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tv   News  RT  July 4, 2024 10:00am-10:31am EDT

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as an excuse, but i have no doubts that he says the test and see the support that just the that's just the police and cause you to andre collision. i called him for my son 3232 lovely couple 10. you do you think a ceasefire? explaining this, what could i, do you mean to india crazy till that is possible before the beginning of piece talks without any preliminary conditions, but we sna, steal it, it just to improve any chances for success or is it the metro of negotiations as well and you can 3 good, well let me remind you of some things when our troops were sending in new york here for you. sure, our system is up with me. but if you are western partners, as with us and systems lead to stop hostilities that wish to but the big thing is that you don't the issue. somebody is constantly to give you credit in time to do certain things. and we did, we chose you that gets to them that you pretty good at the creighton in parts never
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saves hostilities. right. and later we were told that you, creighton, in officials, can you not control all of their armed forces? use the key categories because there are certain farms units that do not be the central power. this is what we were told. you know, i didn't know if the price you'd have to use to invent anything. then you will for the then we were asked to withdraw our troops to make condition this for you, yet still for a peace settlements. we did that, send them, we were deceived, and all the symbol agreements went down, the drain, fired them, and this happened just many times. so right now, yeah. and that years do you know, to just announcing a ceasefire, hoping that the other people and say may take some positive steps, which has to come to do that a numb, these are the prestigious stuff. but besides,
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anybody could have shown you in yeah, it can because we can't afford to have a situation that's always still the and then they couldn't use the cease fire to improve their position, which is my system. and even if it is autumn, to do some more mobilization to draft more troops to arm them and be ready to continue the conflict, it's donna, we need to thank you. shake they need to make. the other part says they'll take steps that would be reversible and would be acceptable for the rest of the racial ethnic are senior and you know, you bite them with but it was a pretty cushion. yeah. yeah. so let's cease fire thing the going on without agreement is impossible. business against disease just recently bought them as events. he said he considers negotiations with a rush of possible through a middleman as it was with the greater the super executive. we have always been in favor. i mean you can, you have coverage of these talks to us. we've never shunned from them. congestion
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is that the sheets are conflict. finally, settling conflict through middle people be sort of some while ago yet. i think case with them. we're still very active, but it's hardly visible. you don't belong because you see what there is little chance that the middleman you don't have the authority to sign the final documents, but at least you, you send it to us and they'll totally sign them. but to lead the positives to assigning them you to, to complete the rest, it's a matter of not somebody belong to compete, don't see of those middleman. but there are 4 of the seas as well, who can give a middle person or you can just look a little for it's a typical i can just put an end to this conflict specially then while i go ahead, nope, i think this is hardly possible hooked up with somebody to go to explain it to you . we didn't actually probably go and not worry about the way mister god did this during our 12 sessions process and there's some goals, so we welcome that depression,
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but the but don't. so you can also just dump the tv channel, what do it know about it's washington's plans to deploy with the city of what else are small and medium range children, medium range when your pricing was to make to me. so i was just recently your thoughts about that needs to stop manufacturing this machine, your new shores middle degree range, serious with with them a missile systems. and you sent them with the government unless you to install due to the us withdrawal from this treaty with to and news that the beginning production much short and medium rage of will do for yourselves. we consider ourselves authorized to put his thoughts, research and development, work them and such as the production. but i'm, we strongly stiff and they're still kind of similar missiles when you to and asked for a phone deployment is the point of such systems that go to and stuff that you remember
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. i said, when i thought we was more declare, have more authority on the deployment of our systems, but it's a, it's a complex and then i get a complex that i can't. then you play a typical comp time until such me so complex as used to show up in certain regions of the world and image. and if somebody got short and medium range missiles, american themselves appear somewhere east will reserve the rights to act accordingly. no questions to settle. no, i found the use of life. i only looked under way to show the life on the edge of the bloom. you had the whole series of electro meetings and a lot of attention was focused on the, on the thing was, the gun with just didn't show this restitution states the turnover is already growing, although not as fast as we would like you to get up and us to slot each. okay, so i'm gonna go out in that problem with leslie and i see what do you think is the
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biggest challenge and the russian turkish relationships. and let me see what stands in the way. well, we know very well what stands in the ways and what helps us is, are the guns political will complain you? it's an issue. well, that kind of shows us not had the political plain settlements related to the you must know what you're saying. you recently, or turkish partners said that our trade turnover went down from 6 to 3000000 to 55000000000 waste. and you knew about us. they think that it has to do with a pricing shinholster characteristics. not sure you're going to see to you because they, that was full tower, the portland gas, as soon as higher prices, and over the recent months of the prices fell down, especially in comparisons of kia sorento transportation. you know, by union of, i'll tell you in the future according to them being in the volume. but i did try to
