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tv   News  RT  July 4, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EDT

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spice. 12 percent in california. the russia has never refused peace negotiations and is now ready to continue that. it was ukraine that refused to talk and did so publicly on direct orders from london and washington. vladimir put it and says the west is full thing. you bring to dismiss peace initiative that i propose white outlet global powers, including members of the shanghai killable ration organization. line during customs i saw these on cover a 2nd. i gave them a legal weapon. raisins took care of this week and the previous incident was a kind of sutton guns and 100000. i'm really soon rounds was seized. also president job. i was in it so when it and all of us said we pledged our support to him. i think we'd, we'd be better off if we had a, a new canada could present
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a new vision for our country. across us predict the jo vitamins did fate for full. but for this, the left to circle the wagons. a part of the members cool name stage right. plus the 2 front tires are facing golf toner to include for one on that have significant implications for future project. 3 new rainier pads. i hate to polls like the next lead in the 2nd round of the slap presidential election. the problem of the, the world. this is all to you and it's good to have your company today. my name's montalvan. make lots of story this out at the shanghai co pays in organization, the summit in cosmetics that way. a meeting of national need is within the so called s c o plus format has just wrapped up now rather unpleasant funds. but this
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is their efforts to bring the you can call that to an end of this flight western powers. dismissing susan these initiatives is because we are grateful for the sincere and concrete proposals of the seo member countries for the peaceful resolution of the ukrainian crisis. which happened as a result of adventurous policy of the united states and its satellites. russia has never refused peace negotiations and is now ready to continue them. it was ukraine that refused to talk and did so publicly, from direct orders from london and washington ukrainian officials spoke about that directly and openly to the east. unable agreements have not gone away. they were initials by the head of the ukrainian negotiating delegation, which means apparently they were quite suitable for ukraine. these agreements remain on the tables and can be used as the basis for continuing peace negotiations
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. s. c o. participants assigned a declaration, binding, biological weapons and on an outer space. it also stipulates code 19 oakland nation for come by i think international crime. i of a strengthening the authority of the u. n. the se and member spoke about the emergence of a new multiple will duda over the shadow in the previous dominance of western powers. developing nations have been standing up for their rights. i'm values as a basis for the i'm just the bible, global governance in the mountains and oceans do not separate like minded people. in this new era, the seo is attracting more and more supporters in the face of dramatic change. it is extremely important to gain wisdom, resourcefulness, and complete determination of georgia. it is necessary to firmly establish and to implement in life the idea of a community with the common destiny to be guided by the spirit and steadily adapt
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developing paths in accordance with national characteristics and realities in the region. without the security of peace, there can be no talk about the development of a country and the happiness of its people. so no matter how the international situation changes, the c o must continue to serve as a guarantor of comprehensive mutual and sustainable security. show me and actually i'm giving you a signature. so, shanghai corporation organization has always proceeded and continues to proceed from the importance of taking into account the opinions and points of view of the maximum range of partners, respect for the inalienable rights of each state, to choose its own development model in which the active participation of the seo in multi lateral cooperation is especially in demand in the coming difficult international situation. when fundamental transformations have truly emerged in politics and economics, the world is becoming truly multi polar. and more and more states are ready to
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defend their legitimate rights and interests. in the most decisive manner. new centers of power are emerging and the shanghai cooperation organization is being established as one of them has a lot of our opponents spoke a lot about multi polarity and the mutually beneficial basis on which groups like the shanghai cooperation organization operate. he said that the member states need to continue this trend and reinforce it by being actively involved in the organization and taking in energetic and calculated approach that represents the interests of like minded people all around the world. the russian president also said that the growth of the ceo's influence is garnering a lot of attention from world leaders everywhere. and that many of them have the same aspirations, to mutually respectful relations that can be seen in the shanghai cooperation organization itself. it's all leading to the gradual replacement of western who gemini, by sovereign nations. it's also important to note that
