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tv   News  RT  July 4, 2024 7:00am-7:31am EDT

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was instigated, it looks like it's continuous until now, which we know what the reason is. what that means as a result of saturated from the world's now is in deep crisis. so where to start and invest situation, what can be on the ve the members of the s t o to infuse support in the situation that takes place? i'm very much of the multiplan, the glo. pardon me, i'm sure that will do the answer to the, to the respective charges of about policy would be our unit. the obviously come in 0, but some of our conflict per minute for that for you to consolidate this as a space. that is the responsibility of the organization who, that's the approach you upgrade, defines necessity to establish grades or your rates are based out of the above. i would like to said well, and the number of steps in that direction. you know, for the pop, you 1st know moves. now we need to select the concept. you put a you quarter advertisements and the project that is already in there,
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shot to the re mission charter. him a good point of the 2 months of mazda diversity. and mike, the polarity in the 21st century, it looks, idea emerged where you told them is based on the results of that international conference that took place next to velocity here in minsk, the russian computer to her. now here's a quote, it is already an annual event as a pos listed for regional security, and i will get with it the more over to you. what can we do? consider it as the kind of your ration alternative to the task. that's one thing can put in the unit conference, a big loss in your scope. what's the, what's your name, vacations to the leadership of your minister, of foreign affairs, to the conference that he's going to take place this call has already been sent over. i have a very much of advice from the representative. so if you'll country to participate in the discussions of the charge of stuff with the belief that you should be adopted at the level of the heads of state for who sort of adding of these
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opportunities for what is it, how nice to express gratitude to you and mr for the most important president of prussia, you've down the, for the recently mentioned for itself support for that initiative. a lot of studies . secondly, yup, credit and what it is necessary to pay more attention to that. it's different the integration of processes on the ration continent, person, the gloss time already mentioned slots. this is the situation of the search for the, the people who are in a haphazard and for trip to to conflict situation of the, to speak to on known things. what disagree or general emotional about the perspective for the dangerous perspective, the development of our planet, we're clear that people are waiting for a certain orientations and definition will clear things up a mess. you can do that, but it should be done quickly because of the time the unlimited. so it's not what you may use to find out more for something or what we used to have. it's really
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close watch or after the world war 2. we use, it will take the quick steps and hopefully in that case will be able to go ahead, others and the entire global community and very simple. there is the academic integrations on the post soviet space, also within the framework of the region with viewing in a collective security treaty organization, as well as the commonwealth of independent tables. we'll see be active steps of either your wage and association with your such s b s young organizational please allow me corporation and the legal barrel status. any very important initiatives that are being implemented and the lead for the continental restrict regional infrastructure as your project. c, p. m, the chinese project for the city, the belt and road initiative. shelby mentioned this year, and the moment it is necessary to define will be performance of productivity for
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all of these processes. now the see, we need to see what are the interests of old players. 3rd, which we shall enhance, being practical corporations, us around the comprehensive su agenda and die. so just so we begin to reduce the finances of the priority issue. bella risk consider is the development of the mechanism owned by electro treatments, international currency and the collective financial interest issued from b s. u. we say that we already read. and indeed, we are. graham still missing more than 40 percent of the global population moved in here. and one 3rd of the fee is in b s. c o 4 days. and i'm talking about the purchasing our affairs. it's and our organization has. she is super powers, not peers and russia. and we're why it's in regards to, i'm afraid, don't the us dollars. i think that we need to take steps in order to decrease our
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dependence on the us dollar. when you for you, we need to make sure and what is that we're no longer manipulated by the us dealer. we see everything, but we're not doing anything even if people are waiting for the foot force. we believe that it is really important to improve the cooperation in the field of digital technologies that become an inherent part of our lives. no man's mortgage. i'm talking about the technologies that have a positive impact on people's admission. and so we shall not be having any concerns about the artificial intelligence. the benefits of the lawn development must be available to everyone, not only to western countries, support transnational corporations. gifford, miller was his radiation to keep contributing to the complete serial number of states and such areas as industry trade, science, the culture, education,
