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tv   News  RT  July 4, 2024 5:00am-5:31am EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the the job i is in it's a winning and all of a sudden we pledged our support to him. i think we, we'd be better off if we had a, a new canada to present a new vision for our country. democrats ops split test, drove items to pay performance triggers, but left to circle the wagons all the potty members called on him to exit stage. also this audiences we have convinced that the shanghai corporation organizations, along with the brakes are the main pillars of the emerging new bill for the like that booting right there with the shanghai cooperation organization summit highlighting the rise and global roll of russia along with out of the global south,
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besides stocks in stock contrast to the data in western models that are only promote the select duty trucks are facing golf toner to hold for one on that have significant future trajectory. iran in preparing the heads of the poles to elect the next leader. it is the 2nd round of the stuff presidential election. the board will be going live to start off with the continuation of the shanghai corporation summit. but for right now, here on your program as democratic governors circle the wagons, they say that joe biden is in it to win it. while the us presidents, mental decline was on full display during his disastrous debate performance, they held a private meeting with him to assess the big guy. i'm here to tell you today, president joe biden is in it,
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so when it and all of us said we pledged our support to him because the states could not be higher. it was a great conversation with the present advice present because it was honest, that was candid. i think that you know, we always believe that when you, when you love someone, you tell me, sir. and i think we came in and we were honest about the feedback that we were getting. we're honest about the concerns that we are hearing from people. and we are also honest about the fact that as the president continue to tell us and show us that he was all in that we said that we would stand with him because as the governor wall said, the president has always had our backs. we're going to have his back as well. so i think he can say that with a straight face, frankly, but not all on the left are entirely convinced. some fellow democrats say the right thing to do is for joe biden to take a bile and pull out of the presidential race. i think we'd, we'd be better off if we had a, a new canada who could present a new vision for our country. and we can do that if we have an open and fair
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democratic process over the next few weeks. last concerns do grow by the day of a biden's decline. netflix co founder read hastings, who is one of the democrats, bigots donors as cold on biden, to step aside. essential men is also echoed by all the party officials and thousands of congressmen to reportedly drafting an appeal to urge fight and to accept the reality and let someone else take the reins. however, to throw by them is a power the big it in for a 5. he says his current debate performance is a relevant what masses moment. and the thing is that whole of the past in a bad night. the fact of the matter is that uh, you know, it was i, i screwed up, i made a mistake. that's 90 minutes on stage. look at what i've done a 3.5 years. the mean time a video is going viral online, which probably shows donald trump has a set. the record straight is he takes a swing joe biden on the golf course, saying his days are numbered and come
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a lot. it's set to take over the bed. he just quit, you know, he's quitting louis, is that right? yeah, i got about it. and that means you have com a lot. i think she's going to be better. she solve this issue. so the answer for you, but if i had the i mean trump does say more than happy for color, the headline to ticket saying that she's so awful. but the white house press secretary put a very different spin on it. suggesting harris is the best bet for the party moving forward. one of the reasons why he picked the vice president for land commer harris is because she is indeed the future of the part. and he's very proud to have partnered with her and continue to partner with her and delivering an unprecedented record for the american people. yes, it was that a friday and the slave or the white house raising a trial balloon by mentioning president harvard's, we had from an investigative journalist on the founder of the truth and media
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project. ben, swanny, he certainly had something to add a couple of things that are happening that are pretty interesting. first of all, it's all been a huge set up, right? we've been hearing for months over here that there's nothing wrong with present abiding that these are called cheap fake videos. there was no cognitive issue at all. then there was a debate which by the way, was held earlier than any other debate in us history early as has ever been held. and then suddenly, the same night is the debate. every prominent democrat in the country is making phone calls to tv pundents saying they're deeply concerned. they had no idea there was something wrong with bite. and the whole thing was the setup in order to remove him before the convention because the democratic convention and the republican conventions where the actual nominates are decided have not been held yet in this country. and so they do have time to do this. now some of the names that are being floated out there, there are several of them, obviously, couple of harris who's the vice president of the united states. there's a lot of talk about her even though her approval rating has actually been far lower . the biden's through office terms, so she's not the likely candidate, gavin newsome who is the governor of california. obviously, there are