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a very important agreement was signed at the summit between china and india that will contribute to resolving their ongoing border issues between the 2 countries. so this is just another demonstration of the all around the beneficial activities that the set shanghai cooperation organization takes part in, designed to stand on. beller roofs is now. is it now a fully fledged member of the se? oh, that's right, bella bruce has now become the 10th member state of the shanghai cooperation organization. and despite all the western propaganda we've seen accusing the grouping of being an anti western block. alexander lucas jenco actually gave a statement that he reiterated the fact that the organization is not directed and does not have a hostile attitude against any party anywhere in the world. for bill or roost. seo is not just an international organization. it is a strategic outlook by its nature. the seo is an organization in the creation. it
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is not directed against anyone. this is something the world needs today, and it fully meets the spirit of our own policy. so it's the 2nd day of the 24th, the summit of the shanghai cooperation organization here in austin. now right now we've seen a lot of agreements signed a lot of statements from world leaders that are member states and observers of the block. but there's more to come, we're gonna bring you all the details. now with cut over to africa now where the on close close inspection nigerian custom services have into set did a cache o wetlands. and i'm also, i'm to get that valued at almost a 180000 us all of the information at the airport. and then they go from there to the rest of one suspect. but that was just the latest. as the incident comes, different day is off of the country sees over 800 brand new shot guns and over a 100000 rounds of ammunition in the nation of port town on there. now this
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exclusive video shows what was uncovered from inside a full c foot contain also shipped from tennessee and now we heard from the customs slides by them. this is a very significant fight and foxes because some, in the last time we had this some seizures, a mounting, this quantum and this number was an attempt around 20. so what do we have? see this of c, joseph, i'm but i'm not in this quantity. so it's a success because some, if this i was find that we use into duty and we don't know how books it to cost and we'll be able to know the origin of those which because damn was to be this was why the fist it, there is a shift that but this items and there's the origin of that ship. so it's not something that can be disputed. we capitalize on, on, on intelligence. and we truck and this intelligence is source,
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but look at the and internationally. and by the time you have created with intelligence, you full of the container and them at the point you truck, an intercept, that is what really happened that content or was one for and one to time you. and we bought it at the output without intelligence. i'm disappointed in have been this because thousands of content has come in, but the ability to attract it from the source for new it's up to include. you can accomplish anything tied to a to particular time. it's a product of intelligence shed, and that is way i'd be my n as to as to look at an interaction. in recent years, 9 jury and customs have regularly reported the intersection of illegal weapons flowing into the country from various parts of the world. and one of such places could very well be plain beautiful and interval of wound on multiple occasions. the weapons supplied think she could end up on the black market slash media report was
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that local games a using nuclear weapons to find police. oh yeah. must go, claimed that so the monthly smugly on these weapons have reached a $1000000000.00 as close live now to the hon. ebony is or stuck in executive sector 3. 0, the empty corruption edwards. thank you so much for taking the time for joining us today. here on our team and ask them now if i like the nigeria and customer service into set to the cache of weapons as an apple illegal was just days off of the country in december to 844 rifles. i believe a 112000 rounds of ammunition is coming from certain care. so if i'm, if we may, what are your thoughts on this? where it is. i'll give you a written cons time. and you have
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a big concern in the sense that we all know that even on students, that's when license who hasn't gone and got home. it'd be as children. but i'd venture run into such a gun one. so it's fairly mess with the c 1212 attempts. it could form a valid we have, you would not do that in the country like the united states. we're gone, it's democrats, eyes on how to then all live says going on us. those goes to this school funds is increased violence against, you know, since people e, one at such a level that on this call the import. those of we do being vigilant as a nation. so a show that fully for the nation is shipped with me. i'm properly shipped because
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right now nigeria as a country, is contending with what they call the 2nd richard menus. that's our mission. by already for repeated guns prya arms of defense specification. so reports death in new arrows into the section it's made, it goes to as we beat our concept, our already as a base excellent says that we've seen trouble as a nation and the government should be much more unlocked. i'd reinforce that. this means necessary to ensure that those who are running the song on those who is going so for me to raise shows the, uh, uh, not to just be, not arrested. but venus food for who the on every go up such nature
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to because if it refers to a government school a. so it's, i'm a, i mean the issue of i'm smuggling seems to be a regular positive news report from the nigerian customer service. what are the things that these weapons are coming from on, on the how or will tell folks affect the seeing this where the matter is that the cost of only dreamed yeah. well, but i think democrats abuses, democratic ideas these on the nightstand shows and there's has let us reduce present do. and that at this way, you'll see people importing palms with such degrees of in do need to on most of those in what tests the business and things of that nature only our
