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tv   News  RT  July 4, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm EDT

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the, the the similar missile complexes, for example, american made ones appear in some other region of the world. we then reserve the right to act in the reciprocal manner. lot of it put into one is that if the us deploy is i need to meet it, rains myself, system, russia, all that has the right to do so in this problem, minutes time moves to visit moscow on monday, but by logical summit of rule extends being re elected a 12 foot log in to $24.00. good on the development of the 2 countries already from relation presidential bible is added to winning and all of
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a sudden we pledged our support. i think we, we'd be better off if we had a, a new candidate to present the new version for our country. democrats are split as joe biden is debate performance triggers the lab to circle the wagons of the party members call on him to exit stage, right the color continuing our coverage of the latest trends, shaping the world right now. this is our international i a michael porter. now a lot of it put it in has one is that if the us deploy is i need to meet it range methyl system, the russia has the right to do the same thing as well. and he said that during a press conference at the conclusion of the seo summit in context on to speak with them in connection with the withdrawal of the united states from the intermediate range nuclear forces treaty. and the announcement that they were starting
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production of those missiles, we also believe that we have the right to start development work and in the future production as for deployment, if similar missile complexes, for example, american made ones appear in some other region of the world. we then reserve the right to act in a reciprocal manner, which it was a lot of our opponent. esentially said that the us is withdrawal from the intermediate range nuclear forces treaty has completely destroyed the old system of international strategic stability. you said that the u. s. has broken more than one element of disagreement and it's had a completely inconsistent stance on the agreement and others, one uh, you know, one day it's supporting these agreements other days. it's not. and then it pulls out of them all together. and the russian president has said that it basically has left moscow with no choice but to respond in kind. now vladimir putting also spoke about the us presidential candidates. he said that it's promising to see that trump seems to want to sort of peaceful resolution to the ukraine conflicts,
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but there's one big problem. and that's the lack of trust between the west and russia, especially after russian troops withdrew from around key of when it looked like ukrainians were going to sign off on the stumble piece proposals, but then ended up deceiving moscow on orders from the west. this is something that vladimir putin said will not happen again, because your wife goes barely put q and lucida when our troops with stations need a key of we received an offer. and even if assistant requests from our western partners to cease fire to stop hostilities and we did that, but the ukrainian side did not stop the hostilities. we simply cannot now go ahead and declare a ceasefire in the hope that the other side will take some positive steps. we cannot allow the enemy to take advantage of such a ceasefire to improve its position to re um, itself replenish its army to forced mobilization and be prepared to continue the conflict. we need to ensure that the other side agrees to take steps that are the
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reversible and acceptable to russia. a lot of our put and spoke also about regional security and the threat of terrorism coming from within afghanistan. and i was even able to ask him a question regarding the taliban, whether or not it would be a useful or harmful organization in anti terrorist operations. according to the russian president, the taliban is counted among russia's allies in that regard. the labor, the telephone movement has taken on certain obligations and there are definitely issues that require constant attention both within the country and by the international community. but overall, we must proceed from the fact that the telephone movement isn't control enough kind of stuff in the sense that the band is undoubtedly our ally in the fight against terrorism. because any ruling authority is interested in the stability of its government and the stability of the country it leads and governs. i am confident that the tell yvonne is also interested in ensuring that everything enough dentist on staples. com and follows certain rules. we have repeatedly receive signals from
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the taliban movement, indicating their readiness to work with us on the anti terrorism track. of course, the russian president also talked a lot about how great things are going in the shanghai cooperation organization and app. it's 24th summit here in austin ok. he reiterated that the cooperation between all of the members states and observers, is moving forward on a multi polar basis based on mutual cooperation and mutual respect. early on my colleague more od him, i me spoke to sound mind job aid, the director of the pakistan of dentist, and use forum and manager of the south asia times news agency. and he said, but the stability and have gone to studies on great importance for the whole region . and the current government should be involved when terrorism prevention measures are discussed of this on by. so this other countries are very important factor and ready to be part of the stakeholders into who is the security calculus off of south
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asian, and tenderly younger than anything happening in the centrally is younger than or in this alteration region. it is being dumbed as a spill of what effect on whatever is happening inside one is done. so if i want this time becomes an integrity part of a come back against the top. it is. i'm not under legal standards on data entry and, and some of this is that is actually a really significant development for the region. there is no doubt of that button, but at the political reality, one is done in control. and on top of that, also in all of the other one is done, also became a found one that they have established this whole entity in the gallery of the directory. all for one is done as someone which is being accepted back all of our international stakeholders. he, that's one of the, you know, concern. so they put in a shared, well, should be 5 minutes, which should be for any other person who was addressing the consent of the issue of a, one exxon in the system in the all the doors the,
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the audience into word that despite the fact that on certain issues, instead of going to send students, we understand that i want to sign into the bottom of on a team is an ally and we need to deal with them. and we need to correspond with them for the progress of a want us to indeed an ally was i q was that and puts a news if. 5 may just slightly change gears here rather than put in also issued a morning. i didn't, if you called them, he said that russia would deploy a new people miss, i'll system. if the us does it for us. i mean, what, what does this mean for the was, if the us is going to do something, some, you know, we would want them to venture as in some part of the world against russian interest . that the pressure of the all the, all that i to divide on new to awesome and you'll be able to read, they would, they would insights. so it's a kind of a dentist, i think that's it. and strategic can do a political interest that the one of us would want to pursue overhead in the union
