several honey who proceeded while you see has also given his endorsement a position and a video message released on wednesday for honey price. because this counts ability to lift the sanctions and lot of time as being patriotic data, me on a con, the dog i'm on the respective candidates for the 14th government. doctor must, who possess kion, deserves these jobs and can show to the responsibilities he has the qualities and
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characteristics that let us own, rushed to the pulse diagnostics with people who want the constructive interaction with the world. and once more the ration in the country to vote for adults to muscle positioning out on friday because the scale is entering into the rates to start to have had a significant impact on the election atmosphere. be energized many previously this interest at poor reform voters who had initially planned to boycott the election due to the disqualification of prominent reformers candidates in the previous parliamentary vote. however, despite his efforts better turn out, remains low at 40 percent, most candidates are now working hard to not only attract looters to support them, but also to live up overall voter engagement. for we, for those pos narrow lead in the 1st round, he's out seriously capitalizing on the 60 percent of the electorate. forty's not roles. and the 1st problem, positioning himself as the solution to their problems, ranging from unemployment and from parents, inflation to a weakening and national care. and so he says morning for him, we'll provide more that remaining passive. and this all in all,
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the campaign trail has revealed much about the can slots, the leadership styles of the 2 candidates, what each offering a different path for a wants future dates. on the other, towards the usability on the shanghai corporation organization is set to become one nation logic. this thursday, it's set to bring bella rosen to the fold. alexander, look, a shank outside of the body is aligned with the spirit which nations policies for bella roost. seo is not just an international organization. it is the strategic outlook by its nature. the seo is an organization and the creation is not directed against anyone. this is something the world needs today, and it fully meets the spirit of our own policy. time to learn more. that's given all of the story right now, of course. and while i talk to use, i don't know quoted areas standing by for us, an estin. uh about 20 past 10 locally there in the morning. don't
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a very good morning to you because about a, about a full 2nd delay in all the transmission right now. but what, what can you tell us about the significance of, of 2024 s. c o summit because a lot of people are talking about of the wall, rory, it's like you said, it's the 2nd day of the 24th, the summit of the shanghai cooperation organization here in austin. and there's certainly a lot on the agenda today. i mean, vladimir putin is set to attend an s t o plus meeting with leaders from both members, states, and attending observers. bella russo is expected to expand the organization's membership by becoming the ceo's 10th member state. and around the conclusion of the summit, a number of declarations and agreements are expected to be signed that are all in the spirit, really of a cooperation, multi polarity, and mutual respect that both why them are putting and changing things spoke about yesterday at the 1st day of this summit yeah,
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problem just go quick to blow to if i remember how warmly you receive this hole in china for get they beheld a very detailed negotiation designed by that develop program agreements. launched ideas of cultural exchange. christie, later to during our visit, harding, we were able to, once again in the video and how close that historical on this of just, russian, you really in the people's republic of china, really hard for the uh, with the expansion of the circle of participants, has to model, the cnn will become another phone number of the sealed system. the organization has strengthened its role as one of the key sellers as of a just to multiple or world or new task. and that it has been stated more than once with good reason. you know that the russian chinese relations of comprehensive partnership and strategic cooperation are experiencing their mystery of the industry. and they are built on the principles of equality and util, benefit and respect for each other 70 the how cooperation is not directed against any one where we didn't create any blogs or alliances against anyone. i'm sure that
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we are simply acting in the interest of our people's age. i'm going to be too much english. your front with your successful state visit to china is an important historical event on the 75th anniversary or 3 of the establishment of diplomatic relations between china and russia. so to steadily advancing along the established track in the intertwined international situation and the external environment long term, very the 2 sides. let's continue to add to the original intention of a friendship for generations. adhered to his perseverance for the benefit of the people being great and continued to cultivate the unique value of relations between russia and china. and they never, the less the western media has tried to smear this seo event as much as possible. calling it to a china dominated summit with a new pro, a russian staunchly pro russian member of state uh, entering the fold. nevertheless, i mean, at any rate, the organization is moving forward and offering new opportunities for its members,
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states and friends of here. pretty, pretty predictable comments that from the, the main stream old elaine stream media that don't appreciate you bringing that off night. and obviously, you know, it's, it's a busy couple of days that we've seen some of the president g. we've seen some of the russian president as well. you've given us some details about the 1st day was to come by this time we have some comments from a live rough as well. can you give us a few more details? that's right. well, yesterday, on the 1st day of this summit, vladimir putin had a number of bilateral meetings with various world leaders, like the presidents of a turkey, a, azerbaijan, mongolia, among others, really and a really energy cooperation was on the minds of pretty much everyone there, of course, why to me or put and also met with she's in pain goose attendance here at the seo summit actually coincides with his state visits to catholic stance. the chinese presidents been very busy in the region as of late now that ukraine conflict was
