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tv   News  RT  July 4, 2024 8:00am-8:30am EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the, the chase that we have convinced that the shanghai cooperation organizations along with the brakes are the main pillars of the emerging. you will forward a lot of the post and right there at the side. high co operation, illinois zation summit highlight the losing global roll rust off, along with the global south. he says, that's in stop control. since the dated western world, only promote to do so makes it do all this out to wind. and all of a sudden we pledged our support to him. i think we, we'd be better off if we had a, a new candidate who could present a new vision for our country. democrats most today says joe biden is debating pro,
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formas for goods of the less to circle the wagons on the policy members call names . exit the engine light plus corners are facing golf toner to a clue for one on that have significant implications for on the rain is hope i had to 2 poles elect the next lead up in the 2nd round of lift, slap presidential election. the live from las go, this is, are you? my name's and what was her mom. it was 13 minutes of news. i'm these start now. the amount was somebody else with our news out of the s c o summit in cuz that's not where a lot is happened. including the signing of many agreements, one being a declaration agreed upon my own. it sinks to bind space on biological weapons, calling by international crime and advocates,
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a comprehensive reform on the us district and the wills body authority. now there's also being a cool enough son of a member of states enjoying the initiative on world unity. the just please hominy and development box as the russian president declared, the multiple world order is glory as the list of nations that sign up for that, right? so the whole traditional values, all the bases for fed global governance. she said that there was a growing circle of states advocating with just world florida, which are also ready to resolutely defend their legitimate rights and protect the traditional values. a new sentence of how and decent on the growth are emerging and strengthening to levels. we have convinced that the shanghai cooperation organizations, along with the brakes are the main pillars of the emerging. you will order it is these associations that act as
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a powerful engine for the processes of global development and the establishment of genuine multi polarity. a lot of our opponents spoke a lot about multi polarity and the mutually beneficial basis on which groups like be shanghai cooperation, organization operate key set that member states need to continue this trend and reinforce it by being actively involved in the organization and taking and energetic and calculated approach that represents the interests of like minded people all around the world. the russian president also said that the growth of the ceo's influence is garnering a lot of attention from world leaders everywhere. and that many of them have the same aspirations to mutually respectful relations that can be seen in the shanghai cooperation organization itself. it's all leading to the gradual replacement of western had gemini, by solver nations, according to the russian president. there's regular cs and then you rush this proposal to create a new architecture of cooperation in eurasia is designed to replace outdated
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eurocentric and euro atlantic models that gave unilateral advantages only to individual states. the result of such a world order is known, which is a growing number of crises around the world. one of which of course, is the ukrainian one or russia has always advocated for a peaceful, political, and diplomatic solution to the crisis. and ukraine's, which arose as a result of the absolutely cavalier policy of the united states led by its satellites. it's also important to note that a very important agreement was signed at the summit between china and india that will contribute to resolving their ongoing border issues between the 2 countries. so this is just another demonstration of the all around beneficial activities that the set shanghai cooperation organization takes part in design to stand on. bella ross is now, is it now a fully fledged member of the se? oh, that's right. bell. ruth has now become the 10th member state of the shanghai cooperation
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organization. and despite all the western propaganda we've seen accusing the grouping of being an anti western block. alexander lucas jenco actually gave a statement that he reiterated the fact that the organization is not directed. and does not have a hostile attitude against any party anywhere in the world for bella roost. seo is not just an international organization, it is the strategic outlook by its nature. the seo is an organization in the creation. it is not directed against anyone. this is something that the world needs today, and it's fully meets the spirit of our own policy. so it's the 2nd day of the 24th, the summit of the shanghai cooperation organization here in austin. now right now we've seen a lot of agreements signed a lot of statements from world leaders that are members states and observers of the block. but there's more to come. we're gonna bring you all the detail. stay tuned now to the us as democratic government as a circle, the wagons, they say, jo biden's in it. so in
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a while the us present mental design was on the full display. in his this offices debate proponents, they held a private meeting with him to assess the big guy. i'm here to tell you today, president joe biden is in it to win it. and all of us said we pledged our support to him because the states could not be higher. it was a great conversation with the present advice present because it was honest. that was candid. i think that, you know, we always believe that when you, when you love someone, you tell me sure. and i think we came in and we were honest about the feedback that we were getting. we are honest about the concerns that we're hearing from people. and we are also honest about the fact that as the president continue to tell us and show us that he was all in that we said that we would stand with him because as the governor wall said, the president is always had our backs. we're going to have his back as well. however, no, it's all the last time to convince some fellow democrats say the right thing to do
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is for him to take a bow on withdrawal from the presidential race. i think we, we'd be better off if we had a, a new canada who could present the new vision for our country. and we can do that if we have an open and fair democratic process over the next few weeks. so grow by the day over biden's decline. net fixed, co founder read hastings. it is one of the democrats biggest news was called on biden. to step aside, his sentiments is also echoed by other policy officials, as does it come with a report in the draw. seeing appealed to the american leader to accept the reality, i let someone else take the reins. however, joe biden is digging in for a flight saying his current performance is a run of it. and what masses is the past in a bad night?