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a lot of people who are looking at him. he's been making the kind of browse through national media a lot lately as a bite. and so it good, you have gretchen whitmore who was the governor of michigan. she's also a kind of a rising star in the democratic party, but again, not entirely popular, especially on, on national levels and national point. now there has been talk, and this goes all the way back into the early spring. there was talk that there was a design plan here by the obama's to actually run michelle obama, the former 1st lady as the candidate, and has been nominated for the democratic party. a lot of people said, this is crazy as a conspiracy theory. and yeah, now that rumor is kind of re surfacing again that maybe she is the one. and by the way, if you really look at all of this, the reality is it looks very much like this has been orchestrated by the obama themselves. not necessarily for michelle obama. i won't go that far, but it does appear that it has been lined up in order for the obama is to remove, bided, and to push in a different canada, whether it's michelle obama, gavin newsom, cala harris or some other candidates. the other thing they wanted to make sure
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though is that they did this after the primary was over and before there was for a conventions, because there were people who were running on the democratic side as part of the actual elective process, including robert f. kennedy junior, who was eventually he dropped out of the democratic side in his running as an independent because he wouldn't be allowed to debate on the democratic side. so they've now bypass the primaries, and now it's the selection process of replacing by that. now all of a sudden the media who's been complacent with all of this, is pretending that this is now shocking, and this is now new white house, send it off. tough questions about president, spite and fitness president biden's re election campaign. scrambling to ease concerns over his acuity president biden's alarming debate performance last night. so all too clearly that he does not seem to be up for serving. for more years in office. i don't think any one can really do 9 now. the mental states that by and these mean this version of biting to and will actually, analytically,
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is the best buys and after his mental acuity is great. it's fine. he has a tremendous amount of wisdom and experience. this is a man who is sharp, who is on top of his game. i think people should be speaking up for joe biden. i would call them useful idiots because that's what the, the media in this country have. it served as for the democratic party and really from the establishment republican party as well. they are useful idiots. so why that they, they the about face because someone in the democratic leadership and i, i would argue it is most likely the obama is with someone in the, in the democratic leadership terms, the media in one night and said, now it is okay to take this position because we're getting rid of him, it is a coordinated effort. there is no way every governor in the state and senator and congressman decides in one night because of one bad debate performance. but joe biden was fine and now he's on the fit to serve as president. it does not happen that fast without there being a coordinated effort. and that's absolutely what's happened here. it's,
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it's just amazing to see some of the comment you that coming from some of those politicians saying that biden's doing the best he's ever done. meantime, the fact is that american voters are uneasy about their election choices off of the debate, 80 percent sang, and a new poll, the biden is too old to be re elected. many questioning right now, where is the country's headed across people are still and i think it's a little late for him to step down at this point. i was very surprised when i saw the debate. i didn't know realize the condition he was in to me. it seems as though he's not of the candidate that he used to be, and i'm not sure that he's independently able to make the decisions. they always need to be able to make running the country. i am feeling hammond, certainly like laying in my bed at night like overcome with here. um, i do not seem to find them to use the best person to be running in the selection. i don't know who that person is. i want us to someone else
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younger have more like speak more from the hard to know what i'm saying, you know, just for the people, not just for the party with, according to what radio and political commentator steve gail, he says by that. and it's clear that biden's, unable to lead, he also says, and it's a very, very good point for mr. gale. that all those politicians and pundits who have been supporting by and up being basically openly lying to the public. they've been dishing out of very falls narrative. you know, after the governors met and talked with joe biden, they came out and they were spinning faster than a blender magic margarita is they don't believe what they're saying. they know the american public to solve that. so they don't believe what they're saying. i think the biggest problem with this debate over whether it's free to present bite and should continue to run for president. is it they're focused on the politics instead of the power of the presidency? i'm more concerned that he's not capable of doing his job, that i am about him running to keep the job. and unfortunately,
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the focus is all on politics and not the danger to the us and the danger to the world with them remaining empowering and we have that. i think if president trump gets elected as i expect, he will. uh, i think you're going to see him literally rip out the deep state by the routes to the department of justice, the f b r i a lot of our military top. but what officials, i think you're going to, the major changes that i know that there are republicans who have served in his previous administration. and republicans that are likely to enter his administration if he wins. that are already preparing for how they go in was the process of the 1st 60 days after he would get an audio rated to do as much as they can as quickly as they can. and not ways to move a moment with all the damage that's been done. and i know the world leaders are watching. they were watching the debate, whether it was an exit, what it was in russia. i know that president. so let's get was watching it, because now he's claiming that he's amenable to having negotiations. and they know