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turn over for a maintenance is roughly the same. well, look into that. but so i think it looks like the extended one, the main issues about intensifying boosting. i'll work with you. both policies are interested in this subject to figure out when they need to have their legit type things and then smoke that something is sending it no way to show that i've just has to do with the natural things like the good harvests. green harvest and turkey either and the piece of turkey now buys less grain will cut, are kind of 2004 tax limitations, middle east it, but i'm, which are related to our what machine you need me. it's cutting 2nd metal industry . it's a process, this has nothing to do with an external limitations. it's just the dynamic of internal manufacturing. i'm a producing ation in our bilateral relationship. something just it's just, it's just more than the pressure wasn't, wasn't me to catch you the lot to see when you see what yeah it's, it's i miracle channels to see what that villarreal is. an official member of the
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seal. what's best buy? does it have to the organization can 10 boards like this opportunity is open between the seo and the region economic union? by the way, my step up is to the duty and then we can sit in this episode, he must be facing the bellows, of course, cannot be compared to china or india. so to can what's the scale or population trunk has got, but still it's and then the importance elements of the shanghai cooperation organizations, bush and the, even though it goes billers is we could possibly send to you or some case government. and it's an official for the expansion of pollution, high cooperation organization to the european and with the confidence and to billers. you should do. why should we produce? but it's a great advantage for the kid. i'm not, she is doing what she does that i see of it because it is for russia. and then so because i found those biggest on it with, with the it has access to be now gains access to the caspian sea and then to iran, which you have to watch ma'am. and that's important for sellers,
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the curriculum. it's kind of expect to of them as it remains a major exporter of mineral where so to lasers for somebody. so to edit mattress like what the roads to me use, the cookies uses to supplies, fertilizers looked into what countries they can supply their cultural machines. bullshit gunshots case got to, is that the subject which to fight the more the other more at the? so i think it's a mutually beneficial decision if it was pure and think we should look, i shouldn't say a great degree. it's the success of alexander lacresha and co in his ministry of foreign affairs. the is the processor. more than more than an incident that affects the teacher in the area of interest. doesn't regency here on the ship usually assist you in west virginia. so basically, the previous strategic stability system has been in the office of it was mostly speaking with or myself treaties. some of them basically non existent, is what i need to talk about. do you think these traits, these may be renewed in the future,
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or maybe it makes sense to come up with something new, like a single concept or convention or any of the framework document. you have to the dumpsters that you can you tell them what platform you think this should be discussed with different you like me to just? well, 1st of the 1st thing i'd like to point out is in the to that's what is really the foundational data documents that used to understand the international system and security and safety were destroyed by the united states. i stopped us who withdrew shouts of the missile defense traits. i give them sydney an issue. the next it or the short to medium range missiles for i'd say anything in the, for the many elements. just knowing there's not a mistake that used to be, to lie in the foundation of the international stability system who were destroyed over the last 2 years. and it wasn't us that done that in the united states. if you didn't, u e a u has done it, is it,
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we only had to wait in the city there. we could only respond to that says no way me . so i'm just in the middle choice fear tools are common split the united states missile defense system. we have that came up successfully with the government and their defense breach system distributed like calvin guards. mrs. stiles with the hypersonic warheads. system with video de leon. yeah. pro of, and air defense breach systems, but least you just gotta get me to if we can meet on the intercontinental ballistic missiles windows getting really at the deal we were forced to do that. so. so then you press the tools and that will be just a matter of creating a legal framework for an international security and strategic stability. definitely, but still on the table in this table with an i shouldn't, etc. that's. and that's before when asked for new agreements or getting back to old ones. so i think that's up to a specialists information to put on the new most. i'm just not on the adjustment,
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but i don't know, but i was studying the university, major, dhs, and international private law. the bloom, they're able to facilitate the church and i wrote some diploma thesis on that part of my lease that i need. it's all to them about the form of legal bart, it's about the, the essence of the issue, the matchers we have to solve together. somebody had already said pete luxury, we formulated our need to propositions that i talked about. that's in my speech and the minister of foreign affairs. i know we don't put a word. yeah. but so the, it has to be goodwill on the positive those sec for interested in listening to that stuff that on the scene. so we've been listening, actually i've been hearing from the united states that they want to resume talks about that. yes. but moving some, just one day they will and one they, one day they don't do that news to me. so that's the present, the obama. i'm for the, during the obama administration criteria. we were told that they want to start the
