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tv   News  RT  July 4, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm EDT

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no, the similar mutual conflict, for example, american made ones appear in some other region of the world. we then reserve the right to exit and the reciprocal lot of the put in ones that if the us deploy. busy as an intermediate range metal test, russia also has the right to be so india is drawn minutes the movies to visit moscow on monday is a lot of fun. this avoids into being re elected from the pulse with the bottom and put it on to focus on the positives. already started the relation to buy it to winning. and all of a sudden we pledged our support. i think we, we be better off if we had a, a new candidate. we could present a new vision for our country. democrats are split. that still bindings,
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debate performance and trade as the last to circle the wagons from the other party members, calling him to the exec stage. right now the what does is our team to national reaching you live from my new center in moscow? i a michael question about him a put in the has one that is the us deploy is an intermediate range myself system that russia has the right to do the same thing. he said that during a press conference at the conclusion of the seo summit and cosmetics that, to the speaker, them in connection with the withdrawal of the united states from the intermediate range nuclear forces treaty. and the announcement that they were starting production of those missiles, we also believe that we have the right to start development work and in the future production. as for deployments, if similar missile complexes, for example,
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american made ones appear in some other region of the world. we then reserve the right to act in a reciprocal manner. well, a lot of are putting sensually said that the us is withdrawal from the intermediate range nuclear forces treaty has completely destroyed the old system of international strategic stability. you said that the u. s. has broken more than one element of disagreement and it's had a completely inconsistent stance on the agreement and others, one uh, you know, one day it's supporting these agreements other days. it's not. and then it pulls out of them all together. and the russian president has said that it basically has left moscow with no choice but to respond in kind. now vladimir put in also spoke about the us presidential candidates. he said that it's promising to see that trump seems to want to sort of peaceful resolution to the ukraine conflicts, but there's one big problem. and that's the lack of trust between the west and russia, especially after russian troops withdrew from around to see of when it looked like
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ukrainians were going to sign off on the stumble piece proposals, but then ended up deceiving mall scouts on orders from the west. this is something that vladimir putin said will not happen again because your wife goes barely, but even lucida when our troops with stations nicky, have we received an offer and even of assistance request from our western partners to cease fire to stop hostilities. and we did that, but the ukrainian side did not stop the facilities. we simply cannot now go ahead and declare a ceasefire in the hope that the other side will take some positive steps. we cannot allow the enemy to take advantage of such a ceasefire to improve its position, re, um, itself replenish its army through force mobilization and be prepared to continue the conflict that we need to ensure that the other side agrees to take steps that are reversible and acceptable to russia, let them airport and spoke also about regional security and the threat of terrorism coming from within afghanistan. and i was even able to ask him
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a question regarding the taliban, whether or not it would be a useful or harmful organization in anti terrorist operations. according to the russian president, the taliban is counted among russia's allies in that regard. the labor, the telephone movement has taken on certain obligations and there are definitely issues that require constant attention both within the country and by the international community. but overall, we must proceed from the fact that the telephone movement is in control enough kind of stuff in this sense that the band is undoubtedly our ally in the fight against terrorism. because any ruling authority is interested in the stability of its government and the stability of the country, it leads and governs. i am confident that the tele bond is also interested in ensuring that everything in afghanistan is staples. com and follows certain rules. we have repeatedly receive signals from the telephone movement indicating their readiness to work with us on the anti terrorism track. of course, the russian president also talked
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a lot about how great things are going in the shanghai cooperation organization and app. it's 24th summit here in austin ok. he reiterated that the cooperation between all of the members states and observers, is moving forward on a multi polar basis based on mutual cooperation and mutual respect. earlier we spoke with audio triggered no yard for my indian ambassador to jordan, olivia, who says that the west is so focused on defeating russia. it ignores any plan that moscow proposes have made it an issue. uh that, uh, they wanted to bring about strategies of defeat of russia. that is the reason that that's why we know that this time the man was not pursued beyond appliance. and that's what present built incentive to somebody problem. that'd be a seeing that whatever decisions have taken off proposals are made by russians involved or they have to listen to otherwise. if the rest of the country is more mindful, all fresh of security concerns and whatever happens the charlie,
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we would not be in the situation today. but that does not know how the vailable plays off. we are seeing a large number of conflicts we have seen at spots. we have seen the trust. i prefer the seeing the rising debtors of the global challenges which are taking the backseat. so i've been better than that's kind of the scenario that the, the easiest thing to the good reason. there is no other way except dialogue. diplomacy if you want to play the system and have the beads unless we want to expedite our old distribution, complete india as prime minister under under movies to visit russia on monday for his 1st biological summit abroad since being re elected last month. his meeting with a lot of and put in is expected to focus on the father development of the already strong relations between 2 countries. as well as an assessment of all their international issues. our team, the a correspondent, run doing shop has details. now was it a significant or many 1000 souls?
