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tv   Direct Impact  RT  July 4, 2024 7:30am-8:00am EDT

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a hi, this is the best bets folder pausing going forward. one of the reasons why he picked the vice president for low income le harris is because she is indeed the future of the part. and he's very proud to have partnered with her and continue to partner with her and delivering an unprecedented record for the american people. well, was it a florida is submit all the white house raising a trial balloon mentioning president, how is that we heard from investigative journalist i'm found, wrote the truth, immediate project, been sworn, who gave us his take a couple of things that are happening that are pretty interesting, 1st of all, it's all been a huge set up, right? we've been hearing for months over here that there's nothing wrong with present. abiding the things are called cheap fake videos. there was no cognitive issue at all. then there was a debate, which by the way, was held earlier than any other debate in us history earliest has ever been held. and then suddenly, the same night is the debate. every prominent democrats in the country is making
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phone calls to, to the pundents saying they're deeply concerned. they had no idea there was something wrong combined in the whole thing was the setup in order to remove him before the convention because of the democratic convention. and the republican conventions where the actual nominates are decided. cases have not been held yet in this country. so they do have time to do this. now some of the names that are being folded out there, there are several of them. i've obviously a couple of harris who's the vice president of the united states. and because a lot of talk about her, even though her approval rating has actually been far lower, the bible just threw off his term. so she's got the likely candidate, gavin newsome, who is the governor of california. obviously there are a lot of people who are looking at him. he's been making that it seems kind of a ralph to national media a lot lately as a bite. and so it good. you have gretchen whitmore who was the governor of michigan . she's also a kind of a rising star in the democratic party, but again, not entirely popular, especially on the national level and national point. now there has been talk and this goes all the way back into the early spring. there was talk that there was a design plan here by the obama's actually runs michelle obama,
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the former 1st lady as the candidate and has been nominated for the democratic party. a lot of people said, this is crazy as a conspiracy theory. and yeah, now that rumor is kind of re surfacing again that maybe she is the one. and by the way, if you really look at all of this, the reality is it looks very much like this has been orchestrated by the obama themselves. not necessarily for michelle obama. i won't go that far, but it does appear that it has been lined up in order for the obama is to remove, bided, and to push in a different canada, whether it's michelle obama, devin newsome, pamela harris, or some other candidates. the other thing they wanted to make sure though is that they did this after the primary was over. and before there was for a convention, because there were people who were running on the democratic side as part of the actual elective process, including robert f. kennedy junior, who was eventually he dropped out of the democratic side and was running as an independent because he wouldn't be allowed to debate on the democratic side. so they've now bypass the primaries and now is the selection process of replacing by now, all of
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a sudden the media who's been complacent with all of this is pretending that this is now shocking. and this is now new. whitehouse tended off tough questions about president, spite and fitness president biden's re election campaign, scrambling to ease concerns over his acuity president biden's alarming debate performance last night. so all too clearly that he does not seem to be up for serving for more years in office. i don't think any one can really do 9. now, the mental states that by and these mean this version of biting intellectually, analytically, is the best buys and after his mental acuity is great, it's fine. he has a tremendous amount of wisdom and experience. this is a man who is sharp, who is on top of his game, fire interrupts, all normal programming, but i'm going to go back to the sign of high co operate and all my years and plus this time with isn't in on the practice 25 minutes and this isn't it, but if it's to the g luxury of egypt to the peace and prosperity in the region,
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we went from this meeting of the s u a plus format, which lends us the opportunity to change views were divided to as your family, attendees. international norms the put in place since the 2nd word will perhaps under oh goodness, dress. then at dinner time since 1945, a long and unresolved conflict. in jordan, as a result of fundamental confusion and denial of sin, determination is own in many parts of the same time, many new crisis emerging across the globe as digging on
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imaginable human sufferings in sight going to exit and discrimination based on race and religion. in particular, as lama probably a, has assumed epidemic proportions. climate induce disasters are increasing in frequency and intensity. and adversely impacting the lives of millions. countries across the globe are struggling to corporate, social economic op shocks of covered 19 that verse and integrated these within. and among states these calls, as far as unity of thought and action was opposing the values of
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peaceful coexistence. this illusion of disputes in accordance with the un charter and responding confidence and multilateralism in which all countries have a stake, excellencies. this summit is being as much on present or something of the people by this time. as a result of is i use ongoing bluetooth minutes. the campaign and it also for more than 37000 people has been monitored. and the jordan, thousands of children and millions have been displaced. the un human rights conference commission of inquiry has the right key concluded that it's