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whole thing and then suddenly they didn't want to talk anymore. and most of which were sent to the police, you know, to, in this very few years selection campaign just now let me just see what's the middle of the ship? good. talk with the consumer. do i think it goes to con, say that we can establish some constructive dialogue with the united states? it's smaller much everybody with even the slightest idea of what's going on, realizes that is absolutely impossible. we need to wait until the elections in the us is complete. we need to understand the preferences of the future administration . we are ready. let's just send him his account. you know, when that was put in, you've made a switch you to so you'll be able to just turn your page and a minister of foreign affairs, or some of them are going to say that these papers that these ideas will be put on the papers. and put them, well, those be some writing propositions to the west virginia. okay. and your web servers
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tend to go by them so far. are there any contacts going on regarding your positions regarding ukraine goes? well, as far as the international security, i just said we need to wait sold in new administration appears only to see their preferences. they have used that plans and whether they're willing of sol. so be talking about this and you're still in you. we've been receiving certainly the signals from time to time that they want to resume this dialogue and then they just disappear against was bitten the confusion. it's pretty cool. new to me, me, me, she pretty minds talking a cup of talking about different things totally unrelated to strategic stability. once again, i say, let's see, let's wait until a new administration is formed and then will understand. sure, because you have plans and preferences. we are ready for that. thank you. goodbye. i am back in the studio with the impulse of that was the rest of the present, but it, it puts in getting his thoughts on the rough up of the s c s summit and so on. now,
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just a few notes. so i've taken the i from really interested, he reiterated the importance of about, of is doing in the old eyes ation. and how they will continue to sense of the economic times in the seo and both have key that it was. it's also about how big and powerful the s c o has become. uh, he mentioned a little bit about the economics of the, the organization. it was about a 5.3 percent growth, with only a 2.3 percent inflation rate, which is really interesting. indeed. i also went on to talk about the ukraine. the new play and confidential is about russia is always open to tools and solid agreements, right. will be a full, so wrapping up all the details for you throughout the day. so do states and you can also catch up all the information you need on all t dot com. no,
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it's africa now. where on closer inspection night during custom services have intercepted a cache of weapons and i'm opening took a valued at almost a $180000.00 us dollars. now the operation of the apple in laid off lead to the rest one suspect. but that was just the latest by the incident and kind of just in days off to the country seized over a 100. right. and you're showing guns and over a 100000 rounds of munition in the nation's pull down on that list. it's this is what it shows what was on the cover from inside a 14 foot containers also to shift from students here. we heard from the customs specialist. this is a very significant fight and success. so uh, because some, uh, the last time we had this some seizures mounting, this quantum and this number was in, i think on 2017 we have see this. i'll see joseph,
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i'm but i'm not in this quantity. so it's a success because some, if this i was find that we use in to you. yeah. and we don't know how books it costs and won't be able to know the origin of those books, because damn was to be this was why the 1st that there is a ship that but this items and there's the origin of that ship. so it's not something that can be disputed. we capitalize on an unintended just and we truck and this intelligence is sauce. but look at the and internationally. and by the time you have created, will intelligence you full of the content and them at the point you truck, an intercept, that is what really happened. that quintinella was $14.00, and $1.00 to time you and we go to the foot without intelligence. i'm disappointed in have been this because thousands of content is coming, but the ability to attract it from the social for me,
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it's up to illogical conclusion in time. if i took a lot of time, it's a product of intended this year. and that is why i think my n, as i said, would look at an international in recent years, 9 during counselors have regularly reported the into the service of illegal weapons flowing into the country from various parts of the world. and one of such places may very well be ukraine. beautiful and interpol have warmed on multiple occasions . the weapons supplied, the keep could end up on the black market slash media as opposed to the local games are using. you create a website and still fight police. and you also said the trafficking all weapons out of the plane, had amounted to the equivalent of a $1000000000.00 per month. and we heard from the honorable ebony, the executive secretary really i'm see corruption network. he's also expressed concerns about western on supplies. the plane may float tonight julia through the
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black market a report that in new arrows into special needs made it goes to aggravate our concept already as a basis. one says that we seem trouble as a nation. use this new that's have him digging the julia with the inside community we are going to send in. we way new how their situation like we have a new green sheets, also instance of consent for africa. and when i do this, because the way you talk about africa, majority of this, as we find out, we the ones that i give you, your kids as it seems to be, have more defined for that on your website. so i was continuing to load and that's news with different kind of in black markets on zillow. busy with fines absolute political business and chuckled versions of. busy i'm