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the fact of the matter is that uh, you know, it was i actually, i screwed up. i made a mistake that's 90 minutes on stage. look what i've done to 3.5 years. the evidence, the bible on the line, which apparently shows donated from by the set and the rank will say, does he takes a swing at the job? i'm on the golf course saying his day is a number i'm kamala, is set to take over the bed. he just quit, you know, he's quit interest. is that right? yeah, i got about to and that means you have comma law. i think she's going to be better . she's so so pathetic. so it's issues. so that's why we're so right that the way trouble saying more than happy if it come out of the headline that you say she's awful by the white house press. secretary put a different spin on it. so definitely how is this the best best policy going forward?
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one of the reasons why he picked the vice president for low income le harris is because she is indeed the future of the part. and he's very proud to have partnered with her and continued to partner with her and delivering an unprecedented record for the american people. was a full. busy snable the white house, so raising a trial balloon for mentioning president harris. how are you? good for? i'm the investor of doing this. i'm founder of the truth in media product bend. swan gave us his take. right? we're going to, oh, i see interrupt this. uh no, well, no problem. we're gonna go back to our top story where the members of the 2nd michael placement with my vision platform. i'll meet the n s. diana. it's uh the indian fm form is that says and then the extended family speaking of challenges, terrorism which surely ivank foremost for many of us the truth is that it continues to be used by nations as
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a tool of this deposition that we have had our own experiences with cross product terrorism. let us be clear that terrorism in any form of manifestation, cannot be justified open, don't hobbling terrace must be strongly contempt. crossbar the terrorism requires a decisive response. enters in finance, and recruitment must be effectively conduct. the seal must never waiver and its commitment. we cannot have double standards in this regard. when it comes to jewel economics, the need of the day is to create multiple, reliable, and resilience supply change. this is an important take away from the globe experience. making india can add to the engines of global growth and help democratize the global economy. india is open to partnering with others and capacity building,
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especially nations of the global soft technology not only holds great promise in our times, but is increasingly a game changer on both development and security. digital data needs small trust and transparency. hey i and cyber security res crucial issues update on. at the same time, india has shown that digital public infrastructure and digital financial inclusion can make such a huge difference. both we have discussed during our seo persistency, but today they can also expand this quote for international cooperation and involving as to members and partners. excellent, please, while standing resolute on challenges, so it is equally important to actively and collaboratively explore avenues of progress. a little bit of debate is focused on creating new connectivity. linkage
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just echoed meta. so are a balanced mode. if this is to guide the moment them, it requires the joint efforts of many. it must also be the spectral of sovereignty and digital integrity of states and be built on the foundation of non discriminatory great and concept rights to naples. for the us, you know, extended family replied the progress made on job a hot boat recently through a long term agreement between india and it on this not only holds great value to land lock center, lation states, but also be the 6 commas between india and duration one on the regent. let me also speak about kind of stuff. we have a historical relationship between peoples. that is the bedrock of hot dice, of a cooperation covers development projects, humanitarian assistance,
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capacity building and supports india remain sensitive to the needs and aspirations of the upcoming people. the c o extended family shows or commitment to reform the current international order. this is only possible and those efforts extend to the united nation. some of the security cons. pity, hope that in the near future we can develop a strong consensus on the way ahead. excellence is india has contributed significantly to enhancing the economic agenda. the issue. we have institutionalized mechanics. i'm just like this. your stopped up for them. and the special ed working group on stopped up in innovation with a $130000.00 stopped ups in india, including a 100 unit cons. i would expedients can be useful for this to when it comes to medical and wellness tourism. you may be aware that the w a tool has set up a global center for traditional medicine in good. you're not in a seal. india has taken the initiative for the newest fuel working group on