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this is going to be the forest wizard's offerings and will be off till he was re elected as a prime and a cell full. the said consecutive time and this is going to be the 1st, the fine. absolutely. visit, in fact, it is going to be the 1st wizard in 5 years to russia. the last time he was he was involved show was in fact down when he'd visited bill far you city a lot. he was sold in 2019, but it's also significant because this is the 1st time he's which is visiting russia off to the war in ukraine. started remember of water which india to go neutral. stones, the war with india, in fact, continued to build each size with the law school. despite the threats the, the pressures live, the west on india of course, suite is going to be very, very important to considering in, in the last 2 years. so we've seen that the tweet between the 2 countries as guy
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walk you through the backbone of between essentially being military and boy, this invitation was sent to india few months ago in the set to data. and it is very, very important in the current context. remember this is when the, the west, it's using, it's funding to was the design as it looks like it is getting exhausted in depth, haven't been seen. is it a mediator as a balancing force? has a problem broke or in the was so to see which is why this visit also is going to be important in the back to the full fun of the war. in fact, india now to be when it speaks, it also speaks all for the global south india has demand, but positioned itself is in the global south. so these are on these that of course, some areas that need to watch off for 8th and 9th of the dates they've been finally announced, officially the boats by the sun lives and buy
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a new date. it is going to be an extremely significant wizard. and we're going to be covering it from all sides, of course need. that's the 6. this is all. so was it which is going to give a huge hoc barnes to the west. now we've heard from the former indian and bassett, rajiv deborah, hey, he said that the upcoming summit is crucial for the father development of the relations between russia and india. minister movie offers the nation is important and significant in the couple of these significant because those present 15, and as to who whoever was you know, shoes, why there's a substantial induced word from the district circle from issues under time. been insured in the worse when she talked leaders of the countries that are facing the decrease, the shorter injection by beautiful look music. so here at the democratic countries,
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the i mean to the endorsement from the district of nations who bought the next few years. so you guys are going to be this, this is where they said they would not be part of the news trends. use german, the other use jane box for the for sure. but just for sure. and then the important fundraise in the work order, which is enough much uh, you know, were in order to put in a different environment such as you can do as much you do, do that for sure. and india, as with the significant importer for russian one, despite the pressure so that she was brand new video games towards relationship with russia that they just stood by the show when russian we did the export markets products. and those usually sources what it's fine. this is well,
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joe biden is not withdrawing from the presidential race that we're talking about us politics now, and that's according to a white house post president carrying is on gary who says the body is points to with the upcoming election with his campaign comradely in full swing president is moving forward, he's moving forward is being president. he's moving forward with his campaign as his campaign has been very, very clear about that. that's what i can, that's what i can speak to. and that's what i can say. and that is the president's focus. the president's focus is how does he continue to do that work? and anything else that we're hearing or that's being reported is absolutely false. so while body and reaffirm is his bid media report, save 81 year old president is taking counsel from his family every day on whether he should wizard off on the campaign as his mental decline was on full display in his debate performance last week the democratic party appears divided with some
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demanding another, not many. and the reality contrasts talkie with the 3 democratic governors who posed for the cameras and offered words of support for binding, saying that he's quote it as to when it's i'm here to tell you today, president joe biden is in it to win it. and all of us said we pledged our support to him because the states could not be higher. it was a great conversation with the present advice present because it was honest. that was candid. i think that, you know, we always believe that when you, when you love someone, you tell me sure. and i think we came in and we were honest about the feedback that we were getting. we're honest about the concerns that we are hearing from people. and we are also honest about the fact that as the president continue to tell us and show us that he was all in that we said that we would stand with him because as the governor wall said, the president has always had our backs. we're going to have his back as well, and i think we, we'd be better off if we had a, a new canada who could present