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also discussed specifically at vladimir prudence, meeting with turkish president or the one. and at, around that meeting, we heard also a statement from russia's for administer a survey lab. rob, who said that, uh, the only party to the ukraine conflict that's actually interested in peace negotiations. right now. is mosque out, could i even have because of its ukraine refused to send a negotiation. so my secret in itself has bob's the go stations. it was the last you don't by somebody just the crazy and the west of the month. once you claim to stop leasing law was the west has some least against us with the gives it has most of your opinion. it's also worth mentioning that the un secretary general is in attendance at this summit as well. so this is a high level event with a lot of important world leaders and diplomats that no doubt the world is watching right now very closely. yeah, and so you don't, you know, all you gotta do is try and imagine blinking the a, c o. c on to bring to the global south. and we all right now today
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witnessing site is make shift on the wells geopolitical chessboard. all these don't put a live announce than a csc or conference. anything. well, washington says it wasn't us off for a failed to attempt in bolivia last week. the white house has tried to distance itself from the claims that a foreign power was behind the i want to be really mindful. here we have seen the false allegations of us involvement in the events of uh, of olivia on june 26. i know that's something that has come up a couple times. and so one of them make sure that it is clear that the us had no involvement in that. look, we certainly condemn strongly condemn the deployment of army units in bolivia, in any attempt to subvert a constitutional order. and we're going to continue. and i said this last week, we're going to continue or the week before stand by democracy in the people of
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olivia. and that is, that is where we're gonna continue to stand. well that's in response to the i believe in governments, claims that an investigation has uncovered, tell tale signs of a foreign power pulling the strings, habits, and he's dumb. we are investigating the case just as i mentioned in an interview with olivia mtv, that in previous cruise in our country and in the region, as was the case with the operation condo, or there were external interest involved in the interests of certain interest groups or certain leaders in our country and clearly encourage the armed forces to collude with external interest groups. prologic who. that is why it is very important for the international community to be vigilant about what is happening in bolivia is a multi ethnic country him in the morning. although mentos, we have found at least 5 indicators that may indicate that the involvement of for an entrance out of a responsible attitude will not release specific details until we finally confirm
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the involvement for an agency. and this failed military conductor base started. so a quick recap of what happened in that south american nation. a general one, jose zuniga and his officers led a crew attempt full weeks of political unrest, a bit of split, and the routing party between a full month, olivia and president on the cover liter. how soon it goes, show that power eventually failed and he did withdrawal. his forces is basically paving into domestic on international pressure and the appointment that of a new military ties come on. so we were discussing this at length with the edward smith, the co director of the midwest and marks institute. he believes the attempted crew shows elements of traditional external actors being info. so i think it's very interesting that they invoked operation con door because the 2019 coo and the recent crew were kind of throwbacks. they were very reminiscent of the crew that the us did in guatemala, and in 1954. where you back a military leader or
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a far right extreme is leader on the ground who has support of the sections of the military. and then you get them to oust the governments that you don't want. i mean, i don't think anybody would be surprised to see us involvement in bolivia. we know that their fingerprints were all over the cooling 2019. and yet there's been virtual silence in the us media and from the us state department on that issue. even as the fascist eric extreme right wing qu, leader that the back to need on you as a sitting in a jail cell. the us has a ton of interest there, especially in corporate america. we know that the us government is largely controlled by wall street and big banks through lobbying and other means. so it's likely that they want regime change to have access to bolivia, lithium resources, for example. and so there's a lot of financial interest in bolivia as they're moving forward with this sort of resource socialism, where they're nationalizing various industries,
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taking them out in the hands of more by national corporations and, and trying to re invest them in the people. so it makes sense that the us would respond to this new rise of socialism to say what same way they responded to it and 1970 with a wave of who's and assassinations. yeah, there is also another iron goal to the bolivia story because as the world is being pushed into the so called green agenda 2030, it's a mad rush to secure the biggest lithium the pulses to be found anywhere on the planet. so you wouldn't be surprised to load up, but nivia has the biggest lithium reserves in the world. can you go to one the, where the attend to the regime change came from. right. thanks you question more. this is odds against the
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the, i mean, everyone is chasing the same dream. everyone's doing the same thing, having to get a job making it rich agent is good to have the money that, that, that, that, that was the most popular person in the world. no body,
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the world doing the same damn thing. it's like watching the high school all over again . i believe it create an awareness about homeless. because if we don't pay attention to it, it's gonna overwhelm the population. and when that happens, where's the money going to come from? seriously, we're, we're, we're, we're ready is what? 70000000000 or something like that. missing money. are democracies falling apart and we're worried about small things and what we should be worried about the bigger problems that are right in front of our faces. instead of turning a blind eye to.


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