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so flies so many times and i think i would not be exception. well, why don't i surprise r 8. so on a, it's a not totally on the content as well as empowers shit. millions of dollars of bonds to keep the main same media has failed to cover the extend all the risks associated with those supplies. as long as you estimate if involvement in the corporate number . so going to a group of legal and physical address was addressed to you and also the trip terms of the conflict. so i'll just say as we move closer and closer to the direct confrontation with russia towards nuclear annihilation, which so few seem to care about this historical reality in the experiences and desires of the people in these regions must be taken into account and respected. and i'll say again, the failure of the us press to properly acknowledge and report on these realities has been nothing less than shameful. the people have done that's going to the guns
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people's republics in the done best, having dirt at decade, a bombardment, terrorism, and brutality. all of which had been severely under reported, or even miss reported in the west most shockingly was my visit to these app rose you a nuclear power plant? several points of critical infrastructure at the plant have recently been compromised by ukrainian drone attacks. and shelly, in fact, the director of the plant gave me this right here. this is a fragments from one of the drone attacks on the plans that occurred just feet away from where the reactors lie in the ground. so you know, you said it was my tax payer dollars that did this, so i got to keep the fragments. i was very appreciative. all the cars, all okay, hopefully and has more details on the issues raised at the briefing at the very important press briefing hosted by the russian mission to the united nations. we
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heard on an image and a portrait of events on the ground in dawn boss that is never heard in western media, we heard about the atrocities of us back ukrainian forces carried out with us back us supplied weapons against the civilian population. we heard about how the conflict began back in 2014 and how the peoples of don boss have been subjected to an on going on slot since that time and how they welcome to russian forces. we also heard about some of the feelings of the people in that part of the region about the fact that the western world and the western media in particular, has not made a point of highlighting their voice. it's now i have with me one of the speakers that the press conference. this is the international secretary of the communist party. christopher holly, thank you for joining us today. thank you for having me. appreciate it. so when you spoke before the united nations press conference, the press room there at the you and what was it that you really wanted to
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communicate? what was the overall thrust of what you were explaining as you told the many stories about the people you spoke to? i think one of the main things was, of course, the, her, the heroism and the resilience of the people that they've done best. the fact that they've been at war since 2014, they've been fighting for their survival. their stories have been under reported. mr. reported ignored by the western media and, and the mainstream media. and we believe that we need to uplift their voice is because they have agency, they have a will and they want to be, they want to have self determination to do just to figure out where they want to go . and they want to be with the russian now, and that's the main things we want to do now, only revealed the crimes, but also speak about what their desires are for a political settlement going into the future. go starting in 2014, the people in the done best, really wanted to preserve their language, their culture, their history. and as they told me, the heroes, right they, they preserved the legacy of may, 9th, they present the legacy of the great and the precious victory of the people. right . of the great, but you got to work. and so when the givers you begin to tear that away,
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begin to take down statues, begin to ford with the language uses and things like that. people who are identified as ukrainian when you can use this, as you said, we will not be a part of that state. we want our own. we want our own culture. we want our own values and we don't want anything impose from from degrees you mean? yep. and so over time, what ended up developing is the people said, we're going to be independent, the declared independence. they had referendums that were looked at as, as being legitimate right in the eyes of the people. and eventually in 2022, they asked the russian federation. after 8 years of work, they asked the russian federation for support and for protection. and they asked to be a part of the russian federation which was accepted by the russian government. and so i think that that was really important to understand that these people had been fighting for their identities for so long. and now they are very happy with the rush of being there. that was christopher holly, who was one of the speakers at the press conference that was hosted by the united nations. now they took questions from the press and they laid out the actual conditions on the ground. they spelled out how they just don't match the portrait
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for trade in western media. they spoke gabriel testimony of their conversations with people and the gods, people's republic. people in other parts of the contested regions where the conflict is taking place. it was quite a dynamic press conference and christopher holly was one of the speakers. and i mean, they really had a lot to say a lot of things that they wanted the western world to hear that western mainstream media just won't allow to be part of the conversation and puts in, has there been a press conference at the conclusion of the to the summit of assigned a co op or ration organization that he spoke about, the development of the group of nations and the possible way as a result of the clean conflicts. so that's why that is all because one of the cool to in i found out though the slow you the, uh, even off getting uh, the price the some questions can you uh, if you wouldn't mind give us a bus fi lights, all the blood and inputs is comments to the press, please?
