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tv   News  RT  July 4, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the, the keep similar missile pump put example american made one appear in some other region of which we then reserve the right to exploit and the reciprocal bottom it puts in ones that if the us deployed when it's national, get the media res maxwell system, a russia also has the right to do so. at the end, yes, broad minister on movies to visit moscow on monday, back by lots of summit abroad since being re elected the talk. this is not important. i just focus on the development of the 2 countries already drawn relation. president job, i'm in it. so linux and all of us said we pledged our support to have. i think we,
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we'd be better off if we had a, a new candidate to present the new vision for our country. democrats off splits at jo biden's debate performance triggers to the left to circle the wagons and other party members called on him to exit this page. right now the you're watching are things that option are reaching you from the russian capital? i a michael, quite sure what the latest now the bottom of putting has one that have the us deployed and the intermediate range best all system russia has the right to do the same thing. he said that during a press conference at the conclusion of the seo summit in kazakhstan, to be a speaker, them in connection with the withdrawal of the united states from the intermediate range nuclear forces treaty. and the announcement that they were starting production of those missiles, we also believe that we have the right to start development work and in the future
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production. as for deployments, if similar missile complexes, for example, american made ones appear in some other region of the world. we then reserve the right to act in a reciprocal manner with a lot of her opponent. an essentially said that the us is withdrawal from the intermediate range nuclear forces treaty has completely destroyed the old system of international strategic stability. and you said that the u. s. has broken more than one element of disagreement and it's had a completely inconsistent stance on the agreement and others, one uh, you know, one day it's supporting these agreements other days. it's not. and then it pulls out of them all together. and the russian president has said that it basically has left moscow with no choice but to respond in kind. now vladimir put in also spoke about the us presidential candidates. he said that it's promising to see that trump seems to want to sort of peaceful resolution to the ukraine conflict. but there's one big problem. and that's the lack of trust between the west and russia,
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especially after russian troops withdrew from around key of when it looked like ukrainians were going to sign off on the stumble piece proposals. but then ended up deceiving moscow on orders from the west. this is something that vladimir putin said will not happen again because it should waste because they put q and lucida when our troops with stations need a key of we received an offer and even a persistent request from our western partners to cease fire to stop facilities and we did that, but the ukranian side did not stop the hostilities. we simply cannot now go ahead and declare a ceasefire in the hope that the other side will take some positive steps. we cannot allow the enemy to take advantage of such a ceasefire to improve its position, re, um, itself replenish its army through force mobilization and be prepared to continue the conflict. then we need to ensure that the other side agrees to take steps that
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are reversible and acceptable to russia. what am i putting spoke also about regional security and the threat of terrorism coming from within afghanistan? and i was even able to ask him a question regarding the taliban, whether or not it would be a useful or harmful organization in anti terrorist operations. according to the russian president, the taliban is counted among russia's allies in that regard. the labor, the telephone movement has taken on certain obligations and there are definitely issues that require constant attention both within the country and by the international community. but overall, we must proceed from the fact that the taliban movement is in control enough kind of stuff in this sense that the band is undoubtedly our allies in the fight against terrorism. because any ruling authority is interested in the stability of its government and the stability of the country, it leads and governs. i am confident that the tele, bon, he's also interested in ensuring that everything, enough dentist on the stables. com and follows certain rules. we have repeatedly receive signals from the taliban movement,
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indicating their readiness to work with us on the anti terrorism track. of course, the russian president also talked a lot about how great things are going in the shanghai cooperation organization. and at it's 24th summit here in austin up. he reiterated that the cooperation between all of the member states and observers is moving forward on a multi polar basis based on mutual cooperation and mutual respect. now, earlier my colleague moran to have mom, he spoke to solve my job, but the director of the practice kind of guy has been used farm and manager of the south asia times news agency. i you said the disability and i've got it. that is of great importance for the whole region and the current government should be involved when terrorism prevention measures are discussed on this on by so this other countries are very important factor and ready to be part of the stakeholders and the host uh, security calculus offer south asians, and under the indigent, anything happening in the centrally asian region or into saltisha region,
