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tv   Documentary  RT  July 4, 2024 4:30am-5:01am EDT

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of the driving outside we saw a lot of the territories. it was very horrible because there is a body over here. there is a body over there and i think i just took my seats. i really like that. so if there are any terry of firing, they won't tom my head terrible tragedy and terrible revenge. i know who they me come off the the on off know, especially the place with the condition of being prevented. dublin probably seems to be the one people and
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we want to peoples of the land to leave in peace and prosperity. is it possible to have peace in this region? every gain around 6 and we heard a lot of bonding coming from the iron human from the guys of stripe size. i think it was an hour of non self funding. going back and forth, the i told my boyfriend, i think we need to leave. we didn't know what we were supposed to do because on one hand we had, the me says, going above our head and instruction was to stay in boss. from the other hand, the my home is really not secure. the
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some of the people that i know on their house where at least on a fire, again, from a person who's leaving right next to the goal though i received a s. m. s. messages from our keyboard, from last november is sending us the don't be afraid of the bonded that you're hearing because it's from us practicing the . they're just surrounding the entire area of the party. they came ready for us. you know, they know we're gonna scatter like the ship and every cross road we go to, we see burns, the cars. we seem dead. bodies friendly knows, we see vehicles mc vehicles all over with dead bodies with blood, with the tolls and we just drove,
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i pushed the gas all over and we just drove until i got home. and the if so really if they knew they were practicing, why didn't they and the idea and our government practice to as well. so this the now us and it's, it's absurd, a new or in the middle east. the beginning on october, the 7th, 202328 half 1000. how much militants across from the gaza strip into israel? it set to be israel. security forces, greatest failure, causes vacated, thought to be on the full control. goes on more coupled individually. got q most of the one in the but nobody's in the system was signal is i'd say it's a video camera. i use it. i just explore the cord. yes. a not sure. how long does it says for the i'm assuming, so i suppose are not doing see what it would be. the 2 words,
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what is what i said they couldn't use it. so you're not saying you're not the result of domestic l 7. so for me to build it then you know, the big to see fast the, to the width and for many of gold. and the keep would see, you know, move that he's in charge of this securely and busted to the west bank to the step of this. and the other thing, the thing you know, deep on the border between the soft paisley island, it goes to in the way or engine, at least 55. but the neo moves fairly 2 of them to the west bank and the left only if we that's it allow the, some us to succeed in the most split even more that they feel that they will even need capital f a. so just send it to the office says that they see a inspection suspicious lens
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in the a cause a sweep over sales said the district still connecting and the if they continue saying that there's something suspicious, think as a street they were going to present the or the i was shocked when have us attacked israel. i thought it was horrendous. what the, what, how much did unconscionable unforgivable as they were maybe 350 soldiers and policemen killed by the other for the 800 civilians who were killed that day. the what happened on october, the 7 was
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a jail breakout or it was the slaves revolting against the master. and of course, when slaves revolt against illegitimate masters, that is not going to be peaceful. and it is going to be violet. and the israelis, they should have thought about that before. they expels palestinians subjugated palestinians and murder. i think it was inevitable. the policy and in people have been under brutal subjugation, or many decades. israel responded to the attack with operations. so it's of, on the, as i, so i, and i know who they, me to come off the, the afternoon mishita lation of a low knoxville,
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tennessee. then it's a home, the israelis had no game plan for what's gonna happen. so they went in there to get revenge, but they have to do it in a targeted 10 point way, not by level in gaza. for the new says in a youth is it on i'm of the model and that's it because they've been mechanically the plumbing the best for the old one of the blog or mr. had that upside. i'll have to put on the amount of flesh on my students that i didn't know and i can and i'm uh is that the the books that are how it can get a balance based yaneth, the
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fema that associated with the age without and what sort of you so yeah, that was done, but as of october and i still enjoyed the uh, gentleman of the gentleman that's, well, that's a be i need a little have that to look to what's gonna be the sure. the minimum of the bundled off the he has come with the woman home middle of uh it was a slip. yeah. she got home with an estimate of how to do the home minimum as of friday. i've been on the i'm a pretty of was some said meet home best. i'm one of the young woman that i the you know, had been with somebody the . ringback the
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humanitarian design has done, sold it and goes a funding food is getting harder as well. says how much militant aside and hospitals and schools. so the palm, 2000 the, the nothing justifies the must have kept updates on us getting the, most of my objection and my companions objection to the assault. and because that is a mobile one, because the vast majority over the victims mode and 70 percent of innocence, convenience in ease where there is a racist campaign that says the,
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i don't know in a sense, even in gosh, the media coverage started off being totally sympathetic to israel, but the images that are coming out are so heartbreaking at so sad, so tragic that said, the balance of world opinion as shifted as a simple fees to have the to are these rallies are now over whelmed by the sympathies for the people of guys that. c most of
