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tv   News  RT  July 4, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm EDT

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the, the the similar missile complex, for example, american made ones. we're in some other region of the will, which we then reserve the right to act and the reciprocal manner of the ones that if you wish to avoid an incident media rang and this whole system from russia has moved. right. and is prime is a motor, is to visit the law school on monday it's bus twilight from summit, as a role is being re elected to improve button and put in opposite focus on the development of the 2 countries ready, strong relations, 5 year in customs i saw he's on the cover a 2nd package of a legally, the legal weaponry from sitting here this week in the previous incident, was 800,
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something guns and 800000. i mean, it's around, let's see, the, it's good to have a company today with a link to the global news on the bible at home on a i'm, this is of the international lot of inputs and have all that. if the us just pull is, i'm into immediate rage, ms. all system. russia has the right to do so as well. he said, but during a press conference at the conclusion of the seo summit, it goes on the to be a speaker then in connection with the withdrawal of the united states from the intermediate range nuclear forces treaty. and the announcement that they were starting production of those miss i or we also believe that we have the right to start development work and in the future production as for deployments, if similar missile complexes, for example, american made ones appear in some other region of the world and we then reserve the
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right to act in a reciprocal manager or the junior finance cos who are mounted to all c correspondent. don't quote the who is in fact in f some, a donald's, you'll find a busy day. we know, bring this up to speed. what else did the russian president say? well, a lot of there are putting sensually said that the us is withdrawal from the intermediate range nuclear forces treaty has completely destroyed the old system of international strategic stability. and he said that the us has broken more than one elements of disagreement, and it's had a completely inconsistent stance on the agreement and others, one uh, you know, one day it's supporting these agreements other days. it's not. and then it pulls out of them altogether. and the russian president has said that it basically is left moscow with no choice but to respond in kind. now what am i putting also spoke about the us presidential candidates. he said that it's promising to see that trump
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seems to want to sort of peaceful resolution to the ukraine conflicts, but there's one big problem. and that's the lack of trust between the west and russia, especially after russian troops withdrew from around t of when it looked like ukrainians were going to sign off on the stumble piece proposals, but then ended up deceiving moscow on orders from the west. this is something that latimer put and said will not happen again, cause it should waste castelli, book q and lucida. when our troops with stations nicky, have we received an offer and even of assistant requests from our western partners to cease fire to stop facilities. and we did that to, but the ukrainian side did not stop the hostilities. we simply cannot now go ahead and declare a ceasefire in the hope that the other side will take some positive steps. we cannot allow the enemy to take advantage of such a ceasefire to improve its position, re, um,
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itself replenish its army through force mobilization and be prepared to continue the on the conflictions. we need to ensure that the other side degrees to take steps that are the reversible and acceptable to russia. a lot of our put and spoke also about regional security and the threat of terrorism coming from within afghanistan. and i was even able to ask him a question regarding the taliban, whether or not it would be a useful or harmful organization in anti terrorist operations. according to the russian president, the taliban is counted among russia's allies in that regard. the telephone movement has taken on certain obligations and there are definitely issues that require constant attention both within the country and by the international community. but overall, we must proceed from the fact that the telephone movement is in control enough kind of sense in the sense that the band is undoubtedly our allies in the fight against terrorism. because any ruling authority is interested in the stability of its
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government and the stability of the country, it leads and governs. if i am confident that the taliban is also interested in ensuring that everything, enough dentist on the stables. com and follows certain rules. we have repeatedly receive signals from the telephone movement indicating their readiness to work with us on the anti terrorism attract. of course, the russian president also talked a lot about how great things are going in the shanghai cooperation organization and app. it's 24th summit here in austin ok. he reiterated that it's great to have bell roofs here as the 10th member state of the organization and the cooperation between all of the member states and observers is moving forward on a multi polar basis based on mutual cooperation and mutual respect. yeah, very interesting. and a would appreciate the up to date the all t correspondent, dog who was a, was always a pleasure. and thanks again partners. those live now to solve my java. it is a direct and so the pack is the last kindest on used for my manager as of the south
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asian times news agency of tom. and thanks so much for joining us. important news coming out of the seo, but the how rather important talks about the inclusion of the taliban in combating terrorism in central asian region. how important is that, and what do you make of that statement? um, no, it's on by itself. other countries are very important factor and ready to be important state quarters into who is the security calculus offer south asian and centrally end region. anything happening in the federally ition region or in this alteration region. it is being dumbed as a spill of what effect or whatever it's happening inside one it's time. so if i want it's time becomes an integral part of combat against whatever it is. i'm not tenderly also in its own data entry and in some of the places that is actually a really significant development for the region. definitely, definitely. i wonder,