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traditional much and hon. seeing education training and capacity building not keeping those of in gas cooperation. we're committed to follow the building on the bead with c 5 partners of central alicia, or those of the neighborhood 1st or the extended day. but who excellent cheese has mall countries take association with the c o. as ups of us and dialogue partners, we must strive to communicate better and deeper, so that a consensus is also stronger. grunting english. the status of a tug official language would be crucial, conductor goc. we congratulate because oxide hall hosting the successful summit as wish will bundle all depend of the world. in the i will always try to deepen cooperation with all of the spotless. we also extend our best wishes for, for the success of the upcoming chinese presidency of the
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a c o. this concludes the remarks of prime minister multi. i thank you for your attention. thank you. especially for your research and distinguished minister for your speech. while you back in the cloth about was the, in the, in a farm is giving his notes on the movies and notes should i say, for this s c a just to quickly wrap up a couple of things that he did was about the fight against terrorism. together how the, how multiple and reliable supply chains, especially off the code needed to be established. a i cyber security. also very important, but we'll be bring you all the details throughout the day here on audience. and actually they also get all the details on our team. they'll come now i would say ron, where a site is the most suited for this can and will continue to lead the nation. us citizen has had to polls on friday in the 2nd round of the snap and action of bucks
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off the last 2 weeks. no candidate was able to move the 50 percent of the vote. all think correspondent in iran use of jelly right and settled down for us. everyone is gearing golf for a historic presidential run off both on july 5th. the 1st of its kind in almost 2 decades. it'd be initial round on june 28th. neither candidate secured the necessary absolute majority defined as 50 percent plus one vote mass or because the scale and let the race with more than $10000000.00 votes, which fell short of the 50 percent special receiving around 42 percent of the total votes cast dirty closely followed and 2nd place with $9400000.00 votes now the to flaw foreigners are facing golf toner to include for one of the folks that have significant implications for either towards the reform or a conservative and anti western was advocated apart from the riley's. we have engaged
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into life telephone's debates with some of them square off in a fiery crash of visions on a hostile part, domestic and foreign policy issues. for hard line principle. as politicians, luxury, any form of openness to the west is deemed a red line, which he criticizes as a diplomacy of appeasement. that weekend. it was tense. i guess the west, on the flip side does the scale and sees resolving the country's economic challenges in producing tensions with the west. putting the revive on the trouble of 2015 nuclear deal at the top of his agenda model, who's what it was letting me call it. because of our behavior, we are losing our social support every day because of the high cost of living. because about treatment of women that about the internet filtering, due to a misbehavior, people are dissatisfied with us. a main problem in this country is disagreement. we should 1st establish unity within our country. then we should admit that our interest depends on negotiating with the world and securing our share. if we can
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live in a cage close the door and have no relations with the world, could, we will have a pool life csf forwarded you. when we talk about foreign policy, there are more than 2 or 3 countries out there. so this was a wrong policy that our foreign relations were limited to a few powers that we've had. the most disagreements with. there are 200 countries in the world. what is the key to opportunities? we should look at them from the point of finding common ground, those who focus on disagreements and want to benefit by cooperating with those who are disagreeing with us. the most just won't succeed. 58 year old jenny be standing for the 3rd time having previously run into other elections cycles in 2021. his step aside in favor of the lead president for easy for trimming, influential within races, administration earning can, demonic, or the shadow government. from critics my positioning on duty enjoys twan, beckoning from hard lines. supporters, former principals, candidates, and the results are county. i mean, whole same policies audit and what,
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how much the book everybody was. i've now found a way behind jedi by define greece under the care and leadership of the leader of the revolution. the nation has decided not to let you filing their rights by making the correct decision and electing our dear brother, mister jelly. cuz this young age, 69 turkey serves as a member of parliament and the minds were the reformers kept well, not the most prominent figure. and the reformers here for this account enjoys support from heavy weights. reformers like former presidents mohammed economy, widely recognized as the pioneer of the reform movement during his presidency from 1997 to 2005. the president has several honey who proceeded while you see has also given his endorsement to possess key on the, on a con, the dog, and the respective candidates for the 14, his government doctor must, who possess kion, deserves these job and can show that the responsibility he has the quotes is incorrect, terroristic, so that's all rushed to the polls. i ask the people who want the constructive