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really act among 2 of or climes. and according to the restaurant order of justice, a plausible genocide for which it's a must be heading to account in line with disabilities transmitting. we must call upon james nation community in particular that you and skirted comes to a board. it's a responsibility to and show an image. it sees file free for those who many darian assistance and protection of civilians and in di advise us to do you and must or to ensure the implementation of it's just lucian for the peaceful settlement of a long standing disputes expenses. climate
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change is the defining, is the energy of our times, diameter induced naturally, i'm going to use a pausing a good many communities and adversely affecting millions of lives around the world. we have but this, these disasters 1st tend during the devastating floods of 2022 in august on which led to on immeasurable loss of lives in properties. although our contribution information is hardly, it's very minimal. in fact general financial. and if not, you can assistance to countries. most of the climate change
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been unable to them. tony was from not turned it off to us and to adapt to the ever more frequent and for us us climate impact lives. and gentleman, last is, as did you, summit made 5 teaching commitments to implement the sustainable development and goals. you must ensure implementation of the s g stimulus. we also got a fund to monitor the form of the trash and then find them to architecture. go make it more effective inclusion and equitable excellencies, the complex global and use the jetting just the diverse crisis today can be best addressed to effective multilateralism within the
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payment of the united nations focused on remains committed to monthly letters and gone through those to play a leading role at all interaction and phones last month, focused on was elected as a non thumbnail member of the un security council for their time. 20252026. the foggy sun brings the human skirt account and its but let's experience expertise. and the strong legacy of contributions towards the maintenance of international peace and security manufactured by strict, it adds to the principles of the you and job to and it's upcoming tom park is done, but remain committed to bustling just and be useful. resolution of outstanding
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and ongoing disputes opposing those out to you in the lateral and illegal use of trip or the use of force combating terrorism in all this forms and manifestations. excellencies focused on the point of view toward once the su agenda in boxes, shipped with member states. we would have gone to go spend multilateral institutions and in ons, global corporation in eyes the government objective of and that's good and useful was order widely respecting the principles of says, culmination sort of the entity and that her daughter and,
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and dignity as well as non and friends in being done affairs of other countries. i think you so thank you very much mister prime minister for the informative speech. we do value the watch, lots of contributions that your country provide simply the strengthening sala of the potential here. and is a reputation of the shop corporate organization that would like to get the floor to the president of the russian federation was the one that really like even it was even a trip. we can lease a very serious. i was very much thank you. some of the community which present a kind of dream, a colleague, colleagues, you showed us got you a once again, but the, i would like when the quote come, one of you sitting in motion with just yet are those any of the members and guess, participation in the session within the su plus for much 5 would be the interest in
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the pretty as d s u t t. it really is directly related to the fact that the basic is values and ideals of our, the association with such as our commitment to pursuing a suffering, an independent. so let's see with the parallel escalation to be a set jointly with other countries. for sure, of the collective is send you a solution which is the, to the problems with something everyone in the world is sharing right now in the association. wondering as always, premium, based upon the julie gods or opinions of as many countries in pas as possible, as well as the natural light, right of every country to use up to live and shift development model right now the s c o was one of the medicine symbols coding on of the largest and most of the forest regional organizations as that, as was mentioned by the lady left. yeah, it accounts for almost so that you know, 50 percent of the world's population will probably around 25 percent of we was g, g p. it concentrates
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a significant and intellectual and technological potential as well as a large trying to keep on just as well. and when i feel the resources as ceo's active participation in multilateral cooperation along the different avenues which is not something, we just see where we need to meet the current and difficult political time as a family of 4 months at mit. which should we see in the go find the mental shift ongoing, always politics, and we can all mag leasing well this truly becoming an option to follow a as an increasing number of countries is willing to residency fives, validate to mate, try and interests. we see the measurements of new centers of power and the seo is establishing itself as one or more but its subjects and 20. that's why we put the name of uh, the theme uh suggested for our discussion is very relevant. namely strength and e multilateral dialect, stripe removed woods, sustainable peace and prosperity. phenotype reflects the very essence of what we