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it is being dumbed as a spell of what effect on whatever is happening inside one this time. so if i want to sign becomes an undignified offer. it comes back against whatever it is. i'm not under legal standards on data entry and, and some of the places that is actually a really significant development for the region. there is no doubt at a time button, but at the political reality, all one is done are in control. and on top of that, but also in all of the other one is done. also became a part of on that they have established this over entity in the propeller d of the directory for one is done if someone which is being accepted by all of our international state quarters. that's one of the to jump into that uh, you know, concern says input in sure, if i should, if i find is that your boss should e, for any other person who was addressing the consent of the issue of a one x on in the system in the all the doors, the audience, and the word that despite the certain issues, instead of going to send students,
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we understand that i want to sign into the team is an ally, and we need to deal with them. and we need to correspond with them for the purpose of a one this time. indeed, an ally was i t was that of, of my puts in use if i may just slightly change gears a 100 but, and also issued a warning. i didn't, if you called them, he said that russia would deploy a new people miss, i'll system. if the us does it for us. i mean, what, what does this mean for the world? if the us is going to do something, something you know, we would want to pay it. and we're interested in some part of the world against russian interest. that the pressure of the all the, all that i to divide on new to awesome. and you'll be able to read, they would, they would insights. so it's a kind of a deck of fighting thing that i'd sit in strategic and do a political interest, the sort of want to pursue overhead in the union region. and this is one of the
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factors that the i think was important is integrating parts. and here's the if i was one other, this is not the solution of everything for the test. positive piece, which dicks reduce your argument and goes off. so i think on for 10 was will eventually been solved on the invitation of the tables. another important has the, i think the integrated towards this option that we would not sit onto the table and discuss about the additional discomfort and to move forward with the restaurant where it might be having some other ideas. and that is part of the, the reason it's probably that they are writing this perspective or the writing this a and, you know, follow from the, from the, from the president put in to sit on the table and negotiate that or the mission of the conflict. and the adult interest, but i might be is it, you know, to push or shut back and took on the dish and, and so, and so nothing. i mean that he didn't, but also kind of on the word stage. all you do is prime minister under,
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under movies to visit russia on monday for his 1st biological summit abroad since being re elected last month. his meeting with the bottom of putting is expected to focus on the father develop and of the already strong relations between the 2 countries. as well as an assessment of all of our international issues are to india correspondence run doing shaw my has the deals now. was it a significant or many 1000 souls? this is going to be the forest wizard openings and will be off till he was re elected as the prime minnes cellphone, the said consecutive time. and this is going to be the 1st so fine up to visit. in fact, it is going to be the 1st wizard in 5. yes. to rush out, the law sign he was, he was in russia was in fact um, when he visited bill far as the city of lobby was sold in uh, 2019. but it's also significant because this is the 1st time he's with visiting russia after the war in ukraine started remember of watering,
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which india to go neutral stones. the war with india in fact continued to build at each size with the last 4. despite the threats, the, the pressures by the west on india of course, treat is going to be very, very important to considering in, in the last 2 years. so we've seen that the tweed between the 2 countries as guy walk into the back corner between essentially being military. i'm boy, this invitation was sent to india to wants to go in the set to the to and it is very, very important in the current context. remember, this is when the west is fueling, it's funding to was a design and it looks like it is getting exhausted in depth. how does the scene is it a mediator as a balancing force? is the problem broke or in the was so to see which is why this visit also is going to be important in the back to oh, fun of the war. in fact,
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india now to be when it speaks, it also speaks us off for the google south. india has remembered, positioned itself, is a use of the global south. so these are these that, of course, and you guys need to watch out for 8th and 9th all the dates, big and finally allows official, the boats by the front lives and buy a new damage. it is going to be an extremely significant wizard. and we're going to be covering it from all sides of costs need. that's to say, this is all. so was it which is going to give a huge hot bar to the west. now we've heard from pharma indian ambassador raji bill gray. he said that the upcoming summit is crucial for the further development of relations between russia and india. this was the minister movie authors. the election is important and significant in the customer is significant because