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interaction with the world, and then once more duration in the country to vote for a doctor must have a business account on friday. oh, wait for this payoff. naturally it in the 1st round, he's out seriously capitalizing on the 60 percent of the electorate, or did not vote. and the 1st problem for centurylink himself, as the solution to their problems, ranging from unemployment and from parents, inflation to a weakening national currency. all in all the campaign trail has revealed much about the can slots, the leadership styles of the 2 candidates with age, offering a different path for a wants future dates on the other towards the usability r. o. so africa, now where on closer inspection nigerian customs. so this is into set, did a cache of weapons and i'm a from to hear values i will most
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a 180000 us. so is that the operation of the apple in lagos led to the arrest a one suspect. but that was just the latest as the incident comes of days off of the country seat over $800.00 brand new shot guns, an over a $100000.00 rounds of ammunition in the nation's port town over on there. now this exclusive footage from the shows what was uncovered from inside a full team, but can you email also shift from student kit, we are from the customs folks for us. this is a very significant fight and success. because some in the last time we had the some seizures amount in this quantum and this number was an attempt around 20. so when can we have series of c, joseph items for not in this quantity? so it's a success because some, if this i was find that we use into duty and we don't know how books between cos
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and won't be able to know the origin of those which because dad was to be this was when he fisted. there is a ship that but this items and there's the origin of that ship. so it's not something that can be disputed. we capitalize on, on intelligence. and we truck and this intelligence is sauce. but look at the and internationally. and by the time you have created with intelligence, you full of the container and them at the point you truck, an intercept, that is what really happened that quintana was $14.00 and $1.00 to time you and we've got it at the output without intelligence, i'm disappointed in have been this because thousands of content has come in, but the ability to attract it from the souls formulate hope to elude you, come from which i'm tied to a to particular time. it's a product of intelligence shed, and that is why i think my n, as i said,
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would look at an international and recent years. a night during customs regularly report into set some of the legal weapons sized into the country from various parts of the world. and one of sudden phases couldn't very well be ukraine. you're a poll islands of old, have wound on multiple occasions. the weapons supplied, the key could end up on the blank blankets slash media repose. the local games are using you claiming weapons to flight police. oh yeah, most good claim to that the month is mostly of these weapons has reached a $1000000000.00 a double guard by the 2nd and i get is 2020 the full of my presidential hopeful, says that a little need to supply deep cleaning weapons. find the way to nigeria. what's up? this was the old in connecting this little metal. i like clinton's on the top. there are so many you create and you're pens that i need to be shipped for middle quantities that found themselves in the hands of is what if i'm not mistaken,
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in west africa, probably with the footprints and not part of nigeria and also bun deeds. but just to keep knuckle ransom, i missed because this was a lot, talk to me to just to meet, you know, some people i'm a little disappointing on here. just let me find out the dell. what is the letter from wisdom quantities, tony's activity in the east until this activity is indeed not. this is clear to margaret instability and to some degree, if you recall what is supplementing this i have on some of what is happening in the beginning. you will see that the principle are in this area. odyssey do supports lien and wisdom partners, and that is one of the reasons why you see that it's a constant education in africa all in the middle england, 20. 0, going through that. what did you do from the, with living our shows, because the more the prison job don't just have to do, we are going to do more just to show we have do more of this district. so the chances that we've always come in for the grand total, your,
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all our customer today they're see into this. i don't have internet to do that is really high because most of these areas own go, but strangely, we still have these we bones that are shipped from mid to, to grab a new finding, the weight in dollars shops as less than a pile of ship. st many, countless billions of weapons suitcase is media has failed to fairly cover the quint income, including the dangers bullets on by americas, involving a bicycle into a group of legal and political eggs. but to address the un also trip to observe the call. thanks i i'll just say as we move closer and closer to a direct confrontation with russia towards nuclear annihilation. which so few seem to care about this historical reality in the experiences and desires of the people in these regions must be taken into account and respected. and i'll say again, the failure of the us press to properly acknowledge and report on these realities