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and the force of food security. i thought just as your conduct, we culture a new people when you are getting poor stunt mortgage. so simon is becoming broader. welcome for english. therefore we were playing coverage every one to get a full screen for man to v i g. a always to agree as a video within the framework of the largest tech we co trust, the submission of valor was cold. delagarso would love to have with you more, especially since so would love to have old members. 3 from the su in minutes was very country stands and we were looking forward to the presentation from the demonstration base of the seo and exchange and agrarian rouge technologies. we just 0 friends. beller was very proud of the fact that it is a full fledged member of the s u. and we'll keep strengthening the from high
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spirits based on the principles of mutual respect, equality, and solidarity as the origin country. what we'll do our best to make sure that the a c o growth goes global works is that as well, let me assure you that bella was in the will be guided by the c o. principals by the main seo principles is the website open you some, you might just, you don't have any doubt about the means taking 30 am know, preferable position among the capitals we presented in b. s. u. because we have decades of experience for all the countries observer, we have people political contacts, folks, and ties with all the seo member states. john, so i would like to go to 0 or you invite all of you to
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a member of your country. most of us would love to have you in bella or deer and colleagues. thank you very much for your attention. look at that as well. do i sort of thank you very much so much thing. wish that i would just under and read for you, which for your very interesting your speech, i'm sure that beller was able to make all of a huge contribution to the seal capacity building next before it goes. so you're going to be asking what president, ron? mr. hallmark to mulder a miss middle or the name of the most compassionate the most mess as little. he's like send it to you to call you of the honorable president of the republican gonzalez', donovan, participants prime ministers. i'm tested on, i'm calling on behalf of the comic that probably call you around to participate in the song called cross racial organization summit, no hosting jose, this is the time for the song they just told me to call you on to officially
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participate in the se oh saw me see this on that online, but she was code of hearing my monitor place because the sales ends in the past crate. important that these guys agencies at the out. so i would like to pay for the piece of all the monitors on these computers tragedies in my country or some thank you, each and every what i've used for expressing your sympathies and condolences. what was meant to stay that to be bar and strongly to 10 men. you know that those had the consolidation defend mortgage housing existing but not so it can make sense. interlace in return, i have to consolidate the set to is it really to no policies? data sunday still has the most important and multi lateral and k solve days. that will make as avenue for trying to follow as a future, as frankly, at the same time, to upset to whom we appreciate the a broader lee and finally come to you government that people could solve the solve
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for the warm us fatalities. there has been always, they have been always very deep and consolidated cold shows the laser sounds crazy . it's how does that connection between iran and the central change in region to friend today? these apply it over a civilization know, and a story call your own connections more 10 says machine to expansion on the homepage and send this in. this home is the problem to call the lawn. and the central asian concept is calling to see some, one of the most important the sub successfully wisconsin, mostly like reason on. and it's a national role of the s c o is to consolidate with the say sauce. you cannot make it relations him owing to a single member stays with inducing car. it is necessary to expand that to support all by making use of a national. chances are based on some modern technologies. it is necessary
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to follow these, these, you know, to the same tom, you the same time, the police a call to not quote, developments and reason. cases that have added to the importance of expanding to seafront connections as well as his friend printing tons of cooperation. what are the most t n n horton russia roads or sees the south north corridor that's wage? so he's on our behalf. it's in the to as to way back to d as in stablish, nice tendencies. those. and i would say the expansion of the trade connections, you know, just auction of the cost and the deduction of the time required to send the goods from the source. so just to make it go to the target country and the energy of don't you, all the gathering in more than me is loana produces you can see it is have on the global fantasy is one of the most important, a unique features of the s c o u which can be padded into testing for and for all