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a new vision for our country. and we can do that if we have an open and fair democratic process over the next few weeks, according to opinion polls, if by didn't drops out of the presidential race, vice president come on, the highways is likely to replace him as the nominee from the democratic party, but in that hypothetical election, she will still lag behind from whose popularity after the debate has risen. that's what i'm adding to come with a high or is it the same as words salad gaps during public speeches, which often raised concerns about whether she is fit for the office in the 1st place? you think you just fell out of the coconut tree? i loved venn diagrams, i really do, i love then diagrams it just something about those 3 circles and the analysis about where there is the intersection, right? we will work together and continue to work together to address these issues,
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to tackle these challenges and to work together as we continue to work as operating from the new norms, rules and agreements that we will convene to work together on. if the trumpet administration improves the vaccine before after the election, should americans take it and would you take it? if donald trump tells us that we just take it, i'm not taking it on talking about the significance of the passage of time frame, the significance of the passage of time. so when you think about it, there is great significance to the passage of time, and there is such great significance to the passage of time when we think about a day in the life of our children. we all believe that when we talk about the children of the community, they are children of the community. as in bob, by god, bend lobby's goods, i'm with the sides of the political party. powers are the ones who have influence
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over our elections, not to us citizens. you is, is not a big enough democracy in practice. it is a converge democracy. we, if i guess the government does do is, is selected to where the establishment is low because that just means it does not accept you based no way you can be as president. that's why we see this a big splash of all these a was i can this trial is to stop him because the establishment does look like him . if you look at the polls about, it seems the majority of the forces, b h, is the position to be in the democratic party, the onto loved ones that like the majority does not, was joe biden to continue as president. but it is to that, and he's insisting and he can be the candidates and maybe the president to the age relief programs in africa facing funding cots in 2025. and that's according to a political which relieved the report about the bottom. the administration's
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upcoming trans dislodged critical funding by more than 6 percent of the state department overseas. the 21 year old pep file program, which is credited with saving millions of lives in africa and confirming the crowds spokes bus and told political that congressional funding for the program has far exceeded the state department's ability to spend. the article says at the pep for grantees and aids relief after this have accused the department of not doing enough to protect key initiative targeting people most as risk for the disease been while the pets are going to have it. now it's a new, a $2300000000.00 a packet, full ukraine on tuesday. us defense secretary and load often says that the latest on supply would include anti tank weapons on air defense and deceptive. now we've heard from time to and looking at ari from the zimbabwe and to sex, i'm factions more women who stand, but instead of age,
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they promised us that needs western allies. i've explored it off a couple so many years to go. first of all, i actually actually despise the use of the word a because they not abs reparations. the americans together with the western nations that they represent in nature rates and pillars to africa. for many years, advocates i've got this notion that they're being assisted. they've been given aid, and when we waves about we under 23 years of sanctions, we were told that were being given aid in terms of f fox in some of these medical assistance global, the global house fund. and then we realized that they were not keeping us age this when, when i started calculating just how much the american bit taken out of somebody, how much the benefit do during the colonial period after the colonial period. how much some of the companies benefitted from the results of the invite with the wind up being a fair price full. i actually realized that they've brought this in excess of a trillion dollars together with
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a ripping cons bus. that is i'm staying on the african continent where on closer inspection nigeria and customer service of intercepted the castle weapons. and i moved from took a value that almost $180000.00 us dollars of the operation to all the airport in the league last night to the rest of one suspect. but that wasn't just the, the latest as the incident that comes just days after the country seized over $800.00 brand new shot guns and over a $100000.00 rounds of immunization in the nation's ford city, a port town of one day. now this inclusive footage shows that o, exclusively shows that the what was uncovered from inside of 40 food contain also shipped from to key. we've heard from the customs books class and this is some very significant of fights and success. because some in the last time we had this some see just