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security agents. so it'd be advice to be more and more appropriate in just missing the more of the 5th would that, that satisfaction. indeed you said you say it is something that we have to address with or what to do to college. and so students, we must, the government wants to exercise project with the students because most of the time when you even had the reports of these risk, that by the time the investigation will help when you're no longer here. and this is a bulky and that shows that political actors, it involves some putting it against that's one student needs to be less like julia involved. but the most important thing is that we have to have
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a group event that is called read just to expose any one that is involved with that . the uh, nationality of nat, gm's, the ultimate julia for the uh, for the agent attempting to be used to be the best, not do that by product lifting. going, you know, i left the site to all of these to be best with what to do to call rich products. i recently bought it go by bank just wants to google the people that i show quite difficult step really piece and says predict before have so yeah, that's so, so, you know, it seems that i mean, a lot of nigerian cities often suffer from violence and why is organized by tara groups specifically as well as all the criminal how good legal weapon they make. this situation was using most of the time. most of the time it wouldn't be fair to move that, that or brittany united julia did research. yeah. um to have cups that that dropped
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them to them and i don't think custom posit you will just have steps in that deep fly that those, those we post into the voice input in florida to meet, which do the uh, sun beats we call them bunch it's best to be settled is because we have been classified that there was by the previous government and the that's so please. so the way you have that kind of situation, that kind of situation, people are receiving policies, but that's what you would have. a cup says i i'm the more across that's are you done? snowed. yeah. or did you need some use that this news that have been making that julia with the insect to receive we are sending we and that is why we cannot move out is to have a forwarding agents that the temperature, flu used to be last night. yeah. because we don't produce bills,
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we don't produce done, i don't think any middle epic. i can just have to do things on. i'm sense of that nature. so i'll also side to be, what did we, with guns from different parts of their was e to use? it was organized, crime does have high jack, democratic space and putting agents. that's how soon would it be like, like my, like i said, you know? sure. now that like i said, the nature initiating our government must be very, i lost our security policy is supposed to be very, i lost. i know that night julia is the only country that we have and we must do all that is necessary to protect the sovereignty of the nation because there can be no democracy without sovereigns e. democracy is so i used to be s and that is now imposing and not allowing the security of this of the country i ended matching up. so bridges would be setting,
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i think we should drives us to do the need for the government, the level of security. yeah, very interested in data centers. hope of some solutions on well that went off and leave with that. thank you so much. the honorable ebony, so you're talking executive secretary of the empty corruption network from lagos. thanks again for your time. thank you very much. my pleasure. the right let's now so as i, as in to the us, you can go by them is not withdrawing from the presidential race of bias. so according to whitehouse slip for some corinne is on via it says by there is points to when the upcoming election with his campaign currently in full swing president is moving forward. he's moving forward is being president. he's moving forward with his campaign as his campaign has been very, very clear about that. that's what i can,
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that's what i can speak to. and that's what i can say. and that is the president's focus. the presence focuses. how does he continue to do that work? and anything else that we're hearing or that's being reported, is absolutely false. that while bided re f of the big media referrals say the a t one year old president is taking counsel with his family every day on whether he should withdraw from the campaign. as it is eventually to apply was on full display in the his, the paid debate performance last week, the democratic party appears divided with some demanding another no money. now that we as a contract start clue with 3 and democratic governors who was fully cameras and offered words of support foot wide and saying his quote in it too. and it's i'm here to tell you today, president joe biden is in it's a witness. and all of us said we pledged our support to him because the states
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could not be higher. it was a great conversation with the present advice present because it was honest, that was candid. i think that know, we always believed that when you, when you loved someone, you tell me sure. and i think we came in and we were honest about the feedback that we were getting. we are honest about the concerns that we are hearing from people. and we are also honest about the fact that as the president continue to tell us and show us that he was all in that we said that we would stand with him because as we, as governor wall said, the president is always had our backs. we're going to have his back as well. i think we, we'd be better off if we had a, a new canada who could present a new vision for our country. and we can do that if we have an open and fair democratic process over the next few weeks. i really, i have gone viral online showing donald trump issuing a warning to go by saying his days as president odd numbered to bed. he just quit, you know, he's quit interest. is that right?