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there's inputs in the midst of all these. whoever wants elections by substrate ensure the endorsement from the district therefore permissions under time went and shredding the words when each door leaders of the countries at our office seems to be a decrease the shorter injection by the community. so the credit countries, the endorsement from that is for 2 of the nations who bought the next 2 years. so he does all the countries going to be this. this is really the part of the news trends used german most others use jane box for the year. but we're showing that the imported countries in the world order, which is the most nice in the world order the different environments such as you
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can do as much you do, do that for sure. and india, as with the significant importer for russian, for displayed the pressure. so that shows the brand new india games towards relationship with the show that it does to by the shift when russian we did the export markets products and those usually sources. but it's fine. this is and to us politics now don't buy them is not withdrawing from the presidential race, and that's according to white house spokesperson carrying john kerry, who says the biting his voice to win the upcoming election with his campaign. currently in full swing president is moving forward, he's moving forward is being president. he's moving forward with his campaign as his campaign has been very, very clear about that. that's what i can, that's what i can speak to. and that's what i can say. and that is the president's focus. the president's focus is how does he continue to do that work?
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and anything else that we're hearing or that's being reported is absolutely false. now why did, why didn't real funds his big media report say of the 81 year old president is taking counsel with his family every day on web showed withdrawal from the campaign as his mental decline was on full display in his debate performance last week. the democratic party appears divided with some demanding another nominee, and the reality contrasts possibly with 3 democratic governors who paused for the cameras and offered. busy support for biding, saying that his quote in it's to win it. i'm here to tell you today, president joe biden is in it's a winner. and all of us said we pledged our support to him because the stakes could not be higher. it was a great conversation with the present advice present because it was honest, that was candid. i think that know, we always believed that when you, when you loved someone, you tell me sure. and i think we came in and we were honest about the feedback that
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we were getting. we're honest about the concerns that we are hearing from people. and we are also honest about the fact that as the president continue to tell us and show us that he was all in that we said that we would stand with him because as the governor wall said, the president has always had our backs. we're going to have his back as well. i think we, we'd be better off if we had a, a new canada who could present the new vision for our country. and we can do that if we have an open and fair democratic process over the next few weeks. now, according to opinion polls, if by didn't drops out of the presidential race, vice president come of the hobbies is likely to replace him as the nominee from the democratic party. but in that half, with that, it goes to an action issue, would still live behind from whose popularity after the debate has risen. and that's adding to come. of the harris's intent was, would salary guides during public speeches, which often raised concerns about whether she is fit for the office. you think you
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just fell out of a coconut trees? i loved venn diagrams. i really do. i love then diagrams. it just something about those 3 circles and the analysis of that where there is the intersection, right? we will work together and continue to work together to address these issues, to tackle these challenges and to work together as we continue to work operating from the new norms, rules and agreements that we will convene to work together on. if the trumpet, ministration approves the vaccine before after the election, should americans take it and would you take it? if donald trump tells us that we just take it, i'm not taking it on talking about the significance of the passage of time frame, the significance of the passage of time. so when you think about it, there is great significance to the passage of time,
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and there is such great significance to the passage of time when we think about a day in the life of our children. we all believe that when we talk about the children of the community, they are a children of the community 1000, bob boyd, god bend, lobbies to good side with tc said with the political party powers are the ones who have influence over the elections, not us citizens, is, is not a big enough democracy in practice. it is a converge democracy. we def, i guess the government does do is we selected to where the establishment is low, big establishment. it does not accept you based no way you can be as president service. see this a big glass of old is it was i can this trial is to stop you because the establishment does look like you. if you look at the opposed about it seems the majority of the forces, p h is a position to be in the democratic party they own to move to ones that like the