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you know, how, how has things been enough? bias on uh how's the countries of stabilized underneath, under the, under the tunnel band governance. so the defend reports that are coming from abundance funds. there's no doubt that button, but at the political reality on a one to stand out in control. not only in public, but also in all of them is the other one is done. there are some kind of chemistry isn't uh, hit and then in certain parts of the, of the country. but they're not also significant fact to the, to the potter do y'all start button bard sense also became a part of on that they have established their solved entity in the propeller d of the directory. all for one is done is someone which is being accepted by all of our international state porter. so you can see that in the speaker hold on for street. we were recently thought about and why was invited? this is a show offer restaurant, you know, a acceptance that i'm but i know
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a political, the entity of somebody they were waiting to talk to in last. so you're 40 years. but nowadays they've been in right due to what they are. so this is something a kind of significant change in the behavior of the best and what are those of, that's one of the regional countries out of the, you know, concern. rather than putting a ship, i'll shoot you 5 minutes, which i should eat for any other person who was addressing the concerns or the issue of a want x on in the system in the all the doors the, the audience and the board. that despite the fact there are certain issues and so i don't want to spend stitches, we understand that i want to fun into the thought of an energy is an ally and we need to deal with them. and we need to correspond with them for the purpose of a lot of stuff here. and somebody did indeed an ally was a t would that of, of inputs and use a if i may just slightly change gears here monday, but, and also issued a warning. i don't know if you call them. he said that russia would deploy a new political miss. i'll system. if the us does it for us. i mean what,
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what does this mean for the was of, well, definitely a nuclear. i'll send out a survey about friends. i don't live in your booth as a difference that onto word. so if you're going to do something, somebody you know would want to pay it as well of interest in some part of the world against russian interest. so the pressure of the all the, all that i to deploy, it's on new to awesome. any be able to read, they would, they would be in for it. so it's a kind of a dentist that brother rather than put in a might have a you know, and you get to the words. so differences there under another important has the definitely pointed out to the what is the significance that if you ask me to go with this, we will respond in the same going? yeah, okay. it certainly is an interesting time before i get into my next course, you know, let me put it in find a lot of the pit spent a se, a members. he also told us about how russia was open to ending in the conflict.
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negotiating, perhaps, bringing a claim to the table, but other western countries are opposed to this. he mentioned a stumble he mentioned out on mondays in the western countries are opposed to this wider. they want to bring peace to the region and i think that's it. and strategic can do a political interest that the business would want to pursue overhead and a univision region. and this is one of the factors that the, i think was important, is indicating towards the end of his, of the view that the, if what, what obviously is not the solution of everything. whether this other piece, which the dig through too much your argument the uh, goes off, i think on the 2nd was, will eventually been sold on the negotiation of the table. and levon burton has the i think the integrated towards this, the option that we could not sit onto the table and discuss about the a, the shuttle discomfort and move forward. but the western world might be having some
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other ideas. and that is what the reasons probably, that they are the wording this perspective or the writing this a, you know, follow from the, from that, from the president, put in to sit on the table and negotiate the resolution of the concert. and the interest might be, is it, you know, to push it to shut back and took on russian influence. so nothing on the him that he didn't, but also end of on the world stage. yeah. so interesting we, we, so we appreciate your insight on this. we'll have to leave with that. so my direct to the focus on i've got this on youth form on demand of the south aged times and use agency. so a pleasure is a primary, something to run. the motive is to visit russia on monday by his 1st by that so summit abroad, since they re elected last month, now is what i think was about it and put them in advisor to focus on the further development of what is strong relations between the 2 countries as well as an
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assessment of, of the international issues all the india correspondence sharma as the d test. was it a significant or many dogs source? this is going to be the forest wizards or marines and will be off till he was ve elected as a prime in a cell full. the said consecutive time. and this is going to be the 1st step by now to visit. in fact, it is going to be the 1st wizard in 5 years to russia. the law sign he was, he was in russia was in fact, down when he'd visited the far the city of lobby was sold in 2019. but it's also significant because this is the 1st time he's with visiting russia off to the war in ukraine. started remember of water which india to go neutral. stones, the war with india in fact, continued to build each size with the law school. despite the threats, the,