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a monkey and this quantum and this number was and i think i don't 20 so when can we have series of c, joseph items, but i'm not in this quantity. so it's a success because some, if this i was find that we use into duty and we don't know how books between cos and won't be able to know the origin of those which because damn was to be this whiny fisted. there is a shift that but this items and there's the origin of that ship. so it's not something that can be disputed. we capitalize on, on, on intelligence. and we truck and this intelligence is sauce, but look at the and internationally. and by the time you have created with intelligence, you full of the content and them at the point you truck, an intercept, that is what really happened. that quintinella was $14.00, and $1.00 to time you. and we've got it. and then what up, what without intelligence, i'm disappointed in have been this because thousands of content is coming. what do
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you be? our ability to attract it from the social for me, it helped and would you come from which i didn't type? if i took a lot of time, it's a product of intelligence shed, and that's his way. i'd be my. and as i said, what do an interaction verse and yes, nigeria and customs ever read regularly reported the deception of the legal weapons flowing into the country from various parts of the world. one of such places may very well be grade europe, hold on, interpol, have one on multiple occasions that weapon supplies the supply to key of could end up in the block market. the spanish media has reported that local gangs are using ukranian weapons to fight the police. all right, yeah. russia said the tracking or weapons out of the trade and had amounted to the equivalent of a $1000000000.00 per month. now we've heard from unable ebony is all you can, the executive secretary of the anti corruption network and he also express coincides the western on supplies. the ukraine referral to nigeria through the
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block market to report a death in new arrows into special needs needs it goes to aggravates our concept as our already as a beautiful in the sense that we seem trouble as a nation do is i just knew that's how they begin that julia with the inside community. we are going to send in, we way new how their situation like we have a new green sheets, also instance of consent for africa. and for my julia, because the way you talk about africa, majority of this, as we find out with the ones that i give you, your good as it seems to be, have no defined for that on the west side. so i was continuing to load and that's please with different kind of in black markets. i'm deal. busy with fines absolute, political business and check on the dimensions of the i'm so slide so
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many. thank you. and i think i would not be exceptional. and over to the right now where i cite deline and my sued, as i scan, will compete to leave the nation. a citizens head to the polls on friday and the 2nd round of the stop election. and that's of the last week, no candidate was able to secure, more than 50 percent of the vote. the artes correspondence in the wrong use of july, the breaks it down for us. everyone is gearing golf for a historic presidential run of both on july 5th. the 1st of its kind in almost 2 decades, it'd be initial round on june 28th. neither candidate secured the necessary absolute majority defined as 50 percent plus one vote. and that's what because this can let the race with more than $10000000.00 votes, which fell short of the 50 percent special receiving around 42 percent of the total votes cast. dirty, closely followed it, and 2nd place with 9400000 votes. now the tool for offers are facing golf toner to
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a quote for one of the folks that have significant implications for future project for either towards the reform as fast or a conservative and anti western was advocated apart from the riley's, we have engaged into life telephones debates with southern square off in a fiery crash of visions on a hostile part, domestic and foreign policy issues. for hard line principle. as politicians, luxury, any form of openness to the west is deemed a red line, which he criticizes as a diplomacy of appeasement. that weekend, it was tense. i guess the west, on the flip side does the scale and sees resolving the country's economic challenges in producing tensions with the west. putting the revival of the trouble of 2015 nuclear deal at the top of his agenda. more hospitals that are required because about behavior, we are losing social support every day because of the high cost of living. because about treatment of women that about the internet's filtering. due to a misbehavior,
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people are dissatisfied with us. a main problem in this country is disagreement. we should 1st establish unity within our country. then we should admit that our interest depends on negotiating with the world and securing our share of all the shows. if we can live in a cage close the door and have no relations with the world, could, we will have a pool life csf forwarded you. when we talk about foreign policy, there are more than 2 or 3 countries out there. so this was a wrong policy that our foreign relations were limited to a few powers that we've had. the most disagreements with. there are 200 countries in the world. what is the key to opportunities? we should look at them from the point of finding common ground, those who focus on disagreements and want to benefit by cooperating with those who are disagreeing with us. the most just won't succeed. 58 year old jenny, the standing for the 3rd time having previously run into other elections cycles in