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majority does not, was joe biden to continue as president. but he is do that, and he's assisting and he can be the candidates and maybe the president. now i make public katie of claims that china has military bases in cuba, the caribbean nations. foreign minister has accused the wall street journal and the american center for strategic and international studies of line a c, i. c, i asked, and wall street journal a lying by insisting on the existence of chinese military bases in cuba. at the same time, there during information involved the presence of more than $800.00 american bases around the world, including the us base in the occupied territory at guantanamo, which are being turned into centers of espionage, stuart your interference and global instability by cuban president miguel diaz cut
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all is said to social took the social media to mock the wall street journal claims posting a baseball field image with the inscription chinese basis installed in cuba. another top diplomatic keys, the financial newspaper of trying to scan the public with stories about chinese military bases that do not exist. and no one has seen that in china. i similar reaction from the foreign ministry spokesperson ball named, who adds that the washington should stop in to ferry and q, but internal affairs of the us has one. it will continue to monitor if necessary to take steps. account of the situation. we remain confident that the united states is going to be able to meet our security commitments at home and in the region. we know that the policy is going to keep trying to enhance its presence in cuba and the united states is going to keep working too disruptive. and this is the space that we are closely monitoring and will take appropriate steps to my to counter it when necessary. sound reported northside to verifiable source to provide any
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evidence. it was the result with claims about chinese military bases that did not exist and that no one has seen us needs to reflect on his behavior. stop him to sir in cuba in terms of the fast removed cube from the list of states, points of terrorism, and lift, located, and sanctions against cuba. all of the journals, latest accusations are in the 1st they've published this report, has also provided satellite images claiming to pinpoint the chinese based locations . lafayette, the new york based financial newspaper claims. but china and cuba with negotiating close at defense and intelligence dies, including establishing a joint ministry trading facility on the island. all right, bruno lee, my role is a political expert and editor, and professor of international relations in journalism joins me right now. bruno is good to have you enjoyed me? now? cuba has the keys,
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the wall street journal of spreading this information. how so special is the evidence. the journal has provided about the existence of chinese ministry basis in cuba. it's your faster. see, i was remember the, all the us, the wall street journal belongs to rep with more the police, a bad guy. he use it today at the record personal conversations inside of u. k. so he cooled have more news and more from page to sell more newspapers until joe by dies the electronic glass up here. ok. it's a shame for c s i s 2. i was listening to because she s i s is a very well respect to think think inside of washington, and i have about myself, who is it to consult their papers and that reports about some so thank you kind of was from worldwide. well, it's not true, it's not the interest off of china to have the military base instead of cuba. but
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if cuba invite to china to have the business of their own territory, they have the right to do this. you're not to say those are the right to that was the prism inside of a few of us every, every single moment. all world wide getting vice. another concept to have a military base and sides of the 3rd. or if they're invited to do this. that's a fine. all right, now, what else the us to achieve by making these accusations? i always believe that the big states off united states, they do have 17 federal agencies they, they have to, to boil the water. busy every single time, every month to have a new situation to develop and to at least have legitimacy to spread the theory into pricing on the account, please. so they can, uh they, they can fries in cuba, saying that to buzz does have to have me
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a 3rd person off from china. and by the way, they can high their own 800 military base as worldwide. i remember you, i remember the old and they do have 30000, i mean a different person off food. so i mean me though is 70000. so there are blanks. yeah. legitimate, blissful, every single country move that list to get rid of them. and they support these rail to so it's the typical people with front of you from living by a they do have they, they have the right to do whatever they want. and they tried to all of the other countries to try to have so frank possibilities and so brand decisions. now the us as it is going to people walking to disrupt the chinese presidency in cuba, which couldn't be called a defend rides in another countries affairs like you have pointed out before. what do you expect to see reactions from other countries to these attempts to dictate