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see over and has been doing since, you know, as the establishment back in 2145 refer to its efforts a let me ask somebody building to and not miss the or of security and trust in our common erosion, we turn in that regard and we're grateful for them for the concrete ends and see a pass all submitted by the u. s. c. o members days in terms of settling the cleaning crisis, which visit the opposite, arose as a result of absolutely. and saving money is and reckless policy pursued by the u. s . and it started last year as well. and in rochester, which has never refused. and it's still willing to engage in the store. what else do you mean? but it's ukraine that you would use to engage in these starts and it did so publicly at the directly house from london. some. yeah, and there is no doubt. that means that you're the one that came from washington. glad you had the korean public officials say that openly, excuse me, go ahead,
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directed me to a central unit to the course. it is probably for which i'm grateful to the president of the time but was hoping to have to keep the present as it was collected as intermediaries. i knew they were still and i say a little while you to those quotes into shorts, by the heads of the crane. you negotiation to you and that means you k was more or less. ok with that on the eastern list. that agreements are still on the table. they can be used as ground for a for resumed adults, because we're gonna switch it, making sure the esl you member stays your closing age, the taxes, and from the international track. in particular, i'm the un for, i mean it was a stick to close or similar, but i'm for insurance policy on this page. right within the s c o. together with the business community we activity prevention, trade, economic investment, as well as financial concentration. part of that,
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it is quite telling that the gains feedback drop off decline in many is this shows the advanced economies to the intention to see did you average one g. p of the seo countries is, rose, us on average. and i'm recently by 5.2 percent and it is whereas of the industrial pork roast by 4.5 percent wildly inflation student to me, a 2.4 percent, most recent area goes to indicates that we still continue to stage any d. pronounce authoration in any kind of what's the name of god for security. so high tech and innovation, that's the digitalization as well as a i chose to per diem last summer. yeah. so it's taking reactive sap and use us to build to put your hand in hand, like the supply chains, logistics and mutual settlement stuff. mechanisms are seeking it and also building more efficient transportation cartridges that binds very confident together from north to south and from west houston. we connect,
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i certainly interested in engaging, you know, the s c o projects and we are also interested in other countries in gauge winning today's projects this month because sky and the business council and into banking solution as well as feed for them. the has refrigerants are also open to such cooperation. the su members have traditionally, has great respect for historical cultural values as well as the relaxed ational that phase. and she decides to be the foundation upon which we are expanding contacts, if young people, mobility, now cooperation inside science, technology, education, health quick f, as well as the lead yours me say we have, i was us down south east to the civil society and go into the organization, more of what i do is just so many practical times, the seo has a lot of a thing to offer in terms of experience with any country that is interested in that . and that is when to call to raise our organization is also waiting and it's to, to accept any constructive contribution to is
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a key which is take on everything of value that our partners have to all settings. i'm confident out today's meeting will be useful, will help improve friendly relations between all the countries, the presidency, and it will help from intensify our thoughts ration along different avenues. thank you for your attention to us. so thank you. on the re let the middle of the village for a while, we're back in the see the example of that was russian present inputs and i will do bring you all the diesel. how's that? he talks about that throughout the day. but let's go now to iran, as head of us are on our side generally, and my food possess scan will compete to lead the nation of citizens had to oppose on friday in the 2nd round. all the stuff i like to know. that's all the last week. no candidate was able to secure, more than 50 percent of the odd se correspondent in the wrong use of johnny breaks
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it down. everyone is gearing golf for a historic presidential run of both on july 5th. the 1st of its kind in almost 2 decades, it'd be initial round on june 28th. neither candidate secured the necessary absolute majority defined as 50 percent plus one vote mess with the discount. let the race with more than $10000000.00 votes, which fell short of the 50 percent special receiving around 42 percent of the total votes cast dirty, closely followed, and 2nd place with $9400000.00 votes. now the to flaw foreigners are facing golf toner to be they closed for one of those that have significant implications for either towards the reform or a conservative and anti western was advocated apart from the riley's, they have engaged into life still applies debates with southern square off in a fiery crash or visions on a hostile part, domestic and foreign policy issues for hard line principal. as politicians, luxury,