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region. and this is one of the factors that, uh, i think was important is integrating boards. and he's the one that if a law wirelessly is not the solution of everything, while the test positive, be switched to dig through too much, your argument, the goals. so i think on certain water will eventually been solved on an invitation on the table. another important has the, i think the integrated towards this option that we would not sit onto the table and discuss about the additional discomfort and move forward. but the western world might be having some other ideas. and that is one of the reasons probably that they are and writing this perspective or the writing this a, you know, follow from the, from the, from the present, put in to sit on the table and negotiate the resolution of the conflict. and the adult interest might be, is it, you know, to push it to shut back and took on the russian influence. so nothing. i mean that he didn't, but also end of on the world stage volume. this problem that has done that and
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remove the east to visit russia on monday for his 1st bilateral, some of the broad sense being reelected last month. his main thing was about him to put in his he expected to focus on the further develop until the already strong relations between both countries. as well as an assessment of other international issues are to india correspondence run to the shop. i has details here, a wizard, a significant on many 1000 souls. this is going to be the forest wizard openings and will be off till he was re elected as a prime minister for the said consecutive time. and this is going to be the 1st of fine up to visit. in fact, it is going to be the 1st wizard in 5 years to rush as a law sign he was, he was involved show was in fact down when he'd visited the far you city of lobby was sold in 2019. but it's also significant because this is the 1st time he's which
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is visiting russia off to the war in ukraine. started remember of water which seemed good to go neutral stones. the war with india in fact continued to music each size with the last 4. despite the threats the, the pressures live, the west on india, of course, suite is going to be very, very important to considering in, in the last 2 years. so we've seen that the tweet between the 2 countries as guy walk you through the normal, between essentially being military on this invitation was sent to india few months ago in the set to these. and it is very, very important in the current context. remember, this is when the western ceiling gets funding to was the design as it looks like it is getting exhausted in depth, haven't been seen. is it a mediator as a balancing force? is the problem broke or in the was so to see which is why this visit also is going
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to be important in the back to the full form of the war. in fact, india now to be when it speaks, it also speak stuff off for the global south. india has remember, positioned itself, is in the global south. so these are on these that of course some you guys need to watch all 48 nines, all the dates, big and finally allows official, the votes by the list and buy a new date. it is going to be an extremely significant wizard. and we're going to be covering it from all sides of costs need. that's the 6. this is all. so was it, which is going to give a huge hoc barnes to the west. we heard from a former india and then back to the idea of dual gravity. he said, but the upcoming summit is crucial for the further development of relations between russia and india. this is the minister movie after 3 election is important and significant in the couple of these significant because they're not
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only does present putting 15, and they're still 41 elections. but there's a substantial induced word from the district there for publishers at the time. when, instead of the words when she talk leaders of the countries that are facing natalie a decrease the shorter rejection by doing so good to be does a democrat to countries russia that many do? i mean, i've been doing sprint from the district to population who bought the next 2 years . so he does all the countries also gonna be this. this is very significant that they would normally be a part of the news trends. use german, the other use jane box for those for sure. but just make sure that the important countries in the work order, which is enough much in the world or to the 9 men such as india,
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has much you do to that pressure and india as with the significant importer or russian or displayed the pressure so that shows the brand new india games towards the relationship with the show that it does to provide a shift when michelle needed the export markets products and those due to sources. but it's fine. this is until the united states now joe biden is not withdrawing from the presidential race and that's according to the white house folks busing carries. don't care. who says the biden is points to when the upcoming election with his campaign. comradely in full swing president is moving forward. he's moving forward is being president. he's moving forward with his campaign as his campaign has been very, very clear about that. that's what i can, that's what i can speak to. and that's what i can say. and that is the president's
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focus. the president's focus is how does he continue to do that work? and anything else that we're hearing or that's being reported, is absolutely false. now, while abiding rid of his bed media report, say that the 81 year old, the president is faking counsel with his family every day on whether he should withdrew or from the campaign. as his mental decline was in full display in his debate performance last week, the democratic party appeared divided with some demanding another now many. and that reality contrasts possibly with 3 democratic governors proposed for the cameras and offered words of support for by didn't say he is in it to win it. i'm here to tell you today, president joe biden is in it, so when it and all of us said we pledged our support to him because the states could not be higher. it was a great conversation with the present advice present because it was honest. there
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was candid, i think that know, we always believe that when you, when you love someone, you tell me sure. and i think we came in and we were honest about the feedback that we were getting. we are honest about the concerns that we are hearing from people. and we are also honest about the fact that as the president continue to tell us and show us that he was all in that we said that we would stand with him. because as governor wall said, the president is always had our backs, we're going to have his back as well. i think we, we'd be better off if we had a, a new canada who could present the new vision for our country. and we can do that if we have an open and fair democratic process over the next few weeks. now, according to opinion polls, if by didn't drops out of the presidential race, vice president come a lot higher is, is likely to replace, replace him as the nominee from the democratic party. but in the hypothetical election, she wants to laugh behind trump, whose popularity after the debate has risen. and that's adding to come of the