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yeah, i got about to and that means you have com a lot. i think she's going to be better. she so this so for said i could assist you so and so according to i think you impose, if i didn't, jones, i also the presidential race of vice president, come out of iris, is likely to replace it as a normally the democratic policy. but in that hypothetical election, she was still lives behind form please, popularity off the debate has risen by adding to come out of house. infamous would fall in gas during probably the speeches which also raise concerns about whether she is foot for the office. so you think you just fell out of the coconut tree? i loved venn diagrams. i really do, i love then diagrams. it just something about those 3 circles and the analysis
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about where there is the intersection, right? we will work together and continue to work together to address these issues, to tackle these challenges and to work together as we continue to work operating from the new norms, rules and agreements. that we will convene to work together on the trumpet ministration improves of asking before after the election. should americans take it and would you take it? if donald trump tells us that we just take it, i'm not taking it on talking about the significance of the passage of time frame, the significance of the passage of time. so when we think about it, there is great significance of the passage of time, and there is such great significance to the passage of time when we think about a day in the life of our children. we all believe that when we talk about the children of the community, they are children of the community. yes, sizes are on
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a z about their election choices off of the presidential debate. 80 percent of americans believe by that is too old to be re elected according to reason oil seat in general, with many questioning where the country is headed to being here. let's begin. would it be done by? i think it's a little late for him to step down at this point. i was very surprised when i saw the debate. i didn't know realize the condition he was in to me. it seems as though he's not of the candidate that he used to be. and i'm not sure that he's independently able to make the decisions that you always need to be able to make running the country. i am feeling hammond, certainly like laying in my bed at night, like overcome with here. um, i do not think that joe biden is the best person to be running in the selection. i don't know who that person is. i want us to someone else younger have more like speak more from the hard to know what i'm saying. you know,
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just for the people, not just for the party where the host and the political commentators see go says it's clear minded is not able to lead. and those who have been dishing out a full narrative. you know, after the governors met and talked with joe biden, they came out and they were spinning faster than a blender making margarita is they don't believe what they're say. they know the american public to solve that. so they don't believe what they're saying. i think the biggest problem with this debate over whether it's a free to present buying and should continue to run for president. is it they're focused on the politics instead of the power of the presidency? i'm more concerned that he's not capable of doing his job, that i am about him running to keep the job. and unfortunately the focus is all on politics and not the danger to the us and the danger to the world was him remaining, empower that. i think the president trump gets elected as i expect, he will. uh,
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i think you're going to see him literally rip out the deep state by the routes to the department of justice, the f b r i a lot of our military top. but what officials, i think you're good with the major changes that i know that there are republicans who have served in his previous administration. and republicans that are likely to enter his administration if he wins. that are already preparing for how they go in was the process of the 1st 60 days after he would get an audio rated to do as much as they can as quickly as they can. and not ways to move a moment with all the damage that's been done. and i know the world leaders are watching. they were watching the debate, whether it was an exit, what it was in russia. i know that president. so let's get was watching it, because now he's claiming that he's amenable to having negotiations. and they know was watching because now they're telling the lensky and ukraine, we're not going to let you in today though, because you're to corrupt people, watched the debate around the world. and we're already seeing the impact of world