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was watching because now they're telling the lensky and ukraine, we're not going to let you in today though, because you're to corrupt people, watched the debate around the world. and we're already seeing the impact on world leaders recognizing they're going to have to come to terms with dealing with donald trump, because joe biden is out whether it's now or whether it's in 7 months right over to iran now with so i hate john lily. i must go to possess kiera and will be competing now to lead the nation. the citizens are heading to the polls in the next 24 hours . it is the 2nd round of a snap election. it's off the last week. no candidate was able to secure the mandatory 50 percent of the vote, so that's break it down. all correspondence is use of july is gearing golf for a historic presidential run off post on july 5th. the 1st of its kind in almost 2 decades. it'd be initial round on june 28th. neither candidate secure been necessary. absolute majority defined as 50 percent plus one vote mess because the scale and let the race with more than $10000000.00 volts,
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which fell short of the 50 percent special receiving around 42 percent of the total votes cast. dirty, closely followed and 2nd place with 9400000 votes. now the tool for foreigners are facing golf toner to a quote for one of those that have significant implications for the wall super project. 3, either towards the reforms, fat lip by muscle, or a conservative and anti western was advocated. apart from the riley's, they have engaged into life telephone's debates with some of them square off in a fiery crash of visions on a hostile part, domestic and foreign policy issues. for hard line principle. as politicians, luxury, any form of openness to the west is deemed a red line, which he criticizes as a diplomacy of appeasement. that weekend. it won't stand. so i guess the west on the flip side, because the scale sees resolving the country's economic challenges in producing tensions with the west. putting the revive on the trouble of 2015 nuclear deal at the top of his agenda model,
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who's little very quiet because of our behavior. we are losing our social support every day because of the high cost of living. because about treatment of women that about the internet filtering, due to a misbehavior, people are dissatisfied with us. a main problem in this country is disagreement. we should 1st establish unity within our country. then we should admit that our interest depends on negotiating with the world and securing our share of all the shows. if we can live in a cage close the door and have no relations with the world, could, we will have a pool life csf forwarded you. when we talk about foreign policy, there are more than 2 or 3 countries out there. this was a wrong policy that our foreign relations were limited to a few powers that we've had. the most disagreements with. there are 200 countries in the world. what is the key to opportunities? we should look at them from the point of finding common ground, those who focus on disagreements and want to benefit by cooperating with those who
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are disagreeing with us. the most just won't succeed. 58 year old jenny be standing for the 3rd time having previously run into other elections cycles in 2021. his step aside in favor of the lead president for easy for to me influential within races, administration earning can, demonic, or the shadow government. from critics, my positioning on duty enjoys twan, beckoning from hard lines, supporters, former principals, candidates, and the results are connie, i mean, whole same how's these audit and, well, how about both everybody? well, i've now found her weight behind jedi by define greece under the care and leadership of the leader of the revolution. the nation has decided not to let you filing their rights by making the correct decision and electing our dear brother, mister jelly. cuz this young age, 69 terrifically serves as a member of parliament and the minds with the reformers cap. well not the most prominent figure and the reformers fear because the scale enjoys support from heavy weights. reformers like former presidents mohammed economy,
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widely recognized as the pioneer of the reform movement during his presidency from 1997 to 2005. the president has several honey who proceeded while you see has also given his endorsement to possess key on the, on a con, the dog, and the respective candidates for the 14, his government doctor must, who possess kion, deserves these job and can show that the responsibility he has the quotes is incorrect to risk sticks, that's all rushed to the pulse. i ask the people who want the constructive interaction with the world. and then once more the ration in the country to vote for adults and most of the business account on friday following narrow it in the 1st round. he's out seriously capitalizing on the 60 percent of the electorate, or did not vote. and the 1st problem for centurylink himself, as the solution to their problems, ranging from unemployment and from parents, inflation, to a weakening national currency. all in all the campaign trail has revealed much about the can slots, the leadership styles of the 2 candidates with age, offering a different path for
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a wants future dates. and the other towards the usability are hard to that. it is not from the shanghai cooperation organizations summit that is now in full swing and catholics. dawn with mistakes have signed a declaration which the principles, including, for example, no weapons in space. a nuclear non proliferation observance of notes on various miss solved defense systems. there's also been a cold and after the member stage to join the initiative on a, on a, on well unity for a just peace harmony and development. because the russian president basically saying the multi polar world order is growing while the list of nations that stand up for their rights and the whole traditional value is all the basis for fed global governance. she said that there was a growing circle of states advocating a just world florida,