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to, to x for the extent of cooperation on his body. rough exploration, with every type processing that explored the fantasies for developing technologies . i'm calling to say supplying the energy security needs on pad, depending cooperation among the members space in this regard and not implementing the technology. taking logical or projects on the gas and for the electricity, renewable energy as a side of the same time, the new clothes, tennessee for peaceful purposes as the whole industry, deficiency of energy. what are the most involved among the most important sectors? i believe that it is the environmental issues that are very important. we may a sustainable regional development this time exist probably because we run as a developing country as adopted numerous plans and programs in these regards and
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did implementing dental news that at the same time it has played a constructive and positive role. international comment, who said new meetings to excellence these, you know, doesn't have a bit of believing today in divorce. strong, we have no options. the cooperation interaction essentially this c o has pay the ground very well in the old junk. the feel our reason in order to make use of the kid and we need to make use of the chair and the opportunity to assignments and necessitate to improve this that this can. i know this is defined as very good future for our phone available. people who left them in conclusion, i would like once again to free said color meant that people because because of a song or for the war hospitality. i. what about organizational these meetings that we own that fast before the people zip a phone, call china with as the next at present. thank you very much for your attention
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to me or just for you more. thank you very much for this inconvenience. i do have a president today for your summer informative love or speech with specific ideas advanced proposal. lord goal is to distinguish the president of the people's republic of china. mr. shooting or the you have was on your excellency president the costume you'll not, they'll call you call these ladies and gentlemen and goshen going back to us young g as i may need a it is a great pleasure to be with you in beautiful guided show. so how are you, what's on the good thing i would like to thank president. okay. yes. for the woman, hospitality and thoughts on the arrangements. consequences legit over the past year, tax filing has done an excellent job as a see or presence of those with this machine. should find the seo has made new
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progress. sure, it's good for you. so the highway is a chinese saying goes no mountain ocean, the shovel can distance, people who have shared aspirations, loans are through today. so we get together for our 1st from a seo class meeting hall from your she will fall by with good friends, utah and new partners in the same room holding the important discussion that so that's how the show this shows really. yeah. under the new circumstances of the new era, how young or the vision of our organization shop is widely popular. and the su member states have friends across the well, it shows, yeah, japan. should that japan, at present these changes of historical significance, eyes across the world, figuring out high, high unfolding in ways like later before the job. 3 of the international landscape is undergoing profit transformation to show a new round of scientific and technological revolution. edited us through the transformation which engine visit eventually fast as human civilization marches
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forward, school and big strides, which is factors are things security mission. so the stability and uncertainty. evidence the increasing the hodge and you've been g one g, y'all to cope with this major transformations. it. the key thing is to have the wisdom to see the change in the ability to deal with the changes for me on the car is only to make changes to the home p e. so we need to bear in mind that we live in the community with a chef future and always operate the show high spiritual quotes you, we need to stay firmly. the development of the past 5 suits our respective national conditions, organizational reality and truancy build. a more promising home of the seo and google it m e n g, so that our people's shoes can live a peaceful successfully. so how do you like to that? and i wish to propose the following to show tanya of who she 1st,
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who will be shipped to a come in the home of solidarity a mutual treasure, which in turn found teaching la phillips a few days ago. if you're in china, how would i come from to join you in marketing to 70 percent of those 3 of the 5 principles of changing or existing book and control was young again. so show high spirit young is consistent with the essence or by the vice principal and from john coy existence. that page it is. the shared value of our organization should be all the more cherished and safely also to be at all times with the father and all. we need to respect the development patches or pieces of respective and we tend to be using or so for each of the john safeguarding court in tell me and she, we need to bridge our differences into bullshit. there with more consensus, even pushing. i think it has mutual trust through on the, on strategic communications judge china proposes and that su, remember space to more to share their experiences on girlfriend sound hire. so go to jay and hold on su,