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leaders recognizing they're going to have to come to terms with dealing with donald trump, because joe biden is out whether it's now or whether it's in 7 months. now the wrong way side is a really, and i'm as soon as this can, will compete to lead the nation. us citizens had to both on the flight in the 2nd round of the stop election. now that's all the last week. no candidate was able to secure, more than 50 percent of the vote. all 3 correspondents in a wrong use of the brain settled down for us. everyone is gearing golf for a historic presidential run off both on july 5th. the 1st of its kind in almost 2 decades, it'd be initial round on june 28th. neither candidate secured the necessary absolute majority defined as 50 percent plus one vote mess or because the scale and let the race with more than $10000000.00 votes, which fell short of the 50 percent special receiving around 42 percent of the total votes cast dirty closely followed and 2nd place with $9400000.00 votes now the to
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flaw foreigners are facing golf toner to a quote for one of those that have significant implications for future project. 3, either towards the reform as fast or a conservative and anti western was advocated apart. from the rallies, we have engaged into life telephone's debates with southern square off and a fiery crash. revisions on a hostile product, domestic and foreign policy issues. for hard line principal. as politicians, luxury, any form of openness of the west is deemed a red line, which he criticizes as a diplomacy of appeasement. that weekend. it was tense. i guess the west on the flip side, because the scale sees resolving the country's economic challenges in producing tensions with the west. putting the revival of the trouble of 2015 nuclear deal at the top of his agenda model, who's little very quiet because of our behavior. we are losing social support every day because of the high cost of living. because about treatment of women that about
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the internet filtering, due to a misbehavior, people are dissatisfied with us or modeling. a main problem in this country is disagreement. we should 1st establish unity within our country. then we should admit that our interest depends on negotiating with the world and securing our share of all the shows. if we can live in a cage close the door and have no relations with the world, could, we will have a pool. life has presented csf forwarded yet. when we talk about foreign policy, there are more than 2 or 3 countries out there. so this was a wrong policy that our foreign relations were limited to a few powers that we've had. the most disagreements with. there are 200 countries in the world. what is the key to opportunities? we should look at them from the point of finding common ground and those who focus on disagreements and want to benefit by cooperating with those who are disagreeing with us. the most just won't succeed, does 58 year old jenny be standing for the 3rd time having previously run into
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other elections cycles in 2021. his step aside in favor of the lead president for easy for to me influential within races, administration earning can, demonic, or the shadow government. from critics, my positioning on duty enjoys twan, beckoning from hard lines, supporters, former principals, candidates, and the results are connie, i mean, whole same how's these are the and what, how much both everybody? well, i've now found her weight behind jedi by define greece under the care and leadership of the leader of the revolution. the nation has decided not to let you filing their rights by making the correct decision and electing our dear brother, mister jelly. because this young age, 69 terrifically serves as a member of parliament itemized with a reform a scab. well, not the most prominent figure. and the reformers here for this account enjoys support from heavy weights. reformers like former presidents mohammed economy, widely recognized as the pioneer of the reform movement during his presidency from
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1997 to 2005. the president has several honey who proceeded while you see has also given his endorsement to possess kion. that'd be on a con, the dog, and the respect of the candidates for the 14th government doctor must, who possess kion, deserves these job, and can show that the responsibility he has because is incorrect, terroristic. so that's all rushed to the polls. i ask the people who want the constructive interaction with the world, and then once more the ration in the country to vote for adults. and most of the business account on friday following narrow it in the 1st round. he's out seriously capitalizing, and on the 60 percent of the electricity is not volt. and the 1st problem for centurylink himself as the solution to their problems, ranging from unemployment and from parents, inflation to a weakening national currency. all in all the campaign trail has revealed much of all the can slots the leadership styles of the 2 candidates with age, offering a different path for a wants future dates on the other towards the west.


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