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higher is this in the same as words salad gas during public speeches, which often raise concerns about whether she is fits for the office. you think you just fell out of the coconut tree? i loved venn diagrams. i really do, i love then diagrams it just something about those 3 circles and the analysis about where there is the intersection, right? we will work together and continue to work together to address these issues, to tackle these challenges and to work together as we continue to work operating from the new norms, rules and agreements that we will convene to work together on. if the trumpet, ministration approves the vaccine before after the election, should americans take it and would you take it? donald trump tells us that that we should take it. i'm not taking it on talking about the significance of the passage of time frame the significance of the passage
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of time. so when we think about it, there is great significance to the passage of time, and there is such great significance to the passage of time when we think about a day in the life of our children. we all believe that when we talk about the children of the community, they are a children of the community. all right, to talk about this less cross live to a panel of guess have the human rights lawyer from these on the bad said i bill on why i was at the university of to ron political communications professor for these id as well as in the foundation director, i love the button, so joining this from new debt a gentleman, i'm glad to have all of you with me right now. let me start with you 1st. what's your reaction to the car and drama that we're seeing just full months before the us election? let's talk from the look or see if the big to be had between the visits and by no
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means the president drop. clearly sure of that visited by the slowing down. he's probably that has created for sure. lots about his ability to meet united states for the next 40 years and go see vertically, maybe in the democratic party. come see the that he won't be a we can do that and go see the level of zation that exist in the united states. consequent, the presidency, many of the parking fee that just in case of the gold change, the can do that by doing might lose the cost of that the but the zip it or the which nobody in the democratic party is to the billing to accept. so there is a fraction of a bar b, which was um, you can do that, but what we are getting now is the drop. uh, yeah, this eventually is do i do a search hit stop display, sir,
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that is the campaign that we don't know because the site and he withdraws or the democratic party to somebody else. he has to project to the piece of the lease, and he has to be a strong captivate and that's what has to be done. but no clips are in the big dilemma. i couldn't get them to mix the vehicle so my didn't continues to for the be for the cost. then we may have a problem. i don't. many we do is individual really part. do you have the need for support by then? you are president obama said that one. anybody can have one bad day or something like that. uh, but uh, uh, i think uh, if there is most significant improvement in the next debate, you may see many of the democratic party asking for a new get ticket. okay, for let me, let me continue here for now in the part of that goes team of things. how significant is the role of the president, not just in the united states,
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but anywhere, but we're focusing on the united states. now, what is most the most significant, the president, all his poxy, all these stuff has been in the united states. we have this phase, the deepest states of us is set. and the not the only country that has the post a most countries. but in the united states, because of the nature of the government, because it's because it's a 2 part of the dictatorship that many parties in the united states. but the only that a public has a democrat, a can play major rules because they have written the rules of the elections innovate that favors them. and because of the influx of money in us political system, you know, in 2020 election the, the, the cost of the election was $14400000000.00. and i'm not talking about
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the cost of doing the election. the administrative cost. i'm talking about the campaign costs that because the united states has a cap to this country. we have the, the, the billionaire class, basically the putting their money on it, a public category, a democrat. and that when that person, if that person becomes better then, then they would donald trump benefit financially. and as you know, in the united states, the democratic donors have been talking to by then telling him that they want, they don't want to lose the money. they invest in american politics because it seems by that is not capable of winning and they don't want to put the money on it . and of course that's, that's and then it says is, so we have a chaos in washington. we have the current to you as president,
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that it is obvious the in serious decline and we have his competitors that he's a convicted criminal tomato. you need on it. you may know we have the 2nd round of our president show the election to both candidates are in the sixty's sixty's that they can speak properly and none of them is a come back the coming up. so when we come, here's what we see that on and, and what's the seemed washington, i think that the level of democracy in the dawn is that the higher level because we don't have to reset the corrupting influence of ebony and is going to by elections and it'd be half candidates that it may have flaws, but obviously in a much, much better shape than by, than a truck. okay, so that, thank you for, it's not the same, let me come to you. now last week's debate has raised serious questions about
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binding fitness for another. for you had time that even some of his fellow democrats have admitted not what would force him to withdraw from the presidential res. what do you think at what point would need come and say he's no longer the candidate someone else is taking over? yeah, thank you very much. um, uh if you were to begin your should have an altered by now. because looking at an outwardly e o. e is a former president who is now adults with goose talking to imagine effects. if you look at the route wordly. so it, you can actually see the good innovation of his health. you know, right? taking google wouldn't be google. you don't want to leave the reason headed over to somebody else. but i think the more essential question wouldn't be that. why do we have these 2 categories? i think they're not the best of candidates. are they? do these candidates actually portrayed the will of the people inside of the us?