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political parties for him as an appropriate time. yeah. change of who of 2nd i should build a coming to home of peace and tranquility and change of what? yeah 5 that much n t security is a prerequisite for national. so you know, on there shouldn't be any safety is the lifeline to happiness. so what do you from you hope you find no matter how the international lens, the all changes go our organization so must hold or bottom line of competition comprehensive, the she cooperative and sustainable security to hire real security is premised on the security of all countries. well, me on why this uh, on june codes or cheese, we need to have a complete set of metro is under the security cooperation. and that kind of stop to thoughts from because more lines of defense will give us more protect the job criteria. to show you the seo, we should them no faster to build
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a universal center and its branches. to address the challenges and threats to the security seo member stable. change your team to come see and to build the enter dr. center jot down to about your extra strength and intelligence chair. and then of course, you don't and conduct joint operations going full if i need to join the safeguard security in our part of the world. so it's only the chief funds on votes. you go to lunch here because the current chair or the regional entity town terrace structure, i'm calling to see if it's all china will do what it can to ensure the success of the interaction 2024 joint counterterrorism exercise and other events of what kind of should teach you jim book cohort. sure. the gun, his son is indispensable for the security on the legion awful kind of being was
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shit, health with what we need to make best use of the mechanisms or coordination and cooperation them on that kind of stuff. job as a and other planet and also each is to increase humanitarian support control scanner for the applicants and encourage afghanistan. want to establish a brought face inclusive, political structure, childhood planning, back on a path of peace and reconstruction. the science said to show a fire, we should build a common home of prosperity and development solution. and showing that modernization is the shed, go a whole countries in the seo tools onto china. proposes arlene, are that 20? $25.00 will be designated shaw s. s c. oh yeah of that's this is dana bar development to choose all 5 done so as to help us so you can focus on fostering new forces to grow. someone from uniform. china is ready to work with all
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parties, scouts to fully implemented you that you know, by showing the 8 major steps under high quality, belton road, racial and cd. we will promote regional cooperation through platforms such as the demonstration based on both agricultural technology exchanges in training to jo clicks on the contrib corporation demonstration area. and the ecology on the bottom and the innovation favors were also expand the local currency settlement gigi pages, and actively promote the stablish ment saw however, the s c o roman. so financing platform to move on for you and go. china welcomes easily to use the fatal satellite navigation system. finally, when i piece of paper in the development of the international luna research station tomb farm tongue china proposes establishing. so an s o c o for the digital
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education alliance. and really, and these are willing to provide strong funds. so here would, yeah, at least people who saw you each in 1000 training opportunities on digital technology, the fellow countries in the seo in the next 3 years or more. how we should also modernize the governance system of our organization to a g. g improve is ration mechanism don't and boost its effectiveness. it's a false. sure. so we should know the coming home of good neighborliness and friendship, the lemmings, the dialogue among civilizations. is she the more important for world peace and harmony songs on your own way, but china is ready to providing quality platforms for countries in the seo team gauge and such dialogue tools. and finally,
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some of her so give full play to the role of the only your hall, so totally non official organizations such as c s. c o committee on good neighborliness friendship and cold play phone. so continues to organize events, time and the signature programs such as the forum on traditional medicine, the forum, i'm sure the people friendship, they use nintendo can hire for the and the use development for him. so friends, or generally you into a whole lot to do single, a green or 5 very so 5 development for him, phone and a women's forum in tuned out the tourism and cultural capital of the seo. we welcome all parties to take an active part in these language. and in the next 5 years junction, china would, yeah. she will host each in good shape. 1000 young people from countries in the seo for exchange opportunities. so can you find the,
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i believe that with our joint efforts efforts there will be, which is more robust interaction for mutual learning among regional countries, as well as deep understanding on friendship among a peoples. you 5th, should we shouldn't be able to be coming home, a phone from jack fan. this and justice. a friend you only find the current at seo summit has issued the us donald declaration. here we are, c o initiative on world, on unity for justice, harmony and development, bullying which i am so sore by the principal. so the good neighborliness trust. and obviously i do bill due to strong message of the new era, the one that calls for solidarity corporation and gestures issues rather than division confrontation and he gemini, some, for me, i'm going to, i'm trying to join the applications and you're an old, the multiple, the world and a universally beneficial change and inclusive economic globalization,