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sure, well, like you said, this press conference came at the conclusion of the 24th summit, the shanghai cooperation organization and russian president vladimir putin answered a wide array of questions. one of the main areas of focus was on the proliferation of western weapons, specifically missiles that are both short and medium range. of course, the focus being on ukraine, he said that russia is ready to respond in kind, in terms of proliferation of such weapons. i guess so assume i believe we would be talking about people that are a nation's rather struggling against western had gemini, and we're in western pressure as well. he said that russia has the production capabilities a to produce these weapons domestically in its own country to give such a mirror response as well. i was also able to ask him a question. i specifically asked him about regional terrorism,
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bringing attention to the as lama state, specifically about how they pose a threat to the seo member states, as well as the, as well as russia and central asian states as well. i mean after all, we saw the uh, crocus city here. busy attack take place this year. so russia has been dealing with terrorism from that organization. and vladimir putin said that, um, well actually i asked him shit that because this organization is mostly based in afghanistan. is russia looking to work with the taliban? which is now obviously in control of the country, or is this still considered a terrorist organization? and you said that the taliban is, can, are considered their allies in terms of combating terrorism in the region who use that word allied. but the ukraine conflict was also spoken about quite a bit. vladimir putin spoke about that at length. he said that it is possible bold to speak with the ukrainian parliament, but the upper echelons of the government. these lensky administration,
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the government in power right now is very illegally and it can't be reason width. and so those kind of talks with the parliament could only go on if that part of the ukrainian state is taken out of the equation. and he also said that there can be no ceasefire in the conflicts own without achieving the main goals that russia put forward at the beginning of the special military operation, meaning demilitarization of ukraine, excluding it from nato, and of course, the notification of the country. so those are basically the main takeaways of the main subjects that vladimir putin talked about, this press conference with russian government journalists. yeah, interesting times in the affinity with that i'll see correspond the quotes as always. good. see now, and there is a primary, something around about it is to visit russia on monday. but his 1st biological summit of books is being built. it did last about that is what i think was by the inputs. it is expected to focus on the further development of the old what
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a strong relations between the 2 countries, as well as an assessment of, of the international issues. so it's not about to arise. you don't worry the form i'm by. so the old indeed, it's an romania model though, but i'll be in there and san marino. so that is quite an impressive size. it breaks this indeed, we thank you so much for your time. that monet is a visit to, to ross that movie his 1st by that will serve as a bold since his re election last month. but so how does, how important is this visits of the, just to add to my by data. i was also responsible and i was in charge of the nation, sir. where are eastern neighborhood? uh, i recently wrote up i was noticed once of some sort of issues which i show one
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sheet. so i have attended to of the summit, which is designed for 10, and then the, i'm driving this to dr. 116. so $11.00 evans the summer itself is that it's already done. so then some of those them would be such in victory. there was a gap because we're under the shows fisher locations of green. so this was the, by permanent, still more the author's election is important and significant in the couple of these significant because they're not present putting 15, and just of all d o l one elections. but there's a substantial endorsement from the district. her populations at the time when it's reading the words when she starts leaders of the countries that are facing natalie, a decrease to sort of your diction.


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