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2021. his step aside in favor of the lead president for easy. but for me, influential within races, administration earning came demonic, or the shadow government from critics. my positioning on j. b enjoys twan, beckoning from hard lines. supporters, former principals, candidates are the results of the economy. i mean, whole same policies audit and why my book, everybody. well, i've now found the weight behind jedi by define greece under the care and leadership of the leader of the revolution. the nation has decided not to let you filing their rights by making the correct decision and electing our dear brother, mister jelly. cuz this young age, 69 timothy serves as a member of parliament, itemized with a reform a scab. well, not the most prominent figure and the reform is here because the scale enjoys support from heavy weights. reformers like former presidents mohammed economy, widely recognized as the pioneer of the reform movement during his presidency from 1997 to 2005. the president has several honey who proceeded while you see has also
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given his endorsement to possess key on that of me on a call on the door. and i am on the respect of the candidates for the 14 his government dr. muscle position and deserves these job and can show that the responsibility. he has, the quotes is incorrect to re sticks. that's all rushed to the polls. i ask the people who want the constructive interaction with the world and then once more duration in the country to vote for doctor must have a business account on friday. narrow it in the 1st round, he's out seriously capitalizing on the 60 percent of the electorate who did not vote. and the 1st problem for centurylink himself as the solution to their problems, ranging from unemployment and from parents, inflation to a weakening national currency. all in all the campaign trail has revealed much about the can slots, the leadership styles of the 2 candidates with age offerings, a different path for a wants future. based on the other towards the usability are
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the and the wave. i mean, right now, a number of south east asian countries are putting russia and the president vladimir, put in not the top of the favorites list. and that's according to the us based research center solving of $55.00 countries around the world. the survey comes from an on usual source, that notably west and the line pew research center and reports malaysia. wrong 1st and positive attitude towards russia and confidence in president put in with filing the philippines and single people all joining the society of south east nations. offering praise, but local experts believe the moscow's benz on the policy, an issue and protecting traditional bodies. a key factors of their support, which includes founded by ross as position on the special military operation of the russian president, specifically gets higher ranks for his positions on global affairs and is viewed by
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the regents residents as a strong personality of the us, canada, and european countries were also solve aid, and in comparison express negative auditing this and most of them in rod from the age of literally center, told us that the roches opposition to west and hedge a monic pilot is another reason, se, nations i standing and trending towards the country. if you look at what's been happening over the last, the few years even indicates that the worse than impeding is sort of have a large extent oppression. any opposition across the world? russia in this regard as telling this the hidden money and we see that on different fronts. in the diplomatic and political, the firm, for instance, russia is one of the few voices in the united nations security council and other international renews that challenge. the competitive and americans of, you know,
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the gemini, if you look at the military from last year alone, is now telling the need to a military expansion into eastern europe. if you look at the even culture of russia, among the, you know, of the south a little bit power is providing a more room to friendly approach to the agent after some and most of them countries in the, has its own experience of multiculturalism. unlike the wisdom version of the, you know, new liberal cultures where the on the, the american or the western liberal culture of should dominate the voice of it should be harsh. if you look, i stood there, i moved to it. the most of them was the account settings, even within the no. so russia has a very favorable image in asia and africa and the most no more than this applies to
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companies like malaysia, where the people of the melisha and the people of the south in general. do not like to see what's in the gemini in the uh, the like and that's the update. now let's see again with most stories at the top of the i'll see you again the, the, the the, the, what happened on october. the 2nd.


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