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any form of openness to the west is deemed a red line, which he criticizes as a diplomacy of appeasement. that weekend, it was tense. i guess the west on the flip side because the scale sees resolving the country's economic challenges in producing tensions with the was putting the revival of the trouble of 2015 nuclear deal at the top of his agenda more routes. but it was very me quite a bit of calls about behavior. we are losing social support every day because of the high cost of living. because about treatment of women that about the internet filtering. due to a misbehavior, people are dissatisfied with us from our main problem in this country is disagreement. we should 1st establish unity within our country. then we should admit that our interest depends on negotiating with the world and securing our share of all the shows. if we can live in a cage close the door and have no relations with the world, could we will have a whole life has presented csf quoted yet. when we talk about foreign policy,
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there are more than 2 or 3 countries out there. so this was a wrong policy that our foreign relations were limited to a few powers that we've had. the most disagreements with. there are 200 countries in the world. what is the key to opportunities? we should look at them from the point of finding common ground, those who focus on disagreements and want to benefit by cooperating with those who are disagreeing with us. the most just won't succeed. they've got 58 year old standing for the 3rd time having previously run into other elections cycles in 2021 . his step aside in favor of the late president for you see, what for me, influential with embraces administration earning came the moniker, the shadow government from critics my position on duty enjoys twan, beckoning from hard life supporters. former principals, candidates are the result of our county. i mean, whole same policies audit and what, how much both everybody. well, i've now found their way behind jedi by define greece under the care and leadership of the leader of the revolution. the nation has decided not to let you filing their
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rights by making the correct decision and electing our dear brother, mister jelly. cuz this young age, 69 turkey serves as a member of parliament, itemized with a reform, a scam. well, not the most prominent figure, and the reformers here for this account enjoys support from heavy weights. reformers like former presidents mohammed consummate, widely recognized as the pioneer of the reform movement during his presidency from 1997 to 2005. the president has several honey who proceeded while you see has also given his endorsement to possess key on that me, on a call on the door and am on the respect of the candidates for the 14. his government doctor must, who possess kion, deserves these job. and can show to the responsibilities he has the qualities and correct terrific. let us all a rush to the polls. i ask the people who want the constructive interaction with the world. and then once more duration in the country to vote for a doctor must have a business account on friday following narrow it in the 1st round. he's out
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seriously capitalizing on the 60 percent of the electorate, or did not vote. and the 1st problem for centurylink himself, as the solution to their problems, ranging from unemployment and from parents, inflation, to a weakening national currency. all in all the campaign trail has revealed much about the can slots, the leadership styles of the 2 candidates with each offering a different path for a wants future dates and the other towards the usability. all right, lynda, you're so regular and i don't the way but the the what happened on october. the 2nd was a deal breaker for it was the slaves revolting against the master.
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when slaves revolt against the legitimate masters, that is not going to be peaceful and it is going to be violent terrorist here. and that will take a right and is there is there, there in just surrounding the entire area of the body became ready for us. you know, they knew we're gonna scatter like ship that terrible tragedy and terrible revenge because okay, so i, and i know who they, me come off the, the on off know, especially the place will be the good this of being prevented. but it seems to be that we don't want these ladies to be. we want to peoples of the land to leave in peace and prosperity. is it
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possible to have peace in this region ever again? the the, the, the
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model i want to model to show you some of them do you think of the somewhere in the village in new on the go up with some new move from to the some of this,
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the little gods using it. but i see something like this on most of the items to somebody to bring you must pick with the stuff i did the meals that the, you know, the agenda, blue column. so kind of show right here soon. and i'm sure you so you don't have to 100, you're the 1st you level when of the russian states never as tight as one of the most sense. the best english i'll send send up the send. the $65.00 must be the one else holes. question about this, even though we will fan in the european union,
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the kremlin media machine, the state on the russia to day and split the ortiz full neck, even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube tv services, which is stephen twist, which is the,
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the chase that we have convinced that the shanghai cooperation organizations along with the brakes are the main pillars of the emerging. you will forward a lot of the post and right there on the side. hi, co operation, illinois. jason summit highlight the losing global roll rust off, along with the global south. he says, bus in stop control since the dated western world. only promote to do so makes it do all this out to winning. and all of a sudden we pledged our support to him. i think we, we'd be better off if we had a, a new candidate who could present a new vision for our country. democrats most today says joe biden is debating pro formas triggers of the.


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