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has been nothing less than shameful. the people of the nets getting the guns people's republics in the done best, having dirt at decade of bombardment, terrorism and brutality. all of which had been severely under reported, or even miss reported in the west most shockingly was my visit to these app rogia a nuclear power plant. several points of critical infrastructure at the plant have recently been compromised by ukrainian drone attacks and showing in fact, the director of the plant gave me this right here. this is a fragments from one of the drone attacks on the plants that occurred just feet away from where the reactors lie in the ground. so you know, you said it was my tax payer dollars that did this. so i got to keep the fragments . i was very appreciative off the car and so and then kind of open has more details on the issues raised reading. have a look at the very important press briefing hosted by the russian mission to the
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united nations. we heard on an image and a portrait of events on the ground in dawn boss that is never heard in western media, we heard about the atrocities of us back ukrainian forces carried out with us back us supplied weapons against the civilian population. we heard about how the conflict began back in 2014 and how the peoples of don boss have been subjected to an ongoing onslaught since that time and how they welcome to russian forces. we also heard about some of the feelings of the people in that part of the region about the fact that the western world and the western media in particular, has not made a point of highlighting their voice. it's now i have with me one of the speakers that the press conference. this is the international secretary of the communist party. christopher holly, thank you for joining us today. thank you for having me. appreciate it. so when you spoke before the united nations press conference,
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the press room there at the you and what was it that you really wanted to communicate? what was the overall thrust of what you were explaining as you told the many stories about the people you spoke to? i think one of the main things was, of course, the, her, the heroism and the resilience of the people of the done best. the fact that they've been at war since 2014, they've been fighting for their survival. their stories have been under reported. mr. reported ignored by the western media and, and the mainstream media. and we believe that we need to uplift their voice is because they have agency, they have a will and they want to be, they want to have self determination to do just to figure out where they want to go . and they want to be with the russian now. and that's the main things we want to do now only reveal the crimes, but also speak about what their desires are for a political settlement going into the future. go starting in 2014, the people in the done best, really wanted to preserve their language, their culture, their history. and as they told me, the heroes, right, they'd be preserved, the legacy of may 9. they present the legacy of the great and the precious victory of the people right of the great, but you got to work. and so when the givers you begin to care that away,
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begin to take down statues, begin to ford with the language uses and things like that. people who would identified as ukrainian when you can use this, as you said, we will not be a part of that state. we want our own. we want our own culture. we want our own values and we don't want anything impose from from degrees you mean? yep. and so over time, what ended up developing is the people said, we're going to be independent, the declared independence. they had referendums that were looked at as, as being legitimate right in the eyes of the people. and eventually in 2022, they asked the russian federation. after 8 years of work, they asked the russian federation for support and for protection. and they asked to be a part of the russian federation which was accepted by the russian government. and so i think that that was really important to understand that these people had been fighting for the identities for so long. and now they are very happy with the rush of being there. that was christopher holly was one of the speakers at the press conference that was hosted by the united nations. now they took questions from the press and they laid out the actual conditions on the ground. they spelled out how
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they just don't match the portrait for trade in western media. they spoke gabriel testimony of their conversations with people and the gods, people's republic. people in other parts of the contested regions where the conflict is taking place. it was quite a dynamic press conference and chris for holly was one of the speakers. and i mean, they really had a lot to say a lot of things that they wanted the western world to hear that western mainstream media just won't allow to be part of the conversation. well, that wraps up this and use all as always is very to have your company here with us . one of the international be sold to check out all to call will be back in about 30 minutes. the


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