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the global communities, once again talking about the palestinian tragedy as well as how much those goals may have been to draw attention to the disaster and the gaza strip. and this isn't the 1st time that's being done with terrorist attacks. the russian states never as, as tight as i'm one of the most sense community best. most all sense and up the in the 65 with the keys 195 must be the one
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else holes. question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin media mission, the state on rochester, d. s r t support tech team and our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube, the payment services for the question, did you say steven? twist, which is the 1918 the countries of the west, one, the final victory over the ottoman empire. the sultan's government capitulated to
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the inside and signed the humiliating armesis of little girls. great britain and france and italy wanted not only to destroy the ottoman empire, but also to divide the prime orderly turkish lands among themselves. in 1919, their armies began to land on turkish territory. but the west decided to choose greeks as the main striking force. seeking to make others realize this aggressive plan. for an intervention, provo mask indignation among the turkish people. the national liberation struggle was led by the experience of general mustafah come all as a 3rd. in order to bear down the enemy, a bank on the mobilization of the nation, and the alliance with russia, which acted as a united front with turkish patriot. at the end of august 1922, the third's army won
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a decisive victory over the invaders. in the battle of doom libby, 9 and within a month liberated all asia minor from them, the impressive success of the circus army force the west to make concessions in 1923. the loss on these treaty was signed. 31 of the 1st countries in asia managed to defeat the colonial empires and defend its independence. becoming an example 4 and a millions of via press on the planet the, the company say i broke down 75 years ago. and there has been no peace since june started coming to by this time in the late 19th century. when anti semitic sentiment was rife in your amazon is movement appear, its goal was to create an independent to
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a state, the british proposed established in palestine at the time territory under britain this protect it. this is when the 1st idea to which under the jews to the homeland at the time they were more than 10 times as many arabs and muslims in palestine as there were jews during world war 2 and the holocaust that create that change the situation and change the diameter, 6000000 jews had been killed and the growth sympathies for with the choose is us have done this nice thing. somebody is i don't see or single fish thing so, so small, i'm going to opinion my 15 year or so. then you move this with best buy ethan diet addition? yeah, it was, it was the most. i still react to east indian supreme sophistic lashire. it's sad thing is i don't see our upstaged value, so i need to renew it for the last thing you can you us quit or is it or do we do
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that? so i'm assuming the jim police team's commodity columbus with this tool. these are the ways that are, that comes with solution and we've come to more, you flip, she is out of pocket. that was to tell the police team. they said that you, what is it are, is because of their so you would have c, p of the war begins the arrows declare war, thousands institute for killed and maybe 13000 arabs were killed. however, what happens is about 750000 hours were driven out of their homeland jews fund, certainly liked $29.00 arrow villages. the the ups store here, these are the splitting the yet the you,
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the customer unit doesn't, so it'd be the larger. so what is the status of the, the you see what the like a balance of similar to the degree of the cd and the showing it otherwise a good bit of cookies, blah, blah blah. so just keep the book i'm doing, i'm done this and it was about 800000 palestinians, lost the land and the homes such things so hard to forgive a movement to liberate palestine founded by yes i out of that began to grow. he called to establish a palestinian state and started up is a fight against those. he considered invaders which forced israel to negotiate that i did, i solve the reason i was not that as move to view of the size of
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the school. it is around you usually do a pretty wide yes. really that's, that's about it and you police and you guys can call us because the issue of our off i pushed new video links to new. go one or 2. yeah. and you must be from ice. you with the because you, i just of these measuring that from of the most that will lead the person put out that signed a peace treaty with israel in the west bank and gaza strip. palestinian now told him a zip here. the fact uh, moving until pile on our side became president base and have it came is way as president. he had psych rubbing was assassinated by his way in the student because he had signed a peace treaty with the palestinians in the gaza strip. how must rose up on terrorist attacks resumed the films. so what you do on my side glass here,
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do you use the ssl just pretty much yesterday the semester is that the stipulation that live with me on these guys cuz i was getting myself a couple a go it is. i'm going to be the easiest ones. this is the one you're going to do. so much is the time so kindly the using the 1st name go find you pretty much look and see what's the value of the piece. and there's a lot of so you can do it. that is what you, what are the, what is just going to use for us kind of our and goals are in 2006 of to which israel and egypt located the entire territory. more than 2000000 people live here on the small strip of land. almost all of the refugees or children of refugees. offense was erected around garza,
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which is kept under constant surveillance. look at the sky on there, 53 percent. poverty rate among young guys is uh, between $19.29. so the why 70 percent unemployment gaza has survived as a welfare state to the people there have no hope. they've been desperate nice from the thought of the property of the doors to how much frontage get that started for the students who are currently made it with the chest police feeling that the most successful garza the, was that i didn't do that. the coverage to him, we got to what you mean? dealers. but you, stanley, when you go to what we mean deals come up with i think from us when you e, what the car cars do you need a deletes police. people come across new phone. yep. on your well as well fight. so most of the gaza strip guns. westbank,