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done the practices to multilateralism. so you don't have maybe to global governance to more of just on your equitable ways you owe me cooking shows, the seo should, should make it's important contribution to you, eliminating the deficits employees. so the sorts of the security and governance good from colleagues to see me a soldier time is added, threes, victory is insured. when people pull their stress together, success is or some people are putting their heads together. table, it's all like the su, owes its success. the solidarity incorporation throughout the us getting itself so naturally you never took away for us to respond to the changing world in a new horizons on the journey ahead to china, oil change or to is you protecting presidency up to the asked on the web. always a seal pod, michigan,
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the spirit of solidarity and cool appraisal is in and join hands, which will kind of show some international organizations shish on that, as i thank you. 5, the so i mean, is life or coming to rest and fall? sobriety upon the formulae community with a shit future kind. thank you. who us and just put him to the right. you're back with us here in the market to see. oh, cool. so that was present. she's going thing of china and i who tilting at the s c o. s and i will be bringing you all the details in the next few hours, no doubt. but just to remind you of facing things, spoke form a proud of the accident present. should i say iran also had was, as was antonia of goods harris. and of course, i don't know lucas sancho, very proud of a new member of the c. and it will be all those details in the next coming hours. don't us that now. let's move on the safe side that
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a democratic governess go loom wagons as they do, but is it too with it now, while the us presence of mental dix i was on full despite and his is off this debate performance, they have a private meeting with him to assess, well, the big guy, i'm here to tell you today, president joe biden is in it's a witness. and all of us said we pledged our support to him because the states could not be higher. it was a great conversation with the present advice present because it was honest, that was candid. i think that know, we always believed that when you, when you loved someone, you tell me sure. and i think we came in and we were honest about the feedback that we were getting. we are honest about the concerns that we are hearing from people. and we are also honest about the fact that as the president continue to tell us and show us that he was all in that we said that we would stand with him because as the governor wall said, the president has always had our backs. we're going to have his back as well. how
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well not all of the last ball convinced the some of the say, the right thing to do is for him to take a bow and withdrawal from the presidential race. i think we will be better off if we had a, a new canada who could present the new vision for our country. and we can do that if we have an open and fair democratic process over the next few weeks. i was gonna say, go by the day over by to decline next. fixed. co found to be hastings who is one of the democrats and biggest donors has cooled on by then to step aside. his sense of us is also echoed by other party officials as dozens of comb with one all the for the drawing thing and the bill to uh, just the american lead to, to accept the reality and let someone else take the reins. however, joe biden is digging in for flights, saying his current performance is irrelevant and what masses is the past
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in a bad night. the fact of the matter is that uh, you know, it was i, i screwed up. i made a mistake. that's 90 minutes on stage. look at what i've done a 3.5 years. the good bible on line with a problem. this is donald. so as he set the rebel as straight as he takes a swing, joe biden on the golf. cool, saying his days are numbered, i am kamala is sent to takeover to bed. he just quit, you know, he's quit interest. is that right? yeah, i got about to and that means you have come along. i think she's going to be better . she's so so pathetic. so it's issues so yeah, so well, right. laugh trump seems more than happy to focus on that. to headline the thing saying she's awful, but the white house press secretary, but
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a different spin on it, suggesting how it is the best bets folder. pausing going forward, one of the reasons why he picked the vice president for low income le harris is because she is indeed the future of the part. and he's very proud to have partnered with her and continued to partner with her and delivering an unprecedented record for the american people. well, was it a florida is submit all the white house raising a trial balloon mentioning president, how is that we heard from investigative journalists, i've found, wrote the truth, immediate projects been sworn, gave us, it is take a couple of things that are happening that are pretty interesting, 1st of all, it's all been a huge set up, right? we've been hearing for months over here that there's nothing wrong with the present . and by the end the things are called cheap fake videos. there was no cognitive issue at all. then there was a debate which by the way, was held earlier than any other debate in us history early as has ever been held. and then suddenly the same.


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