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the pressures by the west on india of course, treat is going to be very, very important to considering in, in the last 0. so we've seen that the tweed between the 2 countries as guy walk you through the backbone of between essentially being military boys. this invitation was sent to india. do you want to go in the step to the, to and it is very, very important in the current context. remember, this is when the west it's using it's funding to was a design and it looks like it is getting exhausted in depth. hasn't been seen. is it a mediator as a balancing of forces? the problem broke or in the was so to see which is why this visit also is going to be important in the back to oh, fun of the war. in fact, india now to be when it speaks. it also speaks of for the google south india has to man, but positioned itself is a use of the global south. so these are on these that, of course,
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and you guys need to watch all 4 east 9th, all the dates they couldn't find any, announce official the boats by the list and buy a new damage. it is going to be an extremely significant wizard. and we're going to be covering it from all sides of costs. me. that's to say, this is all. so was it which is going to give a huge hot bar to the west now. oh yeah, we have on full the indian box. so that rose you deborah. he said the upcoming summit is crucial for the further development of relations between russia and india . this is the prime minister more the authors, the election is important and significant in a couple of these significant because they're not only does fish inputs in 15 minutes to 41 elections, but there's a substantial induced word from the district there. populations at the time when
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instead of the worst one starts leaders of the countries of phasing near defeat the shorter rejection by the community. so good luck to you guys will democratic countries show the inducement from there. it is for 2 positions who bought the next 2 years. so he goes to the countries and also, you know, really this, this is very significant that there were long beach in the part of the news trends used german, the others use jane fox for the for sure. but just for sure that the important fundraise in a work order, which is enough much in a word order to protect you from the diamond such energy into it as much you do to that pressure and india as with the significant importer or russian one. despite
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the pressure, so that shows the brand new video games towards the relationship with russia, that they just stood by the ship when russia needed the export markets products and the due to sources. what it's for. this is paula. so offensive now and to the after can clung to the why on closer inspection, nigerian customs, the services have intercepted a cache of weapons. and i'm a from tennessee, a valued i've almost a $118000.00 us dollars. now the operation of the apple illegals lead to the rest of one suspect. but that was just the latest as it isn't. it comes those days off of the country. you see over 800 brand new shot guns, an over a 100000 rounds of ammunition in the nation's port town of on there. uh, this exclusive for these shows what was on covered from inside
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a 14 foot contain of also shipped from to the care. we heard from the customers, so that's less than some very significant fight and success. because some in the last time we had this some seizures, a monkey induced quantum and this number was and i think i don't 20 so when can we have series of c? joseph items, but i'm not in this quantity. so it's a success because some, if this i was find that we use into duty and we don't know how books it costs and won't be able to know the origin of those books because dad was be this was when he fisted. there is a shift that but this items and there's the origin of that ship. so it's not something that can be disputed. we capitalize on unintelligence and we truck and this intelligence is sauce. but look at the and internationally. and by the time you have created,
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will intelligence you full of the container and them at the point you truck an intercept, that is what really happened. that quintinella was $14.00, and $1.00 that time you and we've got it. and then what output, without intelligence, i'm disappointed in have been this because thousands of content is coming. what do you be? ability to trucked it from the social for me to include you can accomplish anything tied to particular time. it's a product of intelligence shed, and that's his way i'd be my. and as i said, would look at an international in recent years like jerry and cos. those have regularly re pull to the, into the section of illegal weapons flowing into the country from various parts of the world. and one of such places may very well be, you train, you're a coal, i'm in simple. i won't on multiple occasions, but weapons supplied. the team could end up on the black mafia. i am slash media,
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has it forwarded, the local guys using the weapons to flight police. oh yeah. russia said the trafficking of weapons out of the plane had amounted to the equivalent of a $1000000000.00 per month. we heard from the honorable ebony is affecting the executive secretary of the empty corruption network. he also expressed concerns that western arms of y. c. play may float to nigeria through the black markets. every part of the new outer rose into section is made uh it goes to aggravate our concept already as a be careful in the sense that we seen trouble as a nation fuse at this news as have him digging the julia with the inside community . we are sending we way new, how their situation like we have in ukraine. it's also instance of concern for
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africa. and when i do this, because the way you talk about africa, majority of these times we find out what is the ones that i get your kids as it used to be, have no defined for that on the west side. so i was continuing to florida and that's nice with different kind of in black markets on zillow's with fines. absolutely political business and 2nd dimensions of the i'm so slice so many countries and i think i would not be exception. netflix hasn't started history. me a film about so you put it in the nazi's, claiming to be a road movie under the type of quote, we were recruited down the film speaks about the, the sober gait commanded by on the day. but it's you who previously headed the notorious latavia.