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governed by foot. so there's no open conflict as yet. but all through the outbreak of hostilities, the situations node pointing point. israel is conducting antiterrorist rates on this talk of hundreds of dead, including children, the bottom of the closet. so the guy thought the last and what all the phone tags, all of the guy move up, all 7. paul, what personal philosophy alarm have to show us? how it didn't help the special but i loved it, but all the 100 and look on the
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off to these events. thousands of palestinians get to the funerals in the west bank, the killing of civilians ignites and violent confrontations between palestinian protest as an israel. some of the trade off with the origin, it's a cool place to weights of lava or blah, it'd be good. critically worth, critically, that's in the city, and you don't have to board for bush's one year it's by disk of from didn't use the i meant to call of i to the degree that's just for him to get with the bluff loop as well. can we reach him? what exactly what they call my celia? things as so tense in israel, even all the adults jews are taking of alms. until recently this was unimaginable. these people are exempt from military service that you will be bound to study the torah as of jewish traditions. now they don't need to defend themselves. so
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now we trusted the security forces, but now we see that we have to prepare ourselves. when somebody is dressed like it, you know, we use a do, the community has no army and background. they don't know anything about security and the earth is know that they live very close to the villages. and in 2 or 3 minutes, the fence when say 50100, say error can come with guns or with a knife. meanwhile, it goes and they're trying to cope with the humanitarian designs. the there's practically no food. the end, a critical shortage of medicine, cherokee india, and many other countries to send to you monetary and a to gaza. russia is also sending thousands of tons of aid by egypt ports, and because
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a lot of necessarily what you mean by both students. that's what i see. come into thought in the even since group, almost most of us on this is jeanette instrument. tickets or if we can kind of both them which is what i see. i see, but i see you see you in comes to vehicles on his way over to a store or the offering. she continues with america as for support. the problem is we've got the victims. israel is empower. sidney is very unique position because they are being victimized by people who are themselves victims who had suffered in the holocaust. which complicates it, complicates the moral situation and complicates the politics. no, there is no complication. that is rallies are the best friends. it is utterly racist for europeans to think that because of their
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crimes, they can force the policy and people to pay the price. they have to give up their land because someone else has committed a crime that makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. victory is not possible, in fact, for the human standpoint, we've already lost the world is never going to forget these images. the weather is never kind of forget what her last day to october 7th. and the weather is never going to be able to forget what these rallies have done. the we have to stay song. these people have to stay phone to ask the wars. there will be some very self questions that benjamin anthony hour and all of the people who are sitting in those 120 chairs will have to answer. but for now we don't.
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uh think about that. we just think about what is the fastest way to and come to us . and i do believe that we could do that and we will do the laser as a source to a new boy with a kind of shifting. if i get the same pressure in a different muscle, now that wants to send you a current shipment that has like a mazda voids and compete, you've got your 5 gift which is already a little more difficult. thomas, how much will the function code could which that was easy to combine beats, industrial use the how much blue cross go over that. i'm going to use to show you that we do. you guys include people's care here and he will do so that's always if need to from us will choose is system for how much simpler terms of, of the civilians, us, the women and children. they are met. the same as members of their family have such anger, rage, bitterness as another generation of resistance fighters,
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potential service, mackenzie and mass murder is being carried out against these people. and the regimes that are behind this genocide are western regimes. all the bombs, all the weapons that are used by this really raising are being supplied by the united states. we don't on seems to be the one piece that needs to be that we don't want anyone to be that we want the 2 peoples of the land to leave in peace and prosperity. and there was no other way but the politic or what the political solution that these ending built to based on the sage for an independent palestinian state along side is that the chosen muslims
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could live peacefully. or we need to say new leadership in gaza. do leadership in the west bank, a new leadership in israel, and i hope new leadership in the united states. i mean, those are the principal players here, the the, the holiday we're looking for going to dream live for dreams. come true. we have approximately 10000000 people in california that are risk of becoming on house looks good. and then somebody for
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working to pretty jobs and still not enough because of the cost of living also has increased coal bags and still buying chest last year long. the amount of of homeless rose by 12 percent in california, the
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the presidential bible is in it. so when it and all of us said we pledged our support to him, i think we, we'd be better off if we had a, a new candidate to present a new version for our country. democrats ops, bullet stove items, debate performance triggers, but left to circle the wagons all the potty members pulled on him to exit state. also, this time we have convinced that the shanghai cooperation organizations along with the brakes are the main pillars of the emerging new bill for the pull up like that, put in right there with the shanghai cooperation organization summit highlighting the rise in global roll of russia along with the global south, besides docs in star upholding trust of a data in western and models that.


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