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which also ready to resolutely defend their legitimate rights and protect the traditional values. new centers of power and economic growth are emerging and strengthening. we have convinced that the shanghai cooperation organizations, along with the brakes are the main pillars of the emerging. you will order it is these associations that act as a powerful engine for the processes of global development and the establishment of genuine multi polarity. let's learn more, of course a lot about the warranty correspondent donald quarter, who's joining us now live from ashton, on any 20 pos to where you are going to. my goodness, gracious me, it's so we're getting into full swing. we just had comments back from the russian president, but i know he said more. what do you know? a lot of our potent spoke a lot about multi polarity and the mutually beneficial basis on which groups like be shanghai cooperation organization operate. he said that member states need to continue this trend and reinforce it by being actively involved in the organization
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and taking and energetic and calculated approach that represents the interests of like minded people all around the world. the russian president also said that the growth of the ceo's influence is garnering a lot of attention from world leaders everywhere, and that many of them have the same aspirations, 2 mutually respectful relations that can be seen in the shanghai cooperation organization itself. it's all leading to the gradual replacement of western had gemini, by sovereign nations, according to the russian president. there's many of us here since then you russia's proposal to create a new architecture of cooperation in your ratio was designed to replace outdated euro centric and bureau atlantic model. you know, that gave unilateral advantages only to individual states, even at a point to just get the result of such a world. water is known one, which is a growing number of crises around the world. one of which, of course, is the ukrainian one or russia has always advocated for a peaceful, political,
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and diplomatic solutions to always, to the crisis in ukraine's, which arose as a result of the absolutely cavalier policy of the united states sled by satellites . it's also important to note that a very important agreement was signed at the summit between china and india that will contribute to resolving their ongoing border issues between the 2 countries. so this is just another demonstration of the all around beneficial activities that the set shanghai cooperation organization takes part in. yeah, you don't, you, you talked about india and china kind of a building bridges. and you're, you're basically referring to 2 bricks, members, 2 major bricks, members there and, you know, you, you, you talked about, for example, the bricks expanding and now you talk about the s. c o expanding is designed to stand on. the roofs is now, is it now a fully fledged member of the c o? that's right. bell roof has now become the 10th member state of the shanghai
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cooperation organization. and despite all the western propaganda we've seen accusing the grouping of being an anti western block. alexander looked at jenco actually gave a statement that he reiterated the fact that the organization is not directed and does not have a hostile attitude against any party anywhere in the world for bella roost. the seo is not just an international organization. it is the strategic outlook by its nature. the seo is an organization in the creation. it is not directed against anyone. this is something that the world needs today, and it fully meets the spirit of our own policy. so it's the 2nd day of the 24th, the summit of the shanghai cooperation organization here in austin. now right now we've seen a lot of agreements signed a lot of statements from world leaders that are member states and observers of the block. but there's more to come to night, there's going to be a press conference with vladimir putin and i may have the opportunity to ask to my question regarding the shanghai cooperation organization and it's further
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development. so we're gonna bring you all the details. stay tuned. yeah, it's really fascinating days upon us right now going into a live and asked in our, the shanghai cooperation organization summit. we see an expansion now, all the seo as we are seeing an expansion of the brick strategic families and the as see on, on the global south, we're seeing tectonic movement on today's global geo political chessboard live and nice to know. i don't cold. thank you. let's shift gears and headed with a guys are now where the idea of has been conducting attacks throughout the enclave . publishing authorities that 28 people killed in just some of the latest strikes. now, mean the bump augments. israel is ordered residents of a city of con, you and just a fleet of so called safe zones evacuation order report, they came in on to the patient of yet more air and ground of sold by the idea strikes was in very close to that, not the hospital while another medical facility, the you are a p and
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a hospital was entirely evacuated following and is really order when we had a chance to speak with the assistant director general of the un food and agriculture organization, abdul fucking all the way out the highlight. hit the apply to the palestinians, and the who as he says is behind best offer a miss holmes. since he attended the 96 percent of guys as population d was student security. and this trend has accelerated sharply from march to now as approximately 750000 people are on the verge of real starvation. the food and agricultural organization of the united nations and other organizations are now sounding the alarm warning. the gardens are at risk of famine if the situation remains unchanged and humanitarian aid does not arrive. there are no medical facilities in gaza. the can confirm data on the depths from starvation. death certainly occur, but it is difficult to prove that they are caused by hunger and food and security. now nutrition is widespread and gaza,