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the films fails to so the as of the tires at the foot flat, correct. hold with false disease against the people that don't boss. yeah. the good news is a non symbol hook civil official insignia. all this is ignored by the next big boom boom between things been as good as breathing fights and the words or just a moment of the
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i was arrested by the as often as the human, the best me on the had and legs for the chain fires a gun close to my ear, threatened to shoot me, they had to order to shoot my feet. they humiliated me and said they were going to write me the present to bring my wife and daughters in and talk to them in front of me. i could not beat for 3 days. investigative journalist alex rubinstein says
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the film is yet another moved by the west to whitewash the impacts near not see forces in new grain commanded by andre blessed cases. no famously vowed to lead the white races of the world against the semis lead information. and in the final crusade he's, he's got a collection of essays. it's called the word of the white leader and is filled with racial slurs and praise for, you know, nazi policies. it's, it's, it's very much of a nazi tract. um that is, you know, a collection of his essays. so it's very hypocritical of, of the west to be supporting such groups. and i think that the real risk here with film such as this is to normalize neo nazi as a may a. and the idea ology that should have been dead in the past century. we have like a series of colluding factors here to bring this propaganda to an american audience
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. and i, i that also point out that proceeds from the, from the film. we will actually go to the 3rd separate assault brigade, which is you know, as a neo nazi formation. so by watching this film, your, your funding, nazi is wired news from the us out and go buyer is not withdrawing from the president. so right. so that's according to what the house phone suppose incurring your p. s. it says biden is pointed to when the upcoming election this campaign kimberly, enforcing president is moving forward. he's moving forward is being president. he's moving forward with his campaign as his campaign has been very, very clear about that. that's what i can, that's what i can speak to. and that's what i can say. and that is the president's focus. the presence focus is how does he continue to do that? work and anything else that we're hearing or that's being reported is absolutely
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false. what mightn't reaffirms his big media report, say the 81 year old president is taking counsel with his family every day on whether he should withdraw or from the campaign as his mental decline was on full display in his debate performance last week, the democratic policy up is divided with some demanding another normandy. now that we are the contrast starkly with 3 democratic governors who posted for the cameras . i offered words of support for bite and saying he is quotes in it too, and that i'm here to tell you today. president joe biden is in it to win it and all of us said we pledged our support to him because the states could not be higher. it was a great conversation with the present advice present because it was honest. that was candid. i think that, you know, we always believed that when you, when you loved someone, you tell them and i think we came in and we were honest about the feedback that we
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were getting. we are honest about the concerns that we are hearing from people. and we are also honest about the fact that as the president continue to tell us and show us that he was all in that we said that we would stand with him. because as governor walt said, the president is always had our backs. we're going to have his back as well. i think we, we'd be better off if we had a, a new canada who could present the new vision for our country. and we can do that if we have an open and fair democratic process over the next few weeks. the video has gone viral on line showing donald trump issuing a morning's, and joe biden saying his days of present on number to bed. he just quit, you know, he's quit interest. is that right? yeah, i got about to and that means you have com a lot. i think she's going to be better. she's so pass. so pathetic. assist you so. yeah, so it, according to the impulse,
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if by didn't drop the size of the presents a race, vice president come a, how is is likely to replace him as a nominee for the democratic policy. but in that type of side election, she was still lag behind. trump, the popularity off of the debate has risen by adding to come out of houses in the lives wills salads, gases during public, so usually often raise concerns about whether she stays for office. you think you just fell out of the coconut tree? i loved venn diagrams, i really do, i love van diagrams. it just something about those 3 circles and the analysis about where there is the intersection, right? we will work together and continue to work together to address these issues, to tackle these challenges and to work together as we continue to work operating
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from the new norms, rules and agreements that we will convene to work together on. if the trumpet, ministration approves of action before after the election, should americans take it and would you take it? donald trump tells us that we just take it. i'm not taking it on talking about the significance of the passage of time frame the significance of the passage of time. so when you think about it, there is great significance to the passage of time, and there is such great significance to the passage of time when we think about a day in the life of our children. we all believe that when we talk about the children of the community, they are a children of the community. yeah, so it says are an easy about the election choices off the presidential debates. 80 percent of americans believe by them is too old to be re elected according to a recent oil for the general polls. with many questioning where the country is
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headed across people are still on type. i think it's a little late for him to step down at this point. i was very surprised when i saw the debate. i didn't know realize the condition he was in to me. it seems as though he's not the candidate that he used to be. and i'm not sure that he's independently able to make the decisions. they always need to be able to make running the country . i am feeling hammond, certainly like laying in my bed at night like overcome with here. um, i do not think this is the best person to be running in the selection. i don't know who that person is. i want us to someone else younger have more like speak more from the hard to know what i'm saying. you know, just for the people, not just for the party host, i'm to call them and say this, the bill says is clear by them is not able to lead and those who balance him,
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i've been dishing out a full narrative. you know, after the governors met and talked with joe biden, they take them out and they were spinning faster than a blender making margarita is they don't believe what they're say. they know the american public to solve that. so they don't believe what they're saying. i think the biggest problem with this debate over whether it's a free to present buying should continue to run for president. is it they're focused on the politics instead of the power of the presidency? i'm more concerned that he's not capable of doing his job, that i am about him running to keep the job. and unfortunately, the focus is all on politics and not the danger to the us and such and the danger to the world with them remaining, empower here. we have i think if president trump gets elected as i expect, he will. i think you're going to see him, literally rip out the deep state by the routes to the department of justice, the f b r i a lot of our military top. but what officials, i think you're gonna see the major changes that i know that.


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