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the rules? yeah, yeah, i do expect this and i, i know that the united states, the risk and in the, of the area we've still world wide security in the world. why stability? a, something like this has to try to frighten a chinese b i. c military personal and try to fried some single confidence as of late in the america or in a, in the african continent. they are losing the perspective of beginning flying show in african coffee, in the a force relate to the america to be a full time dest. otherwise, it's a side the so the need another enemy, they need the must go back to the pacific ocean and to try to push china against the possibilities. it's not a, i would say it's not that very well. so for the world to fighting china in this situation, i would not account. so oh, nice culture, the presence of this,
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but they're insane. they're going to do this. now, how do you expect beijing to react against the us, especially disregard in those areas. this creates an sophisticated way denying what they have to deny in going forward on their own decisions because they gene doesn't ask them no, no, not, no other country to make their own decisions and to make their own goals and to establish their own, their own, instruct, that isaac possibilities and i don't think so as far as i read in the read the lot about china and strategy for the next 50 years. they never said nothing about stablish. i mean, is there a base in cuba? the did not say this. furthermore, they does, the does not want to do so this they prefer is spreading the economic possibilities in size and use fuel to hit your money against united states being
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they cannot make the brain 1st of all then on the financial range. and there may be on the defense bridge or all we have to leave you here. now who know the my raja, the international relations expert and editor of is project is strategic and analyze. thank you so much for your insight. thank you. over to africa now where on closer inspection my jury and customer service, i mean this up to the castle weapons and i moved from a key valued at almost 10280000 us dollars. other operation now the airport, the lagos, led to the rest of one suspect, but i was just that was just the latest as the incident comes just days after the country seized over $800.00 brand new shot guns and over 100000 rounds of immunization in the nation's port town for now. now this exclusive footage shows
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what was of coverage from inside the for the food container. also skipped all shipped from to key or what heard from the customs folks passing a very significant to fight and success. because some in the last time we had this and she goes amounting this quantum and this number was and i think around 2017, we have series of c, joseph items for not in this quantity. so it's a success because some, if this i was find that we use in to you. yeah. and we don't know how books between cos and we'll be able to know the origin of those which because dad was to be this was when he fisted. there is a ship that but this items and as the origin of that ship. so it's not something that can be disputed. we capitalize on, on, on intelligence. and we truck and this intelligence is for us, but look at the and internationally. and by the time you have created with
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intelligence, you full of the container and them at the point you truck, an intercept, that is what really happened. that quintinella was $14.00, and $1.00 to time you. and we've got it at the output without intelligence. i'm disappointed in have been this because thousands of content is coming, but the ability to attract it from the source for new it's up to include. you can accomplish anything tied to a to particular time. it's a product of intelligence share, and that is way i'd be my and as i said, what do kind of an interaction that we've recent years. nigeria and customers have regularly reported the deception of illegal weapons flowing into the country from various parts of the world. and one of such places may very well be ukraine, europe, all i've interpol have want on multiple occasions that weapon supplied to key of could end up in the block market. as part of media has reported that local gangs,
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they using ukranian weapons to fight with the police area. russia said of the trafficking of weapons out of ukraine had amounted to the equivalent of $1000000000.00 us dollars per month. now we've heard from ebony zoe attacking the executive secretary of the ad to corruption network. and he also expressed concerns that western arms applies to you creating the flow to nigeria through the black markets to report a death in new outer rows into special needs made uh it goes to aggravate our concept already. at that point, it says that we seen trouble as a nation do is i just knew that have been digging that julia with the insight community we have for the sending we way new how their situation like we have a new green sheets. also, it's non self concept for africa and putting idea because the way you talk about africa, majority of these times we find out with the ones that i get,
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your kids as it seems to be, have no defined for that on the west side. so i was continuing to load and that's news with different kind of in black markets. i'm deal. busy with fines. absolutely profitable business and check on mentions of uh i'm so slide to many 10 and i think i would not be exception. right. that's the news that you can get from the details of all the stories will follow your narrative. com. i'll be right back again a couple of the on the the


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