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but accurate statistics are not available due to the inability to enter the strip for inspection. according to reports between 2 and 4 children die every day out of every 10000 people. this indicates that the situation will worsen unless urgent action is taken to ensure safe food for all gardens in times of fam and providing the people of the gaza. strippers, clean water safe food and medicine is a top priority. there is no drinking water in the gaza strip. even before october 7th, last year, water and garza was considered polluted and unreadable due to lack of a constant supply of electricity and energy. it is not possible to use available resources to purify water and provide sufficient safe water for all the residents because there is a significant risk of disease spreading through contaminated water, which exacerbates hunger and leads to more problems. the reasons for the deterioration of the situation and the spread of hunger in the gaza strip is known
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and obvious to everyone. these really occupation of palestinian territories in the west bank and gaza is israel. that is responsible for ensuring the palestinians, right to food, water and security. for that, we have witnessed the closure of the roof of border crossing, which was the only source of hope for the delivery of humanitarian aid from each it . since the closure of the crossing on may 6th, the amount of 8 flowing into garza has decreased significantly using the cargo that passed through raso did not reach all gardens due to limited mobility, especially in the central and northern regions which have long been completely isolated. thus it is the is really side that is responsible for all these consequences and disasters. meanwhile, in the west bank because he is ready, government get this has just approved the largest seizure of land in 3 decades. that's according to the as riley n g o piece. now, which said the countries leadership is only moving the region further away from
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establishing peace. is really pm. that's in yahoo and finance ministers. most rich are determined to fight against the entire world and against the interest of the people of israel, for the benefit of a handful of settlers who receive thousands of do names as if there were no political conflict to resolve or war to end. today it is clear to everyone that this conflict cannot be resolved without a political settlement that establishes a palestinian state. a long side is real. still the, as really government chooses to actually make it difficult and distance us from the possibility of peace and stopping the blood shed. we spoke with a jada of oppenheim, a member of the board of directors of the n g o piece. now when he says that the is rarely compliment wants to completely next the west, bye a, a bit slow to supply. so we know that this is the policy, but states that it's is such
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a big number will fair housing construction that we don't remember in the past. and it's very clear that this government is taking advantage a all still owing, doesn't live on. you know that to continue on to the story, any future chance for peace between days where it is and that sort of thing. and unfortunately, we have the right to and government the see the idea of the big use way as the, as their objective. and the other thing, whatever they became, you know that to make it impossible in the future to have the 2 state solution. they believe that these are, should control their westbank. it should be annexed into these very easily. i should use believe there, but it's not going to be useful because the other thing is that the next to the 2nd message, i don't think is where the citizens better we continue to live and the few patients for ever. this is the goal of the system and say i do to have the q patient for have to made and, and, and this is right, the other needs, they don't care about security. they don't care about the money. it's to that when you have a new set of minutes,
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it's another reason to clash between these varies and posting and the extension, the vitamins a coming from the settlers against the palestinians. and it's, it's very clear that the read the mains, most or just more money from these when a government and from these are the people. but this, this, the 2nd i believe is valid and controlled to the end because they don't you. the meantime, a lot of military pundits, a saying that israel has not only lost the moral war against the palestinians, but it's actually also losing the military war or the mainstream. well, tell you about it, but it seems the idea is actually being out played and out for by hom, us and its support has the most. i'm gonna tell you. but how many is ready times almost vehicles and how many soldiers have lost their lives? you're not going to get any of the numbers in the mainstream media, but will tell you all about it. and here will not be international because somebody is going to push back against the mainstream.
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the, i mean, everyone is chasing the same dream. everyone's doing the same thing, having to get a job, making it rich, making the savvy money that, that,
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that who's the most popular person in the world. no body. the world doing the same damn thing. it's like watching the high school all over again . i believe in creating awareness about homeless because if we don't pay attention to it, it's gonna overwhelm the population. and when that happens, where's the money going to come from? seriously, we're, we're, we're, we're ready is what? 70000000000 or something like that. missing money. are democracies falling apart and we're worried about small things and what you should be worried about, the bigger problems that are right in front of our faces instead of turning the


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