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and the answer to that is no. and why do i say that? it's because they are a byproduct of the electoral college system. number one, the system 538, and the electors the all states. the problem with that is that it does not adequately proportionately justify the, the populations of all these respective students. that'd be the 1st come from. i'd be the states like alaska and hawaii, they might get more towards the big districts like texas to california, which might get a lower awards compared to the population that they actually have that number one. and number 2, it's a winter big old system with a slim majority do off, you don't, people can have a 100 percent of the seats. so what ends up happening is that the, uh, most of the time, the white anglo saxon productions, the bigger chunk off america, they end up having their se in congress and having their se electric, the pressure delivered back b, b, and my daughter deeds
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a at the front of the by the middle east, the asian americans w. b. s are under represented inside of congress. and, you know, you look at the voting rights act of 1965 of the united states. the douglas gifts says that i gave you a quote right now that go to the ongoing like, uh, for example in alabama and it works as milligan robinson, the library part of these. yeah, no problem. of course i feel straightforward to address these. all this is regarding the jenny migrate your discrimination with regards to minorities when it comes to the rights. why? because dishonest, a system that is pretty good on a better take all the policy which is essentially does not for 3, the political beating and public will of the american people. okay, now i look, let me come back to you. why didn't political advisory, donald trump has been feeling the controversy with plenty of finger pointing?
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now what impact do this comments he's making about binding on some of the highways and everyone have for the republic on potty and for him personally, do you think actually do you think actually this makes him look better as a candidate she has been up to just things on the by and the last elections possibly is being projecting that he did not lose the election he was made for those the elections. and now he's actually pointing. and by doing that, as somebody who was totally incompetent in gigabytes and he's projecting to this location, what does the fuse of in the drop is? the fee is extremely important by using finger and probably it's been, well, some of those came to the book because by the this question would not have gone is by the girl. no, because you have such a was. i was looking for the of many of the democratic party feel that it is absolutely essential for them to the election and that the,
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like see the to the democratic candidate to let them use. actually the present is the people are not very my work for him just to stall all. so that's sort of the is a problem because this different from visiting the has been quite different when he was the president. he didn't know as long as actions. well, which was unlike previous residents, he never heard of position of bob. and as the, the phone he was taking decisions using decisions. what a very like it does, it goes shifting from one extreme to another. uh, you need your 3 options as uh, the society in united states and the one was my previous speaker of the pool system . the system does not represent the people below the, the 100 block most, but she was defeated. but be that as a maybe because us one state companies that the smaller states so that they don't
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feel that there would be 11, they have been given this because that's the largest share, the data protocol. but the biggest problem is with our big oil. i think that does look back to us needs to be close to the is the really want to have a more representative system as far as the presidential election is concerned. but as i said, as of now i'm seems to be reading and that could be good as profit, not only for the united states, but for the low. all right, let's see how it can utilize this last one and a half minutes. i have 4, let me come to you just for a minute. now, this election, we see that the republican party seemed to be more united and stronger and cohesive than the demo. crap there's, there's a come on trend. 4 parties out the power, learning from mistakes that had made in the previous election. you know, it's the trump effect is quite popular with the base, the public and base. and i'm sure that got
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a lot of the republican party need those that don't like him. but they cannot challenge him because he has the vote that he has. and then let me ask you that unfortunately in. ready the united states, if he gets walked in the nose as president, so yes, facing of genocide and as as we speak. and by then is part of the genocide and trump calls by the palestinian in the debate. they have so unfortunate to be, uh, we have a situation in the united states that people who gets elected engage in a lot of times and genocide, basically from the establishment of the united states to. ready july 4th, from the very beginning date engaged in this type of genocide. i guess the indian americans and the continued debt history of genocide up to today. all right, i'm afraid we'll have to leave you here now gentlemen, i'm so happy to have all of you with me. human rights lawyer. i see it. i've done
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the armoire, a political communication, profess up for these id has what of director of india foundation? i love ben, so thank you gentlemen, for your time and insight to all right, back to the old days we have right now. we'll see you again with more stories at the top of the by now the, [000:00:00;00]
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